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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1941, p. 6

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TEE CANADIAN STA N BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUÂRY 23, lOi YEA -UNION cost of living index has climbedl adhtya o heebn-civdvr e cm1lt~t Menls Canadian Club brghlibyacnmteai ~ page 1 ~ and ta b. met ts its wicth company claims re- lately the number has been large,_ __ unanimouely adôpted. Canon C.- muat have an increase of mare present a cast af 4c an haur., some are trivial, sasse cfea-RSpcer, theM LMS-prsEden u ton mustb r . Gillanders: Conciliation plant was give ,a 2oooO.c ihu urkaldeade Rusbia ta hoffroc ta engagé i this witli the meeting. E E me7i0pcoyees te prove' itMeBadshv thought it wrong ta From the industriutl belting divi- are giving attention ta every queé. war.Ti.nwofcs n drctr can paàmoreuly indemnify labor agalxtst ail sien 75 % of the produce la sold Rctiino h UO'fr14-1ae prices or radically cutting rising coats and ta-kes. It 2 Our i the farelgn market. Rther de- Reconîlo o the no.Rsi ie Wlnner uo Far for 1940-41nare dIiffends. In support ôf ths the job ta décide what proportion partn'ents have a much higher Reference was made te the Pûb- The only nation which has won -Rev. PC.M. ener;Vice res- fiire 306.1% as quoted Ma tue mlght b. set up as a bonus. domiestic sale. lication "Slingfaot Gang" asid s-a wt o ass eRv5B . . CRutpeer; VcTeas.---. rate pald on common share in- Mr. Brewm te Mr. McLean: Yeu The industryta subi ect ta sharp ather pamphlets whlch had bien sinister part Russia la playlng In Lgngwartii; FXecutive_M. j. ]El-. 5 osei 190 N vegiients since 1930. suggest then we revise the pre- competition. Mr. McLean inter- circulated wlth a view ta getttng tii. war - letting Britain and 1iott, Gea. W. james, W. F. Rick- !go Noiizus -bc ]Po sent boetLaou r.Menu he* posed that the references te cam- rnembership. The tone of thèse France do what they can te ard, R. M. Cotton, Dr. Butler; Houpital Sise Noxzema 1.10 Il Mr. Gw ters:o yo co-ab ourdM. cLansii-Thed. mployespétitian were perhaps lncluded ta mndicated that the goadwifl rios- weaken Germany. - Mr Glanes:'o oucn-soudbecnsltd '-roie raonfr epigsary for satliactory negitions Membershp-E. P.. Bradt, Rosa jtend tuat instead o!f fxing wages Mr. Gillanders: Certainly, we rvd araa orkeigdoca net *exiat. The. Company "However Russia can neyer be Stevens, A. M. Thompson, W. J. < are oundterecomen wha9=1 wfurt he urtte fator wants decêeny and fair ply. The our afy," Col. Drew continued. Berry, George Annis; Audtors-odd tete_ _ _i-onclt hwfut32»baitdfatr thal becaiuse a company shows the. bonus should b.. tending ta keep dawn profits in brie! referred te an article he «There can b. na compromise R. M. Caotaon, L. W. Dippeil. 14PUIso high profits wages muât go up?" Mr. Brewin: Do you say we can ~Bwavlepat% sn Statesman af Dec. 21st whlch ex- with Communism. While dreadlngc M.MacLean: «'Only ta the deduce from th. 108 employees clair asked, "Carr the New Toron- pressed the same sentiment. Nzimw edlo o ~ o exett hwthttecmaylisted initues. few catégories te plant be cal'rying thib on.? r cen hnh at operation with Russia. Although MULK SHIPPERS extent.ta shaw:tuatntue compana anything we do can not brlng con pay more. T[he employees aretuaItuis ia a repre sentative pic- MrGlanrsCeyogieu reflection on the Union it reflects Russia into tue war,* that neyer- (Continued trom pageGAN K1)HE asdn fr ai wgean holdtU~?'average wagcs pald by somne of on thc employées tao and f eel thelcss wl happen i god tie SI havintepaskte he s e ConTnutuea bMrng rcmeie r, ac-the Company should delete tuese when Germahyiy laweakened and plished baritone, sang "mhe Open AT they hv se.1H