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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1941, p. 2

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TWO Eit&bhmhed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Wlth whleh ane Ineorporated The Dowmaaivlle Ne"s, The Neweaatle 1bdependent, and The Orono News. OSyeme' contnuons service te th. Town Of DBwniaville andDurhami Coutr. 'Canadien Weekly Newupapers Aaaalatlon ad Clama A Weekfles et Canada. SUESCRIPTON RATES $2.0 a Vear, strlcUly ln advance.' $250 a Year in the Unitedi Statea. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THURSDAY, JA2NUARY 23, 1941 This Senseless Strife We have before us as we write these limes, two things that give us pause for serions contemplation. The first is the peroration cf a speech delivered i the Hous. of Cominons on Fi- àay, May 17th, 1940, by James Sinclair M.P. for Vancouver North, who seconded the ad- dress in reply to The Speech from The The second is a photograph of the pre- miers who assembled recently at Ottawa te discuss the Sircia Recommendations. M.1r. Sinclair had this te say: '«This paria- ment meets li the darkest days since eux nation was bor ..It ila a ime for united effort, for ceaseless endeavor. . This is a time to subordinate ail other efforts i order to smash away the political bickerings .. which li thé past have impcded demoratie ation.. This la the time te mobilize with ruthlcas speed evcry resource of this vast Net a single patriot li thi.s wide Dominion wiil disagree with those vivid utterances. Thcy were proclaimcd eight niontha age. And today, what la the picture? Weli, we give you the pieture cf these premiers. The quiek view gives a general impression of elean-eut, alért men, conscieus of the sentiments expressed s0 ably by Mr. Sinclair. The second view shows a maxi at the right of premier King, sitting lightly askew in an attitude of overstuffed con- tcmpt-his mind made up. Two thers ex- hibit well-fed complacency. At the confer- ~-ence table, in- pre-detcrmined succession, tbis second view asserts itseif. Thèse joweled Jehovahs ef isolationism wrcck the Conference. Tw'o join handa in opposition'to orthodox finance. *The show is over. They depart. On oxly carnies with X ~him the paranoia ef petty proviucialismi and ý-with.neureotic persiatene pla ole a by day to the tune of incrcasing dismay, dis- cord and dissention. And the Federal Minis- ter.. f Agriculture, truc tc bis nature, heaves back the brickbats. E.arrasscd farinera are caught, midway, half-organived, hoping for a way out. This senseleas strife must cease 1 it la the humble and considered opinion cf this ccmmunity weekly whieh strives te serve the farmers of this district, that har- mony and saxLity cannot prevail until two cen, at least, are removed completely froni the public lite cf Ibis country, se long as Ibswar laste. Which two would you sug- And when that la doue we shotild nation- aliseounr geverninent, and get on with.the War! Idems Stronger Than Premiers 'Thie sudden dissolution of the Dominion- 1 Povincial Oo.ference on the Sirois Report la t be regretted. Whether the report should -rbe ixnplemented or net at this time isa beside 'l he question. Calm discussion of its recomn- mendations would have harmed neoOne and would have assisted in laifying public opinion on maltera that are of importance to every citizen cf Canada. It should net be hastily concluded that the $brois Report ie dead merely because Messrs. Igepburn, Aberharl and Pattulo have refus- lief ceata, which are another burden on real w'~ ~ j cfeeciadawg the provincial Minister of XWuJIp Affaira was oeeof the bcOntari* d4l b 21 Lhd no jpower te present the vieWB---f DmnI(ipalities after hischif hd -oý« ao9mpromisngop- SPOOition to lise report.Tfr, responsibihity of -~doilig aomethingbte f i nieiipali- ,es tins xtheir finaiew ti hus appears 'tg bave 4een autoxsuildby SPXemuer Hepburxig'Wg t d about it 1 Democracy vs.' Tyranny Ou another page in Ibis issue .