THUMSAY, MAlICE 13,"1041 ýBOWMANVII.LE, ONTARJO TEE CANADffl STATYII Durhami Farm.:: For. Federation At Enthu aiaulic Meeting ai Oronq s' <COntinued from page 1) enllghtening Matures that pro- cedcd the speaker's contention that farmers todaY were on the verge af being able tçQ speak ta governmens with tremendously greater Influence then long exis- tent lobbies nepreienting Indus- try, Finance and Labon. The dally rosa was singled out for acco- S de as campions af agriculture, ~1to the amazement and amusement af many present. Trenrendous Respnslbllity, Dr. Reynolds, i ntroducing1 Mr. Hannam, recalled that as Epresident of the O.A.C. 'he was lprcsiod with the studioussand oud qualities af lac youth who durnngtla past 15 years had pro- gressed from one executive posi- tion ta anothor in fanmer and ca- operative organizations until ta- day he occupied a position of im- Portance equal ta that of the Fed- eral Minister of Agriculture. Mn: Hannani, ta acknowledging what he termed "extravagant laudatian", nevetheleis pomnted out lac fact that lac position he occupied was through direct, de- mocratic, votes of farinons, while lac Federal Minster held his posi- tion as a palitical appointee. Hle said: "I view the position I now hold as one ai tremendousj nesPonslbility but I ami sustained by your collective lainlcing and shail forward yaun ideas ta thc lirnit af My capabilities." He1 Pointed out that succeis dependi UPon lac numbers that back thec organization, and laat these num-9 bers are increasig day by. day. 1 Voice la Heeded1 "Durham County organization Is ta be followcd rapidly byote counties and expectatian la that a total ai 20 wll be rounded out by lae end ai lac present monla. Alrady acrasa Canada, in every phase af agriculture, among ev- ery seet amd creed,, fariner as- sociations and socitici have jain. cd handa wilain lac central Fed.( eration whlch has refuted ail pre- viaus predictions. "Thie necent events have con- fimmed lac faci that lac Federa- tion now speaks, aulaonltatively for the fanmers af Canada,"1 said Mn. Hannani. These 1Wee: first, lac meeting at Londoni January whero 2000 farinera faccd and forced -frani Han. J. G. Gardinern a recognition 'of lacier ights andt where thc Federatian was backed1 100 per cent. Second, lac Fedena-1 tion convention i Toronto, ta which hastened -five provinciala Ministers af. Agriculture ta pro- dlaim laceir wholchearted backing and support for lac Federation. Cornmended By Prime Minuster Finally came lac meeting of 22 accrcdlted delegates af lac Fed- cation wlth Prime Minuster King and hie Cabinet. "There," sald Mn. Hannam, "lwe used thc tech- nique af arganization and present- cd a carefuily preparcd brief which brought acknowledgment from Mr. King laat: 'This la lac first constructive presentation oi lac neoda ai agriculture ever ta came before us; h la aan eminent- ly f air and reasonable; your ne- presenitâtors may have ceen de- layed too long for lac benefit ai anl conicerned'."1 Mr. Hannam clalmed that ail lais conflnxned lac welght which lac Federation carrnes even ta- day, wilaout, as yct, a central bffice at Ottawa, an omission soon ta bo rectificd and then agricul- ture will have an cntree and a power and a volce greater than thc manufacturera, bankers and abrahlong ago centralized ta ifunelegisiation which has worked to thc detrinient ai agri- culture. Federation Consulted Mr. Hannam went on ta, ten how he had been callcd inta con-. sultation wila athers when Na- tional Registration and Mlltary Service, regulations wene being considened and that every anc af lac suggestions ai the