I'KWISDAY, A~lUL 10, 1941 ~.-.-.--------- a A va. Burlketon .Hary aMIS Many frionde willl bgadta kow tht he is recav- emngniceel f a long illnees., 1Congratua 0 t tan d Mmi. Day. Gatcheil0Oeawg' formemly of Buktoft, on te birixo! a son. There isa jgroat shantage a! tarin help t8ia pring wlth 50 pianY a! the young mon worklng ln towns. Vitors: M. and Mmi. Lameé Denan sd Casn, Oshawa, Wlth Mr. and Mmi. Chas. Dean. .. Mr. Hudson wth friends heme... andlira. H. E. Hanse, Norma Ediwlth Mmr. H. Srt Oshaa...Mm. and Mmi. E. Ait- anu, Viala, Mary and Albert, wlth Mrs. IR.Oke, Oshawa. -.. Mm.. ud Mi. George Avemy, LittleIe B- tain MmFrank Webbem, New- caste, M. Joseph Avemy, Mme. Mary Webber, Mr. apd Mmn. Wal. ter Cochrane, ,Tean mad Harold, Eowmanvllle, Mm&. and Mme. Wal- tem Rahniand Kenneth, Ennskll- len, Mr. and Mmi. George Rahnx and Roy, Helen and Ruth Union at Mmi. Hary Rahm's. .. M. and lim H. Gilland Mme. J. Gin with - ~ . - -- i friends at Cobourg, Colborne ande Bowmanvlle.. -Mr~. Harold WII- ebn, Oshawa, Mr. Wallace Êreek, It.C.N.V.R., Toronto, with Mn. T. G. Breck. . Misa Ella Hoskin and hM. Glen Hoakin, Oahawwh Mr. W. Hoakin.. . . Mr. andà. Mi. HiOward Abbott and ehfldren with Mr. and Mme. D. Gatcheil, Ooh- awa. Cadirnus An Intereting crokinole party was held lnx the basement af the church April 4th, under auspices of- the Young Ladies' Clama, -.a- cher of the clama,, Misa Annie Mountjoy, bccupled the chair and the follawlng program waa given: Vlolin solo by Gerald Stinson; two readings by Mima Hick;In- moutix ara ooby Miss, Lydla Ginnl- Lrantwo p10atrlotic readings by Mm.i J. E. Eltt. Treasure Tmal contest was conducted byMisses Leah and Audrey McQuade which added rnuch to the amusemer$.j Cralinole and other'gamea weme enjoyed, the wlMlers et crokinale1 belng Percy Williamnson and Ron- ald Ginn. A dalnty lunch waa served by the girls and group gaines enjoyed, An event of unusual interest W~aa held at the home of Mr. and Mme. James McKee on their 37th weddlng anniversary on April 5th. Relatives and neighbora along wlth the two sons sumprised Mr. and Mrm. McKee by lnvading their home on Saturdayr evenlng. The sans, Edgam and Lorme, presented their- parents with a beautiful mantel dlock and various other 4e t were recelved from friends. Teevenlng was an enjoyable one and a delicious- supper waa eerved to the guesta. Visltora:- Miss Inez Hickling wlth hem aunt, Mrs. J. E. Ellott. . . Miss Trhena Frooman wlth her parents at Bo*'malvlle. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Douglas and Aflan, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and Gordon spent Sunday hi Toronto. Teacher: "'Naine tiree collective nouns!' .Tommy: "Fly-paper, waste-bas- ket and vacuumn-cleaner."ý-Louim- ville Courier-Journal.1 BIGNM Wl...for farmiera! AGNES MACPHAIL former Momber of Parliament for Grey-Bruce--nd onte of Can. ada's best informed authorilies on agriculturel problemsý-.s now wifing exclusive articles based on her wide experience of 'the past and her observations today for chr <0iiIwr éta P h 0 Traditional friand end spokesman for the farmer in ifs news columns and on ifs ed. tonial, page, The Globe and Mail bas taken this furtiier stop to extenci "allout" editorial asistance -to the farming industry. Tot. this h.lp is appreelated is shown In 0* whole. heartsd endorsation given by H. H. Hannem. preident' of the Canadian Fecleraf ioof. Agriculture$w'ho saYs:- Dear Sir, J lwlsb 11*0 commed a minrtnate The. Globe - a n ailmen the. e.cellet 111k wbiihlt hbï,boom ioler recontlv ha glvtmg 5faro ieneMd feneoi : »te wltexu et itrenit.e am people. atslry% fromma wkh a tea vry rsi dersé.ndlng of the leneie Position of the fermer. ami the. dlffleultle. wbleb be laump against. Tour obampdening of ms iem etrialir le paritbculari neuigling. At the smme