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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1941, p. 9

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Social and Personal ~.. Phone o 4r18 Dandellans are out. '* sKagleson visited ln Toronto. ,W. C. H. Mitchell arrived home Tuesday atternoan. R. Aines is back on duty at the bank. Dr. Keralake, Toronto, was lu town. Race herses are being tralned at the tair grounds. Art Allen's saw mii is now lu full swing. Mrs. H. Cantrel visited lu Mar=ora. Suzanah Cooke visited at Huntsville. Mrs. H. A. Clarke has been on the sick lisI,. Mrs. Tomniluson is with her mc- ther, Mrs. J. Wannan. We welcome Mr, aud Mrs. E. Grahamn ta Orono. Miss Jean White visited in Osh- auWa and Peterboro. Tullps are out lu the town hall gardon. Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller are back from the South. Mrs. A. A. Rolph la on the sick Mrs. Lang has returned framn spending the wluter lu Taranto. Miss Smith, Millbrook, vislted her sister, Miss Kathleen Smith, Antloch. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDonald, Toronto, visited her mther, Mrs. Nq. Sniith. - Gardenlng, lawn çuttiug and bousecleaning are the order cf the day. Gordon Watson .has painted his boat "Velma" ready for the suin- 'mer season. A meeting was held Tuesday at rs. Mellar's ta fcrmn a Girl Guide troop. Mrs. Mllsan, daughter Mar- guerite, and two grandchildren were in Orono Friday. . Robt. Keane is home for a holi- day before being called ta the air force. Miss Olive Brown is home tram Kilngston University for summer hoidays. Mr. and Mrs. Will Moffatt and Mrs. D. Noble visited Mrs. George Stephens, Salem.t Mrs. F. Lycett, Mrs. J. C. Gamey and Miss G. Mitchell were in Ot- tawa. Quite a few cars were lu the park Sunday. Apparently this was the official openlng cf th park season. Jack Stobart, Elmer Mlddletau and George Mitchell were home an leave. Mr. and Mrs. George Mayes and daughter Vera, Toronto, were qu ests cf Mr. andi Mn. A. Satin- ers. (Well, anglers, today's the day- Let's have some fishing storles for next issue. Inquiries as ta the possibllty cf girls' or men's softball this sum- mer seem ta indicate that there is little chance cf any. Ed. Youngman completed his seventh year without omittiug one single trip peddlinig bread for Rlchardsou's Bakery cf Pontypool on April 26th. Mr. W. H. Barrett and Mrs. Crane visited lu Taranto and took home June Wathem who had been vlslting them. Police Inspector William John- son and Mn.. Johnson, Mvr. Roy TO ALL STATIONSg IN Wéstorn Canada EXCURSIONS GOING DATES DAILY MAT 17 TO 28, 1941 RETURN L.IMIT: 45 days. TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL. UN COACHES Excursion ticket* gaod In Tourlet, Pariar and Standard @looping cars.&am avallable on payment of lilghtl hi ah- *r passagea@, plus price of parlor or sepng car accommodation. ReOUTZnB-Tickets food sons via Port Arthur, Ont, Ch çago, III., or Sault te. Mare, réturnini via smre route and une only. Generous optional routings. WMOPOVBES-wilI be aiiawed at any point In Canada on tegigo e Poame your gray chiok ordei thî'ough us. Nb wrltlnl. 14e mcney order@. No bother, reanai at- tentlon - prompt deilvery. Ir. . %ANSTONE Uowmaflvllii F. L., UVAM Tyroif FRDJ. THOMAS FIRNiwoatle JACK< HUDSON, OronO Burnette mnd Mrs. Johnson; To- ronto, visited friends in Orano. The ycung women and inter- mediate classes of Park St. Sun- day School have completed their second afghan for use lu the shel- ters. Scouts met Thursday evening with 23 present. Slgnialling and military drill were practised and plans cÔmjbleted for the Friday .evening prograin. 