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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1941, p. 6

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M. - ' .~ 7 M'i THE CANADIAN STATE8MAN~, BOWMANVILL, ONTABIO THURSDAZ' AP~L lOi, îo~î Joint meeting of Alice Jackson Kerr. Prograin included a duet and Sparllng Mission Bands was by Beverley and Lorna Sudds; hcld April 7th. Meeting opened recitation, Patsy Smaith; solo, Mary wlth quiet mnuffc and cail te wor- Alldread; Mirs. H. W. Foley told sbiP. Prayer was offered by Joyce an Easter stomy. j'- is ENUrER Asmuha art of Easter au lbe Bunny ltuel-thm esc llus caies tron Carter's wlfl IriliUiheblldren ail pleasec whole fanilly. EASTER WEEK SPECIALS Amie "aUrie CHOCOLATES lm M.50e Ail Sorts of Bunnies and Chicks EASTER BRICKS HOT CROSS BONS -each 25c *doz. 25c EASTER LAYER CAKES each 30c TH1E CARTER FAMILY Phone 855 Bakers for Two Generations Bowmanvle tMr. B. H. Mortlock, Branmpton, who la on a mnonth's sick leave, vlslted friends here over the 7weekend. C lk lABY CHICKS-BLOOD TEST- ed Leghorns and Rocks, nuixcd, sexed and staitcd puflets. B.O.P. sied chicks. Al cggs produced on oui faim.. Low prices on Rocks and Leghorn cockerels. Alvin Clemens, phono 2433, Bowmanvllle. 13-tf Tea Cup Reading TEA CUP AMD CARDS FROM ' p.m to 10 pam. Darch's To- baco Store, phone 2884. 8-4 For Rent APARTMENT FOR RENT IN1 Victor Manor, King St. W., Bo*- manville, possession May lat. Apply H., Bateman, 451 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, phone Osh- awa 1062.- 14-tf Wanted WANTE - SINGLE PERSON desires large room or twô smail rooms for light housekeeping. Central location. Apply Box 140, Statesnian Office. 15-1 WANTED-BRONZE HEN TUB- key. Apply Mrs. Wm. Wade, Courtice, phone Oshawa 491w3. WANTED - A USED METRO- none, in good condition. Apply Box 137, dlo Statesman Office, Bowmanvilè. 15-1* WANTED-FIVE LOADS GOOD barnyard manure. Len. Martin, Bradshaw St., Bowmanville. 14-2* HeIp Wanted WANTED -A GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, to sleep out. Apply to Post Office Box 156. 15-i HELP WANTE-GIRL OR WO- mnan for llght housework, easy position, sleep out. Phone 577. HELP WANTED - COOK GEN- eral, must be thoroughly cap- able. Best wages. Apply Mrs. W. A. Luke, .156 King St. E., Oshawat, phone Oshawa 211. 15-2 CARETAXER WANTED-FO Shaw's School. Duties to com- mnence after Easter holidays. Apply stating salary to W. J. Ricliard, Bowmanville. 15-1 W.ANTED - ELDRLY COUPLE toshare home with elderly lady. Give use of house free for board. Central location, ail con- veniences. For particulars ap- ply T. H. Knight. Phone 565. 15.2* lPaper fer evàky room t Uic riglit price- 10c a rMil and -up New Desigi, Attractive Colore Ask for Free Sasple DCok. PAINT F-las- "Canala's Fns romct" - 011 Colonv - Eay te Une . .. cives a lastig fin- 1Mb . . . buat value for your aseney. Ask for coler cardas. EASTER GIFUS A wile varlety otrsultable gifla for 1the Easter season. 1Son u a Eter Grectw Je W.. JEWELL Flowers For Easter Bcauty fer your home.. fer tbc Eaater Parade... for Enter gifla. Secouiý beautiful cul .lowers, pottel plants and corsages. Var~y Iow prises. Kingsway Flower. Shop We Deniver Phone 772 SPhone 8882 Solina Visitors: Mis. J. T. Rundie ha visitinif her niece, Mis. Kyle Squaii at Shaw's. ... Miss Lesta Taylor, R.N., Bowmanvlle, with her father who continues te poor health.. . Mis. Rlaph Davis and Miss Gladys Yellowlees wli To- ronto friands. Mr. Ralph Davis, Mr. and Mis. Jack Yellowlees and Ronnie Hunt motorcd te Toronto for them on Sunday. .. Miss Ilcen Couch, Bowmanvillc, with. Miss Kathleen Baker. .. Mr. aid -Mis. Everett Jones and Kathleen, Bow- nianville, at ?