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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1941, p. 5

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THVRDAYMAY 1, 1941 TfME CANADIAN STA LNVILE, ONTARIO SL George'. Day Addreus Dy Canon C .R. Spéeer The serrmonaddxess deivercd What pawer bears their spinit up by Rev. Canon C.R pencer ta bracing Itheir. he"nt and nervingi algecongregation on St. their arms in victory? Surcly George'. Day, Apnil 23rd, at St. Uiere must be same spirit over- John's Churci, pnavcd ta be both shadowing thern, insplning and Informative and inspirational. challenging them ta "«Be strong Wlth plebsure The Statesman re- and ai goad courage!" prints a summation for Uic benefit Voices of Uic pait from ail Bni- -4- its readers wha did not attend. tain's nifghty dead cail out ta «he text was Joshua 1:6, "Be them "Carry On!"' And Uic Union strong and ai good courage." The Jack iconporated wlth the cross address iollows. af St. George stilU thrips their When Uic history ai Uic Battle hearts. XIs Uicspirit ai St. George af Britain is wrltten, how wll still alive today? histanians explain Uic courage and WIithUic nainieai that saint la character af Uic British people? asuociated all that is gionlous i Uic martial annals ai "Merry England." Even Creci and Agin- court had ta yield ta thc clarion calai "St. George for Merry OWMAnvILLE England." lu carlier Urnes whcn NUSy e thc flower oaiBritish knighthood MER ied their armi s ta the rescue ai 1the Holy Sepulchre ai the Re- jNeit to Hospital South Sd emr h nainieoai St. George wsterunfailihg watchword. Lamor, rop. For719ycars Englishmen have Phon 46 Box185 celebrated St. George's Day. The Phon 462Box-185 march ai time has hallowed and Place your onder wltb us for intensified this annivcrsary. The the followlng plants and you spirit and power ai ail the tradi- wlll not be dlsappointed: tion stands for is absorbed inta aur -national lufe. Strange, is it ASTERS, separate colors not, Uiat the practical British and mixed. cherish Uic tradition ai St. George ALYSSUM, white and new and Uic dragon? Now England violet has undertaken ta rid Uic world AGERATUM, blue ai a new scaurge, cail it what you AMARANHUS ray. The paverty ai historical AMARATHUSevidence for this is witnessed by CARNATIONS, mlxed the reluctant admission and Uic CALENDULA uncansciaus humor ai a canon PHLOX, mlxed fromn Pope Gelasius dated about LOBEIA, ine nd -494 which remarked that St. LOEI blue an d ht George must be included amang i blu and hitethe number ai those "whose LARKSPUR, mlxed names arc justly reverenced MARIGOLD, Fr'ch Harmony among men but whose acta arc MA4RIGOLD, New African knawn anly ta God." But sicc we are concerned NEMESIA, mixed with Uic ideas and ideais which NIEMBERGIA St. George epitamizes English- PETUNIA, Double iixed men everywhere on Âpril 23rd PETTJNIA, Fluffy Rutiles pay tribute nat only ta their pat- PETUIA, ose f Heven ron saint but toalal the happy PETUIA, ose f Beven warriors who devoted their lives PETUNIA, Blool Red ta the ovcrthrow ai evil. The PETUNIA, Baleony Blue f aith ai St. George was a gianiaus PETUNIAS, Glants of Calif. adventure. From his parents hie PORTLACA doule mxeulinherited a remankable love for PORTLACA doule mxed God and for his feilow men, ex- RUDBECKIA pressed outwardly in truc rei- SALPIGLOSSIS gion. Taday Canada and Uic Eru- SALVIAS SHIZANTHUS pire nced that saine spiit aif faith STOCS TAETES and courage. Faith creatcd aur STOCS TAVTES Empire' S stary. By falth British VERBENAS GERANIUMS hcrocs ai Uic mould ai Drake, ZINNIA Nelson and Wellington won .vic- No ettr qally t befou<i tories in their day. By iaith wc No be wher iyt ee continue aur quarnel against ar- Ms lRse erell, v r ogant nations anmed with a Ai» oses Peenias, Eer- drearu ai warld domination, dedi- greens, Fruit