THE CANADIAN ~N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO THURSDAY, JANUARY 80, 1~11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thé Newcasti 1 ~Phoneo Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hawke Leskard, vislted Mr. and MÉn Fred Couch Jr. Annual congregational nieetini of Newcastle United Church wil beheld Feb.. 3rd. Miss Isabe Robinson fell anc panully injured lier neck an( las been under the doctor's care Mr. Alex McLeod, Toronto visited his mother and found hei mudl.i ixprovedl after lier recen severe iliness. Mrs. Fred Cowan and Norton with Miss Odie Warren, havg maved into their new house, MIl and Robert Sts. Wilbur Blackburn, Haydon, wh( lu in military training at Peter. boro, called on his aunts, th( Misses Blackburn and Mrs. 0 Cale. Mrs. Norman Rickard is in thE General Hospital, Toronto, wherE she underwent an operation foi the removal of a cataract fron one eye an Jan. 21st. Annual vestry meeting of Stý George's Church was held in the parish hall Jan. 27th, with Rev. D. R. Dewdney presiding and of- ficials of the several departmnents presenting encouraging reports. Mr. Tuclier, formerly of Pais- l and Whitby, is now emPlayed with the J. Andlerson Smith Co. and boardmng at E. E. Patterson's. Re ws inPaisley when Rev. R. E9. Morton was the minister there. Alex Adair and Eric Gray comn- * menced ice harvest at the Lawer Marsh on Ttiesday, Mrs. W. H. B. * Caplin being the first ta begin flng her ice house. The ice is nice and cleàr and about 16 inches thick. Ed. Powell has tendered his resignatian ascaretaker and sex- ton af the United Church, effec- tive Feb. 27th. He has held the position for five years, when Wmn. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE WEDNESDAY 8 pm. BIBE STUDY FREDAY 7 p.m.: - JUNIOR CHUBRH FRIDAY 8 p.m.: EVANGEISIIC Sunday 11l Ln.WORSHIPF 7.30 P.M. "Wheffn Cod la Hfave pou been bora. again? TO ALL STATIONS 1N WETERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAN, EXCURSIONS OOING DATES DAILY FEB. 15 TO MABRHi RETURN LIMIT. 45 days. TICKETS 0000 Ta TRAVEI. IN COACHES Excursion tickets good In Tourlst, Pasior and Standard sleeping cars alto avallable on paymnent of lghtIy hlgher passage tares, plus prie of parlor or sleeping car accommoda- tic. ROUTES - Tickets good going.via. Port Arthur, Ont., Chicago, III., or Mut Ste. Marie. returning via me route and lne only. Generous oWtional routinga. JSTOPOVERS - will be allowed at «r tpoint ii Canada an the going or-Tetur trip, or bath, within final admt of ticket, on appMition ta *.OfMdutor; &acsoat Ciaga, fI.. iRoodIteoewthtlarlhsof iweat, ffl 9 ofUnit- .ed States lines. Pull Particulars fromn any agenit. CANADIAN PACIFIC IY4,1b. 25c 47c IW s1 leoz.tUn 1 E b. 25e 'w II~ ~1U N VOUR pCSLf cake Camay se Green Gage 15 oz. tUn White Cooklng 5 Ibo. Winter.Time la Fish Tipie MLLIN RtOCERY _______ -w w-Île- WAN w -D vi si ar ca ge ei ac in, tei an th he ah tel th, th Cc an ni Ce bi Th arc BÉ arÉ fl fro 11 cil a- Wh sel sel fat met rai ta le Idmndn Clarke 1114 e, Parnal and lus nephew Neison r. Parnal, gave up thc duties. Mms. W. H. Pearce underwenl g an aperation in Oshawa liospital il Jan. 22nd. It was quite succeass ful and sic is convalescing nicely. d lan ier absence Mrs. S. C. Scul- ,d tiorpe is staying w-ith Heward -. and Ernest Peance. Mrs. Russe] o, Colwill, Toronto, returned home -r on Saturday. nt Senior C.G.I.T. met Jan. 23rd at thc home o! thc leader, Mga, ,,Irwta Colwill. During