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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1941, p. 4

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POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, FEERUARY 2?, INi Hamnpton Visitors - Mrs. George Farn- COMb), with frienda ini Tornto... Misn Doris Cryderman, Oshawa, at homne.. Mis. John Mils, with frIndsin ornto.. r.Harry Cowling, Toronto, at home... Dr. IM MMu. W. R. Horn, Port.Hope. at W. W. Horn's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rackhani, Bowmanville, with Mrs. J. Burns. .. Mr. and Mis. Thn Este, Miss Margaret B ate. Elinvale; Miss Bernetta " B ate, Toronto, at T. Wray's... Mis Constance Farncomb, To- î ronto, was home. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allun on the arrivai of a baby girl. adMs Mis. W. Watcharn adMs John Colwill have been under the doctor's care but are seme- what lmproved. Eldad Young People will visit the Hampton Young People's Union on Friday evening. Mrs. Watchorn is home from Bowimanviile Hospital. Her niece, Mis. W. Drinkle, Victoria Harbor, is now in attendance. Mr. Ted Evans, Oshawa, visited with his aunt, Mis. Watchorn, on Sunday. Y.P.U. met on Friday. Nellie Amour took charge of worship service. Readings were given by Ruby Colwill and Madlyn Wilcox. Ted Kersey read the Bible lesson. Bertha Armour read a story and Edith Eackham led in prayer. The prograro was in charge o Keith, Peters. Marjorie and Florence Al- lin favored with a piano duet. Reg. Rackham gave a humorous reading. An interesting topic was presented by Thelma Robbins. The three act play "Look Out Lizziel" preaented on Tuesday nlght by eight dramatiats under auspices of the 'Gleaners' Ladies' Bible Casas was well patronized despite snow blacked raads and wlntry wcather. The characters, maie and female were ail taken py members of tle class, dressed m ai asd oedcostumes. Nuin- erous were'the applauses during the performance, which provaked laugliter and received much fav- orable comment. The characters were Silas Long, Eva Warren; SUlas' wife, Sarahi Louise Salter; their daughter Hazel, Alta Brown; maid and butler, Graoe Chait and Egmma Widdecomb; the vil- lage gossip, Minnie Hall, Mary Nlddery, who lias an eye on David Hinkie, who has many mort- gages, including one on Silas' tarin, Lottie Horn; Richard BUlt- more.,an çuthor of staries, Thelma ]Robbinsà; '*ho pays attention ta Hzl Between acta Edith Rack- bain contributed vocal music, ac- eompanied by N. Horn, and Mr. A. E. Bilett acted as auctioneer 1Jn' selling a beautiful qult. the work of the cias members. Mis. Rackbam, teacher and Mrs. Lewis Aflin, assistant teacher, were cal- led ta, the plattorin and each given a token of appieciation, the - latter having directed the play, the presentation being made by Make Sure J. J. FLEIT FUELS Tard C.N.R. Slding ]Phone 2073 Recudence, Ontarlo Street ]Phone 2095 Mrs. T. Chant, president cf Uic casas. Each made fitting replies. Proceeds, including sale of qufit, about $35.00. W.M.S. met Tuesday at Mis. Howard Col's, with Uic president1 L i charge. World Day of Prayer: will be held in Uic basement on1 Friday aternoon, Feb. 28, at 2.30.1 Theme of programi was «Findig1 thc way through pràyer," and Uic prograin was read responsively in Monthly, foilowed. b p rayer by Mis. H. Salter. MMalI. E. ili- lett read scripture lesson and gave aPer on "Frayer." MUn. H. Cale was i charge cf pragram. Mis. Cale and Mrs. J. Reynolds gave papers on lite of Miss Maria Kim of Korda and Mrs. NidderY,i a paper on lite cf Miss Maude MavKinnofl. March meeting at Mrs. A. Blanchard's. Haydon Y.P.U. met on