THUBSDAY, MM Elà, -1041 --ïlAWiv R T11E fCANADIAN STATESMAX. BOWMANVn=LE.ONTARIC) Sonina Visitera: Mrs. Peniound, Osh- a*a, is visitlng et Mr. W. T. Baker's. . . Mr. and .Mrs. Gea. Avery, Littie Britain, at Mr. Frank Westlakes.... Mr. Tora Baker at Bobcey% 6t0. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eflbott, Mary and Banoara, Os4awa, at Mrs. Richard Pascoe'sa Mr and Mrs. Fred Crame, ?lî and Ed. and Miss Marion Mail, Oshawa, at Mrs. Chas. Blanchard's.. . Misses Ethel and Lillie Gilbert, Toronto, Miss Velma Gibert, Ballyduif, Ut Mr. Russel Gilbcrt's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Allan MêKenzie and baby daugh- ter, Columbus, at Mr. Ralph Da- vis. . . Mrs. A. L. Pascoe at Mr. Walter Bray's, Pickering. . . Mrs. Chas. Aflin, Bownanville,- Miss Nan Aflin and Miss Marilyn Marks, Toronto, at Mr. Wes. Yel- lowiees.. . Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown at Mr. Dick McCal's, Whitby.... Misses Doris and Elle Millson, Velma Gilbert and Gladys Yellow- lecs at Mr .Frank Rundle's, Eh- enezer. . . Mr. and Mrs.> James Smales and Bob attended decora- tion service at Erskine Ccmtcry Sunday. . . Mn. and Mrs. Herb. Ogden,. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and f amily, Black- stock, Mr. John Milis and Jim, Hampton, at Mr. E. R. Tayors... Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spicer, Helen and KeiUi, Toronto, at Mr. Maur- ice Bakr's. . . Miss May Mcrriarn at Rice Lake.. . Mrs. Chas. Scott, Southampton, 1%r. and Urs. Jack Davies and Karen, Port Elgin, Mn. and Mrs. Burney Hooey and Barbera, Nestieton, at Mr. B. G. Stevens'. . . Mrs. W. L. Law, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ham- mand and son, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Will Michael and son Bill, Toronto, who rcccntly returned from overseasi, at MIr. George White's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Will Car- rick, nr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitnei, June and Lorraine, Toronto, at Mr. Jack Reynolds'. . . Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockadey, Miss Grace Yellowlees and Mr. Frank Wright at Brampton and Inglewood... Miss Jossie Yellowlees, Oshawa, Messrs..* Iven Ellicott and Bil Clark, Brougham, at N. C. Yel- lowlees'. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Smàies and Bob ettcndcd a funcral t Biyth on Manday. Mr. aqnd Mrs. Isaac Hardy and femily attended the picnic ai the Holstein Breeders at Uxbidge on Saturday. "Tao late ta save Englend!"' croak Uic deicatists in thc United States. A gentleman who has re- ccntly flown ta England from Germany docsn't secin ta think so. The lesson aio preparedness should be ane familiar ta evcry farmer. If the ground's pncpared, a maxn cen put his cnap in when- ever Uic weather's right. THE TIME 0F YOUR LIFE AT Oonnybrook Spo*nuored by Townagip of Clarke for Dritish War Victima' Fumai ORONO PAIR GROUNS WXed.., June 18tIu Commencing at 12 p.n. Standard Time Gooda are pouning in for "bi huge, patriotic, communîtY endeavour. 