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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1941, p. 5

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THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1941 TEE CANADIAN STATESIL BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE SPORT N EWS Six Teama Enter So thali League MWay Enter. Team With Oshawa Pour New Teanis Enter League seMay i. StartsXonday, Town Sotball League schedule gets underway Monday evening May 19h with six teams in fie league. Only two ai last year's teains have entered, The Good- years and Mlke's Place who' werè linalisalasf seasan. Twa aif the Kafien four teama are from out af tawn Salemn and Courtice, while B.H.S. and Local 189 compiete flic graup. 1? The games wiil be played on Manday, Tuesday and Thursday eventags at 7 p.m. sharp. The teani not being ready ta play within fie 15 minute leeway for- feits the gaine. This was a new rule brougltitnt at the meeting Tuesday night. Teama are limif- cd ta their own districts ta obtain playens. Men from any otiser dis- trict automatically disqualifies the team. A list ai fiffeen playens la ta be handed in ta fie execufive by Junc 2nd and if any changes in these listings are ta lic made if mnusf lic appnoved by fie board. President Sid Little stated fiat Oshawa bail club la looking for an additional team ta enter their saftblal league and wanfed ta linow if Bowmanviile was willing ta enter a tcam. This, was let undecided until groünds for, fie gaine could be decided upon'. Representatives aiflice teama at fie meeting wene: Goodyar- Morris Tamblyn; Miklcs Place- Ted Large; Hligli Schaol-Harold Longworth; Local 189-Orville Hoapen; Salem - Hariy Hamm. and Courtice-Sid Nichais. "Pardon me, dac fhils busso at Tenfli Street?" -"Yes, wafcht.0 me and gef off anc station before I do." "Thanl yauil" *ALL SCHEDULE STARTS MONDAY Here isthe iTown Softbafl achedule drawn up Tuesday even- ing. A single schedue with six teama will take up moat of the summer. The first game starts 14onday evening wlth Mike's Place and Courtice startlng the bail ralllng. May 19-Mike's Place vs Courtice 20-Salem vs Goodyear 22-B.H.S. vs Local 189 26--Salem vs Courtice 27--Goodyear vs B.H.S. 29-Local 189 vs Mlke's place June 2-B.H.S. vs Salem 3--Caurtce vs Local 189. 5-Mike's Pi. vs Goodyear 9-Local 189 vs Salem 10-Mike's Place vs B'.H.S. 12-Courtice vs Goodyear 16--Salem vs Local 189 17--Goodyear vs Courtice 19-B.H.S vs Mike's Place 23-Goodyear vs Salem 24-Courtice vs Mike's Place 26--Local 189 vs B.H.S. 30-Local 189 vg Goodyear July l-Mike's Plaeevs Salem 3-B.H.S. vs Courtice 7-Local 189 vs Courtice 8--Goodyear vs Mike's Pl. 10--Salem vs B.H.S. 14-Mike's Pl. vs Local 189 15-Courtice vs Salem 17-B.H.S. vs Goodyear 21-Goodycar vs Local 189 22-Salem vs Mike's Place 24-Caurtice vs B.H.S. "He who. helps a boy ta become a goad and strang man makes, a eontribution ai the first order ta the welfare af society."ý-Phiilips Brooks. "We must look ta distant hori- zons in this war, for it is a con- flict not only for the supremacy of aur own people,'-but that the warld niay be better for ail frce- dom-loving peaple."ý-Hon. R. B. Bennett. i 1500 against 1 WHILE IT takea 1,500 nuts ta hold an auto- mobile togethor, it takes only one nut f0 smash a car wido apart. Don 't take chances with crazy drivers. Get your automobile Insurance here. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowinanilie K High School Enters1 Juvenle Bail Leaguel It took the young lads at B.H.S. ta agaln provide spart for Bow- manville. This Urne it is their entny ai a juvenle hardbail team in a league wltli Oshawa, Cobourg and rnaybe Port Hope. The age limit Is 16 years and under. As yet no achedule has been drawn up but already flhe players from B.Hr.S. are earnestly practis- ing getting ta shape. Mi. Harold Longworth, ardent coach of rug- by, has undertaken thec job ai guldlng theseyouthful stars alang thue prapen Uines. These youthful players are ta, be congratulated en their stand ta keepmng hard- bail alive in the tawn. Games