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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1941, p. 10

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THRSDAY, JUNÊ 0 91 PAGE TE~ THE CANADIAN STA~SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO I ~phone Clarke lm~ The Statesmian is 5c a copy aI' Anderson's Drug Store. Mdr. and Mrs. Hudson StoWe and faxnly, Toranto, spent thc * weekend aI their cottage. 1Mr. W. J. Eilbeek, Toronto, lias Ubeen convalescing from a severe ~ilness at lis summer home. Mrm. J. E. Rincli fel and brake a bonel >her wzt afd will be unable,,Io use il fôr some tinie. Miss Kathleen Toms is visitIng lier sister, Miss Frances Toms, Mantreal and St. Lamiberts, Que. Miss Dolly Purdy lias gone ta spend tbp sminer with lier trniter Mrs. Farr, Spruce villa, vWitby.-Hri W. S. SIaples, Massey-Hri agent, Bowmanville, sold a new mnilk separator ta Lewis Clark and a new hay mower ta H. R. Pearce. Mrs. Mildred Pur-dy o! Elni- j hurat Holel, Newcastle, visited over thc weekend wiIh lier for- [ mer OL.C. roam-mnate Mrs. Capt.. L. C. Wood (nee Allie Buler), Woodstock, Ont. SJAP-ALAC for DURABEITY, ETFECT À 'ND PRIOEC ir It for Yourself Blue Ribbon Paint reg. 10e qt. for 59e Wl $SELL Serviettes Toilet Paper Flags Ch"nware Greeting Cards PItmic Supplies Post Cards Sun Glaises Souvenirs Butterick Patterns. iOIII4STON'S MOK STORnE Phone 651 flowmmfvle I *J. H. Jase is remodelling lis stables and puttlig the hamas and catlle under separate. roafs. Mrs. Jase is boardig a nukmlicr o! mexi from Western Ontar * who are womking on Uic job. Mr. anid Mrs. Chas. Mis. Port Hope, visited M. and Mrs. Beni. Moise. Mr. and Mms. Chas. Moise and daugliters, Patricia and Don- na, Toronto, were aiso weekend visitors wiili lis parents. Newcastle pupils o! Mr. Edou- ard Bartlctt, violin teaclier, Osh- awa, who toak part i the Fergu- son-Bariiett recital in Bowman- ville were Donald and Francis Jase and Balfour Le Gresley. Newcastle and Clarke continue ta go over and beyond Uic top in their Victory 'Loan subacriptians and the second lionour pennant reacled Newcastle June l6tli. Il now flies beside thie first aI Uic masthcad with Uic Victary flag.i The Board of Education met an Monday evcning ta consider some 90 applications for île position o! teacler of the junior raom o! Uic public sehoal and adjourned la meet again on Thusdlay evening ta mvicw a select number o! the applications. Girls of the J. Anderson Smith Ca. and allier girl frierids held a post nuptial sliower for'a recent popular bride, Mrs. Lloyd Han- cock, ai the home of Mrs. Michael Gogcrty on Tlursday evcning. Refreshusents were servcd and a pleasaxit evenig spent. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Raîpli, .Orono, are again summering at their lakefront cottage, framed in a garden tînt is anc o! tle bcauty spots o! Newcastl-on-the-Lake, with rockgarden flowers bloom- ing on tle slopig bank right down ta the pebbled beach. W. A. o! St. -George's Clurdli lield a garden ten on Mrs. J. Scott Howard's grounds on June 1911. The place was perfect for situa- lion and île day was anc o! those rare Juxie days whiéh la Canada's pride. Ladies o! St. George's wcre present in large numbers togeiler with several from sister dhurcies. Newcastle extends congratula- tions ta Barrister Ronald B. Bax- ter, Port Hope, on lis appoint- menti as a magistrale ta succeed Magistrate W. A. F. Campbiel. Mr. Baxier is thc son-in-law o! Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Montgom- ery, Newcastle, and le and M&s. Baxter spent -Sunday, June 151h, withli er -parents here. The municipal couxicil lias un- dem construction iwo more water stomage tanks as factors in the village's -lire protection scleme. One lu siiualed ai the top a! the west hli and île other on lic Base Line a litle cast o! R. B. LeGresley's dairy barn. Bath arc iocated by careful measurements JustArrived! 'A New Shipment of Lovely, Cool Summer Frocks Gossamer Sheera or Crease-Reslsting Spun Rayons i self-tones or vivid pat- terns. New and charming styles t~l Good ise assortment. 3J< EXCEMTONAL VALUE In trople weight rayon suedune dresses. Sînart styles and gay oleurs, cool and dressy for street or, business. They will wash "Ilke a haukie" ,Sues te 44. Only _ _ $2@49 Phono 451 IN RgwPEcTFUL MEMORY ~ JOHN H. H. JURY LOVEL of distances ta best serve in case of fire the homes and other build- ings li their respective areas.:f Miss Wynsome Bell, wh 1 Ôlu staylng wlth Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Horrocks and daughters, New- castie-on the-Lake, is a war guest from Newcastle-on-Tyne,- Eng. She is enjoying lier visit here in company with Miss Joan Stagg, wliose parents are in Yokohama, Japan, and who lias teen attend- ing Bishop Strachan Scliool li Toronto, and with Miss Jane Lunt, also a lassie from England who lias been attendmng Newcastle public scliool. The past week lias been peony week par excellence i Newcastle and among tlie more glaniorous shows have been Miss Drum- mond's on the west hll, Postmas- ter George Jamieson's, Mrs. J. Scott Howard's, those in the hor- ticultural bed at Mni and Manvers Sts., and several others. But for numbers of plantsa and varieties and a wide range of types; shades and fragrance Dr. J. A. Butler's take the lead. But tliey, unlike many others, cannot be seen from thi1treet. One must go into the rear gardon to behold and admire, and lie will sgee nany more tliings of exceptional interegt tliere too. Roses are now coming aiong fine and Chas. Cowan, Newcastle's ieading rosarian, lias distinguisli- ed his residence and premises witli the naone "Roseholm," done in artistic lettcring over tlie west entrance. Amiong other attrac- tive rosariums ih the village are Laverne Martin's, Miss B. Mcm- tosli's, J. W. Bradiey's, and speak- ing of flowers tliere lias been an especially brilliant sliowing of Russel Lupins at Cecil Horrock's, Newcastle-on-the-Lake. ZMon CauiffiedAd as One cent a word cOihii,"euh insertion (minimUm charge 25c). charge of 2 56 ex" a, made when advertisemint Is not paid mre week ai n *er- tien. Extra charge of lOc when replies are direett a Stateman box nuzuber. Birihu, deatha and mnarriages 500eueah. in memoriani, Uic for notice plus 100 PS Sfne for verse. Classlfe< d A er- tisements aecepted up uii a p.m. Wednesday. ENCGAGEMEN Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ayre, Hampton, announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Audrey Blanche, ta Mr. Llyd George Metcalf, only son of Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Metcaif, Maple Grave. The marridge ta take place in Zion United Churdle on Saturday, Juiy 261h. 261 Notices Dr. Storey' s Office wili be clos- cd Juiy 3rd ta Juiy 301h. 26-4* Dr. C. W. Sleman's Office will be closed frous July 3rd te July 24th inclusive. 