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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1941, p. 4

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THE CfANAIAX STA'rvSMAN. ROWMANVILLE ONTARIO P~AGEPOURK h .11 IN1 THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST E - PFrom The Statesma Files FKJTY YEAERS AGO From The Canadia Stateman, M"y 27, 1891 One of Uic largest fires Uiat has occurred for some time took place Friday morning whea thc build- ings Of Uic Bowmanviile Agricul- lurai and Carrnage Works were destroyed with contents. Only a few pioughs and buggies were saved as Uic fire made great head- way before it was discavcrcd. The large framc building and tailor- ig establishment of Richard Peate aimoat adjoining the car- riage warcrooms on the west re- ccived a severe scarching but were nat matcially damaged. Close ta the faundry on Uic cast side is the brick dwelling af John Aln which was also saved thro' Uic assiduous efforts of Uic fic- men. The destroycd praperty be- longs ta the Crawford estate and was insured for only $2,300, though Uic loss wml reacli $8,000. How Uic fire originated is a mys- tcry. Sans of England wcrc favorcd wiUi Queen's weather for the 24Ui o! May celebration. Ini Uic main- ing Uicre was a lacrosse match bctwecn Bowmanvillc and Osh- awa. Ini Uic giant procession was thc Bowmanville Bicycle Club dresscdi fancy costumes, and the firemen. At Uic fair grounds. races and entertainment werc provided for everyone. Durham County Teachers' As- sociation met in Uic new High 1 School. Inspector W. E. Tilley may well f ccl proud o! lis county staff. R. D. Davidson presided with Uic utmast urbanity and gaod nature. Arthur E. McLaughlin, son ôf Dr. J. McLaughlin, won great gloiry on Uic cricket field ini To- ronto making 37 runs in 2 innings i a match bctwcen Uic Tarante Colts and a Brampten team. Win. Kelly, Leskard, was f ined $8.00 for rcfusing te answer a question of Uic census cauniera- lor. Francis Swect, a former resi- dent o! Haydon, has a son'Frank, of Windsor, who dlaimis te have received a remarkable cure thra' faith. 'I was ini great pain sud near death when suddeniy I fclt unseen hsuds placed on me and a delightful cool wavc, sucli as I cannot explain, passcd aver me. In the twinkling of an eye and wiUiout Uic least effort I sat up ini bcd. Since thea I have not f cit Uic least pain or trouble. I amn quite sure it was God's interposi- lion Uiat savcd me. Had it been Uic doctor's I would have been weak after il but I was perfcctly Mil~ee EUFW* strog." r. wcet's strange taie lacoroarte by his wife and a large number of neiglibars. .Tyrane: Our citizens have beca compelled te witncss several anti- tempersuce abject lessans on Uic strcet lateiy, but with Uic cvil traffic i oui midst and ail around us we cannot expect anything cis. . . . John Colwill has gone te England for his ....... .. Jas. Waters- was tbrawn !rom has liorse sud recelved bad bruises. Cartwright: Wiùiam Swaila taking a trip ta Canada's great North West. . .. On Sunday even- ing about 75 Sons of Engiand frdmn Cartwright, Port Pcrry and Hampton marched ta Uic Metho- dist Church where Rcv. W. Ken- ner delivercd a fine sermon. New Haven: Wc regret ta re- port the death o! Thos. Westcott who died at his mother's, Mrs. Samuel Wood, Base Lune. He visit- cd California trying ta improve his health. TWENTry-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Canadian Stalesmili, May 25, 1916 From Dan Douglas li the Qiçi- miii Hospital, Aberdeen, Scotlsud: The niglit nuise came ito Uic ward Uic oUier niglit ta id the electric lights snugly