400 Articles To Be Sold Dy Auction iliv. Stock Bleigbs3 Poultry Furniture implements Clothling au Engies Pillow Cases (filled with Grain goose down and gooee Wagons feathers) Liberal cash donations have. alsfo been made. AUMTONEEE8 GIVETÉ=IRSEVICES ELJiER WILIBUE, Hampton TED JAMKSON, Port Perry JAS. HOY, Clarke H rEUiNDLAY, Collingwood (Fomer Clarke regident) Orono Band In Attendance A" 1~OTHER ENTETA]XEII Refreshment Booths - Home Cooking Sale Big Dance at Nlgt Bright Sayinýgs of Childien IoNebs treg- lier boy fricuil te refremhments every ai er- ~oa. he wW$~*S~ oi, two, thrwee witihlmh when ase Jaaspt ai.mwç ,iemArloft fer deliclous homensade breail MUEMDE BREAD Vauila f or gr fetpad.c"~bread, fresi tram our Oves. Duni f, a o tzUya~est for thc fasulhy. TfI~ FAMILY~ 'alsu-D Zion Visitons: Mr. and Mis. Wes. Cameran, Jack and Joyce, et Mn. Stanley Coverly's, Ebenezer.. Pte. Mike Nemis, Ncwmerkct, et home.. . Mr. and Mis. Fred Cam- enon and Helen et Mountain Lake, near Minden. . . . Master Robt. Penkins, Toronto. visited bis cou- sin Douglas Grant et Mr. Refond Cameran's. . . Mn. Sain Getes, Oshawa, at Mn. Hans Geissber- gcr's. . . Misses Bernice Stainton, Peterbaro, and Eilcen. Staintan, Bowmanvillc, at Mn. A. T. Stain- tan's. .. Mr. and Mis. Mcl. Mon- gan, Joan and Glenna, et Mn.. Gardon Spring's, Milliken. .. Miss Jean McMatcr, Toronto, et homo. ..Mr. and Mis. Eugene Manti, Bobby, Lloyd and Rae, Uxbnidge, at Mr. Thos. Martin's. .. Mr. and Mns. Ivor Gcrry and Arthur, Ta- ronto, et Mn. F. B. Glaspell's.. Miss Norma G'laspel et Williams Point. .. Mis. E. Brodcnick, Mr. Albert Brodcnick, Miss- Betty Scott, Windsor, et Mr. Norman Leach's. .. Mrs. John Nemis and Ella, Pte. Mike Nernis, Miss An- nie Killen et Port Coîbarne... FOETY FLOAM TOW TEE SiTORY Haydon. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Mr. Gea. Avcry's, Little Bni- tain. . . Walter Blackburn, Janet- ville, wlth his parents. . . . Mr. Arthur Trcwmn, Oshawa, Miss Grace Trewmn, Tornoto, at Mr. W. Trewi's ...* Mrs. D. McKay and Roddy,- Miss Hilda Richards, Osh- awa, at Mr. Ross Richards'. .. Mrs. D. Higgins, Miss Laura Philp, To- ronto, at Mr. R. Sandersons.... Mr. John Gilbank at Mr. E. Lar-. mer's, Blackstock. Sunday School meeting was held Tuesday evening ta finish plans for the anniversary. Charles Garrard is census taker for this division. Mapnle Grove Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden,1 Misses Helen, Mary and Donna,1 and Master Billie Snowden, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden. The three girls remain- cd over tiil Monday. Mr. and Miss Corah, Oshawa, with their sister, Mrs. F. Ayling. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ayling, Mr. Philip Ayling, Mr. Lawrencej Wragg, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mis- ses Betty and Mildred Snowden, Mr. John Ayling, Miss Molly Pickup, Toronto, attended thc graduation exercises af Miss Joan Ayling of Nicholîs 1Hasîptal, Pet- erborough, on Monday evcninig. This community extends congrat- ulations ta Miss Ayling. Mrs. E. R. Freeman and son Glenn, St. Catharines, visited at H. G. Frecman's. Salem Rev. Gardner gave a fine dis- course at Uic aiternoon service on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. W .B. Raymond and her brother, Toronto, werc Sunday guests with Mn. and Mrs. Hcrtzburg. Congratulations ta Rev. and Mrs. Gardner on thc arrivai of a fine baby girl in Bowmanville Hospital on Friday. Mr. m. marchant had his foot badly crushed whcn a stone fecl on it while at work for Mr. L. Welsh. He was taken ta Uic hos- pital for x-ray and returned ta Mr&. Wlsh's Uic next day where he is now convalescent. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burrus and Daphne visited his father who is quite i11 a Lindsay. Syrapathy is extendcd ta Uic Burrus fam2ily in Uic dcath of Mrs. Burrus' uncle, Mr. Wells of Hampton, who died very suddenly on Saturday. Fine of unknawn origin caused quite a lot of damage whcn it spread in a rail fence and over a pasture f ield ai Mrs. E. Darch's on Monday aiternoon and needed thc help of niany neighbors ta extinguish. Another party was held by Mrs. G. Burrus at the school on Friday evcning in aid ai British war vic- tims, whcn $11.16 was realizcd. Two complete layettes werc on display which were givcn ta Mrs. Burrus by the East group of Hampton W. I., and for which she sincerely thanked them, and also conveyed ta them the thanks af the supervisor of the rcceiving station in England whcre former pancels had been sent. Mrs. Bur-. rus donated 20 yards ai flannel- ette ta the East group for further use ilayettes. Enniskillen Visitars: Mr. L. Griffmn, Purplc Hill, at Mr. R. Griffin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Billett and Douglas at Mrs. T. Mcill's. .. Mr. and Mrs. G. McDonald, Jack and Shir- ley, Woodvillc, at Mrs. M. Heard's. ..Rev.- J. M. Whyte, Verona, spent the weekend at Mr. H. Ste- yens'. . . Miss Olga Sandorson at Mn. Wm. Robinson's, Kendal... Mr. and Mrs. I-1. McGiil and fam- ily, Mr. and Ifrt. J. Borrowdale et Mr. J. A. Werry's. . . Mr. W. Patter, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs and George and Grace, Tyrone, an~d Mrs. C. Ste- phens, Hampton, at Mrs. C. Burg- master's. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sleman, Toronto, at Mr. H. Annis'. ..Mr. Walter Smith, Peterbora, at Mrs. Ella Smith's., .:. L. Cpr. D. Preston, Toronto, Miss Ferne Wil- son, Oshawa, at Mr. R. D. Pres- ton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wearn, Mr. Allan Wcarn and Miss Wilms Wotten at Mrs. H. Ways, Picton. .. Mn. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton end June at Mr. S. Rodman's, Pari ....r... Mrs. Elle Smith at her Miss Audrey Ayre et Mn. Noble Mctcali's, Maple Grave. . . Mrs.( Ross Lee, Diane and Brien, Ked-1 non, et Mn. A. T. Stitns....1 Mn. and Mrs..Ahf. Ayne and Aud-1 rey at Mn. Milton Fisher's, Nos-i tîcton. .. Mn. and Mrs. Normani Leach and Doris at Mn. Donald Yllawlecs', Columbus . . . Missi Audrey Ayre et Toronto . .. Mr.1 and Mns. A. T. Stainton at Mr. Norman Down's, Ebenezer. Mrs. L. Fo;d returncd ta Toý- ranto on Thursday. A number ettcndcd the foot- ball game et Courtice Saturdey night which resulted in 2-0 vic- tory for Zion. Mn. Al. Ayre hes gone ta Uic Fair et Lachute, Que. W. A. met et Mns. Ray Scott's, Oshawa, on Wedncsday. Thene was a real goad attendance. Pro- gram was as follows: Reading by Miss Etite Flintofi; twa vocal duets by Mrs. J. McNab and Miss Jean Balsan; reeding by Mis. Ray Scott. Ladies ai Juno graup, Mrs. Refond Cameran, Mrs. Nelson Fice and Miss Ettie Flmntofi, scrved a lovcly lunch and evcrybodY had a nice social time. Hamipton Visitons: Mr. and Mns. Fred West and daughter, Toronto, et Mr. W. Greenaway's... Miss Reta Kenlake wiUi relatives in Ta- ront... Mn. and Mis. Gea. Farn.l comb with friends in Toronto..' Mn. and Mns. Joe Chapman with fieinds in Toronto. Mrs. Wcs. Watcharn is being, cared for et the Bowmenvile Hospital, havîng suffered e stroke. Amang Uiasc who attended Uic W. I. District Annuel et Kendal werc Mis. F. Honey, Mis. J. R. Knox, Mns. W. G. Daidge, Mis. C. Warren and Miss ýLulu Reynolds. Sympathy is extendcd ta Mns. Wells in Uic sudden pessing on Saturday night ai Mi. Wells, whose funeral took place on Mon- day aiternoan irom his home here ta Oshawa ccmetcry. Red Cross supplies ta date: 8- night gawns, 18 slcevcless swea-_ tdrs, 2 seamen's sweaters, 14 pr. pyjamas (girls), 2 pr. semren's sax, 9 pr. day sox. Women's Institute had an in- teresting meeting June 5th, with the ncwly elected president, Mrs. F. Honcy, in the chair. Communi- cations wero reed