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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1941, p. 9

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?kU1ISDAY, MAY 15.,1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,* PAGE NINONARI ( j n i I RLuî,anuged fou up ta Uic end ai Sep- Tice bride, gowncd hinsan - h otncideac a lu ~ utnawhenry a sembloeiblea ofanlcd h icservice lier. weie 17 re- p0uto f n.dhilgbpe mu wberyfestival. Correspond- b>' Miss Jesale kfuser, Long SaulI, celved ito churci membeishlp. IN ng Seerelauy's repart was given who iad ciosen a rose ensemble Tic choir rcndeucd hupiihg mu- by Muae. Loganu. for thc occasion. A brother ai Uic sic. A large congregation was i groom, Alan B**cr,. aupported & attendance. The chunci 'wu "Myrunle's Uic lallest man ln hlm as bustmn. ALler Uic cere- isUob.48P u -e- -M. aut plnts. Tose eceit lvhigba Luiwi.. h. world. Wluy, h.'. uno1.11l taI mon>' ihe ppy couple 1oft Loi a&M NSIF dplns'Toerevngb- w hen ho cals ho has to stand on shorlt thripWugh Uie Niagara ne tlOlplV s 1m wcrc: Edward CIland Lino, THE HYDROECLEOTRIO POWPOR COMMISSION ~ ' ' " - Uic to 0rcach bis nouth." P uinsuli.6 John 'Raymond, Gibbs, Roberla ~iew Sud Cors. Elizabeth Hoskin, Cephas Elwyn Solina OuIn. yGarry Allan Little, Donald Charles ____ DIGESTION IMPROV:eEDel I~~~~~I ~~~~Antioch1 TeaCher Welsh, Carol Marie Reichrath, EddAnvraywl ehl ComplexionCerd U AntochHoe ad Shal CubKelly Samuel Charles Adams, Sunday and Monday, May 25th____ mtet Thursday evening, w~itli Mrs. Wvilliam Garry Zechariah Adams. anrd 26th. Hoppy Womun's St.Happ NIS X~~~. Coatham, president, reading On Wednesday night t f- t he fOui yofMhyis extendedata v n the creed. Treasurer's report was cial Board met in the United tho f daamilyofnMs ary ingarth Ev ns hdig ujet1 n given by E. Harness. Invitations Church. Finances and the wark whpaedaaanatda ifomonigsonhulkowi Mrs. Gea. CnnM.h.Clisler 90th year after a lingering tis wornan'sEprins.Avc and Young son, Toronta, vsKUIt vst o 9inMy nSM.ohooltechresn eerlwere ds lns.fo n h ~ j. j.Mellor'. eve"were accepted. Plans for a picnie af the parsanage Were leit with Sunday afternoon for aur Moth- vriery I Ihd(n eia Phone 40f16 Mr. Robert Sherwin and Rey. wPr eet t theexeut,. tCom petitionsviusl appoint- er's Day service. Many beautiful " ufr lat eck. thich consisedof lv on soda biscuits and honay Kibychrc hd an-xe po-Whehconisedofredigsbygavea recitation. Miss Betty =ik for tbremnt. Wil esday, ~~~gram and a pot luck supper lait Eleven schools cornpcted In the PUPILS PREPARE Glen Hancock, Loreen Patterson, mlsgv th sor "Tefinadsc Miss M. Davy has been an the nlght. couscmptulnelnlata FSIV L Mr.W Mfat;voa de chrool Qest." Miss HrisadMisses adnwIanposdt a r slck list. LeRoy Myles lef t Mondayta cOtest for the Music Festival li____ r ith M IV ILM r Ha sea r.H.a ___ la iia ae andgre at ired I aeaad commence graund work incon- anamataWatihallfFalibae evcnlng. ____a__ Mr. and Mis. Ralph Thompion nectian wth the Air Force. Antloch, Bethesda, Ebenezer En- 'Tis week the pupils ai the 'the piano; two accordlan solos by No. 9 Hlomneand School Club adamtision retof avbe at sel- yagodmUwthu and faxily, Toronto, vlitcd hero. w* . Rideilh ,hSonnaad Shaw's, i4. 