With Which Are Incorpoiated The Bowmanville N* The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOT TUhT > DITh A? RITC TT7¶AfT rTTPQT)~A V If A TPrUT fPT 1GfAl X~T1U ff¶imi10~ 1WAR SERVICES.DRVEO1N WTHCONCERT fRIA SPEKERC.NIUUSeretary MakesPlea BADMINTON CLTJ"., VýETERAN STOKER Rcr utu xetd SLAEBG To Continue Usual Services INOPRTE EVCECUMOVEPOLM socIACNTE LSABOUT WAR To Hear son Troupe FRHUEIE luSg t o srvto W r OwnaneêBadintonCh ettyOfficer Ifunt Plied WthArmy ChaplainWill Speak ci~ Harvey ]Lyons Brlngs Repout Cases of Mmmi. e ncroaio nld cribes Lite on the. High Beas. Serlous Thoughts to Lecture by Rev. Capt. W. F. Banister Will Be Ol. Lidâs But.Pads Mes- A warning is issued to ail The Ontarj Gazette, Matdi A veteran of the last war, when High Spot, of Evening. Sure-tire Variety Pro- citizens of the Town of Bow- 1941, on the front Page, e served with the Royal Navy, rmArne ihW .Srk himn sage wfth Riot of manville ta reportal yp Government Notices 'Resp toker Petty-Officer H.H. (Bert) ga ragdwt .R tiedar a. AwrieNtoa avg Humnor - Introdue toms of sioknessa thIlt ape Corporationsav e ht ei unt is in it again, on board a Silver Collection Oniy.mavieltYray v r lusdm like mumps. Dr. W.H' Birks, ters Patent, under date of te nadian destroyer this tuie and whnMvinyi4t, i~ by s "Buddy" C f M.H for the town, stated 22, 1941, were issued to Bx13ad many interesting experiencesoftelclR&aoaBrnh Samls. ~~~that there is a large number ville Badminton Club IeNalae d impressions to relate to the While the great combmnedWa Services Drive opened ail overcaedtehr cfcien ________ of cases ai mumpsinu town of uxcorporators set forth r embers of the Girls' War Ser-lute ouclCibr oi- and that extreme.precautions Louis William Dippeil L es te'r vice Club at their meeting on e~e country Monday its officiai BowimanviJle opening îa ache-cuspasfra1 aI~to. Bounded wel an al ides by must be taken. Judda Charles Langs, FEdsaU L*Moday night. duled to take place tomorrow evening in the Town Auditoriun Bs tie ru4Ip h rollicking a~~tonies af which he told A large number af pupils ellyn Oliver, Frederick Mr~ The striking thlng about this with a gala entertainment.BwavilBd r*ill- bi niestock, with the sole ex- from the Public Schaol are Vanstane, and William Henry ~a war, Mr. Hunt said, is that it is The County War Services Chairman W. R. Strike wil presideédta ti lnsc4ra ~ h ceptian of twp or tlree hundred absent. Children are not the herty, ail of Bowmanviile. 'sa fast-moving. On land or sesa hsgetso n h uinewl eralcueo whlch slipped hie mind at -the olyones susceptible, but The purpose la ta establish a re. everyone has ta be on his toesathigrtsow ndheadncwlharaetuenaDononGennet ê ee a., v,~ w;r. ~ ometHave Lyns Feld adielcd gt uie adoe i ceaioal d ocalcenre ai th tmeforai atanse i tmel sbjet ha n oe cn ffmdiasis..Rv.Ce t.W. . iredtavebtWeMuicpa l« atW .Bn9r Secretary for the Canadian Na- this dlscomfarting diseae it is a corporation wi 1 adsetn i ra rti r 3anister, formerly minister of St. Paul 's United Church, now tin.eCrsfoa- Kpon t hndrda i owman- tlanal Institute for the Blind, Aduits and babies have the capital. acially at the back doors Of chaplain at Barniefield Camp, Kingstop, will bie the speaker. It Tomi ifclishv ab vifefrends as a speaker