IlPAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLEÉ ONTARIOTH SAYMY ,11 The Newètcastle Independent ]Phone Clarke 1114 Mr. John Quigg, and mother, bora were present and rernaine Mrs. Wm. Qu1, Toronto, visited over Sunday. Mr. Js. Qi<g ~Raymnond *Aiken, who now at- MisForce alyTrno tends Central Technical School, more members, Mrs. Thos. Brown, issedohencousins, MissestAda Toronto, and who received .the Mis. Alf. ad and Miss Mary _____________________________________Ad______ -iandj~ ~ ~ Missesetd Bowmanville Women's eiàdian Chaplin w-,r when the glssef~f~l nW E XEINE ,:ýndjùIzabthAlln.Club prize on ridays<it the wrere ail served joined their ca-n Acquaintances were pleased ta weekend with i parents, Mr. warkers in an after tea party, ail Wedneésday, AprIi13th, 1941, girl for general hausework. seé Lieut. Arthur L. Baker, asso- and Mrs. Keith Aiken. In one'little group. Over $20.00 John Hellyar. Apply Mis. -Marley Vanstone, Onie cent awodaheh Funeral rivate from athe resi- Beech Ave. 18-1* Insertion (miumcag dae~trofTe aada is lodBuir a ouh aws eiie.dence, Division S _S TEWART-25) Cageet2e xra lot fram Mr. Wm. Henry on the dayminimum charte Statesman, in the village on Mon- cre>o.othadGer Sa.9 Ie.Cli- YirSorgeealhoS Ea day after six weeks' iliness. adi hvn huebuE t EQUIPMENT SUMMONED Interment.atP.ST H E L P WANTED - CAPABLE mI hnavrleetl Mrs Go.P.Rikar ad oue-It wilî be a neighbor for the for- TO GUARD MARSH FPIEE etery. . waylS.e- ilfop In. woad us andone ntra ai we.s ne-E'verythlng for Garden, Fed n1Lw- hold have been eating potatoes mer Grieve hause low oc ped MXN.O nn n chlld. Phone Oshawa 2050J. tien. Extra charge of 10eWln ebuStwr'GoenenTso fukOde and fiecntydug fof be gar- eby N T OdyWe o u twatsGvrmi eendfntduerom terqul yMr. and Mis. T. A. Rodger. Newcastle FPie Brigade rcsod-An1~ 18-1* whenreiles are Set yn o mreai ote selfr ou ony quai- B ~~~~~~~ed ta a cal for service on eSundy aThoa e7EPWNEDED~YO nwbeoeyn.whwyor.0 ilge ity than those stored in the cellar. ctween the close of the Cana- atrooShna eehn ail year. ITmas M : S.1eedda idde aed eialemoraetaandbaIoahs el arsaet Mr. E. H. Joil, who came down dian Club meeting in Bowman- ornen th lake frnt-went p thatE froinGlidden, Sask., ta spend the ville on Friday evening and bis &the Lwe fr hwon ie. T u he Cmetryidtae cage of hle om o one 50e eah andMmraes O WE ELI efre o o o winter with his father, Mi. Ge. train tirne in the early hours of brge out iiarhwostonfuilfre eWCELL ey aduit.cSateges andoexp oe- o notce plus10e r lino50WEDE H. Joil, has taken a position withSaturday morning, Hon. Angus L. b-iadeout n alon referenes. apyx for veoc asfolevr th e O ntario F orestry B ranch at M c o a d a d M s M acdonaldan r u n der C hief G eorge G aines, w as S ui ay, A prl-'In, onRe 42 S a es a n O fi e.1 -1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Orn.were entertained by Mi. W. F. onantesneitthpumnP- becca Sewell, wldow of -th-e 12,ate tlOfc. 