-of The Stalesman is a report cf a speech delivered by, Col. Geo. A. Drew, before the Mexi'a Can- adian Club cf BowxuanvWll. xIn these daya cf warf are slnd internal political bickcringa we cciild weil do with more speeches of this nature. Col. Dnew's speech has two great menita wbich aheuld commcnd therneelves te lb.e leader who sits opposite te hir n lt he Pro- vincial Legialature. It br'eabhes the idealism cf pue Demo- crscy whicb we ought ever te, keep before us in these dsys of strife, and il surveya lb. praclical Ibings that are developing to- day in Europe with a foreeast of bbc ulti- mate. Speeches such as these are better calculaI- cd te fix aur minds upoxi whaî we must do te preserve our way cf life. Anycue listening te Col. Drew could net but take a firmer resolve te live sud set as a truc Canadian within 1h. Empire which in se corely Inied today,. Polities was cornplelely laid aside for the aetting was oue for highcr discussion.. Indeed, Col. Drew han been lately criti- cized by both shades cf opinion i the press for net takixig a *more definite stand on needîcas political questions cf th. dà*y. He is te be congratulated' i that in bis recent public utterauces h. han risen above narrow previn.cialismte spcak candidly le qaxiadians cf danger. that .1111 surround us and cf lbe way toe nd them---suçcessfüily. Milk JMters Congratulations mnilk producers! W. ob- serve from press reporta that the Miik Cou- trol Board has decreed a le advanee on eacb qiùart of milk-tbe benefit te be passed wholly le pro ducers. Wbile Ibis will aroue protest frorn 16e'City Housewivea' League, il will defray expens, cof the needed in- provemenîs around the fanin and b'elp 10 mccl the rising ceets of special feeds for registered herds. But hold! Here is'auother report- juat 10 band.. Il states that Premier Hepburn has recindpd lbhe order, tbus at eue feUl swoop deslroying tb. Milk Board edicl sud ren- dering your plans for "farm impro'Vements nul sud void. Il seems that be bas gene furîber than Ibat and bas'offered a provincial bonus on cheese, whieb appsrcnlly, is g4ig te nick tbc provincial treasury for $2,O00,000. Tbis, if truc, means that net only arc yen, Mr. and Mrs. Milk Froducer, refuaed a risc 'in pnie for wbole milk, but your lax money gees, by decee, to, aid those wbo already receive a bonus from tbe Federal Ireasury. When ail these Indiai- igns sund political skulduggery subside yen may know juat where yen stand. Meantime, go easy on orderig thixiga yen may net be able te psy for at the preseut prie cf milk. Corporate Citizenship W. psy tnibute to the enterpnise of The Maclesu Publisbing Oompsny Limited in issuing two speciar bookiets wbieh porlray lb. onganizatien sud activities of xationally ýknown corporations. Que is titled "Corporate Citizenship" wbereim Iext sud illustrations serve fi& make better kxiewn the importance cf ten separate industnial organizations, each i a diffenent aphere, that contibute outstandingly 10 oun national developrnenî. This cornes te us with lb. compliments of The Finaucial P'ont. The cîben la a pooket-size booklet "Words Are Everybody 's Business," issued witb tb. compliments of Hersce. T. Runter, president of Macleans. Il portrsys' lb. developrnent sud services rendened by th. Macleaxi publi- cations; the general workixig conditions exi- joyed by empîcyesanmd the contribution made te the general prospeity of Canada. These bôokl-ets are both no attractively exccuted sud se, informative that we thank Macleans for Iwo permanent additions l'o eur libnary. The Canadian Almanac Because