Federation had been adapted. Assurance was1 given that farmnera wlla but anc son could appeal direct and sec-i une exemptions laat would ob-i viate virtual dissolution ai farm, stock and caitaj; that military1 boards must defen ta such -situa-à tions. ,Space does nat permit full jus- tice ta Mn. Hannamn's speech but4 its force and elarity canied con- viction. He presented a chart which iilustrated pointa made.,'li outlined lac appnoved plan ai organization and finance'and ne- ferrcd ta lacetUme prevlously whcn ho had spoken ta Durhamn at a Rural-Unban-Rotary banquet and warmly lauded lac Idea. "IThat la lac idea and ideal whlch taday animates lac Federatian," said Mr. Hannain. Feconomie Emanclpation In bis peroration, Mr. Hannam1 sald: "lWe are' aut ta cooperate larough confcrences - nat ta flghi unlesa wo have ta. We have lac backing aifprovinces, press,4 nd radio, ai leadlers cvenywhcrc, 80 tlare la goodwill and no knackaà from anyone. Folka on farma will 4ec with a low priceS tag ANNUAL Age dt handlaoye " 4l Yeur Net Payaient (1941 at Fun a 8em bdore ddcigdividend scaI ed WWYSao.L Issue (Gumrated) cdividen) for IU»tuitomn esbelow) 20 $69.20 $81.40 M6.40 25 79.10 93.05 76.60 30 91.75 107.95 89.55 35 1108.55 127.70 106.40 40 130.90 154.00 128..50 45 160.60 198.95 157.40 50 199.85 285.10 194.95 Dividend at end af rd yea may be uaed te redues 4th yerr columa ghows net payaiet on tis beu, undr our 1941 divide=acal. is fi.l notguaantedfor tihe fvture but is given ta I Mustrte thre principle W"iapplies. Divien" =i yen ta yer wM ldeped entirel on future expermms ISSUED AT lIGES, 10 TO 66, INCWSIVE. A POLICYM~ITH MANY USES Contains ail the. standard. provisions -cash values if* you live, Get Bookwej'rm 1LOw lAgen* or Office or Home Office THE PRUDENTIAL 1,NSURANCE COMPANY 0F AMERICA Uome Offi", Newarwk, New Jerse.y aNCE OMM7CS IN aL EDING CANADLIN CITIES PREMIUM, $5000 LIFE INSURANCE UJNITED OHURCE LAuIiIIES WAR SAVINGB DRIVE raise themselves up ta a standard they neyer have had when we are campletely consolidated; boys and girls on f ans will have the sanie oppontunities as those fornierly the prerogative of what have been termed 'the interests', and we as farmers, at lait shaîl achieve econonilc emancipation and the fuliness of a. modern, decent, standard of living." RebufiflBy Miaisters F. C. Patterson, agricultural re- presentative of Peterboro, intro- duced Mr. Gifford who delivencd a fluent, telling, speech whereln he described the hArd worlc nec, essary ta formation of Ontarlo's firit county unit. Hle told, too, of his exponlence on a- farmer dele- gatlton whlch was accorded a downright discreditable receptian at Ottawa shunted from Depart- ment ta oard and back again, each tefllng confllcting stories. This sort of thlng, lately »exposed in the press, has roused the wrath of Mh#sters whom we are accus- tamed ta terin "responsible." NO one present doubted the stnalght- forward allegatians of Mri. Gif- fard who wai con'.rended for his frankness.' Constitution Adopted Chairman Bawles in presenting the typed form of Constitution, stated that the meeting was open for full discussion. The motion of M. H. Staples, after suggcstedi clarification in short speeches by Prof. C. B. Sissons and Harry Joie, was carrled unanlmously. In effect, it providcd that: "The constitution be adopted ai read with provision that the slate of Directors as prepared, be pro- visional until the next annual meeting when election shail be by way of Township, meetings as the/ neucleus af orgaffization ra- ther than nominations by Town- ship councili." The word "Pro- vislonal"' was