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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1941, p. 6

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PAGE SIX IEE CANADIAN SfVA*SMAN, BOWMANVILLEi ONTARIOTH SDY E UAr27îb iold on a bag of flour and tWo De t fWlaereadn rn io .boxes of groceries donated by A. to Urtsh ,,ar Victinis. ______________ Juniors Eiminated ZM OnGile,Blackstock. Draws were These accounts were Ordered I Delbert Wlliitoff, Kedron îtedmad Je aBaraleninwe rtely nd e. . .adDII L RAf v By Oshawa Boys B a hto~We.Pace, Miss ning Ettey, spray - $ S PO RTN EW S __at Mr.e. aerons.'winrs.;ariae::.7:M H GoodGain Iet eenhomeo visited at Mr. and services H _____ de's, oroto. Mm.ColettR. Frgon, aitr - 10.00 AL01 DDO~ or LindsaPrtyomboy'ithktbher daughteA.r. ,aiton rv JbiesaA. tor ______10.00 p0R Senor irs o Rnd Ls- la inPat Hpewhee t ena. Uladotnatelybonehenis r.fadndi. FTrSanaon$tsned Chance ru:Mrnd..Mrs. Or.isJ.M. W.ight, antc.r -1250 ,, 9edecided whether they enter the lost but some excellent basketball the funeral cf Win. Staintoi14 Osh- ton's niother from Bobeaygeon la Receipts: Maintainer operations, gue Titie - Play in Cobourg Cossa pîay-offs. entertalned the fans at bath awa, on Monday. vlsiting her. Mr. and ?ra. E. $5.0 B H Seiors- MnianMac games. The Oshawa Juniors de- Miss Doreen Balson vlalted at $5.0 donald 12, Patsy Dustan 9, Shirley feated B.H.S. 39-16, while the Mn. Victar parklns KIniMAJ.TsatM. Jak r wn'sT awn Cun2 lwlmet arh r Câmpbell, Jean Woodward 2, Seniors bowed te the much ________ Services, on Sunday wer ih t2pm B.H.S. girls divided honora with Marlan Hooper; Guards, Jean~ stronger Taranto teain 51-31. drawfl on account of aide roads ________ Port Hope basketball squads on Rice, Jean 1Pattinson, Margaret Junior BM rnebeixig blocked. l Friday night in the local gym- Sterey, Elleen Cauch. The Junior boys' last chance cf T r n A numnben cf young pýoe o Pterboro Puplis nasium when the B.HS. Seniors Port Hope Seniors -M. Kearnaplay-oaff honora was shot Friday motored ta Toronto an Mon ay P rhs won 23-13, and the Juniors lest 6, F. Stalter 5,J. Rosevean 2, R. when the much larger Oshawa Visitera: Mr. and Mns.. Levi evenung ta cnjoy a skate at the IuUIfl Moy 16-11. Bath schedjilcd gaines Sweanor, L. Smith, T. Hdgson, team handed thern a 39-16 defeat. Annis, Taronte, with Mr.'- A. W. Vars#ty Arena, after which they War Savinge St.mps proved te be very exciting with E. Bro'wn, K. O'Connor. In their first gaine a tic score was Aninis. . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank..' were entertalned at the, home of ___ lhe teanis evenly matched in dosè Junior Girls the resuit, but Oshawa proved toa Hatherly, New Toronto, at Mn. R. " Miss Dorothy McMaster, the Jr. Teetn owihsho combat. Tteaciorgirr here.bt u-Theyfor wen icthaisengym oin-ry TheMr.anextent J.tetaerhwhlcheyweschooljin TheJunor irl wee nbit iu.muc.frtLinyMthelrwas Hther lys. .mn.and Mn.. W.MJ. cd by Misses Betty Snowden pupils in other places have taken Senior Girls fortunate in lasing anc of thein l.5Uf. iJaaMtcelmwst e Dudley Bowman ie a ry ln aey ooh rdaýthatterolgto oivs Maian Macdonald led the B.H.S. closest games of the year. After a shiing light of the BowmanvilleJaeDueys .ti.MryIee atyertyBdadt hathirolgtntaiet teai scrin 7 oins. illEdgr Grffi, Ïý!