T=E CANAt)IAXN JBOWMANVILLO'JAX ~'1fl3EBD~AY~ MAT 1, SPORTNEWS ~~Oguz oM SltaiLa Rural Teama Iuvited To loin-up It was definitely decided at a special meeting of the Town Soft- bail League ta have a league this year. Although there seems to be a talked of scarcity of players it is hoped that there wiil be more than enough teams ta make it a succcss. Ail organizations wishing t<> en- ter teams must make applcationi by Tueaday, May 12th, ta the Sec'y.-Treas. Bill James at The Statemman office. Upon acceptance into the league each tesam wiil be required ta pay an entry f ce of $3.00, refunded if the team cm pletes the seasen. It is hoped that organizations outside of the tawn wiil enter teams ta make the league as pewerful and interest- ing as possible. It is rumored there will be at least three teams fram town with a possible fourth. No limit has been set as ta the number of teams that may enter the league. The problem of a diamond secms ta hold no difficulties this year wth hardbail aimost defin- itely eut of the picttire. Three places will likely be available, public achool, high schoal and LET US TOUR 011 a Watur LubrieçUem Tres Thse services are a&U free. Just drive lu snd while we're puttig sceg n am jour tank we'il be perform- ltg &Ul thoeeother twas afor Let us quote yen a bargaiu pftee ou a complete sprlug Overbaul. GARTOW'S GAR Phono M S EsService Crcam o! Barley Camp, with thc new Goodyear recreatiori grouud a likely feurth place. An clectien of officens took p lace wth Uiheleowing elected: President, Sid Little; Vice Prezi-1 dent, Ted Large; Seccy.-Tnreasurer,9 Bifi James.1 Nent meeting ef the league wil be hcld May 121h aI 8 p.M. te draw up schedule sud approve o! teams. F or est e rs Prepare For Bail Season Canadiari Order of Foreuteri met Apnil 24th, with H. H. Rich- ards in charge, and Oshawa Fer- esters as guests. A clasu of candi- dates were initiated frein belh1 CeurIs, by Bewmanville doge. team, under supervisioni of Mai-1 shail Fred Stannard. Gordoni Hurst, Oshawa, repert- cd that s Foester bal bague would b. speriuened by Court Osh- awa with eight boys' learns sud four girls' leamis. H. B. McCabe has deriated a cup fer Uic girls' teamas. Inter-court gamnes wil ho plsyed Ureughout th. sunurer1 and wiil take thc faim o! leDunna- mneutsansd picnicu. At Uic end o! thc seasori a Foresten girls sud beys teamu wiil hold su inter- court plsy-off. Deug. Taylor, clairman a! Bewmsuviile sparts cemmittec,: had betb. hla girls sud beys teams eut Saturday for a pre-scasari weîkaub. On May 3rd bath these teains will play two exhibition gaines la Bowmnanviile with Osh- awa. Bd . Hendemmen, Oshawa, ex- tcndcd a hearly invitation ta Bew- manvile members sud fricnds ta social evenin*s la Oshawa on May otU sud 121h. A joint church parade la te ho held la Bowmanvlile cri May 4th. s ___________________________61- W ar Serices Fund UnqualifiedSucoess The campalgu of Uic Canadian War Services Fund has been su unqua]iie sccemdeclared Jame Y. urdoh, .C., preai- dent of Uic permanent erganiza- tien known as Uic Canadian War Services Fund today, cemmentlag on thc resuits o! Uic drive new nearing completion. An official announcement re- vealed total Dominion contribu- tions o! $6,207,961, with an esti- mated $325,000 uiill b come. 0f tbis amount $4,007,370 has been paid in cash. The objective o! Uie campaigu wss $5,500,000. Mr. Murdoch aise lasued an ap- peal te provincial sud district comniittces te "«carry en" in Uic collection of pledges sud te "pre- W ren 0W" for rient year's drive. r.Murdoch's statemerit follows: "As- wc rèpertcd on Uic 22rid o! Apnil, Uic firaI united War 8cr- vices àppeal held la Canada ws su unqualilied succesa. The aie- gan appeal te lhe citizeris of Canada was "The boys rely on Uic folks back home" and truly Uic citizens e! Canada have proven ti a very definile sud practical manner