A!', MARCfl 18> 1941 TEE~~M CANADIAN STATEÈUM& MNILOTBI AEEj~ ODRONO Phone 4«riSMUM k. day? SMr. Clifford Jones was home. cOunt < Mr.PlgÉott and baby are visit-se p tM., A. Carleton's. Thi Scouts collected lapers Satur- inl a1 day. screei Gr9ce and Kathleen Gamsby dayi have been sick. dance H . R. Rowe celebrates his 8th Ca: blrthday to-day. <Thursday). Carlo Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and so Stark are now living ini Orono. on F Mr. J. Thompson is at Mr. Vir- MiE tue's, Tyrone. isi Miss Ednah Stuti, Graf ton, Murp visited here. stops, Mr. and Mrs. John Millson, Ken- ed a dal, visited here. Johni Glad ta see Mr. W. Watson out ME again. H. G. MmIr. H. Lyceit visited Mrs. J. C. Mr Oanmey. Burkq W. A. meeting scheduled for eb Tuesday was- postponed. . manv Miss Phyllis Carleton, Wood- Wood stock, visited at M. A. Carleton's. At Scouts met Thursday and re- mand ceived signalllng instruction from. Mrs. John Grady. bannt Mrs. W. A. Moore, Coborne, menci vlsited her daughtcr, Mrs. K. class Gamsby. tersai Mn. and Mrs. L. Harris. werc tlew< honored with two ptesentaions Orc by their friends. met:1 The Myles famnily's pup was rua repor over by a car, but fortunately was War not kmled. sion Miss Olive Brown, Kingston, oIr and LeRoy Brown, Guelph, werc the ri home. at thý S. O. E. entertained members maei and friends. at an enJoyable card routi party Monday eveflmg. A ot Tom I4ewis and, Syd- Hughe conwr have jained the Midland ..Regi- wer ment. Mr.1 Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young ýand who children, Dennie and Sylvia, Mrs. and 1 Wilbert McMiUlan. of Peterbora, has a speni Sunday et Mr. Chas. Woods. sang He i Cive hlm hlm deily Chiidren need addcd sources of vitamins A end D ta moka up for the absence of summner sunshine and fresh green vegetables. Give 1our kiddies a daily dose of natural aond D vitamins ln the form cf Haliborange. Thot wIll help ta keep them strong and heoithy. . Hlib- orange provides the hatural A end D vitamins cantoined ln Hlibut Liver 011 cambined wth o concen- trated fresh oronge luice af hlgh quality. It lu delIclous ta taka. Hliborange Is tWice aS rlchII n vitonins A and D as Cod Uver 011 of average B.P. standard. Aduits, toa, ofien find Hcliboronge beneficial ln helping to« mointain correct nutrition. Try It. Echgram of Holboronge contains 792 .U.. vitomin A. 114 .U. vitamin D ALLR4' & HANDURLYB 0. LiMSli a Hancock is taking Donld1 ees' partin he icdebate in con- !on wlth thc Presbytery de- ng serles. lsn't It a beautiful day Tues- ?People comlng i from Uic iry reparted they cauld not wa feet ahead of them. ai old favorite I'Ten Nights Bar Room"l was given on the en in Orono town hall Mon- eveaing and followed by a .e ngratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. bs Tamblyn (nec Mary Stark) the birth of a son, William k, at Bowmanville Hospital Friday. ss Mary Bawen, Lockhari's, iOttawa visiting Miss Helen phy. En route ta ýOttawa she pcd off at Kingstan and visit- few days with Mn. and Mrs. iny Edwands. iss Mary Baldwin visited Mrs. Hooper, Bowmenville. rand Mrs. W.- N. Hoskin, keton, Mr. and Mrs. George tur, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. bRundie and@ Alma, Baw- vile, speat Monday ai R. H. &'s. LSunday Scbool Mrs. Drum.