Tuesday evening with approximately 30 present. Worship period was taken by Mis. A. Rcad, Miss Jessie Knox and Mr. Wlbur Blackburn, with Miss Bessie Blackburn as accompanist. Rcv. H. Lackcy took charge of thc program. A reading was given by Mis. Roy McGill and an In- strumental by Miss June Ashton. Tepic "Christian Culture" was ably given by Mrs. Lackey, under thc headings of Art, Music and Poctry, giviag short sketches on Uic lives af hilett, Prencis, EHav- ergal and Tennyson. A -contest was eajoyed by ail. Next week wc journcy te Enniakillen for aur meeting. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. Henry Ashton on celcbrating their 36Ui wedding anniversary. Bey. A. F. Gardner and many froin a distance braved thc weath- er and roads on Sunday te at- tend Uic church service. Bible Class appreciates Uice ef- forts of t'heir teacher Mr. E. Stephenson, who journeys train Hampton every Sunday. There arc several cases Of measies and Dlu in aur commun- it3r. Mr. Leslie Grahamn and Mis. R. Crossman went ta Oshawa ta see their sister, Mrs. Norman Hall, who is quite ill. Mis. J. Kennedy lias returaed ta, Islington ater visiting at Mr. H. Ashten's. We arc bereft et anc of our aid residents,Arthur Beecli, who pas- sed away at the home of his daugliter, Mis. A. Lamer, Bow- manville, on Thursday. He wil be sadly missed by his many friends and neiglibours. The sym- pathy othUicocmmunity is ex- tended ta Uic tamily. * Bradley's Bradley's Community Club met Pebruary 7th. Oid Dabbla and sicigli praved te be Uic better mode of transportation and 46 werc able ta enjoy Uic splendid prograin. Pres. Mis. W. Leask conductcd Uic apcning exercises. Musical numbers were given by Miss Bessie Pascoe who pleascd ail with her vocal sales. Mrs. Godfrey Bowman played lier ac- companiment and aise render*ila piano sala very beautitully. The main teature *as Uic debate: I"Be- soived Uiat Uic radio is a greater asset ta Uic home than newspaper or magazine." Frank McMulien and Mis. Wiifred Bawman up- held Uic affirmative, whilc Mau- rie Baker and Mis. Ait Prescott, Uic negative. Each speaker oer- tainly did justice to Uic subject very capably. Sa cnthused weme Uiey aver their subjects that their ailotted ten minutes wcnt ail toc sean and Uic timekeeper Margaret Hepburn had ta cail turne more Uian once. There was plenty cf wit and hunier mixcd i with Uic more serious points. Thc judges, Misses Elcanor MacMllan and Doris Milsen and Mr. Ross Strike et Bowmanville, had quite a task deciding which wq. Uic winnlng side but Uicy camne ta a unanimous decision and M. Str»c, i a fcw kindly rcmarks announced that Uic negative won by a sinail mai- gin. Mr. Strike was then called upen te explain Uic drive for the buying et War Savings Starnps1 and Certificates which he did i a pleasing manner. Mr. Gordon Leask conducted saine liveiy stunts for Uic mca. The ladies per- tormmd their stunts by serving ac dedicieus lunch. Al teit that Uic entertainnient and fun was worth braving Uic sterm. Ncxt meetingt will be held Mardi 7Ui and Mr. E. A. Sunimers wil give up te Uic minute details oa Uic faim preb- for Thrifty Spring 7 for 25c SQUAE Always frea] Nb' Solina Visitera: Mr. and Mmp. Jack Reynalds and fainily. with rela- tives, in Trnt. .. Mis. J. D. Hogarth, Hamaptan, Mr. A. L. Baker, Bowmanvlle, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. . . Mi. *Roscoe Baker, Bowmanville, at Mr. WJ11 Baker's. ...Mr. Harold Balson,ý at Mr. AlnBalsen's, Kingaton. Home and School Club held a successful Lest Heur party Friday nigltitnl the interest cf War Sav- inga Stamps, when about $15.00 warth were purchased. President Jack