81 fo se.ntassicepte "vper-i Newcstl Bef Rng as adeRickard, M.P. and Mis. Rickard lisuhe ftrhekadten psition William Sewell, aMe 77 years, WANTED - yoUNG PN oR 6 pm. Wns ed TeCupealg ____________ P la n s fo r th e s u m m r s o p e ra tio n s . a t " T h e G ra n g e . "t t e e de, h l t e . H . i d u tr aNof ic . A i c N t m R t 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _W e e l " F e e S d Alex Prout, Shaw's, will again be Sr. Group C.G.I.T. met on Tues- Carveth preperty ta pump Lake INMEM Oofie.RIA.Mt ut eaCP eaig e the butcher_________anddothe__astaten ageieducrttonBmrrrntdror dryticles ForaSaleTTEAfCUPIANDECORIAM FROMeWaEeE KdLcYtiEED SPECiAL - the butanchr-mngager d oUi dywhn.eaxsFo.te thday was confined ta that part of the single, and experience, if any. AtclsFr3ae E p.m AN10 p.m Da rch'MT- abEIckSrth 21 e kilin an cttng t is.J.F.Tea were discussed. Pauline De- marsh north of the old dam and GRAHAM-In loving inemory of Apply Box 141, Statesman of- 3________________ bcc tore0 hone 4. 8a T- w. feBgoautlMa6 Osbornc's, Shaw's. lime gave account of thc C.G.I.T. included as Part of the Creth a déar husband and fte fice. 1- O AEV ~ B~SP 28F .Vntnpoo77 Jeanine Thompson, who came conference in Toronto whcn over propert and8if1one unchctedrDavPhGraha2,84ho pas4d 18- to Newcastle from Rice-Lake, had 1000 C.G.I.T. members were pre- PmightYhae becoea erlus en-d awi a amn, 1Who . asdyWNTDFRMFLO A Ractally Enein excllnt _____P._______. a birthay pbryoSaturdy g and wsnt. Brethday esa ndonSatrdayace, as there is nuch old dry grass mssed bY wife and famlI .ried man preferred, by mont condition. APPly ta M s. Leta Re l E t te For Sale recivd nube o loel gft. ws geatsucea ad etedin the orchard ta the east, right up or by ycar, at once, accustome Sharpe, Concession St. or phone. fut ram Toronto and Peter- about $20 for British War Victinis ta ch bases ot out-buildings of KANE - In loving lnmryaf ta horses andgerafrm ss 18-1 FOR SALE: - SOLID BRICK ffi haotageeanonn Centreing St.,ernBowofaii-al FOR, 5AL E 1 OESH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A_ _ u d . c o fafe s a ndwoas t l es oppn g bal ea J a m e s a n d D o n a l d K a n e , w h o w o r k . H o w a r d G i b s o n , p h o n e F R S Lh A D W R N E ,v l o e Cnen en c c s - Bw i l l pF O g S , e k l , aa y s a t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Att n u m b t er of N ie ast e eo le leading righ t dow g i t a Uic bul- pass d aw ay M ay th,, 1938. 2482, B ow m anville. 1 -1 F O g A Lco diio H ea p foM Grquv ile ,s od ch ap cose up an cd on pigss a te , s re y1h d __________________ ttede te 5thanivesayOf rushes and marsh grass that was Saine day we hope te mndtio TOCERLAL al.ApyMn, & ale.r uik e ste. eAplyA. E.Beaan Lan Qatr8T29.H the Lake Shore 'Union Surlday burning. A barrage iof wat.rwas sagate, 18-1 'KlnDale. Stt. AWest'. Bi 4 SttzngcBwale hn ' ~~School last Sunday atternoon and thrown across thc castern edge ot ain a, wNnw ltw en, isu bTweNE 5 u 5 eLarsoB20. E or met there a number of former the burning area ta kecpe tr cap theirhada te age, with car, nccded imei--IltFSuz rcsidents of the section, tecluding confmced ta the marsh ait this better