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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1941, p. 8

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SenorsLose to P.CL 35m24 End Season Foi Another Year Fast Came Thrills Many fans Numerous Fouls Wea- ken Morale of B. l.S. Play Inspired Basket- bail for Flrst Ten Minutes. In a blaze cf glory B.H.S. sen- ior boys finlised their 1940-41 baiketball season wien Uiey werc defcated by Peterbaro 35-24 lu Uic Lakeshare Cossa play-affs here Fn'iday night. Ater Uiey held Uic superior Liftiock teani to a tic score last vWeek lu Peterboro Uiey failed ta measune up ta an cx- tremely higi standard set by Uic visitars lu Uic game icre. The first ten minutes cf play saw some cf Uic nicest baskctball ever played in B.H.S. gymnaiium. The local quintette actually heid Uice Petes in check for Uic first 10 midnutes, but when Gib. Mcllveen was thrown off with four fouis Uic team seemed ta, go al to pieces. The visitons had Uic better of thc play in Uic entire game but during Uic tinst hall B.H.S . had anly a few shots but made Uiem count . The Petes had numerous shats at Uic basket but failed to make Uiem caunt for mare than 22 points. Bowmanville's tally at thc end cf hall tme ainounted to 10. Fine Referelng Two exceptianally fair officiais 3 [i THATRE____ BOWMANVULLE Thurs . Fr. - Sat. MAEC 27, 28,329 DOUBLE BILL âMWAEJ G. RODINON "A OISPATCH FROM REUTERS"V Mmd tanisd Eddie Aiber "CALLING Att HUSOANOS" GeorgeToblas Md LueRe 7@am Mon - Tues. - Wed. ftom the mm*Mdi sage it by "THE BOYS FROM SYRACUSE"9 'Ala 3més a- wMart " o xou reuner - se." "nLae a"i a boaut cfother.1w. hsndle i game, Harry MeBrien was reterce sud Doc Worten was umpire. Numeraus foula werc called but Uiey were obviaus to both sides. The Petes autnumbcr- cd Uic local lads inflicting fouis. Bill Brown stanted« things roll- ing in Uic second hall with tricky shots fnom Uic centre cf Uic floor going through Uic ioap. It looked for a whifl at Uic openlng of Uic hait asiIf Uic Liftlack squad would succumb ta Uic viciaus attaclç of Uic ned, white sud black. How- ever it didn't take long for Uic Petes to rally sud get under way agalu. Bowmanville autsconed Uic visi- tors by anc point in Uic lait hall. Hall and Ferguson fan Uic visitons werc both put off with four fouis in Uic lait hall. Bil Brown and KeiUi Siemon wene high scorers for B.H.S., with Gillespie sud Hall starring fan Uic visitons. Jimmny Clarke sud Lind- say Mitchell bath played out- standing bail almost checking Uic opposition into submission. B.H.S. Seniors - G. Mcllveen, A. Tamblyn 2, H. Cabourn 2, B. Brown 9, K. Sieman 8, A. Wheei- er 1, J. Clark, L. Mitchell 2, E. McIlveen, D. Allin, G. Underhil.J Peterbora - Taylor 2, Gillespie 1, Hall 11, Moore 4, Fenguson 8, Kay, Amiys, Richardson 5, Saun- ders. Reterce - Hanny McBrien. Umpire - Dr. Worten. PLAYOFFS START IN TORONTO FRIDAY NIGHT Word was recclved late Wed- nesday that Uic-Senior Girls' bai- ketbal teams champions af Uic Cossa 'lakeshone district would Play lu Toronta an Frlday even- ing. The teani Uiey play againmt la flot detiuitely knowrn but it will be a teani froni Uic Niagara dis- trict. If Uic girls win an Friday even- lug Uiey enter Uhinfluas Satun- day. Bath games will be played at DanforUi Techica2l Scicol; Uic Friday cvening's game wMl com- mence at 9.30 p.m. following Uic junior girls' playoffs. Miss Bunnaby, hard-workingi coach cf Uic team, la warklug Uic girls luto shape mc Uiey will Jetj their hair down on Friday even- ing and reaily put on their besti show. SENIORS DEFEAT TORONTO TEAM In a fait exhibition baskctball gamne with Toronto, Kodaks lun Toronto Tuesday evening, B.HS. Seniors won 35-33. Kodaks