who brought a notable address ta the worst cases, schoal chlldren If comment is lu arder wn ouses and factories. Like every- -s xpste znhver disappoints lits audience, Lions Club Moinday night in generaily have mild cases. should say that through thisn- ne else who visits the Ilies, Mr i xpct he will give somc tlrst hxand information on howsum nednaeyprvsofr Gat.Bnstrhs ceedt icwih i trse thenedor ________tiUi town gets good advertis-e Hunt was greatly impressed with the money raised by the six organizations lu the War Services staaefcbis n o olc esuct ai the local War Services Canadians ta maintain theïr nar- inteajc aawrthy one th odru pi iteBri- ampaign la to be used, as weil as deliver a lecture liberally item aetab rvde rea Hlto-marrow thveningin tseala- Uic war lapan.t oflth Ikctive ta speak la. the Town mal peace-time activities whllc *eapccially the necreational pèz*, ish people. Even the clilidren, besprinkled with bis customary brand of ready wit. ChagrUcgthrn fgl Aomro vnn.nth n h a so. and finafly, wc thank the Gaze whm we miglit expect ta be bad- . ae oldntMot terests of the War Services Fund. "You have just pravlded a littie R .W A WHT for maklng known the fiste upset by this wan on civilas froafnncastdpl.o- English refugee girl with glasses, mimr F ri~mu~nddle naines of these wo rth e cheerful and dig la with a wiil BIBHOP 0F THE AROTIO Capt. Banister is bninging along eve i c ahnnc oc I hear. Tliat's the kind of thing iiK U 1iI K citizens. Some of us werec cl 0d~t hellp where they can._____________ with hlm a troupe ai eight pro- eflyaGodcrepyc, ORITCS PRAISE I'm thlaking ai. If it were your SSE i DT R ta 1,lush when al ai aur gv Mr. Hunt was in varlous types . fessianal entertainers from King-. weeetuitebigedya TRNT ... child la a strange country ad T yf7 names wenc spnead acrosa f iair. raid sheltens durmng his*.. givefi aoeainm i r you could nat send any money ior j1 page. Now we feel more Ca ave in Mn.n."uiesas sa apta teponm t8ganzto ln t tr re D A A S O er bard you toa would be glatiDIE N N W Y R fortable. usual"la i the slogan la London, r.......'.p.m. sharp the festivities will be- diatl ne h ieto iM' ta know she was propenly looked d people have become accus- glu and there la no admission fee Liti.M.Cii answsmd afmter," he remarked. omed ta the blackout and carry The play which a'clever cast ai Thene are 12,500 totally blind la On March 17th, 1941, at lier Magazines Wanted fion with their usual habits. Mr.- except, and that word covens a Sccay n hs rsn i Trlaity young people pnesented in Canada to-day. Fully one-hali ai résidence, 461 West 43rd Street, Hunt was la Scotland and the ltatrityecpasilver iote itit awlhec erýt, coluedtbenresponsollectfor lacatleg ptolateTltychonomday if preventative measures had anid laving famlly about her, im a I and in the latter witnessed an air part ai wliat every citizen in tovtn vag.Seiwn ae ascr beenon-taken Tornitf economico.circu-nom banked with flawers she ' aid He saw seven or eight planes ..l xetdt otiuet i e acvreeysre aBw Manday nîght with succesa match- stances had nat limited their laved sa wdll, Mary Mosetta On iUcmn eta hih had been shot down. rWrSrie ud aJtUcmivle lag, if nat surpasslag, its previaus facilities. Eacoyear elght or nine <James) White