S.Paul's WMSmet at the so0WT IIIRI nes gW o= b. rebuing E Q GM N aome ofLLKIE CHATSChase on MaAchObituary to hi, shlp, and flic girlà proBant- _ _ 25h hom e id e. Chos anMatHed him with a parcel *tainig a Theenamntlanond 251h. Therprosided nt, M av.eW.he.......sweater and saman'5 uocks, for EofbM: Phn àCarrthewrs ps he andgavethe Robison Farrow which Mr. Hunt exprescd his c isElnMr o Phon 688lesson was read by Mrs. Fred Pat- Thepasingai Rbinon at-. * ndmbsl hs lblt iEw tinson, follawed by a hyn n Your Talhe s 83rd yearRoisour - a During the business meetinganM Coenl . . ~i, rakvll, u herear a ficaniuiMission"' read b>' Mrs. Rota Dud- rwPa s8rt He e cral asptal< plans for assisting the Wor Set- manvillOtt r retWl vlltd R J. bllnd vlt. ethE mIng ithe r aranofthe Assoca-ley. 1(rs. Haold Ferguson gave PMatchl9Hop rom en e fHsitalcf o vies und were discusscd. Club fredButsa Ohwa On. a vto f cuaina hrp e r stia naddressiv n nthe stroice uuffered at lus late rosi- members wlll be ushers at the Youngs o iM.JmsBru C in o uiex.spn h e.ntie ai.ccuat . ianaltherop how e .ristan ayai vng lu he ;,dence, 93 Bruton Street ' port rally an Frida> evening, and will and thelt vr.Bru iOk en. isLoui.aCdor sent the we- penot. JbzH Eht spast ehoym reshasent asociale serv-Hope, a few days previaus < his als.o help ini the canvass which la wood, Ot h edn ilt end wlt o adltsw.S r- rsdn.edlt.Caeanasoilht removal ta the hospital . He was bemng made. placeeallu pr. vfoTrnte.Mrs. Chas. Carter and lMr. adn $wd oanin fare fowmny sh n15 Mi.Nran Hamley, Petetr- lra. Clarence Oke were in King- and y ar aCle frTan si a15 bore, là visittag lber sister, Miss ston vlitlng lit. and Mrs. George HOME AND SCHOO hi, iaw uc an amre Mgaret 1Trbilcock. Krcg. Mrs. Oke rermaffied a fart-'HO EALeCH it ta ma, ucyrn, passing ae Canon C. R. Spencer acted as iliglt. . ' HOLDS SOCIAL married in 1923; sixwatdsandrthu- -~~hAL lemig t Tarnte te-ay.sonat Bawmanvile, sxHowrn Aiur paflbearer at the funera i f es. Mr.sad les. 1c. », Pfê' nÏW and tor in Clarke Township, Walter af -Mlenn, St, CathariToronto theent"Members ai thc Home and Newcastle, Percy near Kendal, lix. Iutry utsu, arate th, wland wlth Mi C. G. SchoalCu el oia vua la * sthis sister, Miss Ida Freeman. lulthe gyuu a s ialUic entral Mri o saa;as toTi Xu ri, ]Qowxan Hou... CInouhe town cauniloadtaueu-encraoldaughters, Mrs. Ruby Clysdale ai 16.adlt.EenciMthlCobiourgessin Moun day n aidentWdnouday oveutag. Pro- Statkvillo, and Mrs.Ilia Tubb, ai Taan, s enunday itclUlt. oderte ei onuodey igin ide'sthe Mrs. C. Robinsan wau in Oshawa. Hi, first wife predeceas- TootsetSna ihM.odrt erWnelWlkestechair. Aller a sing-sofig led cd hlm several yeats ago. Ho was O W and Mrs. Fred Mitchell. braadcast. by Miss Helen G. Marris, wli the laut ai a family ai soven bra- Ajsal M ayrgesw er Mran r.GoW.James t-M . W .C okan at te thers all ai wluam predecaed that lit. Harry Humphrles, Har- touded thc silver wedding colo- plana, the pregram was hauded Re.j.WGadnadapluFotacCre sey St. la suffering a sorlaus inI- bration of Mr. and lira. George avor toe i amite in charge RvF . Gigt ordoncanduc ihofn-FotlceCre noua. Speedy reoavory, Harryl Lake at' Langstafi on Suuday ai games. The members entered F rgtelcnutdtefn * afternoon. meut heartl>' jte al eveuts g risrvcsadyafeno ii oeice __________factormdethe_______a_ oaltservaice Fridey aitonenwI aeic Recrulting for Uic variaus bran- 10 ae oefu vna dhesosfaitUi Canadian Army has success. When ail wcre suffilcient- Unian Cemetor>'. The pallbearers off your hipline Ç?