inserted and the Durham Federation then became a "fait accompli." Board of Direotors The lst of provisional directori follows: Capt. C. H. Muinford, Hampton, for Shorthorn Breeders' Ass'n. 1 Jas. T. Brown, Newcastle, for Holstein Ereeders' As n. Forbes Heyland, Bowmanville,1 Crop Improvement Ass'n. j Russel Osborne, Bowmanville, Apple Growers' Ass'n. Neil Muttan, Baw ma nv ile, Whole Mllk Producens' Ass'n. Wesley Werry, Hampton, York- shire Breeders' Ass'n. Harry McCamus, Ida, Durham Plowman's Ass'n. F. R. Currelly, Port Hope, Har-1 wood Cooperative Creamery. George Annis, Bwmanile, te ALgricultural. Coundil. Garnet Rickard, Shaws, Junior Farmeri' As'n. H. E.. Smith, Port Hope, Dur- ham Tobacca Plantations. M. H. Staples, Newcastle, Dur- ham Central Agricultural SocletY. Carl Wright, Blackstock, Cart- wright Agricultural Society., Wmn. Lightle, Port Hope, fo' Port Hope Agricultural Society. I. W. Larmer, Fraserville, NM- brook Agricuitural Society. Mrs. Johnson Thickson, Bow- manvifle, and Mrs. S. Edgar Wer- ry, Hampton, for West Durhami Women's Institute. Mrs. Ira Lowe, Ida and Mns. Wm. Armstrong,'ibrook, for East Durhami Women's Institute. Reeve W. R. PickeII, Eowman- ville, and A: J. Stainton, Hamy: ton, for Darlington Tw'p. Counci1. Reeve Hartwell Lowery, Orono, and Arthur Thompson, ICendaàl, Clarke Tw'p. Council. Reeve Wilmot R. Prouse, Clarke, and Edgar A. Nichais, Port Hope, for Hope Tw'p. Council. Reeve Garmet Shields, Ida and Reiald Falls, Millbrook, davan Tp.Council. Reeve W. J. Boggs, Pontypool, and Ivan Wright, JaneMvlle, Mn vers Tw'p. Council. Reeve Creighton Devltt ad Wilfrid Eowles, CartwrightTwp Cauncil. Thre Exeoutive Directors met irnmediately .fol- lowing conclusion af the main meeting and elected the followlng officers for the year: President-Forbes Heyland. - ist Vice Pres.-Wîlfrld Bowles. 2nd Vice Pres.-Garnet Ricka*d. 3rd Vice Pres.-Garnet Sh1el&É 4th Vice Pres.-Herman Smini Sec'y.-Treas. - Walter Reynold, Port Hope. An executive camittee of r was set up without balloting~ Wm. Arntong. Finance Started A resolution waz passed that meetings -ho held monthly. Pre- sident Heyland expressed thanks for the honor, pledged his ut- mast, soliclted cooperation, and announced collection of $35 .00 from the main gathering. Arthur Stainton announced a gif of $10.00 froin the Oshawa ik Producers, which, added ta $15.oo already voted by Durham Producers, provides a total of $60.00 for initial gepnes prior ta worklng out a sceme for Perr manent finance. Thus concluded the. most mo- mentous assembly i the history1 iof Durhanm County agriculture. 1 LIONSCLUB <Contlnued tram page 1) ties. In a short turne a plan was wonked ont - it seeomcdtoa snn iull-flcdged from Fasten's miPr and After wonktag on a script al, anc night they made a necording af lac firît progrnita subnuit ta lac sponsar. Its appealislata boys snd girls framn 7 ta 17 years old; is called Young Canada Club andiras for ias theme "*Safety Finit and Play lac Game." The * ronion the pro- gram took ibis trend la obvions: accidenta are lac leading cause ai doala in lac province aven dis. cases. The chid nlding a bicycle ta-day ilatlac motonisi ai to-mo:T now and if lemcntary rules ai saaety and caution can ho instilled into cblîdren laoy may have los mlshaps in later ice. Beford lac pragnarnihad beon long on lac air letters began com- ing hi. Bowmanvllle was thre finit fown ta take an active interest ln il, thrraugir Charlie Carton and bis idilow Lions. While doing a great service ta lac community the Club bas gai lac boit kind ai freepnbUity.Jut the other day, M&. Savago sald, ho wai nequested by H. N a p ienMoore, editar oi Maçlean's Magaine, ta write an article for lac forlacomlng issue. 