CSMAN, BOWANVX0', OTARZO 1~ L~ T1f ewuastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Miss Ruth Symons, Oshawa, was Sunday guest of Mr. and Mnrs H. E. Hancock. Reeve C. R. and Mrs. Carveth attended the funeral of her aunt, Mm. Nemi, mother of Rev. Harold B. Nemi, la Port Hope last week. * Mr. E. H. Joil vlsited Mrs. Wm. Jackson la Port Hope, previaus to the latter's departure In the near future to join her fanily la Glid- dcen, Sask. Major1 H. W. Dudley celebrated hl h birthday on Tucsday with a little paty of friends preseni and a special candie-lit cake ta mark the occasion. Mr. Guthrie, Kingston, relievcd Mr. Percy Hare at the C.N.R. sta- tion on Wednesday while the lat- ter was la attendance at Mrs. J. A. Butier's, funeral. Sepior C.G.I.T. girls with their leader, Mrs. Irwla Colwill, enter- tained the Young Men's Cas of the United Church Sunday School at a social evening Friday even- ing, mter holding their regular Riv.eSidney Davison and Mr. Ross Strike, Bowmanviile, wii occupy the pulpit of the United Church, Newcastle, next Sunday mornmng and lay before, the con- gregation the United Church o! The famous Case farm equip- ment is now available to Durhami farmers from W. H. Brown. If it's a tractes' you want, Casegie more than ever before. 1- NOW!1 A Clear Right of Way AT 3 A.M . S.T. MARCH 29, 1941 Neariy ev«7i radio staton en theU continent wlli be * hanged te a différent ohmn- neL ThMlawllineeltatle re- settlg radio pushbuttons on thee uaL A FeW ofthe New. Frequencie. CANADIAN STATIONS CBL 74CKCL -580 CBY -- 1010 CKOC - 1150 CFRB 860 CKTB - 1230 CiML - 900 AMERICAN STATIONS WBEN 930 WKBW 1520 WGR - 550 WVtTAM 1100 WHAM - 1180 WJR - 760 R.* QUINN Radio Service King St. Phone 575 RCanada's War Savings Certificat 8.Plan for liquidating flic church' deficit. h Friday evening, Mmmch 7th thi tSr. Canadian Girls InIýiiTrin d gmoup entertained thic Sr. Boyi S. S. Class, under Chas. Glenne3 The program.econsisted of: Sol ,by Pauline Deuine; reading, Kath Samine Minto; duet by Doris AIR and Gwen Gibson; reading b Betty Enwright. Gamee wer dpiayed, and refreshinents wem hserved. Rosa Alln, flic class pre *t sident, moved a vote o! thanks t 0the girls for an enjoyable evenini Albert Pearce met with a pain dful accident Wednesday forenoî when he almost severed flic larg, *toc o! hm lef t foot with an mxE He was tnimmlang limbs from. felled tree in the woods, a quarte r of a mile from the house, whei .by a mischance the axe hlt hi ffoot rnaking a dlean gash tbrougl him rubber and sock. He rcachc( the house with much loss of blooc rand was taken to BowmanviilI Hospital to have the toc taken ofi Y. P. U. entertmined the Mapli Grove Young People's Union oi 1Monday night. After a few word Fo! welcome by Marjory Lycett -president, the meeting was takeî f oy- y te vsitngunion wifl detMlde n blni charge. Prograip was as o lows Readings by Jean Snowden anc Lorraine Smith; piano solo b] Phil Aylhng; vocal solos by Madc leine Metcaif; vocal solo by Jeax Stevens accornpanicd by hersel on the piano. Lloyd Metcaif gavt a short talk on Citizenship. Edne S*allow led in a period o! neý creation, miter which lunch wan served. Jean Stevens moved i vote o! thanks to N.Y.P.U., tx which Mamjomy Lycctt graciousl3 reslonded. Newcastle W. M. S. met Mmmcl 3rd, with President Mmms. N. Aillir presidlnr igater several*weeks oi illnesa. Mmm. Allan led in prayez and Mmm. Hame gave smre food foi thought in hem rendering o! one ol Grace Noel Crowell's poems "What Can a Mother Give Hel Children." Secretamies gave theix reporta; delegates were appointed to the Prcsbyterial meeting in Brookli; and Mmms. Norman Rick- mmd remd a letter frointhc Cana- dian Temperance Federation in regard te curbing the liquor.tra!