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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1941, p. 9

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-' -~ TURDAY, MAY 22, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESM PAGE N X= 1OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO MIDLAND RECT. (Contlnued from page 1) They bave, howcvcr, built twa stone wails, anc at each side afi their property, have raised the1 nase ai an aid cannon wbich was4 well burled and have lcvelled tUic ground wlit sand and gravel. Theà lads are putting Uic finlshig1 touches on the wark right now and should have it ready for photagraphers b>' to-marraw._ Éolvmanville and district ma- thers and fathers would be quite' shocked if their boys wallced i thc front door right naw. Not sa l.ucb fromi the visit, as irom irer appearance. About 75 per cent af Uic chapa bave gone in for sharter haircuts, sa sbort that tbey were finlnhed with raors and left the beada as bald as bil- liard balla. It ail started anc ai- ternoon and sprcad through Uic Company like wildf ire. We wcnt ta cburch Uic Sunda>' aiter Uic hair bad been cippcd and neariy wrecked the service. One wlse Legal M%. G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.L.B. Barrister, Solicitor Notar>' Phane 351 Bank ai Commerce Bidg. Bowmanvillc W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notar>' Solicitor ifor Bank oi Mantreal Mouney ta Loas - Phane 791 Bowmsuvllle, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Ntary Public - Etc. Law mn ail its branches Office inmixdately east ai Royal Theate Phono Office 688 Homne 553 Dental DR. X. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Slason Graduate ai Royal Dental Cal- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubile Bldg., Bowmsuville. Office hours 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dail>', exccpt Sunddy Phone 790 - Hause phone 883 X-Ray Equipment i Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance sud Invalld Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Veterinary DR. G. R. DOOTH 828 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario Phono 21 WELFED W. SHERWIN D.V.Sc. V.S. Veterlnary Surgeon Office: Main St., Orone Phono 56r7 'Auctioncer ELMER WILBUE Lieaed Auctioneer Hamnpton - Ontario Speclallzlng iu Far=, Livcstack, Implemnentsansd Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE phone for Ternissud' Date ta: Bawmauville 2428 ENTERTAINER Secure RALP GORDON, Uic wonderfUIl versatile e n t e r- ,a"or, fer yOur next entertain- ment. Ilustratsd circulux free. - , Address - M88 Crawford Street, Toronto bird brought along a large camb and was cambing bis bald bead as Uic chair walked hi. How the>' cantroiled themicives I dan't kuow. Wc were quite lntereqted lu rcsdig the reports aif aur dépar- turc froni Ottawa sud wcrc amaz- cd ta fid that it was su arderi>' affair that wcut like clackwork. Actually, there werc 80 nu> people at Uic trai wha had grawn ta lave Uic Midîsuders that we Uiought wc wauid neyer be able ta sort out aur lads from the close-cliuging Ottawaus sud Uic mothers, alters sud swethearts from Bownavillc. I know I feit like a skunk tryig ta tear some of Uic yaungstcrs away. Finail> wc did bave them ail aboard with a fcw lcsuing far out the windows for on anisat usa or hug. It was as touching sud tcar-jerkig a departure as I have ever been in on. The trip dawn was intercstig and pheassut with excellent food that was'much fancier than mast of us have been used ta the hast tew months. The wcathcr was the oul>' thing that made us leer>' ai the future. When wc leit O0W tawa, flowcrs were beginning ta bloom. sud the birds werc chirp- ing, but whcn wc awoke the ucxt moruing, wc saw snaw sud pleut>' afit it luthe hillsansd what baokcd like a blizzard just beginniug. Il grcw worsc and colder as the day went ou until at anc stop wc slaged a route msrch around Uic tawn sud pladded through suaw, the like ai which we hadu't accu for several wccka. Fartunatel>', we eventusîl>' beaded south again, but nat f ar