wll lkely be played at the High Scliaol campus. B a sebail Way Back In The Gay 80's J. W. Bradley, beloved former scisoolmaster ai Newcasftle, in looking aven flic effects ai the late Hugh Gibson, farmer an flic 3rd Line, Clarke Township, carne acroas a report ai a basebail game played ta Newcastle wcll aven 50 years aga between flic "Clippers" ai Bowmanvillc and flic "Beavers": ai Newcast le. He brougit flic ancient manuscript itt Postmas- fer C. B. Kent, Bowmanviîle, who was anc ai the playens. He in turnnhas tuined if aven ta aur Sports Editor. We wander how many aiflice players rnenfianed are stili living, and aiso if any *natives in and around Newcastle can recalluahi particular game. In part flic article reada: It's a rnystcry isow flic amateur game played betwcen tise Beavers and flic Clippern tfhis neiglibor- hood should have had sucli an ending. Tise wisale trouble Iay in the facf that tise umpire was foa aly ignorant aifie nules ai bascliall. He gave lis decisions irnparfiaily but on two or firee occasions in distinct contradiction fa flic rules aifie game. Tise score and ltae-up foilows: Beavers - H. Gibson, 2b; J. Simnpson, c; C. Wilmot, lb; E. Bawie, If; C. Lovekin, cf; A. Locli- hart, p; F. Gibson, 3b; F. Bennett, if; C . Kent, as. Clippers - Wilcox, c; Archi- baid, cf and as; Maynard, p; Fagg, If; Marsehcad, as; Todd, cf; Pierce, 2h; Rice, 3b; Moses, lb; Burden, if. Note - Todd fooli Morscliead's place at tise 6fh inntags. Beavens 10 10 03 11 1 -8 Clippers 01 00 10 06 0- 8 FIVE TEANS ENTER FORESTERS SÔFTBALL LEAGUE Canadian Forestens aoftbail lea- gue met May 8f i, when rulca and final arrangements wcrecocm- piet cd. Gardon Hurat, president ai tis league, report cd enfiles from Pickiering, Hydia, Pediars, Odd Fellows and Bowrnanviile. As enfiles weîe sf111 expected a final repart and achedule would lic diawn up laf ci. The league wiil apenate on an tadependent liasis and wiil include ahl but sen- ior league players daftg from 1938. Ail tearna desiring ta enter this league please cammunicate wifh Gardon Huraf, 156 Agnes St., Oshawa. Dusfy Claus report cd that ta tise ginls' league 3 tearna from Oshsawa and anc from Bowman- ville have enfored, with thiee more entries not complefed. .Doug. Taylor, manager ai Bow- manville Tigers, and Len Bartan, manager ai Bowmanville Roarn- ers, made reports. The league wi open wif h a hall taurnament and dance at Orano on May 24th. Reg. Burra' Oshawa feam wil play an exhibition game in Bow- alan wiil open June 3rd, af 4 p.m., ERNIE DICKENS SIONS CONTRACT WITH LEAFS Ernie Dickiens, star defense playen with Mariboro Juniors, lias slgned a canfiset wihfite Toronto Ma ple Leal Hockey team. Dickens, who halls frorn Wtna- peg la wdl known ta Bowman- viLe having. spent cansiderable finie houe during fie s pring as well as last summer wlit his team mate Tommy Depew. Ernie la fie lateaf f0 leave tise O.H.A. ranka for puai casions]. hockey and good luck tota ia fine young hockey pisyen. He flusf won hockey attention ta Winnl- pe and was recornmended fa Cnie Srnythe by none ofier flan his ancefîrne goalie star, Lorne Chabot. When Dickiens- ueported ta tise Lesi training camp lust fall In St. Catharinos fie firet fiing lie did was ta aplla few hlgis-class forwauds acrosfie blue Uine lie wau deiending. "Chabof has donc If again. Dickiens la a corner and lue even loolis a bit like fie Old Master," sald Smythe. Obituary John Thomas Daroy John 'Thamas Darcy, a lile-iong resident ai Ouhawa district, pass- cd away et fie Oshiawa General Hospital on May 5fi, aIt or a iongfiy Ilineu. Barn ta Cartwright Townsip on Marcis 18fi, 1867, fie lafe Mr. Darcy was In hie 75fh year. Ho isad uesldod ta Oshawa faorfise past 28 years, and previously liv- ed In Zowmanvlle where ho deaîftanhaussa Ho la survived by lis wilo, fie former Joule Powera; four daugis- tous Un H. Campbiell,. Port Pou- uy, 1,rs. à.. Crans. ai Courtice, Misses Pauline and Joan Darcy of Trtoanc sister, Mis. J. Spinks af Teharu, Man.;'fwo bnofhert Wm. Darcy ai Cartwright Twp., and Edward Darcy ai Blackstock. The funeral was