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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1941, p. 10

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TESMAN, !ANV1LL~1, ON~A1IIO TEURSDA~', companled by her mother. Mrs. WeddingsGeorge Burrus at the piano. An interesting *vent which took place inimediately followlng the Rurru-Glmlottwedding ceremony wus the chris- A pretty weding was solemnix- tening of littie Wesley Thomas cd lni the Courtice United C hrh Gimblett,,-mephew of the bride, Paraonage, on April l2th, when and sonl of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ellen MarY Elizabeth daughter of Gflnblett Mr. and Mrs. Tho$. ôimblett, be- A reception was held at the came the bride of Mr. Ernest Wil- home of the bride's parents. Table fred Burrus, Oshawa, son of Mr. waiters werc Misses Jean and James BurruM-and thse lato Ni-s. Margaret Gimblett, nieces of the Burrus of Oakwood. Rey.- W. C. bride, and daughters of Mr. and Smth.,Aerformed thc ceremony, Mrs. Norman Gixnblett of Colum- and t1xÇ wédng music was play- bus, and Miss Dbaphne Burrus, n~t Uit Ma. George Burrus, sister- niece of the groom an4 .daughter ý!r4&W of tic groom. of Mr. and Mrs. George Éurrus of The bride was gowned i u Bowmanville. Also ussisting was quoise blue crepe, witli navy ac a frlend of the bride, Miss Corsina cessories arnd a corsage of pin Samis of Oshawa. roses. She was attended b her h young couple wil make sbter-in-law, Mrs. Russell gCýhnb- cir new home at 193 Celina St., lett, as matron of honour. She Oshawa. woro navy sheer, and accessories, _________ and wore a corsage of dusty rose sweet peas. Mr,. George Burrus, If we had applied ten years ugo brother 'of thc groom, acted as resolutely the policy of aiding the groomsman. During the signmng of Uic register Miss Daphne Bur- victim of aggression to defcnd rus, niece of Uic groom, sang very himiself we should flot now be ut sweetly 1«I Love You Truiy", sc- - war at al.-Sir Norman Angeil. at la W. JEËWELL'S .-"Big, 20" One Woeek Oniy- April 26 - May 3 I.I.. Savimg of'30 peixcent OLD COLONY PAINT Made by the rmkers of FLO-GLAZ Paint - Enamel -Varnish- - Stain TEE BEST MEDIUM PEICED PAINT ON THE MARKET SAILE PuRCES Paint Mdi Varnlsh QUART 69,C Regular 950 * 5'5* Enamel QUART Regular 1.20. OTEN /QUANTITIS PRICED A<CCORDINGLT EEING TEXI COUPON TO OUR STORE TO PSOGURE SALE PEICE Address___ la Wu JEWELL'S Bj ig 20" THE BESI is. nonse too good Now15fle fr YOUR CAR! No wle hetime to put your car In shape for sumnmer Drivlng IYOUR CAR MEEDS THE F'OLLOWING * lmrogh bIbiteation for thc entire chassis BDMwanda refil the transmission wila sumor lubricmn$, 4rl e il the liffereatliiwfthm summer Ibibant. Brgàis. flash and roftheb.motos with White Rose Motos OIL IrWaip aeU*eo., flush ald put moat retarder in raiator. ç~g~1~*qmi dean terminals. * b"om. - WE WUaL JPO TME ABVE SERVICES FOR #43M0 t. $5.90 c- ~ '5 ,,IRES NW J iflaharply tai puce. W-Mr net 10, l et of GOedrLo i sllvtèwpsor- 0 ï * g.enoerous ailwasoe on sous odgson qmSATOx Phono 87 hj Cl.