ampbe4l ,.Macdonald 10, M.feto;tso trnsccrfon »f&termuarH apl G esDe the use of raw milki. ru flTey, J. V wic atý7: l rV eteoThere la littie justification for ECouch, N. Pagan. oweMNeatieton W. I. met at the home the continucd use of the terra. As B Lindsay Seniors - N. Webb, E. Mr. Thos. SnlWdf, .H-of Ira.Johi Proutt March Sth. a matter of tact there la no buch K I I Sarvis 1, E. Betta, W. Corley 1, Snowden and Mrs. H. l.ýinan President Mis. M. Einerson wua thlng as intestinal flu and doc- B e d o MUB.CteG. Phili 5* GuardsI-H. attended the funerël 11ierday in the chair. Ladies decided ta tors and ailiers woulck do well to ______ Agr .Barke, 9 TvcFarquahar, ofMns. J. E. Cochrane, i ourg. make more quilts for Red Cross, cease ualng the narne. Otherwbes G. Pogu. rs. WmÉ..Stewart, Oitëtained Current Events were given by it wl!! ecome lncorporated hIS R N Referee - M. Cunninghami, Eow-anu erf ladies and dternen Mra. S. Maloolm. Roi!coinl'Iis medical language to the Injury of A sWeilw t tr i.nWfS IYJulrn ~mLa I~~A i. Finis manville. a"a:%c eParty Mri y eing Jokes." Misa Ruth Proutt wesi truthful description and diagnoala. , *m<ens.aeu Tak L ad in Fin ls Umir -B. Brlscoe, Lnsy weml. ai &,,Red charge of the prrarn. Our W., I.- It la flot difficuit toagné dt Croos. ' i l 35 yeera old and mornie Urne was truc Infuenza whlch la marked ~gale~~oto Dol e t Liduay ii R ugh G me K DAKSD FEATY.PU. ivlslted New*de, êY...spent iremlniacig. Rarty vote bUe rsaon, foyer, acuté catar- to-meaur u CM = wyevening whên *~ good of thanks was glven ]És Poutt tiori of the nose, hot-eade Lidsay ~ BH.S. SE IR In as enjoyed. and ladies I charge. Theé er larynx and bronchli, neuralgip md Our coô e.uloine o Beulor Girs Wln 24. ni FiritEXHIBITON TIILT Ou~r choir aid ôrgmnst *w111 fur- three ladies present Who were et muacular peina, licadeche loas of fabiI i tles uey@ife ______ i 2- nrio othae Lnsy tem nnigh tha rmusic at - q'tbtstrthe rnieetig when tic W. 1. waasleep, convulsions and deMiirun. best seleto htvi iePiO, of Home and Home Unes check. Church, Oshawa, onSuc% e-stai'ted. The diaues la probably due to a >-r wt ett tw. Wlt Lld~a -Poits o arly Lead a xiIIngre ~ elghblganvtsr-~- Syrnpthy la extended ta Mr. virus 'oË a bactenlurn and is düra- oUlhAl through the garne B.H.S. Kodak Intermediate basketball Diè. Wm. Modeti the dcath ot hlm tion la frorn0, few da"s ta one or .U m Colot._adUth best of the P1av excePi teul B.H.S. Senior boys were de- Mr..and M J . timoen nthen. two weeko. Thene may ha relapses B N u a fora fw mnut --le thid feated 35-32. The local boys were tertalned his brothffna ud *laes Cnrtlain aM.'dM.adUcp tiè nrnmains weak for I a rough and tumable gaine quarter~ when their gual.ds relax-. leading ii 0t f Uic way but a and Rev. and Mis. W. C. Smith Nelson Marlow celebrating their a considérable Urnie.