iemd qtnigtebifM.Mc Mr. Berkinshaw: I wil iet remnarks from the record. Isre Russia despqrate. Had any of tue Road," wltu an encore "Thumnbs 69C tue poit tuat regardiesa !teKai rsnesoeo u ateBadf ofdne ference ta clmpy patr'iotic phas- saemen taken the time ta rond Up," uis accanipanlat, Laurence nuinher of children in a faniily scanty information available ta The government han recoin- es, veiled threats o! a rIe g Mein Kampf they shauld have M"~tn. A masterl3F piano solo, mloe's HONEY- AND> tue worker shauld b. aflawed tue Union as te wages paid and mended a fIaI' rate bonus bc paid badly. W. can't aflaw au oak ilrspa.hi .po Two Larks" was presentcd by enough earnings ta enable hlm comared tueto wages of, ap- during war time ta vary witii tue fides ta be ini question. phecized occupation af tue Ulf' Laurence Morton. Miss 'Eleanor ALMON» ILA te support. an average number. pomatl10 a year with a cost af living index and it, has r icar agti!-o raine and tue need of using Bus- Cronk, teacher at Shaws, gave 2Dtis<eS. Mr. Brewin: "Then tue indirect welfare urey in which $1450 called on the workers ta share bath sides. Let's get on wlth tue sian ail for hua war machine. readinga fram James Russel 46c effect o! a higiier wage would b. was quoted. as an -absolute sub- in tue sacrifices necessary at this brie!. - "But nowwe have found aur- Lowell and Jean Blewett. __________ larger families?-.-and more work- sistence minimum in Toronto. time. Mr. Gillanders: I suggeSt the selves wltu a gallant lttie ally Mr. Suiminers spake briefly and ers? Later Mr. Gillanders refuscd ta Mr. Brewin: Then the- Board parties get togetuer naw and try where we least expected i- happily af! us eleven yeara af N'yAL COLI) REMEDIES The. Chairman: That's beyand nO!sider tue figure established by han two problema: ta establish a te reach an agreement. Greece. Though stili a long way continuous association with !arm- Laxacold -- 280 aur jurisdliction:' this body as a basis ta indicate basic wage rate, and tuen te de- Mr. McLean: I amn wifllng that from victory we have much rea- ers o! Durhanm and invited y r Nos. Drops 25o Reerig 0th bns een-what normal wage level should termine a bonus. Mr. Berkishaw and tue -cm- son for encouragement by reason aIl ta drap in and .visit, and get White Pin. Tai, 25o-500 pYaaddb oder rev ee r cen i.Rrisa ployees gelta work an tue con- of increasing numbers af frienda acquamnted at tue District affices Creophos - - - 1.00 ]yawrddbyGodca. r Next tue Union questioned tuat stressed tue word "sacrifices.'"As tract now. in every country for there are stiU i n Bowmanville. He conimended Vaporlzlng Salve 29e-SOc MacKenzie termed it "'A tribut. tue free services given te Good- I sec it tuat doesn't mean employ- M.Brisa:W ol e-sm h eiv afedr.abolt"adoko edn te tue mere existence a! tue year men cost tue Company 4c ces should accept low wages but M.Brisa:W ol e-sm lobleei reo.abolt"adoko edn Union." H. laudcd tue stabilizing an hour. ratier pay increased taxes. came a discussion now. Keep> in mid this 15 a war o! and M~anagement o! Dairy CatlUi" lnflîlence o! an international HrMrMLaenevud Prcdigwttebiea-.The. Chairman: Well, let's meet ideas which cut acqoss gèograph- as being tue beat o! its kind ex- unin ltngaslu oinon tua.t elucidate the governmentr tuai wages paid were quoted with in my office at 10.30 Thursday ical boundaries and we even have tant. Il may b. hadt on application. collective- bargaining was evi- Order-in-Coundil respecting col- tue contention that union estim- morning. allies in tue enenuy countries. Per- In intraduclng tue speaker, Mr. dence o! tue heaitu o! a, demo- lective bargaining. Il advcicatesI ates were too low. sonally I amn hopeful because sari- Summers recafled coflege days crc.H. made a