thc nation- e ai C.G.I.T. week, Feb. 16-23,th will also endeavour ta taforrn Sparents and interested friends concerning the work o! Canadien eGirls in Training groups. I t was iedecided ta sell duocolates, pro- D.ceeds to go towards upkecp of thc Provincial C.G.I.T. camps. ie Y. P. U. met Januamy 27th, with ee Manjorie Lycett, president, in tic )r chair. Devotional and'* program Mwene tn charge of Patricia Pearce, citizenship canvenor. Devotional consisted ai prayer by Patricia Le Pearce, acriptume by Edith Hendry vand explanation by Kathleen fToms. Prograni was as follows: ts Reading by Louise Hancack; vo- cal duet by Doris Alia and Betty -Enwright; piano duet by Betty d Allin and Margaret Pearce. DCharlie Hancock gave an inter- sesting taik on Citizenship, aften 1.whidli Pat and Marg. Pearce sang e"0 Canada" as it lu sung in "Tic LChurci of Ail Nations." Ir J. H. Smith and Henry Bawen 1- and a few others w-ere out on ticir n regular Jack Rabbit L 'unt Satur- Iday. Tiey saw a few Jacks lop- 2ing around and taking vicws while standing an their hind legs; ,but tiey weme careful ta keep out o! gun range altiaugli not botier- mng ta run very fan. Tic>' play 1ewith thc doga like tuis, loptag a *bit, twistiig. about and lettmng their pursuens shonten the dis- tance between them, and tien when tic>' decide tbdy are about near enough the Jack is off again witi a few 6 ta 10 fect jumps. Howevem, Messrs. Smith, Bowen and Couch Cauice have shot dawn a few this \winter and had sanie good eating. Tirce carloads o! Oshawa Satumday aflemnoon holidayers w-ere also dow-n in this vicinity last weelc gunning for Jacks and possibl>' faxes. An abundance of Cottontails this win- ter bas also helped ta lessen the meat bill for quite a few familles. NEWCASTLE TRAIL RANGER NEWS Most af thc members are w-ork- ing on tic Patifinder Degnee. They arc learning how to use thc watcli as a compass and the Trail and Waten Signs. Badge Wamk ta under direction of Edwin Han- cock. Devotional is conducted by Bey. R. E. Morton, and4tle gaines, which constat mostly 'of basket- ball, b>' John Rickand. Salvage Campaign lu tic main pmoject at present. Shaping up - Thc Threc «C" Campaign, Boys' Week, Fcb. lOth * ta 16t1, duning which lime tîcre anJllie a Father and Son Banquet and a Boys' Churcli Service. RC. CONGREGATION BOLDS BRIIDGE AND 500 Bey. Father J. S. Caffe>' andE tie membens o! St. John's R. C. t Churcli were pleased with tic success of their card party larf. 17th, and witi tle way members 8 of otier denonuinational bodies in thc village patronized tic event. Ticre were il tables in pin>', and n besides tic number playing there h wcmc the busy workens, includung v Mrs. Wm. Kenefick, Mr. Edgar and Miss Annie Kene!ick, MIrs. R. J O. Dickson, Mr. Jas. Quigg and 0 others. The prize winners were: L Bridge-Mrs. W. R. Rickard, Wil- e bur Grahiam; 500-Mms. Harold & Couci, AIL Grahamu; Lucky' Draw p -Mra. Tios. Spencer. Those play'- I ing in thc couridil charnIer jataed B thc otiers In the kitchen fçr an P appetizing lunch. At mass on Y Sunday Rev. FalIer Coffey volc- E lm yt station master and agent at the newly opened C.P.R. station he lad servcd in a Rire capacity at Manvers Station and Claremont. While at Manvema Station lie le- came acqualnted wsth Miss Eve- lyn E. Thompson, daugîter aof Mr. and Mrm Jas. Tlompson, and on December 10, 1912, thcy were marmied i igli Park Presbyter- ian Churel, Toranto. A little over three years mgo on thc anniver- sary of that date. they were the principals ina'adoiuble cclebratippi of the- 25th annlversary af the marriage,- one- at their homne by relatives, and the other in *~e United Church S. S. Hall byt a wlde cirale- af neighbors and fnl- cnds. Mr. Cooke retimed from active service as a7station agent in 19,2 and lias since lived as a private. citizen ta.