and acknow- ledgments ai fruit and ilawers. July meeting is postondta sec- ond week awing ta una School anniversary. Mis. Ed. Doidgc j .Ii, OSHAWA, ONT. Friday and Saturday This is a picture you'il remem- ber - and howl For plenty et action see EDWARD G. ROBINSON ln "THE SEA WOLF" wlth John Garfield - Mda Lupino from the great novel by Jack London REVIVAL Friday Nlght 'A GIRL MUST LIVE' Margaret Lockweod Monday and Tuesday LIONEL LEW BARRYMORE AYRES LOOKI1 "DR. KILDARES cmISus" with Laraine Day and a neweomer to the famous series - Rob)ert Young and a laugh treat for you al Jackie Cooper Bonita Granville Gene Reynolds in "GALLANT SONS" with Gall Patrick - lan Hunter Wednesday - 4 Days GARRY COOPER in "MET JOHN DOE" With Barbara Stanwyk Edward Arnoldl Walter Brennan Direeteil by Frank Capra Capra's finest <bar none) bet- ter even than "Mr. Decils,» BE SURE TO SE IT- PLEASE - rrS GREAT 4 DAYS ONLY conducted the pragram in charge ai the East group, and cailed an Mesdames Howard and . Gardon Brent, Tynane, ion an opening piano duet. Gucst speaker was aiso a Tyrane visitar wbo gave a splendid papon on "Thigs moneyl can't buy," some ai which are money, cantentment, and charac- ton. Mns. G. Brent iavoncd with a vocal 'sclection, followed by Current Events by Mrs. Honcy. Mesdames Brent played a second piano duet, and Miss L. Reynolds gave a iew higblights on Uic an- nual district convention et Ken- dal. Hampton was reported Uic second largest W. I. in Uic district. Grandmothers. wiil bd honorcd attendants et Uic July meeting in charge ai West graup. Things aur grandmaUiers misscd, wili be Uic roll cal. The Statesmen is now on sale each wcek et Barron's Store, 5c a copy. I VINE ORIGIN )F CHRISTIAN )CIENCEREVEALED ,ecture Given By Elizabeth McArthur Thomson, C.S.B., et Saint Louis, Missouri, Member of Uic Board of Lectureshlp et The Mother Church, The Pirat Church et Christ,. Scientist, ln Boston, Massachusetts, at Osh- awa on Sdnday Atternoon. Ta-day, you anc invited ta ourny in thougbt ta a "city four- luare," whosc gates open wide ta .1l who scek a spirituel and di- inely practical undcrstanding ai od and His wark for man. Yeu te called ta give considenation ta lis Word and meditate upon His a*. TruUi, ta be velueble, must )e useful and hclpiul. The attai- ncnt ai gaod admidttediy should )hei ai aievery sincere Uiink- r. Surcly no anc desires a con- ;nuance ai icar, hete, or destruc- on. We cen bc greteful for cvcry widence ai mankind's effort ta Ind God, ta express His lave, >ower, govcrnmcnt, and contraI. The most important Uiing in Uic vrnd is ta knaw God. A practi- cai Chnistianity, as demongtrated ày Christ Jesus, appeals unceas- ngly ta thase wha arc willing ta give up cvii Uiaughts and deeds. Eventually all must md "Uic iecret place ai Uic most IHlgh," where Gad is revceled, and wherc His lave, law, and governinent iold unendmng swey. Christian Science bas came ta this age ta 3how Uic path which leads man- end out ai false beliefs, sickncss, and sin. Christian Science reveals te city foursquare as inunte di- vine consciausnoss, Uic complota anderstanding ai Gad and His work. To Uiat city, the new Jeru- îalcm, mankind cen go ta iind refuge from aIl ills ai Uic ilcsh. 