enough ta strike s hot climate. Spring la just about hall way through here sud at times it's cool cnaugh. Wc arc nat wor- ried about summer uniorms sud dan't expcct ta use thcm for some time. The natives sa> it's exccp- tionali>' warrn for this time ai year, but we can't sec it. We, ai course, have noticed the man>' peculiarities ai this pro- vince sud have compared almoat cveryUiing with Ottawa sud Baw- manvifle. I don't beileve an>' af us would trade aur Durham Caunt>' for Uic whalc ai Uic Pro- vince. Not that it hasn't man>' beaut>' spots, but cvcrytbing scemasa ai od fashiaucd sud drab. Even the bouses are agcd sud look as though the>' would crumble if auyone waved a ioadcd paint brush at Uiern. The boys ou pes, s0 far, bave more fun staying at home with their fricnds sud sing- ing sangs or plsying games ai cards. Even a fcw dice have put i an appearance. That stay-at- home condition wili probsbly change shorti>' as soan as the>' have an opportunity ta gain uew acquaintances in Uic city sud find aut where the entertaiument cen- tres lie. The people are nat a bit like Uic appearance ai the town. The>' are quite fricudi>' sud plan frequent shows sud dances ta take up the boys' eveningsansd ta giye thcm an apportunit>' ta make friend- ships with Uic local girlsand with soldiera from ather units located bore. Needless to s>', Uic unat- tacbed m~ales ai Uic Ca>'. take full. i4xMi~ns. same. as formeri>' witb a uew wriklc, uight patrola, included. Eacli evcnlng, littie groupa set outI for designated places wbere Uiey dawn guarding vuinerable points. This ig provig ta be good train- ing in itacif because thase who had neyer donc guard dut>' at Trenton Airport are iearning how ta haItunauthorizcdpersans and aiter a fcw errars, such as giving up their rifles ta Uic Field Officer who was making rounds, tbcy bave swung inta Uic routine nice- 1>. Last night, the Field Officer woke, us up ta tel us wbat a gaod job thie> were doing. Mail time at Uic barracks is perbapa thebiggest event of Uic day for cvcryanc. It was a great help toalal when the folks at home lcarnecl aur addresa and the first lettera began caming iu, because wc were al rnIghty lonesorne for a fw dys nd that iirst letter was better Uian an>' Christmas present. Unfortunatçly, moat ai us werc tao b us y the firat Iew days-ta drap marc than a tclegram ta those, at home ta tel them wherc we wcre and how thlngs were gong. We can realize now haw tbey must have icit without an>' word We went ta cburch on Mothcr's Day sud were carricd way back borne b>' the apprapriate sangs and the sermon. Most af us were feeling pretty lanely without hav- ing it rubbcd iu b>' the mnister, but prababi>' he thought be was daig a gaod job. These lads are great. The>' didn't sas> a thing, but you could tel the>' wcre thiuking about home sud mother and were wishing the preacher would case up a littie befare be bad us ail in tears. To conclude the service, Uic mothers af Uie congregatian came over aud shook banda witb Uic boys and tried to make theni bel at borne. Sornc- hoy, It wasn't Uic smansd made us just that much lonelior. On blessin.g. meuit was made ln DevitVs cerna It caused othors ta uta>' away from tory. church. Frienda fram a distance includ- it made ht harder for me ta meet cd Mr. and Mrs. John Dcnham, thc temptations ai Uic Devil. Nôrth Bay, Mr and Mrs. George It gave Uic Dcvii more power over Denham, àeargetown; Mrs. Eva lait moula. Todd and son Meivin, Ms. Ann4 It encauraged Uic habit af non Gllson, al af Toronta; Ms. Flett church gaing. Ow. r. ;J. Flett and r. Austi Lar- --Authar Unknon. meBawmanville sd M.and r'Prom Uihe "Maody Monthi>"'. Mrs. Hanna, Janetvllle. GRATEFUL THANKS C Our boo0tet "1Where theresà TO SALEM FOLK* NO wilr' brm.Ryoutlims the. Mrs. Burrus, Salemr, has braught changleil ecently made in dmi us in a second letter received from law .of<the Province of Ont. Mrs. Margaret Lockhart, Broome- &io lo it laff~cts9efoSidy' f ield, Cheshire, England, acknw-CE do# witIout WIUst. ledging clothlng sent tafTiiYM< -bombed in the British Iles. Thée