0. W. Rolph had, a ral cf wlre fenclng stolen Thursday. Police were called Friday when no trace could be found. Bud says ta ask for the stretchers ta help put it up. The name of Gardon Winter should have read Gardon Major in the personal regarding training. Additional namnes of those from Orono are Messrs. Leaman and Muir. Mrs. A. A. Drummond told the children the story of the second picture "Jesus iu the Temple" at Sunday School. Mrs. N. F. Por- ter's class was banner clasq for the day and Miss Marion Cooper's for the rnonth. Orono Red Cross held a dellght- fui afternoon. tes. Thursday which was combmned with a shower cf clathes for refugee children which were On display. The ladies were inspecting and packing goods for the Red Cross and quilting 50 the wark room was a hive of lndustry. The inspection commiittee of the Red Cross prepared for shipment last week: 5 large scarves, 21 small scarves, 10 sweaters, il pr. seamen's sacks, 60 pr. socks, 8i wristlets, 7 helmets, 3 pr. half- mltts, 5 pr. twa-way mitts, 1 pr. rifle niitts, 3 suits pyjamas, and 5 quilts. Of this amount Kendal contributed a nice lot. Orona Chamber cf Commerce met last week ta mnake Plans for holding a iDonnybrook, Fair iu June. This conunittee was ap- pointed ta malte preliminaryv ar- rangements, M4. H. Staples, John Bigelow, T. A.ý Reid, J. J. Mellor, R. R. Waddell, W. J. Riddell, R. Osorne, R. Mercer and M. Joues. Proceeds wlll go ta Telegrai's War Victims Fund. Orono I.O.O.F. members attend- ed services at Port Hope Sunday night and Bowmanville Sunday morning. W. J. Riddell delivered the address at the Bowmanville Cenotaph following the church service in that town wheni a lovely wreath was placed there lu hanor of departed brethren. Interesting services were held in Park St. Church Sunday. Iu the morning Rev. Littlewaod chose as subject "God and the Birds." The choir selectian was "lLike as a Fiathier," and the solo wastaken by R. E. Logan. Iu the evenlng the topic was "Wells of Salvation." The choir reudered the anthem 4Ta God be the Glory" and Miss Bertha Cain sang the solo part lu it. A wedding Party were enter-- tained at Payne's Saturday even- ing. The bride was formerly Miss Evelyn Deane, a friend of MS .Hazel Winter, and the groom, Mr. John Laverty. Mr. Ross Winter was best man and Miss Eva Shep- perd the bridesmald. The cere- mony took place early Saturday evening, and the four then mator- ed ta Orana. DAYLUGHT SAVING BEGIM SMAY Il Orano Police Trustees muet and passed these bills: Fire H-all lights -- 2.09 Street Lights -_____ 127.50 Worknien's Camp. Board - 22.74 C. B. Tyrreli - 2.50 $154.83 Board agreed saine amnount Of calcium chlorlde be purchased as last year. Tenders wlU b. asked for silx firemen's Outfits. Communication from Board Of Heaith re garbage disposai was ordered filed. Village cf Orono, lu harmcny with wishes cf Gavernment, wrnl resumne Dayllght Savlng Timne, cornmencing 1 a.m. May llth, 1941, and will remnain se until Govern- ment sees fit ta authorize a change. KIRBY UNION US ENTIERTAINED AT ORONO Klrby Unioni were guests cf the local Union Monday evenlng, sup- plying the excellent program. Fol- lcwlng words cf welcome by IPareideont Gien Hancock, Mlldred 0 r ono Boy Scouts EntertainParents F Iday wap s big ulght lu the lives c Onano Scouts,thoc- sion beiug the oentralumen; giv- ou by thein to the-.Scaut commit- tee, parents sud friands of the trocp, sud a few visiters tram Bowmsuvllle. Rev. S. Littlewood was chairman. J. J. Mellon read the 8th psalni, sud thon conducted the investi- ture et Karl Fli;toff