PAGE EIGET THE CANADIAN S~A~ESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAEIO TJRSI~AY~ A1~M< id. CffHa Tests New Explosives With RUAUFU In Germai Raids A former Bowmanville boy IClifford Hall, la now a Pilot Of ficeriotationed somewhere ln Eng land dolng is 'darndest' to boml the daylights aut Oai Hitier. Latei ly Oit bhas been featured in th4 news. Remembered ma Bowmanvllle people, C Pe hies shool day'a bore, end hls par enta, Mr. and mGo .IÎ now living ln Oshawa, are wel ktnown ta local citizens. George liaU was forinerly manager of tii Standard Bank here, aiter thal golng ta thc Foundry, and now he la wlth a dry cleaning firm in Oshawa. Toplendid pictures af yaung PlotOfficer Cliii Hall appearci I the Daily Star asat wcek. He is a member of one of the ace R.A.F. crews that bave been dropping BOWNANVILLE Thurs. - Fr. - Sat. APRL 10.- il - 12 Easter Main.. Good Frlday at ue30P.m. 'Ail This, And Hoaven T"'I Bette Charles ]DAVIS DOYER Added Short Features. Mon. - Tues..- Wed. APRL14-15- 18 Lina sDarneR "iStr out"i with John Payne]Rland Young an am!charlotte Greenvoci. Newsansd Shorts& y, Uic new hlgh explosive bosl over Germany. He has had man, narrow escapes and has take 9-Part lu Innumerable raids. On onq ib occasion thc crew came down lx e. Germany lnstead ai France anc lewerc iareed ta make a 'quick dia LY back ta Uice plane ana a qui It take-off wlth a squad ai Germai r- soldiers ciaslug hlm and the crew i, Cliii went ta Eiigland lu Octa. ýu ber 1938 sud was accepted Ir 'e December ai tiat year. Ho had te had no previaus ilylng experience, Lt Ho wanted ta be a pilot but dùî ce ta a slight oye defeet was turnet M down sa ho teck up wircless and gunnery. He has made noveral long distance flilghtsta Italy wlti is patrol. Aiter anc trip there I is Wlug Commander was decor- ated by tic King sud Cliii bat ai the table with Uic King sud Quez 9fallowing Uic decoratian cere.; le .mny. Hijuedlu a close cail ta being injredinFebruary this year iwien his plane made a crash land- * lg. Tic pilat aficer was killed but Clifi anly got a few bad ibumps. On another occasion ho was lu a hotel which was bombed, and again had a narrow escape iwith ils life. A fellow sitting be- aide hlm was killecI. iWhie lu Bowsanville Ciii toak a keen luterest lu ail boys' activities including Uic Scouts. Ho wcnt ta camp anc ycar with thc Durham IReginent. Close Cail at DunklJri His narrawcst escape aofail came during Uic evacuation ai Dunkirk when ho sud bis crew were engaged convaying vessels laden with members ai thc B.E.F. back ta England. A builet bit Uic gunner's turret lu which he was on duty, but luckily ho was wear- ing a steel bulet-prooi vcst which ho had Purchased a iew days be- fore. It saved is Uic. The.farce ai Uic bullet's impact Urew hlm front ils seat. At present Cliii la chief gun- nery officer aboard bis bomber wit tic rank ai Pilot Officer, but execist opaoe shartly ta be aFyn fio a wishinl w ec ilisfiad thomeai- cerely join. FILD CROP COMPETITON Tic Durham Agricultural Soc- lety la again sponsoring a FieldI Crop Competition with sodium reglstcred oats (Erban sud Van- guard) . Tiree acres teUic muum.t Contact committcc for further Information. Committee lu Charge -Neil Muttan, George Annis, M. HL Staples, E. A. Sumniers. 15-1 ,COFFE D39c A & .80T R088 OUM$ Am ]PAGM DONEIITS A ]p LOAF SOUFS Clorks 3 M.lot kImh Skw chuoea 2 nu 23e FLUES obad 2 tom15e SATS P»bînoe "m -j9 Sii@v 21in m,. 27,c PM oLuni 2Za,.15c SLD CEEES n,23,c Mu Cam£z D. o BOYL U*W MOKES, TKDEUZ lwZ7cIIb.Z9c1 ____b.35c SWIE UIOJ»e ud L.27c NE USE U5IU b.23c MI1 MM 6m loes .5615 ib 1C 3C. 39C FTuts~'Vegetables AM8T7 UCS bua eh 3B.170 fault 3for 14t Laite In The Editor's Mail à b.