Trees, Tomaoes. cated to brutal destruction and Cabbage, Cauliflower, Onlons, iniiuman cruelty. By iaith the Peppens, Ete. British people and Uic armed BesIQualty Pants. . farces are obtaining a good repart Best MIft PIMt ... in their magnificent attempt ta ... At Lowest Priai save aur Christian civilization for _____________________ v__ thUicfuturej ___________________ » Strength of thse Motherlanul There la little virtue in passesi- .......... mg an historie past no matter haw glanious unless it sheds a * liglit upan Uic present and unlessi o nc may use it ta wcave a future. That is Uic strength ai aur mather- land. She liai hcld Uicglanes oai ____________ las ee t aefor1 THflTREe save lien past, but under T O M VLE stress she has been iound to be peetemergcncy. Today that1 »«little island is an anmcd camp1 ringed with steel. Wc do mctl i ThurS.- Fr1. - Set. doing homage ta the Sold'i aio thc King. XAY1 -2 - But no lesi do'1we banc aur1 THE HrIT 0F THE YAR9 heads in silent and revenant ci-1 teemfru iohUiccomman folk ai Lan,- ~lfTfhII *ftdon,- Coventry, Liverpool, «Man- ~IIIIfE. urchester, ai Daver, Sauthampton "STRIE UPand Bristol and a liundned other ~Itowns and hanilets thrust ita Uic nildst ai unima inable terror, yetj T H E RII1J their calru. This simple respanse Stannlng o riihcivilianS to deprivation Judy Garland, Mickey RooneY and cnuelty la anc oi Uic miracles with ai aur age; yet not a miracle, be- cause for ages Uic Britisih havej Paul wbltemau and ie ii been pncparing ion il iquiet con- Orchestra templation ai Nature ýat lier loveli-t est - lu Uic iettlcd peace OaitUic daily round, with integrity and, cheerfulness andi n'ot leat i the innate reverence they have hadE Mon, - Tues* - Wcd. for hly thingi. 1Thse Simple Greatnees XAY -67 In short Uiey have itriven ta S preserve le simple greatnes ofi the hurnan soul. Next ta theirt courage, Uic comradcship the Bni- "FOUSOaNat iSr tiali people have iaund unden .1 Pne.-Alex Patter; Secy.- EnnesI Hackaday; Treas.- [iveil; Plantat-Misa Annie ter; Pragrani Com.-Mr. and Isaac Hardy, Mr. and Mns. nolds, Mo. R. J. McKesscck, M(ay Mcrrlam, Mr. and M! Cruie sanks. An enjoyablq grarn was given: Vocal ade Yvonne Williamis; necitatlona, Retynoldà and Isobel Ci aon 8; piano solo, Clifford b from aur British heritage aur love of the native IE been deepened by ther the British hearts have wî ta tic very namne oai Therefore canadians mu only as debtors 0f the pasi creditors ai the future fig] thy ai so great an inhe Bomibs may destroy ch shrines and wreck havoc where but they cannat el morale and falth. Cours 9character, a peculiar Brits rcy which refuses ta subr yield, always wins waru. E 1and courage, then, aur Emr 9grown great; they will Canada and the Empire nf yet! Cadmýus Miss Marjorie Galbraith' turned ta Peterboro NormE being a student teacher at:1 School. Miss Margaret Rass, TI stayed wlth Mrs. Russel while a student teacher at ville ichool. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Russell and famlly' attended thc ai Fred Stacey af Little on Saturday. Mr. C. J. Mauntjoy, 1sl visited at Mrs. J. E. Elliot, Sympathy is extended t 1R. Slemon, Mies Annie Mc and Mrs. J. E. Elliott on thi ing ai their brother, Mr Mauntjoy ai Hampton. 1We weicome Mrs. 1. Wl back ta her home aiter sp the winter with her daughtE Gardon Brown, in Taranto Cadmus W. A. met at Mr. McGill's with an attends ten members and twa visite: meeting was opened by Pri Mrs. Galbraith. Devotioni vice was in charge aofIM Philp. Rall was answerec text ai scripture. Replies ta af sympathy were receiveÉ Mrs. M. Fallis, Mrs. O. Me and Mrs. C. Parr. It wasd ta get the piano in thç bau tuned. Program. was in ci Mrs. H. Philp and consis readings by Mrs. Preston Galbraith and Miss A. Moi duet by Mirs. H. Philp anc Leah McQuade, "Nearer m to Thee"I was much appre Lunch was served and a N thanka tendered Mn. McGi Solina Visitors: Mr. and -Mns White and sons, Orano, wi parents, Mr' and- Mrs. .