Ihat "Our Beys" can rely on lhem. Truly il muat make "Uic Beys" and ail truc Canadians proud te be "Canadianis" and what an inspiration thc support sud generesily e! Canadians te their fighling men musI prove 10 -our bombed brethers sud sisters e! the British Isles. The rneney will net be wasîed. "The Directors o! thc Canadian War Services Fund critemed Uic campaigu fully resllzing Uic pe- lential difficultiez o! briaging five or six organizatieni together lnaa joint appeal, sud also rcalized fuily Uic tcrmific handicap thc Campaign Cemmittees ail acrosa Canada !aced in Uic shortnesm o! time available sud teUicmirntations o! weather conditions. Beth these f acters, however, had te be con- sidered la Uielighl e! other Na- tional War efferts geverned by aur Federal Governmerit sud there wss ne alternative, having regard 10 Uic Natian's total nceds. "We are glad now te say Uhal Uic speritaneoum respense o! Uic public, both in turenesd effort given voluntarily by thesé who werked in Uic campaigri, sud la Uic spirit and actuel. result shewn la ichemonetary report, proves .beyond a doubt that Uic principle lasebal I. iUalikely This Season Clii Shortag'e of Players Cuse The future of the Lakeshore pregeo wihgve iet h Intermediate Basebail League de- f eeugaenymabexpcd pends an ce-operation of Oshawa, ro 90ex~tv wt o Peterborough and Bowmanville Dedgc cf -Cobourg as president interets in entering teanus te was asked te retain office tWl the inake up the league it was decidcd fate of the lait erganized inter- Friday niglit at thi, §;.end >net- rnediate leep east of Toronto is ii -cled this Spring te -organize decIded.--The deadlîne *for the the leop. Cobourg doeez fot expect teama te accept the invitation te te field a teamn, but Part Hope enier the lpagiie la May 101h. representatives expressed the be- Should enough entriez be received * ief a local team ceuld be fermed. ta mahe a schedule, a general Bowmanviile club wrote a letter ]meeting wifl be cailed in Port atating they could net enter a Hope on May l5th. teamn but in the same breath asked The league's difficulties are at- te be informcd o! the meeting's tributed te the war. Players are acarce in SOmne centres and in others they are werking leng bheurs and cannot get time off te play bail. - W The iack cf intereat ini the meet- ro A G ng by executive membera cfth teaMi operating in the league hast Llu ortiel Cold Storage year was reflected ini their non- Wrated to give coId dry attendance. Only one town, Co- our gauents againat =u bourg, had executive members at er lugeais, as weil as sum- the meeting. There was considerable discus- sien on tewn leagues operating ini lay or each Of the towns in the & Dry Cleaoing lagueor lut year, adetrn h O.B.A. picture. TI Cobourg how- rLlMled ever the town eague la cornpesed We EaU snd Delivel' of players sixteen years cf age and underi while in Bowrnanviile at prescrit there is ne tewn lea- gue with ne prospect la sight. The six team league which is expected ta operate la Part Hope wauld ilium have the advantage over Cobourg la any playef! seriez of thit.nature. The posibilitY cf Port Hope entering a team from the Town League wss aise dlcussed. Should this, occur. the tearn would net reprezent the Lakeahorc League but would b. pureiy a Port Hope teamn entcring the O.B.A. on a bye. EmgihLt Oui readers wi]l necail that nomne wceka ago Sapper Eruest Dent la a lether te The Statosman made sorne cemmonts wbich were net tec flattening about bis oh- servatiens i Bnghand. W. have since received Uic following lelten frem a "Keritish weman" whe takes oui correspondent te task in these wonda: B 25239 1 Sapper EnnesI Dent,, 2ng ?Id. Cey. Royal Canadien Englacera Base P. O. Canada. Poen Dent,- I arn afrald jeu have corne te England etaI sdg.f cuit lime, natlonlng makes il di!