sud Peton Chinara, pneceding ut with werds of appreciatian oft4he hebp cx- tended by Scout Master Cliff Mc- Nair and Scouts of Bowmauvillo. Scarves wero placed an the two ucw Scouts by Bah Cooper sud Donald Goode, shaulder huais by Frnklin Tamnblyn sud Danald Staples, sud hats by Mn. C. Mc- Nain. Candles wenc lighted by Cynil Wheeler. Ma. Mellor gave a briet talk to the two beys regard- ing their nespansibilities as Scouts sud gave each their registration card. Donald Stapies gave a deman- stration cf signalling by the semi- phare code, with the aid cf same1 et the Scouts, wham, ho explain- 1 ed, were ta follow his endors given 1 lu the code. Each ane had to stop 1j eue pace forward, scratch his head i sud bow.1 This was followed by a cornet 1 duet hy Manley Lii;ilewood sud 1 Glen Tamblyn, with Mas. M. H.1 Staples ai; tho plana. Ma. Mellon ini;naduced the Scout Committee, the Cubs, sud Brisu 1 Flahert;y sud Gardon Sbcmon, Bawmanville. Brisu hept the au- dience interestcd throughout (wlth 4h. assistance of Gordon) by varlous tricks cf magic which certalnly got the audience guoss- ing, aud thon gave a marvelous demonstratian of ventrilaquisin with the aid af Keunie (nat Char- lie, i;hank you). The latter con- cluded with Kennie singlug 'Wheu the Lights of London Shine Again' sud 'Tipperary', with Mars. Mellon ai; the piano. Mr. Littlewood cxpressed his appreciation af the prognam, atter which Donald Staplep spoheono behalf of the -Scouts, thsukiug people for their contributian to the fuud, sud Bob Cooper express- cd their thauks ton co-operation lu the salvage campalgu. Lunch was served. The Bowmsuville boys were chaperned by Ralph Stut; sud Scout Master Clilf McNair. Newtonville W. I. met April i7th. hi; was 'th. annual meeting sud these of- ficens wero electesi: Heu. Pros.- Mas. M. J. Halman; Pres.-Mns. L. T. Saveny; 1.1 Vice Pnos.-Mas. G. C. Martin; 2nd Vice Pnes-Mns. J. T. Pearce; Soo.y.-Tras.-nat yet filled. Mas. Arthur Redkuap, who bas been such a conscientiaus sud efficient secretary-treasurer for 6 years, has reslgned. ?insuciai re- part showed neceipts $139,98; ex- penditurés $108.52; balance $31.46. Numben cf members 42. Mas. Has- kmn, couvenar of Red Cross Com- mittoc, gave a report of the wonk dcne lu aur community: 138 pairs of socks, 58 scarvos, 3 pairs cf wnlatlets, 10 sweaters, 4 helmets, i pair et mitts, i quilt, 7 hospital gowus, 6 nighi; dresses. Monthiy collections tram door 40 daor for Red Cross appnaximately $106.55. This campiU was begun iess than a year ago. Alton the busi- ness session two qufits were quilt- ed. Suudsy, May 4th, Mrs. (Dr.) Mullet;, misslouary tram. China, wil ho speaker at ' the W.M.S. Thank-offering ai; 7 p.m. Standard Time lu the United Church. Mas. Mullet; is an intinuate friend af Mas. McLachlan sud wlth hon hus- bsud, who h sa dentis;, has speni; 20 years lu China. Girls of Mas. McLachlan's S. S. class put au a successtui play Fr1- day night, "Thoso Husbsuds of ours." Procoeds for War Savings Certifîcates for United Church. Jim Savony, 10 year aid sou cf Mn. sud Mas. Laurence Saveny, wàs seized with s sudden si;tach cf appendicitis Saturday sud was openatcd on lu Bowmanvllle lHas- pital Saturday night. Ho is doing nicely. Miss Betty Stapletan la suffer-- ing with thrcat trouble. Mumps arc lu the village. Visitons: Ma. sud Mas. Bycrs sud Mas. Misuen, Toronto, ai; Mr. Sid. Hutchisan's. . . Miss Olive Whitney wlth relatives ai;BrBgh- tan. .. Mn. sud Mas. S. Hutchl- son wlth frieuds inu ....... Miss Gweu Gilmer ai; hon homo ai; Si;arkville. .. HareldBurley,_To- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ÈàWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Hydre