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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1941, p. 3

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TEE CANADIAN BOWMAIqVII~E ONTAIIZO PAGE THR~lU you testior bread.. free front doughy spets,'f sour tasto1 920 GTJRNEY HAD, BEEN MN RANGES jFOR 78 YEAU W 7EN Fatiser fiddled with tise cat's whiskar sud VVhaadphoucs silanced tisauartof Conversation, Gurney raqes hsd Passad out of tisa cxperimaual stages a funi life tiane bac. Radio develope d by leapsansd bounds during the next two dacads .,.. sud se, did thesa sience sud tech- nique of SeOve-buildi»g. Iseumakars Of GurceY did morra tissu keap Pace. By constant researchin uthse laboratory sanmtise kitchen, tisayyionaered many im- POrtant innoaions. . . =ana te pularity of Gurney ranges tisrougis dia excellence of diair pet- formance. Today, Guray ranges ara smli leaders becstuse diey effet a unique ceombination of unsurpasscd eafiency, ceuvenienceansd aconomy. More0er, diase tisreefold ad-. vantages arc available to, every home sud fsrmstead, whatevar fuel is used - meal, weod, gas or alactricit>.See diase gieaaing miracles of rauga-building at your Gur- ncy deaaer's.Deir SsYOar L9881OuruoY Dae If n todirGuru.j De4erwjil * ",Fédr ~b en,*-. q t h ça--J w _____________ I Iqatfor ecadhiild, daily. i aned pea bans sud leuti] tain a fai amount of Grad Iprotein, along wlth valuabl] e rIa, sud vitamine A, Ba thesa substitution foode arE imakers of muscle, boue and Thue mleat need neyer ben TUE MIXING O 1Wl »Y ANNE A LÉAN Hydre Homme leonqimIi HloHome Makerst WelU hove wa ai: - offlclally launchad, sud Wa've begun a little research for oalready -research that Wil hapYou to budget comiortably sud tifl uppIy your iamlly with goo wiolsom fod.Lent sud Lenten menus reaaly gave us thse Idea. Meat les alarge item lu aur diet, here lu Canadia, and yat maat prices are bound te rise. But there'ara certain 'culiuary dodges' that Wli give you excellent sub- stitutea for meat - provide thea eaina nourisisment, sud suppla-1 meut yeur meals lu an interestiugC fashion. And once you set out ta searcis for nicat substitutes, you'll firid titetrestmg sund surprismng. Flrst, check up ou your know- iedge Of nutrition. We know tisat thc tissue maklng feeds ara chief- ly meat, flis, eggs, mikt chease nuts sud dried peas, bceans sudà "lantlls." A-godc example of thc lait nanied, le the valuabla soy- beaun nw grown lu Ontario, the a fleur of which may be used lu ii such palatabla farns as braad, ti Imuffins, biscuits, pancakas, etc. d Sa, if meat goas off the menu,w every se often - be very sure n that substituta ,foods arc present fi which do tisa same work meat èC doctin luourishlug the body. t As mneat Io Uie best source of th Grade "A" protein, sud as liver, er kldney, iseart sud beef ara nich inlu 0 Iran, tee, we, must remambar ta 5p add more vagetables, aspaciaily di raw ones, ta Uic maatiess anas, af Eggs sud sas foode toc are valued la islpers. Milk, whila it centains be ne iron, le a good protalu food, sud nutritioniets vecammeud one Ils con- Lde "iCt le nn sud D, re good 1blood. x Air Force in N..d 0f Radio 'Tochnlciami Tise Royal Canadian Air Forc snnouucad to-day its urgent nee e! 2,500 "'radio tecisuiciaus", me who wiilba given s short lute iva course lu radia work sud er everseas ta 155e their place lu th gnound daienca agoinst aerial ai tack cf thc British Islam. Fer soe mmnthe Uic R.C.A.: lias beau racrultiug skilled radi mechsnlcs te 155e theme posta bu thus source et supply seams b hava been neaany exhausted. It le now prapased te take un trained radio men, providiug tUic