have tic best gymnasiuxn in Canada audbit.was.q * hm oJav iinc of 'noWmanvfllc teami play thene. Tic game wai close througiaut, with Uic iead see-sawlng back sud forth for Uic entre game. The B.H.S. squad wai six points ta Uic good at hall time, but near Uic zniddle et Uic second hall Uic To- ronto team cut this down sud rau up su eight point lead et their own. WIth a tew second left ta play B.H.S. tied Uic score sud completed Uic game with a two point lead. RETAIXt THAT C SEAIT TAILOED LOOK hy having your clothes S PERLUX CLI ANED I Oshawa Laundry& Dry Cleaning Phone 419 c dWe <Jliund Deliver fi jc EYOIJ READY FOR SPRING PLOWING? W:Ztotv tihe eUcbest e evc tUclws ESS. AT LOW PRIME g 01 ncw harues aut remakb]l 1w g cf purcbaaag o uew mt be sue te tbest. 1LENZ oness Repair DOWMoullc SEzNIOv.R GIRLS WIN EXHIBITION GAME WITH B.H.S. GRADS B.H.S. senior girls' basketball teani again prved their invinci- bllty when iey defeatcd Uic school ald girls 29-10 in an ex- 9hibition game at thc achool gym Friday evening. The game, played to keep Uic senior teim lu condi- tion for their comlng battie in Taronta s quite excitlngwli the Gra i ving a bete show than what Uic score lcads one ta 1Pat Dustan, Mamian Macdonald and Shirle Campbell led Uic at- tack for Ice Seniors, whlc Helen Gianville, Dat Haruden and Dot Nichals were Uic mainstays for Uic Grads. Poor condition on Uic part of Uic Grads was their mainhold- back. The score at hall way mark was 13-4 for Uic Seniors. B.H.S. Seniors - Pat Dustan il, Mamian Macdonald 12, Shirley Campbell 6, Mamian Hooper, Jean Woodward, L. Sleep, M. Storey, J. Rice, J. IPattinson, H. Aider. B.H.S. Old Girls - Helen Glan-ý ville 6, Dot Hlarnden 2, Dot Nich- ais 2, Joey Caveriy, Louise Cale, Helen Williams, E. Couch. Reterce - Miss B. Burnaby. Starkville, Mfr. George Smithis sporting a fine ncw car. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Gilmer were in Port Hope on Friday. Mn. Sid Hallowell spent Wed- nesday lu Toronto. Mr. Reg. Bolton, Oshawa, spent Sunday with friends in this cam- munity. Miss Alice Hallowell, Toronto, la at home. Mr. M. Shutka and Miss Nellie wcrc home from Oshawa for Uic weekend. Mns. Sid Hallowell and Helen are visiting Mr. and Mns. H. Rusk, Port Hope. Miss Meda Hallowell, Newcas- tlc, spent Sunday with her par- ents. .Mr. Gardon Trim spent Sunday with friends lu Toronto. Mns. R. W. 'Haliowell la under thc doctor's care. Sonry ta report Uiat Mn. Alf. Dobson la quite ll. A number attended Uic funeral of Mr. R. Farrow i Port Hope. Mns. Jacob HaUlowell la poorly'. Mn. Bert Trim spent a day lu Oshawa. Miss Norma Hallowell la lu To- routa. Mus Wray spent Uic weckend [n Peterbono. Mn. Dobson Sr. sud son cf Par- ry Sound visited Mr. AUl. Dobson. Lake Shore, Clarke Deepcst sympathy is extendcd 1 to Mns. F. Parker and famlly lun lhc sudden passing cf Mn. Parker from a heart attack on Friday, 1 March 21st. Mr. sud Mns. Jno. Mitchell have t taken up their residence in Mns. ýfilon'q lbouse, Bond Head. Tl! éShore'Home & School Association met on March 19th. Thec business was conducted by President Bob Hendny. It was de-i cided Uiat wc have a card panty in the school at which Uic iucky draw wlll be made on Uic qufit t made lu aid cf Rcd Cross work. The followlug prograni was lu charge of Mns. W. A. -Adams: Music selections by the Na. 9 Hay- makers consistmng of Messrs. Mor- ley and Ross Aflin and Clarence Clibson with Misses Betty Allin r and Gwcn Gibson at Uic piano; t rcadings by Mn. Gardon Martin; a a violin and guitar selectian by t Mr. and Mns. Manson Souch ac-f companied by Audrey Adais; a1 piano solo by Audrey Adams. Ac qulz contcst was conducted b O Ui. Charlie Alldred and Mns. Jack Hommes. A social