held from tlic ialnily nesidence, 240 Division St. Interment was in the Union Cern- etery. Services on Sunday were in charge ai Rev. H. W. Faiey, Bow- manviile, intahfecabsence ai Rev. W. C. Smith. MissaEMaie Oke fook fie sala p art ta fie anfiemn and Miss Louie Pearce contrlbufcd a vocal soro at fie rnornlng service, with fie Junior Choir providing fie music ta fie evenlng. Sunday next fie pastar wifl canduct a recept ion and baptismal service ite fiernng. Mafher's Day service was ob- served Sunday aitennoon by fie Sunday Schoal, *lth Supt. Cecii Pound in charge. Guest speaker was Mi. Ralpis raund, Peterboro, who dellghted ica audience wifh rernnlsing, and sat etsome worfhwhlle messages. Mus. Braund Jr. contrlbuted two loveiy vocal solos. The young rnen's quartette, Maurice Blckle, Bob Rundle, Lloyd -Down, Aan Fariner, also ~aoanumbier. Many lovely bas- kai cfa ai lowers adorned fie iront of fie cisurcli, placed flore by re- latives In memory ai loved anes. HIghIIghte From Hansard 1 Farmens wll be' interested lin ich fallawing questions and an- .swers taken from Hiansard ai May 12nd. Robent Fair, M. P. asked Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Minister ai Agric- ulture, when, now that the max- imum peg on butter had been re- mov ed ,the pnornised minimumû peg would becarne operative. Mr. Gardiner gave the stock reply: "The matter Is under'considera-' tian and wiil be dealt with at tlic appropriate Urne."1 Farmers and Mi. Fair are wiser just ta that extent. The Bacon Question was taken up by W. Earl Rawe, M.P. who drew attention ta the recentfly an- naunced raise ai $1.00 per cwt., for bacon shipped ta Britain. He asked what steps were belng tak- en ta pass this alang ta flhe pro- ducer and if Canada or Britain would bear the cost. Hon. Mi. Gardiner stated the raise was due ta the U.S.A. mnarket and increas- ed domestic dernand which caus- cd a fafling off in flic Britlab quota. Britain agreed ta pay 12 Shillings per 112 bs. mare which meant $1.00 at seaboard in Can- ada. The agreement is that il conditions cause further advance in price, Canada wiil bear ail thse cast. If thc price lawers, Britain- wii be given the benefit no mat- ter how far It sides. Stace flhc Bacon Board purchases direct fram paékers, Mi. Rowe asked what assurance cauld be given that farmers wauld not gct this increase. Wv~. Gardiner rcplied that flic same steps as have been taken ta the agneementup ta date wiil ob.- tain; that is: "The matter is under consîderation at; ail Urnes by thse Bacon Board; they are cantacting wifh thase who purchase from farmers and sectag that prices bear a praper relationship ta thse price belng paid, etc." Mi. Rowe continucd: "Ilflthc U.S.A. pruce gaes up or down wifl aur hog prices lie governed. ac- cordingly?"> Mi. Gardiner: "I wauld assume sa. That lias been the effect so far. We would then have ta make the chaice whether we wcre go- ing ta purchase supplies on flua mnarket at a price which would compete witEu flecU.S.A. -puce and scnd them ta Britain. If- we did that the Canadian gavernrnent wauld have ta bear the expense."1 The Salvage Campaign was en- quired itt by E. E. Pcrley M. P., who asked if frelght rates wauld be adjusted ta permit gathering scrap in Western Canada, where at present, nathing is being donc. Mr. Gar'diner, as Minister ' National War Services anud head of thec Salvage Campaign, replied.- "Thse matter has been under dis- cusion; I will have ta make en- quirieta aider fa ascertata whether any decisian has been ar- rived at. If wiil beseen that, as usual, everthing la "under cansideration", or "1under, discussion" and farmers will learn ta the fulincassaf time just what tise dual-rnistry de- cides and then pramulgates by order-in-council. Oiily ta the mat- fer ai salvage, fiat highly tim- partant matter se urgently herald- ,d wifith e past twa wccks, was thse admission made fiat, as the responsible Minister, lie would have toa sk isameane cisc what had been donc. Tise fallawing item was passed in comrnittee af supply, viz: Dep't. of Agriculture, 422 Special. (which