'he way ai undcrstanding is îtnaigbt and narraw. Why? Be- case it leads dircctly ta TruUi, and excludes ail but Uic gaad. Unknown anly ta thase who re- ject the Christ, this straight and enrrow pethway is available ta al wha are longmng for an under- Btanding ai TruUi. The limport et Ged's Word Studying the writigs ai Uic Dld and New Testaments, anc ains most 14elpful Uioughts ne- arding God's icity. The Psalmist qng ai it as he mctaphonlcally llustrated some ai Uic ideas ai 'nuth in bis wards: "There is a Cver, Uic streams wbereof shal rae glad Uic city ai God, Uic .aly place ai the tabernacles ai te most Higb. God is in Uic mldst ai ber; she sball not be ioved: God shaîl hclp ber, and bat right early." Lot us spirit- ally view the river or streain ihch continucs ta off er rcfresh- Ig, clcasing, and healing Uiaught. Let us know thet wc, tao, cen baUc in ic hewaters ai pure Chui- Lanlty, the perfect Science ai Ue, Trthand Lave. F0low- cg Uicrigt path which ever whids upward, we shai express oane ad marcclearly thcetrthi of being; we shaîl reflcct the di- i e Mmd at ai time. Ta humen sese the manifestation ai the anc Cad may appear as character building, and the resurrectian ai contais - irom Ignorance, fear, ickness, and sin. As wc kcep on praying, working and watching, we shaîl eventually s0 risci Opiritual understanding as ta sec ourselves as -we really aee-chil- ren ai thc one FaUicr, upbeld, itected, and saved by His law. L7Baker Eddy, Uic Discover- er, ounder, and Leader ai Chris- ian Science, by Uic divine way of revelation, neasan, and deman- gtration, dlsccrncd Uic truth af >eig ithe teachings ai Christ Fesus. In hér textbook, "Science and Hcalth With Key ta the Scnlp- tunes," Mns. Eddy gave ta the world the perfect Science. Chria- ian Science interprets the law ai God, whicb is teaching us the eternal verities we nced ta know. In ber textboolc, Mis. Eddy wnltes (p. 174)., "Truth la revcaled. It needs only ta ha practlsed."1 Jesus went about doing goo'd. Mary Baker Eddy followed ln bis foot- stcps. In Uic s pirit af gratitude for Christ and Christian Science, we recommend ta you their 'teach- ings and practice, which reveal Uic perfect ideas ai Truth and Love. LIFE INSIJRANCE FULLY GEARED TO WAR EFFORT This picture Shows amnpie or' its way to EasternnOntario. jThe Uic type ai float in Uic huge Vit- governemnt and individuai nMan- tory Loan parade which marchelt ufacturing firms sponsoned Uic Uirough Bowmanville Monday-otx. cavalcade. 1 « COWLING SELI OR LESS And Serves You WeIl SPECIAL $1.0 'SUE SPECIAL 10 "OZ. SIZE HInd's Honey end Noxema Crean Almond Cream 49e Plflkh5iR'U Dodd's Lactogen Absorbie Jr. CQMPeud PM 9'. 9~1S 87e *330c 9l6,9t19 Motor Juga - - $1.69 First Aid Kits 290 - 790 vacuum Bottles - - 390 Velvetta SunbuWii Lotion 89o Thermos Bote 980 - 125 Noxema Onl - - $00 Pape Sevietes - - 10a Cutex Travel Kit - 49e Pape serietes -- ~ Jergen's Lotion ad Dixie Cups d- os. 10o Creani - - - - 47a Sun Gogies s aflocy imd 25c - sS a ec eod at $1.95-$3lb."39c Inlilghts Tooth"- 1.75 5-S Camerasi 5 d uc 'm2.25aLuc 3.25 UP 750 RTUU~ ADCNew Styles, New Shades, Low BATIN CPSPrices. 19e -29c -39eC-49e Films Developed Eyes Tested FREE 24 Heur Service Trusses Fittéd Art Bordier or fleokie Lige Stifconuaaee prints aifcinGaate Phone >PlIN Pm RPou P. R. COWJINV, P * BDeivery The Canadian lii e insurance business is geared as eifectlvely ta the Empire's war effort as it bas been ta peace-tinie activitiqs and wil agamn prove its lmpt>rtance in Canadien économic 111e by a tremendous response ta Uic com- ing Vlctory Loan. Newton J. Lander, retirinig président ai Uic Canadian Lifd Insurance Officers' A.ssociation, made this declara- toli in bis presidential address beiore Uic Association's 48th an- nual meeting held here this week Members attcnding Uic four Lay sessions in- thc Royal York Hotel also heard cloquent pîcas for Canadians