- id gave a Temperance talk. .W. Armstrong's class was .er class. Maria Hancock com- cd duties as teacher of the formerly taughi by Ron Pai- 3n, in whiéh class Manley Lit- ood has been substituting. rna Chamber o! Commerce Manday evcning. A splendid St by Neil F. Porter regardlng Savlngs was given. Discus- ensued reganding the, co- stion af Uic members wlth iiembers of the Park Board àe proposcd f ield day for Uic ing o! moncy for bath groups. resi a! the business was of Ine nature. church Sunday mornlng Uic gregation of Paz'k St. Church efevared wli twa salas by May, Posimaster ai Windsor, was a visitar ai C. F. Awde's D. G. Haoper's. Mr. May, who a wonderful high tenor voice, ai Uic Wanld Fair, New York. [s a bnothcr-in-law of Mrs. le. Ai Uic conclusion o! Uic ce he sang "Trhe Holy City" the choir, by requesi. Ai Uic iing service Mr. R. E. Logan )red with a solo. DIM ANID DISTANT HAPPÉNINGS Prom The Orono News of March 14, 1918 Wm.' ell who bas ben empioy- cd on Uic Chesten fanai la qming, fa Orono ta reside. Clarke Township Agricultural Socety offers $100 in prizes for Spring wheat sud $75 for ensilage corn ia field cropi. Orono Lodge A. F. & A. M., will receive an officiai visit front Uic D.D.G.M. Bro. T. E. Kaiser, M.D., Oshawa, Mach 21st. '1 Ed. F. Dean bas bought Uic H. W., Renwlck farm ai Renwlck?'s corners, 100 acres. This la anc o! the besi iocated fanais linbtis township. The punchase *pice la said ta b. $8000. At a special meeting a! Uic L.O.L. No. 409, six candidates were advanced ta Uic Royal Pur- pie degnee. Tue work was taken by W.M. T. Smith, assistcd by P.W.M. Neil Colville, MD., Hart- well Lowcry acting as chaplain. Clarke Township Agriculturai Society lady dinectors for 1918 are: Mis. George Pollard; 1&z. C. A. Chapman, Uns. S. Cuite]], Ms.. A. A. Rolph Mn,. George Mitchell, Mis. C. L. ' l;wers, Mrs. A. Henry, Miss Edna Benwlck, Miss Flore Cobbledlck, Miss Ida .Bowoai. Mariage; McRo>erta - Coch- rane - At thé Meihodisi Parson- age, Orono, b y ey. G.B. Clore, Mach 13thU' or Eheldaugbler o! Mr. John Cocbane, (lcCrae's) Clarke, ta Mr. Thou. McRoberts, Danngian, !ormerly o! Ncwpark. Dled - Iu Clarke, March l4th, John Henry Cowan, agcd 65 yeira. A message was neceived ibis morning !nom New York by bis ister hene announclng Uic death o! Robert Watson, only son o! Uic lie John Watson, sud !ormcnly a! Orano. Keen Obseration Avorte Costly FIr. Whet might have meani total destruction cf Uic home o! Lt.-Col.1 J. C. Gamey, Frldayr afiernoan,j was averted only by Uic sharp' eyes cf Miss Mary Somxnerville1 and qulck work on Uic part af1 Uic Orono firemen. Miss Samnierville was on ber way uptawn and noticed a smaky look about Uic windows and smoke canslng from Uic chimney. Justinl case something was wrong she cnquired ai the Post Office whether Mrs. Gamcy was home from Ottawa or noi, and told why she asked. Miss Jean White know- ing thet no fine had been in since the nighi before and that Mrs. Gamey was not duc home until leter hastily wcni down ta Uic bouse ta investigate. The finemea wcre summaned and a f cw mn- utes alter wcre on the scene and bad the fire put oui with chenil- cals. The fire is thought ta have been causd by a short circuit in the electric wiring, si nce it je im- probable that fire would lastinh tbe ashes i the fire box that long. Two rugs werc ruincd and a hale burned in Uic floor were the suni total cf Uic damege, other than that caused by ernoke which was sa Uick in Uic living roomn that anc could scarcely breathe and which was still much la cvi- dence Saturday morning. Loekhart's HA& Club Ham Buey Session Home and School Club mnet ai thc 'school