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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1941, p. 5

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nTnUIISAy$, JAI4UY 23i 1941 "~A TEIBuT TO OUR MKOTEER" N4EEDLIM CLICK AS' (Marion Niohois Eldnldge) OFFICIERS ELECTIED "Hor cheorful word, her ready amie, The Carry-on Clubmpet ê1tthe Her firm extonded hand, homo of Mrs. Robert Evans, Elgin Are memories dear, ta thase left Street, on Jànuary Mll. After ai- 'ihere ficers had been elected, further j As lile's hour glass drains ils business was dealt with and thon' sand, ail the members settled down ta work ta the musical click of knit- 'To give assistance ta those in neid tlng needles. Was evor lier deliglit. Tis club waa organlzodi To aliare the blessings of her Auut 1940 and sice that time homo fi as converted more than $38-00 To give siilter for a night. Worth af waolinto socks and other Nor dld she think blinI a reward usefui articles for the soldiers. For what she did was due Materias purchased by dona- Ta lier it was but increaaedj'a tons from the 14 clb membors As she sev0 her ilimge and from fuds rald by a teu bhrau ansd ouchre. At Christmas. the club 4 sont guifs oversoas. MW theÎar Officers-Include, Mrs. Lylo Wii- She hlpod say son, troasurer, Mn. A. Smith, Sh epdme wecrotary, Mrs. Cooper, distributor On my troubled way. of wo8l, and Mrs. Candler, dis- And now lier chftdron, laaklng tributor of ilnlsliod goods. Presi- back -dent ia ta be appainted. To all the lielp she gave, To sound advice, and caunsel too And love thut was strong anâ PrOmbytelLvrilWIIMoSU brave. 1M.t at Poe.rbor. Pool as bhey face lie's probloms Dbwn tlirougli the years ai time, Exocutive of Peterbaro Presby- They owo mucli af their stroingth tonial of W.M.S. af Presbyterian sud courage 'edi t 1d0 this mother, trug and fine." Church in Canada was bdh t _______________ Puul's, Peterboro, on Jan. lth, lqt an altendance af 21 members. Thoro wero two sessions wîth LOCAL GIRL WINS President Mrs. A. Glenn Thomp- PRIZE FOR PO MT Y son, Campbllfard, presiding. Marning devotiaus were taken In a recont literary supplement by Mrs. W. G. Chapin, Peterboro, of Varity, Uivosit aiTo-foUlowfd by prayers for Empire of IVarstyl, Unverityof by i;M1s. D. Rutherford, Centre- ronto publication, Miss Sellnia ville, and far Thankfulnesa by Bartlett, duughter af Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. MeInnis, Brighton. Minutes C. A. Bartleýt, Bowmanville, won were read by Miss F. M. Gai- first prise for her paem Restitu- braithi, Bowmanvilie, and carres- pondence by Mis. J. Storie, Camp- lion. Selma is a graduate af Bow- bllaord. Routine business iallow- mauville schools where she lias ed. worte cmmn pomaai ote- At 4fternoon session, devotions warty cmmen boor- This la were given by Mrs. Carlaw, Wurk- thie poem that wan lier firat prize Worth. Reports read by Presby- in thie seriaus clasa: tonial Socretaries were oucourag- RESTITUTION iàng. Outstsuding figures were giv- Maidn fo wlise ldy Cild n by Mrs. Morgan, Pelerboro, My suorwoe oyChl' .d Mrs.'Rawan, finsuciai secre- Myfingers thread the bouse with ary n uiiuyo 3m liglilbers contributod $400.00 by free-* 1 choose each bauble for His fr00 will afferings. Mrs. Tale, MmI- And sot il burnlng, la your sight. brook, reportod 1148 visita made Becauso you kn.ô"w the Mther' .s by uuxiliary welcome and wel- art fane socretaries. 