j letter follows: loi " Changing financial condition&. Dear Mrs. Burrus: tai * Chaginmuast thai4k YOU and your kln<d ag finsfor the second parcel o le Chonging famiy, business and lvely garments, every nc of p social reiotionships- which was moat useful. We ha E distributed some of them téaâ lU- NecesslteChqnaelnOn*sWrIL gow as the bomblng there hm in been moat cruel and tho &nLdq M lef t hameless. One f#m iIIendî*ý Our experience in the administo «- of our own, had their -houe br- tion of Estates may b. of value cd dawn and the hubnd and4 ch ta you to-day. wif e. and two littlé cblldren Just 0ch escaped with clothes they had on.' TIIU We ail appreciate yaungca kindness very much. MY busbàne' bc who ls. headmaster of a large a, £@R@AIIONschool, told the cbildren Of Yaflr th -kindness and they were very a ara >. n. rootiro thrilced ta thlnk we hàd suchgot friends across the ocean imar éonvey ta your friends my verY ai ____________________sincere- thanks and the thanka et f ihewaybore, nc I te ldsthese poar peaple who are being th th aid "Goh, flonseomethe dsmade mare camfartable by you? si riicest littie mather, about 18 years gift. Wt1ao ihs ayUta old and blonde. I've got a date Yaurs sincerely.ci with her to-night." That remarie Margaret Lackhart. ci brake the tension and -thc rest af __________ fl tday was fie. ' --sa Naw, this epistie must conclude Obuary e with bcst wishca from ail the men____ and officers aof<"D" Cay. ta the William Duncan Reid> ar people of Bownianviile and dis- h trict who wcrc 50 good ta them in William Duncan Reid, a resid- K bygane'days. All is welI here and cnt of Oshawa for same Yeara, hi everybady ls baving a good time. passcd away at 274 Nassau street, th Of caurse, it lsn't like home, but May 15, fallowing 'an iliness ofil shucks, wc didn't expect it would some lcngth. Born in, ChesIey, th~ be. Ont., Navember 6, 1863, Mr. Reid*ti( Incidentally, The Statesman was maved ta Eastern Ontaoi'and PE neyer read so thoraugbly by any- came ta Oshawa framI Bailieboro a ane as it is by these men and by 20 years aga. He was anc af the ai the officers. It usually arrives thc three original and surviving mcm- cx latter part of the week and la bers af the Foresters at Bemsford, a surraunded by the Bowmanvillc- Ont. ites almost before the wrapper la Bealdes the bereaved wif c, for- Pi of f. I took a picture this mornlner Letitia Margaret O'Hair, he là, h:w shawing the lads recelving their survived by thrce daughters, mn. aW mail and had tbemn hold up The W. H. Scragie, Courtice, Mrs. l Statcsman in the centre. I'11 .send Alldread, Bowmanville, M* ai it homne as soon as developed. Merecdith Byers, Orifla,' and 'Ra AJ.so, the deepest' appreclation brother, Daniel Reid af Peterboëro. af everyone here la extendcd ta The funeral was heid May 17, ' those wha made the trip taoOt- the service conducted byRev n, tawa ta sec us off. I've neyer scen Harold Lackey, minister of Emi's, - more Bowmanville people congre- killen United Church. Interment. 0 gated in anc spot, than there were in the Union CemcterY. around the front gate of the bar- racks on the Saturday and Sun- Alfred Dixan VanflYke day befare tbey left. It was just like Old Home Week. Alfred Dixan VanDyke, anc of By the way, I clan't think you East Whitby Townsbip's better made much miention of thc twa lmown and succeasful f armera, trophies and thc shield which passed away at North Oshawa, werc presented ta thc Battalion May 15, following a beart ailment for competitian by aur Haonorary which developed early this year. Col. and Mrs. R. J. Gil of Brock- Mr. VanDylce was bbrn iEuat ville and former resident af Baw- Whitby Township on Octaber 12, manville. One la for Inter-Camp- 1865, and bai spent practicallY bis any Efficiency, thc second for whole lite in thla canimunity. He Sparts and Uic third for Platolon, la the last member of a large famn- Musketry. Thcy really are warth ily af the late Mr. and Mrs. Dixon working for. Vanflye., Sa long for now. lII write more Mr. Vanflyke was one ai the, later. township% -mast succesafuli