cheerfully bade services bclag undertaken be The purpose ai the destroyers, Aarcanrasseswill be mledcthe.e- présentation. liundned jola Uic ranks ai the farewcll ta thla wanld and joincd groupa aifimen and women in,ï. of course, said Mr. Hunt, la ta silver pieces be as big as passible diaeyialUchoslutw latodued icblind. The speaker himself was lavcd ones wha had gone before. parts ai Canada la .the gath forux a screen for the protection -nat the littie round anes with ta idotteaxxuta avg .,ill Bucklcy itoue h sighltess but suffered lits awn la- To a wlde circle ai frlends in ai magazines for distrîbutie,,,,, 'aio the canvoy. -One destroyer is siahegs otiuesie vial dwlhhueadr production ai "Mrs. O'Leary's Jury i thUicGreat War. The field this town and district la hen early Uic fighting men. Saldiens salydtaid apikupayth edgbtt cothibteiii b -arifln aueteVcoySl Caw," glvlixg Uic settlng and a ai endeavour for such charges sla 1e she wasknown amdrevered seem ta ik much ai rios haUic pecd ai c .*. .* g ausantial.tat;wi ring ageBgen uple rc little about .Uiceproduction, whilcte l] lmte, opapedot.alEtaJme.Fotherl onh adGadn"o Uc aie' .orivrfwictheheycme worthwhile caionts ta Uic boys cnrldev;wlrcie dsr Although some are ab e ta do cer- îllne55 had canfined lier ta hec Journal for light recreation, lý>lc convoy la not slowed down. at home and avenseas. t iIv,. i4çy n. $t'WW P&ie~ ,~ m ~ nt roorn but her buoyant, chee;Î;Îf show a deç e éfrence anc tnp, a desfioyerspareonni mcntcd the. Society« on the fine ai think ai tae words oa i lg moment wihlier mind , 0 "Bidgpc Cliub". hners aaand scvcnty people. War Serves n dcollhti'ponrs -is p. ppr-fl-mg~pt4 a . George n his messae ofrSServIces Fundandcollidetionseluerpnivate deear.runtionsUicbdiihration won Ueyar din ledam.aergeeulis esag a Sndyininc m cnflcmat etedu- ilipckUim p.PhneVes d.Hitstriiedthtati-tutsditrctbu Pblciy irctr i iccaipig bt a av ten splendid prognaux also en-Sept. 3rd, 193,"1 Mn. Lyons con- a ec dalre 1e ut tCnr tt mi ikAdj. J. D). Hart reportcd tais forc loasavgognzain whc tned Hesrssdth oitamarning that Uic drive was pro- thul nnigamc ihrpr tattned the larg uiceug ~ that equal wiUi aur job ai serving ai 111e departed she wmz glvlag gresslag and that every part ai cfnaea eeu rmtcsl atedd epn h on e-merad lcdinstructions thctn-nlia poite M!rauMc he dnaytak o hedy. rneents. Then, callyshe P es nAtion, 1ev. A. L. Fleming, B.D. someone ta canv a llatted t ieyaalbefrwrpr Pianmsoos wneeivenby rl-ontscttle e as ya et -a a aWliarecently neturiicd from a trip "Perlimpsafmter people have been GodNwfrtuEeswe lette uson, mndandJJoanredne asktht tMen'scouC radians; Clubr ats understand bettander tjuitetwhatd thlasdwiillad-stp*thelcmdayfightohownghyjuit filwhile James Hancock iav- soyîssayîlgl i eu s placid as lier whole 11.Anresa the Arctic anadianCwlub tmd- taFndmy itt jst how th wii mp ouinfrtthne wld vta vocal salas. Uicto Balmorale aHatel On theMonday a moneyAd lavibcing ra ofsted forth"BalmealwlierconMta putmoold rubbngrashe forlhb. Bwngave two wendc!ells rmusgi gon.Ti was rîcli wita love and jeweled Mardi 3lst, at 7 p.m. His subject. said. "It's ion tac Uiausand adond a ti apln bu ncadîngs ta vonclude tais'portion is anefiield where everyone cmn wita tac joy ai wholcsomeness. U *M e tWmr l in h Arctic." one things which don't came as th ny'uk atacpal a ai thc proçram.Dvtinlere- combine ta keep ta nonmli" l Born at Ashbun, East Whltby, @ u uiêRal r m ? part af Uic iighting man's equip- thtbg sadncnsMyld ciscs were in charge ai Doris Dud- C"'In tume ai conflmt wc cannat September 14, 1874, eldeat daugli- * WUAs et Redm * BF- etmdfr a vau ece i terkik-nck uçea ley, ssisitd by Jean Rundît and ter ai Mr. mnd Mrs. M. A. James, D____-*URHUdEV AM IRL time services tht six organisations bro, ls n hnppn Vlc. Htniklemmn. (ContInued on page 8) Etta gré* up and ttendcd achools SENDS $W0 provide. Beieve me, these thigs magzns nee l ac a la Bowinanville and gnduatcd Genial Radio Personal- 1101h lIAI! DO help aur boys and Uiey WILL bE ptl i avg aa Mafram tac Ontario Ladies' College, Eli 051 FOR WAR FUNDS. caunt lu tic wlaning ai tht wai'. Anaewmtari.ocya ue ofE .Do do SiiC li Whitby. Venyearly ln 111e she de- ity Puts Every One Next Tuesday la tac fiast o nwBaiavlewn' e h l r ,o El oa o a l a , t elapcd vocal abillty and contni- a ae- Sfty Ban- i.Drn ha ekteboys dowiiand before the end ofai eygo n n htHt buted lier talents gentnously and a yArl uugtat week tac No matter liow long or how far next week I itel sure we will be (saidg)tohtUycr U..aUu*ma ~ lm..II..m.aLLr. cceptmbly in thc Methodist choir ner Prestentation la auditor combs Tht Statesman sanie Durhiam boys and girls are ahead ai aur quota ai $2,100."1. cllbaainiyt lut Taavvav aauuam Ras (&~ i now Trinlty United Chunci>, and subsenîption lists. Quite afw from tht aîd ho milad, ty Queried about the exact nature Ttflaigmnhv ______ la operettas, cantatas and in otthêr Frart of its Klnd - Ar- are stillinl arrears. There la neyer seem ta lasetai interest ai the show Fridmy night, mem- maintdt avs a an tZ. EIGAIN NONE)wortay communlty endeavoiqrs. lne N rhut and yet Uiefthfn Utii tanetw l integaad old Cammunlty and its bers ai thé eommittée said: "Tel G. Haa .Cak .LtlH SU pCstm f Bîih EGAT IAM,1VD S ruateas gald medalla a tn' n he and continue ta recelve Tht peop le. As proof -oai ts' anly Tht Statesman readers therc's Criemn .HlF avr Gu~iaNaivs earledbyvtiél.attWhitby College and o b- Chas.CatrO Th Statesmnan on the paid-la-ad- to-clay the editar ai Tht States- oniy ont wmy ta know and tnjoy R.BaeWNiasJBtean tmlncd lier A.TC.M. at Tarant vance basis. man rtceived a letter froni a lady whm stkn lc tttTw .Hcny .WloW ht UIuoe,~onalIt at RotaryConservtory ai Music wliere mr.ore a s neFo cd tm wio llvcd andhB a wanvlt forHall to-marrow nîgit - Came terA. ofaHNeda,. Oub. agaiu she *as gald itiedaliat. Lat- maef asUi.Fo lat mn crm ir aw i an d ste it for yourscli." BtM iO Bt .Gbs Ier she tauglit at Ontario Ladies' "Try that Une again,, Kenny - lia been prnutcd durlag past smys: aollege. lt's supposed ta be funny - like Wttki, mli are familiar wi "Dean George:- I wmnt ta con- one seoteç~ fromrn a rraw MtIpp Haum A. Whtte, native ai Mill- May procceds ta show taeceat a vtry ordinary and respect- War Savingsanmd this concettd Argos tu T g 1 ln brook, Ont., wlio was living lu just liow It sliould b. donc, ful neminder. Even if eut off, drive, and% as I atill icti 'belong-W h SarT isHke Pl 1 <Canlnud o pag *>"Soe fzi,"sai Ui bos and ma past duc accouints are