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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1941, p. 5

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THURSDAY, MAY2 ~2, 1941 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, oNTARTo * PAGE FIVE' a on md ren av- mci, àen Ast Ihg STARTEA C/fDAY W/T/I K :Ïk -. b- CR/SPCR DUC//Y POSTS awa, wlth friendi ee JFLAKES Y$o( Burketon, wlth friendi. lA/I Mr. and Mmi. Wlbert McKins- JUS r £OVE TH7EIR try, Misses Snowie and Marie BwavloHdoSo WO#y Mamlow1 Oshawa, at Mr. R. W. WVMr. Jack. garlow, Oshawaow s. MJac M a.lw Obw, iCANADIAN GENERAL 'ELECTRUC£tTE !riends here, __________________________________ 4 v quickly filled with an abundanice DARLINGTON COUPLE MARK 53RD ANNIVERSARYW Grade VI took part in the solo tice openhigtmeing.Deo ofhtwae rm.teHdr a ed ig onl work, which Doris came out in tional wastae by rsHry of hotwater rom th HydroFlst ______ ______the finals with 82 marks, Ray Gay. Mrs. Te1 oefvrdwt Rate Water Heater early Monday Mr. Gordon Fisher and Miss with 82, and Loryne with 80 a reading TeFoadth morning. Add'water sotener and . Brooks-Moore Vera Fisher entertalned their marks. We were very pleased to study bookwaincrgofrB _____soa flakes and put the clothes là yun'rensa4terhoeo hear that Doris Stevens in the Lloyd Couric;paodeMs whilee machine la operating, o >ý The parsonage at Trn was yugfinsatterhm npaosl o 4mrs etn rcCut ,b e sure that riot too many *thlngse -neofa interesting wed- btra vnn tadne the gold medal, while Doreen Jef- ro .Rees enswese- a re put in at once. ding on Saturday, April l2th, The family of the late A. D, fery in the saine class got 75 ed. mv<u 3. You can be preparing break- hen Miss Doris Vivian Isobel, VanDyke have the sympathy of marks. Christena Campbell of vran Ms.W.Wtr, TUIINGBWifs onlth athu aciey daughter of Mr. and Mns. J. this comxnunity. A number at- Grade V, in folk dancing got 88 Mran TII ANEEMIX I 'A< '"works away for about 20 minutes. tn. hefue Mdi MnMem-N Hr Cortie Otaw *> ANNE ALLAN . W. ~~~~~~~~Moore, Whitby, was united in tne h uea tZo ee marks, winning the gold medal. MrapFank eedne ussa Hydro Hoe i conomisi Even before breakfast the flrst ariage to William Grattan, eld- tery on Monday. Kay Lycett of Grade IV go the Mr*. anH o rde's batch of clothes can be wrung out est son of Mr. and Mns. L. Brooks, Mr. Jas. McMaster, Toronto, has silver medal in recitmng, with 79.ow adptit ar is ae.Tyrone. The lovely young bride' been home with German measles. marks. visited his mteM~ .E and ut raitz or newteevleo or. ed charming in a suit of honey Miss Joyce GUfford, Mr. Ray Gif- ________ Courtice. Fuoun'll y atr ealie henvau emof yberbeeand brown accesso ries, with ford and Neil Gifford have also Mr. and Ms eadBlo *HeUlo Homemakersl Do you re- how a soapy garment put into coldb nla l uue bt oapnk caroses, blue No hurch orSunday chooantons ~ber when washday was Blue rinse water used to look. (The fat1boqeofpnrsslu NocrhorS da ho tv. tMoUdYTha' eas twsith opcauae s nug -Carnations and fern. Her only next Sunday on account of Eldad Ms June th ccpedtin orlunr ttolav dsouain elo- eeleywas a valued brooch of anniversary. Services on Sunday were well visited MissRsea dgr be done ini a gloomy basement: mess>. if n wanpearls wc ad ao Visitors: attended. ong service ain C grtl cloths rubed onan infficint ~ reakfst ovr thewhît by hier mother on ber Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hulatt charge of Rev. W. C. Smith when Cdaonrtuats t isRs elths ube o a nefiiet 4.Brakat ve, h wit wedding day. Alter the Ceremony and Victor, Mr. Gordon Law, Nancy May, little dougbter o! Mr.EdaopasnbefilPar board; wrung out by hand and clothes con be wrung out of the th ap on opelf yOhwM.adMs .Sm n r.WlrdBown, was mc x carted warily uptairs i a heavyfirst rise wate inotorh foropointstoeast.poUptonatheiron soni s rnEMr woodo Sampsonn, :To hrchristenedy.FoFayeMuroen ,ceuriel basket. And ironing was every with the swivel electric wringer. MRA