- fic. Scripture lemmon wam memd by Mmm. Rinch and Mmm. Awde offer- cd prayer. Miss Blackburn gave an intememting paper on the life o! Miss A. J. Archibald who for so xmny yearm gave o! hem best to Trinidad. Quite diffement was the ]Ife story o! Rev. Masih o! India o! whose life hMmm. W., F. Rickmmd gave a synopsis. A pair o! fine looking, valumble hommes were killed * on thc C.P.R. trmck hemeecamly Thursday. morn- ing. They hmd broken out frorn --MORE-THAN ONE MILLION CUSTOMERS A DAY ARE S'AVING MONEY BY DEALINO AT Rexal Drug Stores The residents of West Durham are fortun- ate in havlng one of these 11,000 Rexali stores 80, near to them, for owing to their huge buying power and the tremendous sales volume OUR prices are neyer higher and very often lower than other drug stores. Jury & Loveil 7 cm Stoe eamylug file l"ga mrge so o! Spectales, Trusies, m rnglat'sSundriesluafile ounty. INSULATE YOUR HOME -THE MODERN WAY WITH MI KOLAL The New Fibre-Rock Wool The. fuel If savea ps thic ea et applylng 1* b. qulckly and esly applied by any vorkmau. Ih la availabbe la thme O* far uic on fiat ceilingi or packing 40. Ini b9ts for betweea mafters or lu I granulatcd wool for po#rhng 1 b lnjsa1ed without fusa or bother *ebo or in a homne under con.- iw le,4 Mrseal te handle you can Mi $ e ou so deaire. ho yogqrne la insulaied wlit wool tl*M Ask for an estimte on qwWjjý qui. right away. Vermin Proof o~q~siZse~~ Applied i vi. i ir tr i fi ai 01 a shed wheme they had been put depend on Jerry. He is, bue te for Uic night at the C.N.R. station. drop bomba at any trne, , ut he They were to have been shippcd c ot hut anythig . hav'ould thc liext monning by Mm. Scul- Îbàek te their f ate n& then thorpe of Port Hope whb had not thcy cannot do 'that r1gh% Oh expected they would have te me- »èll, we will win this W,.r. ItMay main at Newcastle ml night. They be a couple o! yeams yt b#it we weme placed la the covered en- wl is epYu fftu closure that protects thc lîve stock widl wurn, 0 eep or chndu scales on the west aide of the ans ouminescrsed n stock yards and were not out lanie the open as some have thought. Do' e ltl hng; like Howevcr they sxnashed smre Hitler get your goat. I y'do boards o! the south door o! this we woa't win. Courage la cIyou shed, loosened thc hinges withnced. So cheer up my frjùd or tirkickung and shoving and got frlends .and don't wor3 lbout loose. The firat inthpmtion that your boys over here, as they*e al sometiiing was wrong was when well and getting along fine- Bowmanville C.P.R. station cmlled Ini closlng I agmin thaiiI yo+ for Matt. Brown cmrly Thursday thec plem with the news that morniig advising hlm that train- means so much teý a Perim +who men had reportcd the killing o! is se far mwmy frorn home., » two horses on the C.P.R. trmcks. So I wil aign off,' Iuéiiug Mm. Brown la one o! the section- everyonc la ln Uic best of health. men. And God Bless You My Ffénds. A Happy New Yemm te Ml - LEAflER INi WOMEN'S E. E3. Hobbs. ACTIVITIS PASSES P.S. Please do not forget to Newcastle deeply mourns the in yu nd a n eed. T pasalag o! Mmm. Ida Butler, wife o!fn o aavne Dr. J. A. Butler, on Mondmy even- inMu-ch 10. People ail through MR&U J. F. EBY te village