have pammed thair junior Matricut lation, or attaincd the aquivaleri standard, ta do this wovk. Thi age lurit le frorn 18 te 45 withî preferance for those between 2C And 27. Tise medical standardE are not as strict as for thoeaen- teanI. alrcraw but call for sound Men recrultcd as radia tachiu cians wIU ba postai ta a mannn depet for ona manth'straniu sud outfitting. Thereaiter, jNew Low Pace on 1lb tin la rce ed en Mt je it ut by Li- Mt a 10 ls ,el luies uggestIinsare Iollowe< eut. Be sure -ta vary thc attrac- tiveness of Uic dishas, with tex- turc, color sud flavour. Mut snd Cheese Lest 1 tablespoon chopped enion 1 tablespoon fat 1 cup gratcd cheese 1 cucheednuts Serve with e ciyoo sci 1 tcup. maltcdfh 1 cgg sga 2 tabaspe apribtte 21tablespoaus fler piees sp eav lucolter or Brahutri, hsgin Uc wte Cooke tininfas ti mllk one 'lyowlm. Ad Uic cl teoie, Inredriedsuad o fer tanmlk ninues.ix Ucbutterwith Uicn 'loi ntl seth i e'le 0Fom- Sedv thtrit ntomic m scek aurv mite s ae c disfomc hs clericcaenadth et 1ein.Xicusace lu ookc ptrUcegleadd i mil c emited 2 tcupdlow sobe 2 tablespon saito i imratth i e ntovaml 2 tablursasene molasheswte the imtcsp. fet te ldo Soak te sus fth ber wethes iaor nt a st ta blllugsd mimmer èdti tendetr U ntoesa i beanCoar er biues rae are bkd, iey itahers iU benadvthe oat- out fths. igadig dsigIfth sauce TAp ke 1. Pla theegus a your it-oearil [slieytsfe urbvoThed din- C ns Bn aember . . clcctri 1iilugle son less. 2. talspoose yolac c a 1a teauil capay y oe u 1 'era oudsat Ucsaie rne ben se fac obaklng lane. Cmek- t a, Z cutrs t.ane ba ked 9p ote hUicve mel crse ut oflt B. elatric se u et-vrl ers àDubleber .lune ectre- Soyi' adsmouddis r e P 2.mlay e cek-d parfect on L-vmcasurc a thoe su etnic itUs frep e g Ui swt "e.okà Quotrdet.on B aëdp ne, Engli eies sud oudner 5L. may tablepni l ozn tfes mi B.r hakmof"Watci citkleng them Satah"main" Quesa ftioan wt Ui ctrlc' clament tur"Ad on g me Eles requatlytund onket vlugan te leaven teIncatoa.- Afisn D.M.sk: "WHas pria es fe ood valuein"Sat"ma ueswer: Ys tol c ii>a spice out athasnvian wvaluet tins vitamnt u"C". nhi Wedding n r c ti li n tg b L a ci tx 'w C w Bc 0 m P4 ar ce m lù PZ to ai "God forbld titat I should glory iva 'iuthe, croisof our Lord sus Christ."-St. Paul. Wrhen I ourvey the wondrous Crqam, Onwhlch thea Prince of glery dy vlchest gain I ceunt but lasi, And pour contempt on ail my Forbid It, . Lord, that I should Save lu Uic daath o! Christ my God; Ail Uic vain tisings that charm me meut 'See frornMHe had, FMls issds, Sonrow and love flow niJngled downI Dide'av sucis leve sud sorrow meet, Or thenecompoea 50 icis a Wcna the %whale realm o! nature mine, Tisat wene a praseul far to smail; Love so amazlug, se divine, Demnanda my spul, m lita, zny all.men. - Hymus of the cross are count- PRtECAUTIONSI j. laus; page sitar page could be g written about them, but this g matchleas hymu by. Isaac Watts Country horses may be batter stands unsurPassedt. Many ami- 'livers' tissu their city relatives neut llterary aud musical crltlcs but the. junkn 's nag, stablad in 1 caim It to be tise fineit hynin in idistricts teem g with human life, tise English language. We are at hsb nwi h aswe lesatsaie In saying it rank s be nwi h asw among the five fineet. What th'a diphtherla was commen, te get ark and thse altar was ta the the diass and, without artificial ancient Jew, thea Cross ls te the aid, build up anti-toxin in its Christian, vecegnlzad as the sym- blond 'sufficlently strong te ba bol cf sacrifice aud salvaticu by used lu thea treatment of human "the Holy church througheut the beings. worIdA 't more tissu oua