'Rted Fauter underatandi child psycholagy," cantinued the speakc- er. "Tiratislatlacsecret ai bis suc- ccii. Instead af callig the oath- eninga wc have, 'demonstnations' ho cals them, 'Saiety Circuses'."ý "SaletY" Airsad of Advertlalnt - "Lasi summer wo held Safety Circuses la most large Ontario centres, Showlng mavies ta 45,000 cilfdren. Thon. weno bath enter., talamient and educatiouilfoatures on lac bIlland wc usnaily bad thre Mayor, Chief ai Police and Pire Chici give short talka. Advertia- ingla et ta a minimum at al times and the theme af Safety is stncssed. Now we are travelling ta imnallen Centres trytag ta form new clubs.", "Tbbils la ua a strldtly commer- cial proposition. Wiren we work laraugb lac service clubs we have no Idea ai exploltlng them fan commercial purposes. For in- stance, i the Oshawa domonstra- tion lait Fall we bad lac co-apera- lion ai -varlous argânizatiansi-« .cludlng thre Attorney General's dopanimnent. Hon. G. D. Canant wrote Red Foster: "Thre people af Ontario are indebted ta Red Fostor fan lac work hoe is do- ing."ý ",Atepresent lac anthoritica are alarmd by ever increastag acci- dent toil. On aur part we are try- ing ta bnild up the largeat juven- uce listening audience possible. Our type af pragnam, bas been slightly changed lately and trne an thre air bas been cnt down ta allow a langer appropriation ion safety wark. Now we dramatize news ai safety clubs using throo adultsanmd four chlldreff for staff actors. Wc send honor awards or cetificatos ta children who have done sanie conspicuoua âct ai bravery an safoty, and flnd laat this technique holds tiroir cantinu- ous intencit."' Continuing bis addreis wlth lac aid ai Kadachrome mavies ai lasi summer activities, Mr. Savage flasbod shota on lac acreen ai "Safety Circuses" held in variaus Ontario centres. At Oshawa and Peterbaro thre Bicycle Club froni Bowmenvllle wai îhown ont ta full farce, easily identifiable in tiroir yellaw sweaters and ac- campanied by President Ted Chant and members af the Lions Club. It la planned ta have a gala safety day ai lac Toranto Exhi-1 bition next year whon lac local club will bhoane ai many gus ta soc Lucky Teeter go through his nock-broaking escapades un- scathed. Chairman Charlie Carter, fa- t ter ai the Bike Club and gniding gcnius af the Safety Commitice, iansoak bis customary culinary duties ta preside in the chair fan lais meeting. Saiety Quiz 41sIù htch hikng brebbited by * w t Ontrlo? What provinces tave lowered speed limita fan nigit ridnving? and like queries were pnopaunded ta bewildered Lions in a Quiz Conteat prepared for their onientaininent and on- llghtenment. "It's no wonden we have so nany accidents," was anc comment when many filed ta, answer correctly and had to con- inbu eto ta J.J.1'" tile fine box. Sanie ai lac lucky individuals who answercd carrectly and were giv- en a cash rcwand i cli loatho ta aecept and returncd varYing amaunta froni two ta seven conta for lac cause ai safety. Under 'correspandence was prcsented a letter from lac Town Clcrk thanktag lac club ion pur- chase ai traffic signal installa- tion. Guests who enjayed lac lenglay program thoraughly were Nelson Osborne and Fred Gardiner, Baw- manville; Fred Brooks, Bruce Hlnds, Gordon Bradley, Part Hope; I. G. Thorpe, Harvey Cox, Stanley PriceofaiBeamîsville; and lac following noiereca, captains and winners in the Lions Hockey1 Leagne: Fred Jackman, Bob Kent,1 Russell Oke, Don Aflin, Gilbert f Mcîlveen, Sidney