- ficult. You warit te laite norne e! oui sirloins wlith anseiadish sauce, on onst park with sage sud orlon sluffiag and apple sauce, on goed leg o! multon wlithred oui- nant jelly, or'shoulder wihenlen sauce, but I like gaod grilled steak wlU big lumps o! butter sud chepped paisley p ut on l, wi bensuas nicely frled la butter a golden bnewua, wlithchipped po- tatoes sud brusacis. W. know h ow te use seaaaning properly. Sc son-y te heary ou are dis- appcinhed la Enghsud id Its bad ways. Now y ou will gel guesaing how I gel a Canadan paper. Ta*m rosi British sud pnoud o!fl, from A Kentiah Wornan, P. S.-Yeu seldom see ý pan used for mid-day mel. o! a united cam a nsd .lso Uic work o!fUic Wr drVico Or- ganizationu, meet with thse-en- Uiusiastic approval o! Uic people o! Canada. "'New that Uic camipaigri la near- ing comphetion, Uic Directori of Uic Canadisu War Servies .Fùnd wimh te assure ail those who sup- perted this, Uic firat unltcd'ns- tienal campaigri, that w. have Uic broader inerest la this country, au apart o! Uic British Epr~I Ui forefront o! ail our delia- tiens and decisions. "If aur heart-feltt Ughtà wenc answered another War Sêryfees Appeal wouhd net b. nccesaary but we must "Prepare NoW.s "We arc assuurcdby these who have been meut active la thia eau- paigri Uiat Uic nekrt drive teehni- cafly, wil ho much lma difficult, for many ressens. Prepaitions wlll begin immnediately f«r the lay' f of Uic grcundwork nes- sary for riext yearla campag.W-e hope that the Provincfia su. .Dis- trict comnitteez Uroughot. the~i country, whe have done sucà ' ex- cellent werk, wilU censider tIbon-- selves as more or loua perlinênt officers. We look ferward -tôbai- ranging wlihUiern se that crie ef their appeintees wil take chagge o! Uic uricoilected cenributions in their District, and aime t1at w 'may ceunI an their ceoperat.lon in arranging fer Uic drive rient jear if it la necessary." Soldiers Apprecite Papers .from Homi Writes bMidlauds O.C. Lt. Col. J. C. Gamey, M.M., &.D., Cemmsuding Officer, 1.1 Bn. Mid- land Regt., A.F., stationed aI Lans- downe Park, Ottawa, makes these irileresling cemments in a botter ta Uic editer: Dean Mr. James: The value o! Uic local papena te our beys la beyond praise, it's lik. getllag a community letter fronu home each week. Iu reverse, toecp Utche lks back home inlermed we wli make a serieus effert te give you Uic newa, se fan as cenisonshlp will permit. You may be intcrested te know Uial witin Uic past week I have had very kind bItters frern eur Henorary Colenel, Heu. Vincent Masscy, sud Mai. Gen. Herbert, cemmanding Uce Royal Northum- berland Fusiliers, with which we anc affiliated, ssklag us te look Uiem up when we gel aver., colonel Bob arn who la well knewn areund BowmanvilIeý had dinncr wiUh us Uce other day and inspected thc unit. Later ho for- wsrded twe magniliceut cupusud îa shield for inter-cempaiiy com- petiblinlan'Traiing' sud 'Sports'. Yiours very truby,' J. C. Gamcey. REG!sTER wOOL AT WAREHOUSES Bxcept fer Uic comparatlvely simail proportion e! wool IW! ich wli. be aold direct, te wo~I milis 'by preducers, ail Cana 1ié« unwashed fleece weah sold cem- rnercially la 1941 mueI ho officiai- ly graded la wanehouses sauthai'- t zcd by Uic Marketing Service, Dominion Departmerit o! Agricul- ture. A censiderable number o! applications for such warehouses have becri recelved. Ms aI April 15, 1941, registrationi has becu granted to thc following: Ontarlo Ne. 1. Canadian Co-operalivo Wool Growers Ltd., Westen, Ont. No. 2. The Canadian Weel Corn- tpany, LId., Acten, Ont. . Ne. 3. G.,Whitakcî & Ce. Ltd., -Peterborough, Ont. t No. 5. Williaim Stone Sons, Ltd., Irigersoil, Ont. Ne. 6. James McKeuzie & Cern- pany, Ltd., 747-lut Avenue Bast, Oweni Sound, Ont. 3 No. 7. Canada Packers, Ltd., Strachan Avenue, Toronto, Ont. MARK s OSHAWA Today - Fr. - Set. Y"RCOT TONE PEGGY MORAN Ail»? DEVINE Thse rediest, Eowdlest Pages