arm- As ever, yaur nephew, ers. and was well known and John M. James. higbly respected throughout the ______________ district. He was a staunch Liber, i politics and the f amily w C~mntftln Antu. actUvély 'Identifle& wltft chr mpeftàn M- work in Uic Tauntan and Kedron ChiIdren Encouralges district. in February this year, Mr. R.fo.stslon ment wbich forced hlm ta give up active wark on thc farm. It was To encourage tree planting and thc first iflness he had cxperienc- to arouse a greater interest in cdhI about hall a century, always reforestation a campetitian bas belng in good hcalth. been arrangcd -for Uic publiç yMr, andt Mrs. VanDyke celebrat- school childrcn of Hope Town- cd their filtleth wcdding anniver- ship. Prize money bas been donat- sary ln April Uia year, and wcre cd by Uic Rotary' Club af Port Uic recipientg af many gifts and Hope and C. G. Mercer, M.L.A. beatwlahes of frienda. in tbe Ked- Details af the competition will be rau district. presented ta each af Uic seventeen Mr. VanDylce las urvived b>' his scbools In Uic township by offi- wife. 'former Ida Mitchell, anc cials ai the Northumberland and daughter, Misa Hazel Vanflyke, R. Durham Conservation Service Inc. N.. at Uic Ontario Hospital, Whit- under whose direction Uieccomn- by, and twa sans, A. Haward Van- petition bas been arranged.* Dyke, C.N.R. representative at Establishing the >1arm wodlot Toiield, Alta., and Earl Vanflyke, is the iirst step i practicai re- ai Reaboro, Ont. tfarestatian and there are hun- The funcral was hcid May 19, dreds oif farma in Durham ta-day with service ca nductcd by Rcv. R. that can boast af littie more than H.. Wylie, iminister ai Kedron ra f ew shade trees. Ta pravide United Church. Interment lu Zion 5fuel, fence poats and lumber for Cemeter>'. frepaira an the average farm re- 7quires at least ten acres of thrifty 1woodlot af mlxed varieties aof Frank Barris 2trees. Ten acres af woadlat addcd Floigalntyiles sta Uic 1800 add iarms in Durham Foowgalcgy ns, Vwili nican 18,000 acres of waoded Frank Harris passcd away in Baw- ýarea ta the count>' and will be a mauville ýHaspital on May 3rd. substantial start lu restaring Uic Deceased who was in bis 73rd stwcnty per cent af woodcd aires, year was son of Uic late Mr. and kthat canservatianists consider ne- Mrs. George Harris and was mar- scessary ta maîntahi Uic normal ricd ta Misa Victoria Ginu. ewater table s0 vital ta iarming Mr. Harris from carly baYhood and industry. at lar'ge. was a resident af Cartwright Trees for planting in Uiia com- Tawnship and was a valucd. memn- ,petition will be obtained from the ber af Cadmus United Churcb. He Foretry tatin. Oanoa 4duic1' possessd aaquiet and retirmng dis- :ONTEST FMATURES FIRST AID WEEK SAFETY CAMPAIGN During the weck ai Ma>' l8tb 24th, ever>' drug store acros anada wili do its share i pro- iting First Aid Weck. Speciai indow dispîsys wiil be installcd )r the purpose af warning cus- )uera ta be ever on the alert ainat'accidents. This uation-wide first aid cam- aigu la being spansorcd b>' the inadian Pharmaceuticai Asso- ation, af wbich ever>' druggist iCanada la a member. W. A. IKnight ai Winipeg, Man., tesident of the Association, says Drug stores fram. cost ta coast, hains sud independents, wll ca- cerate in this drive ta lessen ccideuts, mare particular>' mi- or accidents that accur lu the ome. Iu addition ta ucwspaper dvertisements sud radio talks, ce Association is alsa sponsoring canteat for children. An>' child aCanada between the age ai 12 nd 15 ia>' enter the canteat;b>' pplying ta an>' local drug store r a cap>'oo' the leaflet giving he rules. The contest; is ver>' imple - ail the cbild is rcquired ado, is write a star>' ai not more han 100 words dcscribiug au ac- idcnt, in which a knowledge ai ist aid proved ai value." Prizes totailing $50.010i war avings certificates wili be award- I the winners. "Records show that childreu ce most often Uic victinis ai rnme accidents," said Mr. Mc- L night. Therefore, the druggist, :causc ai bis dail>' contact with .e variaus members of the farn- [y aud because