t ime was1 spent in lunch and dancing. Recent Visitors: Mn. Wm. Andrews, Ncwtonville, . at Jua. Hendry's. Mn. R. Alldred, Oshawa, at home aven Uic weckend. Mr. and Mns. Bey Jayues with c ~fr. and Mns. H. Challis, Baw-E ruanvilie. Mn. and Mns. Glenn Pollard and family, Newcastle, at W. Holmes'. Frank Parker, Cowanville, Mns. C. Bedwlu, Bnown's, with Mns. F.' Parken. c Mns. W. H. Jayues and Mn. F. t Huarris, Richmond Hill, with Mn. 1 and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. Mns. Har- r ris i sioagain lu Taran tGncral crow, starling and robin.. .. We si have been mnaking tin can prajccts g ne Manual Trainiug. Jean Taylor, c Lois Ormiston, Ray Smnith and s& Ivan Ormiston have becu painting fi thc shelves. . . . In art wc have g bcen making Saint Patrick pic- ci tres.. . . u social studies Grades si V and VI anc tking Uic Annapolis mi Valley. ti Spring Spadis BASTER CAmbS ut Se end 1 IRIS WOOL A 3ý-ply.ftr ivrlngum mnÎni»er wear, ut WÂLLPAPER Our stock etwII ~rla comzileto. SPECIAL TMU wmE M eEmboweci Puàr for IDou't forget your 3neut» of .7P-A-LAC NJk for l00aMW your CouaPou. AU fUes of 3-A-Luc Pbait Pojulor Pricus 000K STORE Phone 651 BowamaviUle Courtice Church service was held in the school house on Sunday ening, with Rev. W. C. Snth offciating. Eus sermon was based on -the need o>f reverence ta GoýdheCos the Church and Snda 1oerv ance... »1 Congratultions and best wishes are extended ta Mr. and MUn. Sid- niey Barraball <nec Emma La- verne Adamis>)who ee iied Saturday at the Courtie Parson- age by Rev. W. C. Smith. Mrs. Eldon Essery, sister of the groom, and Mr. Ahner Adamus, brother of the bride, were matron of -honour and groonisman. A miscellaneous showerý was held ihonour cfMiss'heinia Taylor, Oshawa, March 18th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adam. Ini spite of the terrible iveather around forty frienyds and relatives gathered to present gifts, which included silverware, linen, kitchenware, china, a dlock, com- forters, bcd linen, etc. MIMs Tay- or is the .daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Enos Taylor, Kingsdale Ave., Oshawa, and her fiane hi Mr. Norman Walter, son of the late Mfr. and Mrs. Jack Walter of Courtice. Mr. Walter waB'unable ,ô attend the shower as U'>hIoads wecre blocked between hè*M and P'arrySound where*hc-we!*'Ubb young couple are ta bc itaxed at Gravenhurst on Saturd&y. They. are to visit friends1at:,Barrieeand later proceed ta thetr new home Lt Parry Sound. -We,'offer con- gratulations anid best wishes ta tem. Mr. Walter is also ta bc congratulated upon hm return ta good health, and upoin lus proven ability ta make gaod i spite cf very real obstacles.. Mr. Jack Short la serlously 111 with pneumonia. He hai Bow- nanville Hospital where he w@s aken when he suffcred a'broken arm and leg., Our sympathy i e- tended ta Mrs. Short and farnfly for the many anxious weeks that have passed since Mr. Short's sert- ous accident. Mr. Jack Wiggans attended the funeral cf hm uncle, Mr. Jabez NorthWood, Thedford. March 25. Woman's Association met at the home cf Mrs. J. Peterson on. Thursday. Miss Jean Antll's services as a ap dancer have been much In Lcmand this wlnter. Recently she entertained at a concert for the British War VlctiMis Fund spon- sorcd by The Union, Oshawa, and for The Canadian Leglon, Oshawa. Mrs. Jack Smith is sponsoring a collection cf layettes to be sent overseas for babes cf the war vic- tins. Several meetings have been held at varicus- homes and the response has been generous. Fred Adami and William Rom- hanyi are'among tic local boys ta bé called for milltary training In ion that is not taught in the1 shools." His address was full oft ood thoughts and ideas