0f finding what wiil please Him Mis. Thompson thanked the best, mngmetadladies ai St. And share the hurt aur carolesa Paul's for kind hospilalily. blows Clasing message was given by ,.ave opened freshly In His breast. Mis. Tbompsou. -"A &P FRUITS & VEGETABLES- -ALu.s.c aiiu-agJiy3fr1 O RANCMS California Navel Large Doz. 3 3 C CRAflPFRUIT s 'l»eu e80's 2.far9c SPINACH Frosh curly Leaf i Ibs. 1 5Sc CARROTrS -FRESH lIbs.15c CELERY HEARTS ýrj lh2Bchs. 1 7c q BUTTOTER D]tm. .I36e IR I uES aw u IT'SNEW RAISIN LOAF ChocS Fat» of ChoieS am flcdand Wrappad. ?43M j KETCHU Haizl i Oz% - 3 5c SOIJPS Hoinz. Met. 2 èe»25c SPACHETI Hahiz 2 U 23c UDTY FGODS HEINz3 "m 2e5c Pork & loeM ins 2- lie. 25,c Tomuloos AUPFancy 2 ~25c GBE ATS 8 c. U CHIPSO 1'vz20ç' LiE Sunnyfield lb. 8C GLU CHEESE a- 23c MILD CMLSE aM. 19C ] JEWL SHORTENINO 2 Ibs. 25C SOAflI woodI,nysPa,c .*a24c Puioeifr ou i. . 9*Ss PUAIS Iona, Keiffer o c ]BAC. or SFiC. 2 is, 9c PFACHES o& 'ia le-.1c PRUNES 4050e's ab.lic PFAS A & P Choict-3-Siev. lc A &P COFF IlE 1Fwe6iy Cround i-lb 39, ROYAL »RAI» -TENDEEIZBD SE UAU S wbàlemwor .5e mI' b29 c BLADI ROAST PRIME SEEF 1.19C SHORT RIS ROAST ' l16-21c PORK $HOULDERS iea b. i 5c PORK BUTTSFRESH ___b.19,» .1'and a Operatui hi the Griot AtUaUcand Pa4011a0'lia Co. JLtd. THE CANADIAN STATESM BOWMA&NVILLE, ONTARIO ST. PAULS WA Women's Association of St. Paul's Church met Jan. 14th with Mrs. N. Pingie, president, in the chair. Rev. C. R. Cragg read the scrlpture lesson and offered pray- er. Miss Helen Williams favored wlth a piano solo and Mrs. Rota Dudley sang a loveiy solo, "A Garden Pull of Roses." Mr. Scott of the Klngsway Nurseries was 'tegest spéaker, hits topic being 'The Ugrowing and care of the house plant. "Ho stressed. im- portant factors in the care of plants which were weil received. A beautiful plant was given to the lady whose birthday was closeat to the 14th, Mrs. Cairns being the lucky winrier. Tea was served and a social hour enjoyed. Economical Menu For Y.uu,Dinner Recently Miss E. L. Muir, Home Economist of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission gave us some good appie recipes for our read- ors. To-day the, foUlowing article is sent through the kindness of Miss Mulr to the Homemakors of this d istrict. Homemnakers! Lot us make ev- ery Canadian strong, stronger than evèr before, sturdier in body, steadier in nerves, surer in living. The strateglc part that women play in aur defense program is the building of health, wiae buy- ing, use of adequate equipment, use of leisure hours - all i a de- mocratie way., To-day everyone may enjoy the economies and living benefitlthat are provided by Hydro in Onlaria. TPhe following economical menu may be to-morrow's dinner at your home. Economicai Dinner Sluffed Plank Steak Franconia Potatoes Baked Whole Carrots Cabbage Saiad with Tomato Mayonnaise Graham Apple Pudding Qalmeal Bars Beverage Stuffed Flank Steak 2 flank steaks (2 lbs.) 3 tbs. flour '/ tsp. peppor % tsp. sai 2 tbs. fat 2 cups tomato juice 6 small whole onons ô smafl whale potaloos Sausage stuffing. Wipo meat with damp cloth. Suft the flour, sait and pepper and pound into both sides of the meat,' using a dull edge - patato masher. Sproad sausage stufiing on steak, ral and fasten with skewers or string. Moît fat ini akiot pan and brown steak. Add tomalo juice, cover and bake wilh vegotablos in electric oven for 2 hours at 325F., When mneat is done, remove toaa platter, thicken the gravy and pour over steak. Sausage Stufflng - Cook Y4 lb. sausage meat, 1/4cup diced celery, 1 labiespoon minced onion for 10 mins. an éleciric element turned Tomato Mayonnaise - Add¾ cup tomata saup to 1 cup of boiled mayonnaise. ApjIIe Graham Pudding 1 cup grahars cracker crumbs 2 tbs. melted butter 1-3 cup brown sugar 1 egg white beaten stiff 3 cups applosauce U4 tsp. cinnamon. Mixcrumnbs, butter and brown augar. Pile on a pie plate and bake i an electTic aven aI 325F. for 10 mitns. Fold beaten egg white mbt applesauce. Put a spoonful of tho graham cracker crumbs on the bottom of the serving dishes. FPl up with applesauce mixture, sprlnkle with cnnan mixture