land -ate ta hand out Fiee Soapte ORS LEiGSnNIEFRSAEBIK SIX ROOM *w% Ms. F. W. Bown, ber sister, Ms.. time. The ire was endangring Neer ta part agat. nearby rural route and suppîy Washer for balance owing, re- huse, nearly threacslnd FOR SiL-OKHR IS E. B.ho Stockdale, Toronto; M s. J. an i Uic post a uf t he i ne ence -Lovingly r m em bered by established d ad f r1vry u ck gad onhditi n E Fo s ix dpav e n ki d f fr uNtc e T eCa ~ Il . Vamplew, Toronto, sd M s. through Uic mars h b tw en Uic Mother, Daddy and Sisters. day Necessities tcluding Bak- fully guaantcd, terns if de- piano case organ. Mary Lumb, tates; u lo psue fr 1 HuhHneTrno.CrehadR m erse r-ig Powder Spices Extracts, sired. Apply Mason & Dale. Liberty St. 18-î* head ytn atc.PaeBw Hugh Hn ter ToAont. G eCayp rt h and r.. LGresley a duro-I lviMedicines, ë ensiMinera- 1 8-1 - manivile208 7 whoM' Mi.ved Mis A. W GengM.J ey, er hsud f.Lcrley ankd ;ELSH- lin~g merory of izde Tonics and ySpa, t. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-DE- ScottarhaverentiArtJ.rmembersFotmhispfaiency aurpWul.hSylpi FOR SALE-1931 FORD PNL sirable pé hryi apon SotMontgomery's bouse, have assiduously for saine tinie guard- who passed away -plril'30th, n xeiec o eessary as Teruc', L codtiniberstyvdhihay o movd uttepoarly a isfa ig ic osa udpittng 'u h 140and Edith Mary Wélsh who we train you. For full particu- tr iet St., Bowmsuville. with hard and soft watcr sud BLUE GRASS FLOWER MIST thcr's, Mi. Howard Glcnncy. Miss cipient tires. A large crowd quick- passed âway July 2lst, 1937. lr eadn ti pnn,18-il furnace. 2 acres ot land with TAKENOIEtaaiPean Helen M. Sith, B.A.,of thexcdg fruitthtrdcs;tbthn winh, havtegadaimsgaagainstistheniEstate M.Smt, .AotUi ig l aterdatth ceeaiog Peacetully sleeping,- regting at write Watkins, 2177 Mas son St ar wthhain PLUS A LOVELYATOMIZ-!R School staff, who has been board- whom wcie Reeve C. R. Carveth îast, Manrassubc.Dp.on Bt., FOR SALE - STRAWBEIRRY chick Ouse.. For particulars- Of Frank oisn aeo i ingwih tei, ccopaie thinsudConcllos . . Wltn, The world's weary troubles and 1-4 plants, Senator Dunlop $2.50 apply 1ta Kerslake, Hampton, Townsh:po alntn i h taUi tri wic i olya ouleFrd ouhChs awsu Cn- trials arc past, per 500, $4.00 per 1000. Also phone 541. 118-1*' CountyofuraMeanD- RGLRY of miles north 0f King St. stable Garrod. In silence thcy suffcred, in For RPemterys.Scugog St,,Bph-nc 2190. $. 0 2.0Y. P. U. held its'.closing meeting Patience thcy bore, Foevcntb day ôt Mach, A., 1941,10.Elvet on Monday night'with Marjory Y. P. U. ANNIVERSARY Tiil God callcd theni home ta are herbyntidtasdsy Lycett te Uic chair. Edwin Han- SERVICES sufer no more.18-2 claimsaagitthsidEatt- foaIm. ,..~j. cock had charge ofthUi pragrani. ..Ever réembcredj by family. FOR RENT -7 ROOMED'FUR- FOR SALE - BOY'S BICYCLE, gte fo ife în ey Bowmanville Young People put Rev. C. G. Park, M.A., Whitby, nished cottage at Bowmanville black leather couch, also day gether ithpofteeft i Tc knOw the complet. deligit of on a onc-act play "Mrs. O'Leary's was the Young Peoplc's choice for Beaw....nlaigmmoya chE at), f 2plaesudgag e. is advey Cobudet phon <of My .. 