-the house ho and Mrt. Cooke bought fram Mr. R. L. Wright, now ai the J. J. Giliboha Ca., Toronto. I addition ta bhs rallway duties Mm. Cooke served thc. cieties of Newcastle for sanie lime as a mnember af the Manage-. ment Commlttee of thc Commu- ltY Hall, bis -tralned -and activeL mind aùd bis appreclation af mu- sic lavtag reconumehded hlm for thc position. Besides lis wlfe and daughters le ta survivcd by thiree brotherg Preston Cooke, NapAnce, Herb;ex4 Cooke, Kingston, and, Leonagdj Cooke. New Yonk, and anc sister,j Misa Elizabeth Cooke, Plttsburg,1 Penn. NEW YRKLI STAI DEUINS TUCAAD JEUI JAFFIET "Tb# Voicu ThaI GutsYoSI Tu., h.»s*b"1 VlasNs, Tmése. à GsTee = u %hgaula e, OMP y« 1 &bue Vive da4 a imfrrisba u Jag stur of stags midN.ew d msin&au su if ps &WP WW. D..'Su Ur IiiTa CFR Tm* 9 SAS1.9-M 0 m..oa cd bis grateful appreciatian af thc support frequently accomded thc littie churci here and its con- 1gregation by tiose o! otier com- 1 munions and expressed gratitude Dfar this latest gestume o! goodwil on tic part of tic whaie cani- munity. BOYS' RADIO BROADCAST Thc Ontario Older,Boys' Pania- 1ment and the Ontario Boys' Woris 3Board have undertaken a Tine 1"C" Campaign in thc groupa, li the local church, tic school anid tic cammunityt Tic campaign uis ta lie introduced b>' a province- wide boadcast aven CFRB, To- ronto, Saturday, Feli. lst, 7.30 ta 8 p.m. D.S.T. Leaders and boys, 1and aIl others who are lntercsted in tic wark should listen in. BEy. R. W. ALLEN, BRAMPTON, BASTENS TO NEWCASTLE Relative af Tuesdap Mornlng's Fine Vietinus Bey. Canon Roe.rt Wallbridge Allen, M.A., Rector o! Brampton, came down ta lis native village on Tucada>', an learnng of the tragic death af Miss Sarah Tiompson and Miss Annibel 5wti, ta pa>' lis tribute of respect ta tic mcm- or>' af bis cousins witi w-bm le had kept in toucl through occa-1 sional visite and corespondence( ever stade lie left Newcastle. He1 w-as a dinner guest of Mm. and Mmr. C. S. Harrocks and daugli- tecm and while in Newcastle metà a number o! ald lime friends. Heie brouglit greetmngs from Editor B.1 H. Momtlock, an active member o! his churdli, ta H. R. Peance, a for- mer class mate of Canon R. W.'s. Il was in 1897 that R«. W. Allen began lis ecclesiastical cancer whcn le was clected a Sidesman for St. George's Churcli w-len lis father ,the late'J. K. Allen, wast a Churchwarden and tic late1 Canon John Farncomb w-as Rec-t ton. Tis was about th i turne le began ta study 1mw under E. H.1 McLean, Newcastle lawvyer, newà Judgc McLean aI Picton, before le dccided ta became a divinity1 student.