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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1941, p. 6

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* PAGS SIXK IThe Newcastle Independent Phono Clarke 1114 Mrs. Vera O'Neil -was down £rom Toronto for Màter's Day. Mr. and Mrs. "1Ihoï. Enwright and f amlly vlitëd in their former home jo, .Strathroy. r t' '4. -r t * h 1" i j; Sometiing New ! to cook in a Jiffy at home or for the maaîy picnics YWU *007 fwomUlow *fLI2 PREN - 29 lwlft's Cooked Pork lpeeiaity -lu oms-no waste phone "06 LMotorcycie Instructor Harold Hockin, Petawawa, visited is mother, Mis. W. J. Hockin. Mr. sud Mis. Hudson Stowc sud family spent Uic weckend et thei cottage et Newcastle-on-Uie-Lake. Mis. George Patterson, Whio la et present staying ta Hamptonl, visitod Mr. sud Mis. A. W. Péarce. Mr. sud Mis. Chas. Breroton sud childien, Port Hope, vislted lis parents, Mr. sud Mis. Herbert Brereton. Mis. A. S. Houston, Newcastle- on-the-Leke, lias been planning to teke e trip to Britishi Columbia tis month. Rcv. R. E. Morton sud H. R. Peaice ettended tho sessions o! Oshawa Presbytery in Bowmsu- ville iast Thursday. Mis. Goo. T. Hsucock sud son sud daugliter sud grendchilldien, Port Hope, were Sunday guests o! Mr. sud Mis. Clarence Aflin. Mr. T. F. Branton is still con- finod to lis bcd, mcsting from a heait attack suf!cred two wecks ego wion ieiping te put ewey a loed o! hay. Mi. Fred Grahami, Supt. o! Uic United Churci Sunday School, gave a Mother's Day talk etthUe Lake Shore Union Sunday School on Sunday sud was guest o! SuPt. Robeit Martin. Mi. Pernaby Martin sud son Laruo visitod Mis. Martin et St. ,Josepli's, Rospital, Toronto, Sun- day, sud Miss Dore Martin went up Mondey. Friends regret te beain that Mis. Martin's condition is worse. . Miss Almieda Coucli Reg.N., who spent Uic winter li Buff alo, is again steying witli ler cousins, Mr. sud Mis. J. A. Awde. Sic is liavtag a garage built on lier Mill sud Ernily Sic. pmoperty occupied by Mr. sud Mis. Percy Rare. Mis. R. L. Wrighit sud two sons, fommerly o! Newcastle, visitod Mmc. Metthew Browný on MoUier's Day, aise Joan Mary Brown sud lier little brother Bobby spent Mothcm's Day with their grand- parents et Glenwood Cottage. IV. Stanley sud Miss tctty Al- lin sud Misses Patricie sud Mar- garet Poarce, aftem Uic service in the Unitcd Churcli on Sundey morning, visite Mr. sud Mis. Norman Down sud alse et Uic homes e! Mr. Carl Down and Mr. Alan Down, Ebenezer. Grace Ann Preston, who resides wiUi hem parents, Mr. sud Mis. Fred Preston, et Uic C.P.R. sta- tien, cntcrteinod a party of Young Jt's Picnic Time Prom la ike bacon, yet It's flot bacon but a uew teste sensaton. - Try a eSm for breakfat. Chocolate Biscuifts b. lSc Libby's 2 tins Poo*kAeans 17e Swot MixeA Pickles 19oz 25e .iewel P2 Ibs. Shortnlng . 