~cammenced again at Uic Oshawa 1>' tired out lunch was served. An were lis six sans. * Armauries for Uic Ontario Regi- evenmng ai this klnd doosl a great -. nent ank.Recrits ay opîydeal ta croate frieudl>r contacts. Ment- eneaTank. n. . . Mca , C B. na io al ha rnu n i O f Pitth of a w l -u /1 . rom 9 a.m. tuntal 9 p.m. HUNT___________ W1thtaio a te illcof have rcturued ta Uic West after OFFICIAL E OteCacanWa evce udémpaign chats with Wendell (Continued from page 1) oastart the seasoa with ax.adlt.RcadHwc G i aainWrSrie U TSE K enainadtesiln spending Uree manthu witlurrla- pos tie ur.Te'wllrtr nteRADING STATION Willie wha came especially te Canaïala t launclu the drive forair eraft guns on board, which dadbatfi iue fie011 .Te wlrtrni h $5,511,000. Von'i1 find Gossard's fate take up permanent rosi- IN TOWNSHIP Uiey luad occasion te, use more front-lace corset a cern- A,. - ence here. ____ than once, and haw every man fortable streamiliner. It's -Mesurs. J. H. H. Jury, Len. El- Marc regulatians have becu laid WORD PUZZLES ENGLISH PRESS reports le lis "actian station" fasbioe ofa firgu coutil, tott, T. H. Kuiglut, W. F. Ward down for farers and dealers. A O NH L TL U LS E when Uic siren gives thc watning well boned, but with waist- aI Maple Leaf Gardons, Tarante, afficialy has came la hsud but The girls plied the speaker with of elastic ta allow noces- on Monida>' cvening te hear Weu.. aeveraî enqiies have cames over Talk about embartasaing WIth its size curtailed la a more many queutions, as ta 111e an a sary freedom.u dcll Wilikie. the phono regarig Uic proposéd me mental A Durham Old Bey ait pages, Uic English daily paper, destroyer, the food, Uicelueurs sud Sizes 25-40. Mr'. sudlits. A. E. licTaggart ameudmeut ta Uic Livcslock ad whe happcued le be lic e WVeït Lancashire Eveulng Gazette, so on. Except for air attacks, tiuluModel 53.... aud Don, Mrx. sud lira. C.. Atm- Liveuteck Producta Act ai 1939. home town evex' the week- l i1bae> ulsigai aalmcuUesm si a strngTarnt, lt. ud it. W Th cang dels lt Ui grd- end called on the editar Mou- Iff g bambs. Two copies ai Jsu- eigluleen yearu aga, when lue wau DerbagTrot, Ms. . aMars Mi he cgh acng udarkthteigrai day sud handed hlm a slip cf uary l5th issue which have reaclu- in the Royal Navy, Mr'. Hunt said. Dearbor, Mrs.D. Moris, Miton ing packig and arketig of paed wThe Statesmanlowofficehe ludicateoffiuestienae QuaboutedDaou k rkirlueiesaid Ga.McTre, aa voen Ifomaio l thl at Qotd eratnfrom lot- jusit wlat la tateresting Uic aver- that alîhauglu ho was ual there,TH V Y G i. A. Hud, eerborosu- messud eggfrouces tmu arde- tex'tg o Ton all ludw age Engliulunewspaper readex at as lis ahip was ual aI that lime QUALIFID CORSETIR noncs .,Huendenagement oan-he lier anl egga fodr