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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1941, p. 12

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TE CNAINLNÀ , BOWMANVI1JX4 ONTARIO TUMlog M' SATISFY THAT DESIRE lOBSE WELL ORESSED ON tEaster Tou ema a very little co' for we are offerlug ail our Wool and Crepe DRESSES Below Cost , < Some were oritgnaily Prieed as high as $16.00 - belug cleared while tisey last $4.75 t. $7.75 (Siz.. from 14 ta 40) PROTECT YOUR FURS As an added service and convenlence ta our custom- ers we have accepici tthe agency for Oshawa Fur & CoId Starage. Let your furs live a long Mie by storlug them under Improved faeil- .tles. Cail us to-day. THE TOWN SHOP Bats and Dresse King St. W. Dowrmavle .Johnstois the very latent colors in Sec O'ur lAP-A-LAC *UNE Now la thc tîne to buy. These'famous saints are unexceilci for Brlghtnes and Lasting Q u a 1 ty *Watch for speelals nek * week In Enamels, Floor Paints and Vamnlah. Brighten UpFor See- sur wide range of styles sud color sehemes lu BUNWORTHY Pricesi are wlit Uic Jowest. Penguin - Three ply wooL Perfect for smmer garments. Ail shad.. Per Ounce 25c Speciai! DUNIKIRK Super Scotch Per Bail 69C In four and one-quarter ounc bUs. For Army service garments. JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 615 W. Deliver FUI1 Up Your Baster Basket With- Good Things t. Bat. Appethlng suggtions ai prie.. yvoiU l lke. The select ons are partlcularly tempilng sd time- Iy. Note Uhse. sle prices! Sweet Juley Grapefruit Red River 4 for 19e Cercal -. Pklie'25e Mlwer Beed Offer witls Quiaker Oeas pkg. 19c gga- bottersiipie ", pwg",et Poilsh tin 12e %owders 2 - I0e Frt Fluffs nec Fancy.Reê Cohoe Saim on . Medium Old Cheese - 17e lb.t 27e Aunt Jemima Pkg. Panc-ake Flour 17e Beflsve Corn Syrup 2 lbtin 19c Bud Plked WhIte Beans 4 Ibo. 17c Durhsam Corn Starch Pkg. lOc FOR SALE '- SGLID BRICK bouse an Centre St., Bowman- ville,,modem canvenienees; will be soId cheap ta close upan estate. Apply A.. E. B eUman, King St. West. . il if FOR SALE-BRICIK COTTAGE, Isix oazns, garage, Ontario St., Bowmanville - Fifteen Hun- Idred Dollars, Apply 1220 King Street West, Hamutan, Ont.4- For Sale or Exeiange GOOE ORSALE GR WILL exchngeforgander. Apply T. S. Mountjoy, Bowmnanville R. R. 6, phone 25M3 15-1 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE-17 PIGS, 5 WEEKS aid. Apply Mms. May Chesebro, Con. 3, Clarkè (Mati-n arrow Farm>. 153', FOR SALE-PERCHERON MARE age 9 years, reasanable; aima registered St. Bernard Speycd female, 1 year old. Phone Fer- gus Marri]]., Bowmanvilie 2456. 15-1 FOR SALE - 50 YORKSHIRF. pigs, 6 wceks old. Apply H. C. P ed we 11, Newcastle R. R. 2, phone Clarke 3823. .15-1' FOR SALF-12 PIGS, 8 WEEKS old; 2 sows, 2 years aId; Jersey cow, 4 years, Ayreshire eaw, 5 ycars, bath fresh milking; anc Melotte separator, good condi- tion. Wm. Riznek, 1/ mile north of Courtice. .15-2' FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE BGAR about five manths old. Apply ta R. H. Brown. Omono, phone * 65r2. 