26-2 Dr. Harold Fergusan's Office wrnl be closed from June'28ih ta July 3rd. 26-1 The Red Cross Rooms wll be closed for sewing during the monîli o! July. The waal con- venor will be in Uic Roora on Saturday aftcrnoons from 2 ta 5 p.m. ta give out wool and receive fmnished articles. Private Sale Private sale of hauseliold e#ects including -davinette upholotred Mm. and Mms. Wes. Cameron, double lied with springs and mat- And !ri Jack and Joyce aI Mr. Stanley tresu. AUl goods in goad condition. But nev Coverly'u, Ebenezer... Miss peggy Apply Mrs. A. F. Spencer, Higli- Promn Killen, Toronto at Mrs. Rolit. Ki- waY N.,, Maple Grave. 261* --Sadi: ien's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Delbert1LIaa Flintoff, Kedron ai Mis. Wes Morning Stock Sale Leaa Cameron's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.Ca Bennett, Doris and Lais, North Mornig Stock Sale o! Caille Oshawa, ai Mr. Fred Camcron's. and Pigu, poperty -o! E. A. Wery, Mis.E ..Misses Annie and Dora Lysan north o! Enniskilcn, on Tuesday, tîank an] and Emily Killen, Oshawa, a1 Mr. JuIy lut, aI 8.30 a.m. standard their kln Robi. KiMensu. .. Mm. and Mm5s. A. lime. 100 caIlle, number, o! calves, T. Stainton attendcd Uic wedding number o! sows, 14 pigs 100 lbs. pathy ai, o! Dr. T. Dean, Tomanto and Miss 15 plgs 8 weeks aid. Note-Please received Audrey Archer at Pailerson Kay notice lime- o! sale. Ternis,'tah.avement. Ladge, Muaskoka on Mandny. . - Ted Jackson, aucianeer. 26-1 Thc fan Misses Bernice Stainton, Peter- bora and Eileen Stainlan, Baw- Hall wisli manville ai Mr. A. T. Stainton'.. 'AuctionSale ciatia n ..Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron, Misses Teigiboui Bernice and Elleen Stinion and Thc underslgxcd lias 'received pathy ai Audrey Ayre gave a shawer for instructions ta sel by public nue- Uicir liez Miss Joyce Edgar, Oshawa, aI Mis. tion ali o! Mis. H. Allson'sha. e Lee's lame... Mr. and Mrs. Al. hald effeets and furniture includ- Wllsoun Ayre. Lloyd and Boyd, ai Mir ing chesterfield suite, living raom,8 Harold Skinner's, Tyrone. . .. Dr. dining oom, kilcien and liedroom érgr Eaml Gar! ai and Joe, Coiborne ai furniture, ugs, add ,clairs, kil-Rcigm Mr. A. T. Slainton's. Joe la stay- chen ange, sideboprd, organ, chairs, pï ing ta lelp an Uic !arm .. .Mi. and 'dishes, and many amali articles. dressers, Mrs. Chas. Naylar. Mis. J. W. Me- Sale aI 1.30 p.m. D.S.T., carner ciectrier Master, Mms. L. V. Disney, Osha- Liberty and Ontario streets, Bow- grass mug wa, atlended tle McKiltrick-By- manville, on Saturday, July 5Ui, luie crs e-union aI Sunset Point, Col- 1941. Terms cash.- Anyne *isi- $9» lingwood. .. Mr. 'nd Mis. F. B. ing ta put a lirnitcd number of! rngf Glaspel aI Mrs. Jerry Glaspel's, articles in Uiis sale may do so by ~rxgf Whllliy. ..Mr. and Mrs. Thos. arrangl a1 ilcerk r ue u umya Marfin at Mm. Ed. Parker's, Ked- tioneer.. W,.3 dall auctiancer; you n on. . . Mrs. AI!. Ayre and Audrey, C. H. Mason, tlerk. 262ai an i Mvrs. Chas. Naylom, Mrs. J. W. FI McMaster, Mis. A. T. Stainton ai- Real Estate For Sale $1.49 tcnded 'Uic trousseau ica for Miss iniaids, c Joyce Edgar- aI Oshiawa. . . Mr. FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK linoleurnâ and Mis. Chas. Piper and Bert, hanse an Centre SI., Bowman- est displa Tomonto, aI Mm. Norman Leadl's. ville, modemr conveniences; wlll ruga in1 ..Mmr.and Mrs. Eugene Geiss- lic sold dlieap 10 close up an are lowei berger. Passale, New Jersey. at esîale. Apply A. E. Blinian, Mi. Hans Gcissberger's. . . Mi. King St. West. il t! Nevi and Mrs. Thos. Martin attended 3 5 thc funemal o! Mis. Fred Snudden For- Rent- Chesrii at Oshawa on Snlumday. . . Mr. eringa, ca and Mis. Jerry Glaspel, Whilby, FOR RENT- 3 PARTLY FUR buy. Che Mrs. W. Glaspel. aI Mr. F. B. Glas- nislied, lcated raams. All con- figurcd pel's. .. Pte. Mike Nemis, New- veniences. Possession July lst. deep-seat market, ai home . Apply Mis. E. Turncy, Scugof styles, fu Thc football game between and O'Dell Streets. 