È When his sister, Mrs. Clarke,9 Toronto, lad a phione installed ina the aid Wallbridge bouse for tic canvenience aoflier aged relatives1 il was like casting bread upon thef waters; but tic final return w-as1 a saddentag anc. It w-as through a 1 Plane message fram Mr. C. M.1 Joncs, manager of the Port Hope Teleplione Ca.. that Mrs. Clarke1 and Bey. Canon Allen lcarned o! tîcir relatives' dreadful pmssing.1 Mn. Joncs reciprocated' Mrs. Clarke's tlougbtfulness in having a phane instailed b>' carly ap-t pnisirig hem o! thc tragic ocôur-h rence. S: SI.NGERS AND THEIR SONGÉ- Written speclly for'~ Statesman by wei krn>wn Durhamn boy, Fred R. Irohé- 123 Lake St., St. Cahlu, ont. OPERAS AND ORATOIMÔ<S Shall we take anôther stfbIi in the City of Song? Thtis week, let us go down the avenue wherê the composera of aur famaous operas and oratorios live, flot in atately mansiônsi as their genius deserved but in very humble cottaêes. We will meet sucli composer aW Mo- zart, Beethoven, Handel, -11ýgyden, Mendiessolin, witli theur splandid contributions, and also, the lighter operas of Gilbert and Sullivan. Most of these aid masters camne up out of poverty, and had a: 11e-long struggle for maintenance. A study of their lives miglit be au~ inspira- tion. ta our yoing people to-day, who are alipping along in M1e so easily. You might be interested, for a moment in hearing of "the littie boy who ran after the', stage coaclî." HRis name was George Frederick - he was born in a smail village in Saxony -i 1685. His father was a barber and a. surgeon, for in. those days barbers were surgeons and bled people for certain diseases. Their. officiai sign was a spiral red and White pole, which you will notice la stili the officiai sign of our Modern barber. Little George developed, an early*love far Music, but lis fa- ther held it in contempt. The mno- ther, however, encouraged the lad and hid an aid harpsidhord in the attic, where littie George >played. while bis father was away. Then ,his father was called ta lie surgeon and valet ta the Duke of Saxe-Madgeburg. *Young, George heard that the Duke lad a. Won- derful organ, and he laid a plan ta getý there. When his father otart.- ed off in the stage coachi, George Fredericli ran after it until he.was, far away froni home so that; us father wauld -not send hlm back. Then he caught up and calledti t his father who took him. alang. That was his first step ta lame. The Duke took a great fancy to littie George Frederick and aIlow- ed hilm the use of the organ, and procured a teacher for, hlm. ButJ in three years George knew more than his teacher and was nbW 0z the higli road to famne. In 17 el he and Matheson, a rival for mli- sical fame, competed for a vacan- cy, as organist i the Cathedral M. Lubeck, but bath retired on learn- ing that the organist would have ta niarry the daugliter of the pre- decessor. Shortly after this he re- rnoved ta England where lus great compositions were written. Ris naine willalways be associat- id with the musical histary of0 England, lis land af adoption. 'N Shall I tefl you who lie was?a George Frederick Handel, com- 1 poser of many of the world's Most famous oratorios, sudh as Esther. iul, and the Messiah, includng lie "H-alleluish Chorus" andtI bcautiful solo, III ICnow that My ffeerer Liveth." CANRO IAN ART Y.PU5. SUBJECI Tic form af truc Canadien Ar is not yet establisled, Misa Heli Morris told -Trinltyr Y.P.U.- Mon day night speaklng on a subjec which- is very near hem l earl Canadian painters. have alimea&l an imposing list ai reafly fini paintingastao their credit, sorne o tien faithfufly recording onthE canvas thc truc spirit af Canada but the future stillahids thc sec met what form Canadien Art wil finally take. 1 Before 1910 a Canadian Ar' tMavemnent was nat thouglit pas- sible. Now artists ail aver. tlu country work cooperatively ta. wamd thc béat cutural interesti af their cafllng. 