cf ils value as s book cf refer- ence the appearauce amnually for 94 years of lb. Canadiau Almanac in welcomed by those who depeud upen il for suithentic in- formation on an innurnerable number cf subjeets. Always 1h. Almsnac is up-to-date. This year there is s list cf ail wan boards sud other bodies appoinled by the Federal Gonvrumefn uMteDpec.10;- alsn lh. War England, so long tb. Mislrmss cf the Ses, Wherc winds anid wavcs confesa ber sovereignty, Hon suncient tniumpha yet oun'igb abal bear And reigm, the severeigu ef bbe conquercd air. -Trauslated from Gray 's "Luma Habitabilis" Oambridge 1937. THE CAKADIAN1 ?EEémIT NBOWMANVIL, ONTARIO SADA la"MRIOT A. N. lvMtce!la(le MI :pjO5dent, and S. C. McEvenue,geea manager et the C aaLt uranoe Company whoae 941hana report lias Just beexi preéented. lI reviewing Uic pregresa cof the past year Il was stateti that '"Neyer since Uic company was establiahed have if., policyhol4cr been more adeqiuately protccled." leyC ap, E lniorePhllpstt JAPANS MOVE If Uie1<e la any reality i the Berlixi-Rome-Tokie Aflianqe il la a foregene conclusion that ààpan will ha called upon te make orne energetie move li thc coMpara- lively near future. I think there la reality'li Ihat Alliance; therefore I expect nom. early meve i Uic Pacifie whleh wlll increase the tension bdtween Japan and her opponents. The i- cneasingly anti-U. S. tene of> the Japanese presla a fairly good indication of what la commng. If we examine tic basic nature et Uic arrangement bctwccn UMt- 1er and thc Japanese (for Italy was a zero facter in this even ha- fgrc Aibania and Libys> it la ob- vMous that Jaiipan wlfl h forced te move seen, if she la ever going te meve at ail. The basis at the Alliançe, as always, was that each liad somethlng that thec other wanted. XI a word Ibis wga Uic peo'er- toecmpley mllitary force.. Japan wdnted Gcrmany te march on te complet. demelition of Uic Old Order in thc west as that -gave ber her on. great chance te câsh in li a big way, i what we cal Uic Far East - new called Eat Asia by thc more literai Japanese. Gcrmany, on Uic other hand, could demand as a quid pro que thal Japan be reedy te lielp inx th. actual amashig et thc Old Order. The specific rôle allotted te Nippon was, ne doubt, te force diversion ef as much U. S. atten- tion as passible te Uic Pacifie te lmit if net altegether preventa attcmpt by Uic U. S. &eu--~a take part against Hitler i Europe. I Thal such la Uic background for what la happening la indidatcd by this undoubted tact: As sÈocn as Uic United States took the. necent great forward stcp toward active ecenemie hclp for us Uic Japanese began open and active steps te ceunter those U. S. meves againsl Hitler. .xIoCher word, Hitler la stili real if tcmporary boss in Tokie. WHAT'CAN THEY TRY? Gclting down te brasa tacks, the enly way Uiat Japan can make any real trouble for the demnocra- ca, in Uic Fan EBut, la te make an open meve tewardiseme points, Uic bs ef which would threaten aur wholc position i that part et Uic werld. To ha specific - Singapore, or soe ether territory near enougli te Il te indicate its possible lbas later. Thal la why I think that if Japan makes any really important further seuthward moe shc will be met and stoppcd by force, eiîher used or threalened. Those i charge et Uic' present high stratcgy of Uic United States arc under neo iusions as te what loss et Singapore would mean. lI my opinion, Uiey wil erder the main U. S. f fr.t ile action almoat on a mment's notice in Uic event ef any attemptcd surprise moe. by the, Japanese. There la ne shadow of doubt Ihat there would b. available i the. Far East sufficient force te blast Japanese naval power riglit eut et Uic present world piclure if the Govertimenl at Washington cver decidcd le use it. Such a Corce