Ithé.lim and Distaut Past FINy TEAIS AGO Toronto for Manitoba Tucsd night. There wcrc 57 cars ai stc ~ ~* .~ ~and 186 passengers iaddition Marei 18, 891 Mr. Casey Trull fermner of De lington, has made an assigniu There wifl be about 70 ucw ta Mr. John MeMurtry for t] meinbcrs in fthc Dominion Parlia- benefit of lits creditors who a ment. Mfr. Beith's niajority of 198 ta meet Saturday. 'WMi lmish Tory zeai many de. Prof. Hutton of Toronto vr grecshI Durham. lecture on Grecian Women at t Mayor W. F. Allen banqueted higli echool. % thé councils oi 1890 and 1891 with The report current samne we ex-mayors Ybunle and Galbraith aga Uiat Sig. Landinan was deî and fthc fown officiais at lis fine hs incorrect - hc h lin Germas% residérnce an Beech Ave. Munici- F. F. McArthur suniiione pal affaire werc discussed off Er Constable Jarvis befare Magi thc manner af thc Lord Mayor's trat. Haines last weck on a charg banquet i London. Treasurer af assault, Jarvis having preven, BurdLen la hopeful that our rate ai hlm froni going into Uic tow thyear will nat exceed 18 hall during Uic rumpus after th Mi in sPite of fthe extra grant Blake meeting. Mr. Haines rE for H. S. purposes. setvai his dechsion. Mr. ElU Osborne droppadinh to There hs a general regret the *Se us, brigig a basket of lovely Miss Stein, assstant librarian,i rW apples for Uic staff. resigning. ic Board wll have n, _Two votera who came fromn easy task to flnd as competent. Vancouver, B. C., ta vote ior Sir successor. ilohn arrivai the. day after Uice1fr. D. S. Wexr, wlo is about IA êèccfon. toke up f arming in Uic West wa B. J. Bouse, Oshawa, tlirew coal watai ou by employces oI ti, ù11 Into bis furnace ta revive a purniture foctory and preseutc dying fire; an explosion taak wtli a saddle and bridle andi Place burning hlm badly. nicely worded address. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Creeper Courtice: If Uic parties whi were agreeably surprised Wed- stole Uiat stove froni Oborne'i ncsday niglit by a number ai fri. sîonty north af Uiese corners re. cnds wlio gtliered for a social furu it Uiey wil save themscive, eveniuig. a term n Cobourg. It is a sur. Miss Ida Shaw has bougît a prise ta many Uiat a man like tie riew stock ai mllinery and open- principal would be gullty ai the ai out lunfthc store farmerly oc- ...1r.Wbtrhuidn ~pla by iss csmod. 1 a uew house on lits farn ini place Eicnds of Chas. E. Hancy are ai Uic anc rccently destrayed by Oolcitous about is whereabouts. iire. On Jan. 15tu lic was lomebound Tyrone: R. J. Rawe lias miade trom Manitôba and Uiey have nat lits trip flirough TyVrane andi m- heard iront hlm since. 1pioe ate o rah Four special colonisf trains let pre fonai ca . nue ofw breath residents, Win. Simpson, passc< quietly ta rest Thursday last al o U h orne ofi"his sou James.... E. Byâsà ss Diecte H .àris hleavig for Detroit fhls week ta live. Enfield: Arthur Ommiston lac a nrraw escape;'lie was upset ______________ with a load ai wood. He was iL %V. OMDB-À, ir ig stunne, rendenlng hlm complete. M. G, V.OOVL), D, ~ Iy unconsciaus for a time but liii BarrIster Solicitor, Notary injuries are not serlous. Phone 351 Bank af Commerce »ldg. Bownimnvhfl W. IL gramK Barrister, Solicitor, Nétary Solieitor for Bank ai Montreal Money to Loon - Phione 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, BA. Barrioter - Solicitor Nofary Public - Etc. Law ln ail ifs branches Office imniediately at af Royal Theatre Phones: Office M:8 Home 552 Dental Amlotaak Dr. IL W. sinen GrR2kQ- PentaC-ole Ii~.