9, variaus schools are attcnding th &etLnsac n tpcb e a t.Te etn r-adtegrl'qattegv e-painafte-efctmy.in1 W. J Ritell plihaemaectdion.I Bey.ansdW.; adackham gaveMa 7t.anh metengpror-cnonfaevtW. aquit.gvecaloaar-and The Manning f amlY Were liR .Wadi eceaB ffu Base, Une, Leskardd Tyrone, and Musical Festival ater much praC- Miss K. Smith, the teacher. ceeded in the usual manner with address i keeping wlth the theme there is no W, icns~tin town Saturday. DnyroFa.S an i gave goo renditions ai tice and trying li elimination con- Miss Smith in a mast interest- the president in the chair and ai the program. wudays nao sn h Mrs Kn eae a ejohi a ldonbto a r.Hr yct t hefictest plece "Pledgc thc Cana- tests. May 7th an elimilatlafl Ing and enlightening way talked Mis. Wallace acting as secretary, O Myl8hSan Wme' sm t akvie nce, MsfrK er moth ise hng as bd ea yLe tti nln ,h o icdian Malden." Mr. W. G. Rapley, contest was 5held at O.C.S., for it the new course ai study and substituting for Bull Afin. It was mnMayueth itsanua Wmetng (Mi.) M. R. L Charliom eWar and elmer Mld-nIn glnd i o teOshawa, was judge, and awrdcd the vocal solos, whcn 75 boys and 1 nlec ntecaatr a eie aaansn oa ionadcnstw ofhlers arale inug h mmdaoofsta h drictn w erm an hevd. rnend. Betheida, Ebenezer, Enterprise girls -future musiclans - camPeît- th childien. She pointed out that ai ý$5.0O ta the Music Festival. dent-Mrs. S. E. Wcrry; lst Vice soyens! salts x race at dltn ee oeonlav. 1Miss Nancy Jainieson visited and Shmw's theprivilege ai comn- cd in the foui classes. Aiter a lsà aim was a iaur-iold devclop- The proposcd visit ta Antiach was Pres.-Mis. W. J. Leask; 2nd Vice stimulate youiersdinyua Mi. Milton Robinson visited at her grandmother, Mrs. C. Arm- peting aI Part Hope. cheeiy smile and cdp on the back mlent as in the saying "And Jesus Ici t ta tic executive ta make ar-Pe.Ms .Lak e.Tes lOfiiato n spt roYU B. Evans'. strong. Ninc dauples trled I the vocal from Mi. Rabb and a welcamnig lncreased i wisdam and stature rangements. The War Work Cam- PeMs. . Leami; Dectrs- normof pisonosws atr J. J. Mellor conducîed services Some o aur citizens heard jim duet competitian mnd the follow- smile ai encouragement fram anËd in f avor with God and mani." mittee rcported the compictian oai Msames J. Bae r, . Yeflow- b O f itryo i a ieo at Kirby Sunday. Hunter at Bowmanvllle Friday ing wcrc chosen ta go ta Port Mis. Robb, the accampaftist, the«e She also dcscribed the marking, two mare quilts and wark oni lesd .am s ane, R.. Y McKe- Ygoonillfdt ha 5 blyl Mr.anMi.NF.orr and Unnn.Hoe-Rse ne Gettlick, boys and girls showed Mi. Rcg. flhc chici difference between the athers continuing. The layette a k; Distrc ietor-Mis. J.ojyyu odkoîdsrsn Shirey N.sit P. PoBbrteron Anndbeeareattnd