( White. . . Mr. and Mns. Deweil, Myrtle Station, at E. Tink's... Mrs. Richard)1 Bowmanvillé, M.rs. Gea. Ste Salem, and Miss Mary . Deloraine, Man., with M Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Th, visited Mr. and Mrs. Nor Lacust Hill on Sunday. Thi. Baker spent Tuesday noon with her daughter, Mri Hogarth. . . Miss Jessie 'Y lees, Oshawa, at home.. . 1V Mns" - Mervyn Dickinson, Hope, Mrs. Frank Thorupsol Will Leask and f arily,E Thas. Baker's. - . Mr. JIn E and boy friend, Gaît, at M~ Smales'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Avery, Oshawa, at Mr. Westlake's. . . Mr. and Mr erett Eiliott, Mary and Be Oshawa, at Mrs.. R. J. hy sock's. . . Mr. and Mrs. V Smith and famly, Oshawa, Edgar Prescatt's. .. Mr. -Ge garth, B.A., Toronto, with 1 ter, Miss Mary Hogarth wh, tinues very weak. .. Mr. an Wm. H. White, Agincaurt, N Mrs. Wm. G. White, Donal Douglas, Orono, Mrs. C. Mns. Clarence Tink and dau Kathleen, Margaret and Yi Hampton, with Mr. and Mrn White. We welcome Mr. and M~ Simpson and famlY ai Cial aur community. They have cd on Uic Hogarth farru. The patrons of Uic beef rit Friday night and decided te on this year. Beef wiil be1 Mns. J. T. Rundle has ret hiome after visitlng her niece [Cyle Squair, at Shaw's. Mr. A. L. Pascac and Rcv ter Rackham attended a Pi tion meeting in Orono Tu night. The teacher and-pijpils c ichool are coflecting scrap 9papers, etc., tao be picked help finish Hitler. We think could be gathered up ail ový township and help win this Mr. and .Mns. Frank Wei Mr. Frank Westlake Jr.,ati -_Jhn e s.M. Goodman ilu mmwhsl aPot- chorus by th UiC p l*mauthargan improved *alter lier ilUnes.. d Mrs. sud plana mus e b arold Patter A beautiful basket ai eut flow- S. E. sud Francia Wottcn; piano solo, ers adorned aur 'churcli Sunday ReY- Mass Evelyn Parrinder. Guest evcnlng sud were placcd thene as 1,Miss speaker was Miss Eleanor MeMil- the requeit ai Mn. sud Mn.. CephsE I. J. Ian wha, gave an hItenostig sud Mountjay, Toronto, i memary oi le pro- Instructive talk on Notheru On- his brother Mn. S. Mouutjoy. )îlp by talao, descnibing Il& Industries, Y. P. U. met Frlday. Madlyr jJean sconeny, re, etc. She alo show- Wllcox toak charge ai the Wor- nulok- cd map s of It. A social ie was ship Service. Cai ta Washipî rMfle; enjayed sud lunch was served, -June Gelsel; Bible leuian, Mar. e. Even WAITNG iO1I TRIOUBLE and has meanlng oven In- "home". ast, nat , but as ht war- eritance. hrished every-» liminate uli lega- mit and By f aiUi Mie lias make rightier has ne- ýa alter Devltt's rororto, Brown; t ae- To hcip while away Uic long hours of watchfulncss on Canada' Larmer Eastern seaboard, these membens of a coastai defencé battery in funeral dulge in a gaie ai cribbage. Britain lington, ta s litthe Dim and Distant Paisi ountjoy Prom Thre Stalesman Files e pass- r. Samu______________ Ihitfield FIFTY YEARS AGO Saw a mast Uiilling siglit whe cending one ai aur manoplanes liad a du er, rs. cet hit iroru the German ant un ns rom Tii. Canadian Staternim, airerai t guns. It was eut lu tw s. A. E. Ma.y 6, 1891 apparentiy just behind Uic pilo ncec- ai W. didn't know whcther ther ns. The Wc present aur readers thio were one an two men i it. H ,esident wcek with a eut ai Uic Disciple's mu st have been killed whcn th ia ser- new house oai sipad a po- sheli struck. We had a loak at 4rs. Hl. trait ai Uic wQesnshp an.or KeV with peniscapes but could se cl by a E. B. Bannes. It was Uic intention Ca hing ai the pilat or observer.. letters t oilanw the dedicatian i a marenan Dart, son ai Jas. Dar ,d froru series ai special meetings but Uic was instantly killed by a sheli. eQuade Dominion elections coming on Uic went dawn ta his bunial sud wret lcclded sernes was deferned until