time--sinceg icnreI, and mat be tihe bule ofoui eeOmmy- U oreu lr ubaefhbcueAriutr a e are performlng a alesefrvice te canada es a wbole. This lailu 0o.lcte i.coumelise oftiie ation commemniuaste wthteI Ulfportamce. Ma 1 add a periocal word or appreolatlom for the. fie effort wbli The. Globe ami MMai fi ant, mami wbfhiehwtlund6mbtedli elp te:get a a .bekt~ i ,k ntéi nd Canadiau Pederatlom cf Agicuture. Ord,y ouw Globe <and Mail front ',,Dlv Po-afmat.,, or Reural Mail Couie . . . .T@A NO CL UTCH TO PRESS 1 NO GEARS TO SHIFTI JUST STEP ON THEÊ GAS AND GO! Glide away from a standing itart with the. siuggiah pick-up from startlng in high gear. amqothnmsaof clectric power. Enjoy gctaway HydraMatic Drive' le a combination cf fluid that sweeps you through four forward apeeds coupling and completely automatic four- wtliout -a aecond's lieitation 1 In optan".speed transmission.It is optional at extra coat gpar. There ia no time-lag or powýer-loss such Oldamobile model. o-fie CANADIAN-IUILT DY GINIRAL MOTORI ROYJOCHOLs un COMRMIE êcl meetingaé;-10-announce- Mte; 12 reporta b y tFixe by- L~secret yof 2 Sectianal ; s; the creditable ?l1o0 487 reports o! 318 meet- Ve tak. this opportunlty ta emrelyv thank the varlous news- rsorspaca whlch th,Ylbave Nesieton t Neetîcton W. I. met at the homt 1of Mrs. G. Thompeon, April 2nd iPrograrn was i charge of Mrs Ccl Wilson. Current Events wcrt pRepared by Mrs. D. Thompom Rolcall: Naine of a farnx produçi and how ta boost it. Hearty vôti of thanks given Mrs. TfIompmo and ladies icharge., Visitors: Mr. Lloyd Henry, ol Burketon, at M,. John Wilson'. . lira. Geo. Johns wlth lmas. R. IXo ki... .?lia. L. Joblin with "r K. Burto... Mr. and Mmm. YoIÙI Neabitt at Mr. R. Nesbts ... Nai and lira. Wllbert ?4cKinstryr Misses Snowy and Marie MarlowI Oshawa, wlth their prn. . Miss Beatrice Whitfield wltbh her. sister, lira. Errol Bmadbuf Burketon. . Misses Lucille at Muriel Hyland with theirgani mother, Mme. R. Edgerton. Mr. and lmas. L. Jobi with lira. M Johns... Mr. John .MeNeil wltb Mr. Laurie Hokin... Mme. Jas, Williamson wlth lira. R. Hoakin., Tyrone Visitors: Mir. and Mrs. Fredt Brooks and Floyd, Mr. and Mr0l' Jack Hoag, Cobourg, at Mm. Gtio. Brooks'. . . Mr. and lmas. RuMM' Virtue, Mir. and lirs. Leon Moi*e at Mr. Theo Down's, Lakefield. . lirs. F. Rose, Sutton, Miss Grace Stephens, Mount Pleoeant, at Mr. Wes. Taylor'... lir. Wifl Virtue,, Bowmavillewith his father. Major and lire. F. Duleywt frienda at Mlbrook...MmLoe Mortson, at Richmnond Hill. lira. Walter Park and Miss Hele. Youngman in Toronto. .. Mm.* an lmas. F. L. Byam and family wltb friende in Cannington... Mr. n Mrs. -Clarence Woodley and Mr4. Sain Woodley at*lMr. Jack Da~ Iove'a, Toronto. .'. Mr. andMis G.1 M. Moncrief and Doris, ax 1« Joan, Petorboro, at Mr WillHa- Ly's. .. Mi'. and Mrs;. Harry MemciW" and Greta, Orono, at Mr. W~ Virtue's. Our achooI is closed until aftçm' Easter as a nunxber o!fixhe childmen., have the meales. Y. P. U. met on Thursday night' a'ith lira. R. Virtue in charge0d the progmam. Mir. Lorne Miotox read the acripture; a story by Mrg;ý C. Bigelow; Rev. Gardner led làx prayer. Progrmnopened with. a duet by Yvonne Byarn and Helen Y'oungman; reading, Clinton Blge-î low; piano solo by lmas. G. Brent; opic by Rev. Gardner; solo, Go£," In Brent; meadlng, Art -Ham ton. «Mission Band met Fmiday aftet echool with lirs. Leon Moore hI charge. W. M. S. met at Miss Clame, Y'oodley's on Thursday. lira. Sid. Hoar took the chair. Ladies are Lultig several qufits for the bale. Mlss C lare Woodloy took char gie of the followlng prograin: Bible reading, Mrs. E. Woodley; Eastem, story by Mrs. John Hilia; prayer by Mrs. H.LHilas and lira. A. HilIs- solo by Marie Thompson; lirs. L.f Goodman took: the study book and, she gave anrintèresting talk on tPlW lfe of Oliver Jackson. .1 The Flowers of Gothsemane was the subject of Bey. Gardner's splendld sermon on Sunday morfn-« xg. lirs. G. Brent sang a solo. Slxteenth Weddlnt Ainivcray Tyran. Community Hall was te icone of a* pleasant social .vent on Tuesday evening, April ot when relatives and neighbors >f 16. and Mns. Clarence Waociley Kthed together ta celebrate ithemtbelr sxtqth wed- lIàg anniversary. Mr,. A. H. Brent ithi lira.