an'March 5Ui. Some diffcultyr was expcrlcnced la get- ting to the sehool due ta heevy snaw but neveniheles thene was a good attendance. There was a large amaunt o! business. The banquet report was prcscntcd by Convenor Mary Bowcn, and Uic annua4 dauce ne- port by Treasuren Clin Barchard. roceds from these two 'events added ta Uic previaus .bank bal- ance leave Uic club with a very subtantial bank balance. War Work Comnitte reporied Uic amount of! knitting 4one. four quills made; and Uice layette tq be sent to England Urough Uic Home and School Federetian la ainiasi complete. The commlttee had on dlaplay a hooked rug an whlch tickets et 109 wlllb. sold, This rug was made by Mn. Alden Gibson as a contribution tawards aur war work. Proceeda from ibhis source will be used la purchasing supplies. Chas. Glcnney suggcsicd thai Uic Club conider assýsting Uic Bwaih War victinis Fund and a motion by F. W. Bowen ta for- ward a contribution o! $25-00 ta this !und was passcd unanimous- Mn ýs. F. W. Bawcn read trom a letter she had recclved, as argan- izer, with an appcal from Uic H-ospitbl for Sick Childen for fi- ancial assistance. This bospital dae not receive ouy Portion of Uic funda naised in Tarante bY Uic Federation for .ConmunitY Service because it assista-children !rom ail sections a! Uic province. Mrs. Bowen and Mrs. Chas. Gib- son presentcd a motian ta scnd' $5.00 ta this appcàl, which was passed. The nomination form for Uic Federation officers has been re- ceived and will b. sent la soon. Mis. Ed. Dean was namlnated ta be Uic club delegate ai Uic con- vention in Torontoata Eauter. .An invitation ta visit Antlach nexi week had ta be dedlined ai ibis time. Itinlahapcd ta niake arrangements ta go next month havlng it a joint monthly meeting. The program, arnangcd under coavenorshlp of Ross Aflin, was as folaows: Piano sali> by Lawrence Morton; reading by Patay Fenton» istrumental duet by Ross and Bih Ain; and a second piano sala by Lawrence Morton. The spe aker for Uic topc o! "Citizen- shipn was Bey. Mn. Dcwdncey o! Newcastle. Hlis explanation and developaient of Uic meaning O! Citizcnshlp -and Uic duties of a Citizen was !ollowcd with close 'P. W. Eowen nioved a voie of thatkiketathase taklng part hi Uic program. Refreshaients wcre then served. fanliy to find a tobacco which com- pletely satisfies him-and doesn't cost too much. That's where Picobac fits in. les the pick of Canada's Burley crop ', 0 .lways gives you a mildp Cool, sweet smoke. bus a delic 1 C". li *is modoraSely priced. cious aroma and, boy, DOES tuts good in a pipe" HANDY SEAL-11GHT POUCH - 1 h 1/rLB. 'LOK-TOFP" TIN . 65c ais. pocicid In' Pocket Tins 1,Icob&c GROWN IN UN STHROTAI The United Chunch Sunda School was fllld to capacity eri- Iday for Uic second o! Uircc social evenings. Evcry available chair, was taken and many had to stand. ]Receipts were aven $50. C. F. Awde made an Ideal chair- man, prcsiding aven an excellent program prepared by Mms. A. _A. Druninond and Mns. 'Wm. Aram-. strong. The prognan i ncluded a>, charus by Uic entire group; séec- tions by Uic Quitette, A. J. Knox, and A. A. Drummond, violinisia, 1&s. W. C. Lynch; cellalat, W. H. Rowc, baseanod &s. A. A. Dru-. mond, pianisi; two vocal dcuets, by Denny and Harny Lynch, and; a piano duet by Jim Powers snd'? Mrs. Lynch; a beautiful panta- mizhle by' 'c9e#ei girls dressed i white and silver, music belng sung' bchind Uic screen by members of the group;Btty LUnion !avored wlitha piano sland itiat king a! ententaincrs o! 50 ycars ega, O. A. Ganmsbye sang la flac volce Uic Irish sang "Threc Leaves a! Sbaninock,"I sel!