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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1941, p. 8

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.~ PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN S~ATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, M&Y 22, 1941 'SPORT NEW S GAIES Afans wXIOOLSTART ACTVITIES PTSAND PAIS I Tuesday evenifga when they 11 IETV travelled to 1the publie achool Wj)1JCIL N ~ IGfl sofibail diamond ouly bo find ___ The. town Softball league suc- % Wo league o games beit spisyed èeeded igetting away to a good there. Last week'sfiin pf sato odyn ni a »Mile's Place W ins O enrg ane unai>ie f0 carry thelocion T E T oun on 2Off1oi ]On s son, rnt he fM es d wher theTow Setbal - pa:n, ooks the ftwagaesreadyl Coufftice Puts Up Splendid Slattie ramesasmat was nt jeciel Med __ _t is one sure thlng that telsn _____ *until Thuruday evenlng. team wilUl ot have the excuse Thiss wil ear layowb e wavlew olditnfrg smera tivi- fed fo hrsye IN.w Beson starts at Rngh rng the first three men up ta cross Th m a ail Town Bwnianevcb lu edi ie Lawn Bowcingtattefll slsthf6sye Bohool Banl park-CoUrtice home plate, but after this settled high achool campus whre t ty in the forai of a Bridge and One of the new rules being Loues in 15-7 Score. down ta steady bail. In ail he is more favorable t. apecta- Social evenîng in Uic new Club enorcd-sBt thc games on ____struck out ten men. tors and players.Blmachers Hause on Friday, May 101h. From time or forfeit e ganie-scems are rovdedferthe ansand theinterest shown by club nierm- ta bequite popular with players ceeois on Uthenound for Courtice was dugots fr the players. bers, it is a good idication that and fans. Witli na opening crmne the reliable Jerry Peterson wha Gamma are scheduled for thc club is away to a good start and a rather meagre crawd the put up a brave fight but lits teain- Monday, Tuesday and Thurs- for tic season's bowling. Prize As yet na rules have been cstab- Town Softball League started off mates failed ta give him thie sup- day evenings startlnt sharp wmnners of the Bridge were Mrs. lishcd as ta unipires. The two on another season Monday night port lie deserved. He was aso, at 7 V.m.AexBcMr.FdPatso gasplydsfrhvebn whcnMik's PacedefatedCou- crditd wtli triing ut en nd Miss Geraldine Gracey. Yes, handled by lar. They have tc157Th aefa rmbatters. mncmeigfrth rzb u n ota ae This was the first game that Du merlis mpeg o Ui n oe ut nare run offhIproprae. bemng slow, as thc score mightin- ha ben laedat Uic higli school E T h aissee owioti dicate, started witli a substantil bail park which may accaunt forGO D E R M T each and cvery case. Vcry agpro- Both games have broughit out lead for Courtice, but Uic first the rather meagre crowd. It was priate and appreclated eeh- ncw pitchers. Mike's Pl1a cee hoe f Uic season by Dave Mc- not known until Thursday even- mTentFRMsx were scrved by Uic ladlies brought out BilButn e .mg that the league would be al-SA E RM S under Uic management af Miss member of Statesman staff, Who if Knight put Uic Billiard Rings Hoe oueti îmnbt~,, Mabel Borland, Uic Ladies' ,Club lie cari gai a little more contrai, back ii Uic flght. is an establislied fact ater Mon- M L ~ R III President. Oscar La 'èe lbslol rvd let f xie Courtice started with only eiglit day night'S game that il is a much E lA.I 8LA rsdnwsteeiigo tl etfrcmn ae.Mk men i the field, conirining ta better place ta play and watch ____anid certainly knows how ta make also has brothers Dave and Park thc new rule that ail games musî tbalodcffe son, and Iommy Depew as start on tme or be defaulted, but Courtice almosl succeeded in Rubbermen Win 14-13 Alle The opening o! Uic Bowling hurlers, when needcd. Uic lack of a player made no dif- regaining their lead in thc sixth Balem Puts on Last Ing Green wiil be held on Saturday, 5 feecet hegraee wost nin hn hybrouglit the Spurt. May 24th, aI 2 p.m. in thc forni Goodyear were faccd with their pear