~- v.. - THE CANADIAN STrATESMANý, BOWMANvILL,, .ONTARIO- Establlshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With whlch are IncorPorated The Dowmanvllle News, The Newcastle I[ndependent, and The Orono News. 85 Years' Continnus Service To The Town or Bowinanville and Durham County. ~> Member Audit Bureau i; x ecirculations A Weekle NewsPaIers * Association Clama A Weekllen of Canada SUBSCRIPTON BATE8 $2.00 a Yeur, strlctly lu advanoe. $2.50 a Year in the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1941 The McGIII Bequest There was a tâne, some years ago, when the prospect was that the town of Bowman- ville would eventually receive upward of a quarter of a million dollars from the McGill estate at Washington, D.C. But litigation intervened; years of court! squabbles in- volving lawyer 's fees and expenses incid- entai to ail such cases invoked the law of diminishing returns. When. compromise reconciled the disputants, the net estate had shrunk to a shadow and Bowmanville 's share, fintally, when reeeived into the gen- eral revenues of the town will ainount to sibout $40,000. Nevertheless it is a tidy sum and people wil be interested in its invest- ment. For years the annual income from the MeGill estate was accepted and applied as ordinary revenues. No special fund was set aside and the only concrete testimonial to the memory of James H. McGill is to be found in the Cemetery Gates erected with part of his bequest money. There is enough of irony in ail this to cause us now seriously to, consider how Mr. MeGil would wish the residue invested. So up for consideration and decision very soon is this question: "What shall Bowiuanville do with this $40,000. The Statesman offers a few suggestions to the town council charged witb making the decisiôn. It should be apparent that Mr. McGill willed bis estate to the Corpor- ation of Bowmanvile in a spirit of loyalty and patriotism. Were lie here to advise, there is no doubt the decision would ho: "Now that war is upon us, place it at the service of the nation."' In other words, buy Dominion Bonds and permit the interest to accuniulate to the use of the government, te, the credit of the town and to the memory of the donor. Germen-Soviet Clash Pretense bas gone by the boards. The Nazi-Oomintern. pact se spoctacularly launched at tise outbnoak of Hitier 's 'putsch' for world dominatien has been just se spoc- tacularly exploded. Hitler bas marched, suddenly, against ail Russia 's might and in deing se, lias proelaimed bis undying sntag- onism te Communism. That [s what ho stat- ed in bis boek, "Mcmn Kampb" and witls bis record as thse world 's premier hian, there should nover hgwe been any daubt about [t. Now, probably lie will propose compromise and possibly, pence with his enemios. But Churchill bas beon swift ta convoy repudiation toalal the world. His latest broadcast branded Hitler as a "bloodthirsty gutternipe" and decneed ne meeting ground until ho and bis systom had been des- troyed fonever. Ailtise cembined dem'ôcrac- [es ef.tise world will applaud and back bis hangunge and bis stated purpose. Indeed we have an echo of it froni our ewn Prime Minister. Ero ho beaves for tise West "te in- apeet miitary establishsments," Mn. King said Hitler turned on Rassis, " with a cynie- .im unequalled in tise iistory et perfidy," which is pnetty streng language tram aur bond of State. 'No doubt this was an at- tempt ta emulate the matchbs Oburchill. What will ho the outeoeot That is tise question. Hlitler will get his wheat and, oil througb irnesistible thrusts of Pauzer div- isions witbin the space of days, into tise heant ef Ru@sia. Tisonlie wilh propose au * armistice as he did with France. If Stalin yields, thon we shall ho in for a mucis longer war. If ho holda eut and figlits as China has fought Japan, thon we have Hitler [n the bag. If even thene was a time for effective diplomacy [n the iistony of tise British Em- pire, that tume [s new; te persuade Russia te 'hold eut. Both Over And Under Thanka te those whose veny existence deponds upon succesaful p.osecution of tis war, thse Victony Loan 1941 went aven tise ~op [n thse last desperate drive efthtie mans- agors of, the campaîgu. Strngoly enougli t'$,Ofe'provinces which wo class as "agnicult- uW~fh rather tissu "industrial " led tise way. tpMrio, whicb ahanes most langely in war- ý,Jý ontracts, and paticularly Toronto, jonàtpieuousl3,. Bat tise objective was with Inillions te spane, ail of which ~pte twa things: tîrst, Hitler eau- 1 ýpO no»te Canada 's tinancial determin- ,eoalond, tribate must ho paid te 11ud ge9d management. ~ ~ te the success et tise lan, r ip "t'ke,,Matter et recruiting tise ~e called ton. If Hitler 'C nada, lie may con- bat, jean; money witb- the kind et wan- supremely suc- r f gavorn- MURE%' oy, iu this i t vital an econemic force un time gt war as [t is in time et peace. Today, millions of lite insurance dollars are figisting dollars which are doing double duty; tbey are guardians of finaucial security et froc men and women on the homo front, while tbey are helping maintain our domocratic way of lite by aid- iug on tise war front." regard, veny shontly, for we cannot -ego o as at prosent. More and more becomes the demand for outright conscription. In an. other colum space is given te the matton af establishments and neruiting in which etof ficiabdom seenis completely confused. Mr. * Raîston, in defending thse 30-day training, laimed that ene of its major bene- fits weubd ho Xo teach patriotism and loyalty ta country; that these couscripted youths would leap ta on su defone eof a beleagur- cd Commonwealth, etc. There were 80,000 whipped over the 30-day hurdles. Buti this recruiting cainpaign they do net secu to« ho "leaping" te join anything save the throng heading for the igh-wage factonies. Mr. Raîston seems ta have been mistaken in his estimate. Hon. Joseph T. Thorson A few days ago, the Prime Ministor an- nounced an expansion of bis cabinet ta in- clude a new Minister, Hon. J. T. Thonson. lawyer and Rhodes seholar of Winnipeg, who takes over the Department of National War Services originally under Hon. J. G. Gardiner, whso resigned. We have received from Dr. J. N. Hutchinson a bniof sketch of Mr. Thersen, laudit.ory of bis abilities and wisich descnibos him as tall, beau. keen andl active. This [s pieisely the type of mani needed in these strenueus tumes. We can do witb more of them ta replace the arm-cbair 'theorist. I l ahbis appointmonts Mr. King seems te lean toward hawyers and intelloctuals; he, himscîf fabîs into that category. 0f 'the nineteen members of bis cabinet, fifteen are lawyers. 0f the ether tour, Mr. Howe [s a former college professer turnod construc- tion engineer; Mn. Gardiner was a sehool teacher who turnod profossional politician; Mn. Crearer came froni the farm te direct the United Grain Grewers Company, and Mn. McKinnon is a financial agent. Mr. Thorson was chosen last Mardi as chairman of'tise special cemnittee on war oxpenditures and ater sittings of some days brouglit down a report whicis was franIkly critical ef the 'goverument. Ho said: "The committee believes that already it bas been a stimalating factor [n the promotion of economoy reforms" . . . and that "failure te continue will ho set-back te reforma whichi have heen already proposed" and agaiu, "aour people do net fulby realize the gniini- ness ef the situation;" al et which is admis- sien that the goverument lias been lax and dilatary. It [s all a matter of the quick versus thse slow. The paunch of age mugt give way te tise punch of youth. Mn. Thorson evidently has the punch without the bay-window. Canada H-olds An Army Day Keep.Saturday, -Junê 28th1.m'n md . -t is important for it has been preclaimed and set asido aà tic finst " Army Day " [n Onu- adian istory. Speakiug on bebaîf of the governnient and Minister of National De- fence, the adjutant-gençral officially in- vites tise general public, parents, wives, brothors, sisters, sweetbearts, sîncers and curions alike, ail across Canada, te came' and visit miitary camps whereven tboy may be found, aud sec thse boys under actual military conditions. It is advmitted that recruiting bas beon going full blast for exaetly eue montb but only 13,015 bave answened tic caîl for tise full quota ef 32,000. Anotier 19,000 are nooded witisin tise uext usontis or tbo tbing is a failure. So "army day" lias been con- ceived ta whip up enthusiasîn. Tise adjut- ant-general feels that people will got a real thnill fromt "seoing men,.wbo have valais. teened ta figbt.for yoan homes" and that it will