strang plea for -fair wages, a bonus th help witu Since 1926, tue Union spokes- RO RYC U ity su4ggests tuer. are still decent wlth Prof. Raituby. rcgiino! tue union adding increased cost o! livn, rîght O! man said, effeiency methoq have RO A YC U Germans and Italians. x amn not o IScit tuat a signed agreement was es- th workers te jain unions, free- greatly increased prodluction wit- sofI hearted eituèr, tue speaker Cih oit 1111do rm nleneo epoes u cmaabeicraef (CoiitifluOd fpm page 1) said, for I believe Germany as a Dealing wit . tue s ubj e ct, twaetecotninwaadmfo ifu nceo mlyr utaceaaleic s ntamaenation must have an objective "Cows," Prof. Raitliby partrayed Ast ae h otninwsadlikewlse asks for nocoercion wages..shudsed lm wiuesntuIterrcrngtutueumnpale htaon tuaI ino ca s as much as o! workers te join unions. Basis o! tue request for increas- etseir cliiend or im in power as a n hi rcin tru t o oth uea r a a si ty, a ng $1,400 recelved in a year and !ew ed wages are, (1) poor standard tercide.i oe sa ntueto osteewsascey àgn even approaclu tuat figure. Some The. Company Brief o iig 2 u opn' Some men seem 1te become too national policy,. la wrong. A con- from the. grand champion te tue of lvin, () te Cmpays.abil-b wages go as 10w as $500 on full In hus preliminarY remarks, Mr. ity ta pay. The idea Goodyear is ig or tac busy for Rotary - that viction thaItuer. la no ~hope scrub. Zetween tues. extremnes lime1 th estimation train figures Berkinshaw, speaking for th. making large'profits fromn war 's net truc o! tue real Rotajn. would* on]y make tuem, ighsit ta were found tue steady eficiency obtamedà when a questionaire was company, said h.e reaflzed the work is unfounded. Alsa living H. always tries te find time - tatue last ditch; *o! tue ordinary, every day cow,245 circulated arnng emplayees. value o! good relations witu work- expenses are lawer here and men participat. in club activities and ItyBew nTw Tros and aing tuat class o! bovinef r Si'nce the Outbreak o! war tue ers. That had always been the have net car f are ta pay cre uthadtiswtot "The most unhappy country te- providing, steadily, tue needs o! -t . o - 5 palicy o! Goodyear and tuey had 'a ou question. . dyl t].Isol oeo r. unnscey osrsodt no intention a! !orsaking il. He RotariansisItly.ItGcly .p Chasee-huanandet. Lieut.on t 194 WA mfl.w ~ caalauedtueworer as386 Thi wa nt intrâuced by Un- Joansmes rCae d ongrta do a Britishli vctory, yet oc- good and bad treatment, just as 19 1WALL.FWURS adtageth rkr as 86 Ti ano-Jh Jae eevdcgaua.dls, 18 femnales and 19 youths.ion rsaure. I afrtcansid- lions on having paased another cupation by Germany la about ta do humans. No on. knows why HAVE TOUR EYES EXAPMI Total including 'salari e m- e red lt summer nd P a] e 'ao.i praceed. Il h ai learned toa late lwo o! equal age and br.ed in OPTOIM *1lf0 Jplayees is 476. Two points lue caMMended fa Octaber tuough OevstrAthrL el omtue Nazi embrace o! death. Wituin R.O.P. tests vary sa greatly in Entire Satlsfactionsin Fltthn sogh t cea u wre ît-iitactuafly tue plan was not ready Ovstr rhrLvi rn a short *mne Italy wlU experienceprdcin tuegUnian seaka one:l fr 7rtha eput imb operation ut oein- Oshuawa Rotary Club, was Pe bad bombinès becausc o! British iurswrPqoe hoig P - ~~cent a! tue employées; 2nd-The b erTi clause te witudraw il atset occupation o! Crete. As for (1er- aveaesg poucinPhm 96one iit anagpesmuetbsnve xr any time leaves room te make aiy rda's eei was apparent- mnytue nerves of thepeople t 9which showed wide var- .695 P .C W I nor wihdrawn any be efits. tiens wa7àht . The rumor haï beng ex mpvialentontaltacksforo!olentettt-k ofydcows- tqualifledaliiai derde R.O.P.. h .