leadcgaaeenwo se ning 9-7hen t e thinof a iilced jitney, when It is own pitcher o! last year when Mike's Place, with ainiost an ing rally by the Billard Kigs The mighty Goodyear teain of hoped that ail members wlll be "Ace" Richards lincdu with eitiriy new teain, looked as if ended ail hope of victary when last year looked somewhat differ- present and will bririg as many Salema. Thcy also ha? their Uiey will corne through wiUi fly- 6 runs crossed ti front of the cnt Tuesday cvening playing yn mmbershase epsse dtrobe s itigMrto' d ing colours again ts year. They catcher. againsl Salem. Truc, thc Rubber-lynm rhaexpssdtirr. * started their ncw pitcher, Bill Mike's Place - D. Osborne, lb; men wo by a single ru i a desire ta become members this Bruriton, with lits lightning over- D. McKnight, rf; D. Piper, 3b; C. 14-13 score but it was nip-and- year. To-night thc reniaining two hand delivery. Bill Was, a littie Osborne, ss; B. Brunton, p; T. tuck the last couple of lnnings. At the social evening on ffiday, teanis of Uic league mcct i comn- slow in getting under way, allow- Depcw, 2b; L. Rundle, cf; ,F. Mut- oodyear as otnt no-one naticeable absentee was Frank bat. High Schoal daim Uiey have tan, c; R. Hailman, f. taonrng a run la in oc fist clveen, aur ever popular sec- a hard liitting aggregatian licd Coutie H Gylb J Ptfame i cha arry Hlam ntfrnstdsretary-treasurer, wlio was at that up but Local 189 arc complain- ersan, P; G. Picklc, ss; J. Rickard, found difficult ta overcome. A lm ofndt c.I ehpdte ae' nuhmnt i c; W. Brown, cf; W. Cale, f; B. hpcic orsnwsudut Ut an May 24th lie wiil be out a leam duc ta most of thir Play- 4£WYHV Rundle, rf; H. Osborne, 2b; W. cdly thc surprise player of it gihaesa.cr okn o rn hit.Hw Pickle and G. Vincent, '3b. gamne. Satlg out ilef field With the ends of Uic greens re- ever, the gamne wiil be playcd re- 'R H for Salem liceplayed his par t buill under the services a!f1the gardiesa, as the exetutive feecis Mic' lae13 006 1IR 1pefctoihl nUi B5 new caretaker, William EllisUic that the Union have a large aurn- Courtice 301 003 0 - 7 6 4 hie was caild ta Uic mound ta greens appeartab neclnteropaesfomwcha Umipires - Bert ColweUl, Alan rdlieve "Ace" Richards - then we~sae n ihcntne alw hae Osborne. ~~reafly saw something. Thiis lad up, should be, in much'better TeHg eolld r Osbososrnhewe. ie iol fshape than herelofore. TeHg col.ld r ____________ Ui loosays i ie woppieostcmps The club la laoking forward ta forlunate ini obtalning anc o! Uic Rulb lx ~sothasin thewoppaout. capsa good seasan's bowling, which is mast praminent and bel linformed miithifuncpetgvl- Teodrlalewt n ra ean, *holesome spart for bath sportsmeiý.n heUicdistrict'as their "iiasa h ilr hespreatiea-Tho dition s, w one od-sexes of ail ages. Sa, we wM lsay: manager. In case you arc wondcr- iea ce o ic orldves d t wUiciins ee nth oo-lHusbands bring your wives," iiig wlio wcmean, itlta none other glaycnriaus th oland Ui i the year team. Utility mari Bert Col- «*Wivcs, bring your huabands," Iiari Nelson B.- Osborne, anc lime IFtamking lsa-dfndst a hreon- Well used lits good judgmenl arid and toalal others "lYour be'st frj- sports staff wrtter o! thc Canadian i . gt-ayfnsarson kli hepthr :x o h n. Statesman and now big business siechord intriUi heart a! evcry rubbcrnien. Although lits score eeuie nisr man, oaan child who loves for strike-auts isnt large hie made suce. _freedom."