ai bis intereat in he health sud weli being af the «ople in bis communit>', la in a iique position through this iirst. âd campaign, ta impress an par- ils aud childrcn Uic importance ýffirat aid knowledge." The primar>' ides la ta try and )revent accidents, but accidents ike 'bullets don't care where or vhorn the>' strike sud it la advis- tlc ta be ready for emergencies tail limes. Marc important than 'cli stocked gracer>' shelves is a )ropcrly equipped medicine cab- net, for statistica show that far norc accidents accur in the home han on the street. About 35% ) ail accidents occur in Uic home -accidents caused b>'lalla, burns, 't- scalda, knives, poison, electricit>', them ta Uic necessit>' af gettig "These are sombre days for us gas, coal ail and clcaning fluids. proper treatment and at the sanie all. The freedom wbh la as ur The neglect ai saal cuts and time Uic>' will gain some knaW- heritage la iu mortal danger. The burns may mean the loas of a ledge ai firat aid and its value. finger, yet bow aiten thc average A similar cbildrcn's contest was augry flood ai war la spreadlng persan f aillata take trne ta apply stagcd isat year by First Aid relentîcasi>' in a thouMad torrents first aid treatmcnt. Week. Neari>' anc thousand chil- ta tens af thousands ai homes. But The druggists feed that by ask- dren entcred Uiecocntest and the ing children ta write a star>' on firat prize was won b>' a Boy wc shail surel>' stem Uic tide."- first aid it will help ta educate Scout in Gravenburst, Ontario.- Earl of Athione., v If ~~~JOIN UP#ZW There's a place for YOU at the wheel of a roaring tank; behlnd a spltting Ack-Ack gun; astride an armoured motorcycle.. and YOU are flot the man te hsng back. It's YOUR fight s the ,weapons are being forged;- the way prepared. The callt h to ACTION from the minute you àtep into uiform.- You aaýd yeur PALS are needed NOW. Canada and the auapfre, your home, your loved ones, muet Le protected; get into te.flght. Te Canadian Active Army requires men for Artlllery, Engineers, Sgnale, Aroeoured Cars, Tanks, Infanti>', Transport and Supply, MeiaOrdnance and other branches of the Service. The Army hs prepared to teach many trades, and to traiu you to efficlently handie Cannda'& weapons of war. f or Go to your neareat District Recruiting Office. FInd out about these Unit@s; how the>' work, what thcy do. See just where ACTVEyoull fit in. Sec where an>' particular skill you poIs eau best RATES 0F PAY IN TUE RANKS Apyt ers ititRcutn $1.30 per Day with Board, Lodging, Apyt ers ititRcutn Clathing, Medical and Dental car. ffc or any local Armoàry pravided. EXTRA: (1) Rates varying front 250 ta 750 per day for .killed tradeumen while employedL <2Dependet Allowafces inCah. DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA Western Canàda Special Bargain Excursions Vu,. 111 Station in EastovnCanada GOING DAMLY MAT 17. 28,1941 INCLUSIVE Return Limit: 45 day. TICKETS GOOD IN- COACHES at tares 1primtl 1-8e. per mile. TOURIOT Sleeping Carsa ~m approxlmately 1 S-Sa Per mile. STANDARD Sleeping Cars at tares approxlmatoly 1 5-8o .Per mile. Cost of Accoodatlon In Sleeping Cars AddltlonaL DAQGAGE ehoeked, Stopovers at Ail Pointe enroute shilar Excursons fbonsWestern te Eatern uaadaDurlng Sans. Porlod. Trokets. Sleeping Car Reservatiorls, sud ail information' fromn su>' Agent. A FOR HANDBILLT-7 "Noe: Govt. Revenue T" BExtr." 1-8-22 CANADIAN NATIONAL A breakfast of two Nabisco Sbrcddcd Whcat with milk snd fresh, fruit "has what it takes" to bel p feed a hungry boy and tastes grand, besides. For Nalisco Shrcdded Wheat is 100% ibole wvbeat-with ali the bran snd wheat germ-i a -farm that is easily digested snd cquickiy con- vertible into the cnergy he needa ta kccp "au thc go". Your whole famil>' wiil enjo>' its crisp goodness aud fresh, nut-lilce flavaur. Ile sure ta asic for it by thc full naine, I'Nabisco Shredded Whcat". THE CANADIAN 3115500W WHEAT COMPANY, LTO., Niagara Fle, Canada , 1 9aq ,WMM 0,hi43 &SSWE LL!t 144 . . . . . . . . . . .

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