peiched against Uiececiling sud al Uic patients fait asleep. The pnanks Uic patients play on anc suother are a continuons laugli. Ravages of War: "Nature la do- ing her best te caver.up Uic scars o! war but Bclgium la zigagged with trendhes li eveiy direction. The tal dis that Uic Uiuifty Bel- giunis kcpt sa neatly trnmmcd, lin. Uic roadsand have pravided a mark for Uic cneniy. I jnst heard Uic aider given te sound Uic gai alarm but there la not mucli danger te-nigit; as Uic wind la wrong." Sa wrote Pte. R. G. Dickison. Higli School Notes* May 12Ui Uic assens ly hall was fillcd te hear contestants for Uic Tamblyn sud Galbraith prizes in oratary. Esthei Stevens, Helen Johnston and Kenneth Cox werc the win- ners. Very generai regret la felt by citizens aver Uic departure a! Mi. and Mis. T. E. Higginbotharn fron tewn ta make their home in Cl gary, Alta. Thc Metliodist churdli especially feels their lasa since Uiey -were active li nsuay phases o! its activlty. Miss Mari anc King, youngest daugliter o! Major W. Ç. Kig, P.M., las passcd lier third ycar exanis in Household Science at Uic U. a! T., sud wiil represent Uic Tarante Chapter of Uic Alpha Phi soroirity at Uic convention i Be ny, Cal., sons o! England had a large turnaut te dhurci parade ta Uic Disciples Churcli wlen Chie! Jar- vis was marahali. Rcv. 0. C. Welsmagn pircached. la Uic even- ing Rev. J. W. Hastie preached sud sang a solo. Ebenezez': Morley Wilkins lias invested i a taurig car. . .. Roy Nichais liai assumed duty at Osh- awa. ... Miss Hattie Osborne gave a fine paper at Epworth League an "Hymnnwriters" ta whicli over 50 listeaed. Salas were given by A. Short sud Frank Walter, read- ing by Miss L. Pickell, sud piano number by Miss L. Osborne. The soldicis parade for churdli service ta Uic Salvation Army Citadel sud wcre escartcd fron thc arena by the army band. The fine bugle band directed by -Seigt. W. Wilkinson wai present. Ser- vice wai conductcd by Staff Sergt. Ginger sud Capt. Pollock gave an addiess on "Courage." West Durhamn should have a ninisteriai association uncluding ail ministers in this district who wouid surely benefit by nsontbiy meetings for consideratian o! du- ties pcrtaining ta their sacrcd office and foir promotion a! sodia- .bility aniang themseives sud theur bwives. 1 ey. W. H. Enslcy, who weat 1overseas wihUiceFirst Canadian 1Expedltioaary Farce, lias beca 1given a position in Canadian Di- visional Hcadquartcrs at Brans- 1sliott, Engl. John L. Wcrry. lCendal, lias been. appointed by Uic Presbytery To the Citizens of DARLINOTON TOWNSHIuP tu o.Umue wlth the request ot Hoq, M. F. Hepburn,]prime MhIMto! Ontario and Honorary Chairman, Ontario Com- * J~tte Doamnion Wsr Loan Organisation, to deeorate their p uteqbm Iriniuic eforflicomlnw Vlctory War Loin, I hereby ;Omuit aeJ ginesm hoansd householders to decorate their w#kh flagisud otherwie during the Vletory Loan peI.This wWl afford a splendid background'for glMwy ua~oobandsansd other features. ~ j gggid Ui4 -h decorationa be instalci not liter than ~gyflu, tIe* a dmtarta mue Sud, 1941. W. R. PICKELL, - Reeve of Darlinglon TowmMhp. of Whitby a commnissioner ta Uic General Assembiy ta be held ini Winipeg. Bishap Brent of 'the Phulipines visited his native village of New- castle sud preachcd in St. George's Churdli May 14Ui. IRcv. John Griffli, who has been taklng a post graduate course at Victoria University, will asalat Capt. H. B. Kcnny, Cobourg, for a few weeks. % Brown's (Intcnded for lait week) Clifford Brown lias beca quite i. Mr. Jas. Hillier wliile visiting hiis daugliter in Barrie suffercd an attack o! appeadicitis and