EIectric Auditor'. Report la Approved Ornoa Hydro Electrlc Commis- sion met with ail members pro- sent. These bibis were paid: Oscar Hiudson Company $50.00; H.E.P.C. $274.33; B.P.U.C. $143.67; total $468.00. Mr. Chase submlti;ed an estini- ate of $900 to ho spent on the systom 4to kcep ut lu good shape during tho year, which was ne- ceived sud approved. Auditors' repart wds read sud ordered filed. The main items in the Audltors' repart shaw Operat- ing Accauni; for 4he ycar endlhig Dec. 3lst, 1941, as follows: Income Domcstic Light _ $4,462.45 Commercial Light 2,310.08 Commercial Power 48.54 Street Lighting -- -- 713.37 Water Heastn-____ 12.47 $7,546.91 Expenditure Power purchased _ $3,236.42 Distribution Systein - Maintenance _ _ 358.02 Lino Transformer Mtce.- 15.00 tdeter Maintenance __ 59.58 S te t i hi;g M tce .- 85.20 t l tbLu g s d C o l e t l - 6 1 1 . 2 3 ienend letal Office Expense- 253.20 Debenture principal- 707.92 Debenture intenesi; 302.94 EUdistribute dexpense - 14.28 Depreciation 163.00 $5,806.79, NeTt operating profit $1,740.12 $7,546-91 The debeuture principal unmatured - $7,358.50 DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News of May 9, 1918 A number ofthei boys of the district called 40 cebars under th.l M.S.A. sci; toak 4he miduight train Tuesday 40 report ai; Kingston. Citizans tram the village sud count;ry si;teuded lu barge nuin- bers ai; 4he C.N.R. statian ta se thein off. The boys ieaving were: Francds Oliver Caoper, William Cochrane, George Morton, Ernest; Brys9n, Roy Sbeep, Roy Mercer, Frank Euglish, Roy Cochrane, Harvey MottaIt, Alox Wanuan sud Harold Qusutril aiso want sbong sud enlisted. Three othors wcut on the ucon train, Otto Coathain, George Burgess sud Tom Tebble. 1MIarried: -Mr4on-McKay- -At the rectary, Newcastle, hy Rev. John Feuniug, May 2nd, Viola, dsughten et Ma. sud Mas. John McKay, Si;arkvllle, ta Ma. George Morton, secand son cf Ma. Edward Morton, Clarke. Married: Glbson-Souc-h - At the Methodis; parsanago, Nowtauvillo, May isi;, by Rev. J. E. Griffith, Olive, daghteroetMr. Albert Sauch, ta Ma. W. Gibson, Clark. Hullard, eldes; son of Thas. Simpson, Cowsuvllo, sustained a compound fracture of the right leg by a fan off the waadshed at the schoob. Dr. Tucher was cslled sud reduced the fracture. Ma. F. Hall is making imprave- monts te the Jaynes nesidence on Concession street now awned hy hum sud teusuted. by Ma. Pike and f amily, Hamupton. Clillcrd Mybos, a former Orona boy, hats been gazeti;ed Lieutenant. Starkville The weather is fine, seedlng, house cbesuing sud gardaniug are weil under way. Mr. Dchson, Sen., Parry Sound, has noturned haine aller visli;ing his son Ma. Alf. Dobson whc hs quit. ill. .Visii;ers: Mas. Shutha sud So- phia wlth Mas. Lew Haliowell... Gordon Lacoy, Peterbora Camp, viited hero. .. Mns. Frank Bon- nett sud Joan, Toonto, have ne- i;urued home afler being ai; Ma. Jacob Hallawels... Mr. sud Mas. H. Rush sud Ebwoad Rush ai; Ma. Sid. Hslawell's. ... Raymnd Far- roWi;Y,ai home. .. Laveru Farrow was lu Peterbora. .. Mr. sud Mas. Russell Lowery, Toronto, ai; Ma. A. Dcbson's. . . Ma. sud Mas. H. Gilmen were lu Par; Hape. .