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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1941, p. 9

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MARCH 8, 194 TEE AZiADtN ST WMANVIL.LE, ONTAE± Ft AÔ y; I s, 4 ""-s k Auctioneer caelMERWHBTIE Hampton - Ontarie Spcclallzing in Farmi, Llveitock,' Implements and Furniture Sales TERME MODERATE Phone for Termes and Date te: Bowmanville 2428 hakistauce to Nazis Growing in Norway A criais la rapldly deveioping ta Norway. On nl aides, Uic Nazi upogovernment la !aced with grwngnsistance. Unemplay- ment, stagnation o! production and paralysis ai trade arc daily bocomlag more acute. Accondlng te reporta, Uic Nazis have teld Qulsllng1ot put his house lainor roilse ... *Up te Jaauary 15th af Ibis ycar, thei Gerinans had taken anc bil- lion, four hundred and eghty-two vjplillion crawns fram Uic Bank ai fflWorway. Some idea ai wliat this mneana ta Narwegion economy con b. grasped from. teUic mclthat Uic entire- budget o! Uic Norwegion State during tise last yenr o! nor- mal limes wan about seven isun- dred million crows. Norway's supply of died stock- flh - 7,000 tens - lias been sols- 1d,-hie al domestic sales ai klipfih have been stopped. The Nazis have dcmonded 10,000 Ions oi klliis fan thornacves with an addltional9,000 tons for Itaiy <Nray's entire supply af klip- fish la only 13,000 tons). on top ai theso requisitians, Uic Nazis have ardened that Norway mnuât supply at leat 150,000 tons ai fresis fis in 1941 - in other wotds that all Uic inesisfias whicis con possibly be caught, under Uic best ai conditions, durlag tise on-, tire fisiilg soason. Nanwegian labon la vigorously epposing al attempts at nazifica- tlon. Typical ai Ilis attitude lsaa resolution passed by Uic largest tradtes union la Narway - Tise Oslo Manons, Cemnent Workers and.Excavatans Unions - that it wiil fot plodge layalty ta Uic new and Nazi-Iisded-cxccutivc board o! thc National Trade Union. Hundreda o! scisool children recontly marched la procession up ICarl Jaon street - the main tharoughfanc ai Oslo - in a de- monstratian ngainst the Nazi Cammissianer o! Educatian, Rag- nar Skanckc. Skoncke had pro- viously ordcned ail elementary and hiÉh scisool pupils ta attend Uic Hitlçn-YauUi exposition la Oslo. '1his .was a signal for wide- spread rébellion among yaung Norwegians. Not only did Uicy refuse te attend Uic exposition, but thcyý stayed away from scisool and marched. up Kari Johon î street snglag I"God Save Our King,, uhtil they weredispcrsed. Nonweglati bishopa have 4gain condend high-handed atterrpes "thezl$ Uc urcis ai Nonway. In a bIfter addressed ta ail con- gregationso'aitUicCisurch oi Non-' way,' Uice blisaops declaro that "signa ai a gnowlng ursint nd anxicty are becaming marc and mono evident. Con the cisurch sit quictly an Uie idelinca wiile the commandasents a! Gad are set aside and while many other eventa take place whicis dissolve law and ordo.r?" By a Dulcis Correspondent In this wan ai blackade and1 caunter-blockade, Holoand la play- ing a great' part. Froc Dutchinen ail aven tise world and especllyi thc people ai Uic Dulcis East and West Indies are stralning cvery nonve ta win.9 Tise klagdom ai Uic Nether-i londa la on cntlnoty. It doca not consist of a country la Europe with colonies or depondencies; il is one kingdom wi ternitories in Europe, Amendca and tise Fan East. Thse Dutdis Eant ladies la anc o! Uic wealthicst ternitaries la Uic wanld for raw matenlalsaond other vital comniadities. A Dutcis writ- er once cailed it "an emcnald gin- dbe ircing the equator." Thirty per cent. of Uic wôrld's nubber and 17 per cent. ai Uic world's