- Complica- ?ae d and allowed several het- sudden spurt b>' Toronto tearn on Saturday cvenlng là -benor of 30Ui Wvedding -anniversar>' on tions are trequent, Uic chief ones B..S snir irs efatd in- ngatiacks ta corne through fromn put Uiem ii thc lead the lait few Mr. Stevens' birthday. March 7th: helng pneurnonla and vanlous id- As loi s..,~ :ay girls 24-7 in thc firÉt of home Lindsay. Shirley Camipbell drew miutes of thUic n The gme y'~in th of Lhistn t uty Basket social wasqutea suc- fections! of Uihe.qy ad cun mdhome play-off series, with finit blood in Uic flnst minuté of wa potponed froin Prday evn- ad Base Line la P eldtttoMrs. (sswhn e eJoe a plcasant retni pmes r aaccuris. points ta count. The gaine was play and made Uic only other adwapa-LsleAduohiteIufheevlg.xenvepdecarpndncs played ffiday evening i Bow- score of Uic quarter wlit a fou! d in theic High School Gym- mother, Mis. Beck, Bolkmgen. Visitons:. hlplo nw ilagiper plg.Oqsadn menviles gym wth. a large shot. Shootlng technique of thU ic crawd of Lindsay'fss i support Bowmanvile girls was vcry paon r n lian:-Mr..and Mia. Zack Adams, New- Inany lorrn of Influenza UthStle of iheir flghting girls' tearn. throughoui Uie wholc garne. They Brown led thie local attack as Miss Corsina Sarnisam a tonville, .with ber sisien, Mis. G. hast treatinent la bcd. Iteicsév- The L.C.I. tearn la evrdently ac- had Uic besi part of the pil>' but usual wth Sieman and Mllveen heu slater's, Mns. F, th.BQweYs. .cre pandelc which accurred hI A <w HITS*20 customed ta play' with mare gen- couldn't scein ta sink Uic bail., lendisg pleni>' cf power in the Mr..and Mn. Charles UtGeen- Mr..and Mis. RObi. Ewerâsand 1918-19, h was observed that i BEsc'...----- ticteaa tanUicB.H. irl, Pt Dstn ws Uc tarof icattacks on Uic Kodak baiket. A bain, Misa Audrey' and M!ater Misa Nana Porteous, Oshawa,with Uic cases which were ai once sent fo teysowd oWeerbl oniscodqurtr el o ndlMn. H. Wheeler and cie e Zh; ithase 'where cern whcn a couple of girls used Bub Storey wl> was holding Uic tans technique was is failure ta Mion . tich patient penalated hIgaing thein welght. to advantagc but Lindsay girls hi check she mari- sliii foul shota. Oui of 10 foui r Stanley' Ta Port faihi, Oshawa, ai Mr. R. Hs abot thé deaths were nurncrous.Ec!- wliln Uic law. Next weck theY aged tosink three baskets for the abois cxii>'6 rnanaged to go Hop, tMr obe ilooewi iay i Lindsay, and although the local tîearn. Lindsay also made throughUic hoop. The score ai pa ntol P5 It would flot ha surpnlsing if nexi e mpoe ,clgrshave a substantial W-their lirsi score in ibis penhod hall urne was 23-12 iBowrnan- M.edM s J L Rgp T o i. JSusendJaBill, Mr. .. nt bohiapnecafGAS RA S.- . gin ta work an, Uiey wil! miUR!whcn Geraldine Pbilips sank a Vllecs8favour. ronia, ai Mr. F. s iN~ es.bna nd h]s asM. R sort. The living conditions have ta pl" le mad ta keep Uic basket, thexi later a foui shot. The 1'Kodaks became a littie too stranong . aleSih RCAT-Nsligarle Ianlow, Oshawa, of rnt ofurope, wland a onfOMNIL' TR O _________________score ai Uic end af hall-Urne was for Uic B.H.S. squad ihefialronto, wlit Mr. Fred *Btcv;ens. Miss qarercrtdegm lcka Too- lad to sec ,Cbarlie i'lia ixual with lber,. +uwcntsi ltin aeda f13i omnil' ao r eitrae. Led b>' Alleniby tUicTo- G-. Ioodn lngs e pdmake des! 11-3 in owmanvile's f avur.mon t> L'unhli23 place in Uic choir. lira. John RUi ,thher. is- surrounigto pdmcdsae RS ~~~ Th e coni d uartrwaUc n> ons a9b'BamrvUMi. Pero>' Wenry, Tyroneand ter!, Mn. H. Sasile. 