and adjacent territory feel a keen sense o! losa la hem RECALLS DAYS death. Many did not kxow she had been 111 for two or thrce days Of RIEL REBELLIÔN prcceding hem death and word o! hem pmssing brought a severe Mmm. J. F .Eby, 592 Jarvis' St., shock. Hem going eems almoat Toronto, wiil celebrate hem 92nd an irreparable loss. Bemng a truc birthdmy on Thumday to-day>. homernaker above ail l csc he Mmm. Eby, whosc maidcii naine neverthelesa found time to help, was Emily Jane McMurtry, wm - and when duty seernod to cail to borninl Bowmanvilce on March take a lcmding part in many soc- 13, 1849. She has many pléasant ial, church, civic, 'patriotic and memrnoies to look back on ýWnce charitable activities. she moved to Toronto lmmediate- At Uc tu o!hem emthsicly'after hem marriage te thé late was President o! the Newcastle Jsp ihrEy c.1 80 Branch o! the Red Cross Society, Thé exciting days of 1884 and Preident o! Uic Newcastle Mem- 1885, when two o! hem brothers, orial Library Aid, Vice-Preident thq late William Jamies MceMurtry of! Newcastle Horticultummi Socie- and T. Herbert McMurtry.p!-Osh.. ty, President o! Newcastle Ladies' aa, went forwamd with the Cia- Bowling Club, a member 'o! tiedian troopa to assist la quelling Public Library Board, an active thc "Riel Rebellion, " and retumrn- Eember o! the United Churci W. ed mter the battle o! Bmtoche in A., and a member o! the Churchý May, 1885, are mtilil highlights o! Pamonage and othe conimittees. thome pioncer days. ..aZoO1 She will be smdly mlssed la ail o! In thc great wmm aie had 'ix these groupm and organizations, uephcws fighting overseas., - nly for her premence was lwaya, pleas- four returued. In thc prInt ing, hem counsels wise and helpful wmr one of hem gremt-uephews, and 'er leadership unpirrng to a Lieut. A. E., McMurtry, Montreal, higi degree. on o! -Major Alex. O. MffMurtry. In ail she undertook ànd la ailMontreal, who milso graduated ghe did ahe always showed an, from R.M.C.Kigston, was' bat anselfish diàinteresteduicas, hem wiiea UicestAroyer bMargare was hought lleing alwmya for the cut la two la a collision. Another muse and neyer for self. She was grand-ncphew la Lieut. Blàw 1 S. ilover -o! ail that was beautiful Eby, son o! W. 'P. Eby, Wîo- ih n art and nature and this devo- training wli the 48th HlghJÀan- on to bcauty reflected iusd1 ders. )rightly la hem own life and deeda,, Mmm. Eby's grauddaughter94hus- nd traied as a teacher i young band,, Wig Commander) A. ýJýt- vornanhood she was emiuently nick Campbell, R.C.A.F.,h4e tted for ail the posiious o! trust overseas since July, 19301..11- s nd honour friends and citizens wife and4wto young dau ht nfd !dilow workers conferred up- now living la Hamilton ..noth >, on hem. granddmughtcm la Mm&.,Donad _______________ MacDonald, wife O!f 1rlgmdieoe- Genemal Donald MacDopald, DS. IODIRS LTTRSo., M.C., O.C., MMD. No. 1 tLn Mmm. Eby has four childmen, W.. B-94448 Pte F. Hughes, P. Eby. H. Douglas E6y, Mmm. Wil- 2nd Army Field Workshop, liami Findlay, all o! Toronto, an& R.C.O.C., C.A.S.F., Mrm. J. H. Woods, wife o! Lieut- Base Post Office, Canada. Col. J. H. Woods, C.M.G., Calgary. Dear Sir: I wish te take this op- She mite has fine grandchildren orttuity te thank you for The anid 12 great-grandcildren. Hem atesman, which arrives fairly simier. Mmm.- E. Mcath,: 23 Linden egularly with Canadian mail I St., Toronto, wil be 85 on April oelve. 