-M. sud Danny Shutka *sud Nel- lie Shutka, Oshawa, at home.... Mrs. Bd. Ruthven, Zion, wlth Mn. A: Dobsan. . . Mas. R. Bougon and tamily were lu Part Hope. TI-RE EASILY? Tae Gin Pili-tho "reliefSormay becic Iddaoy remdy-to hlp removo theeessodthat may beth causeoof that lazy, Iogy foei- ing. Money bsck àf sot mtiaiod - she, i a MU (la hU U. eafe«"Gimo PUW's) au [ D Dmitri to Head Photo Expedition VAN DMITRI, clebrated New o1 Yr phatagrapher wus olon **shots" bave made photographic hlstary. wlll head s photographic expedition toascaulc Jasper National1 ]Pàrk lu the Canadian Rackles lu lune. SThe. camera fan trip, spcuscrcd bZPaptlar Phctography Magazine 1Jcooperation wlth Canadian Na- ti-onal Railways, will provide Ions enthusiasts wlth the appartuuity af a lifetime lu maklug photos lu s venitable empire ef virgin Canadian Rocky Mountain laveliness. Abave the jaggecl im of the universe lu Jasper, peah ater peah lits a high white plumie lu salute te the sky. Jasper i. a game preserve cf 4,200 square miles, pravldlug a hayon for many types ef animais for the camera's oye, frais rock rabhlts and beavens t10 nomadlc caribou, big born sheep sud bears. WICT.U. Ioedals Preuemted To Youag Conteit Wimue:s Fîve girls sud three boys comn- poted in the W.C.T.U. Silver Medal contestin l Park St. Sunday School raom Thursday eveuing sud gave the judges, Miss Bertha Cain, Orcua, Mn. Lionel Hughes, Port Granby, sud Rev. McLachlau of Newtonville, a hard job te chaase the wiuuers. Thon. were cuby seven peints between the tir,; sud lasi; girl sud five points between the firsi; sud last boy. Two other boys were unable 40 try because of mumps. The judges tluaily awarded the medais ta Msrj crie McLaren sud Ross Boyd, whose brother Bibll ais alsa medai- The naines cf the contestants sud their selections are: Helen VTocd, Auticch, "The Accident"; Grets Mencer, Onono, "Who Wants &Liquor Traltic Hon.?";, Donna West, Onono, "The Boy Whc 'Arad"; Marjoie McLar- à%i-7'ono, "Ho Noeds Ilis Braîn Checàed"; sud Marie Allen, Ne. 9, "What Have You Doue Ta-day?"; Ross' Bcyd, Kirby, "Courage"; Mont Richardson, Orono, "Wings sud Wine Dau't Mix"; sud Ras. Carleton, Orcua, "Shall We Adapi; Il?". Rosa Boyd was trnied by Mas. Dan Fraser, sud Marjanie McLaren by Mas. W. H. Rowe. Rev. S. Littlewood presidod, sud besides th. splendid speeches by the contestants, 4he prograrn in- cluded ihree selectiaus by the Rowe Orchestra of eleven mein- bons (A. J. Knox, Don Hammn, A. A. Dnummond, Mas. W. C. Lynch, Dich Mcrton, Carol Staples, Shir- ley Porter, W. H. Rawe, Joanne Fonresten, Audrey Billiugs sud Margaret Fliutaff); vocal duel by Denuy sud Harry Lynch; vocal duet hi? Misses Bertha Cain sud Myrtbe Smith; vocal solo by Miss LeoonsWood; sud 4h. presanta- tian by Ma. Lîttlewood ta Bob Cooper sud Karl Flintoff cf books awarded by thc W.C.T.U. lu Uic recent Tempersuce contest. 1&. McLachlan pncsented the medals ta 4th. winulug contestants lu the coutesi; held that night sud ahso a booh ta each contestant, medabists included. Ma. Littlewoad spohe whibe 1h. judges were makmng their deci- sien, dealing chiefly with the sub- tle hold alcahol has (which is daily iucressing), sud with 1h. gambliug pnoblem. H. clased with a wand of appreciatian te the W.C. T.U., couteestants, tramnera, sud those an 1h. pragram. Lunch was senved a1 1h. con- clusion cf 1h. pragraml. TMUEDAY, MAY 1, 1941 Heudry's. . . Mrs. Fred Wilson,1 but wheu 4he disease is cieared "up Mother'. Day wlllbe observed Miss O. Wilson, M.Roy Ceppin, this Mark wlil nover became suy May 114h. Ma. sud Mas. Frank Johns, Osh- worse.. Practice bans siari;ed tar anni- awa, Mrs. J. Baskerville, New- The reason some et these cases vear on June 154h sud b1t. castle, ai; Ma. W. Baskervllles. .. romain mono tixed hs because they Miss Helen Mei;calf,.