1 Taking part ta the meetini weme Bill Bucklcy in charge ai recreation, Jack Dunn, Worahil service; Lorraine Pickard, VedE Pumdy, Hazel Rundle andl Violel Barret, plana solo. SPECIAL SERVICE AT TABERNACLE On Wednesday evenlng B'ey. W, E. McAlister was present at the Evangeistic Tabernacle. He, Lu pastor of thec Stone Churdli, To- monto, and author af thc "Gaod News" broadcast. M. Swan- son, member af thc faculty of the Ontario Bible ,Scliool conducted thc sang service-xI a very able manner. Mra. McAlister sang twa lovely solos. Brother McAlister brouglit thc message of the even- ing and his years o! experiencé and pleastagmamner camnbined to make lis nxinistry very able.* A good number were pre- sent and ail felt amiply repald for their effart in coming out on soa starmy a nigît. Walbridge House Figures in Tuesday% MorningTrag edy From Thc Stateanuan files of July 1937 we neproduoe partions o! an account o! the 9Oth birthday celébration held for Miss Sarah Thanipson wîo tmagically but hem 111e Tuesday: (Bpy Harry ]Peqrce, Newcastle) Newcastle neiglibours joined in lonoring Miss Sarahl-Anne Tianipson an lier 9Mt birthday Thuýigday, -July efl.,jt Was a ga" day f or the old home which stood fon nearly 120 years. -As the haurs ticked off sedately by. the grandfather cdock ta the entrance hall a steady strearn of clescame and went brtaging t compliments and g o o d wishes ta Miss Thompson. It was an occasion af extraordmnary, ta-j temest for here was Miss Thomp-J son entering .tIe nonagenarian graup wlth good heartag- and vision -and other faculties quite strong welcaming visitons ta the hoiLom o!ler ancestora, thêr home >uilt by 1er grandfather Asa E. Wallbridge, whci becaine a settler here i 1819 and iad thec honor of soon1being miade a magistrats. The lieuse lad a great central heating plant and bake aven. Tic big fireplaces are now closed up for it would take a fortune te béat it now as it was donc in thé primitive way wben logs wene xsed and people wantcd ta get 'id af them. eut thc massive .hlmney nising frani thc centre ai the roof is MM servlng its pur- pose. 4 weci as thc grandfathem clock there was another whlcli has been kcéping: tinie for weUl over 100 yearx. The 200 ycan ald spinnlng wheel was womth seeing t'hieh Miss Thonipson, -Putting her -9eet tà the pedals, put, in notion as in days af yone. Miss A.nnié Swim was very kind, shoWing visitera about the laouge. Evéryone, adanircd .the braided nats, products of Miss Swim's sparc tume lndustry. ' In thc dintag noorn Mrs. W. H. ilson anid Mns. Merkley Clarke aoured tes. -Mesdames Nera Col- w'ill and Veinia Watson mand Gss~ MrgaetBrown anid Hilda A lawn Party was held wlth. a Ltuprpe. for Miss Tiompson who = àmorted ta a seat al hpnm thé llechairman ai Uic eVen- [gPr. J. A. Butler, A, ong tèse vio seat congratulattry messs er i.J.- E. Atklpson of te orouito-tarr ilo spentmaly of Bebind Your Doctor -Stands Your Druggist Wlsen pou euter a t.iI build- ing you-liave fait the bolid- es so oontuted It that il wli uot conedown around pour eamp This la the' type Of taili %ous doctos bas lu IN MEMORIAM BENNETT - In loving memory af a dear husband and father Benjamin Bennett, Who passecf away January -27th, 1937, and ailso a son and brother Bcnny who dled December 8th, 1919. The world mnay change froni year ta y car, And frlendas from day to day, But neyer will the ones -we loved Trom memory pass away., --Sadly missed by wlfe and children, Doris and Harold. SIRTHS Ir ALDWORTHI - -At Tillsonburg Haspital, on Frlday, Januarlo, rt 1941, ta