51 FOR SALE-PFOUR YEAR GLD matched team. B. Jaynes, phone Clarke 1904. - 15-1 FOR SALE-GREY PERCHERON eeon geldig er i;bt rono. * 1- FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE 50W due April 141h second 1111r; aima Irish Cobbier and Daaley patatoe, and a quantity o! hay. H. Stirtzinger, phone 2406, Bow- manville.-151 Articles For s, CAR FOR SALE - 1937 MtZXCK Coach, Y ini excellent contion. Owner going overieB.. ADply Box 136, clo Statesmnan0 ce, BoWmanville. 51 FOR SALE - CIARE JEWEL cook slave with reservoôir, warmning oven and waterhrdnt, ivary enamnel. In goad condi- lion. Apply Wf. M. Allin, Church St. 151 FOR SALE - A QUANT=T: 0F apples. Apply R. L. Woribh, R.R.3, Bowmanville, phoneý 2243. 15-1 FERTILIZER - "AGRICO" AND "IAA Quality"' Fertilizers. Fbr rapid delivery phone local agent Fergus Morrili, Bowanwvlle 2456. -15*-4 Seed Çleanlng SEED CLEANING-WE SCOUR,I dlean and sepamate ail kinds of grain. Clean ail claver jes Modemmacinemy. ReasdiIble prices. ?hone 2218, Garnet.BS a -tf SEED ÇRAIt<" Wc arc ofemtag VictoW , car- tier, 201h Century an4l Erban Seed ODats. No-Barb, two-rawed, and a special lot a! O.A.C. No. 21 Bar- ley. Gavcrnment tcsted No. 1 germination, 100%, wcight 53 lbs, per bus. at 80e per bus. Aima Spring Whcat, Field Peas, Spring Ryc, etc.; Coronation and Colorado, Vaieties o! Wheat. CLOVER SEED o! the best varieties and govern-ý ment standard, tac1udisng Home Grown Red Claver, Grimm Alfal- fa, Ontario Variegaied Alfalfa,- Red Claver and Alfalfa Mixed,- Yellow and Whte Blossom Swcet' Claver, Timothy, ec.,. Telephone Clorbte 212 A. W. OaLENtEY NE.WCASTLE' 14-2 Beauty Cultuire ZASTER SPXICLAL - $5.00 OIL Permanent Wave for *2.50.'Mme., F. J. Cale, Bluebird Seauty Parlour.- Phone M3. 13-4 Roomn and BoardI BOOM AND.BOAIRD FOR GEN- tleme;; easQnable; ce4tral la-~ cation; all conveniences. Apply Box 138, cia Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 15-1'1 Furniture Sale I have been authorlzcd ta sell by public auction for Dr. R. T. Rutherford, in thc village of New- castle, on Saturday, April 121h, at ,np.m D.S.T., anl his houschold effees Including dining- room suite, bedrorn suite, and kitchen fumniture, piano, 1 chestcrfleld suite, 1 recd chesterfield suite, dressing -table, electric wàshcr, nealy new; 2 stoves, 1 electrlc stave, lamps, office desk, Wilton mug, chairs, bcddtag, dishes, cook- ing utensils, and many ather arti- cles. In tilium offering there is a beautiful 4-piece bcdroàm. suite. Ternis cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auc- tioneer. 14-2 Notice To Creditora Estate of Chas. W. Hastins AIl persans havlng cdems against thc estate of Chas. W. Hastings, Hampton, are hereby natified ta forward full particu- lars of thefr cdaims ta Lamie Hast- ings, 162 Coîborne St., Oshawa, on or before April 301h, 1941. 15-1 Real Estate For Sale PARM FOR SALE OR RENT - Hundred acres, Lot 8, Con. 2, Cartwright; anc mile from high- way. Fertile soil, woods. Im- mediate possession. Apply John Jacks, Hampton, phone 2360. 15-1' FOR SALE - TWO LOTS, AP- proxiiàtely 6,'x 94' and 66' x 1651, on Queen St. East. Apply Clarence Mutton, Bowmanville. FOR SALE - BUTILDING LOT, excellent location, on Scugog St..at foot of Church St. App]y owner, P. O. Box 485, Bowman- ville. 