- Oshawa, Mn. sud Mas. E. Wlcks, Toronto, are but scars pu the auter surface was homo. Mn.. N. Gartahore, Plcker #,ai; of the ions but sliould they* b. ________ Ma. S. Powell'.. . . Mn. sud Mns. came cf sulficiently serlous a ns- C. Mitchell ai; Ma. H. Petons', Part ture as 40 afetthehnner layers It la a sale bot thai; il the Bri- Britain. . . Mn.. M. Mackenzie, oft1he ions, thon a more progres- tish sud Italiens hsd swapped Toronto, with Miss Lucy Graham. sive form of cataracti; 1 really ships <lu the recent Mediterranesu ..Mas. L. Laverty sud Evelyn, broughi; Into existence. This thon battle of Cape Matapan), the vie- Harmony, with Mas. T. Powell.. may ho bnaught about by disease tory wauld stlll have gane ta the Mn. sud Mns. Chas. Bedwin wltÈ on b y injuny as betore mentioned. British. - AdmIrai William V. Mas. F. Parkor. (to be continue«Y Pratt;, U.S.N., lu News-week. ORONO NEWS PAGE NINE The Newcastle Iudependent LOVING WIFE HELPS IlPhono Clarke 1114 HUSBAND ON TH1E SLY 1 - 1 Long-Standing Heodoches NEWCASTLE TRAIL RANGER bars there. At home, school and R.II.v.d NEWS other places, boys and girls could make flower beds. Ho could not underatand why thé The members are working on At the Newcastle public park, heaeudah y e. h een s1ubiectota the Pioneer Degree. At a recent boys could tear down the littleWo .delrlie.lswfetd meeting the tallowing boys passed wnecked shed at its entrance, sud him, and ho at ance at down and the test ou kuots by demonstra- bath boys aud girls could plant wroIt. 62he folo f g lter:-d v ting how each of the five knots flower beds around the park. The -"Ian6yascfao sivo should be tide: (Marks are out cf shrubs at the front cf the park mnce I ws a boy of ten jears, I war ten), Sam Breretan 10, Ted Hoar shauld be eut down sud taken out, ubetto very bad ha - hs.But 10, rac Emley 0, ornsu sd snielitte fowe bed coîd wo years ago the headachea eaaed Dent T0,Frcic Jasley 10, Nelmaenan ted elitherfe. sis oul -for what reason I did flot Det 0,Frnis Koe,Nneth Se made by boys know. I was aurpriaed when ans day Bittan 10, Ted Pybus 9, Kneh Sm suggestions ae os my wife told mne I had been uaing Dent 8, Grant Bail 8, Ross Bail7, sud girls to. help beautity the vil- Kruschen Salta in my coffée.for over Stanley Powell 6, Murray Waltan, lage could be carried out by tell- two yesrs. I amn ajfl uing them, au the only other member that tried ing eider people abaut them. [ knaw cf nothing finer"-J. T. the test, tailed.Ontesre ogupoth Headaches can often b. traced ta Thied sud foRangred mptoathe On here are somo old chestnut a disordenedsi tomach, and ta the taie n Boys'Wark ed $th29. trees that could be cut dowu or unsuspected retentian in the sygem. whrichlBusefor t Board'9.5 trimmed off . There is, also some Of stagnating wamte matorial which Work hrollbeuho the Bar'slang grass slong the highways sud poisons 4h. -blaod. Remove 4h... Thaks are ue aluth rince streets that shauld be kept cut. posn - prevent theum farming Thans ar dueàllcontibutrs. Boys sud girls should keep off again-s-nd you romove the cause cf Plans are beiug made for the the Community Hall lawns ta many ache.sud peins. And that id group ta visit Toronto lu the near keep trom wearing the grass off. just how Kruschen Salta brmg. future, payig s return visit to I have also, seen bays sud girls Rature lie Krsbhdy help the group which Newcastle enter- breaking off flowers in the Ccm- platuelyofailclan your body coin tained last faîl. muuity Hall beds, sud they shauld etYofallggnwsemao. avoid doing that. NEWCSTLETRAI RANERS Some of the buildings, such as NECSTETAI ANESthe tire hall sud garages, could b. Enfield SPRING SALVAGE CAMPAIGN beautitied by plsuting climbing ___ The Trail Rangers are again vines arouud them except at the Visito rs: Mn. sud