-accompanied. As usuai Orme preceed hla sala wlit a few remanka which brought gales o! laughter mized with more serious thoughts. regardîng the usefulinesesud klndness of friends and the woaderful atist Orona bas la Uic persoa. of Mrs. Drummond in. Uic musical world. Mr. and Mm. FHoward Walsh presented a ekit, compased by theniselves, cntitlcd "B e r g a i n Day."1 Lasi year this ialcnted couple presentcd a skit camposcd by thesaselves, whlch was also much eaJoycd. R. E. Loan, with Mn.. Drummond ai Uic plana, rendcrcd two. flac vocal solos. The progrim clgsed wlit a mcd- ley chorus oomposed o! parts of many sangs. In this there were several parts which dqenvc spe- cial mention, namcly' Uic solo p artsby Mrs. W. S. Uoy Uic duet byn.Bladkburni and Neil F. Porter, Uic duet by Mýs. Myles and Mns. N. Cobbledlck, and thc aepr opiate closing Uiaught I"Fane Wd ll, for I muat leave Uiee."' The cuntinment closed with a wcll-açtcd play "'Sultable for Cbarltyr." There was a moral in ibis play-never leave e suit on Uic bannisier, unlesa you are sure there are no nununage sale en- ibusiasts araund. There were two texta ta Uic sermon, "Now abidebh Fai, Hope and Chariiy, but Uic greateat of these la charity,' and "Chariiy begins ai home-meaybe." Briefly Uic stary centres anound thc fact that a guestinlatUi house supposedly leaves oui a suit to be pressed sud Uic mother and wif e o! Uic household tokes h ta obe sold et Uie rummnage sale for char- lty. Later, happuly, ht turns oui ta be e servant'. aid suit and nat Uic anc Uic diughter and wif e tilkai la. The part o! Mrs. Greepaway, Uic rummage sale en- ibuslasi, wus well taken by Mrs. Wm. Arnmstrong. Her harassed husbmnd was portrayed la fine manner by Sam Ieane. The dau- ghter Clara, who wanited evcry- hilng ta mun smooibly while Uic guesi <ber boy friend> was ibene, was ably pna bMrae Flinof!.K1niFlintoff taok the audicnce's heani. by siorm nhi bs raie o! Uic Young brotherEBil Who tries biielbeat ta help the guesi, only ta have Uic mahd El- len (taken by ]Ruth Goode> step i and fix tilge up for Balpb Hamilton, tUic uest; which part was weil takert by Glen Hancock. Ken HMl was excellent la bis noie o! Mr. Honeyswcet, Uic giÇrbage mou, who buys Uic suit sud ne- sella t ta Mr. (3roenaway at 100 % profit. Ruth Cloode ably took the part o! the mald. Lunch sud social chat follow- cd, bringing a pîcasant eveat ta a close. Wlien a man has mancy ta bura b is aid flamnes look hlm up. You can't peint the tawn red sud be la Uie plak o! condition ofterwards. Let there be no blackout in ne- forestation sud conservation in thc United Coupties o! Noribuni- benland and Durhanm! As Uic province sud nation move te give t"eir greaiesi efforts and cengies ta national defense, it is important ta watch'for a slackcning intenest i Uic field o! conservation. In limes like these, a concentration of 'lateresi in a subjeci so vital as national defense i. hiable ta oh- scure many o! Uic evenyday func- tions o! govcrnmcni. Activities wblcb can wyait arc usually ndle- gated ta miinor positions a!fli- partance down the noster, but the conservation o! the naturai ne- sources is a malter wbicb cannai, sud should nat wait. hn !act, toaa veny lange degree, Uic effective- noe o! national defense depeude upon Uic wlse use of Uic naturel resaurces. Industny