&. Bryce Brown'... Mr. A. L. Catiof, Toronto, 'aid Miss Grace Yoliowlecs, ë;hawai, at N. C. Yellowlees'. Mi. Geo. H. Hogarth, B.A., To- ronto, visited his sistes, Mrs. R. Pascoe and Miss Mary Hogarth. The latter celebrated her 89th birthday Monday and la consider- ably botter than she waa. She me- ceivcd many letters and congratu- lations. .Mi. and Mis. S. E. Weiiy aid A. L. Pascoe attended the fuxùeral of the late Guacýe (Bray) Rhidlc at Toronto Thumsday and weo enteitained at the home o)f W. sud Mus. Leslie Keith and visitdd Miss Florence VanNest who seems quite well now. Mis. R. Pascoc has had an at- teck of erysipelas. Donald Yellowlees la workùng in Torant. -Mi., and Mis. H. E. 'Tink and Mr. and Mis. Percy Dewefl attend- cd the silver wedding: annivorsaryr of Mr. and Mis. LeelicAllin, New- castle. Mis. R. J. McKessock, Temper- suce Supt., took charge of the les. son Sumday, Mis. Wesley Yellow- lees gave the histruction and Mq Kathleen Baker sang. dertffica were piesented te, those writinï on Uic temperance exam . The Balzan famly are xnow out fquarantie. Miss fen la n- Prov'ng slowly. Sacranuent was dlseensod at Uic church service Sunday. Every- body shoutil be ouIt t hear th~e Ester sermon and spccial music. C.G.I.T. met at Uri. S. E. Wer- ry's Satumday wlth Préèsident Ellà, Millson ln charýge Mis. Werry gave the dovotional; Mrs. Isaac Hardy a chapter on Trinldad; Mise Kathleen' Baker, a piano' solo; Mua. Bryce Brown a demonstra-, tion on tablesettlng. Buoll capi wau answered b y hints of a suç- cesul hoatess- Apples were serv-_ ed and a social time anjoyed. Dr. Harold Slemon, To6roni was home. Plowerdale Tea- - lb. 85c Dog Rations 5 lb 25e Brqgce's Bird 3 e e d Wlth Vta-Pep Ail for -25o Hfelaz - Mcd. stuc 2 for Pork & Beans - 25e p ROOF that "Th1e Bray Chick Dees the Trick" JEveryseason, hundreda of ettera pourbintoe Me Bray head Office troin pleascd customers, reportlng how. "The Bray Chlek Diii the Triek."1 Here are just a few out ef many that have orne lui lately: Mrs. W. C. KennyCben n. pulets starteci ta lay at 4 -Xn1989,my6 pullets lad 798 months 20 days, and production dozen ln the er ndm .. la now (Nov. 2M) 60%." 00kresdraed oe b.L Abner McEachern, Ne5wt on 5 monthi. This year 1 bought Cross, P.E.I. - 'T'inest bunch I 200 chiaks, and et 6 monthi old ever received. I recelved 62 stili bB.d 200. Aiy pe1r5ofl w5Jt- chicke, and îaved 62. Can any- Iguleithat fi11 the egg bS.i one beat that?" ket moulId buy Brar's Xtra- Pr'ofit Chiolka." Geo. Xeller, Lansdowne, Ont.- «'g ie.the beut I ever had Bort Macimtyre, of Wardiville, without any exceptions, run- O «t Tru y the beit chcksA I . ning per 30-dozen cae. around, ever bad. 1 enclose ry order 24 dozen A-Large, 6 dozen med- for 400 sexed pulleti.1" lum, and 1 do.en pullet." Mms.-T. H. Newton, Lavenham, Mrs. Slenter Adams, Stewl. Man. - "We are havlng smre acke, S.SI - 11I arn mill raislng pretty cold weather now 15 ta Bray Chioke, and will always 18 below sera, 'but It doemn't stop hae.The arlogra sck.ge my puleti laylng. It will bec tBry. Theey are gopeat stock. Bray Chicki again for me next Bricckelaetosplet year, for you ean always depend wonderful layera."' on etin ~roghesihi hik Wilfred Héla, Shogulandah, Ont. thMirMur11e ie." y fes -**Out of the 100 1 raised 99. Bavei kePt trac of expenses Boarlt. L4le, La Tuque, ands aea, and, flnd I bave made P. ' I bave ubed Brai' a good profit. More thin pa4S Choifor the pat 1 veir.m expenses with .the roosters,' and bave lwas bS nt40mais the 42 heni, stilI silve, bave. faton fthe 108 recelved lait been MaIngstc.rdleo he'b ave, bat ony 1. The Auut.' 109b I"vblliy. FaI growth. Large à",e. arly la ying. Dig eggsad plenty of themn.Tlsese are what these' people got from thei Bray-bred birds, and what Yeu want fro.m, voir flock. Wrte or caU to-day for prises imilfflInformatIon. Don't delay., (If "Xn have brooder spase te banlle thein, don't forget the profit oulbiies lu Dr&7 cookerels and capons. Brod fer' "tucdal fut growth, - very reaonbly priced.