IAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AVRIL 24, 1941 w- PAGE EIGHT -TECNDk Kendal Miss Greta Meucer spent Easter holldays with her uncle, Mr. Boy Meicer. Miss Joyce Burley is much in- praved aiter being sick with pleuuisy, pneumaoniâ and meusles. Mrs. Blake Alexander is around agai Evan Quantrill suilered a heart attack Sunday and was taken ta St. NichaIs Hospital, Peterboro, where bis condition is considered serious. Mis. David McMullen, wbo bas been in Taronto takig treat- meula, is home. Some of aur Kendal folks ac- campanied the young people to Clarke cburcb Thursday where they gave their two-act play "Dr. Cure-al"I under the direction ai. Mus. Boy Mercer. W. I. and W. A. beld a combin- ed meeting Tbursday with Mus. R. Mercer and Miss Katie Stewart presiding. Plans were made for Legal DL G. V. GOTIL», B.A., LL.D. Barister Solicitor, Natauy ýÊhone 351 Bank ai Commerce Bldg. Bowmanviile W. JI. STE Barrister, Solicitor, Notaiy Solicitor for Bank of Mantreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario U. C. MASON, BA. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law ln aUl Its branches Ofile lmmediately east ai Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553 Dentai DI. J. C. DEVMT Assstant*' Dr. B. W. snon Graduate ai Royal Dental Col- loge, Taranto. Office: Jury Jubile Bldg., Bowmanville. Office haurs 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daly, except Sunday Phone 790 - .Hause phone 883 X-Ray Equipint iOffice Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIECTORS Ser-vice, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Moder Matou Equipinent, Am- bulnand Invalid Car. Tels- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Veterinary D& G.1. BOOTH su8 KIng t. W., Oshaa Ontarlo phone si Large madSinanlAniml Marer>' WELFEED W. OUMIMWD- D.V.8c. VS. Veterlnay surgeon Office: main fit., Osone Phono 5me. .il-tt the W. I. convention bere June 4. The raIl caîl, "A package ai seeds ta send averseas" brougbt in 14 packages. Qificers ai W. I. were re-elected. Fourteen ai the quilts wbich have been made by the la- dies were on display sud were worth seeing. Five quilts and four blankets bave been sent througb the Bcd Cross (Orona), six quilts through the I.O.D.E., Toronto, and seven are leit ta send thiough thc Salvation Army - aIl for the Bri- tish War Victims. New sud used clothing was also hsuded in ta be sent througb the Salvatian Army. Anyone having suy articles suit- able for the British War Victims may leave thein with Mis. Wm. Pattersan or Mis. Milton Robin- son. List ai articles sent ta the Orono Bcd Cross Association irain the Kendal Bcd Cross AuxiliarY are as follows: 24 pr. socks, 7 pr. seamsu's stockings, 6 pr. wrist- lets, 4 pr. rifle initts, 3 pr. hall mitts, 6 helmets, 8 scarves, 6 sweaters. Our ladies bave been busy this winter. Cadrnus Mr. and Mrs. F. G. McLesu. Carol sud Jean McClintock, To- ronto, visitcd with Miss Annie Mountjoy. Mr. Glen Gibson, Pickering, spent Sunday at home. Sacrament was administered ta a gaod congregatian t the moru- ing service. The sermon by Bey. D. M. Stinson was most inspiring. Mr. and Mis. Tenuy Sameils, Mus. Sleman, Miss Annie Mount- joy and Mis. J. E. Elliott visitai jMu. sud Mus. Sain Mountjoy. A number ai the fananers in this vicinity have begun seeding. Mu. sud Mus. Frank Hars have bath been taken ta Bowmsuvile Hospital. The interior ai the Cadnius Store is brigtened up with a new coat ai paint. Also Mu. Cook's house presents a mare attractive appearsuce with a fresh coat ai paint. Blacks-.otock Mus. John McKee was in Baw- mauville with Mis. A. Devitt. Mus. John Veuning sud Joan were in Tarants for Easter week. Sergt. M. Fallas, Ncwmarket, was home. Mr. James Henry was operated on at Bowinanville Hospital 1cr appendicitis sud la impuaving nicely. Mus. John McArthur, Betty sud Jessie, were at Stratford. The teacheus are ail back ai their duties. A student teacher la at thc public schoal this week. Bill Taylor's Garage had a nar- raw escape frous flue Thuusday. They were able ta get it aut with extinguishers.