la fie western acreage bonus). The }louse adjaurned at 6:09 p.m. Thse M.P.'s strailed. away ta the restaurant, wreathed ta fie fragrant aroma ai Stonewall Jaclisans. Date of June 3rd PlcIoedFor Ministar'. QuInt. Conf.mnc. Thse l7th annual meeting ai the Bay aofQuinte Conference af Tise United Churcli af Canada wil l e Leld at Bridge Street Unitecd Church, Belleville, from June 3rd Lo June 8fi. President ai the Con- trence la Rev. H. Wclsfard C4~ff if Kingston. Secretary la Rcv. ames E. Beckel af Stirling. Rev. Dr. James Semple la minister ai àe Conlerence churcli. Devotian- il perlods wlU be held daily un- cir Rev. Dr. G.. D. Kilpatricli, Principal oi United Theological "ollele, Montreal. Thse flrst ses- ,nilopen june Srd, at 4 p.m., 'hen fie Conlerence President Ail be ta charg e ai a communion irvice. Thse Moderatar ai thse 'nlted Churcli, The Riglit Rev. nr. Aubrey S. Tuttle, wli give m adldress an Thursday evening Miss Edythe White, Bethesda, with Elsie Oke. .. Messrs. Gardon and Jack Pickefl and Masters Marshall and Jack Jr., Detroit, with relatives. .. Mis. W. Pearce and Mr. Ernest Pearce, Newcastle, at Mr. Gea. Pcarce's. .. Mi. and Mrs. R. K. Bragg, Shaw's, Mis. Hillien, Toronto, at tlie Werîy home. Courtice hockey tcam enjayed a banquet and theatre party in Toronto on Friday night, after a successiul win during the winfer games. tGuests were in attendance from, Toronto, Oshawa, Bowmanville and other places. Woman's Missionary Society met May 8th, with Mis. G. F. Annis presiding, wha apcned the meeting with a short* paem, foi- lowed with prayer by Mrs. Frank Worden. Mis. Annis welcomed the W.M.S. from Maple Grave wha were guests and handed the meet- ing over ta Pres. Mis. L. C. Snow- den wha conducted an intercsting pîogram.Group No. 3, with Mrs. S. Vinson as leader, served a de- lightful lunch ta about fllty ladies. Mission Circle ladies held a pot ,luck supper at the church on May -7th, with the failawing assisting on the program: Reading, Mis. Ted Rose; poem, Mis. Ross Pearce; vocal duet, Mis. Clarence Hockin and Mrs. Eric Caurtîce; and sing- sang conducted by Elsie Oke. eyoung Peopie's Society sponor- cda box social in aid af the Br- tish War Victims' Fund which was a real success. Vocal solos were Éenby Misses Elsie Oke and ous earce; readings by Miss Lila Osborne and Mis. Ted Rose; patriotic chorus by pupils af No. 4 school; and guest speaker, Miss Velmna Harris, Oshawa, who spoke particularly ta the children. Mr. Chas. Osborne very ably disposed of the boxes, reaLzing about $40. A box ai candy donated by Mis. KI. E. Courtice brought the tidy sum af $7.40. Pupils at No. 4 won first prize on the afghan shown at the Hobby Show at Bawmanviile, which was miade by the girls and boys dur- lng the winter with Miss Arnold as supervisor. Congratulations! Among the many visitors dur- ing Sunday at flic various homes were: Dr. and Mis. Otis Warden, ;Mrs. (Rev.) J. J. Liddy, Toronto, at Frank Rundle's... Mi. and Mis. Harvey Hagerman, Meda and Ina Lou, Oshawa, at W. R. Pickell's.. Mi. Roy Pennington, Toronto, .a H . F. Qsborne's. . . . Mi. Raîph Braund, Mis. Wm. Braund, Mis. Braund Jr., Peterboro, Dr. Non-i mnan Found,' Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Will Found, Bowmanville, withc thec Found familles. . . Mi. and1 Mis. Walter Lynde and daughter,E Oshawa, at G. F. Annis'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rundle and fam- lY, Toronto, with A. E. Rundle...1 Mr. Fred Trull, Toronto, at "Thei Grange". . . Mis. W. G. Rundlei with Mis. Geo. Joli, Newcastle..r readings, Mis. L. Squair, Mis. L. ing, Mis. L. Coombes; violin mu- Mrs. Collacutt. An Important Message To Every Househoider: We sincerely advise you to make arrangements now ta get your next winter's fuel supply. There la plenty af coal available at the present Urne and prices are definitely at their 10w. No one can Pre- dict what the situation wiil be next faIX, but we are certain prices cannot be lower than they are now and the possibility is they might be conslderably higher. You have nothing ta lose and everything