- Howard Brent at the Lana led In community siging. lv. A. F. Gardnxer wlh a f 0w bosasant remnamks called Mr. and rs. oodey t the chairs an fixe lafamune a prettily decor- ted arch. Mr. Everton White ead an'eùlatic address.. lmas. Floyd Dudley pmeaented Le couple Wtii a purse of money. ttle Miss Marie Taylor present- I lira. Woodley wlth sixteen *autiful carnations and Miss Dom- thySknner presented a book to ýforwamded ta Miss Joyce Wood- ey at the Children's Hospital, it ig hem llth birthday. Mr. Waodley thanked fixe fmi- Lds for their kind remembrances rhch ho and Gladys greatly ap- reciated. The table JuathI front of fixe latforin was decorated wlth sul- er candles and pink and white ýeamners suspended fmomn a large sip and white bell. In the centre Efthe table rested a 3-tier wed- rxg cake, havig been decorated y ane of aur oldeat ladies, Mme. Wight who is in her 8Oth year. The progrmncansisted a! reci- Moan by Dorothy Wright; violin Lsic by Cranstan. Scott. accomn- ciation, Braoklin United Church. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth of Port Pemmy gave a-further talk on the War Savinge campaigix. Afternoon Session The In Miemoriam service was in charge o! Geenwood Auxili- amy. A war savings certificate was given as a memorial of each de- parted member af the Presbytor- ial, this ta bo sent ta the United Church War Savings Fund. lmes. H. J. Mulet, China, gave aà vemy insbiting adcjress on the work in China and hem experien- ces during the present war. The open forum 1canducted by lMe. H. J. Crozier doslt with many important questions. Election of Officers Election of officers moulted as follows: Past President-Mrs. N. J. WVhite, Myrtle Station; Proui- dent-Mme. Geo. Honey, Newcas- tle; ist Vice Pmea-lrs. C. G. Park, Whitby; 2nd Vice Pres.- lire. G. L. Wagar, Bowmanville; Treasurer-Mvrs. M. S. Chapinan, Pick5ering;. Secretarles - Rewoid-¶ ing -Mms. D. Loury, Myrtle Sta.; Corresponding -Mme. W. W. Gee; Christian Stowardship and Fin- ance - Mme. J. V. licNeoly, Osh- manvillo. awa; Mission Circlea t Misa May Brown, Lcut Hill; C.G.I.T. - Miss T. Freeman, Bumkeon; Mission Banda - Mme. I. liunday, Bowman- ville; Baby Banda - Mme. T. G. Nor- ton, Locust HI; Aasociated Hclp- ers - mes. W. P. Rogems, Bawman- v ille; Supply - Mme. C. W. Siemon, Bowmanvle; Cmmunity Friend- ship - lirs. R. W. licQuay, Whiùt- by; Litemature - Mme. C. R. Cars- callen, Whitby; Missionary Month- ly and World Frincb - Mme. Fred Buntig, Pickering; Clistian Cit- izenship - Mme. W. N. Alleek, Osh- awa; Press - Mms. K. Werfy, Bow- Oav CMI-HAMEL' ______ I* C.,e lt35 oney onSU 5C ýoe the 8 away. MASON & DALE SUIE 304 UMM DO WMAN VILLE v.- .S~. » "s A I9~ ,go generously given to the work 'f the Women's Missionary Sa- ciety. Treasurer's Report - Received from organizations $10,031.o8; Ex- pense fund $55.82; Special collec- tion at executive meeting $11.10; Sent to Conference Branch Treas- urer $10,098.00; Increase over 1939 $6.IO. Mi. S.* Davison explaîned the ~urpos'e of he United Church War v yjgsC C Magn. lollbwing' luncheon greetings WeZe brought by Rev. P. L. Juil of %Br6oklin uand Mrs. Wm. Sanley, President of thxe Woman's Asso- av oe Wall Save you Mc M- CHI-NAMEI buy ail you to-morrow, bel opportunltysuilps - 1 1 13RANDRAM-HENDERSON PL /0 piiiiiii dl THE CANADIAN STATESMAI!t'BOWMANVMU, ONTAlUO ipAnv. vervv. -,4 - -,ý! - 1 ý ýý iýe.-4gpe -w- SAVE ist