ornt Oirst year Ph bitastolsme B tistim te ecndbachofréturn tbey will reside ot 294 ronto, Mrs. H. Wilcox and Reggie, Down, Gwen Osborne and Doro- armacy exains. bi astolom. ythsis tie the sor isn bath of coberts Ave.,Trot. Owen Sound, at Mr. Russell Per- thy Higgins wr eevda Hoftlmaker - yo con hank he be hîne ~ hug outto members of the churcb. ýr.George Kaye nteavlo - WestnurstyMo can hanMr.handeMr.iR. StaintonoutGrocdryJames Hancock contnibuted a vo- little daughter your lucky stars for modern me- on an umbrella type clothesllne- Wet. KeithsonMr and J Mr J. Stainton cé,al solo. The Junior choir pro- Miss Eleanoi nlnTrno the os o aing ad oning, anthe lrcsestalnegnt. i hees d '*St. Jsp' Cu Bowman- at Mr. A. J. Balson's, Solina. vided music for the evening ser- was guest mihteMrsalas teupet comfortin a o auate ilwasesn g o outnin thios- 'ville, was the scene of a pretty Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron, vice. es euipment-. oheulcon ow plan -waywasgan edoning houe- wedding Saturday morning, May Jack and Joyce, at Mr. Morley Mission Cirle met May 4th at The Statesmni oinsl ynocUr okin chî your t i m aer - work cnbedneu b enlth, when Gene Margaret, dau- Flntoff's, Maple Grove. the home of Mrs. Eric Courtice, each week atWlesSorca tonc instlayour eltnial deler . o aoclock. nig it htr of C. B. Morrison and the Mr. and Mns. Ed. Courtney, To- with President Mrs. Lloyd Cour- copy. you need. Here are a few belpful placid deliberation, secure inthe .led in mrrinhagwtoa beronton's r ers, HskatnMr. ay hints for easier washdays. The knowledge that wath the control- -uDn) etnutt, sg on ofH.bert TCamron's.Cres a U a recipes are simple and easy to led heat of an electric ironer you ýn n) h aMs Westnutt, Mr.nand Mrs.eCh-istian Stor prepare. Just the thing, when you can iron a shirt, for instance, -in -eutwanvile Rev. WS . ofeyTor.ndatM.hrtan eSber- want to get a mfeal in a Étjiffy." seven minutes fiat. Do the cuf!, Bofficiate .S . C gfeTronos.r.HasGisb But we'll begin with the washday then the leeve, fronts, the yolk offic bide hsearoe en- Mss ar rhrBaer e rules: and lastly the bock. Or yÔor elec- Tebiecoears n isLuaAceBaerde trieiro, wih is fve hat on-semble fashioned with o panel o! Mn. and Mns. G. N. Moncreif, Raies to Remember trol, featherwelght - wrn zip pale blue, bier bat and accessonies Jean and Doris, Peterboro, Miss 1. Hve ourlaudryin asum arundthebuttns ithno an-of matching rose, and a corsage Muriel Moore, Enniskillen, Mn. mer PrHe or aunry cn o su- ger o n te btns th o Ardn-of roses and sweet peas. She wasand Mns. Rosi Lee, Diane and ertt porh one androo cov nderospping kesthem off.oAtrod attended by lber sister, Miss Clora Brion, Kedron, at Mn. A. T. Stain- 2. Put your white clothes to the way-and a fold-away ironing woit ,ia dusky rose uies a n s soak on Sundoy nigt-the eîec- board means time and effort and wonsoge o! rose and corflowend.l tric wosbing machine coe even disposition saved! In tis cose ro ews attnded by biwes o ________________way "Blue, Monday" is banished Mapl G ov for good! twin brother, John <Pot) West-___ nttq Te wedding music was Dishes that cai be prepared and sple yMs ila alr Congratulations to ail Mople Foplloing the ceremol n yloa Grove prize winners and to the 5HOUL.DN'r HAVE PRAN~ cod i shr rdr n a breakfast was served at the home scbool on their performance at ALL 7MAi' PIp CIVl44 da: ia en kIitMelof the groom's father for tbe im- the music festival beld at Port ML lo tisL ima bSil ea mediate families. Loter the bride Hope. 2 iso iabasand groom let for a motor trip Mn.,"d Mns. James Armstrong OLEN MAE DAt RY b. 1 tin oo! tomnato soup through the Niagara Peninsula. had their son Robert James chris- 8E~RE 1 STARi'TEE 1 lb. pork sausages M.adMs onI.MtarO hi eunte ilrsd ee nSna.l AE OSHAWA, ONT. (pricked with fork> ) in.Jh .Meei nSteio tman ey ilrsi e ened orudoy. m Btus ____________________1, green pepper (chopped) wbo on May l6th celebrated the 53rd anniversary o! their wedding