of tIse Wild West la %%Ta or0 TE VIGILANTES"I PLUS %lm IEDID TOU OUETT GRL wlith HELEN PAEISH LEON ERROL Next Mon., Tues,, Wed. Thse ComaIv HMt of1MeTear! BOSAiN» RUSSELL MELVYN DOUGLAS lu %,Tul TE UV11» LOVER j AISee It.. Ev Capt Elmore Phlt The fact that the Berlin prep a- ganda machine us grlndig eut se many atories ta the effect that Spain's entry lIe Uichewar la im- minent ahould put that report la thc extremely doubtful category. An overwhelming mass ef evi- dence s st that Turkey, net Spai, l Ice nt and meut lm- pertant on the liaI for Nazi at- tention. Yet thc oceub>atiori of Spaiby Uic Aia powers la aise a foregone conclusion. The only queqtlon lu when wli Hitler de- cide ta order Spaila. There are. tbree potent ressens9 which IndIcate -a iiot-leng-delayed meve by thé Germansand Itlans in Spai. The firat la utrateglc. Hitler cannot flnaily whn Uic Bat- tic for Uic Mediterranean unlesu and until he closez bath gateways into it - Suez and Gibraltar.. The second la political. Aimost every day bringi new talk frem, Berli about thc New Order la Eurepe. The Nazis dlaim, for de- mestic consumption at least, rtat their one aim la ta drive the Bn- tish eut cf continental Europe - and te kcep them eut for ail time to corne. The whole basis cf this propaganda argument is lopmlded unless the Nazis deminate the whole land bloc cf continental Europe. Apart from Greece, whese temporary fate la net finally de- cided as yet t there are but three countries la Uic continental Bure- pean bloc net under Nazi rule- Switzerland, Spain and Pertugal.* None ef theme countries la un a. position ta resist Nazi accupatien effectively. Moreover, it la Uic height of downright felly te- ex- pect Fasciat Spaite attempt even ta do se. There neyer would have been a Fasciat government la Spai but for the large scale niitary inter- vention la Uiat ceuntry by Uic annuies of Italy and Germany. There la ne particular point now in remindlrîg ourselves of our past fallies. But it was enly while Uic actual war was, atm e n la Spai that Uic Nazis and Fasclats pre- tended Uiat they had ne armiez there. They have ever since net only admitted it, but exultinglY given funl details. For us new ta expect Uiat the Nazis will net cash in ta Uie full on their past* military lavestmnerts is positively puerile. Spain wlf net lit a finger te stop itler frem mevrng te attack fibraltar, anid will probably do what uhe can te help in. WU£L THE ROCK HOL»? The best information tUal 1 have been able te find suggests Uial the Germans mighl; be able ta cloee flic western gateway te Uic Mcdi- lerranean witheut actually captur- ing Uic recky fortress itself.- There are en Spanimh soul heavily woed- cd'and naturaily protectcd areas fram which Uic harber at Gibral- tar niight be-mnade,4untemble-by constant heavy artillery fire, and se beceme uselezs as a naval base. Ocupatlen e! both coass ofe! i Straits 'o! Gibraltar by German armies would be possible without. capture cf Gibraltar. H. V. I<al- tenhoin has declared Uiat he saw wlih hm own eyes well prepared German gun emplacements on ic African aide o! Uic water galeway. These, o! course, wauld go a long way teward making Uic Straits impassable ta shipping. ON U. S. DOOBSTEF Personally, I woUld regard a Nazi occupation e! Sai as any- tngbut -an unmix evii fer us. he fail of Turkey weuld be quite different. If it eccurs our whele position la Uic Middle East be- comes extremely grave. But Uic Spanish story la altogether differ- cnt. The minute that Hitler meves into thc Iberian peninsula he puts bis foot on Uic very dooratep te thc American continent. The Arn- enican people, right new, arcernak- lng up their minds te keep open, at ail costs, Uic North Atlantic shipping larie te Britala. I Uiink MILI TARI WATCH Depedable There's no- thlne inr-; notlq amarer for the soldier û=a the Elco "ACTIVE SER- VICE" wrlst