91 i Cow" which was greatly ciiioyed, their morning anniverary serice Waur dca m oersudfateir Mi. cren fre lceapdgMisgA.181 a ist]iuetcasesain Mu Gas Fowr ~s, pry fotllowed by vocal solos by Pauline on Sunday, April 27th, sud he ap- lad 1&.,Morey Wilkins, who T aitP. . ~' 477 Bamrsu- ENA. PR O1.8N-1o to sctite hrtohvn On after overy bath ..a*rDeine. Miss Helen Smith led te peared ta tultil every expectation. ps~ 'wy pi2uti, 1936, t v 0. gaA7"Bwmn TNES O CA ADCK£ tos every shower. The fragrance a.nuniber of games, stunts sud Associatcd with hlm bchind Uic sud May 7th, 1937, respectively. ville, phone 388. 18-tf.1* FOR SALE.-DODGE '33 COUPE, SEALED tenders addressedi alyttschdasofhec contests. A lunch of hot dogs, pulpit were Miss ___________Te____________cndtin______tmo udes ne. ndenorei "de the t lingrs... exquisite and unfor- tartsansd cofte was served. President oftNewastryleycett., The sunadcth god cdiio, w paint nia- frdeOI." Igned aiSendoed Tntl .DerseTEnsalhvnoie Ncwcatle YP.U., The sado~ FOR ENT -SMALLAPART- toi reconditioned, good 'tires, f rCii" il erecda utl y.M AEDa Mhay is et geffable. Mi. Willis Hsucock <Bil), son and Mi. Edwin HancQck, Conven- But love sud mernory live for- ment with 5 acres land. WiU heater and detroster, reasonable o the supply of coal and coke 61for dy of Aprl.. 91 ofRev. W. G. Hancock sud who ci of Uic Missionary Comnittee, ever. rcnt with or without thre land. for cash. Apply Laird, corner the Dominion Buildings throughout JOSEHPANAKC took su engineering course at wh a cc took part in Uic service. 1al missed by' their daugh-R..Sten,.R.3 Concession sud Manvers. 18-1* Por-aofnefOr io. 14½ Ring St. E. Queen's University sud who last Mr. Park took as his text, "Add -Sadlylle phonoetener637.spcif1aton Oshaa ntra wekfnihdapotgadaet yu athvrue n o ite ters and sons. amuilpan 67 81and conditions attached cam be oh- so wee tilshd apos-grduae t yor tithvirue su tavfftle_______________________FOR SALE - WICKER BABY tained from the Purchazing Agent, _________________ofPuble_______Ottawa; SOIcio o oehn course in Geology at Queen's, was knowlcdge, and ta knowledgc PASTURE TO RENT-160 ACRES buggy, in good condition. Phone Dprretc ulcWrs taa ousn xcti. 1- 18 and the Supervising Architect, 36 Ade -__________________ a weekend gueat of iris uncle sud temperance ,and ta tempersuce . . plete layette fram Hampton W. i gaod grass lsud, near Enficld, 835.18 laide St. East, Toronto, Ont. aunt, Mi. sud Mis. J. C. Hancock, godliness." He summced this up i East Gîoup. Prise winucrs werc: good creek. Address P. O. Box Tedr hould be made on the forme an sd also visited iris uncles, Messrs. three maxima, Uic flrst from Euchre - Ladies' -first, Mrs. R. b7, Bowmanville, phone 389. FOR SALE - ORD)SON TRCsupplied by the Department and in H. E. sud Fred Hancock. Hec is Grecce, Uic second frorn Rome Knox; ladies' consolation, Mis D. 18-1 tor and Fleury Plows, fornierlY ficotion mitde rndtai att leaving for Western Canada ta and tire third tram