> Y. G. VANSONZ, BowmanviD.; Y. L. BYAXý Tyrone; a. LLOYD STEPEBON, Newcastle - or JACK UDSi, Orono. B~o Yeu Make Your Home Your Hobby? cou:eta a ýdab, dieary home into ai attractive, hrivit- à* fm ýr-«a'kps ail your home needs te make il more M»Xmesst reereation room-coloiful walls - or b44floering. Thet a»uix,' you may wait 10 r i "uIrooflng aid sidlng repaire. Have youi re- 4ono now, while goad local ciaftspen aren't so t« Ideas-- Ask for youi copy of oui PORTFOLIO 0F HOME DEAS. -4" 'UDons"' COST A PENNY Cou Vrw D*Uvery ujitPho..87400 1phone 5ne 44010 20" 1BowmapVmie Lipton's Tea lu eailster 1-2 lb. 38e Johnston's Wax 1 lb. lin plus 5 oz..fiee AlilFor S9c £MNO 23c en 2 Sqnllght n"wltb Ia"i Ce ppon Chrlstle's Cakes AlWaYB Freali Hein% Soupe Xe&.BShe 2 fer 213c Gool supply eofa&U vawletieo et Fish for Lent tq,'l NEWCASTLE NEWS Visitors: Mr. Walter Douglas, New York wlth his mother, Mrs. Jno. Douglas. . . . Miss Beatrice Bragg, Norhm, with her sister, Mis. J. T. Brown. . . Mis. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, wlth Mrs. Geo. P. Ri.ka.... Mr. and Mis. Adair Hancock, Toronto, vlth his par- ents, Mr. and MIs. J. C. Hancock. Lloyd Hancock ecut his hand badly at the J. A. Smith factory. Miss Annie Dbrummond has re- turned from her winter's sojourn in Toronto. Mr. T. W. Jackson was out 'on Tuesday alter bclng conflned to the house wlth illnesa. Miss'E. L. Trenwith, who spent the wlnter In Toronto, has return- ed to hi Newcastle home, 'Clo- verlea."1 Reeve C. R. Caiveth entertain- ed Brown's Home and School Club with motion pictures and a talk Tucsday evenlng. Mi. Edwin Hancock and Miss Patricia Peaice were delegates to Oshawa Presbytery Young Pc.- ple's Union In Whltby. Miss Kath- leén Toms also attended.. A change of officers of the New- castle Memorial Llbiary Aid was necessary foilowlng thc death of Mis J. A. Butler., Mis. J. C. Han- cock was clected piesident and Miss Cora Butler secretary-treas- urer. A farewel Party was tendcied Provincial Constable Pruce Morris, who la leaving thfa district, at Elinhurat Inn on Tuesday evenlng. Among those In attendanqe were Reeves T. A. REeid of Clarkce and C. R. Caiveth of Newcastle. Newcastle Fire Brigade, wlth Chief George Gaines In the chair, met April 4th. It was dcclded ta puichase another 10 ft. length of suction hose te. give thc pumper botter access ta deeper water. It was resol#ed tor take out indeni- nity insurance on two truck drlv- erg and 8 firlemen. Ross Dickinson la secretaiy of thc brigade. Pupils of thc public and highl schools were puresent near]y 100% at the safety prograni of motion pictures prcsented by Mr. La Trobe,' of Ontario Safety League, in Uic community hall. on Tues- day. Mi. La Trobe-- opencd the piogiam with a short talk on the economics of caielessness and ac- cidents,' showlng how millions of dollars were wasted cvery 'year because of these. A popular feature of Uic O.E.A. convention in Toronto in Easter Week ia the festival of music fat Vaisity Arcna April lÇth. The program w111 conalat in part of choruses by 600 public school pupils selected from 70- schools in Ontario. Thirteen Newcastle pub- lic school pupils wull steg and will be accompanied te Toronto by Miss H. A. Mason, Supv. of Music. The students are: Barbara Bona- than, Ruth Bonathan, Mary Pur- dy, Jacqueline Smith, June Gray, Doreen Enwiight, Mary Toms, Viola Cotter, Betty VanDusen, Yv~onne Megit, Bob Purdy, ran- ois Jose and Balfpu, LcGiesley. Mis. Purdy, Mis. J. AX Smith, Mia. H. J. Toms and Mis. A. N. Mc- Evoy have 'kindly offered to take Uic pupils te 'Toronto in their cars.. Lockhart's