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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1941, p. 8

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~IQHT TEE CANADIAN S~ ~, BOWMANVILLB, ONTABZO TEUESDAY, I~(&Y ii,14i Add baked apples stuffed with ECLEOTED PRE8DET P. mm .a cheese. Broil another 10 mins. ie e c i u e e 1 w a Apple and Sausage Casserole'A Wa L , â I ,L .fm af k. __ 6 apples, about 1-3 cup sugar, At fIy iLUU8IVA Ev~e58VE ~ 12 sausages, sait and pepper. Peel and slice appies thin. Ar- Rapeiy--r U funds for the Uings which they range in butteied baking dish, swOWS azoppuaaauain hev& umeo TlHE MEI IJiG DiUM sprinkle with a small amount of 20 Yearu-Oan&Mds uTurYing te upis:; oBi vieiuau.msugar. Plage sausages on top and Out The Goodu. tain in this way will, it la estimat- Dy ANNE ALLAN cover. Bake in an lectric oven ____ d, be somnethig like$15- Hydre Hom.e cenealof et 425 degrees until appies aree$15' donc Unove; trn ausgesHon. Angus L. Macdonald, Min- cost of the war the cost of equlp- over and cook until they arc nice- ister of National Defence for ping and maintalning Our. air Hello Homemnakers! We've been iy bowed Naval Services, was fiNetatnd force, Our arnty and our navy- doin soe mre escrchforyoukey.,nate speaker at the tonvexi- add ail these together and you anth apl,.hs im, ndhaoApple nOI'F oltona heCna nWëeklY have a total of appraxlmately two ar te apf e tirs ting fandts wc Pare, core and slice Canadian Newspapers Association, iu Hamil- and anc half billions of dollars, or ar e neetn at eton, May GUi. nai n-al0 h oa a found. Dld you know that ail "Ur apples, rolllin tea biscuit dough nal n-afo h oa a csct-ayveieie o apls ai-inchi thick. Lay the sliced ap- Departing from the usuel me- tional incare nel Cangda. gcscended fron.thUic ad crab ap- pics on the dough and roil as for to !dehgwt a us The struggie will probably be plis tree? Compare the tiny, hard, jely roil; tuck in thc ends and tions, Mr. Macdonald aPened -wlit long, snd it will certinl be bit- tart crab apple with some of Our prlck with fork. Caver and steant a lengthy resuneo ee urlig ter.- We shal i ail lkellood yet mor luclus peimes.45 minutes. Serve with sugar and the past twclity years. He dstnon- be trled by a test as searchlng as The Acdiens roughtUac siutce.*arase throughaut thc demraba- spirit of a nation. To many hi this The cadins bough thefirs cies, by virtue of people bathi country Uic truc magnitude o! aur aletrees arss thc Atlantic Apple Sherbet high and law pa ce «'eelin4 o-ts a a e perd u anyfor Uic purpose O! inekig Bail 1 -quart af Canadian appies ry for down-troddcn, bf.ip Canadien casualties have been ider. Today, Uic AnnapoilS Val- in 1 pnt of watcr until sot. Rub W. J. Morrison, B.A. Gerntany," and follawing truhrclatively light-aonly some clght lcy la Nova Scatia's Valley af ap- through a sieve; add juice of 1 who wili be président aI Uic frorn Uiat as background, hi hundrcd af aur enlisted men have pics. More then a million barrels orange end l- lemon, 1 cup sugar Belleville Rotary Club for Uic audience was shown why wc arc dled as a rcsult of encmy action, oI roscy-chceked fruit are pro- and 4 cups water. Béat weil and 1941-42 tern. Mr. Morrison la in