* Harvey Thompsou bas a posi- tion at Loblaw's, Oshawa. Ssptl. unxiu, ome auLs ,oining uic XF on May laita . fiudy radia techuicisu. Miss Gertrude Henry was home fram Toronto. The roads have been veuy bad. Farmn Wlth ne e 1w Seo tise new Tractons on Dispia>' .1W. H. BPtOWN P'hone 2810 LOCAL DEALER Boat tise Lèbor Uiortage wlth CASE Tram squipment Ne0w Bowmanvill jLake Shore, Clarke Visitors: Mr. and Mis. J. Mit- chell, Newcastle, at Mr. C. Mit- chell's. .. Mus. Chas. Bedwin with Mis. Fred Parker. .. Mu. and Mis. Glenn Pollard and farnily, New- castle, at Mr. W. Holmes'... Wmn. Rowland, Oshawa, at borne... Mis. W. H. Jaynes and Mr. L. Harris, Richmond Hill, at Mr. Bey. Jaynes'. They attended the fun- eral ai Mis. Jàynes' brother-in- law, Mr. C. Walkey, Newtanviile. Mrs. Harris is still in the Toronto General Hospital, her health nat so well at present. . . Mi. and Mis. W. Adams and family with Mr. and Mrs. B. Whitney, Port Granby. .. Mis. B. Jaynes and Mus. C. Brown in Toronto. .. Mr. Robt. Martin accampani&I his son Mr. A. A. Martin, Brighton, ta Toronto. .. Dr. and Mus. Ruther- fard, Haliax, N.S., at Mr. J. Heu- dry's. .. R. Alldred, Oshawa, at home. Our Sunday Sehool will cele- brate the fitieth anniversarY af its founding on Sunday, April 27. Service at 2.30 p.m. S.T. H. & S. Club meets Wedpesday evenmng. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. Frank Parker on their mauriage. Burketon Mu. and Mis. J. A. Smith and Orris have moved ta Pontypool and will be missed in the village. Mus. T. G. Breck has taken Mis. A. Wilson's house, and Mu. and Mus. H. Abbatt are maving ta Mr. A. Trick's house. Mis. E. Caughill. has been at Niagara-on-the-lake attendlng the funeral af her cousin, and visited in Toronto. Congratulations ta Mi. and Mis. Joseph Avery <formerly Mis. Pearl Glennie) on their marriage. Visitars: Mrs. A. Wilson bas returned ta Oshawa alter visiting Mis. J. Curran. -. . Miss Betty Mail att, Oshawa, with her par- ents. .. Mu. N. Hudson with fri- ends in Petera. .. Miss Hazel Aldred with relatives in Lindsay. Spr. Howard Gatcheil, Camp B3orden, with bis parents her... Mu. and Mis. J. Curuan and Mis. A. Wilson with Mrs. J. Smith, Pontypoal . . Mrs. W. Cochrane and Harold, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. H. Rahm's... Mu. and Mis. S. J. Pedlar and son Kenneth, Ta- rona, i. eorge Rahm, Helen, Za an-uh i and Mis. Ceci Rah: Esi u Ada, Union, at Mi. H. Rahm's. . . Mi. Nelson Hudson at Peterboro. (Intended for last week) Mi. and Mis, S. Moffatt wha have spent the winter i Oshawa, have moved back ta their home here. Same ai the ladies ai the coin- muuity have been busy qulltiug and have coMpleted twa quilts for the Red Cross. Visîtars: Mis. C. Sandersan with Bey. and Mis. M. Sanderson and -Mu. and Mrs. D. Kay, Toront. .. Mu. Roy Carter, Toronto, with bis parents ... Bill Breok, R.C.A.F., Victariaville, Que., aud Wallace Breck, R.C.N.V.B., Toronto, at home.. . Mis. L. Vauvolkenbuug, Osbawa, with Mis. J. Curran. Mr. F. Hudson is araund again alter spendig saine weeks i Bowmanviile Hospital. Haydori Miss Edith Stevens, Toronto Normal, la at thse public achoal with Miss Knox for a week. Mus. Elgin Mauutjay had a suc- cesaful sale on Satuiday despite the shawers. Rev. A. F. Gardner spoke on "The Upper Boom" on Suuday. Communion was observed. Several farmers haVe stauted working on the land. Mi. Sam Mountjoy is seulausly il. Visitors: Mi. and Mus. Fred Ashton and iamily, Taranto, at Mr. E. Bradley's and Mr. H. Ash- ton's. . . Miss Veda Purdy, Bow- manville, at Mr. W. Thompson's. ..Miss Ursul McNeil,. Toronto, with her parents. 9/e~e aTASTY ??tea.4ait- paad~,d1 f e mva6 j~'~e*'qD/WHOLE WHEAT Thi familiat pakage bigs you Nabisca Shredded Whea4th Ae 1009o wblewbatc ra, wi halise bran s han gerin2ray cooked snd red aet. Ta help meet wantime demnd n your viaity, you can =nluetise whale wheat naurishment sud foad-cnergy which this samiied p ure wheat cereal'supplies, when emen rcgulanly. =na tefreus, nut-like fiavour sud uutritiaus gaadness of ?4abisca SbeddWheat for breakfast tomaraý. Order a package or two frain your gracer-now. Be sure ta say "Nabisco Shedded Wbeat". 