-men are now b.ing paid a fair money ta tue employees ina aform and yon with defI ef!ici.ncy by tory. This war la over when tue said th. speaker, "Iare creatures and reasonable wage but tuat the of! war'bonus which would êb. Rotarian Tommy, Knight. By hooiC Gran people decide they can't a! habit; tuey react if rmutine lay i.. s'i cmna would consider iirv-ouriesbelt u 5 x and by craok and by many slips crusi England." radmcafly changed." La e ho eClrk mnofworking conditions wîen ca rft e,1 none.I !tetnu usltl xr' The speaker forecast tuat ects Tii. Bonus QuestionReetVior'M'.ad rs ever asked. 1934 and 1937 hourly rate scales fund took on considerable prapbr. o! sabotagé would increase. Thou- eetVsor:M.anU . On nw paers re ~Regarding negotiations it de- ncreased 5 % each year. teins before tue meeting was ad- snTo!tros lih ario dy irneg uik, p buts te.n otBian. r n r.E (r e ae*aearvg clared th. Union brie! leeves an Mr. MacKenzie: But dd' h journed by President Fred Hoar Tauchiofg upon prablenua o! nJ110. Mitchell tM.S Darck's, Te make room we are offering ernosipesin W aeemployees have ta produice more who was tue last te be fincd. te occupied countries constilule dche eserof. Rait u ter d a Briawa, a.Mr. dL. Park- a gréaI!, reduced prices irem-.. net adopted a ritaynon-co- s cuanohy intmaeayT ueeaness o! theenrnay. lhingwere in a state o! flux and eré . Mr'. and Mrs. M. Heard nati and rooni-lots Of last operative na rbe.Ote c on- oalueyey nlmknym uens ! u nm atgiven tinue would right - tuem- have relurned ta Port Hope aller rew- ar' we onMr'. Koken (aller deliberaling): POPULAR SINGER year was mistaken. Hitler hadn' selves. Ih regard ta the bonus being witu tueir deughtcr, Mrs. C. trary w called meetings o Nov. That did occur. ____missed tue bus' but was meithod- question, il was pomnted aut tuat Brown. . .Mr. .Boned B ee Them Fer Touns.! 11hadNo.21hfrli u- Mr,. Piper: A lime study was <Centlnlied from page 1) ically laying luh pas M0sdernras apoutonfniyi swa rwn M andue pose of hcaring - workers griev- taken at lhc end o! 1937. Mfter "The reeson you and I are con- could be expecled in view o! tue sc'tdajbwt rcm ances. Mr. Hardy asked until Nav. thie change ini rates we did more thcr Oddfellows, Rd. Sudds, .W. fident ?pritain will stand la b.- faclt taItuchre was no great in-cele o wt ume oi VALENTINES 301ji ta consider but« tue Union pany.. Mr. Len Buckler with Feor nbeys away from home. told hlm lue only had te tue 23rdwok Evens, S. Little, M. Tamblyn, H. cause we icnow tue marale o! tue crease in prospect aI lhe moment Johun Patton's, Kendal. . . Ralplu Do' fre I en n. -~ or cIa. it would cal a strlke." Mr:. MeLean: The ýBoard mnust Cowlc, W. Yeo. people. Neyer before have civilian in feeds and pr-sturage. Tiere Simupson, Pôrt Hope, aI Clint aolf re e seMr Giladeo:et.a nOuresa compare wages paid here witu Many beauliful flowers were men, womien and children been were sa many factors inivolved r 's are zea Mr. i Bandrwht inidmets ledsane standard ta ind what la f air furlen tribues te te eseemU ald upon te bear te-brunI of taI considerble ime a n d Boýn -'tte3lc u Btaaiadfor atIn iet e and reasoneble. Will tue Board which deceased wes held. Be- war. Here in Canada we should tuought would b. nceded lea are- ' Alex Hcndry la sporting e it o 5C p e is ormtin.accepl evidence from tuose out- aides flowers from relatives and net overlook the lessons learned lirate present conditions. 'odge sedan. 2350 Essployees lu Canada aide 1h. industry? fniends, tokens included Trinîty in Europe. France collapscd be- Reedings and solos by Miss Bll Taylor, who lues been living WOOL NexItue company brie! gave ai Mr. Gillanders: W. will eaccepl Chunch, St. Paul's Church and cause tue people had loat faitu in Cronk and Prof. Raithby preced- et Bey. Jeynes' and attending sumaryofopeatons Item yor tateet wituotit calling Choir, SI. John's Church, Bow- -tueniselves. cd a brie! address by Dr. J., B. N.H.S., left Friday for his home Whatever 70ou are0 kntting we ploysae total o! 2350; gives every- evidence but I would far retuer manville Foundry Co., I.0.0.F., 1Renls tW dor have thme king ad cler liaI on. one or lwo wei' holiday get figures te compare within thc S.O.E., Neighbours, Bowmanville WatAe .Fltlgor eods_________ s'eu iu.