1 Il1fiuch an autbreak -occursin5h _________________ tne whcn B.quarherws wthe laitse exhbition gaine r. a GrLhnieSii oun i Mr..and lira. K. Sarnells wlth Europe h wiil aImoit inevitabl' time hen .MS.hopeswereat Tese ehibiion frienare e-iM.LJ. .dStvens.;nsBt=eadritas inLindcourir>'.to tWe cuntoy Wd houh ahaed Th LC.I tainmai ng plaYcd ipreparation forUcMn .thetvxi'onSIa. Miss Ma>' Reynolds, Elackstock, p repaesfor Ih by keeplng fit and O lSOfC yd r a agcd to score 3 points whlle Bow- erles Bowmnanvllle will Pla'ype rv iso W with ber unele, Mr. Oea. Marlow.b y avaldlng Uic conditions of UiheII -~ anville remained scoreless, but Peterbora for Uic district titlc.hit The school attendence h ow- Mis. W. Jackson with her fa- countries striciien b>' Uic Huns. NTD -~ ibs din't lsi fr log, la planncd ta play Kodaks a re- ing wli leapa and bouzidi. 1Two Uer, Mn. Jas. Gardon. _______ Led b>' Marian Macdonald and turr gaine in the cii>'. Incident!>' mare pupils have moved'i Aud- lins. Peter' Wright wli ber sarono elvr RoleMamian Hoapcr, Bowman- ic>' bouai Uic fixiesi gynmaslurn ne>' and Eveyr Davis, who arei Leslie i Toronto. 1poe8 ville wcnt wild.hi U>4e lest quai- in Canada. Grades 5 and' 6 .... I tiul. Mr. -Maurice NeshttianmMs- Two Fini AÀ«.Pon ATTENTION 1 a unu i6ek ail 1 B-.S. Seniors: G. Mcflveen 2, turc we are stud<ylng tlieWarble ter BEl!> Johins ai Mr. L. Jablln'a. . * Jëhl's AMYP.p- foIshot. indsay bgirls cniinShmn5,Bon15 abln2 l>'. In aur, study. Jadk uday lins. Jas. Wllllamson wiUhi.1 ___________________________ j STAND sbowed up ver>' paor n!>'heicluti Casbourri 2, Wbeeler 2, AlUn, wrote Uic foilawlng poem: enidsata Janetviile.A iedfcnccfonons OUFmquarter of Uic gaine. UndcrhMl 2, Clark, Mitchel 1, E. The camte are runnlng,_______ Two good addnesses were heard ofA iucoht a atafrc fi lgraw T u lAEMiss Buriab>', coach 0f tUic.Kodks: Thonipson 86 Romplng dt a showlINTESTIN4AL FLU ai te uic ma neetIng, eMadh, How nice iwould ha if Uic leoCahn icler c, hiaso!when Uic prograin was in chargcernlddic-agcd, mmd expanded 'as f Bo nvfieten agincames PoweU 10, Irving, AÎenby 0' Boy are Uic>' nunnlng, Lot Mn. C. Bettles' Guoup 2. eai!>' as Uic middle-aged waisi L E T M ita thc lirnelighi for lnstillilng In Hayes 4, Jones 7, Bealash 2: we can, spy, Prom time ta Une anc réads Or Canon C. R. Spencer brougbt a line. ch girl such *a fine teanspirit. Kabby, Milirn, Fallinalice. Wc tblik Uie cause hears of cases. aI intestinal fhu, Urne!>' message which lef t Uic The devuating captian: "Bri- Sb d uMSO pAn riviriîthe eaor ir Referce: Earl Cunningbam; Vin- Io thc Warble Ply. even when iileizepldcmic or young peolewihmari>'sobeningtansSceWapnoug." U " Uic th Linday girhls found bard pire, Douglas Jaekrn. Severel skating partics have otherwiac, la absent. Uioughii about ibis sacred season. ___________-4oalsgls Ui v been hcld laie!