that we1 could ail profit thereby. He aima said wc should put tirst thingsi lrst and that everybody should go ta church. Sa many people muld find all sorts of excuses ta ;ay away fromn church but the ime excuses wouldn't keep them1 tom golng ta hockey gamnes,1 lowed by a reading on St. Patrick by Miss Kftight. Solos were rend- ered by Milton Robinson and mu- sical selections by Neil Stewart. Comnmuuity singing and conteste werc followed by lunch. A good crowd turned out ta the Red Cross euchre and dance on Friday cveuing. Proceedi $25.00. Oraugemen have given Uic hall free of charge for gatheringi held for war work. àdances and bridge parties. Hia address was much apprclated. The" Young People's meeting Monday evening was ln charge af Mrs. «Bryce Brown, citizenship convener. Mrs. Ernest Hockaday gave the devotional story. The girls' quartette, Misses Pearl Leach, Kathleen Baker, Grace Truil and Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees, -gave a selection. The topic an Music was well given by Miss Kathleen Baker; vocal solo, Mr. Harold. Patter; readings by Miss Margaret Perkins and Mr. Chas. Shortridge; piano solo, Mrs. Wes- ley Yellowlees; piana and violin music by Messrs. Francis Wotten and Bryce Brown. A short con. test was enjoyed. Visitars: 1fr. Jixn Smales was haine from Galt. Mr. Donald yellowlees, Oshawa, at home. Miss Velma Gllbeât, Ballyduff, at home. Mns. j. w. Reynolds vislted re- latives at Toronta. Mr. Walter.Cryderman visitcd friends at Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. John Kivell with Bowmanville'and Orono friends. Mr. Wilfrid Dewell la- home from Ottawa on two weeks' leave. Mr. and Mrs. Alan White, New- tonbrook. vislted hm parents here Sunday. .Mrs. Burney Hooey and Bar- bara, Nestleton, have been vislting relatives here. .Master Howard Westlake, of Hampton, with his grandparents, Mr. and Mi. Frank Westlake.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms, Miss Doris ,and 1fr. John Grooms, and'Mr. Herbert Parker, Toronto, at Mr. S. E. Werry's. Mfr. and Mrs. Orval Jackson and Murray, Broakiu, Miss Narine Ormiston and frlend, Toronto, v'isited 1fr. aud Mrs. Bruce Tiuk. Blackstock Women'a Auxiliary of St. John's Anglican Church met at the home cf Mrs.'Florence Crawford, March 2Oth. Serlpture was taken by Mrs. Harry MeLaughlin, followed by the W. A. Litany and members prayer, led by thc président. Miss Eva.Pa;3ý_gave Uic monthly Dioce- san Board report. Some members promlsed, ta send used magazines ta people in isalated parts. Treas- urer's report was. given by Mrs. Darcy. A letter was read from Mrs. B. Osler, Diocesan Treas. cf Uic Extra-cent-a-day fund. Dor- cas Sec'. M.,R. Parr reported for her depariment,.and askjed for volunteers ta help i maklng an outtit for a 6 year aId Indiali girl. LMrs. Harry McLaughlin presented a finished qilt thUicW-A., which was donated toAhUe local Red Cross. A special, collection was aisa taken to buy qufit maýerlaI. This year instead of buying Eas- ter llues for the church. the money la ta be Sent ta Canon War Rector cf St. Stcphen's Church, Toronto, ta add toa a fund for helping in Eugland. Mrs. Craw- tord w'as in charge cf Uic pro- gram, wli readings by Mrs. J. A. McArthur, Miss -Eva Parr, Mrs. Archer and Mrs. CrawfpÈd. Lunch was servcd. Mid-week Lenten services con -belng held in different hiôibïs. Miss. Mabel VanCamnp, Torontoè, visited her parents, The following refugee articlese wuoe shipped otheUicwerehouse March 22nd: 8 large quilts, 12, fram Purple HMl centre, 1 fromn Cadmus- Sunday School,' Miss Mountjoy's dlams, 4 from Nestieton centre, 1 from Mrs. H. McLaugh lin, 1 pkg. old linen, 1 pullover f or a 2 yr. aid, 3 pullovers for a 12. Yr. ald,6Opr. stockings