27e J.lly Powdeu's .4 for 23e P.) b1owmaatqoe k m&MaNEbti W CABEAGE M GARROTB ERNIE LUNN Or«« rDellvory THE CANADIAN STATESUMI, BOWMANVILLE9, O"TARIO L HTRE BOWMANVILLE Thurs. - Fn. -Sat. XAY 15, 16, 17 Trwo Features THE DEALD END KIDS and ITTLE TOUGE GUYS' "lYou're Net Se Teugh"- wmt Nan Grey "Prîvato Affairs" Naucy Kelly, Robet Cum- aniMMs -Bugh .Eerbort anA RolanA Young Mon. -Tues. -Wed. MAY 19, 20, 21 RICHAUD QuEUE "lHors 1 ArnA Strangor" With Richard Dlx sud Bfenda .oyee 'Neom A muci prized tiopliy, compot- cd for annually by mombers o! St. George's Men's Club, is Uic Patrick O'Neil silver cup, donated by Mis. O'Noil in rncmomy o! hem late husband. The cup is awarded for local chanipionsip lionours in cerpet bowling and wes won tuis season by Mi. Thos. Spencer Jr., a pest president of Uic club. Chief John Germod wisies te express is Uianks sud apprecie- Stien te Uie citizens o! Newcastle for thei generous and kindly me- sponse to the appeal lie was mc- quosted te make for contributions to the British Wem Victinis' Fund. $125.00 wes meccived sud present- ed te Jim Hunter in Bowmenville LFriday niglit. See pictures and report in suotier coluin. Miss Norma F. Orchard, teacli- or o! Uic junior room o! Uic pub- lic scliool since Oct. 1, 1931, lias mesigned lier position because o! present MII ealth. Mis. Donald Pumdy, >Bowmsuville, lias been engaged te toaci the moom Uic remeinder o! Uic tcrm. Miss Or- ciard's immediate prodecessor, except for one menti, wes Mis. Purdy's slster-in-law, Miss Mar- jorie Purdy. WomnanIs Association o! Uic United Churcli met May 8Ui, witi President Mis. J. H. Jose ta Uic chair. Mis. J. Baskerville read tich bible lesson sud Mis. R. E. Morton led ta prayer. Mis. Irwin Colwill pleyed for Uic hymns. Mise W. J. Melley, group leaer, presidod for Uic pmogram whici consistcd o! meadtags by Mis. Heriy Rowe, Orono, sud vocal soies by Mis. H. M. Allin sud Miss Yvonne Mcgit, both eccompanied by M. E. C. Fishcr. Mis. Mai- iey's gmoup semved mefrocliments. Mr. Gardiner sud Mr..Smrnat, Port Hope, wero li tho village on Tuesdey ithe taterests o! Uic new Dominion "Victory Losu 1941". Reevo C. R. Carveth lies been appointed te canvass for sud sel bonds ta Newcastle wien Uic boan is !loeted. A letter from Premier Mitchell Hcpburn, Hon- omary Clilman, esktag Uic muni- cipal council te intercut Uic citi- zens in Uic decoretion o! tieli homes and public plac~es with flags te mark tic inauguration o! the loan, wes reed aettUicocuncil meeting on Monday ovening. Manager Geo. Cmowticm of tic Newcastle Girls' Se! tbaii Teani, Miss Margaret Pearce end Mr. sud Mis. Albert Pearce ettended e Girls' So!tball League meeting et Meple Grove Friday evcning. Ropresentetivos !rom M e p l e Grave, Courtice, Hampton sud Saecm. wore presont, and Orono bas indicated tiei intention o! putting e tcam ithtic ague whici will thus consist o! six teams, Couitice, Hampton, Maple Grove, Newcastle, Orono sud Salem. Work wes bogun on tié dma!ting o! a sciedule. The. season will open on June 12Ui. Sm. C.G.I.T. group met May 9Ui. Betty Enwiigit read a prayer sud Kay Minto rcad Uio scripture, fol- lowed by a prayer by Muriel Ped-. well. The study book "Tales frorn Trinided" wes taen by Doris AI- lin. The' president, Betty En- wrigit, welcorned Uic guest speak- er, Mis. Young, from, Bowxn- ville, sud othor visitors. Next meeting will be lield Friday a!