gthdeowjvile;,orohy Wnt*IddGeenad thew nte jdgewbenai andthenthecimadhe tfommc fo hth Hoeman a cndî duoîcc; Groc eadesers: fteroffcta Shiy isd Mi.BoWm. eon.wn hi ite Muae aestivalm an hne Buirus ai Salem, and Uicy could do and recclved warin ichild is markcd ccording ta his Federation was shipped and a let- Yares Slcs, J. KivLedlr. Davi mica, visited Mis. I. Wlntci.' weck. Sec prise fil for wlnners. Gwen Osbornc and Darothy zig. word ipas rr ii.o - aaiiismdntci-tra cnoldcetrcieW. Parrinder, G. Lcask, R. Gil- Mr P DncnMr V T A Ridha dnaeda ovygins ai Ebenezer. The test piece Junior Boys (under 10), had~ 21 parcd with allier childrcn. She stating that the response had beexi bert; Flawcr Committee - Mes- Arthur BakeBliuiila nd'famillies wcrc in Pcnrytown. clcieriefr vrwing his decision isa gave help- the six highest marks ta Ronald tain subjects had been grouped jective. Ticket sales an the hook- Mra;Dlgtst nulGlct aldia i us Miss Jean Mercer, Kendal, visit- A atw'ehado ad.fui hints. . Coombes, Bethesda; Everett andtOgether and some subjecti wcrc cd rug niade by Mr. Alden Gibsan Meeting-Mesdames J. Yeflawlees, Gilbert's.. . Ms d mce cd Miss Greta Mercer. A atwlehado od Another particularly mntcrcst- Keîi Wood, both ai Antioch, Earl taught toalal gradbs at once. far the war work committee are S .Wry .YloleM oota Dr.md us.J. esle, arotasizcd iish. Scotty Moffaît had two ing part ai the pragrais was the Brown, Shaw's; David Fec, Les- 'Arithmetic, etc., ai course, werc continuing and it is planned ta .WriW dlwes . oota i uhrMoes Dr n r.J eaiTrno rut li hls catch that mcasurcd awarding ai clasa pins ta pupils kard; a' onald White, Orono..tuh acc rd Bprtl.hv h ra tUcm a i- aker; Flower Bcd Cornnitte- .Mi. Jack ae IMntn vlslted W. J. Ridddll. 15". A goodm i!n ahchademd mail wor- The test piece was "Once a LieItesHer tal was "Ouhnppccetdani LitJtelMssMay o Mnesdames McKessack, A. J. Bal-N.B...Ms.C M rle d Miss Beatrice Hamm, Hamilton, Stan Bowcn rctuirned ta work thy of Ihis recognition. The pre- Rabbit GraY." espccially by parents who had gave a report ai the Rcd Cross sn .Glet h mnilLulM.m i.Vlsm vlsited her parents. Monday aI Uic Forcstry. We un- sentation was madc by Uic ncw Nincteen 11111e girls tried in Uic :been *wndcring what Uic ncw Executive meeting aI Newcastle statement showcd a balance on Joyce, PeterooD.JbzEl Scouts met Thursday cvening dcnstand the team celebrated by inspectai, Mi. Carleton, who ijunior Girls' class (under 12), and course ai study was ail about. Tucsday night. Much valuable in- hand ai $8.63. Also $5.00 was vol- liaIt, ToronMi MsWni. with 28 present. running away agaixi. his bnifrcmarks expresced his those chosen ta slng aI the festival Contestsamnd« games were con- formation about Uic Rcd Cross cd la Caxiadian Institute for Uic G. White, Dnl dDuls Bill Found, Toronto, visitcd W. The Sunday Sehobi teachers congratulations on Uic work donc wcre: Eilccn Allen, Shaw's; Helen ducted by Grant Maffatt and Jmck and its fmandial.prablcms was