wartch. Practical, sturdy, quarateed depend. ahi. lumlnat.d dia!. S. J. HARTWIO imu st. z.. DowMaavlie !thwllrshat-oltomeghd nuetha lvethat -iy ll ever1 d aget; eend tamuethe lght la continental Europe. Occupatien of Spai by Hiler' rnight bo speedfly follewed by Nazi occupation o! Dakar - the French port on th1e west censt e! Afrlcà from whlch Nazi trateglats have bossted Uhal Uicy wlil launch their penetratien e! South Amer- ica. Nobody in al Uic world knews botter what thc Nazis Intend te try le do Usu dees Presiderit Roosevelt. That la why I thik that a Nazi move lIe Spain mlght weil bring from the United States a direct declaratiori such as ts: If yeu cross such-and-such a lino we fight., I do net knew where such a Uine rnight be. But I weuld gueus that meut Amenican f ighting Men would advlae their goverument te fight rather than te 50e Dakar made a base fer a Nazi spring- board jump ta Latin Anuerica. BATTLE FOR LIFE There is al Uc differerice la the worid betWeen Uic impertance o! Uic BaIlle o! Uic Atlantic sud thc Battle fer Uic Mediterranean. We cen loue Suez, Gibraltar, the whole Mediterranean, hall o! Africa sud miuch of AMia witheul finallY las- ing Uic wan. Il *ouid be, certain ly, a much harder task and longer lask to beat Germsuy - fer we would have lest much e! Our pewer le weaken by bleckadc.. BpI Hitler cen only whi Uic war outright by beating Britain inl Bnitai,an by cutling off her feed sud wan supplies at ses.. There la lois ressen new than Uhere wss last fail te believe that Hitler can successfuily invade Britain. But Uce harsh facts o! Uic Battie o! the Atlantic are ether- wise: The tide o! that baIlle must be reverscd er Nazi victory la auly a question o! tfimo German submarineusud air- paes ae nowsnigaic hippla l ic heNorthAtltic sh.ppig lane about twice ai fait ail can ho rceplaccd frem ail vis- ible sources Ucwerld ever. ' Ob- viouily Ucerefene there are only twe ways la which thc tide. e! thi. peril can b. reversed: Bither we have te find mere ncw shipping; or cime we have la take stepa toecul down thc rate o! bosses. The anc sure way te accomiplish Uic latter purpehe would be fet Uic United States te come eut fiat- !aeted sud uay "lwe intend te con- voy te 'Britain tUiemateriala which we have aiready decidcd. le iend Bnitain le sec that shc dees net loue Uic flghlte opresenve mc- maining werld frecdom." Fate pîsys irenlcal tricks. The wbole American nation was de- teipuinod te keep eut o! Uce con- flict - sud te his end passed thc 'Neutrality 1mw, which sbseiutely reversed Uic Inaditional. "frccdem o! Uie -seas" policy te which Uic United States had clung for hui- dreda e! yearm, sud fon wbich sho bad fought actual wan. What Uce American people have icaincd by traglc expemience la Uhal it wsoee Uing te kocp AmeriiasaouI o! war; sud alto- gother anether lhmng te keep Uic war eut a! America. The lbai a! Uic BaIlle o! Uic AI- lantic would mean UhalNortU Amnenica would stand alano as thc one real remsining surviver, fight- ing criemiez mevlag la fronail aides aI once. Every American scheolboy hag in his mind a mental piclureofo Custcr's lasI fight. I do nol Ulink they wil oven invite Uhal ai a national fate. Tha la oeof e! icresens why the Batîheof e!icAtlantic willnet be hast. (Inteudol for luat weck) ]ET COULD HAPEN Tn, carier crudor dayu, when people were mare given te herse- play Usun they now arc, eue way o! awakenig chmouic hate-.shcep- ers was wiUi a dipper f ull a! cold water. I wish Uhal semebody had the power le apply a Paul Zun- yen slzed bucket o!