- temnoon. Prograrn consisted o! a roading by Juno Allin, "My Mo- Uier's Hands"; a solo by Betty En- wrigit; an interosting talk on Denxmerk and ics iniabitants by Mis. Young; Kathleen Toms sud Betty Allin played e piano duet. Kathleen Toms rnoved a vote of Uienks te Mis. Young. Mis. Honey gaethe clocing prayer. Mr. T. W. Jackson attended su extemporo sud informel meeting o! patriarcis ta Orono. Thee m- mediae occasion o! it was whcki Ed. Pinder, fermer Omono black- smith, but now o! Tomante, ta company with is son Hairy, cail- cd on liS junior srnith, H. C. Allin, under Uic latter's ciestnut tmoo. Mr. Pinder thon got in touci with e former boy friend o! hic, Mr. Jackson, lb years hic junior how- ever, sud took hlm te Oreno. Themo Uiey mot and lied a wondor- fully interesting confab witli suci ler aunt, Mis. Jno. Colwill, et the 3owrnanviile Hospital... Mr. end iMrs. John Cowiing, in company with Mm. and Mis. Fred Temblyn, )mono, and Jack Cowiing, Toron- to, motomed to London sud visited Mfr. and Mis. Harry Cowling,.** Mr. and Mis. WiII White and sons, Orono, with hiem mether, Mmc. C. rqhnu. . .. Mr.. C. H. Burrows, >shawi4 et Mis. M. Goodmans. .. girl fricnds on Monday afternoon on lier MU' birthday. Everybody had adandy tlme as theyalso dld et Hazel May Fislier's 8th blrth- day et "lSunnyside"l on May 3rd. Word wes received by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Haro Tuesday Uiat Jac-k ied successfûülly undergone his operation li Philadeîphia and that a piece of tin was removed from lits lung. Ho wll remein in Philadeîphia for somo ie et- tending dlinics and ecquirlng val- tiable surgical and- medical know- ledge. SDr. and Ift. W. H. Walton- Bail, accompanlod b y Rev. Mm: Byers, Toronto, and Mr. Eric Wal- ton-Bell spont Uic weekend et "Hris Lodge." Mis. Ida Corner, Toronto, is agein sumcnring et Dr. Waiton-Ball's cottage IlLopg- wood,." sud Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Doherty are et lis cottage "Broad- rlawn."9 LL- IV THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1041 Lother vetorans li their nineties ms ,Cornelius J. Huglison and Mr. 1Devey, Wm. Davey's faUier. An- oUier of the party wes yc former editor of thc Orono News, Sapa. 1Cuttoîl, heUf way between eighty tand ninety. Mr. Pinder is 93 and .Mr. Jackson, the junior of the' 1wliole party, is 83. Wc don't know 1wlicther Mr. Cornish sud Mr. Joe LRobinson, who doesn't miss mnuch thet is going on, were itheUicgth- ering or flot but Uiey were cli- gible. 1 W. M. S. mot May 5th -.witbi the pt~esident li Uic chair, 32 rmea- bers and one visitor being precent. Thli prosidont announccd tUic ttheme "Follow Christ's Wey of Life,"1 followed by prayer by Mrs. Allin. Mis. Hoar's group wesin charge of dcvotionel oxercises. Scripture was read by Mis. Honey and Miss Rowland offered prayer. The study, Rev. Oliver Jackson, wes delt with by Mrs. Hoar. The' E Presbyterial et Brooklin wes me-ý >ported by Mis. Cooke sud Mrs. iW. F. Rickard. Remainder of Uic rmeeting wes