Rundie, Gerald5 Purdy, Scott Denseni, I. Brown,c B. Polly, R. Richards, E. Morris and Alan Ferguson.t OSNE mistako tiret a great many haome ownena make la la net puttlng enougir coal on tic fine. Thia ta faise ecauomy. A thir, skmmpy fie not anly burnu up ta. faat, 'goes aut marc eaaily, and causes mpany unneccssaiy trips totire cllar, but ih alsovsta s ueL., For thceniait economoical opera- tion, alwaya put on enougir fuel ta kecp lac fire-hed level wlth thre bottom ai thee fino-doon. In muid weathr you oaa iceve a little heavier accumulation oi aah on tire grate. The fine wlll thon burn very slowlyyet thons 'wll b. aufficient fuel lk lae procs af Ifibofdom .4 Wd.uI aa burnlag ta pravide ample heat ln osae ai a sudden drap Iln thre oui- aide temperature. And remembon, wheneven you put on freuh coa always leave an oxposed spot o live coa directly in front ai tire fino-dôor toaeci as a piîlot llght ta Ipntethe gazes anlalng freintire fr«h oal.(6) Canadian gardon Service 1 1 li .1 By Gordon Llndsay Silh ~ ~ ~ '.. The United Church of Canada. Canadian avernment will use this week invlted its membeks the money and then it wiil be de- and adherents to participate hi a voted to Wiping off the deficit of Dominion-wide effort promotn the United Church. Photographs the sale of War Savings Certifi- show John J. Gibson, Chairman cates. United Church memberiof the United Church War Sav- were asked ta, register a portion ings Committee, and Mns. G. Er- of their certificates in the namle nest Forbes, Vice-Chairman, who of The United Church of- Canada. is directing the women's activi- For seven and a haif years the ties i connection wlth the effort. During war time oipecially, lac beginner in gardening la warned nat ta put more land itt gardon than he cen handlo. Instead af pnoductag a plot that la a joy ta bis own family and lac envy af bis neighbors, he may slmply have apened up a wlder space fon weeds ta flourish. Plawmng or îpading up a ncw picce af land is aimait ccntainly going ta ho fol- lowed by a luxuriant crop ai weedi, unlcîs cultivation la main- tained. This is nai difficult with a small piece af ground. One persan can handle a quarter acre af voge- table gardon in spare tio, pro- vided ho is willing to dovote an eventag or sa a week ta it. If this time ia nat available thon a much smaller plot should be chosen. 1As a matten af fact, ail ciponi- enced gardenens advocato a smail, woll cultivated.plot ta prefenence ta anc langer and receiving Iiss cane. The smallor plat, tao, ta the end will produce the best and the most vegetables. If lac original digging la followed promptly and rogularly wila froni two ta four thoraugh cultivations, about a wock ta ton days apart, lac weeds wiil get discouragod. To nake sure, howovor, laat lac wecdi are killed and not just temporarily put off fron starting, it la well ta ailow sufficiont time in between cultivation for tho pesta ta ger- minate and atarita ograw. Bat Beds A hot bcd fan stanting gardon icoda eanly is usually prepared in March., It consista af a bcd ai freih hanse nanuro, which sup- plies lac heat, about 18 taches deep. On lais, twa an three taches ai fine sail la placed and suter the bcd hias heated up and thon coolcd dawn again (a matter af thrce on four days) lac seed la iown ta nows a few taches apart. The bcd la pnotectcd by nough boardlng along lac aide and on top, and alaping tawarda lac ioula about 10 ta 18 taches above lac bcd ig placed a wlndow sash well glass- cd. If only a fow plants are want- cd, theso may be started, fron seeds sown in flat boxes indbors and placed ta iunny windows. Like