hoznianifest tisat aur countny 's destiny [s in good hands-in strong bauds-in steady bauds. " The presserelease dees net clanify the latter statement about "strong and steady hands, " whether they beleng ta the soldions or the *government politicians. Haweven the intention is good and ne admission is cisag- ed. If tisis invitation will in auy way pro- duce results it will be weleomed by eue and ail, and especially by those keen- observons wiso are on tho verge et cemplete persua- sion that voluntsny enlistnent under a par- tisan regimo is a dud. Hewever, rememben tise date and invitation. Lardent Subscriber to War Lon TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The trees bore anceout in lent and ______Uihe rses are beginuing te pick FromTheCan"an tatenmup a little now grass taont," Prom lie Ca9dia 191 esa0 Another son et A. J. Rae bas lune 2, 1916taken tise degnee et B.A., mnktag ail members et the tamuly hold- Miss Margery Moore, Haydon, ers et that title. They are teacis- wins gabd modal in Expression mng . uw but formerly lived in Course at Ontario Ladies' Coilege. Clake Twp. She was editer et Vax Coflegli Rev. 3. J. Mellor bas been given wisicb goos te show se hais iitei'- bave et absence te enliat. Ho bas amy accompliahments as weil. Wc jelned tise 235th as Q.MS. aise, congratulate Miss Grace Lin- Pte. A. Reynolds Cousins et Uic ton, Wiitby, formerly oet tiis town 2lst Battn. was neperted wound- on taking hem junior exanis ln cd. Ho 15 n son et T. Cousins et plane and vocal, taklng houons lin Eowmanviile. tise former. Sise aise toek bugist His Bowmanville tniends con- standing lu painting. grmtulmte Major Robent J. Gi, Prom Dan Douglas in Scotlnd: tôrrnerly Adjt. et 156Ui Leeds and I'm recoeing fine and expect to Grenville, on beiug premoted ta heoeut oethUic bspital any, day. .. command "C" Company. Ami still enjeying tise benuties A. W. Picknrd, bîacksmlth, 15 home . . . I didrn't say tise nurses. givlng up bis herse-sisoeing ow- I wonder if this lat bump thse Inta gthie increase ef bis autemo- Canadians get in F1guders v4W Cbie business. iselp te make noem ton seme cf Mn. and Mrs. Edward Wrenn tisoso lads at home ta join up who received word efthtie deatis et are wniting until they're ueoded? their son Pte. Alex Wrenn efthtie You are al ueedcd now, boys. 2iid Batt. Walter Ranten writes trom Deatis: Killed'lu action, April France: A German plane was 24th, pevlously reported missing, brought down tise othen day igisi John Alexander Walker, mgo 20 by aur camp. Bath tise pilot and yenrs, son et ifflm. A. and Hattie observer were kiled. Tise aviaton Wnlker, Tenante, fommely et wbç hrought it dewn was enly 19 Bowmanviibe. and that was bis tounthin l tisre Deatis: Banton - Iu Dringten, menths. New we are ased te Jane bat, Robent John, son cf R. J. being under sheli fine . . . two and Lettie Barton, mgo 18 yema. hardly even drop lu tise same Intarred at Euniskillen. place. Some nighs we caunot Deatis: White - At tise resi- aleep for noise . . oten bave te derice et bis brother-lu-bmw Rob- rail eut ef bcd for a gas alarm.ert Bennett, Bowmanvilbe, Jiue e t less cost I That 1; why more people ride on Goodyear Tires thon on ony other kind end, remember there's a Goodyear et the priée you want to payl ON YOUR NEW CARs InsIst on Goodyours More n.w cars ore equipped wII Goodyear De. Luxe Ur" thon any oSherklnd ...,bullt and boanced t. oar makmr' spesilce- ifl ..*# Y SIt. ost no more. :fD F*T#Lfw PAGE TWO ni THURSDAY, JUNE go,' 194 I22rid, Harr-ýr O. White, ln his l9th ly i. 4, Losing your faith doca flo cve POIIA tnDeath: Sharp - Killed in action e______tu____ POLITCAL ur ftLR ER DULLIRIiI at Ypres Belgium, June ,Sergt.Ai Jae thar , Json ÏofAndrew ShapEnns~Llen, age 25 years.Efcec WitnseilYAwTeDeath:. Strutt- In OshaaJneE Wrttn peialyfo Te cause that includes the frecdom lt atrSrt tBurice1t, Y Staesmn b Dr 1J.N. 1ehi- Of all mankind, and the overthrow in his 4hler trons Winivegson of Duarn ofthe or rofs an greand loy- rvie rev . WcetC.H.TuckO Y A L srosWnienlp et Muam s- cfthe Owurs of ares and gral Maple Orove: At the anniver- Optometrist Coutyac exg ndQueen'. brave and rasevile eahed. Pizes for Eyesight btiul exniample before us con- collecting Junior miissionary moqn- Specialist ______ Dear George: tn aY a we not take courage, ey were prescnted to Charlie Run- DiseyDldg. MYWe not trust i.