h omavle St. United Churcb, Toronto, will -- Put everything in o ikillet Pan. day. They are well known and respected residents of the Broken preach at anniversary services on LAST 2 DAYS Cover and place on electnic ele- Front in Darllngton. Mmi. MetcaUf is now 75 and ber husbond one ~ Parker-Groomns Sunday, June 15th. Friday and Saturday ment turned bigh. When the prç- year younger but both are stillinii good health and active. They Intepenc o!rmdie Visitons: ductbegns o seam (aout10 were maried in Bowmanvifle i 1888 ini the Queen St. Methodlst I h rsneo meit r n r.L .Ca n Corne aad raisesthe devil mini.> turn the closed elernent parsoriage, now the home of Mmi. T. S. Holgate, by Rev. j. E. têations and a few close friends, DranMs.LH.Cteod wlt of. Laveon noter 5 ms. Sanensn.MUSs Doris Mildred Grooms, eld- son Danny, Brantford, with Mri. DEVI AND Serve as a complete main course. T r n m.Mta!hv es onsxsn n n a~tr est daughten o! Mn. and Mns. L .Sodn MTEaEVLANkedr.an FliMtcl hveber Flsi snets.nedugte:Harny Grooms, 19 Barrie Ave., Mr. and Mns. Roy Metcal! with Nlukd Fsh illts. Noble, Mople Grove, Bruce, Roy and Norman, Base Line, William Tqsonto, on Saturday, May 3rd, relatives in Toronto. Miss JONES1 1 lb. boned f ish fillets and Odas, Toronto, and Pearl (Mri. James Aberrnethy) o! Bowman- bIcore the bride o! Herbert Miss Ruth Armstrong, Weston, JEAIjT ARTHRR01 1 cup chopped cooked ville. Charles Parker, son o! Mn. and Mn. Donald Rosi, Toronto, at Mri. Robert cumminga spinoch 'Wben the editor called Friday to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Met- MËs. G. W. Parker, Toronto. Rev. R. H. Armstrong's. Chares Cburn2 Ip/ icd se cal! he leamned that Mni. Metcalf was visiting i Toronto and John J-. E. Todd officiated. Promptly ot Mr. and Mnî. Leslie Collacutt, 'à_____ cup minced green onions was busily engaged keeplng bouse. 1- o'clock the bridal party took Misses Pearl and Lenore Colla- 1 cup tomatees their places in the drawing moom cutt with Mn. Rois Phillipi, To- Revival 3 tbsps. butter hc a rtiydoae on. DOUG. FAIRBANKS JR.Place the fillets on o buttered 1% cupi cooked or canned do with curdled custard?" atadwihcb as rettnd iy decoaed mn. J ihos-r adM BASIL RATaBONE oval boking platter 8" x 12". Mix green beans Answer: When soft cus dwihplmCha n pn na- Ms.GJ. nihoh, Mn.drand i inthe spinachi, parsley, onions, sait ' cup grated cheese spreadi on nemoval fmom the el- dragons. The bride, given in mar- bs rebm isAde n ondpeper o tste Pu ontopcrubi ctncaleleent bet I bad fr nage by hier father, wos attired in Master Elgin Greenham, with "THE SUN o!n etPor to tates. Spin- op wienens ino bilig a le5mint e ith arcokiemisty blue crepe with matching Mmi. H. G. Thompion, Weston. NEHE ESUN of fkle bts Pour and tomatoes wpith ter a in o i to b min Cu t hi at 5 nues* * a* oieturban and a shoulder length veil Maple Grove Sehool News NEVERS TSVY ke bothfish. nd tomtoes wth terand bol 5 to6dmiworeutaicorsage ano!osweaetrseartf (BythLonyney WhiteWhtGradedeVVI crumbi, dot with butter. Boke for 1 inchi piece. Met butter in sauce- Anne A11an invites you to write roses. She wos attended by Misi and Doreen Je!! ery, Grade VII) Monday and Tuesday ed eine tric ove n.reix, pan, add flour and stir until thick- hem dlo The Statesman. Juit send Margaret Todd who wone a dusty On May 13th four cars took the Omelet wlth Chlves encd. Add seasoningi. 'Fol u i u questions onroeain aecrp nmtbn turban pupils o! oun ichool to Port Hope FRANK MORGAN ihi d an wtbhthis ltl and a corsage o! Prenfier roses. to siig at the festival. We were 2 tbsps. butter green beans and wieners. Tumroon wa cT e gomwsatne yM.vr ldt i h hedfor Virial Gmy -DanDaiey r, 4 eggs, slightly beaten into buttercd baking dishi. Sprm-conrotbcounfrepis John Grooms, brother o! the two-room ichools, getting 86 (Bes a card) Y4 cup milk kle with cheese and crumbi. Bake bride. marks. In the boys' chorus we - LA AL O'tsp. saîti hot electric oven-400*F. fox 15 FORMER NEWCASTILE GIRL The bride'i