î11à, wth rs.Mr. .John Ayling, ail of Taranto. in War Savings was brought ta attack on thc Part Hope lassies, pon first half in which they were taisaig7pit.BhEgrGifn niklewt \ -Dan't forget the World Day cfiu teto ls ekb m scoring 12 of the 23 points. Patsy outscored 9-5, they returned in alse did his ahane for thc team. Byron Moore. ..Major F. Dud - rye evc ria 1~. o ut D aSMtteoAn rtle ta tise Dustan was close on her heels th c last haf with a score of 7-6. Sledziewski and Sim nns were ey Ota a at h m .C u ic Cr ut Brt e ho D . .Pete r or. nE a rtein stte with 9 counts. Durmng the first Bowmanville gils were led by the outstanding players for Osh- Y . P. U. met on Thunsday even had t be Cicthrawn Fniday on teratrpupihs ExainerCle ate ee 1 hall the gaine was nip-axid-tuck Helen Wight who scored al but awa. This is the final gamne of the ta9ihAtHmle ucag can fra cniin u awihhrduheMs ee with thc B.H.S. squad at thc 2 of the local points. Peggy O'Neill achedule as fan as the local cquin- a iiesi rgan osi oet odi hsFla aUcMGcatahshv le i sound 8f the whistle 1 point up ta was thc main scorer for part tette are concerned. period included a reading by Mrs. hoaseet, wl i hen n.CF. anonh wcr effort bypchhaveing $80the C. Bigelow and acriptune by Lorna aeet hnM.C .Cnowrefr yprhsn 800i a 10-9 score. The last hall was Hope. B.H.S. Juniors - Edger 4, Rowe Hooper. Program aopenedt with fermer inspecter, will be guest starnpsEayth mnhhe a iferntstrywil te ilsie B.H.S. Juniors - Margaret Rowe, 0Mitch e ron, Southey, an accordian duet by Robent Cam-~'.' speaker. set a ncw record disposing of girls were held ta 4 points the Margaret Macdonald, Helen Wight 1, MoffatFrusn otey,'ran and Lamne Mortson; i'eading, $620 worth af stamps. locl gttack netted 13 points. M. 9, Phyllis Trimble 2 Joyce Button- Symons. Art Richards; accordian seliction, ..."- w i: When the plan *as intnoduced Ferk n . Staiter werc ftic shaw; Guards, Ma;g. Nichais, L. Oshawa Juniors - Fetterley 6, Lamne Mortson; tapic, "«Debating ~ ~ I X IC SO i atSpebra betv I~nI chefscres orPot op. U- Sleep, W. Ward, N. Fagan, I. Cun- Skinner 6, Andisson 2, Sledziew- af a Ciminal"l by Miss Evelyn____ $250 warth af stamps was s et V crs alsa stanred, but due te tic ningham.n. ski 11, Simmons 10, Mason 2, Bail; reading, Gardon Hille- con- w n.ArhrBicywshs easwely, bi4t during thc first week girls' way af playing Uiey don't Port Hope Juniors - B. O'Neill Scott 2, Miners. test by Art Hamilton. trArthutroh'sWA e ruaryoses total sales camne close ta $400. niche an. impression upon thc 6, P. O'Neill 8, P. Jennings, M. Senior Boys On Feb. l7th friends, af Mirs. 2th eni. on's W.ercse wr r Not once since Uic campaign be- scor she a Uic~ Kamn; Gards J.Robnso, Battling'against a fan supenior James Stonie gathered at her____________- en by President Mrs. E. P. Wood, gan have sales been under $300 _____________Helen Brown, E. Rowden, M. teani, B.H.S. Seniors put up a home ta celebration of lier birth- wh'Sniatsteethsai 0 Sheehan, M. Fair. gamne Iight. Deer Park United day. The party was a complete we are puttmng twe large drawers and scrîpture by Mme. J. A. Mew- hc ougflsa~ a ç u Officiais for bath games - Mary Church, Toronto, certainly boasts surprise te Mrs. Stonie who could in our w1>rk bencis for the toals. Arthur. Diocesan bugt na ead ihwi yugflsajin Cunninghanm, Bawmnanville, and a marvelous tedmn accarding ta not at first underatand what it... We have another tnavellinï y t.A. . and TeasuReprstcof n- ndveltopmn i ice- 0 local standards and it should cer- was ail about. After pcetn library that ha. 72 books in 1't PresidentsadTesrr