would..includc, net only Uic main U. S. ficet, but extremcly powcrful units ef the Royal Navy, and anether force forgetten by moat peeple i1h. western world - Uic armed terce ef Uic Nether- ands. That country has an cx- tremcely efficient naval and air force li Uic East Indgi. It la ne rcal secret in naval cMfleg thal a grovisienal plan oet ce-oecration' etwccn Uic three navies lias al- rcady been worked eut. The .tapanese, et ceurse, would net dream et attempting le beat sucli a'cembination. They have enly twe hopes et success: On. ls that Uicy can proeed on Uic in- staliment conquest plan - and that ne anc instalinient et Uic ag- gression wlU b. sutticlent te drive Uic United States into war over night. The other hoe la that Uicy ceuld stnike se quickly at their ultimate objective Uiat Uiey could Win Positions from whlch they could neyer ha dlobdged. I think the UUnited States lead- ers are alive te both these dan- gers, and will talc. steps te fore- stall elther et them - or cisc mecl Uiem and heast hem when Uicy are made. Uxlesi my observations are completely wrong, Uncle Sam is no geing te stand for any more monkey business from Japan in thc Pacific. If the real leaders ini. Tokio could gel that simple tact through their heids they mighl auvea thassealves sud others much SHORT OF WAX The. United States seema te me le habedoig .in'- Ibis ,iar ail Uiat wc ceuld expedI bier te b. doing, li vicw of thc realities vilthin 'Uic United States; icludlng 1hé real- ity of public opinion. The great mass et Uic people, ebviensly sup- port "anl aid t *.Btitain, short et wan." But il dees net fellovi thal Uicy anc *illixig te talc. part i theic vi t6elf, o? ever wil ha. .But about thc mait unreason- able comment en that state of af- taira la Ui.' statement that thc presenl degre.etfassistance te us -- that la aid-short-ef-war - 'la just as effective as suy ethen kinti et 'aid could b.. That la net enly a grass lihal ou Uic military sud econemie peower et Uic United States, but an evidence et thc blindxiess te Uic importance et ether factors in wInnig sud les- ing vians. If Uic United Stites viene te declane vian to-morrevi, Hitler, i a malter et bouts, weuld loe cer- tain of bis greatest present ad- vantages. Most immediate et these would ha bis Uireat t tecNorth' Atlantic supply Uine. The United States, fer neasona et bigli stra- tegy, would ne doubt continue te keep ils main batlle fleet li the Pacific. But Uic United States bas, almoat Ulierally, sviarms etfarnali- er crat whlch arc Uic vcry best wcapens in* tigbting the suh- marines. Il visa rcccntly revealed that et thc 50 destroyers turncd over by the U. S. to Britain, 11 are itil l tiug for crevis in North »tircnports. ThaItlJ& just -ope. imail sample o! thc present need. The United States bas train.d anid ready as fine an air forcc as there l isic heiorld. Employ- ment oet oeepart oethUat Air Ferce weuld change Uicevihole air vian picture evermlght. Tuer. la, incideptaliy, a strauge panadox about thc attitude et thc people of Uic United States. The moal violent opposition le entry hil e i van againit Hitler centers about I"sending aur boys te' tfiglit agai in Europe."'- For sonia hi- explicable reason - perbapaseme uncônscicus instinct - Uic hostili- tycentres about 'sending axgmim teEurope. As a malter et plain tact, evesi If Uic United States vicre to enter Uthevian eut-sud-eut, lil'la extremely deubtful that she viould ever xiced te acnd one single', aolitary infantryman te Europe. If seme genius ceuld work eut a formula vibereby thc United States could enter Uic war on a limited liability bais Uic great dilemma et our nelghbours mlght lI other respects Uion those ne- latlng te force Uic cntry et Uic United States it hie i van would b. of incÉlculable bencftl. Tue moral