1THE CANADIAN SREUDDED WHEAT COMPANY, ILI., Niagara Falls, Canada. AMD rP.$0 ITM E.ý-Pr- 3l444 Tyrone Visîtors: Mrs. Will Virtue and Doris, Bowmanville, and. Mi.,J. Thorupson, Orano, at Mr. W. Vir- tue's... Mis. Maud Wade, ýToron- ta, With her "sister, Mrs. Byron Moore.. . Mrs. Vera Milson and Edward, Bowmanville, ai- Mr. Leon Moore's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Ashburn;' Mr. and Mrs. Len Bradley, Enniskil- len, Mr. and Mis. Earl Luke, at Mr. Don Stainton's. , . Ms. F. Ward and David, Mus. H. Fletcher, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, F. Vander- burg, Bayone N. J, at Mrs. R. Luke's.. . Mr.i. wr Small, St. Catharines, at Mu. Geo. Brooks'. Mr. Lorne Mortson has retuin- ed from Richmond Hill. Mu.-Boy Carter,' Burketan7 a student teach- ersra with hun tMs week practis- ing teaching. Two new pupils have started school. Another dance was held Thurs- day nlght in the community h'all in aid of the British War V1dtlms Fund. Sacrament was dispensed at the service Sunday mornlng. Rey. Gardnier g ave an lnspiring mes- sage on "The Upper Roomt." Tyrone W. L Tyrone Women's Institute met April lOth at the home of Mms. L. J. Goodman. Donations were made ta the Durham Music Fest;ival, Tuberculosis Hospital and Dur- hamn County Federation af Agri- culture. Reports were given frdô the Comfort Committee and 'the Red Cross Committee. Secretary gave a general report of the year's work and thef.inancial report>~ ~ Nominating CoWmxttee brouglit i the following siate af officers which was adopted:, Predident- Mas. F. Dudley; lst Vilce-Mrs. N. J.. Woodley; 2nd Vice-.Mis. L. Brooks;. Sec.-Treas.-Mrs- R. Glas- I ll; Assistant-Mrs. R. Virtue; ress Correspondent-Mrs. L. J. Goodman; Pianst-WIt- R. Vir- tue; Auditors-Mrs. S. ilUoar, Mis. G. Rosevear; Branch Directors-' Mrs. A. W. Annia Mrs T. Rich- aids, Mis. R. Mc<aufouh; Com- fort Comnittee-Mrs. R. Scott, Mia. L. Brooks; Group Leaders-- Mis. R. Wright, Mis. L. Hooper, Mrs. G . Rosevear, Miss Agnesý Scott. Mis. N. Woodley took chargea, this pragramn: Solo, Misâ Marê Thampsaon; recitation, Miss Shir- ley Park; Easter message given with stars by five'amail girls; P4- per giving the origin of the Eas- ter legenda, and $he m*eaning of Easter,, by Mis . N . Woodley. Lunch was served by Mis. Wood- ley's group and a pleasant social hall hour spent. Ebenezer W. M. Society met Apnil 17t1i when President Mis. R. C. Pearce opened with a verse ai poetry and prayer. Deviotional perlod "Easà, ter Service of Worship" was i charge of Miss Louise Osborne.- Vocal solo was contributed by Miss Louise Peauce, "The Old Rugged Cross.". The study of the Lii e of Rev. Oliver Jackson, mis- sionary, and speclal phases ai his work, was conducted by Mis. A. J. Walter RunIe. ' «--- Mus. W. E. Courtice, wbo spent the wlnter with Mr'. and Mis. Howard Courtice, Ottawa, is home. Mrs. Alymer Hezzelwoad, Ta- ronto, vlslted ber parents, Mr. and Mzrs. Geo. Pearce., Mu. and Mn. Blake Oke, in company wi$h Oshawa frlends, were gueste on Saturday wlth Mr. and 34r».'John Ba3soi, IHampton, In tb@ir new bon». Nestleton à Nestletan W. A. met usdaýy lu charge ai Mus. Nelson Malow's group. Plans were made for the mapt>e syuup social and a quilt for the mlsslanary bale. Social was held on Frlday ulght when aIl present enjayed plenty ai syuup and gaad thiugs. Dan't farget the play i aid ai Bed Cross on Frlday night. Visitons: Mr. and, Mis. Laverne McGill, Mr. John McGill, Jandt- ville, wlth Mus. Jas. Wiiliamsan. ..Mr. Marshall Malcolmn, Stuat- ford, with bis sister, Mis. L. Job- lin... . Mis. Jas. Willlamsan wlth ber sister, Mis. Byers, Janetvllle. ..Master Beverley Veale with iriends In .Toronto. -.-.