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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1941, p. 8

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9 PAGE IGET TECNDANS A ,BO*MANVILE, ONTARIO THE DYFEU1'8,i~ LOCAL BOY WITH NARLEOROS tis year and can exhibit without further membershi fee. Exhibits plant flot later than friday, Marceh ville free of charge. 'LSEM R SPOTNW S t nw be astiedto eal s o U 1. Senior Defeat Oshawa 70-17 few days. Do it oanavi deIay. why. Why do they lk t el hr' l n e Bo Ra e 2 W on tSEEDS: Order seeds and eed oe t.an oereasi]frts lsaml JuniorDoys Have 24 Ailgain Couatandtest for gerinina- .co..Swesnk-ouae Leul Bd"s Provo Too COMMY ,auke"b lsatuidy tram The Statesman's aresosrihtheeuI'secnoiiala For Notor City Lads - lun- ___ ' al reporter: it's Barley tobacco-tepcofCnd ionan ___rs Due te the higb achool "«At According to, the ýlate9t cmpll- Burley crop, with ailo lvu i Hfomne" on Friday niglt the ed statisticc, the brewing industry iuon. Try k. I bctyul ne B.HS. boys' basketbafl teainpud !Cnda alya basketball ganes with Co- cf Canada Iii 1989 used 131,'643,961 itB bourg have been poUtjined onsf mdabr1yia both shç>wed a great deai cf im~- unt Saturday nlght. Ouly cost value of $12,019,930.41tD E c provement iito shdk w osganes are SeheduledDO SasegoinappeI anes with Oshawa Friday night. but aller tbeir rallier rougît ONTAIKO BUTTER AND> HANDY SEALTGTPUH15 gyinnasiuxn found the junior teain Means shonli put ai> a gondf l About 81per cent cf thi cheese ~as JE okîTn tied 24 ail with a much larger figh t e hold lseir supreuacy. produced ln the Province cf On- l oc Oshawa tai. The senior gaine,_______________ tarin la made in 576 cheese fac-_ tories ln Eastern Ontario. The re- or can it be cailed a gaine, was malg1 er cent cfOnai won by B,.H.S. 70-17. cheeq s a Je in 76 factories i Western. Ontario. Seventy-two Junior Gine per cènt.oethtie buttér produced in Oshawa started the scoring Ontario ina de i 214 creameries C with baskets by Siinons and Pet- inthe Wgtern' part cf the Pro- terey, but the red, white and vince; 25 per cent ln 109 creamer- GON 1H N NSSUTENONA back weren't long getting tinder- ica i'Estern Ontario, and the re- *way with a scoring barrage thatmann the rcntite -left the E.H.S. teaini4 points in minno -th rea.percentn._th the lead t the ha]! way mark. oterae. The much aider and blgger lads FAIM MACERYT SALIES of the O.C.V.I. teain stood up un- ytCnda ithrsnwcretv ntttos ri h der the straii thé last ha]! be- There were 20,968 farm tractora esaain Wlale o orcieIsiuino h e.S aia amr b c tntoddtesalrB.H.S. sold i Canada i 1940 an incréase reachig that market are -far Iow- offence la very serlous, te peni- ca0 no l itdy r*eit en than did tise smafler ion ~of 56 per cent over the sales made eriqualy than those exore tetay After these people are Mr1 tieadMr okaisc sqa.Frequent s ubsittin in 1939. Of thse total- 13,181 'were frein Eûroiean c9untries .before released they still remain. under reevda1ifar~knfents were made by Oshawa whilesod cWe the war. Canada, must be pe scrutiny cf thse law. aho n initv elpp Bowmanvllle kepttise saine fivetern Canada; 2,385 i Mapitoba; P rdta meet strong coi ie»t ton Aithougis much. la lacklng i Atrts upratm a boys on the floor for thse entire 6,5intaka ew n;ri4,24C7lin atter the war. But ta hold what thse present treatmnent given to spniicmniiysnli n -U kM m« gaine. Albt,15 i and39ien 4,247 hlm-as afready bengaied it will crimials there la brighter hope t1egtelgajundl~ ml b, WM of <iSilDsF*0iIugpLuM B 10, M itcl 2, dflen4, Brown bia. Thse remainlng 7,787 tractera be necesaary to improve thse quel- for the future. -Jail la ne place t1efrts ougs e~thm 1 10ig UUCN, IN , 3Mitceeelso2,in theTeaae4, prrown-ity and Weights