effedti enemy ceuntries viould h. instantaneus sud tre- mendous. Nol even thc dumbeat dupe in the dictator ceuntries could b. niasde sUtel beieve i possibility et victony. I have neyer been as sure as seme othensatithUi ptcd States vil enter thia vian. But vihether ah. ,does or net, il acema toe m .thaî Uiecocld logice o ter1cmfacts la going te force ai leasI a formal alliance bebvicen Uic British Com- monwealth sud lb. United States. This mayvieil tae.tUic onm, aI the. heglning ef a panadox, se familian ote cBritish vionld, but se, inexplicable te others. An aI- lenipted naval coup by Japan ülht vieil prove the greatest cen- tributien even made te Uic cause et international democnatic union. DEACON DANN Good descon Dann, via a pieus man, Sold paints and ouas and lacquen; He had one tauît h.eviouldn'tlihall, H. alvisys chewed t'backen. Tue cbunch folks theuglit, lie should b. taughl By pastor Rcvercnd Racker; i 'Tvias mol discreet, in a descon'si seat, That one should chevi t'backer. Tue paston vient, 'gainst bis cou- sent; Askcd* "Do you chevi t'backer?" Damn owncd lie did, then muncli- cd bis quid, Said: "Don't yen, pater Rock- erV The pastor spoke: "This la no Joke, A plg vion't chew t'backer" He stormcd sud b'lled, but Damn juat smlled, .al Keep cool, pastor Racker "II ovin I do, let me ask et yen,"I And h.e werked bis lavis stil taster, "If a pl von't chevi, sud ucither do yeou, Wbose more like a plg, dean pastor?"I Ithe Dim and-DWt .Pasl Prom Tho, StateM mm s TWENTY-FtVE TEAXS AGO Prom flic Caxiadian Statesman, Janitary M71918 West Durhamn Farmer's Insti- tut. met i Ne'WtcxvMie Jsu. 201h. Presidexit John Baker- prculded. W. J. 'Kerr, Weodreffe, gave a good -address on "The Kitcheni Garden" emphaslzlng Uic cucumn- ber. H. C. Nixon, St. George, aise spoke. At another InstItute meet- ing i Bavmanvifle, A. J. Rey- nolds, Soins, preslded. The front page efthIis issue la ernbeilished viith a piclure of Bey. Neil MePherson, MAi., D.D., o! Springfield, Mass., a Bowman- ville boy, novi pasten et a Cen- gregatiomal Churcli there. H. was presented by bis .cengregatien wilUi s cheque fer $1235, wlihUtc suggestionlie make lite casieb y purchasing su'. automobile, but dispositien et Il was lefIte b is ovin discretion. Dr. MePhersen la a brother et thc laIe Mrs. John N. Lavirie, Bovimanvile. William Silis Charters, Napa- nee, was bor i 1841 in Uic same bouse in whih eh idied. His dan- gbler Io Mrs. Rev. W. G. Clarke et Bowvinxville. IlBencherp Houer Dr. John Hes- kin, K.C., Veteran ofthUi Bar Elected The Treasuren ofthUi Law Society." H. la an Heonary President of Uic Durham «'Old Boys' Ass'In. He hegan as a lavi atudent under thc late Robt. Ar- mour of Bovimanville. With England wnapped'inhitIs pnetectlng foga, air raids o! thc Zepplins have ccascd for Uic mo- ment and viere Il mot for Uieccon- stant use of airpîsues on boUi aides et Uic figbting lUnes thc part Uic, coxflict in the air la playing m tghl h forgotten. There-is noth- ing improbable in thc report that England la pnepàrlng a vast an- mada te attack animunitien pro- ducig centres sud Uic decision et lb. air may, afler ail, ha Uic de- cldlng tactor i heUc van. Rcv. J. H. Dyke ofthei Muskoka Frce Hospital gave an hiteresting address ber. - The figlit againat Uic White Plague. Word bas been reccivcd aI Kingston that Lieut. Col. W. S. Hughes in comm'and et Uic 21s1' BaIl.' la aI present i London rest- ig frorn an attack et German'gai. Caesanea: A sad accident oc- currcd lier. Jan. OUi viben Roy Burr, working tor Wilbcrt Mal- colm, fook a lead of bay sud gttaw to Nestleton station. The, load up- set sud lic vas fouxid under il. The tcam stood there ailUiheii.. His body wass aken home. Funi- erai services vier. conductcd by Bey. J. J. Mellor. Trooper.Sain B. Broeks wrif es