26-1 tion. We Hampton and Zion an Satumday hoef niglit msulted in a win o! 4-0 for FOR RENT - APARTMENT cos Hampton. Theme was some cx- wiili 3 piece bath and lialcony. alwgys Io citemeni at tle end a! Uic game Apply P. O. Box 271, Bowman-1 wlen il was discovemcd that Uic ville. 26-1 $59.9i grass on Uic ulde o! thc oad south FRRN NUNSE acll oftefootball field was afime. TheFO ET-2 NURIH waefl me o! ihe th ir ut hee downstaims rooms. All caon- nstanding1 men 3s ealUic fire a. heme ds ences. Apply Mis. C. Jacobe, find yaur were3 spamae fre !ewmod CZurch SI., Bowxianvifle. 26-ri room sui apami blazing. designs. On Tlursday niglit Miss Annie TO RENT - FOUR ROOMED means loi Lyson, Oshawa, gave a miscel- Apartiment. Apply StatesmW W laneous slower for Miss Annie -O -. i54.9 Killen aI M. Rolit. Killen's. There $4.98c were about 30 presenl. Alter nul ateel playing games the bride-to-be Enniskillen Mi value. was escarted intoîle house where she was asked ta open thie parcels piled li a decorated basket. Shec Miss Jean Rabbins, Mr. F. Peh- 559 eceived a lot o! lovely useful ick, Tomonto, at Mr. S. R. Pcthick's couhes glfts and Uianked evemyone for . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Branton, MIss 50 beaut Uicm. Aller a bountiful lunch Gladys Page R.N, Oshiawa, )4r. choose fF( the evcning was brauglil ta a close Everett RuÈsell, Rochester, with wsave wi best wlshes for Annie's fut- Mis. E. Page. . . Mrs. F. Parker, _ R ure liappiness. Faimpomt, N. Y., Mr. R. Parkr',Sari Con reMis Cv t ,..a .., nu'if, summey Cottages FOR RENT-FURNISHED COT- tage wlth sceened pordli and electrie. Wlndy Cave, Bow- manville West Beach. Apply Mrs. W. E. Gerry, Bowmanvill, phane 2287. 26-1 ELECTRONIC TUBES TOUCRYT TRAMFC Moxtreal, June 18-Electronla tubes are conslgned daily i care o! the Canadien National IHail- 'ways Express and shiipments re- quire gentie lariling. These tubes are uned *for broadcan, tlb- vision or x-ray work. Some e- quie Opecial wood or steel crates ad stand higlier than & mani. These musI remain upright and thie contenta are slung-instead a! eing cushioned. For amali radia transmitîing tubes an upit car- ton-craIe lias been deslgned in Uic formma! a pyrandd wlich enaures Ihat il will always lie riglit aide1 Up. Miss Helen Wiseharl, England, Mt Mis. C. Burgmaster's... Mr. Win. Austin, Sturgeon Fall, at Dr. C. J. Austin's. .. PIe. John Beckett, Camp Borden, irs. -S. Becket and Joa n, Mis. D. Cameron, Bow- manvile, wiUi lylrs. F. Beckett. Mi. Herli. Orclard and Orville, Applegale, Miel., Mrs. Allen Phipts, Carsanville, Miel., visllod thc former'. lirother, Mr. Frank Orchard. Mr. and Mia. J. H. McKeever, Miss Cobbledick and Miss La- verne Orchard, Towni, visited )ft. Frank Orclard, Dr. C. J. Austin anid Dia, Mmm. Austin, aI Mmr. G. Thomsan' , Kigs. . . Mr. M. Holil is p siding over the entrance clasa gt lte Boff'sTraning Scliool, Bow., A ni4mber fram here attended Uic trousseau tea held t tle home a! Mrs. I, Travell in honour o! Misa Margaret Dallon on SatuÏï, day aftemnoon and evenlng. Re- porta o! shawers given Misa Dal- ton appear on page 3. The Stateiamnla now on sale oaci week at Slçmon's Store, 09 cearac tlrae-i stock in 30 Used Suites 9 Dlnini Queliec LargeA Cuplioai Dresser Beds - Sftverai ' Cribs, F Carne c as thesc Up qulc Thcre