and top with more crumbs. Chill i the electric roi rigerator and garnish wlth whipped creamn. Six sorvings. Oatmeal Bars ih cup lard 3/4 cup brèwn sugar i cup riled oats 1 cup sifted flour %h tsp. baklag powder V a tp. sait 34 cup milk %4 cup raisins. Cream lard, add brown sugar and rolled oats, Mix well. Siut flour, baklng powder and sait, and add alternalely with milk. Add chapped raisins. Pour inta greas- ed pan 8x8x2 inches. Bake i electrîc aven for 45 mins. at 350FP. Cool and cut i bars. Frost if de- sired. YOUR HOSPITAL Thr snow general apprecia- tion of, the very great advantage of havig provision for the care of ail economlc groupe of the community: the poor, the people of moderato means, and the weli- to-do, connected with the great hospitals whlch are to-day contres for modisal and nursing educa- tion, andl the research into the causes aofcdsease, the scientific study for diagnosis, and the kid- ly cane af the patient. agree that this quota ai finiahed CUM1>LETE REPORT refugee clothing, cansisting ai 30 wamen's jackets, 10 girls' skirts, VO 40~ girls' pulaover sweaters, 10 Oiju R ED C ROSS boys' ploe sweaters, 25 boys' ~T1,taTEnmT17 yettes, besides numerous allier «IffCASTarticles,, was one of tihous, 3d _______g accomplislimeuws of this branch during 1940. Annal eeingofNouistlle A Junior Red Cross has been Annuarss Smeetyngshof din0W é, armed in the PubliceSdliool, aisa Red ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oh Crsaoit wshl~~*Newcastle Bambers Brandli in Caundil Chamber an January1 he ih.ho.CGIT il The presidont, Mis. J. A.BLleè,r e Hlis diool.Red.GCroTs girls presided sud lanlier remarki aeaiad'OnR.Crs wr the splendid amaunt of work .s- besides donallug a wool bianket. complislied durn the past year, We also sent appraximately 50 alie thanked ail tho members for 'Woailen biankets sud 14 quilts. their c o-operation sud help. It was tle unaniniaus décision Treasurer Mis. Herbert Tomif *0 send Chiristmas boxes ta ail presented thé financial statemeuit Newcastle enlisted mon. About for 1940 - shawing a balance oi 45 boxes were sent, the contents $427.81 an baud. being selecled, packod sud slip- The différent comniitteos proe-,e under tle capable direction sented their reports, ail showinf Of Mrs. . A. Butler sud Mrs. J. the great amount ai work that C. Hancock. lad beon sent ta Headquartersý.. The Inlermediate Red Cross «Officers for 1941 are: Hon. Pre- ICommitlee who worked under aur ident -Miss Annie Drummond- supervision have disbanded and lat Vice Prosident-Miss BeaÎr1ý their balance ai $125.72 turned Mclntosh; 2ud Vice Présiden- lato aur roasury. Mis. J. C. Hancock; Treaà4rr- In addition ta Our National Red Miss Ethel Lockliart; Secretary- Cross Campaigu ai $959.17 wo also Mis. Robert Gibson. . sent $100.00 ta Headquarters. Kuitblng Comnitee-Mis. Scot yu will notice by troasurer's c Howard, Cauvener, Mrs. Howard statemeut that aur total recoipts Rr Toms, Mis. Edmund Tbackruy, for 1940 wore $2,860,59, with ex- Mss Beatrix Melntoali. Pouditures $2,432.78, loaving bal- re Sewag ammtte-Mr. H ansce ai $427.81 ta carry into 1941. su Sewig Comtte-Mr. ][e'- I do ual wlsli la close Ibis re- re bort Toms, Mrs. William Cowsu. prt witliout first mentianing the Il Pax cinoh Conibeer, i eep sorrow wo have foît in the s]p tr MButl, MCanv. eor, death ai PilaI Ofilcer Murray A. m CanaFoy Butler, Mrs. D. Dewdny, Butler wbo gave bis ie la the Mrs PoydBuler Ms. bakry. service ai lis country duriug air w Activitios Revlewed by Secretar7 operations on June 2lst, 1940. hc Mrs. Olga A. Gibson, Secrolary,' "Ho shalual grow old, as we 10 presonted Ibis very compléte ne- wha are leit graw old; I'v port: Age slal ual woary, nar the El As your Secretany il is with a years coudemn. di greal deal ai pride