Mardi. his father particulars. . . I hav tsient nat had my boots off for abau ýage ai Prtedi ai The Statesmnan: ten days but hope ta change n tcd ai . chrsarc neyer donc appeal- clathing tomarrow if my kit corne i, Mnm. ing for moncy for Uic heathen in down fraru the transport. untjoy; oncugu lands but smofaithese Fe .Bokagsdo id Mis sarue preachers have no compune- Fe WMrokansndo ay Gad tian in a]lowlng their appoint- Mr. J. F. Brooks, Caurtice, write ecae.menti ta b. closed up on Sunday. lipom a Malta Haspi"Theai Ui G vtofIs thcrc any wondcn thesc divines ~oieprecWTebs il mailer.gawg complet. reit alter Uic awiul tiri Ladies' Choral Club concert this*c had iu Uic trcnches. One gel year wai in Uic farn ai an "Olde used ta sheils - the ouly thii Foikes Concert." The club hm deiy gctting used ta is Uic enci been practising ail winter under mous amaunt ai fleas and bugs.. Wil Miss Armour's direction. Since One ai Uic great causes ai dises riis thUi club was ionmed it lias given la the carcless way the Turks bur George thnee cantatas sud increased- Uic thein dcad - only a foot belci Poney membenship ta twenty-ane. Uic gnaund. Whcn Uic stanm car Mn. H. The educating power ai temper.--and washed up Uic dcad ai pooley, anc. has mueh ta aceomplishet veryonc got frozen I was ruight ephens, judging îrom Uic retrogrde glad ta get out ai it ail. I expec Squair, movernent ruade ta license vaion when I get cured I shail go1 r. and hotels in Uic township; we fean lEgyPt." ley all the cvii resulti ai thia action are News was recexved that anathe rton ai but beginning ta b. icît. Bawmanviile boy, Ernest Lloy .n. Sa lina: W. Kivcll is still vcny Sanders, was kiled in actioni iahter- siek with lung trouble. . . . Wm. St. Elai, Apnil l1Ui. Ris relativE s. J. D. Vice is spending Uic summer at anc lus stepruather, farmerly MÛ ilaow- North Bay. . . . Villagers turncd Charlotte Wardcr ai this towi ar. ou ut with dogs and guns and alter an an aurit, Mns. Wm. Painton. Part cçonsderable chas. capturcd a fineL ~.tr a long and braveîy fougl aMn.. wild rabbit. eligle for health John N. Mai at Mn. Cartwright: Jas. Thomu ai Bethel Diougaîl, tawn treasurer, diedo S5males has rented Wm. Bartiey's i..n... Apnil 25th. He has been eruplaye r. jas. Mn. Montgomery froni Carmiel liai at Uic Upper Canada Furnitur C. A. moved inta aur village... . About Ca. and Dominion Organ Ca. Lac Frank 40 f eet of Uic mMi dam at Cadmus fail le was appointed treasurer o rs. Ev- was carried away lait wcek. Mn. reignatian i Albert Barber. arbara, Brown intends building it stronig- J. C. Wilkinson ai Uic Bawmar WcKes- er next Ure.. .. The stables ad- ville Foundry has acccpted a posi Vilbert joining Uic store an tUicocaner of tion i St. Louis, Mo. Jack wa at Mn. Churcli and Seugog St. caught assistant sccrctany in Uic MeUic B. Ho- fine Uic other evenlng. Wmn. Caw- dist S. S., member ai Uic churi] his is- an us Uic owner. Two hanses werc chair, and secrctary-treasurero 1a con-, burnt ta cinders. The stable, Uie Uic Hospital Board. d Mnm. store, Uic hause, dwelllng andL dr. and sliap occupieul by John Atkisi, ieut W. J. Hoar, who lias beei Id and shocruaker, Uic residence ai Wm- recruitmng for smre turne, liai bei Johns, Taylor, Uic vetcrinany office of transienned ta take charge ai th igieiDr. Alex Wsunan, Uic home ai caInPany. fnoMns. Moore and iamily sud Uic Fine broke out Thursday in th s. Gea. James Hommes carniage shop werc west shed bcbauging ta Hotel Bow nazed ta Uic ground. On gin ai Uic man. Same vehicies belanging t [ns. H. fine is unknown but we !ear some A. M. Wiliams and other praper irkc ta fcllow lias a liard licant ta inten- ty tred there were burned. a nv- tioually do sucli a Uiing. If it be Ebenezen: Miss Lila Osborn mtsO rnay hiii conscience nat give has resumcd teaching in Taranto ng mt hm ret tli e confesses Uic deed. . Miss Lear is again in charge o: i carry Total las s aesirated at about Courtice school. . . John Arnolt j6e lb. $6,700. Taunton, liai movcd with hi Lunned Caurtice: Our cheeme îactary daugliter Mnm. Blake 0k. ,Ms.stanted Manday. Mn. Pelton the Hampton: Death liai nemavec e r.energetie manager lias been lu- thc wiie ai Jesse Salter. . .. Wil r Wal- dustrlousiy working up Uic milk Clark is- making extensive lun rnliibi- cause during Uic winter manths provements on lis residence... uesday with good results. . . Wmn. Nichais A. E.