6th, and hem only survlvino bro. Dburing my stay- la hospital your ther, T. H. Z4aMurtry, Oshawa, per has been most welcome. It will be 81 on Sept. 30th. ýs, l addition to the mail I me- ive, helped me te keep la touci th the news and happenings o! A new coating of paint has been wmanviile and district. applied to the plant of Bowrnan- Your uewspapcr has corne up to ville Cleaners & Dyers, rnaking it L standards o! tic best publica- bookL like new. S. G. Preston was 'ns. It not only contains articles the painter in charge 'o! opera- the day,.to-day incidents, md- tions. A uew cyclone garment dry.. rtisernents la their best form, cm has almo been installcd at the cial events and what ic old Plant. mee meý pal hi ce! Bol ticr ve soc Itown lB aorng for ithe boys rn uni- forrn at home and abroad, but has many interesting writc-ups by such men as John C. Kirkwood and Capt. Elniore Philpott. The reditorial page la positively a great success, a page o! laterest because =it gives definite details, facts and hfigures on what la what and who is who, on achievement deserving praise that the editor and staff may well be proud of. It la through the medium of your publication that I wish te send my thanka te the Canadian Legion, Salvation Arrny and the town itacif for flic grand Christ- mas gifts I received. I deeply regret, due to hospi- talization that I arn unable to write more ncwa and interesting letter to you and frienda la Bow- manville. I have loit all contact with Bow- manville boys over here, but glad to say I have read smre of their letters they write te Canada, in The Statemman. na conclusion I agala say thanks with best wlahes and regards te ail who helped te make our life over here casier and more com- fortable, also continued succes for your paper. Fred Hughes. Spr., F. E. Hobbs, C-2341, No. 1, R.CX. Holding Unit, Base Post Office, C.AS.F. Canada. Dear Sir: It gives me great pleasure te thank you for The Stateanian which I amn recclvlag monthly. It really checra a fellow Up to recelve newm from his home tewn. I also wmnt te thank those people who were kund enough te send me the parcels that I reccived. They sure were welcome. I arn asking your forgivens for not scndîng you a grectin card as I have been la hospital frorn ftic effecta of a bomblag raid, but you know war la war no matter who flghts. I amn feeling flac again now and rcady te go back at them again. Thhngs have been a little quet er tlian umual but you can nover F0 e F. 18 Real Estate For SaL )R SALE - SOI1D BR IE house on Centre St, Bowni ville, modern convenlences;v be sold cheap to close up estate. Apply- A. E. Belini King St. West. il )R SALE-BRICK HOUSE( King St., residence of the li 1B. Martyn. -Phone 461. 10. FARM FOR SALE--BEIXIG T. ouwest quarter, o! Lot1 Conucessin 9, Towuiship o! Da lingten, mand containing 43 mcr more or loes ou which lsa a ment house, frarne baru ar stables, good heu lieuse, wE and clatern. Must be sold close estate. Apply J. D. Hi garti, Hampton.10 STOCKER CATTLE 110 STOCKER$ 17HNOCS 500 DU& GRAIN cm Waoiuam Saturday, Mer. 22 SALE AT ONE O'CLOCK h sSea" TED 3ACKsON, arn ON W lated ýar- wesA .nd S to' [o- 0-2 Articles For "ae FOR SALE-RENFREW ROYAL range, ail cream enamel, with high closet and reservoir, near- ly new, vbry suitable for town or viiiâge home. Prloed reason- ably. Apply to B. Hanthorn, Burketon Station, phone 2333. BIRTHl HAZELENIn Bownianvile on Wednesday, March ath 1941 to M&. and Mms. J. È. Ifazelden (nee Doroth3r Wouiiacott>, the blrth of a diughtem, Flora Shir- ley Atm (a aister