Mr. and Mrs.WIifred >n Aldworth (formerly of Bow- l- manville), a son. N et BILLETT - Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Billett (nee Reva McGlll) of 185 Cllffcrest Drive, Soarbora te Bluffs, are happy ta annaunce )f the blrth af a son on Monday, Le January 27, 1941,'at the Private a, Patients' Pavillon, Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. HUTTON - At the Peel Memnorlal ct Hospital, Brampton, on January 1- ilt, 1941, ta Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Le ence M. Hutton (nec Dorothy Gibson), a. son., ts DEATI-S OfHARVEY - In Clarke, January P 23, 1941, William James Harvey, a age 85 years. Interment Union Cemetery, Oshiawa. TH0MPSO;q SWIM - AtNew- castla, oni January 28th, 1941, SaaiArnn 1Thoipson, tInlier 94th ycar,. aftd Annibel Swixn, hi her 77th year. Funerals will take place from. *the United Churdlh, Newcastle, e on Thursda3y, January 30th, at 2.30 p.m. Càrtegc ta leave for *Bond Head Ccmetery. *WIGHT - Ini Bowmanvilie, on e January 24, 1941, George Wight, cla*inbis 57thyear. Interment at -.Bowmanville Cemctery. r Carda of Thanks LIMrs. W. H. Cooke and daugliter D- Reita, Newcastle, wish to extend their heartfýelt thanks and appre- ciatian for the xnany acts af kind- ness, messages of sympatiy' and beautiful floral off erings recelved. from their kind frlends and neigli- bars durlng 'their i'ecent bereave- ment. Théy especially thank Rev. R. E. Morton for his nuinerous kindnesses as pastor andfriend. I. wish to thank aIl the kind frietids.and neighbours and aiso the nurses and doctors of '. Joseph's, Hospital here and in Taronto for their thoughtfulness ana kindness ta me and mine, during nuy -iliness. Laura Martin. WANED1 USED PRAM OR . carrnage, tAgood >condition. Phione 618. - 5-1 WANTED TO BDUY '- MNDDIUM aire Quebec Hea'ter, easonably low price; will pay cash; must be in good condition. Phone 2649, Bowmnanville. 5-1 WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES pald for scrap batteries. Whcn yaour battcry f ails, bmtag it in ta be X-rayed by aur newly in- stalleiâ."WiUlard Trouble Flnd- er .Madhine." G. F. Jamieson, Tire & Battery Slop, King and Silver Sts. 46-tf Agents WANTED-AGENTS FOR MOST modern, practical and encano- mical Milking Machine. Large territar>' and liberal commis- sions. Reply Box 104, States- man Office,' Bow-manville. 5-1* Lost LOST - PAIR RUEBER BOOTS, size 9, new. Lqst an Churdli St. between Centre and Scugog Ste. Finder please return ta Harry Hughes, Churcli St. 5.1* For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT -FRAME liause on Ontario St., 6 roama and bath, garage, 1/ acre. Ap.- ply E. Passant, Duke St. 5-2* Fer Remit FOR RET - 5 ROOM APA2RT- ment, ail imodern eanvoeneea bath, Feus 011 Bumner, and gr age. Rent reasonable. ýossesaoi Mardi lat. Apply' to Mr 0 Tait, Division St.; amnl¶ llelp Wanted HELP WANTPM 2 A>BI housekeeper to livie in for home wlth married couplie. Nhone 988i, Bowmanvllle . 5-l' WOMEN AND MEN WAM=ED- Wouid you fike te *w-u a -buoi- nestan an exclusive dip*,Ict? Sel 1w-o hundred guarjmteed, liousdiold necessities zmiel-as Spicea, Extracte, Food Products, Tea, Coffee, Fanm nedesdite, etc. Na risk. ThirI>' dey trié offer free. We- help, yotaralz nice - profits. Proposition *ent without an>' obligation. JTO, 1435 Montcalm, Mgntreàl. 3-4 Notice To Creditors- In the Estte of'hales fo rges, Ail persans hâving clalras against the Estate af Charles Bur.