frorn Malta: Dear Father - I' r u tis bespitalsuffering frorn ex-. posur. sud a sliglit attack et scables. Dou't worry, I neyer felt se blessed comfdortahle in my ]It.. W. bad su awful' lime in thc trenches - got washcd out by a hcavy rain. Fer Ibre. days vie were up tle b. ist iwater sud conpses wcrc washed eut et 'he ground and tloatcd ail aven Uic show, W. viere only 150 yards from the Turks. FYost set in. AUl thc chap i our company who are ual kiilcd hy abells, etc., are slck except a tcw. Emiiskillen: Mns. Emmensen tel frorn a chair sud broke ber am. 5h. la with ber sister i Port Per... . Rev. Harry Wilkinson deivered one! Uictheest sermons ever heard' on "Hit the Booze." H. bit Uic mail on Uic head at evcry blovi. FIHTY TZARS AGO Prom The Canadima Statean, January 28, 1881 . ."What 'inducement would there ha fer buyens 10 corne te West Durham iqucat et horsca, cattle and shccp for foeign mar- kets if il wcrc net fer Uic enter- prise et such mcxi as 'Uic AllUns, Beis, Bakens, Blackburns, Col- lacotts, Elfords Leasks, Powers, Snowdens and Wernys?" On. eofthUi beat attendcd meet- ings in, Uic history oettUic West Durhamn Reform Ass'n. was hcld in the Town Hall. Vice-Pres. Ab- ram Yeunle preaided. Jeohn Me- Muntry, treasurer, nead Uic finan- cial report sliowing $247 i1h. bank and ne liabilities. The blrthdays et Sir John Mac- Donald and Rcv. Canon Macnah occur in Uic sanie month, Uiat et 1h.- premier tafllng on Jan. 111h, anid Uic venerable nectar et St. John's on Jan. 2MU. The rcmark- ahl. eld and active meni have been personal frlends fer 50 years and neyer tail te exehange blrthday greetinga. Dr.' Macnab ls threc yeax's Uic senior ,of Sir John who passcd lita 76th milestoxie on Uic llth. The sad news reached here o!nday et Uic death of Frank Prout, Winnipeg, son of Mark F. Prout, wheelwnlight of this town. His father lefItfon Winnipeg te accempany Uic hody ber.. Town' Council: A pelition was prescnted from W. H. Williama and othens praylng te ha exempt- cd tram snow shovdlng on Con-. cession St. and from Thos. Bragg a like nequest fromn Base Lin. te the G.T.R. station... .. Moved by Coun. Horsey: "Whereas the bridge aI Uic west end ot Uic town across the cneek . . was carrled away . . and whereas- the con- struction -and maintenance et Uic bridge will nequire greatly dis- prenortlonate expenditure by Uic sald munlclpality . . il wlIl ne- quire excessive burdena con the ratepayers o! the munlclpallty. Thenetore ha il resolved that the. munlclpallty do notlfy the Coun- îles Councîl sud aimn . . the con- tribution et a ahare cf the coul o! construction and maintenance." Carrled. gnnlklfen: C. Rogers Intends loeathxg bis tarin bore next oprn and has, had a carlood of seei ahi abippc d fror bis Manitoba :L. ... Severil accidents bave octéirred on our famous toboggan sUid.Muater N. Gilbert ecccived a severe 'cut on- bis face rnxinng inte Uic aide ot a hand slclgb lett- on Uiel»]. E. Sanderson'bnulsed one et bis extremities so as te cause a distinct Ml~ W. G. Rob- bipsas ais asuft inflamma- tih o e Ucli.. fnrn uaccident. ... A. Dean sud f amily have meov- cd te Michigan. They- were very active hi Uic Methodist Church ber.. Orono: A large parly gathered aI Uic Preahyterlan manie Friday. and enjoycd a social evenig. Rev. MeKeen was the reciplent of a vieil wordcd address read'by Misa Magglc Colvile at' Uicsame lime Miss Jennie Coii i ic hename o! Uic coxignegation pnesented te Mn. MeKeeu à valuable fur coat sud te MiM. MeKeexi a bandsoe scal skin mut!. Jas. HunIer acted as ýchairman sud Geo. Waddell made a capital speech. Tyrene: The pbrenologlat did mot gel a crewd fflday cxtcning - evldently thc public dees net ap- preciaf e genlus. .,. . Richard Bran- ton bad bis band badly cul -wbile butchering, Salem: Prof. KCent, Boviran- ville, the great electrie experi- menter,- gave su inleresting b1ec-. turc i hUc cheel roorn. Whilc lie vias raking Uic bair en à doll's bead stand on end a plece et plas- tcnlng tell on one o! Uie ladies wi Uic same effec. . .. 