occasion, ac- Isasac Watts, the auther of this cr g te Ontario Dcpartment of hynin, la revcred as "tise Father Health records, tha Cauuaught of Engilsh hymnoj '~ Befora Laboratories of the University oi hie day, 1074 g78,e. song5 of Toronto, whlch produce mny cf the cisurch were thea psalms, sud the seruins whieh the Departrucut Paraphrases cf tiesrirptures - supplies ta doctors free for the compositions tisat weve faulty snd protection cf tisa public, have mlsconstrued and lrritatad tise found. city horses with anti-texin sensitive ear sud mmnd cf Watts. of varyiug degreas of strangth Iu As a youth lia was continually theil' velus. making up risymesan verses, but Conversely, seldom, if ever, hie fager waa flot at aU Iu syni- have they found a country horse pathy wlth the lad's poetic tastes. with traces of Immunity. Horses lis athen wus a ceurageous Puri- used 4b the laboratorias ta pro- tan sud had beau liprisoned duce cUphterla and scarlat fa ver twlca bacause cf hlm reilius anti-toxlu sud other serunis are vlews. One day at tise age of l8, given MaaIl quantitias cf tise In- young Watts was dlscussing va- iectiug agents at ragular inter- liglous 'nattera wlth Mis father vals aud, lu tima, the animais'. who was a deacon lu thse Indepçn- blood contains auough of thea dent Churcih. Ra idiculed smre built-up anti-texin te bDa used lu cf the paon hmn ug Iu tise praventive or curative treaaent. churcbesansd bis fathmn said, va- Iu tii. rq<ent outbreak of acarlat SOLD BY- THESE LEADINO RETAILERS T.W.Cako Bwmnvuc Tolophone No. Telophone No. F. 5. Coulter, bawmanvuio Dominion Stores Llmlted, uewmanvme ... ose a. A. Edmondatono, flo~ W. J. DudIey. BownlnnvlllA Tolophone No. e faver, <now under contro)i)nl tee i strong possibility of a The teacher sought to impresa ae on her young pupils the fact that R.C.A.F. Manning Depots aud cit recruit having developed hie thigs could flot be subtracted arnY camps, the recruit froni the owfl anti -toxlu. froin one another unlese they farm. or smafl village has beau iu For this reason officials of the -were of the smnadanomination. somewhat the position of the Department of Health urge rural "For example," she centinued "«we' cou try horse - he haeu't had a n t ak f v ap l s ro si sufficiently close contact w tli people particularly to take advan- annot tae fv ls fo i Sources of infection to bulld up tage of the toxolds and serunis for ban thes." gagniu spoke natural resistance or im inmunization against several of uP. Ter I awas at lest oea On t e ot er h nd, teorthe comniucabe diseases. These lu every clasroom. Ha sald: "But Dr. J. T. Phair, Chief Meal, are availabla te the medical pro- can't wa take five apples from Officer of Health for Ontario, fession without charge. thiree tracs?"I ther. ssrcasticail, "Make soe yourself then."p Iaac accepted Uic challenge, and lu s vcry short lima producad his final isynn, "Bahold Uic Gler- les of Uie Lamb." This was Uic start of hm carcan as a hymu wrltcr, wisich lias beau aquailed or surpassad, in numbers anly, by Charles Wesley and Fanny Cros- by. Not auly did ha nender psalms and otisar passages ai scriptura into Efigllish verse, but ha widcn- ed thé range ta mncluda hymne "compoÎsai ai divine subjects" which-oened and lad tisa way ion hymni ot frac composition. Iu due time Isaac Watts becama a dletingulshed minuster cf Uic Coâgrgtional Cisurch sud had cferdupon hini Uic degreaeto Docter, et Divinity by Edinhurgs Univanslty. Eanly lu his ministry his healts gave way sud lie was cmpalled to retira froni public ie Haspent thc ramaning 36 ycars af i li e in quiet and con- tantrnent as a guast in Uic home of