msobtde. T-WrN CLERK this -lime. equipped to combat magnetic Phono 594 noncs heenagmet f erlieranegs orsae r arer TREAS-RER The big leadlines read, R.A.F.'s mines, Uic Britislu certainly d d a daugluler, Thelma Louise, ai Ta- cul>' Urough accrcdiled egg grad- PUBLI- L-R--RY Daylight Swaep au Euemy Ship- magnificent job. route, te liMr. Lloyd Johnslon son lug establishments. Fermerly, R--ADING R-O- pno... Direct Hita ou Faur Shipa, "Wiil Hitler tavade Englsud?" aiflits. Robert Jolunulon sud Uic country atarekeeperu cafled sud It's te be hoped in Uic su- Oné Sunk. And anoUier shows lue was aaked. Persanally, Mr'. loto Mr'. Rabert Johnstan, ai En- picked up eggu aI farnus t a prîce nual spring dlean up cf flue fluaI lii e gees au as usual wiUi Hunt thinka lue would ual be able niskilleu. The marriage lu te take agrecd upon, ungtaded, sud trad- municipal building Uic misa- people interestag Uiemselves in te. German alips, which wauld be place early in April. ed produce or paid cash. ing lera wiil be replaced. crime and routine ucws as well as necoasary for suclu su attempt, do Mrx. Leslie Jackson, Temperance Therefore, Uic ameudm;ent, il lu the war - Professer Tu Dock, net sccm te, be muclu in evidence. St., ondternsoth un- simksi a court casefo Charged Wilh Murder ai Wife. "We wlslu Uiey'd came eut sa wc fortunates who this wlntet ali Uicth farmer ta sell or Uic merchantl Iroffîc Off ber Obviausi>' paper lu short in could have a go at Uicm," lue said. ou Uic ice sufièrlng more or leus te buy on this basis. There are * efts Prowl Car Euigland, fax' the Gazette carrnes a At suy rate, England lu px'cparcd TeW rdaNw e seiu nuis notntl ie o odig fiilgrad- ____p*ieladvl. "There's njouey for axzything. y~irp~ lebadly fraclured juat above points upaced across townships One cf Uic uew police casÉ- lluem ta us. We pay Id. for er?" was another question. On An Internautional Daily N. ssae the II ankle, wihwnke i nadn doubt lista wilU be avail- which are taking Uic place3of bS" Englialu destroyer, no, was the is Tnthfid-Conmducdve-Unbà-Id-Pe rI rn Ibed fat some lime and confine hlm able as soon as Uie chleme is fuy iHgluway Trafiic Officex' mater- ' lemavies, 100, ate front page answer, as the dlinuate lu mucluo-tioa relseyadI sa.. la Uictheause fol, about ciglut weeka. operative. cycles is epe t oarrivehin ews inwxlieANwYo'mld'ov'Iee.BtCaia- AeTreysdIsruivadls su>' friends, ai Pilat Officer TI Bowmanvllle, Hart>i Mâitit etwck Iptch pxinled belaw a picture shipa have whal are called 1"cool FesoiTter l" te Wekl MgazneSetio, a IAmâl"REI Clifard Hall lucard hlm speak has thec grading station sud luas Officer W. F. «"Bm"P ThampsOnof a'Laurence Olivier sud Joan bagies" (if wc have reported the ---------- Moio n da eepprfreh ote ever the sbort-wavc radio ou prelinuinar>' instructions gavetu- lu ual trying ta cauccal luis de- Fontaine pradul>' surîunces Uiat ternu carrecîl>'), wlich are amal iu hita cecePbihn oit -Monda>' niglut. Cluf, wluo apent lug aperation. liglul that his motetcydling days "Rebecca" adapted from Uic Eug- cool stavea. The Anuerican de-~ One, Norway Street, Boston, Msahs« COATS * 1295-1.95 an>' years in