Mrs. W. Ash- asking the resideuts cf Newcastle outrances...Mr sudvicnit taputasio al yur Dowu at the lakeoan the west ton sud Ruth at Taronto...Mn and mga, papers. pubbieties sud side et the marsh there la a very sud Mns. Bort McCulloch, Osh- tuberas, amin u edtinc, an barren spot. If the grass were cut awa, with Mrs. J. McCulloch... tebes, sage buattries, hee re ,aud looked after, a necreaticil Mn. Bob Stinson, Toronto, at Mns. speeclly alu able)ries, ythingar grouuds ceuld be made for the H. Stinscu's. .. Mn. sud Mns. La- ele tvauewic mybedi-boys sudgrso h ilg u eu Stinson, Jack sud Jean, esed etasvalue aghe N ay he s-summer visitons. I amn sure it Hamilton, with Mrs. J. Stinsc... tmed f a os aleang, oiste f ould greatly improvo the spot. Mr. asud Mrs. Wallace .Pascoe, thm ro ucling th aovemetiead f The uglY fonces surrounding Marian sud Evelyn, at Mn. M. throwugsaySV the em sudthey some hauses cculd be nemoved Scarlett's, Tornto... Mr. Howard will b. callecl fer by a member sud replaced by neat wire on rustnMaeGavwhM. et he rai Rnge Cap. wooden eues. Some houses would Frank McMuIlen.. Mn. Albert of th Tral Rager amp. look much botter with a coat on Nlddeny, Toronto, cafled on fri-. Farmers are especiaily urged ta two cf paint. afwmrstensds lu the village. . . Mr. Ralph collect ail scrap metal about the Ifw adafw oestetOninistan sud Miss Doris Wilkins, farm sund bring it ta tewn or itlights lu our village they wiould Maple Grave, at Mn. H. Smiths... will b. coilected if you w15 . make it much more cheerful-laok- Mn. sud Mns. Hugh Boston sud Every littie bit ceunts. ing ta the citizens as well as ta Ian at L. C. Pasces. The town la again divided lute tourists who are passing through. Rev. Lackey pneached aunin- sections with the tollowiug as I would also like to suggest that pressive sermon Sunday an Chris- captains: (1) Ted Pybus, (2) Bob the lot whene Emerson Flahen's tian Character. Huffmsu, (3) Murray Walten, (4) store steod should be cleaned up Our congregational meeting was Neil Britton, (5) Francis Jose. as it is au eyesane ta, the village held Thursday night. The officens Each captain has a numben cf boys main, streot. for the Suuday School sud church as assistants. The general mana- I have just finlahed writing out were installed into office. ger la Chiot Sam Brereten. Gen my suggestions for improviug Our oral headquartens will be su- village. We want ta beautify New- naunced later., castie so that strangers will come H y o Here la yaun chance ta help the here ta make their homes on at H y o war effort. The salvage will b. least spend part cf their heliday scld sud the preceeds tumned over here. Visitea: Mn. sud Mrs. C. Avery ta a war fuud. at Mn. Frnk Westlake's, Solins. ______________Mns. Henry Werny at Mns. Mil- NEWCASTLE RED CROSS ton Wenry's, Oshawa. .. Mn. sud "HAT A BOY OR A GIRL CAN RECEI[VES GIF OF Mn.. A. Morgani, Oshawa, at Mn. DO TO HELP BEAUTIFY 4"ONOUR ROLL" E. Bradley's. . . Mn. sud Mns. NEWCSTL Aylmen Beech, Enniskillen, at Mn. _____At the March meeting of New- Ross Richards'. .. Mn. sud Mns. Written by Doreen Euwnight, castle Red Cross, Miss Beatnîce Lloyd Ashton sud. faniily at Mn. Grade 8, Newcastle Public Mcîntesh presiding, a vote cf R. Oristou's, Enniskillen. .. Miss School thanksansd appreciation was pass- Grace Tnewiu, Toronto-, at Mn. My ides is that Newcastle la a cd, tabe conveyed ta Mn. Douglas Wmn. Trewiu's. . . Mn. sud Mrs. very nicé little village, but I think M.Wight for hla gift of su "Hou- Frank Osmond, Bowmanville, at Lboys sud girls could improve it aur Roll." This was designed by Mn. W. Thompsau's. . . Mn. sud