lmgod friands, Sir Thomas andLady Abuay, at thair manor- mue l Hertfordshire whava SO xiany et his world rnned hynswawrc written. RURAL PEOPLE /1w Pernjg rand Mother has I.arned how to heIp keep him that way Youngsters au well as grownups can suffer from the. duil, draggy feeling that cornes £rom a sluggish systern. Wise mothers do ail tliey can to help preventit A PI.asant Way for Young or ON to HeIp Prent Slugqith Syaiom ggish aystem often resua H elp keep your famnily fit Iby n a lack of bulk in the serving Post'a Bran Flakeïs LSucli cases should yield regalarly. Everyone wifl love ly to Poest' Bran Flakes thefr crisp, nut.like flaveur. ey provide natsual bulk If tiisdoes flot prevet slug- o.ep food' wastes moving Bishu due te lack of buIk, froz diet cas'l The, e PUIS RAN IAKEWIH OïHER PAmU POSnIRA F E50f WMAT S hANS U'!Im1P'A~ S U SA r I O ~ i > 14Y MIVDE NON Wood-Hewston 1. The Church of the Resurrcc- tien, Toroute, decorated with dal- Sfodils, snapdragan and palme, was -the ettiug Saturday evenlng, -Mardi 2Mt, of the marriaga 0 Miss Florence Ida (Bunny) Haw- stan, daUghter of Mr. and MNf. J. H. Hewston, Cedarvale Ave., formarly cf Bowmanvilla te Mr- James Sunxmervllle Wood, sen o 1 Mr. and Mnr. James Wood, Neirui Ave. 11ev. G. S. Scoveil officia; with R. C. Gllpmn at the organ.. Mrs. Peel sang. The bride, given in marriageb her fathr, wore heaven blue mil jersey, with sweetheart rosas an4ý white freesia fermifng her bou,~ quet. MIrs. A. Maclean was matroei, of henor, and Mns. A. Rlgg w bridesmald, bath wearing dusty# Pink net over taffeta, made col- onial style. They wore sweethaart headdresses of dusty Pink and carried celonial bouquets ofpik roses aud freesia. 'Hugh Woodat- tended his brother, and the ush«s were D. Hewston and P. Wod, brothers of the bride and groom. A reception was held at Wood- moumt Ave., thc brida's mother wearlng qucen's blue flgurcd sheer with Pink carnations. Tise groom's mother was lu royal blue lace with Pink acceesories. Later' the bride donned a black tallored suit for travelling. They will ne- side on Strathmore Blvd. Gwendolyn WIIIIams A Busy Accounpanlst MASS fm c"AS COCO Enjo-y a Cup Today M. "4OURIS$.HING ClIPS- TO THE POtJNP il OE9y 7 , 1, Aca' MEuyStaeea ,g neadawll b. incetc uUi oiolgwrite- up luUi Toronto Star which gives detais thUebusy flic lun muiel cirties cf Gwendolyn Wllliam - daugister of Mvi. Alan Wllias oi Bewaunville Gwendoiyn Willilams le 'ee o tisa buset tour-artioseIluToronto. [n fact sc se muaison Uiq vosd' this s4;een that misé has hàd'v«ry uttle lima foi' lecal aeccÔmpwL mient work at ail. Constantiy on tour ince Jan. 3, oheéisad oue break enlY, wiesa is playcd foïl Lec B sc ,brillant- Fraucis-Can- adian - vio ult, At Hart HOUSd, M(uch ai han lime this wintcr wau tkcu by Hertha Glatz, Vlenmcsc citralto, ouaeof Uic Most populat tour-artists lu Amarcia,angg crih Bsto yphny' snd ilu Bach Passion evct at Carnagei ElaUl. Batwcen Uic Glatz tours thiâa Oanadian accompaulet played on vith Suzanua Flser, mnc± 3opranq brougist by Johnuson fromn )para Comique te Uic -"met.", Han aiost vacant datas have bacu wlth Pearl Painiasan, Terônte violinlmt Ind WliHam Morton, tenon. Ha- antly se has beau on tour wlth dlnlam Solonlif, Amanican vie- int,. sud Jean Dickensôn, sa- vane. She rtursliera thise waek 0 Play fer, Pickering Collage 'Pinafeve" aI Nawmiarkcet. THER SONGS Wratm n peuali>'forhe etalesman bay wefl known flUrbasaboy, Fed .Fêler, l", Labo St,, St. Cauueaines, TM CANADIAN ic BOWMANVMU, ONTAMO PAGE TH= m E. Lunn, Bowmanville -- Tolophone Nco. ýwmanviBe 876 M zz: 1 1 'NZ

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