te Ralph>. MARRIAGE TOMSl-RlOBINSON - In Bow- -manville, Mmmcli ath, 1941, by Rev.W. P RogrsMarjorie Robinson, Toono and John Carlisle Toms, Toronto, son o! Mm. and Mmi. lierb. Toms, New- castle. --DEATHS ANNIS-In Darlington, on Mardi 1,1941, Arthur W. Annis, la ti 0h year. Intermeut B.ow- mnanville Cemnetcry. ARCHER--In Cartwright, Mmmcii 'th, 1941, Joseph Archer, belov- cd husband o! Margaret E. Ar- cher, la hlm 84Ui yemm. Interment Union Cexnetery, Cadmus. BUTLER-In. Newcastle, on Mon- day March 10, 1941, Ida Chris- tin Edmunds, dcarly beloved wife o! Dr. J. Ainley Butler. Intemment Bond Head Cermetery.. PORTEOUS-In Bethany, Mmch 4Ui,ý 1941, Mary Ledica Wood,. *bloved wlfe o! Uic laie Charles Portcous, aged 74 yeams. Sister o!fL R. Wood, Bowmaiiville. IN MEMORIAM FARM FOR SALE OR REN'lLot 20, Con. 2, Darlington; 63 ALLIN-In loviiig memory o! a ars 3 acres orchard, 8 rooni- dear iusband and father, Fred ed frame house, milk bouse, W. Allan, who departed tuis life bank barn, silo, and chlckca Mmmdi 17, 1939. house. Apply Wmn. Lymer,- 271 -Ever. rernembered by wifc French Street, Oshawa. Phone and soi"s. O shawa 1737.J!. 11-1 MOUNTJOY-In iovlug memomy FARM FOR SALE OR REN" - of Henry Mountjoy, who passcd Bclng parts o! Lots 23 and 24, mway Marci 12,-1940. Coaceas. 5, Darlingtou, Conitain- -Greatly mmacd by 'Eife maid li 96 acres more or bass. Good farnily. brick house, bmnk barn,. implé- * - ment shed, heu' house, pig peu ROGERS9-lu loving mcmory o! and silq. Plcnty o! water. Plow- -George Rogers, beloved husband ing doue. Possession May lat, o! Annie Spurr, who passed 1941. Apply to J. D. 'Hogarth, away suddenly la Toronto ou Hampton. 10-2 Mairch 12, 1939, la hm 74th yeam. _______________ I neyer thougit wheu you woke LvsokFrSl me that moru, _______________For__Sale_ That you were golag te die; Thc blow was hard, Uic siock FOR SALE- GREY TEAM OP' Fosevere, togtyu ~ Pecherons, one rising 3, one For litléthouht oureid rislag 5. Apply L. L. Pascoe, 'Btwas ucar. - R. R. 1, Hampton, or p h o n c Bttime mpeeds ou, two yearm Bowmanville 2188. 1-1 have pmised Since death its gloom, uts sha- FOR SALE-PART JERSEY AND dow çast Guernsey cow, due March 15. Within my home wiere aui wmi Apply N. Sherba, Lot 17, Côn. 4, bright Darlington. 11-1, Axi tokfro m asliuiig FOR SALE - GZNERAL PUR- 1 misathat litht, anid over ili, remarc, 10 yoarýs old. R.' B. *Hig vacant place theme noue can Gresley, Newcastie, Phono f111' Clarke 1130. . 1141 i5owu hece I mouru, but uot 'liFOR SALE-YOUJNG-HOLSTEIN .vain, _ cw' .just meucwed, good la evemy FrulagHaen Iwilm way; miso good sweet turuips. hligmn Apply W. T. Symous, -phone Xow ho l anciored on Uichoe 2251. 11-1 don ahore' in'Çod's bemutiful siip cailed FOR SALE - SHORT H O R N S- rosi;* and Tamworths:. 2 Lavender George has taken hm last long icifers 1 yemm old,. also calves journey o! both sexes sired by Roaewood To a home o! eternal rest. . Supreme; young T a m w o r t i Inu4 i~ ndst o! Life we arc in sows froni registered stock. Rus- DeaUi. sell Osborne, Newcastle, phono -Rmembered by hm wife An- Clarke 3831. '1- nie Cortie, nt.FOR SALE-7 YORKSHIRE 'TAPLETON - In memory o! plgs, 6 wecks old. Apply Frank Thos. Stapleton, wio passéd Aldsworth, Courtice, ph one away Mmmci 14, 1929. Oshawa 49lJ2. 11-1! Thc demmemi iusband and aweet -____________ est friend, One o! 