Judea, Know Burrus; gents' tirat, W. Tlr we yM.I udy o-teeo ,-take a position with thre Imperlal- Thyself, Contrai Thyself, Give consolation, E. Silver; Tayiglor FOR RETF oTEwESN ane by Mi . I HdaoyWthe eton o ene x ThOGoe ulMi C onpaay. A yalungpaeschi i 5to, MS. F. Blaekburn; e ~Pasture land with runnng rek Goodrici, 196Athol St. ., Oh- ceeds the sUill of 85,OO.O-wheheri t e . fr 0hed f aw.18-2* be for one building'ol rio~h urg .ille and ome ush enderers -muet attach to their tender carnied a story of an interview voices led inth sngn, with present frorn Hampton W. 1. attlc. Apply to Victoe etfedceu'n hree itralnngofatheNcwmyaretd now Mis. E. C. Fisirer at Uic argan. were Mr. sud .Mrs. R. Kniox Mr. -ampton, phone 2173. T18 ecea.-1.r~ rs f t0nub1e~ iue _PAS ~~~~national Dises (4d < , eryo itiing w was ot ncrstMtasrendcre a lle n. A sL. Clemens, Mis. L. D. FOR RENTpA o 0 SL FIT r- bmof the:::damaaYble ent are nowm ic hearmy for the dura- sisted the soprano section sud Sykes, Mus. L. Allen sdMs . saopet O R wTEr ud Brw, Ra. R.Phoeman10lle. H.f Pbim ount qaitend0er ent~ero pepl o Nwcste ndShsta h ongPol werehap was iedrea tyo mtn 0fUa h5sade, Lot 14, Con. 4, Darling-. 18-1 of the Canadian National Railway HARESRE AR ____ton______._H________IRR.Comanyand___contitetcom- N et enl. atoca o u e strai ht- t eir astor Rev R. E Mort n. L nch w s s ~ d sud a sa~ , u , phô e 2 ALE -PERSO AL R B- Pmies lxconitionlly uarmneeaa intervicwed sud whose sramt-en as tr ev .E. ng rateor unheirdatosee ad ascuei Bwiu~ 0me tai d - ta Principal and Interest by the Do-reovthbottwr fowr eak eepublished Like Uic mornteg preacher Mi. time enjayed. This work is bciing -1.f brGsieci ea c wpit In mtondf bond dacor theife cen fp <*< - . t l d L S ao~ d o~ ir av F RplaiZeld n eoER-.¶AG iO"AND e tioed b nen tfe:nchequeLEN sons oy M.AshtneydWi.Afin, Mro also went te St. Peter for donc under the leadership of Ms it ails p ue eD<mtetae ee qe that yeurhrosl age 25c. 4 saplesIf reufred to make UP an odd aniount. pet tndu ndrcn sudinsirtio fo hs srmn. t. . urrs.Wilson" s Furniture Co. $1.00. Aduits oniy. Dept. F, right to cemand fromn any succeseful tnesue Mi. Irvin Alun, ucspectively. Pic- Peter, he said, seenis ta have a A specdy rccovcry is ioped for Atex Rubber Ca., Box 231, Hamn- tenderer & security deposit, in the ius thyatcl.thsafor wtheunourw.nteaclaser Sprlng Maîtresses ilton, Ontaria.abave, equai to 10 Per cent of theroae. ep ticND amount of hie bld, ta gumrantee the thorn ae of Uicfie e ay hich ,lis of your mmnd." It was a ser- Master Jlminfl Savery, Newton- sprig-illed matrsecvrd jQaiy"Fiiics o yadr ha oes uhcsoadcr a n ortn u othei how Bowmsuville Hospital. you years of comfort. Anl sizes, Fergus Morill, Bowmanville Secretary Klnf St.lBe manviil lag. t ie i th Uitd huch ie tatatthi tmebeetthem. entertained at Mis. H. Rundîe's Floor Ceverlng spocial RECONDIT9,ND1T4RES18A2 ben ikfo oda *.no a.HaccBwavle sang work sewing.. S1.49 Borderless rugS 6' x9', pt 0%o trsadtbs blaed.Eri D.Gra ha ben es, icly rrsgedby ic eco- prensest display of floor coveringsansd sizes from $1.00 up. G. F. Jamie- .