ýd'and may Ey a nw~(>p .. O M N II fowllyo maowmetoin.lg o 'eàldElinMunday, . tSow Wilyu io e toInuge w not. ai Winston'Churchill says den and Willie LyVmer. péP.) fo ine in an aviation exur'Lift up your heartg."1 a sion ameng the political stars of * greater briliancy, that flow shed thoir lights acrosg car natona10i.1à be Thorson Number 179,D ul .tr and international sky. Here Cernès a new star in-the »fKtY TYEARS AGO Wlnstcn Churchilli andaný 'constellation of lumi- "choréa, St. Vltus4iane and Thurs. -F1r1. -S t Wha a rilian an maesic ens, The Honorable' joseph Prom fie Canadian Statesman, the Ées26(art7, Whaina r ois. it 1andoajtflif wTh rso ieDomateon anited.ofjuIy il 1891 Recognized authorities b a v e U E 6,7,8 Thoayhei.I i obf fWrSerne, oinonMiiser0fmade the statemèint that there isA anwormr s teitobhna ualte htrtner Of man is this ncw a direct relatIonsbip between hy- àr"TAN lI word'shiserybee agreater national' figure? How does he On Wcdnesday evening a straw- porotiia and Chorea or St. -VitusSAL A IN statesman or a more dramatic measuaëe up? WiUl he produce Uic berry. festival was- held on. the Dance. The peincenttage of tbis de- master of the English lariguago, geodq'. . an fte ehoit hr- n ic I hse caseihas been placod sarn . to at greardleade cf wof Herewlth, 1, who have known a prograin provided consisting eofa high as 70 Per cent. fis ex- Marjorie Ra*à, aWle, thoughpt ow an rd n ordayofhim for a number of ycars in tbis rocitatiens b y Misses Addie Mc- Plains the reason why such cases Jane Wymaa, 114"1111 gaa mankid. Hw, wth hIbtn~ cltY cf Winnipeg, wlll try to gîve Dowehl and Lottie Brimacombe can be materiafly asse n a flahe a d aperthrusts hoé w r pin-c a h pp as o ad M .r. Orlando Jollifte, son is by Man ar ra il cured b v att:n " N C K I t spires countlcss millions, withme MissesC. Dingle and C. Mcow- tion toe ecyes aone h e- ' N c l *hope and confidence, and carnies aBcen ini ýi.innpeg, about hall cil,,and readi.ngs by Luther Cour- son beîng that the, relief ýgîven 1 us up and up into a clearer stra- acr ao fIclandic par- tice. with thc use of glasses corrects it thosphere of manhood at ils sub. enta, bis whole ie se far bas been Royal Templars concert ini the some visual or muscular dcfect Arthiur Kennedy, llmest, or with words that f airl- spent in this clty. And may I tirst town hall was wel given. Iu thc and by se doln% ssopn m lmeBan 8 scorch and sbrivel; be makes hs ay that Cf al thc forcign peaples drama entitled "«Boita and Bars" leakage et nm%'ve force that may Virginla Fildu 1 nluh nHtlr n i onWho havre come te Canada in Uic characters were represcnted by have been Iroing on for year.Ct iard * nsauh o Hter adbi cm Past te make their home, theeMessrs. T. Henr, .CoricR.fe ae uholy iXdoweards___________ 1 panions in bcastly brutality and bh enneeta a ebenRoean S codL. Coice, mu-hstaie aut neibpywis droctly *intamy. "Every stain of bis in- hv ennn hthv enRw n . el hiçm tt htee.eies sdrcl fete crrdigfiges.wil omore welcomc, and none that sic was furnlihed bctweeu num- affected and when errers, et re- Mon. - Tues. Wed. fete crrdigfigeswil ehave provcd botter or more wor- ber by Morrison's orchestra. fraction are takon into considera- ,~E3 UY~ be spongedfand thepurfad f tned thy citizens. Tbrity, h o n e s tl Albert Alchin, Oshawa, will tien a certain relief is manifest, U 30JL 1M 2 ho atedfemtesufc e keenly inteflectual, they have be- have a stiff leg for a few days as as e t r e rfraction, ep*e "AN DYHA erb"come, almost without exception, a result et being kickod by a hyperopia, boas a direct relation AN YH RDY'S Isn't ho magniticent? Isn't ho fine, hiondrable and patrietic cai: herse. Ho was riding on a wagon te Uic attack and properly cor- P»RWtATE marvolous? Wbat a Leader in adians who are helping te make and the herse ranaae.rcted and adjusted 1lse r C thseawu dys Hsglrywila brigbter and botter Canada than We record thc death et Mis. H. censidered indispensable to thec C ETAkRY' nover die as long as Engband lives. bas been-- B. Taylor on Jane 24th. Up te a treatMent anid may at times hostiu Joe Tfhorson (and everybody week ago she was in good bealth considered te even sapersede ai Mickey Rooney eisSo President Roosevelt vwhe