Bowmsuville, tld This informuation id given for arc about ovex sud lue wil saon lsh novel by Daplune Duliaurier stroyera whiclu have been sent .Price $ 12.00 Yearly, or A'0 Mn a ety luteresling sler>'ofhis Ilue benefil ai readers sud en.be patralling the hlgluways In a has; been chosen la luead Uic 10 over ai course, arc deluxe, willu Saurday Issue, includiug MagazineSeio,$0aYar experiencea in Uic air iigltmng <uirers until suclu lime as official. brand uew deluxe auto. The cas beet films cf the ycax' lu the Unit- ateam hleating systems. Itroductory Offer. 6 Issus2,Cn. BATSwIithIthe R.A.F. The speech WMl announcemneut lu made b>' Uic pro- ordereti are ail alike, trimnmed in ed. States. Land mines sud tacendiar>' be re-braadcasl Sunda>' eiUier. aI pet department ai Uic Ontario smart black sud white ta be casi- Oh ycs - tuex'e's a great comn- bomba were alsa, described in te- ae DRESSS 2.98-3.98 1 p.m. or 7 p.m. over CEL. governimeut. 1>' necaguable sud Uic' wil e edY' playing aI Blackpaol's Win- PlY 10 qucries. *I l lai e x p e c te d a la r g e d e le g a - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ q u ip p e d w i ll u a il U ic e m e r g e n c > ' cr G a r d e n a P a v ilio n - a la u g l u T h e p r e id e n t, M is s L e o la M ill - ' ndre6 OLO VIS - .59-1.59 tien from. Bowmsuville district regalia necessar te help out the rnet: Cluarlie Chaplin in. "The et, tluanked Mrx. Hunt fax' caming SAMPLE COPY ON 1EUS wifl attend Uic 131h aniuual meet-unorluate molorist wuo nia>' Great Dictalor (Hitler moustache la Uic Club and giving suclu an _________________________ HamN» eOS 11OO-Z98 lig ai Uic Oshawa Presbylerial of GUELPH TERM have had su accident. ,ànd, all). intex'esîing accounl of luis experi- -------- Wgp;:zpSZ 8S IiS Uic W.MS. ai Uic United Cluutch GI VIN YOUTHS The Inevitable sirnn l part oif __________________________________________ ____bctag held aI Bx'aoklin United oLteeuptnn n rdlgti Chut 4oUria, p ilits. oI N S H mute ntopaif Uic roof. These le.Savs . .MleCia guest xk cars herald a new cra in higluway ër. Last year Uic- W.MS hia patraL. Matenista will now have And Neckwear Presbyterial raised ovet' $10,000 The lwo Training Scuoo1 boYs, te be more warY aduering la the ____ frnlaiu.Lebar sud Collains, agcd 16 sud boter ci Uic baw. k aT air Thtee surveys have becu made1,woasalelisKecU_________ fortheproose ne for-lneWcrryabouse moUer, wee sen- Pue lk oiey higluway to run froni OshoaaTe>' ýare bpolicenut Tusdy.SOLINA COUPLE SokTkn c~î~ INLVEYSRM igso.Il la expeclcd Uic route pnformalory for su indefinile WED 4 EA Ss a le TOESWin be laid aloug Uic oldbae period.__ TONES linhe raad or belween there sud M.adMs ereWie Uic C.N.R. tracks. Under Uic meut Sunda>' mernlng, Marclu 16, tU ic n.and lins. e rge thWle, To neduce stocka lu oui' Tenanto Wareheuse beforo Inventer>' l0 taken Fe .favorable .crcumstances Uihe bglu-boys assaulted lits. Werry, saIde SaUaveersryedntherch51h Mna eaewed-gseia auso an ieyue pout.Lo FrTeway cannaI b. compblcd for ler keyusud escapcd frem Uicheding annivesr outch 5i one hi da>' we re fensecavlusomn>wdlyue pout.oo NW TSMAETEST mniu>, imsay ionths, boUi o0 