for a long, liard, costly strug- as comnared ta sont. twcnty du~cc esnfrom Uic giafts freeze in eicctric refrigerator Uiat wl nw n oxavie, hav- gle. huadkle.tasilrpon of Uiose aid Acadien planted lias ben turnd ta coîdest point. ing beenprncpa o teUic h Bî w reetrts frointMr oftholin theklll at ratilar i trees. Annapolis Valley is literai- When it becomes like a SIUSh, add School for several years. At Uic Macdonald's poWerful addrues Our citica have not y et known ly "Uice apple orchard af Uic Em- Uic wel-beatcn white of, an egg Rotary District Convention in To- ,Thus, wc wcnt through twenty Uic sound o! an cncmy bomb. Our pire.">* and finish freczing. ronto May 5th lh. introduced Uic foolish yeers, Uic ycars of 06w- herbours, aur docks, aur railway o*oprincipal speaker, Han. J. L. Ral ardice, the ycars of compromise, lines, aur hlghways continue ta Uic ppi Ui Spingby akea Tp san,~~iistr o Naionl D- Uc yersof appeasement. ILy au be uscd i safcty. Our citizens go taydsrcspytertiue rk i tn itro ationallencthe crsittn onencchcck thn ta and froin thUir homes and'their sponsoring an Apple Blossont 1. Yau've already made up Your _________ you should turn <lic other. Ïf you places o! business or recreatian in Festival. The clébrations include mind ta keep a tin o! apple juice were struck Uiere, turn Uic first freedorn and sccurity as Uicy have tours o! Uic biossont-laden coun- in Uic electric refrngerator - wc n ant h emnls.awy oe ad rballs hope. Da id Rfl ac aainta icvental f alwys onc tryside, pageants, ParaeoDa d m Do not, in any ev t aka u Let us nat be dcluded by our and thc coronation o! a qucen. 2. If your f anily docs not drink ow neet.Donttn fte w aor-cndto noti Bawnianville was picturesque lest mimc reguîarîy, or like milk 1pud- ives TaJic on Mudic Empineorcss of nt ta k o f a-Ueie f wn favourcd cond ition thaUc I yea in appie blosson tinte. dings, fbol thent by adding a cp da or o!stBe itino a heCan- belLe ht u e is dll thtUieC uc # E yer:or more o! milk ta a Irying slice * a.Uno wd you must b. itenstionaUifceond. et us rmebr ia c AU.UN * * * ~~~~~~~~~~o hem. It increases its flavor yyumuTboitratoa- aetrnedosadsn Scientists have started ta take and forms Uic basis of a deliciaus T .U i worids onernegbor Poe 3 Ui pl patfrrsarl.gay.T ___But, alter ail, you do nat de- n hecotieno Eroe s1? Phoook thce pleus Uat Uicraveaeap-. Di y ouee.aeecusy M.D .Mrison was speaker stroy Uic spiritual or moral aut- ta for supplies and assistance. She ple is illed with campressed air.-ua oto heisd !Uce t Trinlty Y.P.U. Monday evening look a! ten centuries i twentY is campelled ta cent lier eyes ovei ______________ NormntyUis air would occupy pan in whicli yau have made a and lis talk achieved réal navelty years. AtrteebaenwUcgetoen ale oiin scefarty-eight tintes Uic size bon sug rup? Wen next in that lie spoke on "Music front theorists and talkers had ha n ale itn red bv l acation away front hubby af an average apple. tne s aecnctae' u cctfcSadon. their fling, wlien Uic pacifists and ail, ta that great friend, thc Unit- migli aeUchatgo od ... gar tin se e aI ail brawn su ar ientacStevrphsaI!eUcappeaser ds edsen ta S that cd States. Hclp can came ta lier e.Paigh i i-eaecn The apple lenda itscif wiUi de- even graniated sugar. 