Reynolds gave a very grati- fying report et the canvasa for War Savings Certificates through- out the section. War Savings Stamps wcre awarded te Mis. Raîpli Davis and Mr. A. L. Pascoe for highest scores while Muriel Langmaid and Arthur eynolds received conscon rse. A deiciaus lunch was served. Y.P.U. met Menday night with Francis Wotten, Cultural cenvener in charge et prograin. Devotional stary "Christ and the Caunt" was given by Ileen Balsan. History and Develapinent 'of Canadian, Art was epitoaiized by Mmd. R. J. McKessock i a graphlc gllmpse ef Tom Thomnson, painter ef aur aorth country. Piano sala Clit- tard Miler and vocal sala '7pread a little gladncss," by Kathleen Baker, werc grcatly enjoycd as were aise readings by Eleanor MacMillan and Harvey Yellow- lees. Francis led in saine lively gaines and Pearl Leachi canducted a ceateat. Editor J. A. Osborne, Virginia, wintering, ia Florida, wrete an interesting 2-page letter te Mr. Tam Baker. Rev. J. P. Berry, Ed- menton, fermer pastar on this cir- cuit, alse wratc Mr. Baker re- cently. OronQ News Mis. A. Keeler, Part Hope, visitcd at Mis. James Moffatt's. Orano Midgets beat Newcastle 3-2 at hockey Tuesday. Jake Md- dleten secured 1 goal and Bob Cooper 2. Newcastle hockey teain practis- ed here Tuesday evenlng. Bownianviile curlers v i s i t e d Orono Tuesday p.m. Mi. Watson bas been ordered ta stay off the ice this winter owing te illness., On Monday atternoon about 12 ladies ef the Tamblyn relations held a surprise party for Mis. C. Knox at the home cf Mary Miler (nee Tamblyn), the occasion be- mng the 5th anniversary ef her wedding day. Mis. Knox was tak- en completely Jy surprise when she- was presentcd with an envel- ope of money ta complete her set of china dishes. An address was read by Mis. Jin Tamblyn and' the gift presnted by Mis. Fred Tamblyn. The rest of the time was spent ia gaines aad concluded with a delicioup lunch. W. J. Riddell cajoyed a trip ta Hamilton. LIONS CLUB <Contlnued lrom page 1) that it Vs nt what we do for our- selves intis warld that makes us iminortal but what we do for others. Every great mavement is an achieveinent ta enthusiasin - a tact iitself oet suticient import ,to sway inen to cufllvate a sound reliali for evcry task.. Only en- thusiasin led Columbup across the unknown *eas and led Napoleon across the Alps i their epic jour- neya. Ail these qualities et Lionlsm extend without Uic doors et the meeting hall into public lite wli the result that a community soon looks ta the Lions Club for lead- crship i any matter relatiag ta thc common good. It goes almost without saying, Uic speaker me- marked, that the spirit of Lionisin is Uic spirit of democracy. The Lion is a geod citizenlin peace time or in war. In the highest sense Lionisin can elevate the lite cf its members making them ready and eager ta answer the challenge of evil ia the world. The District Governor declared that thc work was mare than ever necessary naw. Lions stand for Loyalty and Faithfulness - they cen hasten Uic day when the world will rct&mn 1o human de- cency. Lionisin On Ilncrease lu Canada Atter Mr. Catter had been thanked for his address by E. W. Crawford, he taok occasion ta make a report of Uic increase of tainmcnt was thc instrt ______________and vocal renditien ly Gco. Davidge cf a new wi the club lad juat recelve te le outdonc by thc mc Noedsseveral caiied tor a roundi muniy siginggiving ei achance te jein in saine« FREE shop' harmonies. llogg Corp Flakes Ta give thc District G su idea of Uic scopcet E BASE CERBAL leme cacl comnilttee made DISH report siqmmary of whic 3 Begfular asue stitutel an Impressive a prejecta