sub- mng' ta, Bowmnanville I arn stndlng M6n a L. L by tht inhabitants af Bitisi an "Rcd" Fosteras studio, and the wlll be sent. Al- buy $12.00 warth fon tac United_____________ Gulana, ccording ta Bey. DavidD TE SST Lions loakcd pretty interese toa. Chui m ad pmy tac balance ai Marshall, minister ai St. Andrew's DA EI E rd as t four meb e îof -vthe n$13.00 ta some anc for tac Wmr ORDERED TO REST FobiHyaNc ie I CuhWiy.FOR LIONS CLUB Bo i mcmio ns alu and xeSIglS Services Fuud. Wlah it could hé __ an >vOurhLau Spcaking* ta tac Bawmanvllle BaBYSH W maenvolteBylein Club exc-F.LUason Rmare, but I'm buying $4.00 worta " Roary Club Fnilday about tac sole HoBfHW see itc iyl lu xc-iccrtiiicatts a manth and I'm nat Ttanclua dtra h As- BgBUPtro Britihiosessonln SauthAmnîer- amlimlinie" .. ttsa a enodrdb iMn. Mrhl brougit outOnmotby dgrs Hotel Studios ai Harry E. Foster At P "' r Pflfl ow as'ta afie spirit c, Maetig nia mtonin mnh oy n grs1ta hear is Lowuey's Young Can- ____ ntcpr itsDnm iis dactor ta take a mnonth's rest. had glcmned during lits ytars icw diys ta put the, finishing thec iist mward ai its kind t e Tic Pediar People Limited, living ia distant City? oint dntlofheBMraton s esnfo i usmd there as an educationalist fan tht touches on that pnaject ion tac mmdc lu Canada - a beuifui Oshawa, regret ta announce tiat Csa tor aiTicmr astan suceaiBomnjlsChci Churci ai Scotland. Lions Club Hobby Show, banner suitably inscnibcd for tic awlng ta tac continued ili hcmlth We onwt i ot ffinseio fTeSaemn a loH No wlfite man knows tac secret Eci succeeeding ycar tala out- Bicycle Smlety Club. ai Mn. F. L. Mason lie has iaund it in ot JoangrahuaatsionîendsE-edîtordeai T h ttsmanhsia ockyLege alo iadt of haw these poisons are con- ai-Uie-ardlaary exhibition ai han- Tht party conslating ai seven xnectssary ta* h bsi n o e Reeve Thos. Baker ai SaUina wha take 30 days' rest. Tht wmr la dlalydbymittplyr-a pouddbynd Uic iact that tlicy dicraft la lQaoked forwand ta witi boys and girls, Alan Strike, James participation un te buscts on Mardi 23rd celebrmted lis 87th tmking tail t home mmong many caridae tah bnutal are mdeabrom a material -con- incrtmsiug expectation. It wlll b. Stutt, George Roberts, Arline Mn. Masan will continue ta etbitdyb anghresuewoaeit tnesvlin l are nyumut for od Tefrul e Saturdmy May 3rd i te othut liePakeElanr sDirector ai tic Company and mirthd y ang aotncesquare who ilar e.intamit, insa iveycl henpaenmdtaigpos ishade ow aog heInin rakL.MunHih ch Adioiu. on fou ý r LinChe Cigatr vc s til il be availabie in an routine on te fanm as usual. campmred witi this," say taey. TUcdyetgorUtaua Wliat's that - you haver' a E. W.,-Crawford, Bert Parker and adviaary cpacity. dnr Iu ta be pnepared a man la isolated 'People, Oshawa, wio has been ont and didn't realize it.Hene are rT cd Can het, lac eore, r A ictmeanisilnsaM. T *gêaa. p.I.aU BU UascrMa dut mtdontacosl gade.WhnsoemoePucasn Aet iUc tynalibyWll enaa o hv - muiy. ecaa w hnr oya ln a iut for several days. His food cannected wlithtae compaay fan a few saniples ai tac kinds ai worknvcofta otlwlllsavn ervso ideen neariy iComtyny rs m.vC. ThA1VE15 UVM t 8 8rsident feia rpndb t alslde JOcrment de sm libu t h i eau t di- n la a wil kuows. a s un la C onyf cmad mulUnaandsterth v - .--r - '- r. r