>' ai Uic Maple The terni intestinal flu l5aonc A short tehk on Uic travelling abtusho * DM EErMVta beat. lier coacnxng elso shows Grove arena. The Ice bas been sometiines used b>' individuals missionar>' wonk of Miss Hassel MssiEafii LIVU LI p to advantagc wbcn h COmes te gaod sa fer but wifl soon g if and dactors for a set of sympioma hi Uic West was given b>' Mrs,,agudDdii- Lh t W t h e sur keeps shining liii.1t6 bas which indicate gastro-iintestinal Fornest D . The chunch senda ENTERTAINER mFUsAtasai --- enors- P. Dusian 8, S. H1k en.dsubnc.Telom> a e ag erof twoe "4 Girl nocily Stanley E. Sriôwden. upsct; thre ina>' haabdominal workcrs ta Uic more lsolated par- BoomeRAL1'H GOnfONS thse Wjéu"fuh _______s l exiremel>' uncoin- where hytae and livein tu«fr U o3eMbl d mon in outbreaks of Influenza. TI vans or trailers. mont. MDiaetol olue u e.rfro, Hgaahbcab, astd m On March Mt Jerry Eird's fust- iyronie maat instances Uic so-ca]led i- The societ>' voted $15.00 ta aid . Address, - sign Ealthubsdapnd 12 sieppig Roamers dcfeated Non- boes nf-Io octbe a er thUicchurch carrent accourt ai Uie OSb Cmu'foeireeTdnt 8d K d e P i man Taylor's Whitby Girls 3-2 orins.orn. Burgood-bvieied hon ah-n-meeting. tTono c tbe latter's !ce..Ur.BBugs itdhes& A large crowd whtrucssed Uic ter in Toronto. finit introduction ai girls' hockey Mi. Lorre Mortson viaid ai i Whitb>' for smre tUr n d thlm shome iLarigmiali. wa>' Uic gals play' lu certain!> Mr. and Mis.' Wes. Hoakin, pnovng opuan itbUicî~. Burketon, vlated ai Mr. Lamne provng opulr wth te fns. Hoskli's. Thc Roaxnens, althèugh a mnucb Sympathy i extended ta lins. - ~~heavier teamn, hacl ta hustie a. W. .Annis anid lang~ly ta ,sein s... Uic way ta bcat Uic gaine little sad bereavemeni. girls froin Whiby. Lance CpI. Geo. Grabain,.Gi- Middletan mcured the puck tawa, lins. Grabamn and"Barbara, LOOK AT YOUR POLICY from Uice face-off and scoed fr visited ai Mn. and Mis. L. Thomp- Bowmanville. Harlow of Wib os g wordas h taa pon ir t ed Uic score and Uic finitand' A number ai ladies aftcnded Uic Bosd evry oduiina9otr t second perlod cnded fluai way. I Red Cross teai Bowmanville agrohig o ~ youfor<>~thUi third pcrlod Lois Lange scored and wcre pleaaed toam se i dia- agebgt pyyo orolyte pm-ad Middleton again Put Uic play' ai Red Cross work dorc b>' 1lm o. Don 't-forgettii name of! e Roaniers outinh front b>' iWo goals. Bowmanville and cuiside Red Whiiby then turne onUic power Cross wonkes home for Whitb>', maklrng Uic per and concert In Tyrone Coni- Jiur tdy u wf kow, e.u- idl oe 3 o rxiip anke il Ui ude aspiesofWien' Isu -to o0 Imunel scoren3a2wforkBowm, vlple. munit>' Hall, Monda>', March 17, abe t~Roamners' rushes wbiie Wanda tute. Supper begins ai 5.30 S.T. absstc ire'mm m e pUIy. played another fine gaine in goal Bowuanvhlle enicriainers - solos;' ana he wasawdli supported b>' a quartettes, elocution and top dan=- stnong defense. Hanlow, Uic di- ing - Irish music. Admission 25c. minutive sireak for Whitby, car- Pnoceeds ta help furnlsh a bospi- rled Uic mail for ber icamandmdoi ward in Englard. 