given over to Uite 1Mission Band. The chair was tek- o n by Prosident Mary Toms. A pantomime "Rock of Ages" wea presented by Doreen Enwngi and Hezel May Fisher as the hyn was sung by Betty Enwright. Ali exorcise "«Welcome, Little Trevel- lors"' represented four littie rnaids from Trinidad with seven other chldmen skipping around to ex- tend the wolcome. MissMaii Alia invited Auxiliary memra to Mission Band meetings, ad asked the co-operation of Uic m- thors. Appréciation of Uic Band's contribution to the program was expmessed by the president. MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE AT THE UNITED CHURCH The combined Churcli and Sun- day School service et the United Churcli on Sunday morning, Mother's Day, wes appropriaely charactcrized as e Famiiy Service. Sunday School pupils witli Uir teachers occupicd the front pews and wiUi Uiem were a number o! mothers o! the littie ones. More fethers Uien usuel were also pre- sent. Rev. R. E. Morton conducted tlie service whicli feetured "The Christian Homes." Mr. Fred Gra- hem, S. S. Supt., reed the scmip- ture passages. Miss Ruth Honey, B.A. told e story, "The Quest", for lec young folk. The quest was for Uic most beautiful thing in the worid, accounted to be e mo-e Uier's love for lier chiid and Uic child's love for it mother. In lieu of an eddress or sermon thice senior mombers of the school, ini suitable costumes drematized a well known word picturo fouhd in Uic New Testament in Il Tim. 1:5. The words are St. Paui's to the young divine, Tîmothy, "«When I cail to remembrance the un! eign- ed feith thet is in thee; which dwelt first in thy gmandmother Lois and thy mother Eunice, and I amn pemsuaded thet ta thee also." Donald Jose appoared as Timothy, Louise Hancock as Lois, and Pet- ricia Poarce as Eunice. Mrs. J. T. Brown rendered e spociai Moth- or 's Day solo. Many beautiful fiowers and plants, arîanged by Mrs. C. R. Cerveth end Mis. Harold Toms o! the docorating cornmittee, edorn- cd the churcli. Theme were snap- dragons, hydrangeas, carnations, geraniurns and nercissus, and Uiey honoured thc momory of, Mrs. J. J. Uglow, Mms. Samuel Meson, Mrs. R. T. Rutherford, Mrs. J. G. Rickard, Mrs. Wm. Coucb, Mrs. Thos. J. Couch, Mis. J. A. Butler, Mrs. T. AllUn. Enmiskillen Visitors: Mrs. A. Beecli, Union, Mfr. and Mrs. W. Smxi, Oshawa,_ et Mis. Elle Srnith's... Dr. C. W. Slemon, Bowmanville, et Mr. H. An..s... Dr. sud Mis. G. Mac- Pherson, Mt. Albert, et Dr. C. J. Austin's. . . Mr. and Mis. J. A. Werry et Mr. W. Mountjoy's, Kedron. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright sud femiiy, Mrs. Wm. Oke et Mi. W. Senderson's. . . Mm. and Mrs. C. W. Souci witli Miss E. Souch. ..Mr. and Mis. E. Parrott and faxnily, Mr. and Mrs. Weemn and faniily et Mr. A. Wern's... Mr. sud Mms. G. Becli t Mr. I. Tra- vell's, Oshawa, sud Mm. S. Rod- man's, Port Perry. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Wearn et Mrs. E. Par- rott's, Clialk Lake. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephens, Bowmanvllo, and Mis. Charlotte Stephens, Hamp- ton, et Mis. C. Burgrnastm's... Mr. and Mms. B. Wood and Nancy, Oshawa, Mr. F. Pothick, Toronto, et Mr. S. R. Pethicks... Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormiston and farniiy, En- field, et Mis. Elle Smith's. .. Mr. D. Preston, Timmins, et Mm. R. D..J iMiss Rose Eflen Anthistie, Brant- ford, et home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson with relatives et Orono. . . Dr. J. H. Elllott and Miss M. Poole, Toronto, with his sister, Mrs. C. J. Kersake... Mr. 1Herry Winterburn, R.C.A.F., St. Thom, with frienda liere. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns and daugli- ters, Lkefield, witli relaties... Mr. and Mrs. V. Gladman Toron- to, et F. J. Groat's. .* f* S W. Leach with her sister Betrice i Oshewya... Mr. Russell Reynolds, Toronto, vislted lits ister, Miss' L. Reynolds, and attended the fun, oral of hlm aunt, Mfss Mary Ho- garth, Solina. . . Mrs. C. Johins with Mr. and Mrs. W. White, Orono. . . Miss Hazel Cunning- ham, Cemeron, and Miss Ruby Clatwortliy, Bowmnanville, wUith friends. .. Misses Cecile Petit and Gladys Chapman, Bowmanville, et W. Cliapman's. .. Mrs. W. W. Horn with lier son and wif e at Port Hope... Mr. N. Doidge and daughtcrs, Oshawa, et S. jCer- sey's. .. Mr. and Mrs. D. Rack- hemo, Bowmgnvxlle, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and deugliter, Oshawa, with Mrs. J. Burns. Sympatliy is extcnded to the relatives of the late 'Miss Mary Hogarth, Solina. The printed Mother's Day pro- gram was followed i the Sundey School Sunday efternoon wlien Mrs. A. E. Billett presented the story; Mary Niddery gave a sketch of tie 111e of Florence Nightingale, jand Ethel Gilbert, "Frances Wil- liard"; Reg. Rackhamn a shorti sketch of thc Ilfe of Dr. R. Gren- feil; and Mr. T. Salter e short talk on Devid Livingstone, whicli was interspersed wlth appropriate hymns. Miss Acy Horn enterteined a number of young friendsaet a mis- cellaeous sliower li honor of her cousin, Miss Gladys Truil, bride- to-be, on Tliursday evemung. W. C. T. U. met et Uic home of Mrs. R. Katerson. Miss Keterson - presided. Reports were given and officers were re-elected. Mrs. Burns conducted Uie devotional service and hem Uieme was i keeping with Mother's Day. Mrs. S. Williams lied charge* of Uic progrem. Mrs. A. Trenouth and Miss Reynolds prosented thc Clip Shoot. Mrs. C. J. Keralake fevor- cd wiUi a piano solo, and Missn Katerson read Uic Pmsident's ad- dress. A eading by Nellie L. Mc- Clung was given by Mrs. Pater- son. It was decided to discontinue meetings for Uic summaer. Zipn Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Fmaync, Anna and DoroUiy, Lakefield, Misses Jean and Mar- ion Johns, Bowmnanvillc, Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, et Mm. Luther Pascoe's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson and Bobbio, Tliornton's Corners, at Mr. Gerald Balson's. ..Miss Marguerite Martin, Mr. Fred Martin, Mrs. L. Ford, To- ronto, et Mr. Thos. Martin's. Mrs. Ford is steyxng for a while. .. Mr. Jas. McMaster, Toronto, at home. ..Miss Berenice. Steinton, Peter- boro, Migs ,iler)kSteintpn, Bow- manville, et Mr. A. T. Stamnton's. ..Miss Pcggy Killen, Toronto, et Mr. Robt. Killen's. .. Mr. and Mis. Wes. Cameron, Jack and Joyce, et Mr. Delbert Fllntoff's, Kedron. . Mr. and Mis. Bernard McEwen, Oshaewa, at Mr. R. Stanton's... Mr. and Mis. Hans Geissbemger, sud family et Mr. C. Sidler's, Thornton's Corners. . . Mr. sud Mmc. F. B. Glaspell, Miss Norma Glaspeil, Mr. Wm. Clarke at Mr. Gemry Glaspell's, Whtby... Uri. W. Glaspeli et Mr. Geo. Rults', Oàliewa. . . Mr. John Northcott sud Joan, Mis. Fred Harding, Oshiawa, et Mr. Russell Stain- ton's.. . Mis. Ray Scott, Oshiawa, et Mr. F. B. Glaspeil's. . .Mr. lodSta*nton w-lU lits sister, Mi.RosasLe, Kedron. .. Mis. Gordon Masson, Woodstock, Cor- poral John Masson, Duxinville, MisElleen Staynem, Welland, Miss Elinor Stainton, Oshawa, et Mr. A. T. Stelnton's. .. Mr. sud Mis. Geo. Sonley sud Teddie, Mr. Percy Bryce sud Fred, Toronto, Miss Amber Sonley, Osliewa, Mr. Douglas Shackelton, Bowmàn- ville, et Mr. Fred Cameon's.... Misses Berenice sud Elleen Stein- ton, Mr. Lloyd Stainton et Mr. Carl Badlcy's, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mmc. A. T. Steinton sud farn- iiy et Mr. Ross Lee's, Kedon.... Mr. sud Mis. Victor Paikin, Miss Velme Balcon, Mme. Albert Parkiù sud sons, Kinsae, Mr. sud Mis. J. McNab and Audiey, Hampton, et Mr. Anson Belson's. .. Mr. sud Mrc. M. Morgan, Joan alid Glenne, et Mm. J. T. Stewart's, Toronto.. Mr. and Mis. Reford Cameron sud !amily et Mr. Chas. Vivian's, Hfampton. .. Mr. Lloyd Flintof!, Kedron, Miss Thelma Martin, Ma- ple Grove, Miss Marlon Martin, Harmony, Mr. Fred Wrighit, So- lina, et Mi. Thos. Martin's. .. Mr. and Mmi. Norman Leachi sud Doris et Mr. Joühn Klvell's, Solina... Mr. sud Mis. Robt. Bayley, Ser- geant sud Mis. eg. Beyley, Miss- es Ena sud Molly Bayiey, Toron- to Mr. sud Mis. Rarry Ficher, (slawa, et Mm. Ray Camerons... Mm. Chas. Lander, Oshawa, with lis siater, Mmc. Jas. Saitoli.... . ss Emily Killefi, Osliawa, et Mm. Rolit. Killen's. .. Mr. and Mis. Chas. Mitchell sud Russell, To- ronto, et Mr. Russell Pemklns'. Mr. sud Mis. J. McNab sud Audrey, Strasbourg, Sask., have corne te Ontario sud expect to me- side in Hampton.' MoUier's Day was obsemved on Sunday morning et chuicli. The churcli was nearly full. Miss Eil- ecn Stainton sang a solo, sud three childien were baptised, Audrey Jean McNeb, daugliter o! Mr. sud Mis. J. McNab; Ruth Eunice Pascoe, daugliter o! Mm. and Mis. Luther Pescoe; Nelson KeiUi Fice, son o! Mr. sud Mis. Nelson Fice. Tyrone W.M.S. meeting wes not well ettendod but pmogmem was o! a vcry ghi order. Mis. R. Wrght lied charge of! devotionel sud gave two splendid poems which ceiried out Uic theme thougit sud Scripture message. Mis. R. Glas- poil gav e a splendid talk on Dr. Wrinch, suigeon o! Uic Skeene. Sewing Bec on May 28Ui. Next meeting et Mis. W. Millers. Visitors: Mr. -sud M'rs. ThOQ; Down sud Billy, Lakefield, with frionda liere. . , Mr. sud Mmc. Thos. Loose sud Audrey, Mr. sud Mis. Leslie Sîciglit, Mr. sud Mis. Bill Brooks, Toronto, Mmn. Joe Moore THET:ý MAPLE GROVE