-Dr. H. A. Tanser. evcry bail caunl. The infield was ______________________________________a luttle lax during Uic latter part GROUNDS ALLOTTED The juvenile hardbal teani oftegame BALLn evrl il coached !)y Harold Longwarth le tho! c doppngseerl aisFOR SOFT A Lbgling ta shape up. Alhough Heavy hitting wasn't as coni- no league has becli drawii uP, £ Nmon as i saie of Uic gamma Ualt The Board of Educatian had' a Cobourg Part Hope end Oshawa W i.m a have been played in the town thanklecm job of aloting bail scIdlY taeny ter taos ud h A n Im o ta t e sa e league. Conway, Goodyear centre diamonds ta four local in s clt idllkely uneu.Ui - ~~~fielder, was Uic only lad to ern a tionà. The four clubs wented anddeoJu. borner and ts would have been total o! 8 nights for league games Cal Brauris Foreters are pre- To ver IluseoldtheUi envy o! eny local hardbail but only 5 were possible al Uie paring for their schedule which T vr o ehle:batler. high school. Memibers of Uic -foùr wiln start arourid Uic ist o! June. We slncerely advise you la make arrangements naw ta Goodyear-Wiseman, If; Colwcil leagues met a committe-Arthur Exhibition games are being play- ge ornext wiriler's fuel suppîy. p; Oke, 3b; Osborne, If; Cully. rI; Edger, Alex McGrcgar and Herb. ed in Oshawa, Orono and Whitby. getyou Combie, 2b; Conwy, cfL. IJVj-, Gqçldud,-,al1the public schcyk * ÔUir Forfsterý sport event le There le plcnty of coal available at Uic present lime rison, as; McMurter, c. ýThursdày niglit. Uichebbg bail taurnament i Orono and prices arc definltcly aI their 10w. No anecacn pre- Saleni-Rundle, 3b; C. McDan- The public scliool bail park this Saturday. be nex fail but c are aid, cf; G. Rickard, 2b; K. Wcrry, was ailotcd Uic Faresters for their _________ dict what Uce situaion wil enx allbtw r b; Ace Richards, p & sa; K. games on Tuesday and Friday certain prices canftot be lower than Uicy arc now and Hamm, r!; Blackburn, s ansd If; cvcnings and may be used by thc possibiily ta they miglit be considcrably highcr. Mortson, Il and p; Art Richards, other tcams for practice during joIl a C. Uic rest o! the wcek. You have nothing ta lose and evcrythiiig t gain, by Salem 10O2 44 02 13 8 2 The High Schaal Juvenile Hard- A great surprise was sprung ordrtn aIUt tu. Yu'f sve one: yu'l. ave Goaycr 6042G ~1413 8 bail team was given preference uon Mr. sud Mrs. Ceci Pascae your ceal in your bin and you'Ul be sale i an emergcncy. Umapires - Park Osborne, Ted for the use a! Uic diamond a the Satuday evening when about Il e asoa dcidd dvatag i arer ble ~ be Large. high school. They will use it Fni- stxty relatives gathered ta celc- It laalzoa deided dvanage ________________. -be day cvcnings far schcduled games braIe wllh thema their eightcenth cause Ibis trademarked anthracite assures you o! gcttig and once during thc week for wcdding anniversary. An enjoy- what you askcd for-Uic world's finestathracite. These GIRLS LEAGUE practices. able lime was had with carda day, wth 0 nanyfue prbleissubtittio ormixng RAW upThe Town Softbail League and and dancing until lunch lime came days wih soman fue prbiers, ubsituton r miing DRA S Uich Goodyear Inter-Departmental when Uic guets werc sealed aI may a! neccssity lie more prevalent thsu before andd hi NEW SCHEDULE League wiil share Uic diamonds Uic beauttfuily dccorated table means inferior heat sud more cot ta you. But wth____ the rest o! Uic wcck. To accam- 'which was centred with a lovely "bMue coal"tUi blue clour that you cmn sec a a glande, June- modate botU teanus a new softbail weddlng cake. Aller grace was, guarantees Uic quality-and guarantees delivery of Uic 12-Ncwcastle aI Salem. diamond wiil be constructcd aI Sung, Mr. Harold Spry, Toronta, Orono aI Courlice. the south end of thc campus. readaConrtatyadcssu coal you ordered. 16-Hampton at Newcastle. Plans arc already under way ta Mrs. Haold Asby, Toronto, pre- Why net gel in louch wlth us by phone ta-day--and we 18-Courtice aI Maple Grave, put this diamond in commission. sented a 24-piece set o! crystal i are sure you wifl thank us next fanl for the suggestion Salemi aI Orono. TeTw egewi euiger!oe atr.M.sdMs 20-Orano at Hampton. the diamond on Monday, Tuesday Pascoc replled very niccly Uiank- we re aktg t ya ne, bcaue w sndcelylie Male rav atSalm. and Thursday eventngs, and the lng Uiem for the gifI. Lunch was ilove Uhal what we say le truc:yuieeble'ofiiNwatea orie Goodyear wiil have Uic use on then served. Guets werc preent man waa y gtlng ble cal su od~rngil right 24-Salem aI Newcastle. Wednesday sud cither Monday or