was operated upon. Ray Brown lias abtained work ia Uic Goodyear rubber f9ctary. Miss Wylina Farrow, Misses cursons, Mr. sud Mis. C. Turner and Sidney and Ray Brown and Arnold Murray attendcd the dance ini Newcastle. The teacher sud pupils o! aur school are ta, be coagiatulatcd on tleir fine sunging at thc Musical Festival in Port Hope. Nune of the pupils sanga two dhoruses, wunning 2ad place in one compcting wiUi 14 other achools, and 3rd place la the other compcting with 3 other scliools. Spring aeeding la pretty well fimished. The new hause an D. Hender- sons farm la just about finishcd. W. cxtend sympathy ta Uie Stephenson family on Uic bass o! their faUicr wha had been ill for some time in Toronto. Visitais: Mr. and Mis. A. Hunt- er sud Mary at Mr. H. Brown'a and Mr. A. Brown's, Port Grsuby. ..Miss Phyllia McNeil with lier aunt, Mis. Clarence Turner.... Reg. Falls, Newtanviiic, at Well- ington Farrow's. . . Bil Clarke, R.C.A.S.C., Ottawa, witli frienda her.... Mi. anid Mns. Gea. Stephi- enson sud Lynn i Tornto.... Miss B. Cai with Miss Fenne Webber. Burketon (lateaded for lait wcek) Mother's Da'y Visitais: Mi. sud Mns. A. Moffatt, Marylin sud Uic twins, Mi. sud Mra. Leo Moffatt, Oshiawa, with Mia. S. Moffatt... Mi. and Mrs. H. Wright, Oshiawa, with Mia. J. !UcLaughln... Wal- lace Breck, R.C.N.V.R., Toronto, wîtli Mis. T. G. Breck. .. Mi. sud Mis. H- E. Hause witli Mis. H. Strutt, Osawa... Mr. sud Mis. D. Gatdheil and baby, Oshawa, with Mis. J. Gatchell. .. Mi. A. Trick, Manvers, Mi. and Mia. L. Trick, Pqntypaol, with Mns. G. Carnochan. . . Mr. and Mis. H. Gill with lier mother, Mis. Brock, Coîborne.. . Mns. J. Gill with Mis. Richards, Bowmanvile. .. Misses Doris Pranse, Claremont, Bo)bbic palmer, Anna Marie Hoakin, EUsa Hoakin, Mr. Glen Hoakin, Oshawa, Mi. sud Mis. Frank Hoskin, Joan sud Patricia, Tarante. Mns. Larne Hoakin, Murray sud Alyn, Ty- ran., with Mn. sud Mns. Wesley Hoakin. A number came out ta dhurci service on Suaday ta Icar Rey. Mr. Parsons of Consecon. Thc Women's Association held a pot luck supper at Mis. J. GaI- chell's. The ladies served a good crowd, who enjoyed the home bakung and îeallzed a nice sun o! money with which ta carry on Uieir work. Several musical nuns- bers were given by Mr. Hoski and Bert, and crokunole and chi- esec dleckera iounded out the eveiiing. Shaw s <latendcd for lait week) At Uic May meeting o! Sliaw's Home sud School Club, commit- tees wcre appointed te nake ar- rangements for Uic annual picnic i June. These officers wcie elect- cd: President - Garnet Rickard; Scy-Mrs. Otto Bragg; Trea.- Mns. K. Squair; Press See'y.-Mis. SN. Rickard; Pianlst-Mlss B. Gil- bank. Alex Prout acted ai chair- man o! Uic prograin. Miss.Dora- Uiy Nichais sang, accompanied by Miss Hazel Rundie, and also Miss Margaret Allun sang, with Miss Leta Bragg acconpanist. These two talented lades are always sure a! an appreciative audience. The audience mucli enjoyed Uic sleight-of-hand sud veatriloquist efforts o! Bian Flaherty. As an entertainer leis elcrtaily a great success and makes lis audience almoat believe his "!ricnd" can aiso speak. Miss Crank, ini intro- ducing thc, speaker Mi. McEwen, said she feit that li lis twa year tern as Inspectair here Uic speak- er had endearcd himiel! ta teacli- ers sud pupilsa slike by kindly citiclan sud fricndiy wsys. Mr. MeEwen gave an enlightcaing talk an Uic aimsansd ideals a! tesching sud reasons for thc new curriculum. It la feit today, per- hapa as neyer before, that nat sa much wliat children acquire li knowledgc at achool as whst tîey become is wîst nattera noat. It is a proven fact that