sud agriculture will have greater development, but ibis sbould not recuit lu unneces- sary damage ta Uice resaunces a! Uic province an nation. However, thia la likely ta occun unlesa those interesied in conservation are vigilant sud militant. The i- creascd production o! faod pro-, ducts nced flot lie accompllahcd ai Uic expense a! Uic sali ne- sources, non sbould Uic nced o! additional tillable soil lead ta Uic unneccssary drainage a! meadows sud mansbcs wbich will event- ua]ly affect Uic water nesources .o Uiecocunties and drive wild- lif!e fram their naturel habitat. As industny increases its output, il muet net deinaci fromiuts pno- ductiveneas by Uic pollution o! thc iland or coastal waters. Thene is ile need ta draw upon thc tumber nesources ina a nanner whlcb will deslray the pnaductiv- lty a! foresi lands aven a long pcniod of lime Urougb unwise cutting practices. As the present wanld conditions continue or graw worse, ibis couany becomes mgre -and more self reliant upon Ita naturel ne- sources. Itisl, Iberefere, important that ail those who utilize Uie naturel resources shauld redouble thein efforts ta make sure Uiat- thegeaiet returne are rccelved. vryfarmer i these uaiicd counties sbould plian ta do sys- temallc sud negular reforestation cvery year. Send in your appli- cation uow for- foresi trees ta Ontaria Farest Depi., Toronto. Newto ville Jr. ai Mn. Gardon Drcw's, Osh- Mn.. Moore and-sons, Castleton, C. M. Joncs made a business ai Mn. Jas. Stark's. trip ta Toronto Saturday. Mr. Blake FeUs, Toronto, et .Ronald Burlcy h emplaycd iMn. Lanson Milsons. Bcultborpc's Garage, Port Hope. Keh Bunley and Floyd Million Newtonville fiends extcud sin- were i Peterboro hast week. acre syaipaiby ta Dr. J. A. Butler, Mis. Cleland Lane wlihber Newcastle, in bis limne o! sorow. sister, Mn.. J. C. Moore, Scotland. Wc have Gcnmsu messies i Uic village. Fred: "Do yau kuow, young Visitons: , lady, thet e man was recentiy Mr. and Mn.. L. Savcry and seuteaced to, a montb o! bard la. sons witb bis parents et Stark- bar fon kissig a girl?" ville. Ruth: "Oh, Fred, give me anc Mns. H. Jones, Pbrt Hope, with as if yrou werc going 10 lic sen- Mn. sud Mis. S. B. Jones. tenced for lfel"' Mr. and Mis. Beauderle, Gelert, wlth Mn. George Hendersan'.. A sugar daddy la a forai o! Mn. sud Mrs. George Stepieton crysiallizdd gap. NEWS_ Chunch service was wlthdrawn here lasi Suaday. Y. P. U. was beld in Uic sehool Mardi 5Ui. The president occupied Uic chair and Mn..- L. Richards acted as secrctary la Uic absence o! Mis T. Wcnny. BRey. Gardner gave an openlng prayer. Mn.. R. Winters bad charge a! Uic pro- gram: Bible readings and com- menta, E. Daidge; taplc. Mr. L. Squain; authargan selection, B. Danch; rcading, Mn.. E. Doidge. Mn. C. P. May, Windsor, vlaltcd with Mn. and Mrs. B. Silver and Uicy accompanicd him ta Orono on Frlday ta vjsitrelatives there. Mr. P. Whte, Torot,has been halidaying la aur community. . Mr. HMoody and-farnily innd Mirs. Moody Sr., Taronto, werc Sunday guesta wiib Mr. and Mn.. H. Gaud. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs., R. Callacoti on Uic arrivai a! a baby girl. Many Salem folk attended tic funeral service in Tyrone Cburch a! Arthur Annis an Sunday. Dcep- est sympâthy is extended ta Uice beneaved !amily. Ebenezer Services au Sunday were con- ducted by BRey. W. C, Sniith la Uic marning, with a fair attendance. Evcnlag service was wlthdrawn on accouai o! road conditions, but Mr. Smith addrcssed a gaod audi- ence ai Uic bighway eppaintiment i Uic cvcning. Many from bere were in àt- tendance ett he funeral o! Arthur Anuis, Tyrone, which was held ou Sunday. Sympathy a! their many frieuda is extended ta Uic famuily. Mr. C. P. May, Windsar, was a visitrar e i home o! Mr. Esil Oke.' Mr. and Mn.. Frank Wonden were wcckcud guesta wiUi Mn. and Mis. Gardon Worden, Ottawa. Mn. and Mis. B. K. Bnagg, Shaw's, were Friday visitors wltn the lattcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Werny, aud Mr. aud Mrn. Ellon Wcsrry. Black-.stock On Februany 28Ui, a lange num- ber met la Blackstock cormnnty hall ta siudy Uic subleci, Cana- dian Federation o! Agriculture, sud ta consider Uic organization o! a township brancb o! Ontario Federation o! Agriculture. Tue meeting was called by Uic Agei- cultural Society. Milton Fhaber was chainman sud tbe speakers were C. G. Mercer, M.P.P., sud Wmn. Newman, ex-member for Victoria. Program, was plcassutly interspersed by a piano solo by Mn.. J. Wright, viella duet by Wright slalers, and a ncadiug "What Uic Farmer Doca" by Mns. F. Stinson. Mr. Newman outliue.dUiceai- tempts made hi Uic p ast ta or- ganize sud ca-operate b y tbe On- tario farmers *sden The Grange, Patrons a! Industry, sud U.F.O. He polnted oui certain mnistakes that were made sud Uic danger a! polltlcs wrecking such organize- thons, as hi bad donc lu Uic pasi; but Uiaughl, in vlew o! Uic fect that farmene' faaclal condition la fait golng from, bad ta worse as a resuli o! bad markets, lalior abontage, fcging o! butter, etc. But in spItego! existlng dlaçour- agemneats ibere are such working orgeanhzallons as United Feruicr Co-operative, Ontahio Cheese Pro-' ducens, Association'o! gial tural Socleties, Wbolc MiUÇ Gr*- e rs, and many oUicrs, tere l b igncat hope sud passlbuli tuit. I arasers wlll nally, unite su o- operate under e local brnnh of 1Ontario Federation o! Agriculture. 1 The county councul o! Non- tumberland, and Durhami have UR REASONS WHY REFORESTATION oD CONSERVATION SHOULO BE ACTISED IMMEDIATELY Splendid Response Wàr Savings Appoal1 Clarke Township can wefl be proud of Uic pragres. made sa fer in Uic campin for thc sale ai~ War Savinga Cerifcates. Up ta the prescat Uiey have cavenêd Orano, Ncwipnvllle and S akville pariially and Uic grand total shows: Honor Plcdges 41 Wage Plan y Bank Pledges - 404. Cash Pledgcs 39 Total 123 These pledgcs have cubher pald ia the gaverament or prosnised the sum a! $8,250. One of, thc plcasing features o! the canipaign has been the ne- spansc of the schools where the bank system bas been set up. There are six of ibese: Orono, Kirby, Newtonvillc, Lake Shore, Pt. Granby and Brown's. There has been in the neighborhood a!of $200 paid i by Uiechcildren o! - these scboois and Uic interestisl gnawing. IXis ihopcd ta have- al schools wonking an ibis basis be- fore long. Orono school has four banks, anc for eacb rooni and hasý reported about $125 from tbreev roarna. No repart has been ne-~* ceived from Uic other anc. It is Uic purpase o! Uic local.., canizitice ta get i tuch with «Ill the srhool sections as sÔon asis ths ntcrcsited wuldarnga meeting and invite Uic members o! Uic local commitice oui. There la a long way ta go yet but wlih Uiecoc-operation af everybody Clarke Tawnship will eventually go aven Uic top. UNITED CHURCH « SOCIAL. EVIENINC OS ENTERTAI NIN«S To Proteott h.e oadwaters of *Streamu. To Utilise Waste Land. To revet