of Wiltsire avail- for correction but nierely sonWe- eal DSLAD LYNODOT, -~Symens, Southey, Ferguson,, ces as follows: Ontario, 5,760; able for export. where te put them so everyene ________ iàiftt Hrne, tutCoa A bove la our own Tominy De- rnany limes for his brilliant play" Quebec, 1,485; tise three Maritime bTo put C w san e lse maWbesha lfratn. i~o'tii.tsisppetunly! Oshawa Juniors - $ a 1ime ra, pew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ing. On Saturday in a -gaine provinces, 548. Seventy-seven per competition when il cames al islLie e"roucf h t1JhfsAYPA __ Snins Siner Fmirsys epwQee Sret sow i aana Oiswah wa neo!tsecet !the tractors sold isat year WlshTsexohdehu ecfCGIT.cone d hes osspofthoetr-tn atvtishv Juut tae a I1", from a tin <,0 Andison 1, Scelewe.aki 6, Valleau, Marîboros' battle dress. This local main sparks of iis teain altisough were eciuipped wltis rubber tires. T odce h osi aYlUP-1,Tte one k Ym u»auS.*os ,Scott 2. lad, playig for two Toronto hoc- he only accounted for one afsiat. Sales o! threshers totafled 833AiadA qalt sebesrvc.AC.I.iyn,"ycauedhetetonfmmbr adrdsadth iteo tepiteymwt..1Officials - Keith Slenion and key teains, isas broken miat the Tise score was 9-2 fer Mariboros. i 1940 o! wisicis Western Canada weights. This will mean selection Faith il us an oaken staff" arrang- o h ....wtl ieps <llabelforeaahpioturu.) ' - bought 498 and EaslenCanada cf 2,650,000 carcasses cf A grade ed by Rev. SalyObre a ek eray5ha'etn Iflt0lD %Douglas Jackman, Bowmanville. iseadlihes of the Toranto papers 355oqualty49d8crretdwegistastsngn issSusean Camp abo n was heditePalsHali- Senior GaLiBeo- A total of 5,110 isarvester-cona-19.Tiafgueoudbaot Miss Mamie Archer,, leader o! tiseecdbyr.ChsBtis'gup Tot.Bil Brown and Keith Siemon game was fairly cean, the only LOCAL SKIERSbiewr slhi14,owscs 40 per cent ef an eatlnaated total gop n isNraWlo lws"aetn ih"adts Thtploul ufl b sat ealy ut n shw daist hedisappointing item was tisaI Bow- 4i77s wcn sdln 194Western Cdaproduction of six million hoga. tokpat ishe rga. .isssetieporan nhxlg Th i l em ealeperionced shw anttha.mnlefie d oÈlk nyo,9778T O nd33wetisoe stern provnce.a adcrasssh 94 tledHln hooperogLou isscc es erssnna evdeo fou! sisals. THEIR OWN CLUB In addition 624 swatisers 1,7ony25uecntA and Ai size gave a duel, and Miss Luranalevncnredtthslme These twe lads did tise majoritY B.HS. Seniors - Brown 18, pc-p eesl ntéîs beWlsie.Ta stepo-'le edasoy of the scoring but weren't alone Siernon 16, G. Mdflycen 10, Tamb- Biecked roads kept skiera frm' terri provinces and one and 128 leiniwisich faces the Canda when il came te playig ability. lyn, Allin 4, Und&lil 4, Clake uig ieir usual hila aIt Burketon respectîvely ln Easterni Canada. slehiuty.I enol eOthernuises Dorea voal d'yw gtts aetirec Tis swas the second game thal il 8, Wheeler 0, Casbourn 4.l brut nitiosr oudt esoivcd by grcaler attention te Ade bdssed isand yMarihssmsos"Ier"raig was isard te distinguisis belween Oshawa Seniors _\ T r e w 6, excellent at Munday's hila Just NO FALLING OFF IN A GRADE ualy jJancortma Lo iseadOsbodraepanodue Mi ssiicHer wizree* th iraI, and seccond limes, both o! Goldburn 2, Pearse 2, Daniels 2, inside the town linaits. Tisese YùIla HOGS welt, s.l abellevcd ta1 ar- Luisle QbreadMs ae n odyngs litm therna wrking te perfection. Osis- Soo 1, Fetrley 2, Landon 2, used W~ skiera a great deal be- A -recent analyais of carcasasa gradn llb !getî-Rni.br oree eOiaaa awa as usual teck tiser defeal Reterce -Ei Cnnis a, oetisose atBurkelon wredis- ga cn f isoga. nCanada shows iponemh epn g but t er - _______get tCrs iucsAYPA S not wilioul the customary crab- Bowmanviile; Ted McLaughlin,,covered arc samcwisat amaile but tisaI there bas been ne fafllng