-auilied Ad Rtate;. Ose cent a word cash, oaqh Insertion (minimum charge 25e). Charge cf 25e extra is made when. auivortnlso nt lu Bot pal s»Me week aitunser- tics. Extra charge cf 10o when ropiies are diroctel teaa Statoaman box number. Blrtbs. deathsanad marriagos 50e oacb. lu Momorlame,50oc for notice plus 10o per Uino for verse. ClasIfled averta- monta aqpoeptod up until 6 p.m. Wtdneàdsy. :. BIRTI-IS BRANCH-In Newcastle, an Mon- day, April 2lst, ta Mr. and n. Boy Branch (nec Dorothy Wàt- tam), a daughtur, Betty Ann. MILLS-At Ennisklllen, on Mon- day, April 2lst, 1941, ta Mr. and Ni-s. Harold Mils (nec Vera Wells), a son. TWIST-At Bowmuanville Hospi- tai, on Wednesday, April 23rd, ta Mr. and Ni-s. Ernest Twist (nec Iva Faley), a son. DEATHS HIGGS-At Munilla, on April 21, 1941, Rev. William Higgs, belov- ed husband of Mabel Higgs and father of Mary (Mrs. C. A. Rich- ards, Tillsonburg); Eiîcen (Mrs., H. S. Ramsay, Winnipeg); Dor- othy of Toronto, and Alfred of Bowmanville, in his 7th year. STAPLES-Murch 2th, William, 7557 Kendal Ave., Deurborn, Mich., beloved husbund of Nel- lie Eldridge Staples (formerly of Newcastle, Ontario), dear f a- ther of Mrs. Igthe1 Irene Riddle. Services Saturday from McFar- land Funeral Home, 5027 Schae- fer Rd., Dearborn. Services un-1 dur auspices of Ashlar Lodge, F. & A. M. Interment at Grand Lawn Cemetery, Redford, Mich. WALKEY-In Clarke Township, on April lGth, 1941, Ceci How- ard Waikey, beloved husband of Lila Holdaway, in his 56th year. IN MEMORIAM TELLER-In loving -memnory of Rhoda Varcoe Toiler whô pass- ed away April 26th, 1939. -Ever remembur by Mother and Family. TELLER-In loving memory of Rhoda Muynard Toiler. "Time changes many things, But love and memory ever lings?" -Sadly missed by husband and family. Cards of Thanks Mrs. H. Edgerton and faxily wish to thank most sincerely al friends and neighbors for kind- ness and synipathy in their recent bereavement. The funiily of Uic late F. G. Kers]1ke wish to express to their friends and relatives their siu<ere gratitude for kidness sliown at the time of illnesa and doatis, and forbeautiful floral tributes. COMINQ EVENTS Women's Auxilary of "D" Coy. Bowmanvile Boys A. F., Frlduy, April 25th, Mrs. Wylie will show slides and speuk on Sulonilca and Greece, in St. John's Parish Hall. Silver collection. Ail welcome. 17-1 A concert- will be held at Shaw's School on April 29th at 7.30 p.m. Standard Time. Proceeds for the Evenmng Telegram British War Victinis' Fund. Two one-act plays will le presented, one by Trinity Church Young Peoplé's Society, the other by Shaw's young people. Good musical progrumn. Adn-ission 25c.*, 17-1" A Dance ta lie held i Newcas- tic Comunlty Hall, sponsored by Local 189 U.R.W.A., Bowmanville. Bath round and 'square dancing. To be held on Saturduy, April 26, 1941. Everybody welcome. Rocky Ramblers Orchestra. Dancing from 8 p.m. until 11.45 p.m. Admission: Mfembers 25c', non members 50c. This dance is being held for a good cause. 