- witu pay, and pey for national and industry. Legion and Band. "Often,, we are asked te state Farniers Siiould Organiz, civi hoidas whch mu ta t Mr. Bcrkinshaw (continuing): Relatives ettcnding from, a dis- just whaî il is we are fighling for. Dr. Reynolds reviewcd endcav- Elaydon w g~ 'an additionel on. week's psy. It la jikely tue company will seO n ce included Mi. and Mrs. Gea. As Churchill han said we are net ors persistently made by the As- ___ I WThen tuer. is the. $1000 free fa- issue a statement te thc wonkers Pingle, Ottawa, Mr. Howard Pin- only. contending for geographical sociation la secure an increese in Rosa Ashton 'entertained his L WV . e e 1 surance and additional law-cost as te policy, which. will embody gle, Mn. T. Burton, Mr. and Mrs survival but ta preserve a way o! tue price 'ot whole milk and stat- S1iday Scheel clans on Monday. BIG 2099 ~policies. Womcn have tues. oamec rnny o! tue concessionsasked for' Bllkhorn, Miss Nellie Glanville, l!.e. We want sornetluing ratier cd tue situation clearly in respect Téeeigwsseti ae "BIG 2~~' rigita witu $500 free insuzgnce. in tue draft agreemient. Mr'. and Mrs. G. Tinuson, Mn. and simple, namnely tue right ta live tea'tue recent on. cent increaseThenigwspntngms limne 56 BOWManvm Then tuer. la a Pension Fund Mrs. B. Pearson, Messrs. T. and iecvlzdhmnbig.W n rme ebrn's action in Mari. and Ronald Ashton en- whici provides for a retirement Grievances .Pasn onno n adwanitet preserve intact tue be- rescfading IL..fýd o annuity aI 65. Allinfanai $39,000 Before lest November we i'e" Mrs. A. F. Cox and famnly, Osi- lie! tuaItue ultimate abject, o!f utinswrenad from a teahbrtiestueienoxcusanda ewe, Mra. Lucy. Glanville and governmcnt is tue welfare o! the recent editorial, frorniwlich Dr. skteache r and Jeso nox et a !amily, Onono. individual based on the belle! tuat Reynolds pointed ta tue great Visitons: Mrs. C. Siernon witu ___________ man la not an animal but tuat bis need for farmers in Durham te h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. developmenî is the hîglucat abject argenize. Bnookmng, Wesleyville ..Mn: and Women'$ Canadian O!f..Th efern ouh He outlined tue steps necessei'y Mrs. A. Morgan, Oshawa,, aI Mn. _____ henand strangly urged Iluat suclu or- E. Bradley's.. Mr) .! Beeci et <Contnued fi.om page 1) te reaffirm the true principles a! ganization should b. ,undertaken democracy 'ithte Declaratian a! by tue youngen men of'tue county -. ership, cvenytiing wan owncd by Independence he, starled witu tuis who, if tuey hoped successfully tic state for tue -people. fundamental assumiplion: 'We te continue on tue land, should Neigbourng atios beamehald tues. trutus te b. self-evi- act now ta ensure tueir future - egly lrmed nationbmeo dent, tuaI ail men are created welfarc. goel arme aeciîy wîenoi equal; tuaI they are endawed by Il was pointed ouItutat tue starntd sprea theon in- tueur Creator witu certain imalien- Milk Producers' Association was' habiant. Ts wa ho Beitoable rights; tuaI. among tues. are taday tue etrongeat fermer organi- 'V Mussolini !ounded tue Fasciat l!.e, liberty and tue pursuit a! zation botu in County and Pro- th wy hecom ni ere freedorn of warship, freedrnof ducin ma e t tue rate o! gaining control liaI h. fanmed asaenibly, fr.edom o! the press, 1 1-2 cents for tuei Association and ?' his own party and merched on and