15-3 FOR SALE-BRICK HOUSE ON Klig St., residence af Uic late J. B. Martyn. Phone 461. 14-2' FOR SALE-SIX ROOM HOUSE, 3 picce bath, electricity, garage, good garden, nice location. Ap- ply ta Mms. E. V. Scobell, Insur- ance Agent, Bowmanvllle. 14-3 QUALITY SEED FOR SALE - We have for sale Uic finet quality o! Uic besi; varieties of grain. Reg. No. 1 and. Govt. G rade 'No. 1 Oats: Erban, Van- guard, Cartier, Victory and 201h Century; Barley: Nobarb, G.A.C. No. 21, 2-rowved; Coronation spring wheat., Germination guaranteed 97 or better. Money spent in good seed is thc best investment you cas- make. For funl particuiars apply ta Seed Cleanlng Plant, Bawmanvffle, R. R.4, phone 2218. Garnet B. Rickard. 13-tf GARDEN SES - STEWART'S Buik Vegetable Scedi ame Govi. Tested No. 1. The seed must be fresh, thc quallty Uic besi, and you gel more - seed for your nioney when buying Stewart's !14hQuality Bu]k Seed. Many ncw iniprovcd yarietlcs are of- fered this yeaýr. Lawn Grass Secd-saw Il now. Certificd Po- tatoes, Fertilizers, etc. If you arc unabie ta cal and sec aur complete lime o! choice sceds phone 577. Wc deliver garden sceds. Stewart'. Seed Store. ýSE DS- EVERYTHING IN Field Sccds at Stewart's. You can't gel better sccd anywhcre. Our quality is high--oum prices low. Sec us before buying Cia- vers, Timathy, Grass Sebds, etc. Stewart'. Seed Store, phone 1557. Are Yen WeII *Axe yen ail ready ta ceux- -mence ploughlug? We are.pre- -Pareilté give you thse beit possible service when.we re- pair your hurnes. * fyou need new hurnes. we bave some of the beit 'quality -hreson the market. W. are offerlng ibis te, you it thee low- ýest prices. JOHN LI.NZ * 'Sho. and Harnoua Repsirs King St. W.-- Bowmanviiie 1.. h price for ont article and #et anoiher dne just 11*. fi for onlj ONE CENT 35c Tin Mi 31 TOOTH POWDER Wlth Soilum Nehial 2 for361C Wed. SPRING FOR SALE - 28-46 GOODIàoN 1 grain tbresher, in good ruzmlng order, $200.00, or trade for young horses. Frank Bamsey, Canton P. G., Ont. 12-4' FOR SALE - PERSONAL .RlUB- ber Gooda, mailcd postpld in plain sealed envelope, with price ist. 6 samaples 25c. 24 samnples $1.00. Adults only. Depi. F, a Atex Rubbcr Ca., Box 231 km. ilion, Ontario. 15-8 FOR SALE-RENFREW SEXPAR- ators, made in Canada. Pweoàirs easily obtaincd. SupplY.- tank anly 39" hlgh; stainlessa teel. dises easlly washcd, close *m- mers. Prices wlfladvancc. B3uy naw. Prce service anYwhère. New machines from $3200 Qup Apply T. S. Mountjoy, IR. 6: Bowm-anville, phane 2503., 15-1 M IL K IN G MACHINES AND) Separatars - DeLaval xnilkers and. separators - Parts and- Ser- vice. Phone local agent Pergus Morrill, Bowmanville 2456. 15-1 1l7-1 FOR SALE-DeLAVAL SEPAR- ator, No. 10, good as new. A ply Box 139, dlo Statesman Offce, Bowmanville.151 FOR SALE--NEW HAMPSIRE hatching eggs, and seed potatces, Irish Cobblcrs, Commercial No. 1. Stenger, 1 mile rnorth of Enniskillen on highway. 15-1' FOR SALE - 1929 WHIPPET Coupe Car, in goad condition. Apply B. Budai, R. R.3 (:Maple -Grovei Bowmanville. 15 '.l' FOR SALE - RADIO $9.00, Rogers Majestic, batterYhéss, mantel model i first clas con- dition. H. B. Creeper,. Hotsey Street, phone 628. 