- gess, late of the To*nshlp of Dar- hington, retired' farmer, wlio dled on or about the 29th day -of No- vember, 1940, are hereby natificd ta send particulars of their daim ta. the undersigned an or before thc 5th day ai Fcbruary .1941, af- ter whlcli date the asets af the Deceased wMl be. distributet among the parties entitled thereto having regard only ta the dlaimsà of vWhich the. undersigned shal then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this lîth day of Januamy 1941. CHARLES C. McGIBBON, Soliqitor for thesald Estateg 6 KingSt. West, Oshawa, Ontario. 3-3 Dlphtheria'Toxoid The first doses ai Diplitheria Toxoid willl be giren at the, South Ward School on.-Frlday, Jan. 24th. TIce second' and;third doses. will be given on Feb. 2lst and Mardi 21st. At the Central School the first doses will be given on Jan. 3lat, the second and third doses on Feb. 28th and Mardi* 28th. Parents may brta ig -pre-sdliaol dhldmen ta the neareat adhool at nine o'clock on these morntags. W. H. Birk, M.0. F.OC. VANSTONE B oWmanville F. L. BYAM Tyrone R. LLOYD STEPHENsdN Newcastle JACK HUDSON Orono MA NY SER VICES> UNDER ONE ROOF Your Rexali Store Serves the lleaith and * Plcasure of Mankind LOWEST DRVG Uiu uNie PRICES! Unique ln u Quty- Pinex - 3c Dodd's Pise 33ecO Pinkham's Cornp. 87é Lactogen 59C - $1.09 EXPERT 'WQORI Episom Saits, th. 9c. GUARANTEED 100 A.B.S.&C. - 9C Mail or brlng pour fil=% 100 'A.S.A. Tabs. 19e It requlmcs only St houri lit. s, bis dspgglt. Néo res osa '4Luâ preaol.ptlua.and Crâteis& Th 718 JIL L VN~ wbeu w. We Delivery t w m Articles For Sale FOR SALE - UPRIGHT PINO and benclin tagaod condition. Will arrange ternis. Apply Box 103, cia Statesmnan Office. 5-1* FOR SALE - COOK STOVE Range and Axminster Rug, bath in good condition. Also numer- oua other articles. Apply Mrs. W., J. Dudley or Mrs. H. C. Os- borne, King Street. 5-1- FOR SALE - HUDSON, SEAL Coat, sire 18-20, new, worn a f ew timea, sacrifice, need money. Write Box 105, Statesmnan Of- fice, Bowmanvllle. 5-1* FOR SALE - REPAIR GARAGE, new, and used parts; gasoline and ail service; wrecking; ta- gether witl. seven raom house with modern conveniences;~ 160 foot frontage, deep lot; situate on King Street, Bownianvllle; choice location. Owner's health resson for selling. Price $5000. Ternis can be arranged. ApJý1y ta Mrs. E. V. Scobeil, Insurance and Real Estate Agent,: Bow- manville, phone 474. 5-2 FOR SALE -RUBEER GOODS, Sundries, etc., -mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% leas than retail. Write for mail- arder catal ogue. Nov-Rubber Ca., Dept. X-2, Box 91, Hamil-« tan, Ont. 3-8 MATTRESS -& COMFORTERS - Inner Spring, Marsall, Beauty- Rest, and ail spring mattresses rebuilt like new. Osternioor and' layer felt mattreases cleaned and rebuilt, alsa coniverted into taner spring mattrèsses. New covemtags aupplied if necessary. Feather beds washed, stripped and made inta down comforters, finest English down-proof nia- teniais used. Eiderdowns recov- ered. Special prices now. Plane 362. 