ç IY en rie ln id 3h !k m ln td e. le ,d d EL1 h kt n 9 r e e f ight Education Efficiency C.tI.Tuck Dptmehktdg <opp. P.O0.) oshaws Number 17S Some conditions contrlbutary ta grawths ai a more serlous nature are duc to trouble lu thc interlor oi thc eye being af such nature as will cause suffilcient autward Irri- tation ta lay the eye open taI- fection. Infection oai tua nature say leacI ta ulcers oi the cornes; ai these tiere are several kindsansd It must be remembcred tht while the condition say be due ta an outward Infection t Io lu many Case truc that a diseascd condi- tion on the lutenlor oi Uic cye or a physîcal condition ai sose re- mate spart oaithe. body, by thec1lU efets. t has upon tic - systemi condition that tic y are at any tise open taInfsetion sud a for- elgn body that would at onc tise nat cause trauble may be the nmeans ai atartlng somothing af a mare serlaus nature lator on. Next weck I wifl deal -wlth cataract while t la consldored Uiat cataract la taken. off the e or Uiat It la a growth .upnan i oye this la nat truc but la a cas- mon error which I wlll endeavour ta explalu when I go Inta the sub- Ject more iufly. (ta be continued) il 6 Je H. McEi VER - 1 1941 PIyuo~fh Roodkiug SpecIi 40pr Toura g Sdau LIT US5 SURPRISE AND DELIGHT YOU WITH OUR DEM ON YQUR FU."SENT CARI You'il B% Surprd IIHow S8maJl A» Amount a Bi nth WIl Put You Behlnd the. Wheel of This Beautiful Plym hRondlding SpecIàlI THEI10 lEST NIIRED CAR IN TUEi LOWIST PRICE FIILD«*-BWILT lay CNRySIR r BOWMAN VILL Ph-one 641 j a IIECTPJlu n m3à 5 BLICE Tlu s&?27CI-b.53C MJ11 O N ae~Cîovrini w 16 PURE JAM ftrsw. Jr 27it Part Hope, Ontaria >s March 29, 1941 ~Dear Sir:- ~Thia war la bcing faught ta ce maintain Demacracy against Des- h h Desocracy, l i lpetfr Uic th application in private anai nnational lctaiofJustice ta ail; Frecdom for ail; and Integrity by al. Democracy la nat a hilng thrust n upon Uicheople by Uic Goveru- d ment. It smcthlng that must *spring from Uic people themscives. *It la anly as vital and dynaslc as c l Uich wil o! Uic people to altaé I Ifa pol arc apathetlc ta àtheir cauntry's problems, indif- eferent ta national welfare, self- indulgent and materialistic. there lalti hape ai Demacracy being Uiat fine Uiing it must be. Demacracy must sprlng iras passianâte lave ai Justice, Free- 9dom and Integrlty, knit togeUier rby a national comman 'purpose. And it la Uic respanslbility ai 1cvery citizen ta preach, and prac- 1tise Uiesc hilngs. Mantreal, March 31, 1941 Dear Mr. James:, I was particularly interested lu last week's éditorial dealing wiUi Uic problems ai Uic farmer as in- ditd by notice ai sales ai farms, stock, and implements M* Thc Statesmran. It la, ai course, a sad development Uiat tie Anglo- Saxon character ai the ain community lu a good ald county like Durham la so rapidly chartg- lug. NeverUicless, . the wholc phiaosophy af modern world de- velapsent la away from ultra nationaflnm and 1à Uic direction1 ai sakcing gaod citizens af warthy if humble people coslng ta us fromn otier lands. I hilnk you wil agrcc that there la not much day- ligit an world prablems ta be found lu any oUier course. C. E. Fortier. Township Council CLrAIE COUNCIL Clarke Cauncil met April lat. M. H. Stapleà addressed council concerning building a cupaurd in Uic kitchen ai Uic tawn hall for staring dishes. Requcat grant- These matters were deait witi: Hospital notices were passed; Mrs. Robb was granted use ai hall on May 10Ui with -tic usual stipulations; letter from Dept. ai Highways stated that a subaidy would be ailowed on $12,000 spent for road purposes lu 19U. 1 M. Linton explalned thec distri- bution ai trees among school childrcn and Uic clerk was lu- structed ta arder trees and have charge ai Uielr distribution. Rcquest for purchase af a piece ai land: from the township was laid- over until Uic May meeting. Treasurer was given a warrant for tax sale on tirce pieces ai land - namely, A. A. Springstclu, Uic Lang estate at Kirby, and Uic A. G. Waddenl property. Chas. F. Awdc was instructed ta continue collection ai taxes. Councillor Lowery