-Miss Jean Malcolmn wlth Miss Verna Mc- Nally, Caîbarne. . . Miss Joyce Sutton, Orano, with ber aunt, Mrs. Gea. Bowers. .. Mi. sud Mis. H. Wheeler and family, Port Perry, with her parents, Mi.,sud Mi$. R. I-o. . . .. Miss Ellen and Mi. Edgar Emerson with friendai Toronto. . . Miss May Reynolds with Miss Lau Johns.. . Mis. John Williams wlth Mis. Wm. Arm- strong. .. Misses Lucille ana Mur- iel H-yland wlth their parents, Mr. and Mis. L. Hyland, Cadnius. Mi. Frank Pîsyfoot is woukiug in Whltby. Mr. Richard Suggitt la nat quite s0 weil. Maple Grove Visitars: Miss Murmel Stevens with Mus. Bruce Wood, Oshawa. ..Mis. Collett, Lindsay, with ber daugbteu, Mis. Chas. Buudl..- Miss Darothy Snawden wlth Miss Elesuor White, Providence.... Miss Hilda Richards, Oshawa, with Mis. Boss Stevens. .. Miss Jean Miller Toronto, Mr. Rau Buchait, R.ë.A.F., Treutan, Miss Barbara Guthrle sud friend, To- ronto, at Mis. L. C. Snowdcn's. Miss Lillian Suowden entertain- cd a number af young people on Thursday evening. Variaus gaines were played. Over $7.00 was rais- ed which has since been raised ta $l0.00 sud sent ta the Telegraw war Victims Fund& Everyone had a pleasant tisse and the hostesa served a dainty lunch. A good congregation greeted Mus. Helen Clark Young an Sun- day aiternoan who gave an ex- cellent address on missionarY work in Peusia on behalf af thse W.M.S. special mlslouaiy music was rendered by the choir. Mrs. Young was guest ai Mus. L. C. Snowden. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. Ernest Twist an the arrivai of a fine boy. maple Grave Sohool News (By Bille Smith) Mission Band was held April l6tb with the Warteu's Missioaay Society. Alter a progran given by the Mission Band, lunch was served. . .. MirCOUlins af West HMn is student teacher at aur school this week.. -. - rMss Mc- Master la on the sick li.. . - Elý- len Abernethy and Doris Stevens af Grades 7 sud 8 respectively took charge ai the junior rooaman Monday sud Mr. Collinus On Tues- day... . We are gettiug ready for the Music Festival . We are enter- ing the open class chorus for the fiist time . .. . We ai the achool are pre>aig, for a patrlotic pro- Day,'April 23rd. Progrfin will consia .t ai' patriotic sangs, read- lngs, etc... . We have several pic- tiares ai thcRoyal Family decor- atlng the schopl room. Jack Mou- ton sud, BelodPmke are work- Goge sud the Dragon. Many of us are working an and paint- ing shlelds, flogs, etc. HAMPTON P. IN SPOTLIGHT Standing out boldly on the iirst page ai Hansard, March 31, 1941, la this question asked by Mr. MacKinnan, M.P. af Kootcnay Est, British Columbia: "What was the sunual revenue received frain the post office at Hampton, Ontario, for the years 1935 ta 1940 inclusive?" RôHn. Mr. Mulock,. Pastinaster General, no doubt somewhat startled at B. C.'s interest i the placid hanilet ai Hampton, ne- lled: Fiscal Year Revenue 1»34-5 $548.51 1935-6 _ .---.---- ---- 608.46 *1936-7 585.93. 1938-9 . .649.96 1939-40 -------- .617.75 CHIECK YOUR HOME -ANDI REPAIR NOW! Doors and windows Shintles 2 N(ew Porches tnslatlon ùardwood - Floorlnt Paint Doot.ý SHEPPARD &SGILL LUMBER Cg, LIMITED Phono e715 BOWManVMle Ibe ftrst GURNFJY stove iras. bul ,WORKNlui their sknal foundry lu Hamilton, tise WbrotIrsEB. sud C. Gurney made few stoves .. . but tisey made them wcII When awagon-load w» compltd iey sold them direct ta thse farms and home-. staafor miesaround. Year aften year they made mare stoves, and made tisern botter sud botter. Today, whea yots look at tise gleauslng now Gurney ranies ln your Gunney dealer'., tise struggles af thsu. arl y days are not apparent. Yet tiese me careful, workasauhljp and attentionta *upravements are stili tiere - features that have kt URNICYalways, a ladins naine m.su. uldW.e ye ou use wood, casl, giôroe rcty hro ' a a Jetal Gurney range tisat is unsssrpassed for efficieacy, ecoaomny aud coavemience. See GURNEY fIirt I ROY iIICHOLS CïE t~* v tfrataa.a~.. , . - " - 1- 1 > j 777 THE. CANADL4LX JAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO à THUMDAY, APIM 24ý 1041