5-tf-4* Wanted mý THE CANADIAN 1 Obituary W. H. Cooke Follow-tag a lingering ilinessa during whicb a none taa ruggec ,rame stcadily anid visibly weak- emed until il could no longer hlî tie strong and immortal soul, came Death'a call ta W. Howard Cooke, former C.P.P. station agent at Newcastle, on January LGth. Althaugli bis bocdX was wcali his mind was clear and active al- nast ta thc Ist and le cnjoyed having friands cail for a short risit. Tic funeral service at thc bouse [anuar>' 22nd w-as largely attend- ed, including brethren o! Durhiam Lodge, A. F. & A. M., w-la attend- ed li a bady. Among relatives and friands preoent from outaide points were: Mr. and-Mra. Chas. .eahran M. and Mrs. Wm. Bothwell, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porter, Mm. Laurence Sandy and Mrs. Delor Sandy, Tarante; Miss Elizabeth Cooke, Pittsburg, Penn.; Ur. Herbert Cooke, Kingston; Mra. E. W. Rowland, Peterbaro. Rev. R. E. Marton, pastar of the United Clurch, conducted tic ser- vice, asuisted by Rev. Dew-ey M. Stinason, Blackstock, Bey. W. J. Hl. Smyth, Part Perry, md Bey. E. W. Raw-land, 'Peterboý., Insinceme apprecuatian oai befr hurnan and spiritual valued. Mi. Morton ne- called deceaséd's sérvices ta the. encraI public ýas a railway and express company's employee, is active interest -itIe ofeathle communil>' lI whlch le was liv- ig and- his attadliment for the churci. lHe spoke af lis glit ai Bng. Mr. Ceoke lad a clear. tnor vaice and so long as lemith and' atrength permltted sang li te United Clurci choir af w-hidi ýe w-asba past presldent. He was iso a member oai m male quar- ýtte. Mm. W. J. S. Riokard la now the anly survlvlng member af îmat once populan group. Mr. ooke hêd a critical car for tene ind barman>', nice uhmding and iythm and revelled In goad nusic. Interment tbah placeit aallia' 'emeter>', Manvemu, In the neigli- înihood wlere le llved for twelve rars and found lis Ilfc'u partuier. ,e paîl-beaners w-erc W. F. Rlck- xd, M.P., W. E. Bemau,' H. S. Iritton, Gea. liane>', W. J. S. Rlck- rd and H. R. Pearce. Beautiful lral tributes tacluded picces rom Durham Ladge A.F. e A.M., he W. A. ai the United Church, id aller groupa as well as from lose frlendg. Mr. Cooke w-as bornin a empt- Ile, -lun tic year 'cf Canfederation id ii% lis yauth begari the study ýftelegrapi> at Mcmnlckvllle. atem le went ta Denver. Col., vheme. heh- furtler-equlpped hlm- -If for bis chosen cameu at a col ai telegraph>'. He spent our yearu lI Denver and then eturncd ta Canada ta contliue in allway service. Before carnlng - Newcastle ta 1914 es the firit 1 Narrowly Escapeç Fatal Wounde In Port Hope Fred Richiardson, Port Hope bar00mnist;Ber, escaed death Saturday afemnoonwlin le was iahort wlth a .22 rifle in thc hands af W. J. Turner, a local fanmer. A. T. Dun, saca, a witness o! thc shoating, said Turner fired wth- out speaking when lie enteredMm Richardson's private office. Misa Grace Branclwood, Mmr. Rlchardson's secretary, told low Turner entered the office and asked for Mr. Rlclardson. Learn- tag lie was occupied Turner went right ia, oniy stoppig at thc door ta Joad lis gun. Raising lia gun before anyone could stop hlm Turner fired. Thc bullet entered Ridhardson's rigît jaw, not sei- ously wounding hlm however. He walked iram lis office ta a car which rushed him ta tic hoapital. An operation was perfornied Suu- day. Prior ta thc shaoting, Turner offered lis own and lis Chinese' wife's elotlilng for sale at public auction but le was dissuaded from nenioving and seiling lis clothing but remaved lis hat and coat. In this attire le entered Richard- son'a office. Turner was at anc ture 'an Inland R~evenue Officer in China. He us dharged with at- tempted murder and will appear in court 'this morning. Frlend - IHaw was youm speech recelved laat niglit? Senator - Well, wlien 1 sat down, they said It waa, the best thing that I ever dld. 1 -secalh TRMDAY, JMWARY 302 1941' AN, BOWMANVILLEY' ONTAMO