offmaenbefietheogp- TrnyS.S PI Ic HyTriyssaawreie Dog. Tauis iso itwas Cgaven shaw. provided many Ibrilis on Sflnday in the percentage et A grade hogs dca. there and thethe lispre- groupaS.enjoy- ____________ both for novice and expert. since Seplember, 30, 1940, when E________c rn in pnigasca pnlyfor coacing is s eSnM clve Many skiera ntw here still carcss gr;dig becamne tise only TitySuiiday Siool R9o~n *HNO .wisile on tise bench. In ail, the hp htaclub wl ao emtodo.gaig .N r ... wstescn fa"irPcv agtoehr ton.The portwoul be adeary i al provinces except tise isgtedthr abu sx mucis marc enjoyable ile Maritimes wisere there was an magazines, and perisaps heredity, o'clock for thla "beller-late-than- I SJ A E Y U HO E I Ini Lions Ho key addcition ftow, and anyone *110 increase Ainthe,number o! ligist Were ail citcd by Mr. Morris be reverl'pie <wih was but a O G IG L E O R H M laapleasant dwhl u, eA ttac scisedfledé nolele butot tat agree with ~~~ Tise followlng table gives -tise Altaret !Ofnetn e.ej~d!~tst GlierIMdvee's ecky ta A club couldse. ae rane .Wretage e! A grade carcasses sisould. be abaoiuteiy individusl. Superinlendent Dir. J. C. Devitt T byprevGicearfor the lishockpyrloda Aàticougis in practice thirrlage-- hicharge o! proceedigs. Fuh THE MODERN WAY WITH us atm lundefeatcd in .the Lions Ents for transportation hi bad hug inpratic tis a i- as Ù clu hcky eaue DiiAln eahe an povdesonsfuini~enioed possible te carry out, law enforce- for an was providcd in abundance. BOCII La<uaf~cluband ocdkeynle'sea n a lin ed er and tse o o ehig side ond Oct. Nov, ment afficersaialanaItalai goal A magicien deligled tise ciildrcnanoheR.prlt AA VW~~~~' - **** - ~~~or second place but arc 8 Pointa roada clear. Some arrangements , 19k40De.T et heec osbe.Wsl u wt u afl !lik n I I will have tehb made imnleader. Prevý. 1941 140.30, 1940 system etf punisisnent la net as running lUne e! palter. lMs two OdRfai wülbhavend the meaguemleader.YAlta . -...28.7 27.7 27.8 good as tac Englias we have màdc funny 11111e silent assistants, Dan- R -U f Hgi scores were tise order o! for emcrgcncy tiraI aid trealancnts 'Sask . . . 30.5 29.2 24.3 improvelaiclts. Women and chul- ny and Sammy, look well wita lise th*a - ensa'sgie t h is A ti ow fay MUtc alt enedys aeEa achia.A t anwM f an-Mn .... 28.6 24.4 23.7 dren arc often given suspendcd ciudren. _____________ 1'is tra gm rsule h 1-4mi l eroulyinu.e tse hv 33.7 29.6 29.7 sentences while men arc sent le A presentation was made te The New Fibre-Rock vlctory for Glbert Mdflvcen'a al- t go up several bilas, acroas_________________________________ TheNewFîre-oc str ondrsagans JimyNlck- fences and tarougi tise fields be- ,Que. . . . 28.0 28.2 24.2 WoI snaclar nd ers.Scoresy for fore they cari gel near civiliza-Mainc 20 2.6 21 Nickerson were muade by Large 1, tion. Il has been auggested tha* 'Canada. 30.2 27.9 - 27.9 The fuel It caves pays the coul Cowan 1, Harrison 1. Welsis 1, a small tiraI aid kit be taken eut ______or__c appiying it. for Mcllveen, Slemon 2, Sellera and lefI in thc deserted ban.RATÉS ON GRAIINS BIFFE» 3, Hamnm 2, and Mdflvcen 2. Alrig withis iai would be advl-' EAST Tise second gaine, a baIlle royal able le keep a toboggan juatlnh Airmealcen be quickly and easily applied by any fim s tarIteta finish found Don case somneone las iru twte The Dominion Departinent cf intehlgent workinen.. t la available ithree Aflln's leaina ipoint te tac good enougis b .brcak a lcg. Aricuturh e ocdinanuo- forma: lii bulk for use on flat ceilings or packing i a 7-6 score against Sld Rundle. These are just a tew o! thc ary 21h stt ac Dominionh e v-a s, * mt odd laka. R bals fr betwen rafera orThe following lads passed tac thou.ghts thal skiera have discus-' raactwl a atls eua oeu]ngs.Rn ranualc woo fo