17-1 Notice Te Dog Owners Ail persans owning or harbaur- ing a dog are required ta secure a lionze for same not later than Uic. iSth day of Mqy, next. Alter thc above date, prasecution for. failui e ta hold a license may bel instituted, without further notice, under By-law governing the keep- ing or harbouring of dogs. F. PATTINSON, Tax Collector. Towni Hall, Bowmanville, April 17, 1941., 17-1 itelp Wanted HELP WANTED - CAPAL girl, for goneral housework. .Writç P. O. Box 143, Bowman- ville. 17-1 WANTED - GIRL, FO1n DINING room. Apply Bowmain House. 17-1" HELP WANTED - LABOURERS wanted. Apply to Brookdale- Klngsway Ltd., neaj C.N.R. sta- tion, phono 345.w 17-1 HELP WANTED - AT ONCE, smart young girl for housework. Experlence not nocessary. Ap ply Newcastle Ai-ms, Newcastle phono Clarke 3324A. 17-1 NZEDED AT OQâE-arP..BLE man btwWo&1J pd ô tar a ugo, witti, "g5jied d mmdi Ate tg .~utFroc Soap la n4rw lrqtte id supply izde Tonies and Fly Sray, etc. Fui-m experlence helpfu1. 5.11- Ing expoerlonce nat necessary as we trai you. For fuil particu- lai-s regsrdlng tis opeaiug, write Watkln 2177 Maison M., Manti-cal, Queboc. Dopt. 0.-:. 17-4 i*;1 For Rem GARGE FOR RENI%-.RUASON- rable. John.#Buckley, Church St. .- at Divisionf., 1 17-1" FOR RENT-PASTUB IOR THE season, plenty of- water and shade, Lot 14, Con. 4, Darling- ton. Apply A. H. Clomns, R. R. 6, Bowmuanville, phone 2433. 17-tf FOR RENT - ONZ HUNDRED acres for pasture, ruxnlng wat- er, good shade, well ncd. For further partcular ixiy Mrs, Jno. McKeeBIckàI i?',r FOR RENT-TWO HOUSES FOR rent nearTyrone. Apply R. J. Hodgson, Tyrone, phone 2323. 16-2 FOR SALE-QUANTITY CW HAY (alfalf a and timothy), for sale or will exchunge for young pigs. Phone 2197. FOR SALE-CERTIFI'KATA- dhin and Chippcwa ufed pota- toes. Apply H. Rowlanid,& Son, Newcastle, Ont. ýPhase Clarke 190Z. 17-1* FOR SALE -ýA QUANITY 0F Alfalfa Hay, also 1 uhi'le and 1 double riding ploughsý Apply W. L. Burton, Bowmanville. 17-1" FOR SALE -. DOOLM~WP0TA'" tocs, 55c per bag, field min. Ap- ply Mrs. E. MountJ'm'7tr. ,, Bowmanville, phone 2M- I'17- SEED 'GRAIN - REGISTERED Mandarin Soya beans (Ottawa strain), $1.80 per bus.; aiso No- barb barley grown er9M regis- t4red seed, 80c pet blc. .Apply Maurice :Baker, .Ik"Ikillen, phono 2262. - 17-1 Tea qCup. Reading TEA CUFP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Darch's To- bacco Store, phone 2084., 8-4 Feed and eeed. Notice To Credtors TAKE NOTICE thut aU persans huving daims aguinst ticestate of Fr-ank Robinson, lae of the Township of Darlington, in the County af Durham, Mechanic, De- ceasod, who died on or about the Eleventh day cf Mai-ch, A.M., 1941, are hcreby notified ta send any dlaims aguin st Uic suid Estate ta- gethqi- with proof thuroof to the und*ijàedan or balaioeUiceFifth day of Muy, A.D., 1941, after which heUicExectrix will proceed ta distribute the assets among thoso entitled thereoa ving re- gard anly ta such çluims of which she thon shuil have notice. DATED uat.Oshawa, -tliis Tenili dày of April, AMD., 1941. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C. 14%k King St. E. Oshuwa,, Ontario, Solicitor for Jasephine.- Robinson,. Executrix. 