protection a! persan and pro- anc cent for advertising ' under King Emmanual with 100,000 perty constitute tuese rights. A tue Milk Foundation, had roLied M - " ip op Tilos Lïite tal., leaure h power of gavernment and of dic. an empty victory if in tue pro- $30,000, wici, tue Doctar admit- S ~ e t announeimg the appointment of Maurice Bresliju roised te recntruethe Ro- ver nci ousev tu s ng paopmbarras-. - (Tiie Arcade) as their exclusive dealer for Tip Top prmnse have diiene atro! ti . "To ut ecio serve emc- , Embarraasint Fands___________ Tailrs ailoed-o-m asur clthesin owm nvile. tuiai nd ibena. ! ýa a aliving pr>inciple and re.- Money is cnuing ta faqter ta TilraMr.iBredteal s nwn ino manvin le is qit. - thi a n ledaez pwnbut ue go-.a -ll.me__u__arnd Acout saw noreasn why the sa'me tiing epltc !sciie"lie!. u4eoulansd satisfactorily f illed.', Gaerlt. 5 couln'l uapen i Canda. Ga. W. James ittoduced Col. Tic audience rose, heavily, a Gaeri 5 Mn.Roer ws ltrduedbyDrew presenting a brie! sketch o! ils feet ta "0 Canada." Valencia Dom. lb. ncsden, Mn. A R.Vinin.h many acllevements and A. M. A successful, satlsfylng, whole- oranges$ 190 Yourstrîlytepennte was.seRVe by 1. eandy moved a vote o! tuanka for heat.d banquet was concludcd. Godnip Newcastle group. -tcsoescreythpeu Bananas 3 Ibo. 25. Fe judy e as lhe campany had gained. hleOéo TPT P T IO SLM T DNext meeting wlll b. Fbury Iollowing a splendid banquet Etueoe orcmuiy L R IIT D11th.fronu tue Balmoral cuisine, Presi- Enthuse over your aveiî.Cholqe ri Sa 0 Tdent M. J. Elliott called uD hrornoyIowy t aeCIWYS.k 0 - -,~.Inilumn (oclg agrapefruit Acting Secretary L. W. DlnpeU to e Us 1 Contract few; (2) choies Ripe Il: far tue firat time)-Them's pncîîy rad tue minutes. It belng tue Pay pranxptly. L onte 9 big oranges, and 1* wouldn't tae. ocasion o! annuel election o! of- 1ped ogr the m"; ficrt.qnî many o! them la moke a dazen. ficerna aeso! nominees ws inm houspital rletafccut 6OPEO -FREt' ,h Rll of Film vacuum Bottles - SO 'inham'Comound l - 870 O00 A.S A. Tableti - '19o mot Water 1-lb Attention Farmers! Cooper': Dri Kil a Ibn., 8m~ Zenoleuni - - 35o - 1.0 Kerol - 45o - 75o - 1.25 Zenoleuni Powder - 350 3 for 1.00 hai--------------150, Rapld Fl. Filter iscs 300 for1 1.30 1 lb. Absorbent Cotton 39o We carry i complote stock of Br. Bells':Veterlnary Products; alio Fleming Vet- erlnary Sunies. «D BT AN EXPERIENCED CTRIT. ng and Price Guaranteed. ffi, Phm.,Bn . D"ovept 14r. Ggrdon.Beech's. Eniikillen. *Mr. Dave Hall, Military Camp, Peterboro, at Mr. C. Crossman's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gardon, Werry and Boyd, Mimico, at Mr. L. Ash- ton's. .. Mr.; Erle Brooking,'Wes- lcyville, at Mr. C. Slemon's.... M(ss Ursul McNeil, Toronto, with her parents.' .. Mr. and Mrs. F. Osmond, Miss. Veda Purdy, Bow-- manville, Mr.. Eari Thompspn, Oshawa, at Mr. W. Thompson's. 'ECONMtGAt' REPAI RS When you bring your sImots or harneass fto our store to bc repalred you are aasured of saving money ln the. end. Bring your harneu. lu now. Wby watt until sprlng when you wll needl t ln ahuMr. Ne0w aimes, made to fit a king. but priced te fit anyone'. purs.. Cosse hi and look over ,our splendid stock. JOHN LENZ Kling St. - Bowmianviile 5thfor 25e Domino Ton f* b,,SMe ParfectIon Wax »and.lb. 2Sc Nugmet Ulk.an Prown Tin Sho. Poilsh - lac Navy Tissu. 4 rolls 25e ShIrriff l Jolies- S fr25c Richmeilo Cofeif. .L.39e Newport with Tumbler Fluifs pkg. 25e Olenwood leOoz. mottîs Vanilla - 9. Heimet lIn Corn.d Beef 18. Toothpicks - Pkg Clothels Pins 10. Nilison'. 'Cocon 1/2 lb. 19 Ocotd BULB S SOLEX eoch 20e~ 25, 40, 60 and 100 watts LUXOR 2 for25e~ 30 and 60 wons ma CANADIAN STAI 4 'p TffmDAY, JANUARY 23,1641. M, BoWMANVIIM. ONTARIO

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