~ow onvtle.Office loura 9a.m fo 6 p.M dally, D&'.IL . ODKCSOpg <1'rmot) aMdNewesub, ont. Over mo»'sStoreNewcasfe. Office oure.s- urçlay -orily 9 mE ta 9 P.=. Funerai Dfrcctors FUNEDAL DIECToE8 Service, any hour, ony day P. F. Morris Co. Modern Mator Eiquipment, Amn- bulancoe snd Invalid Car. Tel. jilioe r0 or 784, Assistnt 573. TWENTY-FK V TAIS AGO Fmem Thse Canadian Statesman, Mardli 16. 1916 Dan Dougbos h out faihUictren- cae: "W. are nat driven fooliard, for wlat we do iu tIre. lours wauldu'f amaunt fa a day's work for fie husy workar on fie roads ai Bowmauviie. TIc engineers have a splendid nanie ouftlier. for what Uiey lave doue in tis war. You wan't be surp.said I say we are nearly tiraifils easy if. and fier. viilnaf be xnany aarrowing boys wlen thc whole Uiing l is ai For an evenlng ai rcal enjay- ment fiat hasnot becu surpassai for a long finie, "Thc New Minis- ter" wa presenfeit Iryjie EbSne , zar Dramatic Society. If was fie eighfl finie Uiey have put an fie play. Procceds af $142 wenf fa tue Red Cross. ]Public School Sr. 4th Hor Rall: Helen Yeiiowlces, Mildrai Laurle, Enid SoucI, RuthIM tyAima Stevens, Nona Muf TiPeUiick, Margaret Aflin, Gor- don Marris, Joc Edgerton. A prctfy wedding was solenin- rizai b y Rev. O. C. Gray et thc home af Mr. and Mns.. H. D. CIe- ment, Niagara Fais, ou March 4, when their anly daugliter, Olive Alleen, was married ta Lieut. W. Hardy Nichais, Fargus, son af Mr. 'and Mrs. A. L. Nichais, Bowman- viflle. In mottera musical we alwaya like. fa get thc opinion af Mr. David Marnison, vefenan bands- Edison MazdaC Lampa stoy bright.r, longer. * Wwy ore pre-tested 480 times fa assure you of conustsant efficient ight et minimum cost q carton of Edison Mazdla Lumps todoy' Q;E M ma and director ai orchestras. I the Orono News lasf week hýE, u wac Thc musical service at Uic Meldist Churcli was as usual jexcellent Uic anthem solo beiug well renclerai by Miss Helen Mon- fin and Miss Etel VanNeat. Mas- Ster Thas. Wilkinson, thé boy solo- isang very wcll. ta The James papers publlshcd an t lh indlieont lis- tnpta e w sut- Mn!ca. A great an pople th travel but few areah.twre are a but it so w ell . Our aid family physicien, Dr. vM Frank Warren, Whltby, leit the th. mayoral chair rather than put a motion ta council ta close thc ek liquar store. Reeve Downcy then put the motion whlch carried wlth ead Councullors Canlin and Amies v.ot- nat Iy. ing 'nay'. feai id Pt.. Day C. Warnica lias cani- tr ris- lete.d Uic Signal Corps ccihre at qi KingsËton taking rank 'A' Gradeqi t- iu the exams., was home over situ w11 Sunday. H. hs now qualifylng for f0 he Sergeant in Uic Signallera Corps. T re- W. L. Smith, Orano, la now act- in t ing editôr af Uic Daily Globe fan las Laf page during Uic absence ai thc pla3 hs editor at flic front, sud no Birth: Rehdar - On Mardi 12Ui, mnd a ta 1fr. and Mrs. C. E. Rehder, a adi son. beci tn Ebenezer: Elmer Runile bas pati, as gone ta Toronto and wii b. arn- ie cerely ms.... B oy Nichais is js dimpraving at Oshawa Hospital.. r a armers are drawing lumber ta CouneMior Stephena' miii far o ao building