'O, and ntusic piays an important Part, .eUcdfnesta ic untry edc oi Ie tchjunyn ndw agrt try ac ligilul as, t ay enu, front don't forget ta turn thceiectric Mr. Mrrison said. The warldrducndsiifrhreuc, many perils o! waters. W. must Richards, Helen Tiglie, Betty Gos- slad ta esse t. er aesot.swtlifrn Higli ta Simmer as would b. farseken without il. No wlicn Hitler and Mussolini be- have slips and marc slips ta car- î.tt, Helen Summersford, Bobby suggct essreip efr Uatcar-esoa asw it bgnst ai.Strolydrc eviewol i snecame convinccd that the dentacra- ry that hlep ta Britain and ta hld Cailunt, Marguerite Gibsan and book. reiesfr ht ca occon a i. woil S i t huttserice bnigh teg adine cies wcre décadent and dylng, - off thc invader front that Island. Jean-Pattinson. *0* * * * spining effect aI music. But music wc i hsle ae lcW ems aepae n tl Put. on by Guides and direcc - ppl Smad uesionBoxscintiicaly ascte lao! a sw the aldest a! the dentocracies mare planes ta mccl the Germean by a Guide, a Uirec-ect play celi- Cor an soopautUi cetre Mn. JQH.ues: Hooce îBox ctiily iffeechcter. sofaun ee iryotiadle trengt threat ta Britain front the air. d "What's Il AUlAbout" told tUic o gad swooplost (hr aevarey cloa .asse a oodpineppl? I-cames ta us «as vibrations in Uic and give ta th. world an examxple Thceic are Uic Ifrst nced o! Uie simple stary a! how and why girls of good Sflaor.Put Uora ieito Anoser good qalitypmcp-air and is trensmitted itis me- af courage and of devotion toa eperilous tintes in whidî we live. are attracted ta became Guides, oftcroontfaoung aPlt tleem non l sdr rng n hud .dium. That wonderful part af Uic great cause, ta whidhhuehs- Teiueo issrglwll it 1.pinpaprsbeg juie uti redy t l en Diele i koavyng ee as"h Ucsinhmn ybtccatenr-tory cen efford no parlel. eed nUcnumber and quai- plaed by Elcanor Johnstan, Pet- ad mni nieqal arts ! ceetat are ith and linst hoela. ives an bdytanslat Uicwaes W.saw Bitain, Uic peaple of t o lPplanes, guns anid g Cake, Collette Ferguson andple, gr ape r tsd ofacry es- fthere faeanso!t st o sgus,îinto meeningtul sounds for us. Bitein, ail 1he people af Britain, tans a ccen lurniai, and Audrey Venton, Hele oca mg. Put grappseiannd sre d tearen icskispUic frui is Bcoinfmre chnicai, but reily ta Uic challenge a!Uic dic- th speed with whicl, we cen pro- Irene Cunninghiam. on lttuce cnspcd in electric r.- pnobably been leld 100 long. The non. Uic lesinteresting, Mnrto iralliés an e ener icathe ie te. e ail*goe el Mis artha efRruadtis frigertor. fruit itsel! shauld b. tender. and Marnison showed chants ta' illus- !lirlieledbnvror t heemttrb. hh ruphRa Hutchinson directed Uic ger juîcy, not woody. Size will Vary trete lis remarIa on sound, mag- by force or by trcachcre yad.cisivcly, for in human courage plays. The cent oa! cd gave a sBolaMclwiUi Uic variety of Uic pineape netiint, heat and light, and 1h. combination of bth, e sa tha and in humen skin, and in aur good *accaunt aI theinselves and tIc Cuen beig staietan le cifîcaciaus x-reys, delivering lis ancient democracY stand alane sens. a!theUic ghteausness af aur capably pcrformed tU i fretaîsi Park Chops - Sweet Potatoes Mxcnvrcy.I' ahra remarks in simplMîied fort sa Uthaat