Mis. W. E Smiti sud daugliter Margaret,, and Mr. sud Mis. Ed- werd Code, while diig te Wtag- hem lest week with Uic former's brother *ho is in tic Ammy, met with an accident near Palmerston. Mis. Smith, whe suffemed a ccv- ere cut on lier lip wiicli neccssl- tated severai stitches, rernainod li Palmerston hospital for e fewr days and meturned homo Sunday. Mis. Code was bedly siaken up sud bruised, sud Mr. Code hec a broken elbow. Mr. Smith wes cut nccossitating severai stitches, but efter fiist aid was able te con- tinue te Wingiam. Mr. sud Mis. ta Palerston. Doingod isthe only certain- ly happy action o! e man's life.- Sir Philip Sidney. GO!t Clearance Sale of LADIES' COATS B3ave1 money here on ladies' coats. Xvery moat lu the store greatly rcduced for qmick cleArance. Don 't délay -act now and get the best seleotion 1 nommslie Coats For Ladies of Y',nglish Donegal tweeds w4k shower proof Craven- ptte aide to face wet or utoriy wmath«r. -EEG. BLA ,NPU $7n95 BITTER QUALITY Coats For Ladies in - «Pensive 1lo0Ikin TYPOS, 8POrtl StYleS and Bo#$ bwagger 0St Ye0u. ]Black, Blue, ,Green and Sand. ÉE1G. TO $19.50 $12m95 Exceptional Bargain in ..adies' -Coats,. Eogular vslues to $10-95 - Sises 14 to 20. In Na.4Y, Eack, Green an i4 th Blue. BUY NOW * ~u~~à4 4$53-85 'TheArcade,,Store bib t444~ EYES TESTEfl G LASSES FITTEO SATISFACiO-N GUARANTEP WE DELIVER 31lverwoods Rich, Fresh këeÇCream la Brikso,'Coue, e$so r Bulk Cutex Hfflia8Kit "k490 0 egLlli CuImmCranud 1'owder 49o 25e Face C~"~~ 4 Cakes .yer«eus îoap 16oc J Bots for 439 850 lim 5' ydm. Vacuumli Rubbet Hfind's Creanu Gause Bottles Gloves 49e 230 39e 3 .Jergen's Face Powder At - - 10e -25o - - 25c-47c C S MERE 250 Noxema Cream 190 1 lb. Jar Nysis Cold TISSUJE Creanu - - 590 $1.00 lise Bath Powder cmkd rpe -Only ---89c0 o:ur ht 350 Cuýex* Polishes 25e 700 IHETI Mum -8e-530 to the roll Odorono Creanu 5esu" Arrid 15c - 39o - 59o 3 for 25'< Odorôno - Irm - .59o Odorono 10e - 330 1 lb. 10 Cakes 4 Cakes Cedarlse Engllmh CastRle Woodbury's Garment Health Slts a i leSap BU 39e 19C 24C 29C - « 15e*Noxema Cold Creanu MOTH KiLLER - KILLI 35o Noxema 1km Creanu MOTUS Both or 3 ~ Blookettes - lc-25c Ty oui FREE DEVELOPING Bave 'oc We now rive you 24 heur service on film and prints P.5R. C OWLING, Phm. 8B.re:p u ~qY/j CHECK YOUR HOME AND REPAIR, NOW! New Porches Bardwood Floorlng Combination Dopas EPPRD & ULILUMBER CO, LIMITED * '~- ~ ,- - owmMaVll OUT I. sud Kenneth, Whitby,. Mi. Art Trewln, Oshaewa, Wtanie Brooks, Harony, t Mi. Leslie Brooks. ur rTebb, Kingston, A Taylor faniIIy rounion was hcld et Mis. Wes Taylers on Sun- day with about 40 present. Mis. Maud Wadc lias rotuined te Toronto aftcr bcing with hem sister. Rev. Gardner pmeaclicd an ex- cellent sermon on 'Mothor's Day als anumnber o! cliildren were beptized. "Thc American people have mc- cognlzed Uic catastrephic quality o! a totalitarian vgtqyj p.)e an overwelhing majomity Uiey have cndomsed overy stop along Uic wey o! our present posture." -U. S. Navy, Secrotery Frank Knox.

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