that I submil At tle goiug down ai the sun a rosume ai tho work undertaken sud lu tle morniug, we 2( sud accamplishod by Ibis Brandi. wiil romember him."l R We bave lad 12 business. meet- X ings, tle ast Thursday ai oach t maubli, and bad a good attendance O iu r ut evory 'meeting. btayh We bave recoived a great deal ai belp bath financially sud by the splendid ainount ai work turi-. lWs. John Allan od la ta aur brandi by ladies oi Afier an ilinesa ai auly twa G Brawn's School Sgtion aud lad- days Margaret Lyle, widow ai tle C] ies ai Newtonvilfe. Their bolp. late John Ailin, passed peaceiullya sud assistance lias been. invalu-taertraietutbrhmy able 10 us. King r era et E at Baw meil, M. The Kuitting Committee underKigSreEat omnleb the canvenorship aifItvls. Scatt ou January 141h, lunbher 90t1 yoar. Mv Howard bas sont in ta Hoadquar- Deceased lad lived a long sud 1< tors 1132 knitted articles. useful life la whicl ber home, lier M, The Sewlng Comniitbee under famnhly sud lier dhurcI were ber W~ the convouorsbip ai Mrs. Herbent chief intoroats. Sho was ai a cheer- hi Tomsansd Mrs. Wm. Coan have ful disposition sud always saW the M made sud seul 203 optls- humorous aide ai lufe, sud* being # plsies. 1 imbued with sudh kindiy clarac- M~ plie s netka .teristica lad a hast ai devoled fr We ls uderoo anew frienda o ail ages who mouru the Cl branch ai Red Cross work, vis. making ai surgical dressings. Ti passing ai a good sud belavod CI camniitloe undor the capable con- womsu. She was a failhful mem- Mv venorship ai Mis. Saxon Graham ber and règular attendant aI hi made sud sont 1200 compresses, Trinity Uuited Churdli al lier life di 48,0 gauzo dresslags, 800 gauze sud wasssu active sud vaiued B; wipes, 156 roloed bandages. worker in thle varipus women's a The graboful thanks ai the organizations as well as the Sun-- mombers are extended ta the fol- day Sdliool. lawlng ladies wbo so generausiy She was boru lu Devoushire, exbended their liaspitalityby op Engisud, October 2011, 1850, sud ening Ibeir homesf or card parties came ta Canada with lier parents and tous as measaoai aising mon- -early lu 111e. Her lusbaud pro- ey for, aur work - Mrs. Miidned, deceused lier 43 yoars ugo. PIdy, Mis. Sthila Anderson, Mrs., 9 Shei0 l survived by Iwo daugh- Saxon Grahamn, Mrs. j. Scott leýs, Mis. C. H. (Susie) Osborne Howard sud Mis. J. C. Hsucock. sud Mis. W. J. <Margaret) Du&' Newcastle' Basebail Club douat- ioy, sud one sou Hurry Ailin, cd ail pracoeds froin sport day also one sistor, Mis. Josephi Pat- sud dance an Civic Holiday. This tinsan, sud one brother, John was a groal success, realizing Lyle, J.P., ah boing in Bowmsu- $358.66, hall ai Ibis aniaunt going ville. ta Inlet'modiate Cammittee The funeral was held from lier Mr. sud'-Mis. Saxon Grahain ile residence Jan. 16th, with ber very klndiy offened the îoveîy pastar, Rev. S. Davison couducl- grounds ai their borne for a gar- inge the services. Palibearers wore don Party. Owlng ta unlayarable Elmùer Cox, W. L. ElliotI, Chas. weather il was necessary ta bald Bagneil, T. W. Cawker, A. L. the garden parly la the Commun- Nichoils, T. H. Kuight. Inlorment ity Hall, $217.80 boing received was lu Bowmauvile Cemetory. ior aur funds. *Msuy beautiful floral piecea A Men's Commnittee, with Dr. banlcod thie caket from relatives, J. A. Butler as chairman, took fiondsansd variaus arganizutians charge ai National Red Cross as a Iribute ta a belaved woman CanPipagn Sept. 23rd sud were sud iu sympathy witl 11e bereav- respansibie for $959.17 seul la cd relatives. Headqurtrs from 1the Newcastle Brandli. We gréably appreciated WlimVva the wonderful results, thal awing WlimVva ta their splendid arganlzutiou, was William Vivisu, a 11e-long rosi- possible. dent ai Taunton district, passed The