15-1 FOR SALE - FARM WAGON 3/ size. Apply David 'Mutton, Bowmanville. .- i541' Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 Klng W. 20 Chureh St. OSHAWA 14-if - 1 - Phisne 2610 LOCAL DMALERci DowmMfvile Dress Up' For Easter I .4 S pring ot Youtcat makei your Eater ensembles sec that-It Io newv,anrictsiihear brmqcoor stl s a di fashionable and becomlng. Camne, Whéere t m l a large cholce in many styles. 8z5mt4 $795-t@ '$32.50 -Easter> Dressýes: New Dresses arc heme foryorspin wardrobe. Came in and se Uiem today. We are sure tisaiýwe ave usiwayuwnta ak this a sensational Haster. Ail sires in stock. Upwards trou $1.95, t. $13.95 .EASTER SPEQIALS., C MWFON HOSIERY 50e G LOVES COMomîaon 511k Suýd dPAR$lJ CuclihJo'hnspQn.& Cyderma'n ~~1±t Ou&à nkM 0RC mi SMMER AT THE Tt"u DRUG-STORE Thurs. m Sat. pricefor-on.,ide aMd gel onotsrone 'ig~ zrn. (afor en(y ONE CENT 't. LoiBL -Apri 1L6 :.thaol7th1l8thul9th \~ A EMMIE s,9LUNNfo JURY CILOVELL plise 778' - When We Test Eycs It ls Donc Propcriy 0"n 596 -w Fn.è a TIM CAIqADL4X STAU * ffedand Seed FOR SALE-BEGISTERECD NO. -1 Vanguad Gats at 9Oc*per bus., and Na 1 Coronation s pring wheat at $1.10 per bus. Apply H. Rowland & Son,,Newcastle, Ont. Phone Clarke'1902. 15-1 SEED) GRAIN FOR SALE -ER- ban oats and rnlxed grain (Vie-' tory and O.A.C. No. 21), germ- ination and color A-1. Prlced ta sell. Apply Wilfrid Carruthers, R. R .1, Bwmanvlle, , phaon e 2625. *1- FOR SALE-GOOD SEED GRAMl (Erban Gats, 2-rawed Barley mlxed), aima 2-rowed no-barb barley. Victor Szold, Hampon. Phone 2173. 15-1 SEED FOR SALE - COLORADO 1wheat for sale. Appl F. F. WlUan, Blackstock, phone Port Perry 187r23. 15-2* SEED GRAIN FOR SALE -ER- ban Gats and Sparton No-barb Barley.- W. R. Rabbins, HIamp-ý ton R. R. 1. 15-2 FOR SALE-STACK 0F MIXED hay, about ý5 loads, $16.0. Ap- ply Wilson Aberncthy, R. R. 2, Bowmnanville, phone 2419. F4OR SALE - 'QU.ANTITY 0F mangels, patatoes and turnips. Apply Edwara Beck, R. R. 4, Bowmanvllle, phone 2206. ÈjRNIS FOR SALE IN A PIT, about 400 bus. Will sell cheap if sold ta ane purchaser. Apply Howard Gibson, R. R. 4, Bow- manville, phone 2482.; 15-1 SEEDS FOR SALE - BARLY Alaska and VictarY Gats, test over 40 Ibs. ta the bus. Present price, 55c. Swect Claver aima Tamathy Sccd, present price, $3.00 a bus. deliveréd. W. Leaak, Tauntôn, ýphane Oshawa 1652 wll. 14-tf FOR SALE,-QUANTITY MIýC4D hay, some hormes, Tlmothy hay Will sel cheap. Orville Os- borne, phone 2480, R. R. 4, Baw- manville. 14-2 Reconditioned Tires RECONDITÔNED MIES-SAVE up ta 50%el, n tirés and tubes, includlng new Goodycars, Do- minion Tires. Full stock ln al sizes from $1.00 hp. à. F. Jaxnie- son, Tiré & Battery Shop, King ami Silver St. 14-tf Wil1son'a FurnIture Co. Jnci, sprint Mattresmes $88Good 1ooking h e a vy spring-filllcd mattresses, covered in -durable fancy tlcking. Win1 give yau years of comfort. AUl sizes, at an amnazlngly'low price. Floor Coverlnt Speclal $1.49 Borderless rugs 6'xg 'i inlaids, cotigoleums feltols, heavy linoleumns, in alw<ts The larg- est disply of floor coveringsanad rugs in the city. Wilson's prices are lowert Studifo Couches $15à95 Spring-fllled studio couches in attrac 'le coverings. 