0. Han- sen lias moved lxgto G. Hencry's vacant bause ,forrnerly accupl.d by Ira Travelie. MUST PAYTRIMS MONTEI Don'l forget if you viant te talc. advantage et payig, your incarne fax hy Instalments, yeu must slart Psying this rnenth. You have enly s short lime l.tt te figure eut vihal yeur tax viill amnount te, write your cheque sud acnd il in- te Uic goverrnnî. Don't h. son- ry later thal yeu forgot about il. Do -il NOW sud make lb. pay- ment et yeur tax a cornparatively easy mnatter. a4 94th Year of Publication THE CANADIAN ALMANAC - 1941'" PUBIBHED ANflUALÉLY Bina. 1847 A Comprehensive Directory of' Canadian 'Affairs, InValuable lu every office. PMPORTANT TI u issecontains the War Exehaxige Conservation Adt 1940,,Passed by Parliament Dec. BIh, 1940. whiohý curtails or prohibits Importa from non-àtenlng coun- tries andi removes or reduces the customstarit! on unaur imPorts trom th. United i Kngdomn. Il ai»o contai" sheui ewexcise taxes imPoseti upon automobiles anti iuxury goodo. GOVerMeuBt War Boards revisei to December 10th. Ait other sections conxpletely reviseti. CONTAUiB OOLOURED XAP 01P TE DOMINION Showlngtbirough railwaY ansd steamshlp distances auid location of cMe! resourees. Over 700 pages Price $ 7.00 Net From ail Doosellers .. . or the Publishens, THE COPP CLARK CO.v LIMITED 517 WELLINGTON STRLEET WEST TORONTO 2, ONT. TIiERE'S NO REAL DIFFERENCE botweeu a big estate and a 11111. home au both require ade.quate tire insurance pro- tection t. adeguard both owner aaaimu loslng thoir lite sa#ingu. ZMaure tan a vieil known, dePendable stock fire Inaurance company. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phono .681 Bowmanviilc . ".. t' Ah! 1'J Scenlic Tour o*NRth Scnc touir of Northe, Ontario wirgb the thieme of addreu -ai the Toronto Durhami Club i Sherbourne Rouse on Jauar 23rd breaks through thebarr of 1941i nfln long. tènure ot forty some years through succedinit generatona Iffond, memnorlet'of Our natal cuny.A Dr. J. 13. ~a8tiotaxit hef Insetorc ctp ae the Ponce ef Ontarle, wIl g1e a uIlng comment O.lt etoof Dr. L. . IlIm nt ural celor photography of North~- ern Ontario on the ocreen. Te speaker's earsacmt* and rich ithe=lore C %=iu northern frentiers. He was there and luiew North Bay when itl*àj only a pup&- on behlf delf dth* tien for te Government, lie té-'à companied the miner, the raUrýg man, and the settier >on tht t j ef terospector, ail, weaMi' 'the1 same kid 0f bootif as CCat nl. ver and gold claims were hetiero- geneousystaked and, untold wealth hi Ontario acclalmet.- Theý schbols of the North, from tents, tar-paper shackz, andý frame to the magnificent brilckanà stone coilegiates, keepirig abresat of, present day streamlined townw and cities bear the mark of bis gulding hand. -Hià firit Insbector- ste- covered an area: from Sault. St. Marie on the west to Mattawa on the est, extending northward, not te Moosoee on James Bay, but as far as solitude reaches. Geography and chronology are' the right eye and the left e y 1 o history and se with the cel4bcra- tion of Dr. Wlliams' pictures un- folded by Dr. MacDougall's lifé story and romance, It la antici- pated this program on Northern Ontario'É expansion destiny wilil be the most revealing ef anythlng yet produced. War contracters were employ- ing 159,000 meni at the end of 1940, and it is estimated that by tWe end of the present year tbilènum- ber wlll be increased te 226,000 meni. Canadiani apples and those who favor them are &'Empire,, te the core. F!, ',

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