Blind. Orono, with i. dMs.Ga E. Davey; n iiesmt IMs .j x music. Threc special prizes Gellick and Anna GcIlick, Cowan- Moifatt. Lunch was served, mter given by Major Watson, which Visitais: Mr. anid Mis. Normaxi White. The Keane family attendcd thc. Mllor's Tucsday cvcnlng for. weîe alsa awarded. ville; Joyce Cox, Shmw's; Gwcxi which square dancing was in- mmdc us understand more clearlyMisa LeachMis oris, anlo, Diumhead service at Lindsay on Iheir regular monthly meeting. Mr. J. J. Melon prcsided aveu Chatterton, Clarke Union; and dulgcd in by lovera ai the light how varied and widcspread theMisJaLecBw xvila Uicy r.Afe Se h evening's cnt ecrIti n mcxin t, -Beverley Payfne, Orana. Their telt fantastîc. Bcd Cross activities are. Mis. Ed. Mr. John Kivell's... Mr. and Mis. She--<'Mothrm a hn Sudy i lrdSeWin, Mr. Dcl- wi________he________,picewa wetFlwes fDean, who was Uic club delegate Roy McGlland f amily and Mis. wc ought ta mta ealamnl Mr. anid Mis. Chale Crease berl Sherwin and Miss Olive Sher- wîith ofeides th ompsetitoesCinc as Sweeî FlocnvetioerveanCai. ________________at efre e conslsted sai ;two arsc y ic C "Ye ank n " so Bnyit Ui Eandrcovrentigve ar ha.e-gad EHuiilna eoe e elmarid Cowan. Walter Shcrirn s. by Cawanville school; necitations Done ws he f ugby thc UarftvilJ.epart. The convention stresscd Uic sic Yelowlee, Oshawa, aI home. menti.", Mis. Susanah Tamblin visited Mr. and Mis. George Armour by Arlene Cox, Shaw's, and Char- D0 oyne theaS ~pesungoy' _istes need ai co-operation with and un- ..Mr. and Mis. Robert White, She--"So d u ev a tM. Elzaeth Ciacmde's. Fnd xHaifmdtn r.aMi. Clifiord lsci Dslcy, Shaw's; vocal duel by (aveu 10),and Uic winncns were:- A f air attendance was at Shi- derstmnding ai Uic variaus nation- Toronto, aI Mr. Jack Reynolds'.. ta give Uieenouhlm ai Mrs Eizbet Crsaddns Pinosmwandwr.guets atR h.Sam Seymour and Armnand Ha - f111 Dudley, Tyrane; Douglas loh Sunday and heard a good sen- alilies Who have corne ta live in Mn. and Mus. Hiton Tink ixd a lauger apaief" Mr.R. tewrt as ove hi Ohaw, wre uess a R.H-lingsworth, oi Slarkville; lwo Burdell, Providence; Ray -Mun- mon on Mthc's Day. Canada and the neccssity ai pie- family, Ebenezer, Mi. and Mrs. furnilure into Mr. R. Little's Wood's. uhythis band seleclions by Shaw's day, Maple Grave; Norman An- Sunday Schaol at Shilah stants pazing childuen for the difficull Percy Dewdll, MyrIle Station, at house. At a dnaw held in Orono Salur- school, The Minuel by Bach, and drews, Cowanville; Grant Brooks, May l8that 1.30 p.m. sharp. task ai readjustmenî which will Mr. H. E. Tink'... Mi. and Mis. The building norîh of thc Mer- day ailernoon Mis. Ed. Moton The Shoemakcr's Dance, Uic lat- Providence; and Boss Melcali,, Our public school is taking part failow thc war. The club joincd Joc Chapisan, Miss Lulu Bey- ver arag ha bee movd wa n a cotiage set ai dishes, Mis. ter including a dance ta the mlusi s i n.i the Music Festival at Paît in vornmunily singing led by Rus- nolds, Hamipton, Mr. and