environnent lias a f ar grester effect on forma- tion o! dharacter than heredity. Identical twins if brouglit up sep- arately bcconc different. Sa riglit contacts, and mare especially re- ligions traiing' can sud daca ovencame mudli that lias been in- hcnlted a! a doubtful or harmful tendency. As Mie. Rager told us sons. wecks ago, thcre la a great necd for religious trainig ini Uic achools. Mi. MeEwen thinks we have been taa mudli afrsid o! de- nonsInationial nlvalry or domina- tion by anc (protestant) section a! thc Christian cdurcih idays gone by. Let us have fundamental ne- ligiaus principles at least tauglit ta aur dhildren. Truc cducation la a formation or dharacter, a de- vclaping o! abilities sud such tescliing as tIc ncsuing o! the Golden Rule as leade ta abillty ta liv. peaccabl y and have under- standing and appreclation o! the allier fellow, lis needs, lis riglits, lits abilities, sud ta help athns i Saving an Empire Corne Then Let us to the Task . . . To the Battie and the Toi ... Each to Our, Part ... Each to Our Station ... F111 the Armies . .. Rule the Air..* Pour out the Muni-. tions ... Strangle the U-bats... Sweep the Mins... Plough the Land ... Build the Ships .- . Guard the Stree... Succour the Wounded.. Uplift the Downcast and Honoum the -Brave. Lèt us go. forward to- gether in. a l'parts of t parts of this Island. nor a day, nor an hour -RT. HON. WINSE in a Poster issucd bY suy way we can. Afte tUic presi- dent tlisukcd Mi. McElen for lis ispiing addrcss, Ernest Gilbank led in games. This la 'th. lait meeting for Uic season. It was snaunced prizes at plcnic, for proficieacy, etc., wouid be takea care o! by a collection on that occasion. Please note. the Empire ... In ail Wril There is not- a week, ton, r to be lost. fm Mr. STON CHURCHILL, Mis. ýy the British Govennmcnt. vil Harr and ~est, f in's, and Mr. "Local government in Great Mis. Britain neyer had such a glairions -Mr. vindicatian as durig those last ghas Mr. aine monthstyhen Uic Nazis have Wa:j descended upon Uic lsland i their Mc] most savage fury and attempted Islin ta larni Uiclife out o! it."!-Han. Rai Malcolm MacDonald, Britishi Higli Bur] Commlssloner.M FIGNI.l D FA R T M a m T! OR 1 1 N Aý N C 6E# .PAY Ç AN AD A "BLOOD ..TOIL.. TEAmRS and SWEAT" This is a war for existence. It la, war to the death. It la a war to win or to lose. There can be no half way-no compromise. It la a war £0 WIN. Monuey ià the fourth amo tesrvice. Whatever you are ciffed on to pay or to lend, it is littie compared to the lives that our sons offer. There have been many and heavy cafls upon Canada afready. Thore will be more. Let ns face the truth and the truth will makç us fr-ee. It is freedom we are. fighting for, British fedom, the freedom of body. and spirit that makes life worth living. If we fail, we fail. Be prepared for sacrifice. Great Britaiu has set us an example en a'scale of heroie magnificence history doesn't record. Let lusFIGITI1 Canada has the resources. Let us spare -nothing. When our soldiers offer thefr lives, let ms be willing to share- our livelihood. Presently the Government of Canada will cail for money. The money la here. We are spending billions. We are already heavily taxed. But moou of these billions and those taxes are being spent in Canada. That money corne. back to you. Keep it xollng. Keep putting it back into the war effort, so that it may be ispent agaiu and again and again until Right prevails and the.world la fre.. e~ mad ~. q4e. ----j a 1 1 ý. ý" ýe- 1 THJURSDAYr, MA 22, 1941 ed a mlsceUaneous shower at Mr. fants, great advanceu have been Z ion Walter Oke's i honor