'U i t, whom God . Wanted to Rent Heca od l nd. , hug WANTED TO RENT -FIVE OR Ho i was oiugete, togt six roomed house with ail con- ulsw gand truc, todo. venecs nBwaveo Alwms willhiarkiudhemmc t diso. tic.s, latowmpvssesor. shedApply Box 115. Statearnan Of- Thmt tells. how lieloved is Uic ieBwanil. soul that lias fled, But tears tirougi many a long aigu wcpt, Anid loviug rernembrances fond- ly kept. .-.Sadly missed by wi!e and family. rDOD-Iu boving mernory o! our icar mother, Georgetta FImmm ruckm, who passed mwmy Mmmci LOUi, 1936. OhI for Uic touci o! a vanished' iand And tic sound o! a voice tuatis r' icere and truc In hem heart Spca and minds ec 3eautiful mernonies sic left -L o v iugl1y remembcmed by k l 1-21bti A.rcie, Dave and Eleanor. Auction Sales, *Herbert DeLong will sel by Concession 4 (uorth o! Stephens'p MM)I, on Thursday, Mmci 27th, al hlm farm stock, Implements, hay, grain, poultry, ad smre 'household effecta. Sale ai 1 o'clock S.T. Terms cash. J. D. Hogarth, Clerk; Elmer Wilbum, Auctioneer. . *. 11-2 Thc undersigued has recelved Instructions froni W. E. Lymer, Lot 20, Con. 2, Darigten (l1 mile nortu o! Hlghway No. 2, near Vaple Grove>, te moll by public *Ujtiou on Tuesdmy, Mmci 25th, tlir following: Il head o! cattle, horsep, piga, poultry, hamneau, im- P lemejits, aud mmny other articles to numerous to mention. Sale ai W ,m Standard Time. Ternis cash. Eier Wilbur, aucioucer. 11-1 Thc underslgued wlll sen by public auction 1 'om J. W. Balson ndSons, Lot 30, Con. 5, Dar- ing (l </4¾miles omit o! Taun- ton),Q on Thumsday, Mmci 20th, 1941, ail their !arm stock and unr- mnents. Sale at 1 p.m. Standard ,e. Teins cash. J. D. Hogarth, Clark; Elmer Wllbur, Auctioneer. 11-1w 19C Red River Creal 2 lbi. pkg. 24e Grapefruit 6 for 25e Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 21c Sweet, Jxt*y SVooW Oranges Doz. 29e Lffebuoy Soap - 2 for lice .Iewel 3hortcning 2- Ibs. 27o Durhau Corn Starch pkg. 10o 1Rse eVacum pa*4 Coffee 1.2 lb. 29. Phone 5,8 Promuf fl~Iiwaw ~.'kîpWan ted HELP WANTED - RELIABLE help f.Wan «or smnall aduit famfl'in Trontq;,wages $25 to $30 monthly; (cleaning wo- mani does heavy work); good home. Apply Box 122, CI The- Statesman, Office, Bowmaxville. WANTED-oFICE GIRL PRO- -ficient in typing and shorthand. Must have shorthmftd speed of 90 words per minute. State ekc- e ence, wages expected la t application. Apply Box 123, CIO Statesmaan Office, Bowman- ville. 11-1* WANTED- RELIABLE WOMAN to look mter couple in village, state wages expected. Appl3r Box 125, dlo The Statesman. 11-1 HELP WANTED-SINGLE MAN, experienced for general fa=r work. Apply James Simpson, MAN AND WIFE WAIýkTED-TrO came for elderly gentleman la his owni home,. ail conveniences la exchange for freeretand or large garden. Box11 The Staesan BoWanvil0.1-3* J WANTED-ROOM AND BOARD for single man, ressonable rates. Apply Box 124, clo Thc Cana- WANTED - LADY'S BIYL lgod condition. Phono 344ý WANTED - HIGËEST PRICES paid for scrap batteries. When your battery fails, bringItiln to be X-rayed by our newly ln- stallcd «WlUard Trouble Fhnd- er Machine." 'G. F. Jaznieson Tire & Batteryr Shop, King and Silver Sts. 6.f Tea Cup Reading, TEA CUP AND CARDS PROU 3 p.m. to 10 P.m. Darch's To-, bacco Store, phone 2884. . '4 READING -MES. BRANTON1 Oshawa, will be at Mn. Howaru Chala', Temperance St., Fi-ý day, March 14. For aPpolatrnent phone 2692. Proceeds for war fund. 11-1 WOWE.44 mDm EN WANTED- Intcmesting.proposition for any- onÇI who Wanits te bnprove bià situation. We offer you te be- coïne our representative ini an exclusive district selling two hundrcd hobsehold necesaities, includlag Tea, Coffee on a pro- fitable kbasis. Try thlrty éa «without rlsk. Free products for consumnera..Apply to-day: JITO, 1435 Montcalm, Montreal. 