Mis. short distance ta Uic west. Nelion Couvier a casserole, and by twa, ai the pupils; Uic four The Senior Girls' dlais (aver Hope. asen Osborne wiîh Bclly Al In EeetElil aniily, s h-'s. Mr n r.Mri itrMis. Muir a set ai glasses. vocal lest pieces suxig by ail Wed- 1)faneaîing fnoee "O rs m. a bwni tn -tepadncod.bes y etty, Mo icaln osM . aa dtMs. Rlp Dvi.a M. TO I'f Mi. d Ms. arInLinon, Mr. and Mus. Hauold Seymour, nesday evcnixig winxiis; anid lait a)nagd d icfeprc,"T is. Wrm. aild ol s tlisf-tepiano. eveyMrlemusialnum-osswMr.ad Ms. B. J McKDas aN.. T R Mr. and Mis. Howard Lixton axid Mr. and Mis. Gordon Suggitt and but not leail Uic picientatioli ai Wandeî is a Mileras Joy, an Shiloh Young people present Aflin completcd the proguam. Alan McKenzic's, Columbus. . . .-a Flornxce, Marmora, visited here. Nancy, Toronto, visited with Mu. a magnificent basket ai flowcrs ta from the 15 contestants, Junxe their play in Kendal Hanl this Lunch and social haun braught the Mn. and Mus. Frank Bray and . Carol SImples has been appoint-. and Mis. William Seymour and Mus. Bobb an behali ai the schools Bowdiîch and Normia RansbrY eein oThloeuEgnrsday tMr ale Pr cd eaerai hegils'sotbilMis. George Seymour. and leachers ai a loken ai appr enîcîri, arlnce Rundle, eb: - Vsior Mu. and Mis. John Thecning a aclose. Elga a_ in, nila 4r atrPr tcam and Ruth Goode, secretary. Two former Oranoites, Ed. and ciation ai her services. This pre- aeeFlrneR nd LBeh- StNecslMrWais: mothe eideitscairmumphaist fal-ndcî's. . . Mis. Chas:toatMrn Mii. George Laing wan the nug Harry Pinder, Toronto, were isenlation followýéd a bnifbut apî da, ,Gwcn Gibson, No. 9,n Loi- sotncwca.î.îer.atd M.CWar emailrn ts couretiîh ail aiand Mrd a e My, Ta, onl, in Uic 4-letter word conteit. Elsie îown T d Ed frmrseech by Mr. Laine MôtBon, cen White, Maple Grave, were HCarsand s. . . M. Toand oMa . hshchldunhvn.itre amoîden, aI Mr. Geo. Whiîe's... Tursday. E. a fre l ,çoe t iga otHp.Mr. Jus Smalcs, Gaît, wai home. Bowe was next. nolcd blackamith, ih now 91. Bath teacher aI. Tyroxie, who expresscdcoe a ga ot oe aand daugJh toe, Tono, atM r. chand lieWcet Mr n r.W .MKe lie and son Harny are looking their feelings Very nicely indecd. -Marie Allen, No. 9, and Gwexn M s. ohn Stone, O. . rnoaM. and an arcMss lre W ickctl . ntMi. ackMus. wnL. McK wi.Althaugh taken by surprise Mus. Brooks, Providence, medalisti, Mis. Rosa Hailowell and Wesley and Eiuoy Gibson, Oshawa, visit- by, at Mr. Bryve Bnown's. .. Mr. 1000 RReit Bt embr a i grs' ta Robb replied fiitigly, modestly sang in the junior and senior girls, Benson aI Mu. E. White's, Eliza- cd aI oe occBkeTrno a home. had ters futhepictscebal emturing the credil over otahUic iepeclivcly, juil for practive. bethvillc. . . Sunday visitai I adMs. . rnt ad a- .s. L.akeC.Tornownandob, R cvcning with Dick P tursdayputleachers. The evening concluded Afler ecd contest Uic six Win- Arthur McKay's were: Inspectai i' aeroe btchueMpeGae i dMa ~ 7 eRP SN ting thm throuh the rpvs.HNianal