ta make stiil great- er war sacrifices and a warning that persanal budgets mUst be cut ta Uic point where "it will be smart; ta be shabby." Mn. Lenden reveaied that Cen- adian 111e. insunance companies have lent their sales staffs ta the government fan Uic entire month uf June ta allow thcm ta canvass for Uic Vlctory Loan. He said Uic succcss ai Uic necent War Savings campalgn was, in a large amnount, the nesult of assistance given by ice insurance campanies. Rcfcrring to provisions made by Uic Canadien Govrnent ta care for dependents of soldions kilied hi Uic war, - Mr. Landor pointed out that i no other coun- try had non-contnibutary pen- ions been grantcd on a basis as generaus as in Canada. President ai Uic Association for thse conting year wiil be G. W. Bourke, chief actuary ai Uic Sun Life Assurance Company ai Can- ada, it was announced foilowig thc élection in Uic closing session todey. J. G. Parker ai Uic Im- perial ificAssurance Company oi Canada was eiccted firat vice- president. H. W. Manning, The Great West Lufe Assurance Com- pan, becomes second vice-presi- dent, and M. J. Smith ai Uic Equi- table Lufe Insurence Company af Canada becamos bonorary trea- suren. An cloquent plea for united Canadien effort in Uic war was voiced by L. O. St. Laurent, K.C., eminent French-Canadian lewycr, addncssing Uic Association yester- day mnng. "Canada is at war,"l he said, "and this. war is not something about which Canada cen be divided. The wholc ai Canada is i it and Uic wholc ai Canada must soc it through." The enemy got off ta a seven ycars start i the wan, he poitcd out, whilo Uic deoaracios were struggling with Uic dépression. There is nothing magicel about Uic success ai Uic Germnan Farces, fan Canada can bulçI machines as speody and destructive, ho said. "But we must co-ardinate aur ef- forts ta mako Uiom marc effec- tive Uian those Uic cnemy cen put forth," ho declsrcd. A pîeata cstablish parity ai Uic Canadien and United States dol- lars was voiccd by Han. John C. Blackall, president ai Uic Nation- al Association ai Insurance Com- missioners and Comnxissionen ai Insurance for Uic Statai Connec- ticut, spcaking at a lunchean meeting taday. Revcaling that Uic volume ai 111e insurence in forte in Canada has ncached an ail-time high, R. Leighton Foster, K.C., General Counsel ai Uic Canadien Lufe In- surance. Officens' Ass oei a ti on, speaking at Uic annual meeting ai Uic Institutional Advcrtising Com- mittcc, said Uic total in force i Canada at Uic close ai 1940 was just under séven billion dollars, an increase ai almost 3 % aven Uic cornesponding figure for 1939. Sacrifice by Uic public is "an essential condition ta Uic maxi- mum war effort and ta a mini- mum disturbence upon Uic rcturn ai a peece-time environmrent,"' dcclarcd S. E. Nixori, chief ai Uic Research Division ai Uic Domin- ion War Savigs Comznittee, speaking ta Uic LUfe Adventiscrs Section ai Uic Association. Referring ta Uic necd for co- nomy, J . T. Bryden, assistant treasuren ai Uhe North Amenican Lufe Assurance Company, sald Uic day was close whcn an old model car would be "a bàdge ai dis- tinction," an aId- hanse "a mark ai gentility" and wben walklng would be "the Uiing ta do." The following wcnc electèd as members ai Uic Advisory Council ai the LU e Agcncy Officers' Sec- tion of the Canadien Lif e Insur- ence Officers' Association: chair- man, C. D. Devlln, Coniederation LUfe; vice-cheirmen, J. A. McCa- mus, North Amenican Uice; C. C. Martin, Northern Life; M. W. Mc- Cucheon, National LU c; and Gea. Hunt, Impenial Life. Ed. Morton, North American Lufe,'was clected chairman ai the LUfe Insurance Advcrtisers Sec- WEEKoLY eED SClsIAL Western Barley Chop, $1.45 per cwt. Offer gaod until June b9Ui. F. C. Vanstone, phone 777. 