members are aiso grateful awuy Suuduy, January 1211, ut ta Mis. D. B. Simpson for douat- the family residence, Taunton, ing chromium cofice percolator fallowing auniiness ai ubout four sel; Mi. J. Anderson Smith, a weeks. Ho was in bis 79th year. basa silver cabinet table'; sud Born ut Mitchlli's Corners, near Mia. Truscan Joues,. a lovely ZMon Churdli, Mi. Vivisu liad foi- patchwork quit. Shares wore soid lowed farmning al bis 111e sud re- On thece articles sud a large sum sided in the district where ho was' raiseploblyée .fte .Adrborn. Ho was well known sud TIc mplyee ai11eJ. nde- ighly respected in tle communi- son Smith Ca. lave contributed ty sud bis passing ha caused asi- $85.00 for our funda bosidos a core regret. Ho was a regular at- number ai lovely wool blaukets. tendant ut Zion Church when We have ulso- received canti- lealth sud strengîli permitted. butions from Na. 9 Home & Besides tle beroaved wife, for- ShOool Club, Brawn's Schoal Sec- mer Sarah Wilson, ho la survived tion, Lakeshare Home & Scliool by bwo daughters, Mis. G. Jobns- Club, Crooked- Creék Suuday ton, Oshawa, sud Mis.E. Wilbun, Sclool, sud Masonie Lodge. Taunton; three sans, Chas. Vivian,: _Durng the past year we had a IapaWalton N. sud Wesley ief interests were in bis lame md churcI. A christian gentleman, bighly *specled in the community, lis idden passing huas cused sincere, ,grot, nat alone in Oshawa but lraughaut tle district where le penl lis boyhaod sud yaung nanhoad. Ho was predeceased by bis lirai vif e, Bessie Anu Brooks, on Apnil E>, 1936. Surviviug are his w11e, ormer Mabel F. Jouninga, sud iwa daugîters, Mis. Rosa Pearce, Ebenezer, sud Mrs. Foster Snow- leu, Kedron. The funerai wuas bld Jauuary )Otl, service bing conducted by Rev. J. V. McNeely, minister ai King Street United Cliurcl. Eu- »nmbment lu the mausoieum aI le Union Cemetery. Mis. James H. Chambers On Sunday Jan. 1211, Margaret 7kens, beiaved wil e ai James H. liambors, ai Paulypoal, pased iway aller a lingoning illneas. [ns. Chiambers waa boru lin Baille- aora, daugîter ai thl te Mi. sud [ns. Alexander Geens. Sho ieavea ,omouru ber bass two sistors, [nrs. Hawthorn sud Mis. Chas. Wicks ai Baileboro, sud hon lus- sund, the eldesi son ai the late [r. sud Mis. James Chambers ,vla wore 111e long residouts- ai Wsuvors. The'funeral look place !rom the iumily residence, Lot 7, aon. 2, Manvers, wlere Mr. liambers brauglil lis bride on lardh 16, 1904. Iunlier years ai .ealth Mis. Chambers was su ai- let clurch womsu sud aîtended Ballydufi Presbytenian Church us ?member for many yeurs. The PA« uiVS prosent mainister oi this churcli, Clurcli, Pontypoal, conducted the Rev. Mr. MacKenzie, assistod by service. TIâtrment took place ut Bey. Mr. Smithi ai the United Pontypoal Cemotery. Sheppard & Siii Lumber Co. Limitod Phone 715 BOWMaaVIaO ULid ~ ta fh V "e-OFMTuon., M p.,00T, W.U. ,0gUS, mTh,.Mp.& Yus, l' backl 1V. Ne orkàlou a nd presideut, which office le leld ut m g mNov aUssuitfis l'h Voici the lime of lis deatl. However, Tom" siaigbg al lbahe uneYeu rave Mr. Langmaid retired from active about. Pi,. dqo' a i"e Toao-born Joas association with tle garage aboutI Jafirey aur of sage &Wd New York radio bbree yesrs ugo.I n;Z"rL, eqof o poptu songa, will Mr. Langmnaid wasana active smogs ~ ~ ~ it T u4kDutmn l" il DChurdli, lad served ou île board d*. Moadaj Ibn romtildéy. ai stewards sud trustees, a mom- CFRB Taisa t 1LU-2.00 U.UILD.S.T. ber ai île officiai board sud lay- zueu's representutlve ai tle churcl CKCOUmat U5-.Ump0a.uLo on the Oshawa Presbytery. His NEW. LOW PICE. 80 NOURISHING CUPS TO THE POUND ê E Ann Page Producta Angel Cake En. 29c Doughnuts Doz. 12c POPPY Oum» TWIST Loaf 9c RaOC. SaRUmaLLOWir JROLLS E.. 17c

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