world th aide tîni doing gc MARRIAGI! B8fi7NER - PETTIGEW - Saturday, June 141h, 1941, at Rogers Memariai Churcli, To- ronta, by -Reverend James MIi- roy, Margaret Barthloamew An- drew, daugliter o! Mr. William Pettigrew, and ýhe late Mtrs. Isabella Pelttgrew, ta David T. Banner, son af Mr. and Mrs. George H. Banner, Toronto. DEATH. JURY-In Bowmanvhfle, an Bat- urday, June 2lst, 1941, John H.' H. Jury, aged- 83 years. ROLPH-In Orono, an Wednes- day, June 25th, 1941, Elizabeth Axin Roipli. WIILLIAMSON-In Orana, Wed- nesday, June 25th, 1941,1 Harritt Willanisan, belovedi sister a! Mrs. James Sissan. IN MEMORIAM CAR-In iaving memory a! Reta Mdrgaret Carr who passed away June 301h, 1939. The evcnlng s tar siines o'er Uic grave O! anc wc loved but cauild nal savce, And whilc she rests li peaceful sleep Hem memary we wil aiways keep, -Ever rmemmbcmed by fathcm and sisters. 26-i PASCOE-In fond and loving merhory o! aur dear moUicm, Cama Annetta Argue, wlo pasu- ed la lier et June 21s1, 1939. -Ruth and Hazel. 26-1* VAN DYKE-In laving memory a! aur dear mnother, Mary Axn Van Dyke, wlo passcd away June 22nd, 1938. The world may change from 'iends frous day ta day, ever wil Uic ancwe lovcd memary pass away. lr mnissed; by daugliters md Elva. irds of Thanks E. J. Silver wishes ta Lrelatives and frlends for id expressions a! gym- id many floral tributes Sduring lier recent ber- ily af the late Mrs. Jane îes ta express deep appre- and tianks ta frices and urs wlio cxtended sym- and hclpfulness during Teavefient. 26-1* 09 s Furniture Co. Sommer Speciai rtars, coal ail staves, dock pilows, camfarters, lamps, ýclest drawers, couches, rangettes, w ard r ob es es, etc. ier Spripg Mattres5es 1Good loaking h e a v Y. Ulied mattresses, covered ble fancy tiçking. W.Uil ive ars o! camfartL- AU sizes, nazingly law price. lor Covering Special )Borderleusrugs 6' x 9', congoleums, feltols, lieavy LB, i ai widths. The larg- Iay o! floor coverings -and thc city. Wllson's prices aý Chesterfield Suites W Modern spring-filed field suites, excellent cov- carved sliow-waad. A real .esterfleld, suites in heavy ricli velours, luxuriant ated camfort, custom-bullt llly guaranteed construe- 1carry a large selectiaxi ta from and aur prices are lower. Dedioem Suites >5 Tlrilllngly new, smart« Idesign. This is an aut- buy. At Wllson's yau can ir heart's desire i a bed- lite. Modem and period Wllson's lower overhead ower prices ta you. Vainut Steel Bedu 1New streamllned. wal- .beds, all aises. Wonider- studio Couches M Sprixig-fllled s tu di1o li attractive caveringi. atiful studio couches ta !om at bargain prFices Uiat re you many daouars. IDE IN DAIRGAINS eprices for imniediate e. Il pays ta visit aur departrment. The largest a ur history. 1Chesterfield 8 $5.00 up ýRoom Suites, $14.00 Up Cook Slaves - $5.00 Up Nxmnuter Rug .-. $6.00 $6.00 on Table .____ $3.00 -$*4.00 $1.00 Up IBreakfast Suites, Kitdhen BCouches, Wardrobem, in .Plané, China Cabinets, Praina, Deska, Refrigera- early for chaice soloclion ýbargains will b. pickod ckly. MUE DELIVERY Sts Furniture C. gW. ' 2seChuroh Ut. OBgAWA 23- l, ilittle pleasure ihith. âaI la sincere and true lie- tof doing aur duty and ood. No other la campar- [ntLivst ýýFo Slej lelp Wwnted sck . Arý ;Ir ALLY PROm!- sig yaung grade. Holstein cow due July It. -Phônie 2285, Chas. E. Osborne. 26-1* Wanted WANTrED - REAL GOOD USED car, Clievrolet coacdi or sedan oniy around 32 model, about $175 cash. Phone Bowmanvuille 2215. 