50 beautiful studio couches ta choose from at bargain prices that wlll save you many dollars. New Chesterfield Suites $39i !90 véodern spring-filled Chesterfield suites, excellent cpv- erlngs, carved show-wood. A real buy. Chesterfield suites in'heavY flgured rich velours, luxuriant deep-seated conifort, custom-built styles, fully guaranteed canstrue- tion. We carry a large selectian ta choose frôm and aur prices are always lower. Bedroom Suites *639.95 1'hrimlngly new, smart waterfall design. This ls an out- standing buy.. At.Wilson's you can find your heart's desire ta a bcd- roam suite. Modern and periad desigris. Wilson's lower overhead means lower prices ta you. Eaby Buggty Bargains $4.»8UP Ch o ose fram a grand selection, ail styles and col- ors. We carry a cotnplete stock of Gendron and, Lloyds Pranis and Folding Carrnages. Visit our Trade-la Depart- ment. Hundreds of. bargaius for quick clearance. ÂtJCTION SL SANKRtTPT Woodwou'Ing Machln.'y and -E q uIP M an t (Yatss) Stlcker KnIv.sBuiders & Côn Wator M.chinery and. Equlpnîe Offiea Fuinltmoe, Lumber, Moulding, (Feirbanks) Ceai s,k 121/2 Ton Capaclty, and GMC Truck. ON 7THE PREMISES 0V W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMIT1ED Albert.St. snd Court St., Oshawa, ont. Tueda, * 1 5t an WdnedýApli r<ý AT 11 O'CLOCK A.N. (D.S..) EACI4 DAY UNDER INSTRUCTIONS OF RUSSEL R. GRANT, Trustee ln Bankruptcy acneEqulpment and Office Furniture wIlI be sold T isdyAprIIl 11th. Lumsor, Stock, Etc., wili b. muid on Wedns.day, -April Sh LUMBERL STOCK, ETC. (Albert Str .eet). elgkSpuB"-. WM 1Oak, Maplet Angorted Mouldîngu Doom~, Wlndow Baha olg, iNlis Sandpaper, Paintio Turpenstine, %Whlts Lffd, Roofing, *rioks, le, eta MACHINERiF AND' EQUIPMENT (Albert Stree; C*A)TItIl.SW <McQreglor-Gourly> Joliter, <Bortrarn) Band Sawv d0 ~O1.(~pl Chain M ortioer, <Clowan) Saab Sticker, Cowan I4pWoil OIpl larn Reliser, Shaper 4x c41 611 Table, Table Cross.Out8w Premtoi1 tfl - Tiltîng Table Saw, C ates) Sticker Knlves, Enierey «M'hsY, Cwa <sif.feed) Cowan 2-. rum Sander,42». Single Surface Planer, lU-whg.ate Forge, Ediaust Fan, 30 H4.P. Mo or, 15 H.P. Motor, a H.P. Motor; uieyà -t: Shafting, Bolting, Head Veneer Prose, 3 x 10;.Iron Clamps, international'b ' ClcFactory Truck@, Worc Benches, <Fairbanks) 00.1 Scalé, 12Vatoit caacty. OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (Albert Street): Dalton Addifd$ Machine, Oak FIat.top Deska, Oak Tablee, Underwood Tryowriter, Whig Regîster, Typewrlter 055k8, Cheokometer, Safe, Oak Filing Cabinoe, Bookâ keepers' Does, Oak ITiting Chaire, Oraftlng Table, Files, StàtIoner, etc. NACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT (Court Street): Steam Derrick (sipe, (Continental) Cernent Mixer, Iyard;, Rubber-tired, Bali-bearing Cernent Mix. er, Va yard; Oement BuggieMouhl i Sheds, Used L.urber, Brick, Ambestos, T10, etc. TERM8: CASH Mill open for Inspection Monday, April l4tb, 9 a.m. to 0 p.m. FRANK DONNELLYP rrade Auctloneer, HO0. 11151 Sec Trhe New FianbeàÙ Red Tractor Où Display AUl]Parts and Repair Service,. W. H. ROWN.; 1 '

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