Ploodo. Kendal A good crowd atiendeci Uic bingo and dance held in thc Or- ange Hall i aidcf British War Victinis Fund. Mr. Willllard Beatty, Pernytown, won Uic bingo prize. Proceeds of $24.20 was add- cd ta that on hand making a total of $193.00 which ig belng sent ta the Telegrani Fund. Ladies ta Uic rescue! The ladies and gentlemen are staging a con~- test for attendance at League, Uic lasers ta put on a banquet at the end of June.. Hurry up ladies! thc gents are in the lead. Ira Thampsan has rented bis farm ta Wm. Curtis who will take over April lst. Mrs. Honey visited her mother, Mns. A. Jackson. Miss Pearl Hoy and Mr. Archie Roy are home again. Brown*s Home and Schoal Association meeting was postponed due to iii- ness and pon roads. Pupils of the school have start- cd a penny bank savings with which ihey will purchase War Savings Certificates. We are sorry ta lose Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brancb and family from aur section. Visitors: Mn. and Mrs. Wellington Far- row, Mn. and Mrs. Walter Farrow and Hazel at ,the Agricultural banquet ini Orono. Mrs. G. Arnold with relatives i Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hendry, Lake Shone, at Mr. Clarence Turner's. Mrs. Tom Woodlock and Doug- las, Newcastle, Miss Jean Perrin, Mr; B. Morley and Mr. B. ClArk ai Mn. A. Brown's. Miss Wylma Farrow wiUi Miss Scott, Millbroak. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and family ai the skating carnival in Oshawa. Mrs. Roy Brandi, Paulie and Russell, Miss Jean Perrin, Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Samn, Mr. Bill Morley and Mr. Bill Clarke in Oshawa. Mr. Ken Stephenson, Oshawa, ai Mr. Gea. Stephenson's. Salem, endorsed thc rec9mmendaiiona of a special agricUlture committee that a branch of the Ontario Yod- eration of Agriculture b. formed in the counties. Mr. Newman advlsed everyone interested ta, attend thc meeting at Orano March I1OUi, ta learn Uic set-upof theccounty organization and then organize the townahip brandi. Another meeting wlll be held in Blackstock saon for thet purpose. Time la valuable but we are as careless with it as wc are wlih aur money. Flattcry ls 90% saap, and soap la 90 % lye.4 Said thc spider ta Uic fly: 'Don't forget your speca."1 ~jam- Bis HEAD COLO Missry Fast'. aà had, col&,enjay the gran e! thma cames when WoU use VleksVa-tra-uaL S-purpasê Va-tmo-fo lJa sa effective ise- cause it dos hree Important tblnp- (1) abrinka avalisa membranes-(»> soothes irritation-(3) elpaDSok the nasal faegs lalng eOUgh mucus. No WodrV-r-ull mr iule. most widély uaed nagm mdcil .. Ad remember, - If used In time, Va-mro-fol hélps N 5 " OSH1AWA, ONT. Free Abr Parking Çonffltloned Friday & Sâturday KARCE14-15 FRED MACMURMRAY rMDALEMNUCAIROLL "VI1RGI 1N 1A Y Stirling fHa7den - CarolyÉ Lee REVIVAL Friday at 11i p.m. "MY LOVE CAME BÀ%CKY" Jeffry Lynu Olivia DeHaviland Eddie Albert - Jane W7imn Next Monday for Four Eventful -Days MARCK 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 GINGEIR ROGERS as "'KITTY FOYLE"y the white collar girl the raie tirat won her the Aeademy Award for 1940. Wlth Dennhs lWorgan and James Craig. Friday & Saturday XA CMH21 - 22 thse original laugis-makers tua their ftnuleat pisur by ft. If yOl at laits.- "lGO WEST"F John Carroll.- flans Lewis To Retain the Top Soul of Agriaultural Laoud. ROYAL 1 CAST CAKES il 'TIl help you avoid baking f dures ...Make tasty brend 1 : MANVMU, ONTAIUO PAGE ZtXVM AY, 18, 1941 1