- Jennings us bumy ruakmngi liad a lamb wcigLhl 1lsat4 pretty lawn around liii new houae of Our houri ai age. . . Fred Brooks lias Bert's a hustler. iiran, added sevenal acres ta bis a]ready up ta lange estate in Uic Old Co=ury cmucli Orano: Dr. Renwlck lias mavcd Hamipton rer Uic inta town ..... .. David Marshall- ___ a won- liai returned froru British Columu iioS r .G esa bisa ater spending anly s iew days TanotviitDhlm G.ter lk illake, iu that province... Robt. Gil stili TrtKensike . . .iss Conis .ended sufieri great pain froru the uir en ancomb, anout.a,. Mis home taT_ ono- orfuthr retmnt ar lie ro~ nto wS hm. janie Ailin; reading, Madlyn Wil- cox; Gladys Kersey led in prayer. Program was ini charge of Muriel Smith; Wilfrid Smale gave a read- ing; Norah Horn favored wîth a piano solo; Mary Miller read a poem; toffic on "1How the Name Christian Began"' was presented by Edith Rackham. Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Barron visit- ed friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, Ta- ronto, at W. E. Stevens'. Mrs. Albert Cale and son Don- ald, Bawmanville, visited at C. W.' Souch's. Mr. and Mrn. L. Truli and son Franklin with Orono friends. Miss McClure, Toronto Normal School, in student teacher at aur school. Ciarence Smale visited his mo- ther, Mrs. Ida Smale. Misses Bertha Armour and Edith Rackham have accepted positions in the Dominion Bank, Oshawa. Mrs. F. Williams and daughter Betty visited her mather near Listowei. SINGERS AND THEIR SONS Wrltten speclally for The Statesman by weIl known Durham boy, Fred R. Foley, 123 Lake St., St. Catharines,- Ont. NURSERY SONGS AND LULLABYS Sing a sang ai ixpence A pocket ful ai rye. Four sud twenty blackbirds Baked lu a pic. Whcn the pie wai opened The birds began ta sing, Wasn't that a dainty dish To et befane a king? During this senles, which liai been runuing neanly t w e 1 v e ruanths naw,_- muichl Quger than anticipated, -w. have rambled along many avenues ln the City ai Sang, Iu anc w. saw Uic world's great ingers, noted Uic many countries rcpnesented, Uic widc variety in their castumes, lan- guage, etc.; in anather w. strailed down ta the sea - met the ailor lads with their blue jackets aud wide-legged pants, singing their nollicking sea sangs. Again, in anothen sub-divisiou, w. viewcd raws on nows ai white tentsansd the soldier boys singing their pat- niotie and nonsensical sangs. Stil anather intenestiug avenue wam fiiled with little pickaninnies; we heard the stnumrning ai banjocm sud the negro sangs aud spiit- uals. Another section brauglit us among the camposers ai the world's operas and oratorios, men ai rare gcnius sud achievemeut. Each avenue had its own peculia sangs, scenes, eveuts sud intenesti. Wc wauld nat close the erles without a short stroil down the avenue wlicrc the youngsters are singing, dancing sud playing. It la the avenue down which we werc fitt led ai chidren sud neceived aur first lessans in music and lit- erature througli the aId nursery lullabys, rare gerus, plaintive minar airs, nicli with thc sacred memonies ai mothers crouing aven aid, woadeni cradles, putg their little ones ta sleep s=nin "Rush, my babe, lic still sud slum- ber, Holy Angels guard Uiy bcd." Or fathers, dangling the yaung- sters an their kuces as Uicy sing "Bye, 0 Baby Bunting, Daddy's gane