o- Anwdvlpeti h n ening planteeveryontheosenitasanling.Mns. Robert Parreported about tificates for cashintheUic rin af ing against these teams. Brown, ________plant__ Uc autft for ic 6 yar ondIndiancheques made payable ta the Re- * 33/4% ~~~~~~~Slemon and Mcflveen were the cevening of gaines. teoti o h erodIda OsGumu. Ture RUNDLEFS TEAM mata attackers for B.H.S., while Women's Institute met Feb. l9th girl Uic society is clathing. Dia- ceiver-General af Canada. c.uUIe.fu ___The snor r sil atngfr ihPresident M . oomnShirley treasurens' reports were given bbNP A -FFylni e i oot unet.a ms .Satswt 6peet ea rauessdarBanh___________________________ Sîd Rundie defeated Don AI- Uic date af Uic play-offs which in Uic chair. Secretany Mrs. R.sd adonaton aIbuervta Mn.. I.ga Iavsta.nt ~ ln'. eam -4 or scon plae ~will likcly be with Peterbora, Uic Glaspdl nead Uic minutes. Thse Shirley W. I. held a pr'agrcssive sHaotana nd.btry ais.oEAG u~ ,iiuu, Trust Furjdsthse Lions Club Hockey League winner ta compete ta Uic Cessa rall cail, speak, sing on pay, with euchre party Feb. 12th at Mr. R. voted ta buy $50.00 worth af Wam D 'àTEr ~ TIFF TrWFnsMonday night. This win gives finals. ail mnembers responding..- A St. Coates'. Prizes were won by Miss Savings Centificates. Womnen's DRY LEA iNGflH Rundle Uic pnivihege af meeting- B.H.S. Seniors - Mdflvcen 8, Patrick social cventag le being Uaoodit@nqIy G.aV.ind Mdfveen's teantintheUi play-affs Tamblyn 2, Brown 11, Slcmon 9, planned. Mns. F. Dudley and Mrs. Doris Mahaffey and Mr. Coates. Day cf Frayer Winl be hcld Fniday, - SisD ee which commcnced hast night Alita, Undenhill, Casboumn 1, Otto Freund arranged this pro- Procecds were donated te Black- Feb. 28th, in United Churcis. pré- ut (Weneday. oalgeter Mn-Wheelcn, Clark. grai: Sla by Maie Thpmpson, stock Girls'Clb "The Halthy raiJn under icenersipafo TINday niglit were: for Rundhe, Mor- Deer P1ark United Ch un ch - "BeautUful Dreainer"l; little Mises Humbugs." The course whicis Uic instrumental, Miss Jean Malcolm; rm is 2, Rundl 2, Richards 1 orWhite 8, Whtl q7 lenie17 î, Doris Park and Veronica Frjeund girls' clubs in Durhiai. are takig readings by Miss Eva Parr and 754 Each ,$TERLI AliEde ,Nihl 1 in;ýSudrs3 aryi ithl , sang a duet; an impromptu, de- Uiis year, under thc Womnen's In-Mm. E. Darcy. Refreshrnents were ioOATO and Alli 1. Laweon 4. bate "Resolvcd that thé - Farmer stitute brancis of thse Depantment ser-ucd. ___________Officiais - Alex Colvifle, garry ha. more respansibility than the of Agriculture, le an altogether Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jolinston McBrien. P anmcr's Wife" was much enjoyed new one, a war unit, an sud liedattcnded Uic wedding taM- O h w L u dy- , SIIU.U4 T0W îoeot#o Buy War Certificates snd Blast with Uic negative side winning. A "Thse Club Girl Stands on Guard." brook Church on Saturday, Feb. Companiy, Limiltei ...... Hitier's Hopes. tehegram cantcst braught the It takes up Uic study af healtis 22nd, of Anna Rowland, daugisten Phone 419 w a a n eie _________________________________CHURCH LEAGUE meeting ta a close. Lunch was habits, physical and mental -fit- af itsm. John E. Rowland (Eliza-W _______________________________________ SHOWDOWN SAT. scrved. ness, and goad citizenship, includ- beth Jolinston), ta Stanford Wes- _____Tynone Sehool News ing faniily sud community wel- ley Brown. TheChuci Leguehokey We Charlie Camipbell) lare. Blackstock Club, under tise Congratulations ta Mn:and Mms. sheule mix- u s ckmyoted had an tateresting Valentine leadership af Mrs. A. Wright- and Osmond Wnih ntlcr2U W e a e p oud to nnou ce ut atuday ornng henslparty Fcb. 14Ui. The roil call was Mn.. A. Bailey, are divided into e.in anniversary an Feb. 23. W e ar p ou o nn un e eut S ard.a fmonif whedul something about Valentine- day. groups ta carn maiicy for tise club They sent tise day with Mr. and gamne ta eliminate thrce of Uic Gregar Freund gave'a piano.