AnUicis. ners'sang Uic lest pievei unison. and Mia. A. A. Martin, Brighton, aac y$27n5i. cbu pceHlnm Kii ~r la n thetkinghicfr ticesum-e Winneîs oai dais pins andp riscs Threc and a hall houri weue Mr. and Mis. Geo. Morton, Mrn. tdb r n r.Wber pcr ee n et, X is nottakwerthe as forlthows:- Maple G rave, requiucd ta complete lic puocecd- Ewaîî Bobinson and mother.. Miss Mary Bowen has reîurned Gucrnsey McCldilan, Toronto, Mr. mer, though, he says. Ray Munday and Doris Stevenis; ings, whivi fact shows wiy il re- Mir. Gea. Etwell, Mrs. G. Silver irais an extended visit li Ottawa and Mis. Mark Turner, Oshawa, P El Ui.Me l u4 Mr. and Mus. Dave Grahaniand Courtice, Leanard Fisher and qiîires Ihrce days aI lhe festival mand Raymnond Tris are visiting with Misa Helen Murphy. Mis. J. A. McClcllan, and Lieut. soie Jack; ras., WJISok, 1r.liuHlda Scorgie; Orono, -Dawn MPf- wieîe there aie sa many maie In Uxbridge. .. M. Shutka, Danny OEHAWA, gan Ké.e"i th; Toront aI n Cr lnofi; Baie Uine, contestants adclasses ta judge.ShakadMiaNleSuk, Mr. and Mis. Arthur Falls and Dausy Gibson; Ebexiezer, Audrey Oshwa,___ome.._______Hal Las T o ~ family, Bowmnxvillc, spent Sun- Beaucîamp; Betheida, Bert Stires; osbwa, aId hoe... Mis.hideal-e LatT oDy - day wthMus. James .Muanattx. e Brd Cilct;Sua TyoeBea olcut olnvislling at Mr. H. Busk's, Port * : IIurry! Oronb girls softbail teamn have Ruth Reynolds; Salems, Dapixie MOTHERPS DAY Hp...M.adMa uaî -Tei lra hppnei itaijained a league. A meeting oi Burrus; Kiuby, Ray Brysan; E;"- CHURCH SERVICES Lawery and îamiîy, Toronto, aI t 1941coachean estties met terprie, Norma Rnbry e-____Mr. A. Dobsan's.. Miss Meda aI anpta t cmpltearrng- ard JaPFe Clarke Union, Mother's Day was fitîmngly ob- Halloweli, Newcastle, Mi. Hugi .../h "A D HARDYS ments. Gea. Crowlher, Newcas- ril Chatterton; Lockiaut's, served aI Park SI. Chuici Sun- Sîaplelon at Mr. Win. Halaoweil's. ..». ..> tle's papular coach, has Uic job -ai Marie Aflin; Cowanville, Arrnand dy tUcmuigsrielc.~.." PRIVATE drawlig up the sciedule whivh Hoflingswoti; Stankyilfe, Jaiie pastor spake on "The Christian *. SIECRETARYPY will be prinîcd in Thc Statesman. Trui; Antioci, Alfred HrI s~mnl. An appiopriale duet NRtnvle LEWIS STONEOrona Masanic Lodge held ils Providence, Lilian O s b o i n e;wi cnerc b Ms. . itle MICKEY ROONEY lection ai officers on Thursday Shaw's, Joyce Cox. Rulr wood and Mus. R. Sisith. At liean Mi. id eveinCwUi iee esutsNWEM Special Priies-Dorathy uer eveniag service tic parents' day Visitais: Mr.an r.Sd AN 1J-EFR jas. C. Tamblyn; Su. Wardn- Providence ichool; -Dorotîy Hr prograni put ouI by lie Ontario Brenton and two daugilens, Beti- and introduclng usi osoog;Jr adn dSln choal; Pauline Rob- Religlous Education Council ai el Grave, Mi. and Mus. Arthur ~ .:' nAHY RYO alph StutI; Treasurer -O. W. bina, Leikard scnaoî.Toronto was closely ioilowcd. In Hoskin, Coburug, at Mr. BobI. who la vlrtualy taklng the Rolph; Sèvietaiy-Harry Wilsionis sermon Bey. Litîlcwood dealî Mauton's. . . Mis. BobI. Mouton .:.:; Counti>' b> storm with her Otier aifivens wiil be selevled Occupled SUU Nouse witi Jesus as a dutiful son and wiliec mother, Mus. L. Macklin, o velvice 'I hamb laler.'Fr r ze. Mary as a conscientiaus moîher Cobourg. .. Mi. and Mis. Arthur mnanmer Miss K. Colville h mklng her e A yw ho was with Jesus as He iungRdkpanMi. îtKibl home with Mien Nefl Colville. US WY on lie cross, and wia was givenin Toronto Wedncsday altendifug RevvalFrlay issElv G.Jacson 18 Stw-by Jesus Inta Johxi's care. This a siower fou Miss Berniece Le- RTEviCAT r aND aisst. eterGbjoro, 186tewda- Orono citisens werc soiry la samne progras wag ifowcd also Drew, granddaughteu ai Mr. and IT EC A Dgiler ai Uic laIe M. and Mis. hear Thursday moining ai lie aI Sunday Sehool hi Uic mternoon. Ms a.Pye issJn THEc~A y" Robnt acsonai etrboo for- paslgoa two former Oronolles Robert Hancock Iook charge and Warecand Marilyn Brown, -To- meriy ai Kendal), was elecîed a itic persans ai Mis. Richard serîpture passage were read by rna IM.Kn aes i BOB HOPE anddca a i aade abs Morton, Nccslm i evi 'Montl Richardsonnand Dawn Mof- Raymnond Gimer, Montreal, at PrAULETTE GODDARD ta2a dhms cilr dEwauds, Ohawa. Bath ai these fatt. Miss Myrtle Smlth's dasM.FakGie'. i n assistant Ireasurer ofi lie same muci esleemed. residextiaI dii - was Uic banner dlais fou Uic day. Mii. I. Little, Kendal, Mr. and Mon t We. onpan. i enel ims lvdhiUicsaieMis. Thos. Fafls, Slakvifle, witi ... Orona ~house, naw awncd by Mr. A. Lit- Locomotives today haul icavier Mr. Harold LitIes..Miad JAWES STE WART met Monday evenlng. A letteu re- île. loada ai frelgit imilcu with les s.Hu>Lae dLonCl ~5~rWlfli> ardnga dcto fom icwes Mi Ewars, uîand6fMary consumption ai coal than ten borne, at Mi. W. C. Laxi's. . Mu. HEDYLAMARR iquirng aplac ta iactse ~ L. Williams, was bain in Cramahe years go, according la Canadian and Mis. C. RobbCrladNe (8h'. Iammauvelofla) read and hl inlbo sent Informa- Township on June 13Ui, 1860, and National Railways enginecus, BokMaîaa u .J Inlo.Pr oadm iuie died aIis residence, 583 King .Rowe's. . . Miss Deane Slemaon, iommePrce Bordltaeds arrang St. Eat, Oshawa, on May Oh. , Toronto, Mn. and Mus. Frank Gil- d-OELV fCmec oitesarn TefealokpacFidy mer and famiiy, Crooked Cueek, "C M IEed a meeting forFrlday ta diseusi icfucaltak l c Frr.anldmyHaveObon iIHNIF ield day. R. R. Wadden uportd with Bey. J. V. McNeely officiaI- * * . Mi. and Mirs. J. Tbo.i $17.8Oa weckprogress made in Uic Don.nybroôking. Inlernent was mmde in lie *Paes eISmsadTp at 1.0awe Fair plians. A requesl iras Uic Union Cempeu3, Oshawa. Mis. i etrao..Mss wlhBdCrosa for aid lI liansporîlng HI. G. MvKay, Caîborne, and Mis. per JoinstaninPtroM, VERE, TEASDALE thei goods ta Niwatefo ,p Peucy Cia pmaxi, Orona, are dau- Marian Samis, Bam vilI IANHUNERmon '~ cmpwedtI, evforalghcs.Whl ii M. darshome. . .Miss Elsie Wallace, Pick- naeshenàivn s aiib erntskatigil ak situ.. Edadshi ing-ihMiss Mary Lane...

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