a-liunting, To get a little r ab- bit skin to wrap Baby Buntiug lu." As we wsudcr down Uic avenue we pass smail graupm singing "Lit- tic Bo-Peep lias last lier sheep";- "Jack sud Jil wcnt up the bllI"; "Tliree blind mice, sec how theyLi L'OI BABY NEE DS FOR BABY WEEK 'At HARRY ALLIN'S Carnaion rown Brand MAILK CORN Ta 2o i SYRUP Tins for 20C Heinz Strained3c INFANT FOODS Tis2 V - 0 rand Aylrner Pinoapple Juice Tomato Juice mu 25c 3 Ti25c SuflkistNÂfAvL ORANGES dos. 30c Aylmer Obritie 'a Arrowroot APPLE JUICE BUSCUITS 20 os.1Oper pound3O Phone 367 - 368--- Free Delivery nun"; "O0ld Kig Cale wai a mer-- ley sud Mns. Walter Park spont ry old oul"; "RHeigli ho Uic denny thc weekend in Ottawa. . . . Mn. oh, Uic farmer's in the deIl";,"Ten Carson Taylor sud Harry, Dixie, littIe niggers going out ta dine, at M-r. Wos. Taylor's. .. Mr. John- One dlioked lis little self, sud ny Wood, Rydro Construction Co., then there were nine"; etc. vusited frieudi befene returning te Farther down, Uiey arc singing lii home at Weatpont. sud dancing around the Maypole Wc welcome Mn. sud Mrs. Wrn. or moving about in circles, siug- Wrighit, Enniakillen, ta Uic village. ing "Ring Around a Rosie"; "'Ga- They have maved into Mm. thering Nuts in May" or "Rere w. Wight's houme. go 'round Uic muibenry bush, Sa Y. P. U. presented their play carly in thc manning," sud sa on "Closed Lips" in thecoenlmnulity sud so an.. hall Friday niglit. Rev. Garner These dean aid nursery rhymcs acted as chaininan sud wai ioud and tunes are so ald sud time- lu lis praise for Uic fine perorm- wornUieir authorship is mostly suce. Billy sud Donald Dudley fargotten - but we love theru sud Gregor Freund sang. The sud pais theru ou ta aur chidren draw for Uic lucky ticket on a sud aur chidrenm dhildren. motor nug went ta John Rundle. The farmers are ail busy an thre land. Some have almast complet- Tyrone ed their seeding. Bain la needed Visitars: Mn. sud Mns. Chas. Kersiake sud George, Hampton, Mn. sud Mns. Arthiur Moore, En- niskillen, Mnm. Wm. Saunders sud Mn. Fred Moore, Bawmanville, at P Mns. Byran Maorc'm. . . . Mn. J. Thorupson, Mns. H. Mencen sud dhildren, Mn. sud Mns. W. Cach- rane sud son Reid, Onono, 1fr. W. I Mils sud daugliter, St. Mary., at Mn. Wil Virtue's. .. Mn. sud Mns. Howard Wonnaeott sud Rami, Part Credit, Mn.. Stan. Beckett sud . Joan, Bawmsuville, at Mn. E. A. Virtuc's. . . Mn. sud Mns. Cecil Slemon, Enniskillen, at Mn. Rus- sel Wriglit's. .. Mns. Floyd Dud- HOB.BY SHOW OPEN TO YOUNG AND OLO SATURDAT, MA! 31d Exhitors are asked to have their exhibits ins as early as possible se that Uic Indepeuadent juiges willsot be delayed. In Uic aiternoon uni evemlng lth e os will be open ta the genenal public. Masses include: Art Collection., UManual Training, Eouaehld Science, Dom- estio Science, Projecta, Needlework, Industrial Crata and Photography. Everyone from the ycingest hd tW 1the oldest adult nsay participa. Admission to Non-ExhibItoars - Adulte 1 Se - Chlldren 1 Oc Sponsored by BowmanvilIe Lions Club PAGE PMV Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions hem AUlSttin in lad,, Canada. GOING DA1LY MATy 17. 28#,1941 INCLUSIVE Retur» Limit: 49 dayu TICKETS 000» 1IN- COACHES aitares approxlmatoIy 1 1-Se per mile. TOURIST Sleeping CUa st ainapprexlmately 1i38o per mile. STANDARD Sleeping Cams aitfares approxlmately 1 5-8e par mile. Cut of Accomodation In Sleeping CamsAdditional. BAGGAGE checked, Stopoviirs at AUl Points enrouie. Similar Excursions front Western te Eatern Cana"Dmiurng Saine Perlod. Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations, and ail Information %rom any Agent. ASIC FOR HANDBIlLJ T-137 1-8-22 CANADIAN NATIONAL Humdsuof imiies Bhowtng wide range cf hob- bies from Domestie Science Wo Photography. - Corne and soi theux. - mmki 1 Iký toi

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