tea cames fram tUat part o! theo globe. An enormous quantity o! oul is produced lisene and al Uic ail Great ]Britain and lier Allies want la put at their disposai. Tin and copra are other raw mater- ials vital in a modemn war, and the Dulcis EastI ldies praduce great quantities. Finatcal Ml Their finonci al support is also great. No les thon £800,000 la valuntary subscriptions have been sont.te London for the purcise ai war mater"al. Sixtythree "Spit- fires" and lwentybomerahave been bouglil. Tisa ai course, la in addition te Uice Governmont's de- fencé exponditure, whdh wil amount i 1Q41ta mono thon WheeSaCold ftpts 0lqow- *OW TO IEIE ISTRESS FAST TINS IMMRVED VICE WAY 'Now yau can relleve mluery andi dis- .cafrt of your chidren'a col ... vlth a "VapRub.Massge.". It's anc suc=esful way ta case branchial Irritation and coughlng, re- Ileve muscular sorenessannd tighties, lielp clear clogglng mucus and make breathing case.ol iisMR Reauits arepaoad wt *m 1THOROUGH trEalaMent (perfctedi by thse Vlck staff) becanusetise valuable pouklc-.and-vapor açtdan of Vcks 'VapoRub mar e ffectl"y .. Poua' Wtea lrntated air poasge wkth saothlng medlclnal vapors, Inhaod defpiy wth every breth. St..at e ht and ba&k lue an old-fihloned warnzlng pouie or plaster. Ta get &"VapoRubMausage",wlth a i ts benefis-xnamsge VapoRub for 3 Mifl minutes on IMPORTANT RIB- ARRA 0F THE BACI< as weUl pan the chst and thmot-then pread a tblk layer cf VapoRub an the chust and caver wth a warmed clatis. And al,~ wayu remembe-ta us e mnsin ne teç VICICS VAPORUS. 4 * J Shoppard & 0111 Lumbor Co. Limited I j Phono 715 Dewnzallo Ilsua 9 Uhisw.-UUU Tus~W p.. 0K , Tes, S P..,011, TPI belu THE SkAE1LOWS Thene's a buncisai clieeplng spar- nows Every mornlang came to emc And they'il perdis outside MY 1 ,wiadaw On a leafleas lilac treê; Tliey wll flutter and Ui&'ll sputter, And tisey'il chirrup, for Uiey1 know.j 1 wiil feed Uiem breÏd and suet1 For their breakfast on Uic anaw. Thon Uiey'll fly dawn, basitt! g ,Seem- ta be s50ful ef' icar, For Uic tiniest litle noise wUl M4ake Uièm qulckly disappear. But Uiey soon wll be returnnng And wll settleieni that troc,' Thcy wlll peck' and peer and flutter, And il a mdact crazlly. One may thon fly down ad- venturous,- And may liglit quite near that ' food, And thon another - finaily The wisoie calme brood. Thon Uiey'Ul peck and chase cacis other, O'er tisat 1111e bit ai ieed, Fight with bcak and wing in ornest' Each, ane' .antng zmone's Its need. As 1 stand and watci tisase spar- nows Tnyiag ta partake ai food, They nemlnd me ai some people When Uiey're la caiciausmoad. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Tarante. RUBUERP OUL AND MONEY FROM DUTCH 1I4DUES Good Beed Erlaga Assurance of Hlgh Qualily Crep Baya Ont. Dept. of Agriculture If Ontario patate grawers hope ta bolter sales in their owa pro- vince, Uiey must finat ai ail obtata Uic best possible, seed potatoes and cortlfled secd la Uic best. Good sccd la fuadamerital ta thse proàuction -ai goadt rops ai bigli quality potataca negardless o! wisether Uic cropa are imtcnded ior secd on table use. Apparent soundaess ai scod tubera does not guarantee freedam from diseane for despite gaod appearancî they may carry virus diseasea ffot ne- cagnizable la Uic tuber but wbicis may seriously affect Uic yield and quality ai Uiecdrap, tise Ont. Dept. ai Agriculture, cautions. .