ta gain, by ordéring at this time. You'il save money: you'Ul have your coal in your bin and you'il be sale ini an emergency. [t is also a decided advantage ta order "blue coal," be- cause. this trademarked anthracite assures yau af getting what yau asked for-the world's finest anthracite. These days, with so rnany fuel problems, substitution or rnixing may af necessity be more prevalent than before and this means inferior heat and more cost ta you. But with "blue coa]," the Mlue colaur that yau can see at a glance, guarantees thec quality-and guarantees delivery oiflhe coal you ordered. Why not get in touch with us by phone to-day---and we are sure you wiil thank us next flU for the suggestion we are making ta yau now, because we sincerely be- lieve that what we say is true: you'l be better off in many ways by getting "blue coal" and ardering it riglit now. Sheppard & Gili tomber Co. Limited Phone 715 BOWMaVRLe Ibs * so i s ** Salem A Mofier's Day and Temper- ance pnoguam was carnicd out in S. S. an Sunday, and fie dliurch service was also a Mather's Day taken when Rev. Gardner gave a splendid sermon on ."The wagcs pgid fa Mothen." A baptismal ser- vice was held when live little ones wene baptised. The churcli was beautifully decorated with flow- ers, among which was a basket ai snapdagans irom Mis. W. Wil- lrToronfo,' ta mcmony ai her mbt nier Mis. Robert Coilacutf. Tise choir, assisted by Mis. K. Wcnry, town, rendered special music, and many white glffs wce donated fa Mis. G. Burrus for hen War Victims' aoverseas par- cels. Service next Sunday will be withdrawn in favor ai anniver- sany at Tyrane. Mi. C. Poilard had a bad fall and is under the doctor's cane. Mn. and Mis. Moifaf and farn- iiy, Onono, Mi. and Mis. K. Squain, Sisaw's, were Mofien's Day gucats with Mi. and Mirs. F. L. Squair. Mr. and Mis. Franli and son visited frienda ta Caesaiea. Mis. E. Adamsan entertained Hampton W. I. Est Gîoup at their sewing bec on Tuesday. Mi. and Mis. H. Gaud, Mi. L. Gaud and Mi. R. Simpson visited with Mis. Moody, Toronto. Y. P. U. meeting May. 7th was opened by Mi. B. Darch who also had charge aifie prognarn in the absence ai Mis. R. Winten who was absent owing ta ilness. Rcv. Gardner oifeîed pnayer; Bible ne- fenences, Miss M. Coilacutt; topic was discussed by Rev. Gardner;i violin selection, Mn. C. Coilacuft;( i e Miis ia Canada'. cail to YOU! Men arc now Tise Canadian Active Army requiros Men for wanted to man the guns, tanks, arm@ured Artflelry, Engineers. Signals, Armoured Cars, unit@; ail tise implements of modern warfare Tanks, Infantry, T7ransport and Supply, MedicW[, whlch tise factories are produclng in mountlng Ordnance and other branches of the Service. volume. The Armi l prepared to teaci many irade, It lu a d(fferent war this time. When w. 1icked and to train you to efficently haadle Canadas train in England, to fight in Franco. Now you are rccrultod and trained here; thon go Overseas f0 join tise stalwarts hold- i ng baffle positions on tise shores of Old England, or whorevor thse cail demande. Go to your neareet District Reeritinu Office. Find out about tise Unit@; how they work, wisat they do. see Just wher. 7ouU fit in. S.. wher any particulaw sklll you pots»" eau bout h. utllzd. Thon join up for ACTION. DEPARTMENT 0OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA si RATES 0F PAY ON THE RANKS, s k l f c d t a d e a e b l . m p l o e d . ( 2 ) > r . o c . Appiy to nearest District Recruiting Office or any local Armoury THE CANADIAN STATESMA 'BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE PM Welsh and Mrs. E. Doidge. A sic, Mr. C. Collacutt. Guest ppeak- short recreational period was héld. er was Mrs. Hart who spake on The Women's Association met "War Work ai the Salvation at Mrs. Cecil Coilacutt's on May Army." Arrangements for straw- 8th. Mrs. L. Squair opened the berry social are ta be made at tlic meeting and the pragram was in June meeting. Lunch was served charge ai Mrs. S. Buttery; read- and a vote ai thanks tendered

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