Ucbreinegcsr as, w r noprbyo!, eiy ector-to hold interest and BakedApple goodida taearie.Ile piaple eeyn igtgtsnt ntu-and win tle admiration o! th. stronger than the cnenty. Wat amuse Uic audience. Ar ang sied arcpples gan d ta y our rhuberb againacol-lion ront 1iht gt ol. nsru-world by her gallantry and by lier we nced, in Uic words*o! 1h. park e los o a pltl s aned ing onUic clcctagn nic c ct turn Oin nther sbant. M.Mar-constancy. When tIcs. dictators Prime Minister o!'Engiand, are Four gorgeously gowned senor- broiling pan. Adjust pan in Uic cd Low. soneid thet cvery young persansyUa ctorc dcdnt,"îebasa!wr. ivn tIc. tsherytdhi e rcf Yu'l dance i.. - son ~~~~wc point to artin and we say we shahl finish thc job.tatcryhn aI"u'l!d alcri ven Uiet . the!ocOd .-- shouid recagnize tle dcadiy ser- thet it wiîî neyer di. so long as__________ your life will begin Uic ýmarnent about 3 indhes belaw tle glow- Anne Alahi invites you ta write iousness o! h. present state aItofmr IBienssadr. a'ci retn. h ut ing broiing lectrie élément. lier c'a The Statestan. Just scnd Uic world. Something migît b. mains ta thrill tle heant and 10 OPERA HOUSE ber wes good and tle dancens, f Broil 10 tins. with door pantly in your questions on liotemaking gained, 100, by convcrting tic slo- rtir the blood of Iree men and Dorothy Harnden, Barbare Reli- open, tien sprinl with sait and problents and watcl this litIle gan of 1h. lest war "Make 1h. e neeycre fte (otI ePtyDsa n hre peppen.. Turn chops and. patatoes. corner o! Uic columnn fç- replîeý.Warld Sle for Dcmiocracy" i. owontninCaymonrp!Ucbcnlne ro el, tsyDutea adSheý.y Worlederor."af o h I have spolen o! certain attià' the subject which absorbs ail us deservcd. MisViltBent paeltotue ! 1 as wnt aers in energies these days-Tlie War. And lIat, bricfly, is Uic record ian slo e tisprgrntwhchorder ta bring mbt relief 1h. dif- H. calced on tle people o! Bow- of how the girls o! Uic town and as n chrge ! 1. Ctizcnship ficulties thet faced tuis country manvilie ta get bchind th -îe people tlemsclves spenta was n chrge f th Ciand Britein et 1h. beginniflg o! ernment's war effort in cvery wey pleasant evening and helped Uic S roup. unfortunete civilians o! Britain s0 The worship service was led by this war. W. were unprepered passible. r S e e 'j n e p e C la S Mynle ougma en Brnic1for wer. Wlen il came w. had "lWe are just beginning ta warmn generously. We e ai frunteluhvug icaacy o atas. Slphi wichMarln Hamm eta change front a peace ta ewar up tcd Uictask," licsaid. "The Wuners ý11 -and aze l unie baro pa. conorny. W. lad ta raise and way you arc gctting'bebind Uiis Lace tebiecloth mte.by Mrs. I' eedCor. Ttiscan nede o dvetisng a ti dstrct tranesbettalions of i! antry, bat- Tclegram Fund maIes me have Adolpi Nichonls and donated ta SedCr.Ti onnesn detirgi hsdsrc s'eiso artili&ry, crcws O! air- no daubt Uhal when tle govern- thc Rotary Ciub-Mrs. Eleanor its épuatin seaksforitslf.planes, crews o! slips. W. lad ta ment cals for support ta its War Cewkcr, Toronto, (Mrs. Charles ifsneuttin pcksfo Iecf.Soldier'. Wlvez gel uniforts; we had ta gel guns; Loan next montî il wil go aven Cewlcr). No.7 -GodenGIo -Baiey oW M.