*Cctified secd daes not mean seed potatoos cntircly froc froni ail diseasca and bleasisises, for sucis a nsult la xaI possible unden quantity production, but eveny effort is made te ccrtify potatees anly from fields tUal arc practi- .caily froc fromdiscase and wisere planta arc vîgarous, and truc 10 variety. Commercial pota growers whosc owsi potataca are badly la- fected wiUi disease or costain mlxcd varleties will flnd il de- cldedly.advantagcous la plant cer- tif led seed ai sudh varieties as are avallable, evea thougis Uiey may not ardinarily be considened as Uic most sultable varletles for thein particular district. If Uic officiai tag lasiot on ecd and every contalier, Uic potataes in Uiem should siat be accepted as ccrtified socd. Geod seèd lias beenmade availabie te Uic potato industry !by Uils'Istem aif potata cetficationi and commencial g owers sould take advantageOa! theapportunity ta scur a sup- ply. A grawer con have'no assurance o! a good marketablecrcop o!fiigis quality' Patatoos unless he uses good seed. Cows Have Big Job Supply Cheese Quota Ont. Dopt. of Agriculture Buggcsts Grain Mlixtures Fer Batlsfae- tory Cenditlenh'Eght Now URGE 1FOLKO ci 'ze tai Sm ba, ai wq Oi. e ae Ontario caws wil have te sup-' ply Uie gponter portion ofiheUic lk ilu necded te manufacture 112,000,000 pouads ai clsege rnlquested by Gnonf Eitain this year,sanys UiceçW Ontario. Dcpantmcent -ai Agricul- ture, and Ontar'io caws thenefone bi must be prepared for Uio Job. si Mse= cowa fresisen wlth a ne- iaj sev a ncrgy 50 amal Ual Uiey do are'nat capable ai Uic maximum wq production aeeded Iis - ycar. en Wisere possible il la recomasendcd RI thal good quallty rougisage be be f cd ta Uic frcshenlag cows and fa, grain fceding be practlsed ta build 'sc up Uder condition. 1de Home giown . graine, are neason- le a .8 saisatony for conditianlag aPhUgi8=9mqpeotela. supplemeai .la neccsayif the lbey le ai pon 9 quality or' tIse caws are fed large- th ly on straw. isi The !ollawtag grain mixtures Cc are recoinmeadod te fit caws- for hai lactation: (1)oanta 200 pounds andp bably 100 - punds; (2) oans 200 d pouadsaond 100 pouads buck- 1,( wiseal; (3) oans 300 pounda, bar- ly ley 100 paunds and wheal 100 am pouada; (4) oans 300 pounda, buck-- wlie t 00 paundand wheat 100 pouads. The above mixtures con be Im- praved by Uic addition ofa a mml amoual of ilinaccd olmmeal,'bran or saybean ailmeal. Feed Uic con- centratcd mixtures at tise rate ai twa ta six paunda per cow per day dependtag an condition and thse pnice and supply ai the !eed matcnials. Previaus ta calving and inuse- dlately aiter calvlng, caws sisould be fedt a grain mixture that con- talismore laxative and, coliag qualities and Uic foUa1o'lag are suggestedi: (1) oat 200 pouads, linaeed allriicai 100 poundu and bran 100 paunds: (2) aata 100 paunds, linsced ailmeal 50 pounds and bran 100 paunds. Do nat ieed lioaliag, constipatngf ceda sucis as barley, rye or cottenaeed meai et freuhenlag lime. A Young lawyer altended Uic funeral ai n mi¶ainalre financier. A frlead, annlvlng nI Uic funeral n Ul l ite, teok a seat beside Uic lawyer, and whlspened: I"How fan lias Uic service gone?' The lnwyernonddod taward Uic 1l 1 and whiapened back, leII uil cpened for Uic do- fense.1 KE", TO R&OK BOYS 300,000,'000 guildens, about 155,- 000 000 9; e utch East ladies have a weil-trained, modern army. Pili- ats, observers and wroless-opona- tors are now belag trained, while a short, time ago il was annaunc- et fram Batavia that Dutch East Indien pilota were leavlag for Great Brîtain, where Uiey wauld be drafted Ia UicheDutch Air Farce, now wonklag in co-apera- lion wlithUiceR.A.F. The Dutch l ic Fe ar East have mony modern 'planes, such as the Curtiss P. 36, Lockheed, Gien- Martinaond Consldated-Vought- Slkarskis. Some ai Uicem have a range ai 2,000 miles, and Uic moat modern sea-plancé patrol Uic coasta. Modern