for sos ae a cl 25C Attendance lias beca up splendldly, Uic secreti ported. Since last summ motets acrage las beca 96.4 pe Uic last seven meetings hai 100 per cent, and theme h wenmcmbeni wlth 100 perc là henyouwaEt tUdr credit. IL~ Two visitons freintUe -- LOBSTER Toronto Lions Club were ; rI5 SNACKS Pat Presideat Bill Smith IDINES. brother Harry Smith. Smash Hitler wlit Savi Duy War CertIficates. Use Your Dollars fan De nawmanVMi cy - Duy War Certiflcates Dewn Hiler wltli Dollar War Cerlescteo. NIde Acxeage - 1941' As a matter et general informa- tion, with a vicw Uiat soethlng may bc dene about it, Thc States- man asks: "Hew many tarins ia Durhamn Couaty ai what acreage, generally, wiil go eut et produc- tion duing 1941?" This question, has net been asked by Depart- ments of Agriculture, se tar as wc arc awarc. Wc beieve Uic weekly press cen be et service In making such enquiry, which will be eatircly without coat or obliga- tion, tom these easons: i. There is a prescat tarin la- bor shortage whici must mean acreage restrictions. 2. Saine ewners Uiem selv es have gone ta, work in tactarica. S.- Enquiries have already been made, by saine with a view ta rcnting or buying such idie land. 4. Whilc war rages, there is Uic highest reasan for maintaining production. 5. There should be stcps takea ta assure adequate production ot fresi vegetables for Uic commun- ity. There are many marc ressorts for sudh local survcy as la licre auggested. Thc Statesmen will welcome replies frein anyanci- terested i scing land malnain- cd or wio actually wants te ent or seli land naw. Ail it casts la a stamp sud envelepe. Let it be clearly understocd Uiat wc arc net in Uic real estate, business nom in league with suy such lateresta and ail suchinl- formation la confideritial. Our eb- jective la simply te serve Uic lest interesta et tis whale commun- ity. Tis matter et sustaining Uic lest laterests et Durham County la soniething for Uic County Fed- eratien cf Agriculture sud wc siail have ta do mudli, igit here amoag ourselves that gavera- ments arc net sud have nat been doing.« Sa, let us %lear frein you. Salem Roada were petty weil dittcd up la tais locallty sud Suaday Sdhool sud church service wene withdrawn. Y.P.U. was also wi- drawn on Wednesday cvenlng as oada wcrc stil la bad condition sud Uic wcather stermy. Mr. sud Mis. G. Davis arc noving te Tarante wlierc Mr. Davis lias securcd a position. Msuy tolks attended their sale on Saturday. Mrs. A. Clemens cntertained Uic East Greup of Hampton W.I. whule sewlng on Tuesday atter- naon. Salemn W.A. held a sewing bec fer relief WOork at Mrs. R. Win- ter's Tucsday etternoon. Salem W. A. met at Uic haome et Mis. Harvey Barrie. Mis. L. Squair opened Uic meeting. Scrip- turc was rcad by Mis. L. Buttcmy. Thc following pragram was in charge et Mis. Barrie: Reading, Mis. Winter; duet by MUn. Durrus and. Gardon Barrie; readiag by ThelmaWrr;By Gamdner gave su Z onprtonltl n "Myscit."9 Mi. Barrieadlr group scmvcdi lunch. F. 0. VANSTONE *awmaenville F. L. BVAM Tyran. LLOYD STEPHENSON Newcate JACKC HUDSON Orono keepngn Burketon RBe c ent Visitais: Miss Jean Johns, Bowmsnvilce, Miss EUs Heskin, Mr. Glen Heskiand Mr. Howard Hoskin, Oshawa, Mr. sud Mis. Lamne Hoskin, Murray and Ailyn, Mr. Dert Heakin, Tyrane, Mr. Ivan Mountjoy, Blackstock, with Mr. -and Mis. Wesley Hoakin. Enniskilleni Visitons: Mr. and Mis. Orviile Dec, Carl sud Paye, Bowinenviile, at Mr. M. Haîbs'. .. Miss Elsie Oke, Tomante, M. sud Mis. S. Turner, Oshawa, at Mr. Wesley Oke's. .. Mis. T. McGilI,, Mis. B. McGil sud KeiUi, Miss G. San- ders, at Mr. P. Dillett'u, Scarbora Bluff... Mr. sud Mis. W. Rahm at Mr. H. Ralim's, Burket2p... Misses Clama and Gladys Page at home.. . Miss Vivisu Jolinston, Mis. D. W.