16-3 bits a ae in NUt#0 .N T ful yVu E Women "I appreciate the ultra. snartneissand ,nconspicuousness of thiscompletely new eyewear stylo. Radical construction les.. tures eliotinato endpieces on Ions., reduco breakago. Temples are attached directly te, the bridge,- through gracefully curved. gold., fihicd arms hidden behind the Lerses. On the face Numont Ful. Vue Tri.Flez combines the appear. suce features af the eyeglasa with the protection of frames and rim- leu uounlngs. Lot us show you, theso modem glaises taday. JURY & LOVELI When wo test eyos properly Phono 778 It hs don* Dolivery Sý&kqpr sale 1 Weekly Peed Special FOR SALEw-i QOD 4LILDING lotTIai- *là excell4nt locatioih, exensIne;alsa 1 lar-ge,~ ýe n«table in, good cani' ti6Sù,ý-*hoape Phi*e 2244. 18-1 FOR SALE-B ROONM BRICK houso, hai-dwood floars thraugh- out, 3-plece buthroom, hydra, 2-car garage, good gardon, frits and perennial plants. Opposite church and near go school. Apply to ownur, MsCc lia Burgmaster, Ennis àkll1e or Phono. FOR SALE - BUILDING LOT, fxcellent location, on Scugog St. ut foot of Church St. Apply owner, P. O. Box 485, Bowman- ville. 15-3 'FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK house an Centre St., Bowman- ville, màodemn conveniences; wlIl be sold chcap ta close yp an estate. Apply A. E. e=imn King St. West. ilï FOR SALE-BRICK COTTAGE, six roomi garage, Ontario St., BowmaÎvhle - Flftecn Hun- dred Dollars. Apply 1220 King Street West, Hamilton, Ont. 14-4 FOR SALE -FIELD AND PAS- turc with. runnlng water, 5 to 6 acres, north of C.N.R. subway, -Newcastle. Box 75, Newcastle. Phono Clarke 1112. 17-1 FOR SALE--2¼ STOREY BRICK rosidence on Concession Street near Beech Ave. 7 rooms and attic, garage, fireplace, 3-piece bath, and new furnace, hard- wood floars,.wired for electric, stave. Good garden. Terznsý reasonable. Aiso 6 roomed de- tached brick bouse gi Carlisle Ave. west, hardwoad floors, 3- piece bath, and furnace, wired for electric stove and piped for gag, stoVC. A4pl oq . a soni. Bowninm leo igrs. J. E. Eittt, Cadmhus. !17-1 Veterinary Church St. - Bowmanvilie Phono 843. 17-2* j h OSHAWA, ONT. Fros 1Abr Parking Conditioned Friday & Saturday LUCILLE GEORGE BALL MURPHY EDMOND OBRIEN i, d'A GIRLV "A GUY, AND A 00139 Revival Friday >BIEIRT TAYLOIR WALLACE DEET "SeTANDý UP AND -FUGHT" Môn.u- Tues., Wed. ROBERT MONTGOMERY "dMR. AND!lRS -if, your snot'as happily mariloinasYeu, shoul b., yen mlght try the Smith mtho-of slaphappinouu. Thurs.,« Fr1., Sat., Greateet musical of 1941. 1DON ALICE AXECHE PAYE CARME MIRANI)A "THAT NIONT IN hITechalcelor *Boar Carmon Mirada Bingl "I Y!, TI, Yi, YL" «"Chics, Chics, BooM Chic", 6%oa Nolte" '(Ged.nlght> "ley Mot la 15V' tThe Harn o laonfer- ROUND TRIPOÏSiANFAE BOWMANVILLE, APRIL.121*28, Ottl vaM @uer.aI 111.3 $SYO3 ý17.30 $13 Sie. Aun, e S pro.$111.90 Troilveq=rs$9.50 firat train fromt Bowmasvlilo10.12%p.m., April 25 Netgoo onRetur ugi - 'Airil 28 Not g» en àp.m. tralnd froiz 9ttaws mai Montreal TO TEEMRIJS PL21 Au Conalia Paif8 a eNew Brunswick Aul Dominion Atlantic 7lttons hiNova S00 iaà For limita, de41lervc.ec Consuit Agents are Hani NetGoued Rotais On 83 '*.Train Frex om 5oe POOL TRA&N SERVICE Canadian Canadia'n Pacific "National WEEILY Pe eD PCIA Vhstones Egg Mash, $2.20 per .'t.Offer goo untilM yst F~ C Vastoe hone777.lo 17-1 Wanted- WANTED --SMALL *ELECTRIC Ralig inj=o condition. Phone #63 SttesanOffice, Bowman- Livestock .for, Sale FOR -SALE-TWO %HORTHOIÈN cows for sale, good nü1lkers, bth to freshen this month., Howard Pearce, Newcastle. 