cruisers, destroy- ors, submrie, mlae-Iayers and gunboats makeup Uic Navy, which bias a fine neputation for eff icicncy. In addition, the Dutch mercan- tile marine, wi its throe million tons ai shlpplag, la assistlng Uic Allled navies. Nineteen Germen vessels, selzed in thc Dutch East ladies when Germnny livadcd thc Mother Country, have now been put at Uic disposai af thse Allies. Need Certiflied Seed For Best Potato Crop Mi-eh 1941 Du? Senior vr&*, P1imeu iêAle. aiié m are glaS to t»cc..Patrmore tb.. canadien Ver service@ fVlesfor va remiSst l aveuabie aautoe «thé mebr orgW*ÉqUoUa have gtvea teoui. Aimd Vewo et aiheand abroakd. Vahave beau priviege4 toeaee tho@@ var servicteet ai oik laCa-ada am S«et ritain. amd a" ar ratupreamuI &Viti lb. excellent mort tbey are doing. le cexet a.pbeio too greatly tho Importance et Pm'vidicg p* rcr.t16,haityroumtlcna m oforta fer Our mUera, eliSe'bam atrun, and m mar ura ibat aotbUns coctrtbutoe 6 mcà -te thoir jihycteaiMd spirituel mou-bng. lsn erulOo @ aify te htb tho afeolimama ~kutfle or th tho l»uIkak bhms. aUwU» t*t*nAM, the Y.I.C.A., tbe Y.W.C.A., the OeMdIan Logi0, ÙtiU I.inaOfColusheand Itbo .OD burhae Mitln athe Ceadim M flez oices FuM cuvip au VO ôcuG Itbir am. eM4pp o l iiC@ndin. Tours sSnoereIyi NatioGna I -rlsNaADU 30na ie r Sisea , u, The Earl of Athiono, Canada's Governor-General, stated he and Princess Alice were glad to become patrons af the Canadian War Services Fund because MIiy had seen its organizations at work in Canada and Great Britain. They recognized the invaluable aid these services \gave- the fighting men of Canada, he said. "«Nothing contributes so much to their physical and spiritual well- bclng" HMa Eicellenicy pointed out in the lettèr reproduced above. "-Those services signify te them the affection and thoughtfulness of the 'folks back home' " Flew Canada Speala Translated extracts from for- gs ~gage publications lat anada. lu tulicst measue "NyaSvenska Pressen" <1' rcihPress), Vancouver: We beievé that Canada han [oe wefl. But the soonor wc real- oe that wc must do better, and bat it La our strugglo as much an bat of Uic people of Great Bri- lai, Uic better1t . wil be for our ause. We also believe that Uic ;wodlsh people la Canada are an oyal ta this cause an any national 'oup. Hudeaof our mon and éys have jolacdtUi service and, ceeve eaur p copie generaily *eé glving their eulst support la ether ways. And il la very logical. Are who hal froin Uic anc country~ vherc dcmocratlc principles un- lestionably have made the great- et advance - should we not be. eady te dci end -the saine De- aocracy? So, lot us do our part ln the ullest mesure. Dankrupl communient "'Canadipn Fariner,"1 Ukrainian, Cammunsmm han gane deiinitely inkrupt for ever and Ibis fact Lnuld lie realized by ail Ukrain- ans who once belleved. la that octnine. Had cammunism been vonkable, it would long aga have nbraced Uic whoie world. In lussia, the Comniunist system is )eing mamntained b y Uic brutal orce, aificptate 1If ofor the iviet terrorSm1 thon. would ta- Ly be, no tra:c ai Caminunism eft la Russia.' A vast major i oUich Ukrain- an people ineanada, probably * a% fUiem, have nover had any, hig in comunon. wlihCommun- m. Pion ta Uic bannlng ai thé ;oiiunist press, Cammnunism ad. approclmately 10,000 sup- )rtenu mng Ukralalan Cana- ans. 0f th number, prabably .000 te 1,500 ýcopIe were actual- y membera ao the party, the bal-, tco belng Uic <'ieilaw travellers" -1.e. 