« cold water to theo North Amenlcari continent la general.sud Canada la particulai. Wc anc til sound asleep. W. aie in Uic war, o! course, inaa limited WIUat's-the-hurry seuuse. But we arc as fan behlad reality as Uce people e! Bnilala were be- bind icallty la Uic days wheu thc Chamberlain governmenl pie- cceded as if Hitler would permit himacll te o e eton accerngte s fivc-year plan, la whicb nothinq was le ho disturbed tee muéh, sncL cveiybody wauld act lnas nice genthemsuly Marquis e! Queens- benry fashien. Whcn France fol, sud ,British armies cscaped almost literally riaked from Dunklrk, the people o! Uce Island citadol o! freedarn awoke as frem tUdr droarn. Oh- serversfe.?rtlb htoeecould hlng yaunger day by a.Te aweke whcn Uc y rcalized, Ual Ucy w:; literally fifhting for Uh vrylives, sud loved eues sud homes. They awoke because Uiey ncalizod tht Bnitain tee uulght fall, as France sud ail the other had falcu. Thoy awake be- causo Uhey !aced the fact that ouly their ewn efforts, thei owu sac- fices, their own courage, would save Uiem. The grealest trouble wli Can- ada'u falteîing, fumnbllug war of- fert la tUal Uic people o! Ulis country slmply refuse to face Uce fact that Bnîtala mlghtbl oaven- wbelmcd asuch other demeocracles wone la Uieir tumu. This refusal lu hased pattly ou a neal vintue sud partly on Uic meut colossal foily. Insofar an il la founded on rosi q ed for "the defence o! Canada." Ready-Made Suits We boust eue of the largest selec- tionh of men's suits iu town - Neediesu te uaY tiierela a. lArgo selection of colora and styles -st varylng pricea. $13.50 te $"5.00 LaDIES STYLISE COATS W. stlli have In stock a large number of wom1emi5s smart cosas1 Sites snd colora .till give a wide range to eheose frous Prlced from $8.95 to $35-00 COUCH JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Ummîuvil If they arc te defend Canada .In Canada il can eflly mean that la Uic meantinue Britala has been overwhelmcd, our own troops Uicre have been annihilated or captured - and held as hostages as Uic French army now la. . The wholc peicy seemi te me net; only an abaurdily but an eut- right refusai ta face the world- ahaking gravity o! Uic plight o! Uic frec-world la this year o! destiny. *AMBRICA AT BAY The mast astenishing fallacy 1 tll current la North America la that, even la thc event e! a cern- plete Hitler vlctory, this continent weuld be sale fremn attack. Thon. are twe resens vqhy I regard that as a meat fanlastic delusion. Ini the f iraI place Hitler bas plainly set eut in him ewn book Uic argument that cempiete werld conqucat la net only Uic rlght but Uic duty of, Uic superman and Uic super race. He plainly names both himself as Uic superman and thc Germans as Uic super race. Il la net by accident that the Horst Wcsscl 'anthem o! Uic Nazis la bufit on Uic very plain thene I"To- day we own Germany, to-morrow we own Uic world."1 ItUi second place there would be forces already la motion which, o! themmeives would- make an inter-continental clash inevitable. The United States is new rnoving lata high g car la her armament pragram. Far from slowlag down the pace o! that pregram a Hitler vlctony la Europe would solidiy all classes o! Uic American people behind a program whlch wauld mnake Uiern secure. The Pruasiari militarlats have nover varied their technique since Uic day. o!f rederlck Uic Great. Their polcy has always becri vcry simple: Oct the jump on Uic other fellow la armaments, pick Uic lime sud place for your attack, anid flght Uic war la Uic other feilow's terltory. It senis certain that the whole wcight o! Germari mililary advice la such a situa- tion would be tlis: Fight America riow b.! ore she can bulld a two, ecean navy, while our air fleet la LsIill far supermen la nu mnber, while our army ilu ulllvastly strenger thari hors. Scissors dlpped ln hot waler are excellent te use for cutting rnarsh- mallcws sirice Uiey will net stick te Uic blades as easlly when wet. Take George Wshntn, fer stacehe adun awful time with his teth, but he was a rnlhty 1 god soldier.