gardon seed, it la import- ant ta secure nursery stock - fruit trees, rose bushes, ibrubs, porennial flowers, etc. - fran a neputable source and anc that la imiliar and catens ta Canadien conditions. Good stock la pliable, green and shows plenty af livo buds. Roots are moist and weil wnapped ta exclude lac air. Such wlll graw neadily when planted. Brittle wood, wrinkled buds, an none at ai, and exposed, dry roots are an indication ai inierar, usually cheap stock. If it growa at all it wiil take years ta make a neal showing. Nursery stock should ho plant- cd, as soan as lac soil la fit ta wank, and if purchased befane lais timeoro if incanivenient ta plant, roots shauld ho temporarily cav- ercd wila moisi canla, or planta ahould ho stoned ta a cool, dark collai and roats kept nalat. # Next Week - Spacing, Sweet Pois, firai vegetables. Women's lostitute About forty-five mombens and visitons attendced Bowmanville Womon's Institute meeting ai Mra. F. C. Calnon's. An addrcas on "Education" by Rcv. W. P. Rogens waa interesting and instructive fan lac unusnal way in which it was pnescnted. Taking lao words, Sail , Stuff and Stimuli, lac speak- on ontlincd and followed lac dif- forent processes ta achieve results, which were sonctines satisfac- tory and at othen tinies were iound ta ho unsatisiactony. Ho itreised lac idea that the teacher should discover, taflaw and croate deairos for satisfactony neinîti. Mns. Frank Jackman expnessed lac appreclation ai lac ladies ta Mn. Rogers for his fine address. Mis. Burgmaster cantribnted a rcading. Mns. Fred Baker, waol canven- on, neoated 25 pairs af socks, 3 pairs mitas, 8 sweaters and 1 hel- met had been knitted during Feb- ruary. During lac business discussion presided aven by President Mis. J. Thickson, it was declded ta îend $28.00, lac procoods irom a cand party and draw an a bridge dlola, ta lac British Wan Victima Fund. Mis. T. Wilkins, Oshawa, held lao lucky ticket on lac bridge cloth. Tea was served by lac hastesa and hon group and a social half- hour connc1ldod+ha meeting. ROYAL BRANDI - SMOKED - TENflERIZEI> RAMI WWeo h Héo ib 25 FACE «W LF b.29C SHzOaR NIDBOA" LJM2 iPORE L»Ms wecs.or ihoebd à93 OPWCEAL S. ePamUIcW LAYER CAKE GREEN TRIM Eml 253 JELLY ROLLS Each 15SC RLLScsocIAn, mARtmmALLow Eech 15Sc HOT CROSS BUNS Dmn 1 9e FRUITS AND VECETABLFE. nu.otaDame Gra" deSU s ICEBERG LITUCE Head Sc LO SCaifomnia No. 1 Grade DoLZ.3c CEEROT 145 impot¶Lb il unches13c SP CEFresh Curly Leaf 2 Ibi. 17C ORP~'Rffnmrs»ems SOs Eacb Sc oaxo~s COMMISoal Doz.30 T ANS King of Sw.ed Potato.s Mt Ibs. i ±~~ ~ t*I*I '.' (In . LOGIC My girl just bought a new hat. Hats caver the head. A head is the foani in a glass of beer. Beer gives me a headache. Looking at mny girl's hat doesn't do me any~ good either. * WARNING Ta aU farmers we are Issuing. a warning not to lbave thefr hameau until it ln too late. We are startingt t thmnk more of sprint and wha.t It means so bnlng jour hanree la now and ho sure It la ready whcn 70u will aseeA It We have Juat received a shlP- ment of new haras tira lu made irom thre beat of mat- suials pins thre beut of work- nalrlp. NaPlothat but we affer it t. you at rock- bottom pnices. DON'T DELATI ACT P<OWI JOHN LENZ Pok &Deau 0 T'b Se SAJEON "' 27e Jliy PowdevgO.ox 3 , 3 DOSTIC i. 2 T'- 25c J LAD .u-PM, a.8c OLD CIE 23c Mila CM=ESEle1 MACAROMNI»m2 i UcS DAISM Du C ». 10< PIMU Lmbard 3 fS M3 PAGE PMV BUY WAR SAOINS STAMPS SMd nt A hP LIPTON1 TEA ~37c I' 'Il ,. So easYto buy m I =v i New Low Price on 1-lb, tin 9 Enjoy a Cup Today. 80 NOURISHING CLIPS YO TJi POUJND O-nu M AI YOUR HYDRO SHOP i 1