~ngw. lad ta gel ttiks; w. lad to Uic top with e bang." Afghan raffled off by Guides- Wisconsin N .7-G le lw-B ie odM eiggtplanes; we lied 10 gel vessels. "e eidUcgacnett iSPlyllis Chahls, Bowman- _____W. lad ta get the industriel Uic lixit," le urgcd. "W. mey ville. A meeting of soldiers' wives plants o! Uic country chanige1d privatciy disapprave and sec mis- Donations to Fund wes heid May 6t1 et the home of 9?Ver front a peace ta a war foo tales in Uic administration but Procccds oI concert, presented owusMrs. Helen Cemeron. Owing la ing Ail tIcs. things tale tinte. there is aniy anc way ta Uihraw by Commissioner Mrs. Ruth Pur- Pctin sickness thene werc not as ntany Hiter lad been preparnfg for wer ail Caneda's wcight intoUic war dy-$149.00. Pefcinwîves present as usuel.svnyer.Wbgatap- effort and Uiat is ta back Uic Proceeds aI e collection i vil- pare for war wheii il wes actue - government with migît and lage o! Newcastle, presented by COCOA ~~~~~~~~In the absence o! President Mrs. îy upon us.man"Re CR.arth$20. Neli Wilson, Mns. Winona Clark.e tUcbgnm !1.wr~.mi.ReeC .Crch$2.0 lb. 25c ~~~~~~~~cled Uic meeting ta orden and Canadien Air Force nuntbered MnHueraia!wstis Scod oainaI ptfr s ~ ~ M 25 ail stood and sang God Save tle ~fu iuadolcr n expleining Uic sentiment which la King. The minutes o! Uic lest ten. To-day ils strengh standsforeagCanliands ta gie 50mucs meeting wcrc rcad, aller wlich et more thon fil ty Uiousand, ii ,bohreyle ud dcsch. " ilas8 Mrs. Iva McMann caii.d Uic rail. which figure I do nal include bn a hy forlove wit a pnch." t o1DoeteTwcnty-faun wene present. sont.igît tîousand civiians 'çho onyIt s lar for Bomnvi429 No. 1 Doestie %Afteir e short business session are pcrfarming cîcnicai ndother Hunverybits ercointauiono ootato.., bg. n - huntshr bt spec t i lson ! S ttO pbu CMns. Jean Lobb invited Uic ladies duties, which do rqirn en- ta lier home for Uic meeting on listiment in Uic Air Force in Uic lis short spe ch ildi s bs EmeeMcd. Tuesday, June Srd, et 8.30. Iful sense. aAwith thUb- ne hcart ches Luncli wel scrvcd during whièl The Canadiearmy t c .- A Finlue Ete r.untt L m n01.2cMrs. Fairbrother o! Oshawa en- ginning o! thc war, lad e strengh A rld aM.Hne' ___________________tertained Uic ladies. oI 4,500, ail ranIs, on active sel'- peara ei Girl Guides, Rau- vice. Ta-day thc number o! ten g crs and Bnownies nder teir Proit outenaF'idteon active service la 185,000, nearly leaders, Commissioner Mns. D. FridsVeethe rs U UV W ehli!o! whom arc overseas in anc Plurdy, Mn.. R. Quinn, Mrs. H. REQULAR VLUE ~ SdVg* conplgi theatre of war or another. There Camneronad rsH.Jlry F--------------u veydyUSIkgeSiCoS are same 180,000 other men iaur îand Uic lieutenante, gave a var- reserve arnnY iety entertainnentt and presented - rngThe Canadien Navy et Uic be- two playe.o par Durig Uc mnth o! April aver ginning f o!tha war lad a strength Severai ubr en !pn !o lse ncscmnos a nd tm -~~~ c~verything cic eesr o l 1~~ ow roecution o! war.SI mut Canada must provide th. maney ta pay aur awn fectory workers,; 'a m...m. ur munitions warîcrs, aur slip WU WEWEUorlers and aur larmers for their de th et agrIBulturaY praducts. An alter- tYurLe à yeoo native would be ta compel tIe» tn oa oto ee ml 1.113 TIN - N&W Law PRICE W. shall pay aur