124-1 FOR SAL-i FORDSON TRAC- tor, 1935; 1 used McCormick Binder; Mowers, Deering, Mas- sey, and Frost & Wood; 1 Wa- gon 3/; Single Ridmng Plow; Gang Plows; Cultivators; Bim der Twine, McCormnick-Deeriflg. à L. R. Wood, McCormnick Dealer, f phone 597 and 726. 24-2* sSUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT- f At Bobcaygeon, fully equipped, ,0 fireplace, garage, boat, out- D board motor. Apply Rev. H .W. 1 Foley, Bowmanville. 24-2 "Windows Into The Futiue"', A series of Bible Studies on "The Book et Revelation"' eaeh Euoh Wednesday at 8 p.m. Sunday, 7.30 plu. --ýsubjeot "Cuuud r1eued, r Other services as usuai, .EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE.~ D)elive"y IPCATI E Home Grown Strawberrîos- Hààrry HorDe'. Surteret M.rehmqIllows 25c '. Red SaUmon Oranges 19c 25c 35Clb. 33c 1/21lb. 19o SAVE MONEY- HeGIad'u B3uy Home Grown Met Pete 'Ul OC Vegetables for sandwiches__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KRAFT KA Funl i ne of Kraft Velveeta, C maln Cheuse, Salai Dre- M ice Whilp, Kraft sls, SwndWich Dinue r ý aa< any Spreadh. New sud 014 W ther prepared clsese ERNIE LUNN, Grocer rAqâzi put in Uic shed. It is said ta have backiired anvclopig Uic engino, saturated with ail, in a mass ai flemes' The Uiree buildings are situetotaform threc sides ai a rectangle with Uic barn forming the long aide. Arrangements bave been made ta nepair Uic fire truck hume- dietely and provido temparary protectian meanwhilc. At Uic fine et -Martyn's- about six weeks ago the same trouble was cxpericnced wiUi Uic fire truck whicb put it out ai commission this time. Though it was supposed ta Pe f ix- cd and elthough the truck had had very little running since Uiat time it did nat stand*up twa min- utes uxider Uic strein ai pumping. It is aven thirteen yers old. CAVALCADE <Oontlnued from page 1) show whet wlil appen ta Canada if we do not "Face thc Facts." Next in line werç e number ai iloats showing wbat Canada needs fon its war effort. The naines ai some of these arc "More Ships," "Mare Tanks," "Mare Machine Guns," "More 'Guns Il and Tank Steel," Ml~ore Toals for the Job," "Marc Shells," "Marc Planes,' and "Mono Medicel Aid."1 Other floats urge citizens ta buy bonds ta "Protect Young Can- ada," "Bridge the Atlantic" and ta "K.O. Hitler." The namne ai the final float was "Therc's Only One Answer-Victary."1 "Everywherc we went we werc met by large and enthusiastic crawds," Major I. C. Ellard, affi- cor in charge, sttes. The difficult traffic situation, which such a mass ai vehicies croates, was smoothly bandled by sozue tan police incli4dlng tnafflc afficens, provincial constable and the local police. Many ai these mon are travelling with Uic caval- cade ail wcek i eastern Ontario. 1Conversation wlth e member ai Uic cavalcade revealcd that Uic mon, most ai wbom are yaung .anmy and air farce recruits, are finding this kind aif patnlotic en- deavar monatanous, tiring and a lot barder than ordinary work. 1Now on Uic second week ai tra- Phone 596 about il the eis t tavse Cn adoa's fieri ovinebefore Ui close of next wcck. It'was a great paradle - a great show' and evcrybody loved it,, but whether it will do the job for which it was intended has yet ta be seen. Soon we wiil know just how generously Uic war loan has beffn supported. Next stop for Uic cavalcade was Port Hope. -1 1 1