-solo, work and arc engaged in knitting Mme. Goldwyn Famnt, Qucensvillc I that we have the agency six tearns. f ollowed by Treasure TraiLques- for refugees, quilt making sud On tise pev s Tisursday even- sud Rouis Resa esltwed ta a sud BIllae aDudlygen i no g- -Shirley W11. la'S' mcnibenship' at UtiLhome of Mr. &nd Mns. 0 3-0 win for Uic former teani. Cap- sodlo.TenDuey ape Uiano-Oaf eleven. Thein patriatic work Wright sud prescntcd then i wth THE MODERN WAYW H CELEBRATED ttT.Br maeta sclo n e bx m orend egor n-Up ta date is: 1 daz. sheets, 2 doz. a lamp sud silver 'casserole, sud wailTerud made Ui inlcf en scorstn-o.M.rvatrna.d. . .our piilow, cases, 23 quilts, 24 *pr. on Friday evening Uic relations on folert. l aetefna f rudsrvdatet y socks, 1 pr. seaman'.sacks, 7 Mrs. Wight's side gathercd andI lM The league-leading Rangers de-. wan savtags stamp sales are is- scarfs, 17 slips, 20 sweaters, $20 presentcd thern with a cabinet of Bond C lothes feate<i Uic Fhying Hawks in tise îng every day. Tliose who have donsted ta Cartwright Red Cross, silver. VIISA the. ae: len Broks8,Lloyd $5.50 ta Women's Institute Iund Visitons: Mr. Jack Smith is visit- seon gin ad-tuswo aby Sine 10, Gregon Freund 16, ta furnisis ward in Canadisu Hos- inig relatives at St. Joscpis's Is- i c h fnlth cr s62 Veronica Freund 16, Billie Dud- pital in Englsud, $10 ta Red Cross la.... . Miss Vers Fonder la with aI Uic RangersAs ma Cp ainDon ic score- ley 17, Donald Dudley 1, Jean blanket fund, $3.00 te Girls' Club. Mme. Cecil Downey, Reabomo. ... The Ne FieR ck' 4 oftheRanersmad th scre-Dudley 5, Allyn Tylar 4, Bruce The teaciser, Mms. Jno. Venning, Miss Hazel Wright, Oshawa, visit- siscet moat frcquently challong up Macdonald 4, Cliarlie Campbell 16, sud pupils af S. S. Na. 8, Cart- cd Miss Jean Wnight. . . . Mis' 3asWooward 1. Md cllecngmadeGiadys Hadgson 16. Total of 116 wright, sent $ 17.30 te Tehegrmn Audrey Stinson, Ychverton, witis $1975 M- $21350 athdsore odwr Uic Flt ag dews stamps or $28.50. . . . In crafis War Victiras Fund. Tickets were Mrnd. s.Frank Stinson. ..IThe. fuel I ae asteca The thi dn fiagan ofMs tnodSanwhhe0 - . ~Saturday'e sciseduhe Iound Bull-v, daugister, Mme. C. Marlow. . . Mme. do275onFtreslTeaeseHockfyaGardon Strongan hlr vst dos ntielag ed Ia - i r w is d m. ot.Buc.Airseal can be quickly sud eaellyapidb n score agamnst Spit Fires. Wilcox nelgnwmka.tlavaabe atre The. men of Bowmanvllle and dis- made ail thmee goals Ion Uic Bull -telignt_________ laav triet wHIilnow bc able te have the dogs. OIIu,*kU *Ushaw5Uain P riPerryvforme: Ln bulk for use on flit ceitg n ak ltslnstyle, the bet of materlalssSeri-Finals ______________Inbtsformbe at the lowest prices Aul these factors e o n hpC u c lpn elns ngauae corne t you I one t oe UicBuildags sud Filera met ta Uic Girls Clean Up Tee - Beat- scomcd Ior Oshawa. Bun Weish t ncesbewls cone.teConeln ona e oitur theaelsemi-finais'Manday nlght taineIacssbewls Bond.Come n an thav yournextsuit fUic closet gaines af Uic yean