'Ukn-alidlan armens and workers who had been duped by Communlat press propaganda. Czeohoulovak HoIp "Nova Vlast" (The New Coun- try) Czcchaslovak weekly, Mon- treal:1 The Czechoslavak National Al- once -ii Canada, with headquar- lors in Toronto, han decided to promote a special trust iund un- der the naine of a "National LGuit" for the benefit of the Czechoslovak Armny la England. Undor the leadership of Dr. Ed- ward Benes, this army la fighting side by side with British and other Allied Arniies against the principal enomy of Christian civil- ization of the 2Oth century. Now la the tiine for ail of us whose dqsire la that freodoni and de- Lmocracy prevail la tic world, to jota hands. Lot us do aur bit by .,glvfhg fmandai heip te the Cmchosiovak Arniy la Great Bni- tqn.Its appeal for help la ad- idred to ail the world. 1Burketou - Sympathy la extended la Mrs. ., Archer and family la thein boreavement. Visitons: Miss Myn.tle Inwia, Pelerboro, wi Mr.J. arter. Mossns. J. and N. Glenale, Os- awa, with Mrs. P. Glennie. Mn. Geo. Carter la Poterboro. Mas. A. Wilson, Oshanwa, with Mrà. J. Curran. Ewart Brcck, R.C.A.F., Toronta, Wallace Breck, R.C.N.V.R., To- ronta, Bill Breck, R.C.A.F., Pic- tan, Mn. and Mms. S. Maffaît and Betty, and Mr. Harald Wilson, Oshawa, with Mrs. T. G. Breck. Mr. Oland Bailey, Oshawa, wiUi lis parents. Mn. and Mrs. H. Riclards-and Mt. R. Harding, Bawmnanville, wlth Mr. H. Gi. Enfield Mr. and Mns. L. C. Pascoe opent- cd their home Februany 28Ui for a social evcniag ta dmnw Uic lucky ticket for Uic quilt whilch was made for the Red Cross. The tic- kets, wiid were sold undcr Uic auspices of Uic Eniiehd Dramatic Club, nmounted ta $22.00. Mrs. F. Abernethy, Maple Grave, wan Uic lucky recipient a! Uic quill. The ovcaing was aspent in contesta and candi. Waman's Association met Ma. 411 aI Mns. G. Bowman's. Owlag te bad wcaUier and rond condi- tions tisene wns a smail attend- once. A nending, "Sliould women keep house for themacives an their husbands?" was given by Mrs. A. Prescaît, and a canteal on advon- tising wns conducted by Mas. G. Bowman. Visitons: Mr. Frank McMuhien aI Tarante. Mr. and Mas. Cecil Crosaman and. Jean, Hnydoa, aI Mrs. D. Mn. R. J. Stinsan, Taronte, wlth Mrs. H. Stinsan. Misa Helen Stark wli frienda aI Broaklla and Oshawa. Gcnerafly spa thgeUicpecopie who do nal enay Ui wiater do siol eajoy the summnsr elUier. Bethesda Bethesda Community Club met Friday night with President Ralph Glaspell la Uic chair. The meet- lag opened with 0 Canada. Il was decidcd ta scnd $20.00 10 thc Tele- gram's War Vidtima Fund, part of this belag tise procecds fromn thse pot luck supper held a cou ple af weeks ago. Leslie Caamboa took charge ai the program wisicis apencd wlth a short devotianal by Mrs. Rundle. Canxrunity singlag was led by Mr. Coombes. A hum- orous story was nead by Dan Hamilton. Rowland Coombes fnv- ored witis a vocal solo. Tcd Chant of Hampton Creamery sisawed mony intonesting and beautiful pictures. Mn. Coomnbes played a violin solo, accompanied by Helen Wenny at tise piano, foilowed by a contest. Lunch was served by Mrs. Cbombes and lier gnoup. Cadmus Mr. and Mns. Gardon Brown, Mns. I. Whitfield, Rosa Brown and Miss Mildncd McCready, KeiUi Brown and Misa Janet McConneil, and Phiilip Goal, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mns. hussell Brarn 's. Sympatisy goes ' ouI ta Mrs. Meredith Thampsan and Mns. Wil- liam Foc la tise deatis a! tisir fatiser, Mr. Jaseph Archer on Fnl- day. Interment was made in the Union Cemetery, Cadmus, an Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Everard Sander- son, Helen, Jean and Marion, Ta- ronto, visited their father, Mn. W. B. Fergusan, an Sunday and aI- tendod the sliower -fan Mn. and Mns. Rager Oke on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mns. Bill Robinson, Toronto, visited Mn. anâd