fermer. and aur Fomudry Co., Llsd:.4, Toronto. igutilWorkers out af aur'own- REDUCTIONS LADIESI SPRING COATS Al "adie oloired pln o t a generosre- Sduction. There are jug% a few we, have lefiftront our 1941 sprit stock and want t. cleur then out v to malte roont for our summer stock of contseand i dresses. Varlety of styles and colore bo choose tram English' Net Curtains Webave reelved a mhipntent 0'f Net Curtauns directfrn England sa aasingly 10w prices. Be patrietie Dur Brit- ish. Prices front 2ft. $1.15 yd. Beautiful Sous of Coloured Curtahus wll refresh th. roonts in your homte PrIces front $1.00 t. $4.75 pair. >hnston & Cryderman LIMITD nawmaavmle Club (10 members), prcsentcd by President Mrs. H. Wakelin-$32. Raiscd by Uic Eudhre Club- $6.80. Bowntenvile Fiends-$6.00. Anonymous--25c. Farmers, inProvidence selool section, presented by Forbes H-ey- land-$16.00. Rotary Club pracceds front lace tablecloth, prcscntcd by W. IR. Strike--$200.00. Total-$535.05. SPITFIRE CLUB - HOLDS EUCHRE AND DRAW An enjoyable evening was spent et Uic home o! Mrs. Tant Cannons, Qucen St., Tliursday night, May ist, wlicn Uic Spitfirc Club lld e progressive cuchre and also Uic dnaw for pillow cases. Mrs. Wal- ter OIe drcw 1h. wining nunt- ber and Miss Georgina Sonter- scales wes Uic lucky wlnn.r af tle pillow cases. A lavely lunch wen servcd by Uic ladies o! Uic club. Euchre pnize winncrs wcre: La- dies - first, Mrs. F. Lene; second, Miss Rosie Bates; consolation, Mns. Hunt; gentlemen - finst, Mn. F. Lane; second, Mr. Earl Byam; donsolation, Mr. Lathrope. Mrs. WaIelin announccd thet thc club lad tae $25.00 on the pillow cases whicl la ta b. sent ta Uic Britisl War Victime Fund. Thc Spitfire Club. would Jlke ta express t11cm hcarty thenka 10 ail who bougît tickets and liclpcd ta liiake il a'reel success. Our brav.st ai>d best lessons are nol learned thraugh succesa, but tîrougli ntisadventurc. -A. Bronson Alcott. H. that lias no cross wil have no crown.-Quarles. FREEmli PICTUES Btan' Igh* Plns n.arhp . 4HE ONE" SUTlE d"wELLINGTON BOMBER, "&HURRICANE" - ."DEFIANT" "SUNDERLAND frLYING SOAT" H.M.S. HOOD - RODNEY - ARK ROYAL N.. DoSTROYER <illbai l - SUBMARINE (fflatdms) moyeR TORPEDO BORT muid othors Corn Starch for each picture requested. Write your- nam nesd addreuu on oe o f the box topa, wlth, the naine of the deaired W Le then mnail them to DePt. G.E., ýC,.X StamhCompany,49 Wligo St. Z.. Toronto, Ont. ÏIJRNEY stove was kliil ~~XT ORK inG etheir mmmiif0naoue BR tl0Haiiîethe Sbrotonrs E. and C. Ourno~e cwjtov - ut mhYmdce hm welL W ,awagon.lead wms comptdte sold btent direct to tbe forme mmd'honte- se*te ormn'es anoiatd. Yoar miter yomr they made mare stoves, and Made bitentbotter mse botter, Today, wben you lookt aIbthe gleumalg aew Gualiey ranges ln your buraoy domben's, the mtruggim of thosoumrly .dq M . ot applarent Yit thUicne ccaef ni warkman hp and attention ta lni»rovecitetm artestili thero - featur.p that have t O U R N E alwaY a dhug m nte u tove-b li ng, tgt1r nu womdcomi, tas or electrjcîty, tui.,.je ba' sultable dJornoy rm0eîh1 sleurpmm.ed for efliciçacy ecoaomy andi couvenieuce. Seo OURNEY ifreti ~v4~ 9, BOWMANVUýLE, ONTAIUO THE CANADIAN Si

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