purposes. cata: 'as Cadmus: A quiet weddlng was siea esolemnlzed at thc home of T. F.OUS es Bruce wlien their eldest daughtar; if hs r-Luxe, was unifed hImarriage Il ce wlth John Anderson. The. cere- gro91 ie mony was periarmed by Rcv. .J. flou, Lg Mellon. Their houcymoo an * be a !e Spent I Lindsay. Tlcy will reside silmi > in Cacinus.th1 sum Le Cowanville ,d (Receivai fao late for bost weck) 'Twa It Velma Cowan bas returned M3 l.ahme from isiting lier sister in And, is Newtonville. Jack Barnes, wlo las been Soq Id workiug af home for Uic past She 1 et wcck, las neturuci ta the Good- Th, M year. Anid Narman Keefer from B.T.S. ta Re Ihelping 1fr. Cnossley. Visitons: 1Mr. and iMrs. Anrew"Plis Bandy at Mrs. B. Miisons. . .:J Kathleen Simipson at 1fr. PRobert And: H-endry's aven Uic weckend. Ani Mfr. and Mrs. W. A. Rei sud fi- Andi ily, Mr. and lirs. Aif. Pernin at An' 1fr. A. T. Perrln's, Toronto. . . 1f. And 1 and Mrs. m. Comatock, Bowman- Auti ville, aft1fr. Stan. Porteotia' . Ît Mn. and Mrs. Taylor, Caurtice, at WI k Mr. Arthur Bew.. . . M1r. A. d1 IlYoung, employai at Mi. Cleese- Hen cbonough's, at Oshawa. do 3If hs rumored flot A. Bedwvin "o ;and S. Porteous, Cowanvie's early binas, are lirci by Uic Good- 'In à tycar ta faw their employes ta Uic Wh 1highway. It las YOU ZMon If o (Reccivai fao lot., for lat weck)Ho Miss Hélen Cameron ententain- And ed thc C.G.I.T. girls at her home Thot i an Saturday. M Mfr. Anson Balson went ta, Sud- bury but retunnai on Tuesday. And f] Mrs. J.W. Bolsonls able tabe SIe up around agatu. Andi 1 Thc Young Peaple's meetn fis week and Uic W.A. had to be Off postpouai an account ai Uic drift- edroads. 628 Ci Sevral ai Uic young people 0f- __ fcndcd a birthdMypar .ty for Miss Anie Killen, O.lta, a, 8 r.,J. Nemis' an Saturday tih. Visitora: Mr. anz Ma., Russell Pcrkin and Margaret 0f Mn. Ray '~ Langmais', SaUina.-. . »"is Bere- nice Stainton, Peferboro, at Mn. A. T. Stalntou's. . . Mr. and ira. A. T. Stointon St 1Mr. Rosa Lee's, Kedron. . . Mfr sud Mms. Wes. " Cameron, Jack and Joyce, at Mr. Delbert Fltoff's, Kedron. . . 1r. Lloyd Flintôff, Maple Grave, at 1fr. Wes. Camerons. ..1fr. Har- vey Balson, Oshawa, at 1fr. J. W. Balson's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Ralpit Glospel, Tyran., at 1fr. F. B. Glaspells. Watch Y@ur H.aKh If You tire too easily, lose weight, have idigestion or a cuithat hangs an . .. look ouf lf's a danger aigri,and prccau- tions shauld be taken against tuberculosis, warns Uic HealUi League ai Canada, broadcating a liealth message fa, Canadions. Tubenculosis la a sncaklng dis- Base, and scidoni strikes itue Tubenculosis-conb.1curai hi' ai )rsistence. liest, frcsh air, and A t85 ushine are essentiel., Thc mmnd t,-u ust b. trainci ta relax. Thc ga jý t anatorlum la Uic bcst place for 4n. uberculosia. AilUichenew agen- sali mais Bes ai cure are available there CigSta i.e tuberculosis patient ai to.up~3p ay las, if lis diapos. h not tbaSaR131 Rr advanced, an excellent oppor- ls t nity for recoveny. Eveu ad- n l P anccd cases are, hi mauy ln- alesslpgi1 sunces, afforded appartuulfy fanr râu=. r exteuded and camfontoble Uic. MW #pu h bie does flie e ana or e. r n f aI I lra- c th i th t' da slip,. ai] ife -h ira hat au les Pr( pc cri far mu i i.beg t- in 1 ur, W,- in1 ~tics * wit hav mi fet