~driving Uic teanh Monday aiter- ation committee, Mesdames Percy Miss M. Barrett, Newcastle, rugs in tic city.l Wilson's puices son, Tire & Batteiy Sirop, King noon sud iad. intendcd ta plow Hare, C. R. Carvetir sud Harold been visiting her- cousin, Mis. F. are lower! sdSle t ît Mr.Jna. Douglas' garden, but as Toms,- adorned thre churci. Haney. Studio Couches adSle t 4t She was driving along Emlly St. Mr. sud Mis. J. Cator and &I-~ BABY CHICKS-BLOOD TEST- - tic horse suddenly became sick. Ralpi, Mi. and Mis. Bll Stacey, 3a9* Spring-filled s t udia cd Leghdrns sud Rocks, mixed, Mi. Gray drave into Uic ncauby Sjii.mTooto, visited at Mr. and Mrs. couches te attractive coveigs. sexed and started puileta. R.O.P. churci sheds wheue thé sick ani- P___ . Cator. Mi. J. Catar taok Mg 50 beautiful studio couches ta slrcd chicks. Ail eggs produced mal lay down. A vet. arrived, but Y. P. U. meeting on April 23rd parents ta Newcastle ta see Mr. choose froni at bargate puices that on aur faim. Low puices on> sppsuently Uic horse could not ho was opened by Puesident G. Bar- and Mis. Wni. ParnaI. wlll s8ave you msuy dollars. Rocks sud Leghorn cackerels. saved. rie and with prayer by Bey. Gard- New Cheuterfield Suites Alvin Clemnens, phone 2433, A number af Newcastle folk i- uer. Program was in charge of Bowmanville. 13-tf cluded in their celebration Of St. Miss B. Thanipsan. Bible refer- $ff skii39a"0 Modern spring-tilled George's Day on April 23rd-a visit, ences, F. Blackburn; tapie, Mrs. £VAA lenChesterfield suites, excellent cay- -~~'ta St. George's parliehhallwn r E. Darci; readings, Mis. H. Barrie erlngs, carved siow-wood. A real Feed and Seed tic members of Uic Girls' Axl and L. Squair; vocal sala, Miss D Visitais: Mr. J. sanderson, is'js buy. Chesterfield suites i heavy III______________ iary scuved tes. It was their usuelWnc. ne*ybl ots Vera Sanderson, Mi. R. Sander- tlgiired rlci velours, luxuriant FRSL O OBE Easter ,time tes delayed a week witir prizes, was canductcd by tiesOn sud Mr. R. Hoskin, Haydon, deep-seated coinduit, dustom.-b.iltFO SAE-N. BLR au tht t igtat. icsaeti eaersdmnohÉ gie onuc- tM. W . adusns . tyefulVuaatedcntuc otatues 5c bagn.12asSn. ocrli PENTECOSTAI Seveial Breakfast Suites, Kitchen FO]R SLOÏSE OATE,~Ot laepe osechena movbmENT" Cabinets, Couches, Wardrobcs,. No. 1 quality, White Star, about Ait .nty /ors mINIS be i dy May 3r4, Sevc ieintzinan Piano, China Cabinets,40b.4cbgotdlerd dw/us< Combluation Sun. 7.30 - CeM 6mg Cribs, Prams, Desks. 40pbu.Jaes abodlred anwh#u, s bueNJeicedqin h, ÇOMNG Came early fou cholce seloction miles wst of Pontypeal. 19-1* Doors TIW1$~,1187 Sas tiese bargates wlll b. picked ff *up ciulA"lla FOR SALE-WB ARE OMFRING .r ORS~ ii Là dii ump quEViGackSlFEEDEIVRYsainievarleties <ot Seold drain,Fe.MORSC i iiM PER O.,I umuITE rii EIVRaho doyer sud tuaeplants, Phono 480 Dowla"nii u rn b bVIVUU~~bI~ V~U ~ Wilson'& Furniture Co. fedidearo ed, ie Bownaaiivhhlode i " K n W , 0 C h hI. 29112, A , W . Glcumoey, N e wf - elé.Telpiroe Cark 0SHAWA 18-4 castle. 18-1