17-1* FOR SALE - 2 BROOD SOWS. Apply B. Budai, R. R. 3 (Maple Grove) , Bowznanvllle. 17-1 FOR SALE-BiLACK HORSE, 12 years weigh around 1400 lbs., sound, quiet and good to work; also Holstein cow, just, re;powod. iNoble Metcalf, Maple Grovo, phono 2259. 17-1* FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 ,veeks old; Warber Swoet Po- tatoos; and aiso, pasture for 10 head young cattie. Phono Bow- manville 2208. 17-2* FOR SALE - HEREFORD BULL about il months old, from pure bred stock. Apply T. S. Mount- joy, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2503. 17-1 FOR SALE - 20 YORKSHIRE ý*,pigs, 6weeks old. Apply H. C. n,'P d w e ,Newcastle R. R.2, Artiles For Sale' FOR SALE -CH-ICKS A1XD hatchiig. eggs. Single comb white .leghornà and hybrids. Also government tested No. I Erban Outs. Aplly M~ E. Sher- win, Orono, phono 56r12. 17-1 FOR SALE - SET 0F INTEE- national -Discs (14 dises), neaîIý' new, cheap. Phone 2610, .W. H. Brown, R. R. 3, Bowmianville. 17-1 FOR SALE -PERSONAL RUB- ber Goods, mnailed postpald mn plain sealed envelope, with price list. 6 samples 25c. 24 saumPles $1.00. Adults only. Dept. F, Atex Rubber Co., Box 231,Hani- iMon, Qntarxo. 15-8 FERTILIZER - "AGRICO" AND "IAA Quality"l Fertilizers. For rapid dellvery phono local agent Furgus Mori-r, Bowmnanville 2456. 15-41 RECONDITIONED TIRES-SAVE up ta 50 % on tires and tubes, including new Goodyears, Do- minion Tires. Full stock in aU, sizes from $1.00 up. G. F. Jamie- son, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver St. 14-tf B3ABY CHICKS-BLOOD TEST- cd Lcghorns and Rocks, nilxed, sexed and stai-ted pullets. R.O.P. sired- chieks. Ail eggs producod on, oui- fmi-m. Low. pricâ, ca Rocks and Leghorn cockerels. Alvin Clemiens, Phono 2433, Bowmanvllle. 13-tf M IL KI NG MACHINES AN'D Separators - DeLuval mllkers and sèparators - parts and ser- vice. Phono local agent Forgus Monil, Bowmanville 2456. 17-1 FOR SALE - SLIDING COUCH, double spring and cretonne cov- ered mattress with rail edge and and valanoe, $9.85. Living room outfit - 3 pce. chesterfleld duits with, rug, 2 tables, 2 lumps, mini-ai, footstool, smoker, and pair of pictures '- 15 lovcl;y pieces only $79-00. Davenport Bcd - opens into, comfoitable double bcd, brown bua. uphols- tory, complote with mattress, $22.50. Bedraom Suite - 410 bcd, cliffoner and dressing table, in shuded enamel finish, ideul for cottage, $29.75. Theso and many- other Baygain Values ln Marris Ca. Spning Sale. 17-1 Wilson's Furniture Co. limer Sprng Matroes $8-M8 Good laaking he av y spring-filled mattresses, covered ma durable fancy tlcking. Will iv you years of comfort. Ail s os, ut an amazingly low price. . Floor Coverlsg Speclal 11.49 Borderles- rugs 6' x 91, lnluids, congoleums, feltols, hcavy linoleums, i ulwldths. Ïhe lui-g- est dlsplay of floor coverings and rugs a intec cty. Wilson', prîces rare Iowert Studio Couches $15-95 Sprlng-filled sttu.di1o couchesi attractive coveringa. 