26-1 WANTED TO BUY -A CHEAP aid house or out building. Ap- piy ta Box 158, cia Statesman -Office, Bowmanviile.. 26-1* Articles For Sale WOOD FOR SALE-lIARD AND soft. Price 10w. Terms cash. B. Furber. 26-4* FOR SALE -GAS ENGINE drive waslier in perfect running order, completeiy overhauled. A splendid buy. Wil sdi at big sacrifice for quick sale. Terifis may be arranged by responsible party. Enquire Mason & Dale. 26-1 FOR SALE - COOK STOVES, rpake yaur chalce from aver 40 assorted extra good trade-in stoves naw. Prices wrnl be higli- er next f al. Don Christian Elèctrlc.. 26-1 FOR SALE - HIARLEY-DAVID- son-mnitarcycle, 1938, 61,O.H.V. completely equipped, excellent condition, wil seli cheap for cash. Apply Traffic Officer W. F. Thompsan,'Queen SI., Bow- manville, phone 2226. 26-1 FOR SALE-A SPLENDID BUY in an electric washer can lie had for balance of accçaunt. Just carry an payments. Guaranteed. Enquire Mason & Dale. 26-1 FOR SALE -RADIOS, CON- sole, recanditioned, 25 ta choose fram, from $4.95 at Don Chris- tian Electric. 26-1 FOR SALE - PERSONAL EUB- ber Goods, mailed postpaid li plain scaled enveiape, with price list. 6 samples 25c. 24 saniples $1. Aduls only. Atex Rubber Ca., Box 231, Hamuilton, Ontario. 26-8 FOR SALE-ELECTRIC WAS- ers, rcconditioned, from $19.50, aI Don Christian Eieçtric. 26-1 FOR SALE-COAL OIL STOVE, coul $7,50 new, oniy used twa months, wili sel for $4.50. Ap- pIy H. B. Creeper, Harsey St., plane 628..- 26-1, FOR SALE - 8 PIECE DINIG roam suite i good condition. Apply Mis. E. Turney, Scugag and ODll Streets. 26-1w FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND Congoleum rugu. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually i stock. You are invited la view these aI BRADLEY'S New Fur- niture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Oshawa. 19-If FOR SALE - WILL SELL M'Y electrie washem at big redue- tian for quick sale. Léavig town. Apply Box 159, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 26-1 RECONDITIONED TIRES--SAVE up ta 50 % on tires and tubes, including new Goodycars, Do- minion Tires. Full stock in ail sizcs fmom *1.00 up. G. F. Janile- son, Tire & Batîery Slop, King and'Silver SI. 14-tf FOR SALE-ICE BOXES, USED gas ranges, ail slaves, coleman ranges, recondiîianed, bargain prices, aI Don Chiristian Elce- tric. 26-1 OSHiAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Evcmytlhig in modern, cliesîerficld, bcdroam, dnn suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. uality erchgndise aI cam- petitive prices- Before buying visit Bradlcy's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae SI. S., Osi- awa. 19-If Notice To Creditors And Others in the Dilate of Dlisaboth Edmond, deceased. Ail persans lavig cd1a im s agaisîIlie estale o! tle abave mentioned, who dled at Town o! Bawmanville, in Uic Counîy o! Durham, an tle 131h day o! bMarch 19)41, arc requlred ta file proof o! same with 1h e undersigned an or liefore the 251h day o! July, A.D., 1941. Af 1er thnt date, Uic Public Trustee will praceed la distribule the estate, havlng regard only la tlie daims o! whidh lic shah tIhen have had notice. Dated aI Toronto, tIs 191h day o! June, 1941. The Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Administrator. 26-1 i;;m niir hs.ih D.,UI~iD.INUD. IUAadO. Gl s Mon of 30y 40p,50 M.atji5EilèÔv. tmnW ai40 Ito Bor" - dOiT Loat LLOST - BLACKÇ, COLLIE DOG, tag No. 102, Township Darling- ton. Reward. Plane 2539, F. I W. Werry, EnniskiUlen. 