-Johaston, Mi. anld Mis. W. Larmer at Mis. Be yd'... Mr. sud Mis Wilbert Smihsud tam- ily, -Oshawa, Mis. H. Ommistan, Enticld, with Mrs. Ella Smith. Mis. Mary Gitin la nursing Mrs. Byron Moore, Tyrone. Congratulations te Mi.. sud*Mia. Ployd Beckett (nec Elsie Moore) on their mamrage. ROTAJRY CLUB * (Centnu.d tram page 1) -ýeountry break eIeations tli'England sud wia womkcd ta suci én end wlUi passionate en- ergy. There was a Canadien boy wlio, with no job available la lis native land, was teuring Europe seeing as muci as lic could on ftfty dollars, only a siglitacer with no particular sun la lite. -Tien ciangiag Uic scene Mr. Cragg descmlbcd iow lic lid steod la Heidelberg watching a troop of inardliing men go by singing su insplring talk-tunc. They werc wholclieartediy loyal teone n - thecminuwlo la ta us Uic cpi- tome of cvii yet wic redeemed (>am=s youth froin futility sud gave thein ail work te do. "'This constitutes a moral chal- lenge whlcli wc have te meet in addition ta Wlnnig actuel miii- tamy vi=toy over Gemmsuy," Mr. Cragg ai. "We must fidsu even greater sud more absonbing loyalty. Somethlng et real value bas been lest by aur generation when it did net lave to undergo thc iardshipS kts tathers did. Comtort sud pleasures are nat sud neyer wereUiche el cads et lite. Until Uic outbrcak et war aur youth-had littie te work tan. Ncw Uic temptatian la te whip up te nation toae great iationaiistic teirvor. That la net enougli - Uic nation la net God and wc nmust seek higlier layalties. It needs ta le sgid again that a militamy vic- tory weuld le empty if la thc wlnnlng we suttercd spiritual de- teat. Tic truc Christian wu lle thc'1%est ptiot."1 The two pleasant duties ofi- tr9ducing Uic speaker sud mcvig a vote et thanks wcme ably per- formed by Geo. Chase sud Ciarlie Masan, mspectivcly. Rotarlan Fred Brooks,' Port lýope, sud Dan Brown werc guests. Wlnncrs in this weck's wer sav- ings -draw were Mcl. Dale, Fred Brooks, Don Brown, T. H. Kaigit, Ji C. Devitt sud T. E. Plaxmnan. Ohris' Service Club > <Contlnued tram page 1) spent sud War Savinga Stampa wemc igiven as prizes. In turther connection wlithUtc Sokdiers' Recreatien Boom, It la aecessary for tinanclel reasans, ta nemnove te new quartera ln thc llorsey Block. Ail furnisia 8, Mapgazines, etc., doaated bg people ot Bowinenville; wà.l le kppt intact in thc new locality, eand Uic roinwill bc used ly Uic Girls' Wem Service Club as a womk-ooem and fer meetings un- til it la again, requineli its original ole. Tic Club wiU bear al epenses lnvolved. Thé. work naw in lsud is that oet tlg tagether a bale e t U- in for refugees. During Ui finit leur o thUi weekly mectins wlen the members lave been working et this, Mia. Geo. Young lies been givlng informel but meut Informa- tive talks on the dittement ceun- tries whlci have been cenquered by the. Nazis.To icara Uic lis- tory And culture ef these nations is to lealize ipart Uic terrible blow that lisp been struck at free- doin, sud Uic suffering of theïr Genmal Notor. Choir <Continued tram page 1) Scots Wha Hae, i iglit parts appcaled ta net oniy those ý Scottish descent or birth, but te cverybody for Uic love et Durns la universal; aise who is there who daca nôt revel in a gocd Irish tune and sang? Women's volces alane were heard la déicate and dulcet tanes in Uic next sélection, Lula- by. A piatom with steps leadlng up ta the stage had been placed in centre front and above the auditorium floor level and on this Mm. Geen stood and directed Uic chair and befere each selection made