-Dr. Rager I. le, Ieuldcnt-ciect Amnerican College of Physiclans. faith la those thinga whlch havei made Bitannia - greal, sud pre- served Uic island klngdoma as Uic ssuctuary as weil as Uic citadel o! frecdern that deep seated cen- fidence la ail 10 Uic goed. But la-1 sofar as itlel based on sheer ig- norance o! hamah fadas - or worse atili, on unYl]iUigness ta face those fada - Il la oeef e!i groateat dangers la Uic world le- day. If I had Uic poer I woubd have sheutcd almost frinu Uic house-q tops o! Ibis whoe continent.: Awakc America! Cer-me quickly Canada! Britain couhd loue this war! I repeal Britain could loue tuu* war. Aiidif shé did there la. ne part o! ail Uic world which wouhd undergo uuch- a certain, prolouged sud crucial period e! internai trouble, sud entonnai menace as tUilaNorth Arnerica sud Ibis Canada. CONTINENTAL PRISON *Too many Canadians tbink sud acl, la Uic lait sualysis, asi; ifwhat happens la Euroeoilathia war, la1 aller ail but o! seconda-ry concern te thonu. They would, e! course, bate ta see Uic grand obd Mther- land have ta admit defeat. Il would b. mmd te sec the sceptre e! Empire pasu. But Unconadicua- ly Uhey dm55 such a passlag as la Uic. same calegony as the change- over from harsepowen te gas Pow- er vehicles; er as something juat a littho mono melencholy than Uic fail e! France. What Uhey f ail te scee, on refuse te face, la that cvcry man, womsu and child la Ibis country weuld ho dceply,. grieveusly hurt. 1ilg- noe.altogethon what xuughh ho cailed Uic Immediate terme o! suy armuitice - excopî le peint eut that Hitler believes in using bis power aven hostages te compci cemplisuce ta his wlmhes. A Hit- ler hcid Britain would b. a nation o! hostages lame! an as aur sctleus wero cancerued. But grsuting, Uic comlag o! a sa-cailed "peaçe" la uuch au event. Canada could ual sel one single buahel e! wheat eversaa, elUier onut or wcst, encepl on i Htler's say se or Uic say se o! biestsloges. Since the tumn o! the century,l by sud large, anc ha]! e! al the' familles e! Canada have depcndcd for thoir livelihood on expert markets. A Hitler vlctony would meaus that half the psy checks o! Canada werc la the very hol- hew o! Hithen's baud. W. ceubd do business wlihbbcheoutalde world oriby au Hltler'a torma - OnlY if we hsd Uic mark o! Uic Swastika beast tamped thero. if Hitler won Ibis war Nort Amnenica weuld becoeotUi happy huntlng gneuud fan a hundred sud anc varletie! oftotalitarilsuagents with unhinulted f undi le uperid. In Goebelli' contomptuouu phrase Ibis certinent would ho cenulder- cd la puahever for au Inside Job." If werealized thatit could hap- pen - il csu happeri - we woud quit aur fohn around le-mer- naw. We wauld conscrlpt Uic wholc human sud machine power o! Canada te hehp bcat Hitler la Europe. ONE WAR OR TWO? The roai choico fer NorthArn- enica la goneral and Canada la particuhar la whether we decide to use everythtng we have te wla Ibis war - an ho split our effort with Uic Ides that wc will rnpybe f lght suother haler rlght here la Amnerica. In Canada oui anmed farces need over 100,000 mon ta keep up te strength th. unIts mobllzed or Iplauued. Yet wc compel our fit- t est young mien te serve a few Iweeks la mllitary camps thon lurn thm ose wlth the ld:; that they 1 IG FT s pring Style -Be-PA-ud one of te BOND SUITS 4j - PRIE N ANGES -4 $1975 -$2150 S$24.50 *$27.50. Hfave a suit mae-te-messiw frem th. wlde selection o! Mat- criais we bave te off er COME IN TODAY COLD S1 Have ,our fur ot sMW"o ,Vauul s oentuflalli refrit air for thse prot«eOtlo01ot "muae by motheansd othel mer heat. 1 Oshawa* Laundry ]Phone 419 OiEN BM DAiRY êi r t 15 Y4E WINNM!. lTHEARtAIY PfflmMILJ4 41ffl YOU Vi1Auly L ffvupffNce A 44.4 1GOING UP! , Sure Palut in tolus up, but sot, If ou buy bore wbil 1 &M~ ,y1 ai min seltgoveral Duos t s reduotion wbil. tIsy lit, for euh.p cI l Worth 81.1% Ver qt. CASE SALE ]PICE 95c per q't. 1. IL NIEE Paluter sud Decorator pone 41 EOWnMaVlfle k ý Dowmauvale - ]Phone 886