Mns. Ed- gar Gibson. Mrs. Cecil Fenguson, Osisawa, attendcd Uic Oke-McQuade show- or on Saturday evcning. Newlyweds GIven Shower A miscellaneous sliower wan hcld for Mn. and Mns. Roger Oko <nee Beth McQuade) an Saturday evenlag la the Cadmus cisurcis basement whicis wan packcd ta tise walia with yaung and aid friends of tise bride and groom. Rev. D. M. Stinsan acted as chair- man for tise folaowing program: Misa Evelyn Pisilp, piano salas; Mns. Fred Dayes, a reading; Glen Gibson, on accardian solo; Mns. Hanny Pisilp, an amuslag reading, and George Black, a sala, accom- panicd .by Glen Gibson on tise guitar. Fred Dayes and George Black conducted a Treasure Trail prognani whicis added mucis ta tise amusement ai Uic audience. At the close afiUs pragram twa numbers whicis praved ta be thase ai Bts and Rager wene called and tisey were given seata ai isonor on tise platiarm, and aiter same amusing nemanka by Uic cisairman Miss Bessie Edgerton rend an address ta the bride and groom in wisici shsI expressed appreciation a! Uic gencrous iselp given by Uic bride ta every enter- prise lnatUicocmznunity and re- gret at lier departure fram aur midst ta make lier home in Osh- awa. The bride and groom nmade suitable replies ai thanka and in- vited thc friends ta visit Uiemn la thein new home; A splendid array of elaborate and useful gifla adorned a large table and that proved an laterestlag spot for Uic ladies while the tables wero being arronged for crokinole, which consisted ai nine tables, the prize winners bcing Mrs. A. E. McGiII and Mn. Sweet. An ample lunch was served and general gaod wil wan expresscd for thseliapplaess and prospcrity ai the bride and groom. At the tea-party a long argu- ment had been going on about whether or not women shauld be ailowed ta do mcn's jobs. Thse auctioneer decidod ta take a hand. Auctioneer <mildly): "«At any rate, mine la a profession that wo- mon can't take up." Strong-Minded Woman: "lBahl A womnn would make quite tas good an auctioneer as a man." Auctioneon: "I wonder. Try ta imagine an unmarricd woman standing up before a crowd and saying: 'Now, gentlemen-ail I want is an affer'."1 . Hoardcd kladncss, like hoarded bread, becomes stale and musty and spails. A klad act is like honey-it is made for circulation -pass it on! IMmrad i iheNew'McLiqbli*.B aIeASPBcUL 44éor S$Mm. wIb 118..mcb hobs.he .s v yI FOR THE SEASON'S biggcat nçwa in car value, go ueotise new McLaughlin- Buiok Sa'zcLu. Big in ail tise fîie-car qunlities that are traditienni withz Buiok, tises. cars are eompactdy built on a 118-lacis wheelbase ehas, We'v. trnuned inches off tise overall length-so that thie .new BBmckase aq,é 4 to park, nimbler in traffihc, thriftierin operation. And iW.',. tmmsrlmaiuyohn off tise prie. tag to give yen todny's stand-out buy. Vison it comes 10 actios-tisese neir Buicks have a 115hp. IEna. iglit under thein bonnets tisat Ainsmu dn datise rond ike a mailard headiag homae. Theyve gaI genuine Buick ail-coil apringing, cloue te, five feet of ueat-room up front and the unami takable toucis cf Buick quality in thselines, finish a"À equpment of their Uiiisteel Iliet Top Bodies hy Fishe.. YoWlI i1ke tise new Buick SpEcuL-available ia a 6-passenger four-door Torpedo Sedan and a 6-passenger Sport Coupe. And if you look aisead, youmilbn>v Buick for years of faithful service. oovrubmw 'NOUs:. .OrnAIA. 'i 1kRil Gel sbat winter sluggishno8s ont ,0 your car 1 Bring il in ow ... And i o'fl thril t th- iw power andi umoothneu of your car aller, a complote check-up at Gartouî's Garage Phono 2666, KingBte 13, 1041 THE Câmiffl Èli

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