26-1* Weekly Feed- Special Soap Llfebuoey Soap .Ficor Wax, Silver Glas Starch, Phone 596 4 bars 19e "2 pkgs. 25C V. WEEK lt, fieED79epeCr L GO: From noouiFiday, June PurIy ait fIe, 9c ercwt* 27, until 2.00 p.m. Tuesday, We have just recelved a fresli july- 1 shipmer4 a! this higliesîtuaty Salt. Ofrgo ni ul3rd. IRETUIN. Leave destination, Offe C.o Vastne, ln 7.not inter - Uin mldrj!ght. Wel- Fi. C.Vastoe, hoe 7 -26-1 nesday, July.2, 141. Tenders Wanted. Tenders wanîed for paîfting Na. 9 Lockhart's Scliool, Clarke. Tenders receivcd up la July -151h, 1941. Apply for, particulars la E. F. R. Osborne, Secretary,.Ncw- casîle. 26-1 bINIMUN SPECIAL F$eE Ç250 Pulpartlcularu traomany -.agent. Normandy Cream - Biscuits - lb. 19C Chocolate Ruif le Fingers-- lb. 19e Hedmun's2 tins Meat Pastes 19C ERNIE LUNN Doiiver Sorvice We don't .Wbnw, greasyour car plce that us gttain ha o Irar rfies no 1h fmce rgt away. Grease, Job $1.00 GARTGN'S GARAGE phone 266 Bus Service Sub-Standard 0f A Famous $ 1 Hose Pure 3-thread siik. This fameus braud has marveileus wearing qualities. They are perfect f itting, pure "ring- lesa" silk and in a geod range of shades. Imperfectious are very sllght and wiil net affect their wear- 7 ing qualities. AU sizes. Special per pair.7c THE OFFER OF. THE MONTH GLASS PITCHER 3c WITH. CHIPSO soth for 200 New condensed flakes - Mare Suds per oupful It à - 'Il - or aider, for couint home witliail conveniences. Chuîdren in famlly. Must 'be tlioroughly reliable, good plain cook, country girl preferrcd. Apply, giving cliaracter refer-, ences, ta Box 149, Statesmnf Office, Bowmanvil. 24-3 HELP WANTED - CLERK wanted, yaung max i wth higli school education wifling th learn idustriai system ta earn advancement. Apply Box 160, cia Statesman Office, Eowman- ville. 26-1 HELP WANTED - CAPABLE and trustwortliy girl for holiday months as maid at Bowmnanvilie Hospital. Apply li persan to ~Miss Lockliart, Acting Superin- tendent, at the hospital. 26-1 SALESWOMEN WANTED - Learn why people prefer Fami- 1ex.-,?roducts when there is a devoted woman ta serve tliem and wliy aur Brie is easy tup sen. Catalogue and full information upon request. Familex, 570 St. C lement Street, Montreal. 26-1 Feed and 1ýeed, FOR SALE -RED CLOVER, Ydllow Blossam and Timotliy Hay for sale. 20 acres, of plougli- ed ground for rent'oiÈ shares. Apply Mrs. ;Strutt, Tyr one, plione 2504. 26-1 ,FOR SALE -SEED BUCK- whie a t. Apply Tyrone Mill, phane 2305. z. 26-1 FOR SALE-ABOUIT i1 ACRES of -standing mixed hay, good quality. Apply Austin Larmer, . phone BÇwmanville 2153, or Port Perry 193r23. 26-1 FOR SALE - TWO ACRES OR 'more af alflita and timnathy hay. Matt. Brown, Newcastle, phane Clarke 1112. 26-1 Strayed TWO HOGS STRAYED FROM Lot 5, Con. 2, Darlington, on June 17 or 18. Weight abouti 180 lbs. Finder please notlfy J. F. Heyland, phone Bawmanvile 676. 26-1 Long Week-ed REDUCED FARES Botween lI ontuCa Onad&and to- certain de1.tinaP.tnin nU nlted State Fer. nd ONeQuamts FOR TiD ROUND TRI? AT< jeu are amures! of havlng a wlde range of fine baked goodti -from whlch to choose. SPECIEALLY MO1JLDED. CAKES FOR. STRAWBERRY SHORTCALKE DOUCHIdUTS JeIly --doz .' s Plain --doz.20 SEVEN VARIETMEÉ0 Wraziped or Slced Round, Baker's, Crimp, Raisin, Duttermùilk, Brown, Cream Only local bakeil wit h dafly delivery. Our driver wl! fo]4ow when you move to jour cottage aithe beaoh POOLE'S, BAKERY Phone 654 for Service DO0M I.NIO0N quit til RFADelîlýd dw WANT@ADS, ç -1- - 1 - 1 -. 1 1 1 1 -à J, 1 p. 1 dd À- 1 1 [ 1 THE CANADIAN STATÉSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TIk

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