11.4 DEALERS WANTED-SELL 200 ,articles frorn door to door: toilet, medicine, essences, spices, farm products, cleaners, etc. Guaman- teed qualityr, world-wide repu- tation. Every family a custom- er. Energetic workers assured of muccesa. No rlsk. Catalogue, conditions, on request. Familex Products, 570 St. Clerni, Mon- treal. 1- MAN 35 TO 55, WIT-H CAR, FOR Watkins Route which has just becomne available. Cash la on increased public buying power .wlth. the 'largest company of Its klnd la the world. Generous ,credit funshed *qualifled ap- plicants. Write Watkins, 2177 Masson Street, Montreul, Dept. 0-B-9. 10-41 TOAmnpeliS -J 3 tins 25c SALMON 1-2 size Uin 17o CORN BEEF- tinîSo Weekly Feed Speclal W E EKXLY P'EED SPECIAL - 40% Protela Olbcmke Mcml, $1, per cwt.; 35% 'Protein Oilcew, Mcml, $1.85 per cwt. Offer go whlle our stock lmita. P. C. V4 Seed Cleanlng SIEEDCLEAMIG-WE SCOURX clean and separate ail kunduo o grain. Clean ail clover seeds. Modern iiachinery Reaonable prices. Phone 22là, Garnet il Elickard, -R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 8-tf FOR SALE-REGISTERED VAN- guard seed oats, stem rust re.. sistant, early Alaka, power Cleaned, 90e per busbel regisater- ed; Ccrtified Irish Co1b1er seed potatoicoice sample No.. 1 or N.2'rdeordcers al;a FOR SALE - SMALL BARN, large chlcken house, large hog pen, in excellent condition; 1 lai0ge and 1 amail Quebec heat- er, practically new. Apply R. Brooks, Courtice, phone Osh- awa 289W2.. 11-2* FOR SALE - GOOD COMBINA- tion Quebec cooker and heater, nearly new, also Quebec heater, large oak table, baby's go-cart la excellent condition. Phone 061, Bowmanville. 11-1 MATTRESS &COMPýORTERS - Imner Spr Mag sallBcauty- Rest, andzai sprlig mattresses rebuilt like ncw. Ostermoor and layer feit mattresses clcancd and rebufit, also converted into iner sprlng mýattresses. New coverhngs supplied if nccessary. Feather beds washed, strlpped and made into down comforters, fincat English down-proof *ma- ter"i used. Eiderdowns retov- ered. Special prices now. Phone B.V.Sc., Bowmanville. 10-2 WALLPAPER .'This.Week Oni ,y Iiteaon iMastr 80 uche wlI l £rkun lgh %se es 8RP -uhAr LU 19c.,per' i Sav, on Toui Pant Wateh for.fthe Speeil Next Week, JAP-A-LfC Four-Heur Enamel Sultabi, for furalture, chairs Mdl woodwork of Wus NEW BOOKS IN LHNDING f, LIBRARY Have juat arrived. The very JODHNSTON'S .. BOK STORE Pione. 651 Dowinaavle fWig bELIVER Phne for these.Special ValuesCT Thurs. -Fr. - Sat.k lond^ xoua. Cofce * Ilb. .33c Sweet MIx*i Pickles .Ie e 9 Raiin -2 lbs. 2Me Pears Untht100 Ma ster t Dog iscIbog Cooklng q v e 0Onions- 3 Ibo. 22e IVORY SNOW 8.0.S.- 4 pad 14o Spfelest, saint for fi00 fabrim &SO.se -8 ped PM pkg. 24o Mugget' GILLM98 LYE' Shoe -Poilith uin ýlac. Cruls2 Uns 23o $OA mFLKES Sodas - lb. lie Giant Size Uc Sadwc Biscuits - lb. 17o 'COUÉORT SOAP Mother Parlme 3 bars 14e Tee - 1-2ïb. 33o Fa* goU NN THURSDAY, MAJ~CK TIM CAIqADL4k, 1 L ýi 1 linomm ïý f I Nxec ot lies owa vil eiec toe eavluur nd wnan ville aflic near future msupporth to thank thoseatronae suproprt cds med whpona ad promptz sus fcthrand wold approfciteais- fmcotoy tlment of5, ou41.Ancl tacts bye cMalch1os1961.ierd thtde, clectionsD.wCil ey made. oterV. r. D. C. Davey, V0., 3Fer Saeo 5-ntf TmixéDAY, MARCS Phone 506 Prompt Douve" Seed Fer Salé Il