pouingpuck ile the net for Rundle- sed among thenaselves but 'hud rincharged os fo Westrthgran lapig elnsIngauae olfrpring Morris 1, Brwn 1, Poly , Den- be knoWn by everyonie who likes h ala osfenPr riu in inaccessible wafls. sein 1, Rundle 2; for Alliai-Hale- te watch sport o! any klnd. or Port William te destination in ly 1, Mitchell 1, Nichais 1, Moses any Prôvincoe Jin E15,c194Canada Airseal may be installed withoul fusa or botser * 1 and Allun 2. Bath WcdnesdayCIUR HaippdbfeJuy1,94,ro hi rsent~aec orhi hom uner ~. ~b LE GUEvlded thast tise Governanent o! tise lyouýr preethm rl on ne o-nagisl gaines were hade y UR HL G E Prvince o! destination urider- struction. Se easyr is Airseal te hendle you can Fred Jacknaan. POSTPONIES GAMES talces ta psy tac balance et tac de thc job youraelf If you sel deuire. Mdflveen's lcam again 'proved freigial charges and be reaponsible invincible on Monday naghta- ~Tise best, team hin tac Churcis for the procurlng, distribution Make sure thal yeur home la lnsulatod wita gainst Alln's second place lads, Hockey league us stlil undeclarcd. and use of sucis grain exclusively Airseal rock wodl fibre. Ask for an ostianate on wita lise score 7-1. Halcly made Tise battue royal between Rangeranves.ochfedaI riclesM 10w UL4NPO M OI LA thc ceaI and quantity rcquircd riglal away. tac baie score for Aflin wisile ,and Roughridora both undefeated 'farinera wii do- etinlu1941RhLfOW IU..I NiAIN OL IN1I Mcllveen's caunt was nmade by waa postponed on accouait o! tise frelgist charges. This nea ponof clebaye PONTIAC'S SUPER Aisel e otPF I Vrmn rof Sîcinon 2, Sellera 3 and Mcllvcen weataer. Early in tac mornig Tise maximum aliolment for Thssthew ldcd cf doaenor ihits ot oni lRo ra - er i ro2.Sid Rundle defeatcd JlmmY players wcrc aI tac rlnk sisovdil->cacis Province l:- e'ter dcveloped wbich smooîh; wh!<Pe FrPro d aIy plldgame. Scores- werc made by: For shape for tae game.lBut tac wlnd Nova Sella - - -_ 760,000 ih reaches th, beaS--gbouse' u.iiithe 1oo Ruaidle, Morris 2, Polly 1, Rundle wso se hi and tac snew falling New Brunswrick - -780,000 Good ifor thoe Mu.e o btJs hlt sli 1; For Nickerson, Harrison 1, Bo fast Il was a isapelcas tas* ueec- -- 3,000 the cala s uDS tht.. daondaloasyn Chaneil ..P~l Immhr n ln Large 1. Reterce fer both gamea given up as a bad job afler severËti Ontario-- - 3,200,000 lissus mare efficient 'bi dveacmnts awv uuieqiard VIiI LuIIUUW 1Co. LM.Uu Robert Kent. iours worlç. other dessers.No nov suted in enfma~ IlThd.thrarc scilcd gmeAotlI-o catlde"tou, e1-ne..w Tise senior guirl a ndas tcEhliiCIUO ' ue urcnaaing Ipower, anoula d _ --e-ni F.uy d- ---- -o-Spda junorgirs av aiayofuntî d».ia mCh§"e rsuI a relat voly atreng de- lae iï e nruairs d .1.th g. i a bl.naand fer dalry preductl n hiCen- "d i'u lIhaldyhisbiesan PoodacD O #I.ax. Medl . .................. Fer.ay21t.ada taroughout 1941, according te Antd711t'tou iti'bn ay >pondus yOUou dm vil! B.H.S. Soniors - Pals>' Dustan b t,.. >tise Review. proveacanioa of vaiue! Why not drap lnan mat apm ij~. ber Co6, Marion Hooper, Mamlan Mac- Id.'atuiusshebocgroat Pontai oda>? L« ddonald, Jean Woodward, Shirley 1 ud i ARAS RDIOA UECLMOw» AU ~e~eaanIoCampbell 15, Elleon Coucis, Helen gdbm jIEquasly (hOW. Rn pe.wa da DerVarLcap BOWMUVMvilleams, Dt aad ,raace a.p.D lsKIty npr-a as Dnm cp WlliaS, Lranas -le GKIlan- us~ tured the Bail shmarket by cx- villeS16Gradt -aHlen 2,Glan- qý M IO C M sa&0 l 1S6S ortlng Willaires comparable ta teuo Mitchell 10, Norais N'gan, Louise ES'1h1.85.16Al and MA2steable. Canada .s 8 RO ~ 5 Ié aLU PA40M OP SAO Fi&.,LUp Skuteaky, Joey Cnverly. D.d lnvplili ow practeUi<ly tise ofy country' Reterce - Mary Cunahigisanir OforUig t e tise Bide mak; .

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