frani Toronto, Victoria Square, manw aysHamptonn at Mapleand rdGragve. Tuesday eveninga. Markham, Whitby, Oshawa, Ne- 25-Courmptcn at Oroa.l r The cost of Uic ncw diamand tielan sud Salina. We wtsh Mr. 27-Orono aI Salem. and its use wlil be sharcd by the and Mrs. Pascoc many more ycBira Shsppard & Gi Lumbor Co. Liiitod Newcastle aI Hampton. Godh a Recreation Club and o! happy marrled life. ]Phone 715 BowDiflville Maple Grave at Caurtice. ch Town Saftbail League. Visilors: 430-Courtice at Newcastle. Miss Verna Milison, Western Salem at Maple Grave. Hosial, Toronto, aI home. 1-Mpl GrveaI aAield Mra ~. Donald Yeilowlees sud 2-Neale oea m pton.friends, Toronto, MWssGrade Ycl- 2Nwatea ape rave. lowlees, OshaWa, at Mr. N. C. Iu u w ~ m - m4-Newcastlc at Orono. Miss Helen Stark b.d a suc- Yelowlee'. b le c ol1Salem aI Hampton. ccssful operation for appendicitis Mr. sud Mrs. Allen Balson, * * -Orno t Necasle ini Oshawa General Hospital. Kingston, aI Mr'. A. J. Balsan's. Courlice at Hampton. . hr asfachrlsri e W congralulate Mrs. Allen Bal- il-Maple Grave at Newcastle. Sunday. Service le withdrawni son on obtaining 11r B.A. degree. Hampton at Salem. ts Sunday also. Choir practicel Mrs. Nelson Reynolds, Mr'. 14-Salerm aI Courtice. wiUl be an Wedneday niglit. Howard sud Miss Barbera Igey- Orono at Maple Grave. Visitars:nodTonaaIM.Jck ey 16-MaleGave a Oroo. M . Hrld .cotShw', I o roîds,'r Jc Ry lor' ~o~suvilc Tger delat- famly ocuped their cottage ae a w aD LI~II O !fL1ing Burrs' Acei arigaeth1 meed u j2'IUU i il Grdon Hurst, president o!f1theMiss Annie Mountjoy spent Use ~1, . UpUhFSONlegue, rpre tayee cidle £II Wekend in Taronan sudllington. o!a eague gamma wtll li c ce- Mrs. E. A. Hanna spent a fcw muss *A CEplcted Moriday, May 26Ui days ts week aI ber home liere. AGENTS H. Strathdee lias etrda Bunday Scliool session wau wdll BO M Ve girls' teains, whicl i wll cntcrcd alétendcd eal10 o'clock on Sunday girls' leama ns l.Ue lesue. This là oi ader la aleow ail wha wisbed e- eam illl le coacld by Bud Iýen Dr. Chassa Oia#mgn#t o to the annlversury services droadark herse intelaUc THE IICHTH DI*ENNUAL Census of Canâda June 2, 1941. Tmcensus je the stock-taking of the nation - et Its =en, women, ahd children; its agriculture, trade, and industry; its heusing, and general socal condition. By it, ail Governments, - Dominion, Provincial and Muni- cipal-are cnabled to work more cffectively and ecen- omically ini the interest of every reuident of the Dominion. IN these days of incrcasing Govern- 1 ment responsibili- o tics, no Governxnent can give the best I i.Lservice unlcss it lias I detailed snd accu- -rate' knowlcdge of the people and their Q Ivarying ium stances. Thatis why we request the co-operation of al Ganadian citizens ini the taking>of the Census.. Wlien the Governm ent's Enumerator cails at your daor, re- ceive him courteously and give liirnal the information for which lie asks. Remember that lie is i your scr- vice. Accuracy snd despatcli in your replies will promote good administra- tion in yeur country, now under stress of war and facing crucial post-war reconstruction. ALL INFORMATIO14 SUPPLIID HELD STRICTLY CONFIDENTAL You can place absolulo trust i be official Enunucrator, who is swora te secrecy. AU the information tohich vou provide zillb. held in atrictest confidence bath lby imn d -the Dominion Bureau of Statiatics, and can never be uaed against yen by ,sny tar:0ol- lecting, militai-y, or allier agency, or in any court of law. Il la campulsory bit lawtv laenswer the questions, but you wiil be assisling your Govcrnmcnt iinIliese dilficult limes by giv- lng the information readily and aoeurately in Ihe spirit af gaod citizcnship. Iaau.d by-authoity of The Htonourable JAM19S A. MaeNNON, M.P., Mie<ater. DOMINION BUREAU 0F STATISTICS - DEPT. 0F TRADE AND COMMERCE THE CANADIAN SrÀ4rESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGEEIGHT THupimpy, MAY 22, 1141

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