Notor City Pueoters by tied it up sud Jimmy Nickerson CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL r neasured te fit Fou. te end in a 2-1 score. for Uic Bull- One Goal. put Uic Tîgers in front. Suddard Cartwright Cauncil, met Febru- Atmial may be installed wlthoutueorbhr dogs. This teain lias'tknat-aarus pfash in by tise Tig n eamy 3rd, with Reeve C. Devitt ln yaur prescut haine or ln a homeudrci- LA IS SO ENE SUerlarge leapinth aU set couple'rsfahnyteTgrd-peiigadalmrbr rs tuto.S ayi leit LA IS T R E Sdays, coming up. fromn lait place Fniday was hockey nîght for fence and giving Virtue mia time pedn g udal emdsore-stuteiob.S ayl isalt iu o a First hipme of intahUicleague gaines te Uic final Uic Canadian Order af Foresfers, ta save. Themi Sunny Woods, Uct. do Uic job ted t pr-younself if yau se desie Fls bpnn fplay-alfs. Kilpatrick sud Hooey whcn Uic four hockey teamsonis Oromia flash, pickcd up a lbase clae1,0 ee so erkwsiarc c a purur-t ou hme tais pigCoats made Uic scores for Smaky Hayes' Court Oshsawa No. 501 sud Court puck ta a scramble, Uic îirst pet- Jchnsse gh0,00O e i na encas. Msake srockat oufire.Ah ome i nuae il HaeAdeLdefendens, wisile Bird made Uic Bowmanville Na. 964 met at Part lad ending 3-2 for Bowmsuville. SokVlao u tetCm Corne ~~~~~ ~~ ~~ anly scorc for his teani. Gilbert Penny Amena. The second periad was score- neSokmietr wsaccSetCoeiUccstsdna-tyrqic rgi wy ______ la__and____________Mc1Iveen, stamry captain af Uic In Uic first gaine Reg. Br's less, Fentoni sud Virtue beingun-missie was aic e rteCe Mhm.s n uatt rqi beatabl ic henets. In thUi dwsatoiedt r r league-leading teani ta Uic Lions Oshsawa Aces met sud wcre de- pro oi enetrc nUcWright a letter cf appreciatiomi aI Airseal la Rot Proof - VennPro ouch, Joh ston & -Club league, ha$ isandhed all feated by Deug. Taylor'. Bqw pri d Uic aspetars e n e his services for a great miumberFrePofad alIA pld Couch, Johnston church league gaines sud certain- manville Tigers ta a gamne =a Poetrid yand tse cnd rsics of years. rePofad as ly dcsemvcs credit for Uic wsy supplied plenty of Uhills. Dr. J. McAmthured presndthdDac- a slenidmaner hi yer.awa and Bird anid Welsli for Baw-countfr medical services te H. Buildoe mee Uic et umde- mnville The inal care ndeciBsiley for $240.00. Ganted $100. ia ~ ~ *" îu featcd Rangers at+ourday m amg 5-4Ian tie BowmuviieTigers1 Ma.- Bomanvilc sh ialit enrdge anarequte* rt«Miss Margart Steele pgopc Omamnn LImted, 9hiUcthr cno ieu eqy P T~onte t trai for a nurse on WlntnS tuedoUipwrwhcn-"It DOES taste good in a pipe V' March ot. a. 41ltcd ta Claus scoring for Osis 1u oainawl nw dpclbeVisitera: Mme. Geo. Johins sud =Bwa=, Uicý;tth gaine ending 2-1 lforYSA-IGTPUC 5 gtooic tire insumne Company. Billy ta Toonto. .. Mm. Edgar eIawy.D C Bluanies . Clns WDY "L-TGH OP' TIN- 154 Emerson, Vahentia, wlth bis pr s aBus-X lu rB LKTP I 5 e.. n sMn. L. Joblin Claus,,E9.Holines, G. Hole3, en as -COUI PdtTn at Mr. R. ....n'... Mr sud Mu. ton, Minera and Boddy. S cK . Sainel ls and M elville l L tad- B ow nianvil l - C la rke, W se- sud W famlly at Mm. Narman Tay- D. Goulais, B. Goulali, Sellassu J. J. MASO N & .S.Mr.ON.Jackson wlih Middat ganeewaob a IN~~ A NCE AGENTSJ or Figlit Too - Euy Wa These 'eai plan to ol two N S NYO TA I Bowmanvuuc ertif cites. up Uic season """ a an lnqsd R UNOTHN Makc youm dollanosoldions toc so it buetadGdN NSNY OTENQTR r ~~-Euy War Certflates. duc

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