much. Mr. Wright sud executed by hlm Mrs. C. Siemon at Mn. Russel As a tirst stop, we could have lu calotins on heavy bristol board Wihs ehsa 1boys sud girls cut aur lawns, once and lu lime wiil coutain thc names 'MW n d'sMBths. vr ted an twice a week lu sunIner. Iu cf Newcastle boys wha serve lu M.sdisnC vr ted the fail thcy cauld rake up sud the preseut war. Mns. R. S. Gra- ed the tunerai of Fred Si;acey at buru the leaves that fail off the ham sud Miss Cana Butler wenc Littlee ritain on Saturday. itrocs. Iu the winten they cauld uamed a committee ta have this Severai frcm hero attended the shavel s path tram the sidcwalk ncw Hanour Rail fnamed sud at- funenal et Samnuel Mauni;jay at ta the doenstep sud aise dlean off tend ta the work of iuscnlbiug Hampton on Saturday. SYmpathy the sidewalk. usmes sud marking them. with is extended to the relatives in When boys or girè arerplaylug distinguishing stars.- their bereavement. with things luitheYar they Miss McIutosh paid warm t-i Rev. A. F. Gardner gave a 1should remember ta put them bute ta the lie sd labours abun- splendid message ou "Disciple away when they are throuigh with dant of the late Mas. J. A. Butler Thomas" Sunday alteruaon. thein. sud spoke of how she wauld long We are glsd te have Mn. sud Som imrovmens culdbe be missed lu the coin t. Mas. Ross Richards sud Maurice made arauud the schaol toa. Within the month the Newcas- back lu aur village. Where the highwsy meets the tle Branch had packed sud sent t Mn. Gea. Riggs sud Mrs. E. R. raad going Up ta the schaol,,there Toonot these articles, a number Ormiston have neturncd heme aI- cauid be a sign made ta, read, of which were coutributed by ton sp;endiug the wluter elsewhene. "Newcastle Public, sud High Brown's Red Cross: 7 sweaters, __________ Schoal." 28 sleeveless sweaters, 31 scarves, In the schoel windows we could 25 pr. hall-way mitts, 6 pr. whoie M n Lhave plants, and the boys sud mitts, 15 helmets, 2 sleeping hel- L1 1girls could take turs waterlg mets, '18 pr. socks, 6 pr. seane's ____ suad carng for them. stockings, 28 shoots, 29 pyjamas, Mn. sud Mrs. Chas. Naylon at- On the main street peaple 7 turtie neck sweaters, 2 baby lay- teuded s tuneral at Omeme. should refrain tram throwlug the ettes, 1 quilts, 3 wash cloths, 5 pr. Misses Audrey Ayre sud Mar- coverings off gum sund chocolate women's gloves. aePrknatnd aso r The Brnch la now wonking on grtPrm teddssae its quota et knii;ted gaads. The for Miss Isabel Rogers, HamptaI Lake Shore, Clarke treasuner, Miss Ethel Lockhart, at the home of Miss Gladys rl reported balance ou hsud of ou Wednesday. _____$520.68. Church service on Sunday wl W. had a beatitiful day ton our _________ be at 1 o'clocuk instcad cf 1.30. Fiftieth Anniversary. The school We look into the future with Visitons: Mn. sud Mas. J.. W. was filled 10 ils capacity. confidence, sud with a sens. cf Balsan, Hampton, Mn. sud Mns. Mn. sud Mrs. A. Bedwin are resigued tutility. - Douglas Fair- Stanley' Covftly sud Lloyd, Eb- nesiding lu part cf Mas. F. Park- banks, Jr. enezen, at Mr. Wes. Camerns... er's hause. _________ Mns. Jas. Stainton at Mns. Nellie i Anniversary Visitons: Mn. sud Landen'.. 0shaw4- . ansd Mas. Ms. B. Whitney, Olive sud Gis- , j a aea u anlM. L. H. Souch sud Mn. A. Souch at Mr. EUEGittcrd's, Osaca...M.sdMs W. Adams'. .. Mn. sud Mas. Ed. And Ralph Glaspeîl, Tyrone. ai; Mn. F. Powell sud Stanley, Newcastle, atirU<,Jen . B laspell's. . . Mrn. Jas. MeMas- Mn.- S.PC ll. Mn. sud Mas. tIIiGfh er. Toronto. at home. .. Mr. sud 77,7, 't- 1-* t'.' v

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