an lnteresting little speech explainlng Uic laner sense and meaning et Uic wcrds and music. Before Uic mise of. thc curtain Mis. J. A. Butler, President et Uic Newcastle Rcd Cross, expressed appreciation et Uic largc nunibcrs prescat. Sic also expresscd Uic gratitude ofthUi local Red Cross ta Mr. Geen and Uic General Ma- tara Choir fer so kiadly comlag te Newcastle and bestowing their services se freely. By way of Uic tirst Interlude, Mr. Eric Tredwell, Toronto, con- tributed four baritone numbers, ecdl of a distinctly différent char- acter. And atter aIl, the audience applauded sa entiusiasticallY that lie camne back smiling wlth an equaily plcasing encorc. RMs sel- ectians wcreý: Deep River, With- out a Sang, Invictus and Short- 'nlng Bread. .Patriotte Benna The dlioir's second series In- cluded Uiceioder and Uic acwer patriotic sangs, Rulc Britannia, iand There'fl Aiways be an Eng- iland, with Uic audience being pmivileged te jai in theUic horus ofthUi second. Bath of these went Lever la an immensely big way. Anether that stinred Uic listeners' deepest emotians and caused tieni ta burst ferthinl pralenged ap- plausc was, Land et Hope and Glery, with baritoe accempani- ment by Eric Tredwell. This'dc- inanded an encore and Uic choir then sang that rich tavaurite et Uic st war, Kecp Uic Hoe Pires bumning, with Mr. Trcdwell in Uic lcad and everybody again jeining in Uic chorus. It can tuns bc undcrstoad that Uic General Motora Cheir la net an "exclusive" erganizatien. Verysweet sai- eurl1 was the song, Aayls Lby the ladies' setion cf Ui choir. he second special aitiat was M.EdouardB rlctt, Oshawa, who has a unberof Newicastle pupils and wha, as well gs aninh tic audience, dld thrill te Uic glorieus music of his viella nuxa- bers, accampanied on the piano by R. G. Gcen. Ris presentatians included: The Old Refrain, Ga- voUte, Cavitina sud Czardas, with that univcraally beloved composi- tion, Mnuet la G, by Beethoven, as an encore. Mr. Bartlctt lsaa very young man but la Uic cati- mate ofeterybody lic has came a long way already in has career as a viella virtuase. Men's voicca rose streng and vibrant in Uic well known Kip- liag pocin, set te music, On -Uic Road te Mandalay. Tis was an- other number higih i tavor with Uic audience. Womnen's voices werc again beard in Uic swectly haunting tones ofthUi Indian sang, By Uic Waters cf Minnetonka, sud ln, Lullaby, la which a nia- Uier's velce could be heard with Uic soothing tones blendinwith Uic music sud niovexuents et Uic mazurka in Uic background. This was followèd by Uic funl choir singlag: Uiat grand sud stirming sang, It Cernes Frein UiceMiaty Ages. Prolonged applause hid- cated Uice udience's appraval and appreciation et this. Foilawlng Uic prograin Uic whole choir and assisting artista were invited te Uic luncheon reoin wlierc Newcastle Red Cross ladies served retreshinents and a pleas- sut social peried was enjeyed. Seen and, heard in thc chair were Mrs. Hubert Poster, Camp- bellcrott, torpierly of Bowmsu- ville, sud Mr. Wm. Wlckett, Part Hope music teacher. TRIiTfY Y.P.U., (Contlnued from page 1) was bora la Québec sud la still living. Business and Progrm Thc only item et business taken up was accepting an invitation tram Oreno Y.P.U. for Mardi l0Ui at which Urne Uic Union wifl pic- sent tic draina festival play la an advance showing. Gea. Roberts gave a cornet solo and' Evelyn PIckard read a pen. Others taklng part in Uic program Lower mortality rates werc la evideace for enly five causes, namcely, diphthenla, syphilis, diar- rhea and cateritis, appeiidicitis, and puerpemal conditions. The de- dine la deaths frein puemperal