reported on Uic arganization for Uic Salvage Campalgn and Uic councillla very anxious that Uic school teachers and citizens i aci achool section give Uhilrull coaperation ta make it a succeas. Following resolution was pasa- cd: That in Uic satter ai calcium chloridc for use lu Clarke it la agrced Uiat ail uaing it for duat- laylug purposes on township roada Uic applicant state Uic amaunt requircd and purchase it througi Uic township RoacI Supt., and Uiat notification ai such requirment shail be sent ta Uic RoacI Supt. or Uic Clerk not later Uian April 30, 1941. -tntheiccalcium chlor- ide ta Uic aplicant shail be 33 and 1-3 per cent ai Uhi njtlal cost. Applicant la ta apply calcium chloridc under direction ai Uic Road Supt. Cauncil accepted Uic offer ai Mr. Logan sud inatructed hMnta lustail an electric pusp and ncw faucets for improvement ai water workn in town hall. Board ai Healti sals et wlit ail mnembers present. These bile wcre ordered paid: W. A. Rteld, su pplies ..4 .0 Wm. Payne, sheep killed byd=og- $7.00 CJ. In2 trips as valuer 5.00 Orana efpone, long. dtace caMa ..7.59 E. L. MacNachtan, 80 % hoapital mtce. 71 MuiiplWol1 saigy 1.55 Ted Woodyard, repaira te town dlotk 7.54 Chas. S. Wood, care 9f- tawn hall ------1- 10.95 Chas. S. Wood, tranalenta' J. J. Mellor, April salary....50o Mrs. E. J. Randail, April payment R. vs F. U.... 200 W. E. Davcy, B.O.H. 6c.75 Orono Coal & Lumber Co,, supplies -_____ 7.00 Dean's Bakery, supples- 5.04 J. J. Cornlsh, supplies.... S.90 Orono Times, prlntlng 8.00 W. C. Lane, supplies . 12.00 RoacI Voucher No. 4 .40.53 TOWN COUNOCIL (Contlnuod front pa» 1) sue if Uiey want ta. Wc're dolng aur best.naw ta have thc bridge repaire." Counciflor Hait: «CoulcI ths damage have' been averted? ShaulcI Uic bridge be given marc permanent repaira now tu save us expense later on?" Mayor Joncs: "If I'd ever knotvn last suxumer how bad it was I wouldn't have driven over It," That Lake Rosi! A"sà Aiter hearlng twa more cam- munications Uic subjcct 1aifthe Lake road again came uap là a let- ter from Uice firm which pravlded public liabilityr insutrance for Uic town at Uic railway crossg last ycar. t stated that if Uiey.aould be akdta take it, on again, watchmen would have ta be sta- tloned-t the crossing day and nlght under supervision af Uhc Chief af Police and that the watéhman's shack would have ta be moved ta the north. aide of the tracks. Roads and Streets com- mittee wlU fincI out whether Uic railway campany will allow a shack on Its praperty. Commentlng an an item ln Uic finance committee repart ln Uic shape of a bill from Uic Board af Education, Counciloôr Glen Mar.: tyn levelled Uic charge at thc Board that It did too mauci ur chasine out af tawn. '«I an't 1ti articular purchase was made out af tawn,I explalned Uie Reeve. Expenditures Authorized: Cruuhed atone $70.00; teth for road grader, $60.00; several rub- ber coats for firemen, $12.50 ecd; Howard Chals, for maintenance ai fire truck for'O montha, $10.00; tbree pair rubbcr boots for fire- men, $18.00. Cauncilaor Harrison: 'vc heard neyeral camplaints about rents being raiaed. What can couticil do about it?" Mayor Joncs: 'If thc complaints arc laid before cauncil in writlng we can, at our discretian, petition Uic Dominion Haut Control Board ta investigate."1 Town Salaries Esisei After a motion ta raine salaries of town workmen, Introduced by Uic deputy reeve, had been rai. ther roughly treated for hall an haur and an amendment ta defer action on the inatter defeatcd 4-3, it was flnafly passed in Uic origin- al iorm. The wagc rate la raise4 from 30 ta 35 cents an hour for workmen; George Graham la ta be paid 40c, and Wm. Rulter la put on a salary basin ai $21 per week. Councllor Harrison ex- prcssed hiniself atrongly contend- ing tiat civic employecs should be given higiier wagcs. 'lý 'TRUPMAY, Ap= ýi&,, PAGE ZIGET THE CANADIAN SlýýSMAN, BOWMANVMIaý ONTAMO,