for a12 yr. old, 27 shirts for a 12 yr. aId, 1 glls dress, 1 afghan square. Blackstack Young People'. Un- Ion visltcd mi Orono on Monday nlght. Members of aour Union helped with Uic service. The main feature was a debate "Re- solved that National Governiment would be iu Uic best .interests 01 Canada and iprosecution. cf Uic War." The affirmative was taken by Miss Gwenyth Marlaw and Mr. Donald Scott and won Uic decision cf thc judges. Blackstaçk la in- vited ta a convention at Whltby in April when Uiey will dobate again Uic subjcct bcing "Resolved that young people should be camPelled ta marry before 24?' Our team takes Uic negative. Paymaster-Sergt. Wm. Ferguson la on furlough from Ottawa and la home with Mrs. Ferguson snd f amily. Miss Marlon Stinson, Lucknow, vlaited hier parents. Glad ta report Uiat Lieut. Chas. 'Znning-la.no -.autcf Is.. A-4. and , .. I apeeBrown*s Our Rcd Cross has given lu twa, copeebaby layettes, 2 aro to Uic mitts, sud 4 pr. er socka toteNewcastlce Bcd Cross. farmanClark has movcd ta Uic frowncd by' Fred Couch. Weextend aur sympathy to àMn. and Mns. Chas. Bcdwln sud famlly on Uic losm cf a father sud grand- father, aima te Mn. sud Mns. Wal- ter Farrow an Uic loss of a father. Home sud Schoai Ass'n. bias been postpancd fer tUil month. A special pragram is bclng preparcd for April. Visîtors: Miss Wylmna Farrow wlth Miss Phyllis McNeil, Oshawa. Mn. sud Mns. Clarence Turner sud Sam at Mn. Chas. Osbarnc's, Ebenezer. Mr. Bill Clark at Mr. IR. Branch's, Lockhart's. Mr. sud lMnr. Geo. Stephenson i Oshawa. Mn. Meivin Graham sud Mn. Ken Stephenson, Oshawa, at their homes. Maple Grove Mn. sud Mrs. Haward Wood sud famuly, Sutton West, spent the weekend wlth hlm mother, Mns. Jim Wood, at hlm brother's Mn. Fred Wood. Mn. sud Mrs.*E. R. Frecmanand Master Glenn Freeman, St. Cath- arines, visitcd is brother, H.' G. Freemn, aven Uic weekend. Mn. sud Mis. Farewell Black- burn sud daughter Grace, Mns. Burrows, Miss Daphne Burrows, Salemi, vited at Mr. W. Chatter- son's. Miss Thelffia Freenian, Devitt,, was at home. Mns. J. H. Munday, Mr. Wallace Munday, Mns. E. W. Folcy, Mn. sud Mns. R. L. Worclcn sud Mns. Vickcry attended the funeral lu Oshawa on Saturday. cf their cou-. sin, Mns. Fred Bickle, who was a. former resident of this cornxunity;- Muple Grove Sehool News From The Maple Grave Monthly At aur sciool many of Uic pupils are preparing their exhibits for' Uic Lions Club Robby Shaw. The Lions Club -affers un a. great op-i Portunity cf tshowlug',what. we cau' do. ...it seemo as If Merch came lu like a, lion sud la goiný g out like a amb. . .Wehiavcsev.. eral sprays cf pussy'-*,.wgws. l aur sehool ue-w. . . . Aft Uc ti of Uic wlnten -wc orgeizd j hockey teani wlichwé ll bd ' The Spitfines 'sud Thé uneaë, Bathtem puip .aWgood'ligh t' sud Ifa persn'wlshed tchoos Uic berttortan'lie wuld.ýtànd,it r ..'IV6Fhm ihe Fathers of cWfederadm ma*** GURNEY HAD BEEN MAKfl=G > 'RANGES ÉO 25 YEARË' Canada was rejoiding nt its newly-galned W rDominionstatua, Gurney was celebrating anoter red-Ietter da-the twenty-fi hannivers f dlite baid. ing of the frtGurney fange. Whut greater -strides, hawever,0 Gumne were yet to macc slong the road ta successt Becaue urc ranges were careffly built, thoughtffuly deslgnyed, ;lways in the lead with ncw ideas, they continued to grow in fane- and populant. Today, Gurney ranges aure ubswrpsed. Whether you UeZaaeectrcty, -Coad or wo thdic e la amodern, gleamng Gurney perfectly mued 'to. pour inidrvidual nceds. Gurncy ranges provide gater efflciecy eanm sdtoanveiienae thann yu ever thought -pouie. YSoe Gurney firstl Sec Tour Locul Omruy Deleri I ocoal Gar.7DgJ,

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