causes la a striklng item Inx the 191 andinmortal0rceln influeoza wus very prevalent. Cowling. Sols* For Loss MND SM1VES YOU WELL carters 'Liver Pilla 0 28e90 Chasel Nerve Foo" - 490 Dodd'à Kldney Pijia - 3 Wuifam'aiPls - 500 Gin PM - ' -89eO Diaul pinsa, lWB - - 250 Vick's VaPo Rub - 430 Pertusain --590e1?1.39 Pinex n White Pine & Tar 250 - 500 Groves' DBromo Quinine. - - 24o - 44o Buckley's Mixture 40o - 75o Mosby's Waterbur7's Wamzioles Creoplios Tonie Cemp. YXtraet j For Coughs 1l1à!3 1.00 1.00 RINGS INSTANT RASE 35e Cutex Nail PoUah 2Sac s ro rt,%1S75e Noxzema Cream 59o s 460l- SS 25o Noxzema Creain 19o'- 1.25 Plnkhas'uComp. 870 1.00 Cod Liver on 1 89e 490 Vacuum Dottes 890 2 1-2 Lb. Lactogeii 1.59 ~ I 75o Luterlne Tooth t Binds.10le ieOffer 4«e 1.00 Deef, Trou, Wlne 89e 1.00 Hypophosphates 8oc g eluz Junior Fool 2 for 190 Wae 0Cakes ~Colgat.'s P=usdet Ilter s ileT o h T ooth Dotti s oap Powder paas 9 390 19C 19C -33ci 23e -37C NOVA KELP TABLETS Pond's Face Cream 29o 49o Rlch ln rMinerai and Vitamins Woodbury's Face Creai -. - 250 -410 79c -1.39 -2.79 Lady Esther Creain 25e - 47a r W. Test Ey.s and Fit Trusses 1 695P. R. COWLING, Phm. Bu. 'lie' 1r Obituary Joseph Lucas A charter memiber et Tarante Canadien Club sud for almost 60 yeaan executiv e icCanada PermaentxMorgage Ce., Josepli Lucas, 91, dicd Pebnuary 25Ui et lis home on Hawthorne Avenue, Tomante, tellewing a lieart attack. Dora in Cartwrght Township, Mr. Lucas went as a youth te Canaington, wlicrc licmarled Miss Sophia Gibbs, wlie lied 14 ycais ago. Mevlag te Sutherland le becamne patner i a tirin en- gaged in convcysucing, moncy- >lendlng sud. insursuc#e. RecaetTonbh11 t joi thc staff ofthei Canada Per- manent Mortgagc Ce., rctiring on lis 88Ui birthday. Mn. Lucas attendeX St. Pcter's Anglican Churcli, wicrc lie was vestry clerk for some yeams. He lad two sans, Louis, wloie l dead, sund Clamence. Mr. Lucas will be buried in St. James' Ceinetery Thursday atter- Moon. Uberai Association Te Make study Of Scho.iCurriculum one etf aur greatest wartlnic needs la universel, compréhiensive, enUiusiastic backngetfforward-1 loeking educetie al olicies. It was therefore stimulating ta not- ice that thc. executive et Uic On- tarie Women's Libemol Associa- tion iad approved thc tollowing recommnendations: 1. "That Uic affliiatcd ergeni- zatiens be askcd toastudy Uic ncw curriculum now big used In .Publie and Sccondary Scicols et Ontario. 2. "That Uice ffiliated ongeni- zations secure Uic assistance of suitable in or women la their communitr, e. g., Scieol Inspec- tars, Sciool Principals, etc., and ask thein te give addrcsses on this sulJect. 3. "That thc organizetions re- port thcir tindinga te this commit- tee, particulamly as ta Uic suit- ability of Uic Course et Study as i a preparatian for the duties of lite lni Canada ln the future." As the New Course of Study should interest every :wonn,,t Ontario, we feel sure thiat à'meet- ing ta discuss this subject would be weil attended and that the dis- cussion wauld be interestlng and helpful. Thurs. - Fr. - Sat. FEBRUARY 20 -21 -22 Double Featur. 'Sporting Blood stair Robert YoUifç. Maureen O'SuUl4Uýl4 Lewis Stone and Zanzibar Loin Ume - James Craig Mon. - Tues. - Wed. ]FEBRUARY 24 -25' -26 "The Shop Around The Corner" MWargaret Suilavau James Stewart G Bo Sort Features And News OM. >that wjtar ulugWueuoi of your wari Bring tnw. W.. Amdyou'f tbeI tU b 1h. w powsr id pmtbne et'YOur car aitr a complOts chock-up at Garon' Grage THE CANAIMALÙ STATESUAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO POUR TRMSDAY, PMRUARY 27, iséi

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