School1 Mr. and Mrs. Alden Gibson and Alma went to Preston on Frlday to attend the funeral of Mrs. El- roy Gibson. They motored up wlth their daughter Mrs. Clair Wickett, Oshawa, and Ruby. Roads on Sunday were Iipsas- able for cars so Mr'. Osborne took JUS teamn and wagon and Sathered his Ioad along the way. We were then able t. enjoy our Sunday School service. Mrs. Wallace Glb- son gave the scrlpture readlng and Ma Betty Osborne sang very sweetly. Our Home and School Club werà unable. to visit Antioch -on Wednesday. Our oýrn regular meeting Will-have to be held later as we, cannot get to the. school house now. Ladies along the Third line gathered at Mrs. Bowexi's Monday and quilted another qult. Ten ladies were preseit and ail had to walk since the road Io stili bad for cars. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen vlslted wlth Mr. and Ms. Wilbur Teeple, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Bd. Dean visited in To- ronte wlth her sister who la sari- ously Itu. Little Miss Helen Turner had a happy time on Sattirday helplng Pegg Stevenson (Brown's sec- tion> celebrate her 7th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Charters, Brampton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mis. Geo. W. James. IIT'StSP1RUG Do your sults look their best? Dru- up tht.s pring and, enjoy lite -,you don't have te b. rich te look good .. . and'to, wln the admiration% of your friendal Noconomical cleaning keepe clothes looldng 1k. new I, Dresseja Specialty Suts Cleaned and Pressed For' 75e Bnowmanvilll. Cleaners & Dyers Phono 52"-uiek Piokup and Delivery * Starkville Some from here attanded Ait. Perln's sale. Visitors: Mis. S. G. Hallowfl ln Toronto wlihMiss Normna Rafla- well who la dolng well ater her operation. .. Gordon Tiéim was te Toronto. .. M. and Danny Shutka, Oshawa, were at home . . . Mis. Boss Hallowell i Toronto ... Mis. C. Reid, NêwtônvMle, at is. WUl- fred Wàoods who has thc fi.... Miss Wray at her home in Peter- boro. .. Friands from Dunsford, also Mi. and Mis. Bd. Ruthven, Mion, were at Mi. A. Dobson's on Sunday but were unable ta sec Mi. Dobson, althougli he ha imt- pioving slowly. Good Fridaqy service 8 P.m. 'OTbe lnhled Wor%." Bunday Servies 7.30 PLm. - "Trhe. Lamentation of thle Churcli To-day." *COWLING'S DRUG STORE We test* eyes and f it trusses to' your entire satisfaction lnfit qualltyi style and price. 15o Noxema Cold Cream SPECIL - 350 Noxema Moeiatel j6 GILETE L AULFOR 38o. I50 Moth Protection- Moll alIs -2 lb.. 25e i sor Larvex » sa8c - 1.29 SOr Molli Kiler E USO Crystala .- 10. O89.LIO ID"ieoride IL - 5U0 Wood's Blocketts 25e-49c A DoeftftWa& Dyes CdLvrO Tintex - - Z for P50. C entaine Sunsect Granulated 2 - 2k Omo Vtam~Ins A a&" D sunset soap new 2 - 50 9~afd9# Diamond 2 for 25o Rubber Vaie Syringe Vacuum GI.ve scap Fittingu 2 110 -19C I390 I.39C Spring Tonies c~Uaea&L'Chassa' Nerve, Food49o Neuro Toie -, - 15so Blanda Laxative ion %go 'gitter - .-. '980 Nutritive Hypophobphetes 890 Fefolows Syrup 69e- 1.19 Dodd'la - 88e Plnkham'Compound 87c 100 A.B.A. Tablete 190 Pinex --- 2 FREE DEVELOPING Save lOc on «aCh roll, of film 695P. -3COWLINGY Phm. 8 Pompt DRESS 9UP FO R ETR UARGE ILO W SELECTIOI . PRÎCESI MILLINERY Foi Young and Old h u rgu S'etuetion' in to w- Sl o r, T urnê -O ff.ThW -1Pace, tylo kPi eu, u , , lgGr w ffect. i a maw ind Velto. AM U t* *a u n c a4olorLn 1t ê 98. . Overi~ E STE SAL 0FCOATS ;ý Over 0 otao hoose from. Mmse 18 to 40. Reveruiblee, Polo Cosas, Tweeds, Diagonais, Obaviots adBuls pr Styles and ?ailored MaaiJh Cosa. s. Ses Uit DiOPlaY Of BOstdiul Coats before buyhng,. EASTER SPECIAL -OtherInéts. Prioed Froin e TUE AICÇ&DIE STOR I)AGE SIX Harr'yAIIin TEMi)AVý'A»jL 1% 1041

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