111 playcd a splendid gaine in goal. wlUi Fdilowsbip Convcrian Mus. Fnida>' xit ihese two teains Virtue in charge of Uic puograni. INSURANCE AGENTS along wi Dusty Claus' Oshawa Tewrhpicue yn h Blue met ina turnaenwinl acrpture iunuadri, and prayer b>' Phone 68 1 Bowmanvllle Whhtbayend cinalaines Lorre Mortaori. Toc proguain op- ha paye in sbaa. ned wiUi plana aclectisb>' Bowmanville - Wanda, L. Lange, Bil>' Dudley, readings b>' Be b F. Clarke, Wiseman, J. Lne, D. Carnuuon and Perey' Werny; coin- t Goulali,.B. GouIBx, and Mieton. munit>' sing-song led b> Lamne Whitby - Palmner, Scott, Gled- Mortsori; Bey. Garnrer gave a H E N people are given hel pful hill, Hodgson, Corner, Spanner, Treasure Trail, foilowed by a con- -ifrainaotmrhniewij Foster, Baile>', Spanner, Corner, test b>' Art Richards.inomtnabu ec nds whc Harlow ad Clar~k. - W. M. S. met ai lins. F. Dud- Aver>' deligbtful lunch was leyis on Thursday- afiernoon. Mr. îhey want and where it can be obtained, servcd ta the tearnsanmd Uic even- R. Hodgson to change of Uic the result is go news for the ed s lng was raundcd oui b>' akating. World Day of Pua r rogreni. rftbeavriigfrtemr MeetIng opcned tr c sen n rftbe dvriigfrtemr a . ~ "Thenc¶ alwayî ha an Zngland."tsr ihvrfe nomto Local Sideis lins. Lcon Moore and Miss Clara chants. This newspaper offers. the moat tsr ihvrfe nomto bu h Woodley were i charge of th e, icltono hcpilée Huis AtDethamy Mission Banid. Rcv. Garnrer wu effective rnethod for business men t ei crcltoof.h dlbhrmmes At____ apained speaker for Essieu son- the news about their' merchandise. andThBueuaasaofklduios -A lange nuniber cf local. kir sic. Mis. McCuUaough read a jci- jouneed a-Betan' o Sndata fr4nHon- Mckey-ICx- service to the famil ies in ibis community. who make un annual*audit of*tecrua BOTS' TEAMd AT BMES. 5 and 6 bave been siudylng about B.HS. enirs iuse fw ~ the New England States .and haw loýRs i ordcd u a ew ju-nElghad md Pilgrlmsrnov- jIJ Th 7is tsemispaper is a membor of the Audit Bureau of Ciruatns played againot oach other ian Uic village af Tyrans an thea~\~IU' eus essl ldyfrii oy. u aetA .C exibition baaketbail garie. The table. Toc>' put neari> al niiies . V cpyofou atstA.B split was neccaiatcd due ta Uic houses and main noad, on it. -failune of Uic Tononto teain te Grade 8 la learnlng about ii arrive. No. 1 tearn composed cf World . . ... Our teacher show-A .=ADT0 IÂ~àC-FCSA ESR F~Âm BOWM Aý'V1 1ic henegulars deteated No. 2 team cd us saine ncw books iai arn.eL I UDTBUREAU OFCRUAIN$O T S ESR FADVRISN cornpossd cf Uic subs 33-13. Score for us. The>' are nearl>' ail JunCo ethat im w' 8-3 I favour of- book but sanie will bc vcryu use- i!egUI¶i. to tahei.Seniors 100. csmm, Bow MANvnmt, OnýTAMO TatmAy, Tim CASA