e, th li'a frar ed Pari desm N. Ina ar feur tior ery tho cont effic m latic Nur ber 'i les col h th a1 r gi ,ti tt do Ni Ir va] l hi lag rai Ul [a thE ilh fi ri tmi ýr ii re tal Hi hÉ la 'th we irW on we me In ilI ch Lee la. le V. la, n. Time marches on-this morning when we tore off tie, baf ai the é caladar we realized that the s, osthof March was wth us. APubilahd b' seems but yesterday that wc were Xthe Canada talklng about the. merger month ' Sumh KocceauBe- of March and,-liere It Ioanmd only «duo Deet le a a few -days until thc 24th, Yes, valuable àooklft time marches an. sects".--2 Bki« What about the Canadian War tu 0 := el C,...Services Fund campaigu?- You b4 tomm htfl fmu Servi», will know by thus ti that the ,»wadD1ton uS1 îetBToIZto. C ahad fan Leglan, 1. 0. ID. E., nicughts aof Columbus, Salvation Aimp Y.W.,C.A., and thc Y.M.C.A. ae d ing uone great drive to secU 8itdwith wliditcarry The national arganlzatlon head! TO NEL cd hi, Maj.Gen. A. D. ÏficRae, C..aweil under way and the R ElEN T provincial committeca have berm. appolnted. Provincial chairmen have taken liold af their respouui- bilities i great fashion and It Snow remains for Uic individual ta> throw lisa weight into this m yC O LI mighty offorte an behlf af Uic icy O LI rnm ilu uniforni. ~UMWSNTAT ITA T he1~ Y.M.C.A. leaders have been y AT am carzriug their share oi Uic na- isse ~ ~ ~ ! N ls~ tQa oad. Major John W. Bea- tan 1 as just returncd from Uic 'ne, sumue Or lmWi Et&t- Maritmes, whçre he carrlcd an as sltifla- m =1; ektenive organization work on renfl minsttheCoM behll ai Uic merger. Donald Mé. Rd rumsnoe-'Wh en. PhaG W.H. Spearman, J. L. km. you sus«e, o asst Mcile, T. E. Dimock, H. W. Kn ~i1ap" ise ni saUsderley, aud T. H. Hutchinson, area V .-= g m. -supervisors, arecarcylug hcavy lp ne It (1) su1o responslbllitles. Dr.* 0. S. Patter- lsah (21) ieve lrd .g son,)Harold- Cross, Harry Ballan- suaes, tyne and C. S. Schefl arc among ainai.0 V £p thopqgilnl frcely aiftheir time bp 441'*ÉIM in O n tario areas. MM ww- Geucral secretarleo froni caast ta aPun- paor- wIen Uic euser emn- ibars Dt at .ans- tiv.- ireat thc rao ýpect ring tin- ail the rlia- 10 It rlth hi this ra- Bide riti- Ica- Lng aa 'an- Lve )rm ml ore trea ir."o ont !an es Lat tal id ho at- tri eh tà, dui he 801 Br- thq et To Ie msü B- Ca al, $5, ne vii ar me SB tloi n_ joli '5 lic e on eè vic i- 24t g9 ing ve 91 to àt '. 7e 3e id moi In Jali if 2nd dau y, ton. r- yea h for Inea rlag .9 sari riag Io ta t-i la la z MC Cnadiasi wamctS anc ot 001Y A Ptolifc source and business of reat ianuçe o te .nation. of Sood food for ountatbles,bu contribute ina ThIe Batik oM oatSealco-operates witeh portant mesusreto our export trade. Ir cakes a Sm F ISHERIES' industries by forni"g hlieia- army of workers-fisherMen, .Canning ands, ized types of banking services they oec kla executives-mo catch and market. the "silver teobaaking home of choumsa of hardy fisiier. hore' No sportiag pastime lu mimas, but toil mon who have savingu or chcquin8 account. S.mfmg Corodlisa ndt i n ria i n u er scinof Sic a i voiL u )» >Wto dùmuasYOUR banhlng r.fawnensu Jth na& "A ANIL Wus JNUIEACCOIJK?5 itE WjgCOUS.' ,WARX (SAVINGSX BOWMMaVie Brandi: F. 0.McL EN Ma ge DDEILN,.EXPERIENCED EANKING SERVICE ..... 1*9 Oitemg of ap Y. ,f u/i o0.u. ,,ei. 'i. . 1 f Ji L