of their made lin artificial feedlng. The daughtcr Marie and Bruce Ash- "indigestion baby"la i almoal a r. A metingwashel in he on.thlng of-the -past and the "second V. Asumeeting aanohlonger the time yf S. room an Wednesday. Mirs. umri olne h ieo ssen Perklns, Mrs. Rabt. ICillen Fortl dread it used ta be. 1Mis. Hans Geisaberger were Forb Babies' Added ta the abave factors, a ladies an thc May group. In LIv» St!,! Raiges more wldespread knowledge on absence of the president and ___ the part of bath physicians and resi= n, Mns. T. ari parents in Uic care of children pr3dt t took charge. Arlt'e During thc first ycar of thc War has been responsible for the sav- !business this program. was 1914-18, the Board of Health for ing of babies' lives. For example, ren: Piano solo, Mns. Ch as. Nay- Ontario drew attention ta thc certain communicable dise"se, ,topic, "Mother"' by Mrs. Re- need at such a lime for conserva- such as diphtheria, have been . Cameron; piano solo by Miss tion of life, and pointed wlth brought unde contrin helait in Balson, Hampton. Ladies of some dismay ta a death rate of twenty years. Wbile whooplng group served a bountiful infants under one :Pear of 103.2 cough atml ranks hlgh i they ich and everybody enjoyed a per 1000 living births. caues of death in this age grouk,Y -ai tins.. At Uic end of a year of Uic pre- Uic number of cases la dereas sent, conflict, reports show Uiat year by, year, due ta mor fIc ______________ that rate has been cut ta less than tive methodi of prevcntion.io VN1...&. hall. A new 10w, 46.4 was reached mion, LDarfiiIgtofl in 1939, and releases for 1940 in- dicate a still greater impravement. Adversity makes a man wlse, (Intndedfor ast eek) When the batte for babies ' though nt; rich.-Thomas Fuller. lives began, it was recognlzed that Avetruthte istptht Visitors: Mr. and Mns. Harry Uic greatest threat lay in theic t.-Byron. îght and Joyce, Oshawa, Mr. dread «"summer complaints"l or àMrs. Jini McLaughiin, Burke- "Icýalera infantuni", known te iat Mr. Russel McLaughiin's. doctors as diarrhoea' and enteri- Mfr. and Mns. Cyril Avery and tis. Death rates were appallingly nily, Mr. and Mira. Jim. McGre- htgh in towns and cities where rand family, Maple Grave, at people lived close togeUier with -William Wotten's.. . Mr. and inadequate sewage systems, aften- s. Robert Stephena, Bowman- poilutcd water and unprotected e, Mns. Charlotte Stephens, milk supplies. Ever present haoe npton, Miss.Veina Griffin, Mr. fies played their partl tas àMns. Leslie Wotten and, Ern- ferring infective material to0Uic ýOshawa, at Mr. Richard Grif- baby's mouUi, to its milk or ta S. . . Miss Margaret Osbarne teething rings and comforts. cMr. Art Moore, Pickering, at Fly contrai, pasteurization of .Frank Maoîe's. . . Mr. and miik, community sanitatian and Place your Bray Chilk order- s. Alymer Bcech and f amily at rigaraus cîcanlinesa in Uic pre- tod. . No wrother. No oneat %Harry Larmer's, South Mana- paration of the infaat's food have tention - prompt dollvery. an. .,. Miss Veima Fergusan and ail had their share in rcducing F. C. VANSTONE .Alvin Evans, Oshawa, at Mr. the number of infant deaUis. In D3owmanvllle lter Fergusoa'a. . . Mr. Jean 1939 diarrhoea and enteritis ac- F. L. UYAM ,Lean at Mir. C. J. Mauntjay's, couated for only about 8 per cent Tyrans igton. . . Mr. and Mns. Cecii of Uic dcaUinhe i firat ycar, as FRED J. THOMAS hm at Mr. Hary Rahm's, againt 18 per cent ia 1920. JACK HUDSON ,ketoa. Although mother's müislasil Orono Nany iaur cammunity attend- rcgarded as the best foad for i-

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