a5 chool. The vîciaus atlack with a when nienbers a hl au' .O EST ae ~a.Yur ertain ta sec a number ai thiffl you nueda1>' at STYLES counit of tUi nmeusity oaf escrub brush kuccked lits. Werry sud friecd ooa hn il M STYOL'E E udraigsd i hrae insensible. She luas been under coU r msagsd congratula- --PRCSprces that wli save yen mono>'. Don't wait. This s"le la"i fer tht.. days MOST CTrdIO labour. Uic care Of a phyuicisu stace that tiens. lin. White la 81 years ald __________ 19LCINMiss AMicè Hoskhn sud lira. Wil- lune, sud luis bride la 75 years young. and bort Hoar werc laken te Bowrnan- Thete lu said te b. cansiderable BoUi are enjoytangc od lucalîlu UTMOST VALUE ville Hospital, Tueada>', Uic resuît Indignation amoug Uic boys aiUcsdorfokugfrad o aTisTuheyFia ndStra ai amote accdent Mis Heain ahoa[sud ic> have been niaklng noundtag eut a full hali-cenlur>' shop at has a broken atm sud boUi suifer tquines as ta wcter Uic two fai h oup>'wdedusic. Thein>'ot S frani shock sud contusions. MIESa ciita would be ratuna et UconfradstaiUoius luaferug Western fortitude survived- the upon Uinihheoul. Ladies or Letter Slzes - 2 for Ise Moth ile Eomavilocrash asud ccaaà u idas Numerous f"afiairs" tanvolvlug ive the Ln.f.. rysal Bow"vUedid Uic driver ai the car j&i.t C. miscoiudugt ai thc beys are uulYS H O CHILDRENL. 9 Hoar. . gaceably lroned eut a eaIc U 0 HOLO, . . NV L P S .5 but_____ ___case_______ ___ofa crlminal CAN CET TREES -N E O E prpm,5 nature Iuad tle ê handIed b>' icthe_ local police. We have a leIter fcm ic For- _________ estry Branclu, Departmeut o ai 5 Lsuds & Foresta, Parliament C N IS W S L T S - LOCAL FLORISTS Bldgs., iTronto The lest para- C N ISW S L T S 4 Fr i5 anaaamrap rvu'e graplu quoted: AW R E RZS "A few days ago we sent out oa TORONTO SHOW circular leltex'wii nc e ux'fK U fhrI h ~ 20frI Vnew tree applications encloued A,8..CAPSlULES . fri,9 lnsd lins. Leo Rammdil ci which set forUi theichleme aif __Vacuum___________ "'-' Fy lawer Shap attended standard packgsa reafrVc1mB Ue teTarante Sprtag Flowcr Show uchool cluldren ta plant aI home. 15 oz. 37e ttis wàalr whorc Uihey won con- I. am luoptag thal Uic Reforesla- ' ~,Leaders' Canferencç lu Part Hope. Wrafboar aouldertag in Uccn- 3 ez. 190 - 6 oz. 370 J' AIG VAJET 0F 000> OPflY Q' FEUR The gathertag ilu te E astern leen. The sparks were immediate- KLEEN-OR ANTISEPTIC- LARGEFOR LET F O , $ tîontario District anda largeet- ly xtiguhed. Flon FOR LENT.IS CAES. tendance lu expected. 4o.10-1 s 9 Speclal speakers are scludulai The piece of board was directly 4o.io-1 z 9 on vrios apecs a Scut okbelievn ednha ai egser wuaCCONU ILf LX cR EO te be in atteudance and sessions bellaw an a o imegistde'. Il laTOI AE Xm *R wnviosapecsofdutiUic ay.waa drilling there carlier in the SRAMPOO wilthe pt lcoeiurith a an-evening drapped a live cigarette 8 01, 870 I-IarryA llin Venten sud A. H. Sturrock nepne- This la juat another case when MAGNESIA TABLETS LadiSeso DRUOS Yros Delivry snt UicBownuanville leaclens. Uic slogan "Chaperon your cigar- We00eilsec Phone 807-868 Providence Scouts will aise aI- ette butta, don't et theni go eut ê'asCads tend. alone"I applies.