mother was gowned came second with 88 marks.9 Alo ~tsp. pepper mini. Serves 6. DIRS IN INDLAN HEAD) in a blue crepe ensemble wlth Doris Stevens o! Grade VIII, Ray Aie1 tsp. chopped chives *C navy occessonies and a corsage o! Munday and Loryne White o! An Edgar Wallace thrli- Heat butter in ikillet. Mix eggs Take a Tlp Newcastle friends con recali roses. Mmi. Parker wore a navy___________________________________________ "TH PHANTOM lightly wl!h milk and seasoningi If you'mc 'makig chocolote fudge wben Mmi. Orchard and bier f am- blue sheer ensemble, white acces- and pour into ikillet. Cook on el- for oveses-be sure yours juit ily o! sons and daugriters were sories and a corsage o! white car- STRIESPY ectric element turned low. While suits. For a smooth crearny tex- cîtizens o! Newcastle and lived nations.* The music was played Soni Hle- lIrI Lwsa cooking, lift edge gently with ture, mix the chocolate, flour and i the bouse now owned and oc- by Mr. George Werry, cousin o! spatula, allôwig uncooked por- niilk wfl and let lit stand for cupic b M.-ad m.Dvehe ri.Folin tecr- tion to run underneath. Continue about tbree houri before putting Show and wili be sommy to îearn mnony a reception and buffet Wednesday until Uic mixture is crcomny. Turn on the small element o! thec dcc- of thc death in Indien Head o! luncheon was held. Mr. and Mmi.O NTEMRT FOR 4 DATS clement to bigh for hall-minute, tric ange (turned ta me&=r). thc former Miss Edith Orahard, Parker are nesiding on SpodinaO NT EM A Fold carcfully and serve at once. .* Sunday School teacher and mcmn- Road, Toronto. The GreatSees2Qeto r ber o! thc Methodiat Church choir i ma " $N« Chiarlie Chaplin i'aiigy Supi>cr Diah Mmi. A. B. aika: "How can I i newc899. Te oloily lefthere a p o "THE GREAT 8 wieners make a tough steak tender?" notice, clippcd from thc Regina ~ p o DC A O "4 tbsps. butter Answer: Tenderize.by brushing Leader-Post bas been sent by bier A number o! girls forru Hanfip- DI-TO 9 3 tbsps. four thc steak on bath ides wlth a eldeit sister, Mri. N. T. Selby, ton attended o kitchen showcr for Paulette Goddard - Jack Oaklc 2 cupi millk mixture o! vinegan and olive ail. Regina: Miss Glàdys Truil at the home o!fT L -At Popular (Prîces- ½ top. Soit Let stand two boums before Cook- "Edlth Annie Shelford, aged 67 Miss Audrey Ayme, Zion. T L % tsp. pepper ing. years, and wife o! Joseph Shel- Sunday School will be held ate _____________________________________________________________________Indian Head dled ot lhem residence prcacbing service in the evening on May 2nd, aften a long illnesi. owing to anniversary at Eldad.1 Mmi. Shelford was bomn h New-0 Congratulations to M a st cER OM AC - 1 cqtle, Ont. ,and came ta Indian Ralph Peters on winning second PROM 5Head i 1899. She had lived there place in Uic boy's solo ot the rr g i ever since. Survivig, besides bier Music Festival at Port Hope. loiru husband, is nc son, Geor , inl A social time was spent in thc h t hUi R.C.A.F., in P.E.I., ang twO Sunday school ro usa s ledougtr, Mns. J. W. Loverldge, evening, May 2th, in bonon o ID M AGrenfeli, and Gertrude at home; Miss Gladys. Trull and Mm. Aus- TIE 5 EWalso onc brother, W. J. Orchard, tin Barron, in view o! their ap- 1 0 M'"in Regina, and threc sisters, Mmi. proacliing marriage, on behal! o! f0N. T. Selby, 2840 Albert Street, their, maiiy friends around HamnP- Regina, Mmi. A. E. Worden, David- ton. A beautiful walnut table son, and Geargino R. Orchard, was presentcd by Mr. Ted Chant Indian Head. The funeral was and Mr. Hammy Faulkner, and S h. nover Ntsi internai held !rom the United Church at Miss Edithi Rackham read o very Indian Head. pleaslng an eulogistic addmess. iluggoishn.ss sop vitality We welcome Mr. and Mmi. Ed. Herrick and family to oun village. MANY peple noadays ed tird ami letesN st eon They have taken up esidence on 22, 1941 * PAGE Pivie THE CANADIAN STATESMANý ÉOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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