50 beautiful studio couches to choose from ut bai-gain prices that wlllsuve you many dollars.. New Chesterfildl uted $»9.50 Modem spring-filled Chesterfield. suites, excellent cov- erlngs, carved show-woed. A i-cal buy. Chesterfield suites ln heavy flgurcd rich. velours, luxuriant deep-seated comfort, custom-built styles, fully. guaranteed construc- tion. We curry a largo selection ta choose from ýand - ur pices, are always lower. - Berooni Suites 139.95' Thrillin nw, smart waterfall design. T Ioi an out- standing buy. At Wilson's you can find yovr heart's desire.-hii a bcd- room.i suite. 'Modem and porla&. désiga. Wilson'. lower ovîrhé means lower-prices te you. Baby Buggy Dargains 14.Supý Choose from s grand selection, pil styles and col- ara, We camr a complet. utock of Gendran and Lloyds Prarna snd Folding Çarriages. V,it oui Traie-la Depat- meont. HUmdred of bargain. lor quieck douame., Wilson's Fumiture. Ce. de xi" W. s. Chusol et. OBRAWA 4t YES, WE ARE BUSY 1 But that loesn't mea that .Your harnoas repaira won't b. donc with the utmost caeald thc boit cf Workmsnshlp. We stMf give yen thc best cf ser- vice on old or sow hain.. Sec oui stock cf new haines. befere you buy. JOHN LENZ Sboe emglIHamness Ropair Kingf St., Bowmasvlil GOINO P!1 Sure palnt, Is seing up;ýbcit? If -yen buy bore whIle -t1mPi redoctng my stock. A", quick. iy as 1 arn seliing $eV" t lhe at a reduction While tbo7 lait' for cash. Weekly SpeciaLý Worth $1.25 per qt.CI CASE SALIE PMCE Painter sud Xecorstor Phono 431 Bowmanvle ELATION. 'Wm be yours whe on0u eouta * cager oye over Lunn'a weokend Values go i p - Ptices go down't Just Look At, This Oe STARTER Ssd n Bus e Hih Quali t3 'COFFEE -29c, lb. Vlau Bonbon FANCY BISCUITS Hlgb Qually Vacuum Paokel RED ROSE COFFEE JKIPLY POWDERS Crnchie Swoeet PICKLES. - - -21bs2ec .- 1/2ib3 u - à - - b î" And Health for Spriug Fresis Fruits and Vegetables Phone 596 ERNIE LUNN Qulck Dolivery Spring i COSTS YOU L983 THAN A ear Noother mattress ln The World Cau Match Spring Air's Economy end Sleeping Comfortl Tes, lt's absolutely truc, .'the fssnoup spring Air Ma&t- treou wlth is unequaiol comfort and sleeping aivant- ages ecita yo e tpeUan $2.66 a yar-fir leu, tbffsua penny-a day te own. Look, everywhore, you womPt ffl~s another mattremslte the world thit cam match tht, iow- cost per year ald yoawos't finI aothoramttreu that ca sgive you 'Spzng Airs scientlflsiexslig adv"tsgos llsat'a bocause o cber suattros. bais pfing 4r'Wi- e.ted RBrn spring unt-and no other mM*ttrescr s" Spring Air'. i5-yesr guarateel Psr for Iken -easoy ternss-.only Il s week. EXCLUSIV IN WEST DURE$.M WIT F.?.MOItIS cou orOr. - 1 'fi 'U STEWR' 80.4 store Evoythngfor Gardon, Vield ani ;Lawiý-Wen You bu Stewart" Govorumont Testol BuJk Garden 8001JOU it more and botter seed for Your 1jp7,et Know before you 80W how your~ u r gro4 W. deliver Phono 1 1 -. r 1- il. M 1 . -19- . 1 1 ,TESMAS, Luqvl=l O"AIUO

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