knows him at ail well. cails and leoklng forward te attending other mcthods. Fa>' HRodenLwsSol These are great days et beart him Joe, wbicI speaks volaunes) graduation exorcises etfGOnta.rio (to e hocentied> CW searching and trial et laith, as in person is rather tail and slight, Ladies' Coilege when ber daugh- -Nw this old world seoins te hé hart- pcrhaps 5 fi, 10 or il inches, and tor woald graduate. A resident Eddie Gilbert took special prizes matince lui> lut at 2.30 ling te destruction and chaos. The etftfair complexion, which is char- et Whitby, having mausy frienda during six menths fer bighest BeCc ifcRoa f aith et millions 15 being tried as. acteristiceofthUi Icelmnd people. in West Durham, she beaves a standingBeaCoolir casses. Maste nover befere. Foundations seem Hoe 15 very pleasant te meet, and husband, daughter and three sens o l C. inthel latokses.Mspe- te ho slipping beneath aur foot, at once Yeu teed quite at case with te meurn ber loss. te H cardMitchorellar o ndct___the____________ and many etfs re n gte him. Ho bas a pair et dark, twink- A large audience flled drnthe saS ilPrz o m .... .Rev. A.u heavon or s ,mo asmnice,gtha t, ling eyes, accompanied by a àmileadtru bnJW.Frtr, McLaren baving resignd bis pas- if there ho a God, w hY 15 Ho se held iu check, ready however t, Toronto artist, gave a lecture. An terato haro preacbed bis tarewel f ar away, when Ho. 15 se groatly burst ail restraint on Uic îeast ail painting by him etf Col. F. sermon, ast Sabbath. neoded. Can Wo net, bowover, provocation. This,.with-a keenly Cubitt, H. S. trustee, was present- learn soeo essons tram Uice past. intellectual face, a quiet, but very cd with an address signed by Orono: Our chief arrested a ju- 1000 mm~ God werks His plans tbroug 'u- easy and gracieus manner, had niany Bowinnnviile citizens. veule from TYrone who had AS %O man agencios, and history teaches won' fer himi Uiousauds et real H. S. promotions tromn Form I stolen tram a store ai Kirby. . . . MîA us that in times et great national friends, wbo like, at ail times, to ta II: 0gbe R. Adair. Edgàr Al- Mrs. Keen 15 enjeying a viit trgm crises, there always appear seme- meet him, grasp bis band, and bon, Heleft Beith, William Brima- bar brother, Mr. Johnston of Mans- wborc, somebow, greai edes with great wdrmth say,"HlocmeForneCbeicB- chester, England. . . . Chas. C.b wbo bocome like Gods, Who bond Joe. e How glad I am te sec yeu., tiha Doncaster, Wesley Xcr Os- Gibsen et Uice New York College their peoplos along the pathways Ho is vexrY easy et mariner, net a car Laflolle, Grace Laing, Bertha et Dentistry is visiting bis homne of tragedy to the bibIs etffreedoin busthing bustlingr. pusher aside Morris, Lpttie Sandarcock, May in Clake. and victery. teilow wbe basn't a moment te Sparling, Maude Wardar. Tyrone: R. Moment et Orone o ~t Along with Churchill and bis spare te speak te a friend. Enniskillen: D. L. Sanderson, preached bore. . . . The scheol great associatos in England, wo At scbool hé was always a keen D.L.S.. accompaniod by bis bro- cbibdren, badtheir annual picnic W NUJ have . another great emancipaton, student, bright and aggrcssive thon Edward. John Young, Albert at J. Hodgson's Grave. T NO hem te the tinies and hemn to thc and right ta Uic front at ail times Arnet and Harry Rogers, bit fanor 51.éW occasion. President Roosevelt is as is shwn hy the act that e tie survey efthéUc twnshi fetAn aId lady in churcb 'wen- SP« sucb a great deliveren, endued was chasen Rhodes Scholar for Dunlop on the' Spanish river lu even Uic name pf Satan was mon- now marebing aithei head etf the tession'standing bigb in bis pro- joyable tinie was speut aithUi El- the minister met ber on Uic road f â fhU Um United Statesgreat naticx of m'Il' fessien. HoI was a lectarar for tord picnic in - the 'orchard and and asked ber why she did se *iMUi E M M* liens, to belp nedeeini clvmation somne timo in Uic Law School and grounds adjoinin« residence et "Well*t youi know politeness cests gel . from Naziism and ail tbe,.'cruelty Dean et The Law Society. Ho bas Charles Rogers. Thore were 100 you nothing, and-you nover can and bloed-guibtpîess for. i b it made a deep stuçly et censtitu- prosent. . . . Lottie Rogers and tel."P stands. Has God had azrWg to tional and mternatignal baw. Hoe _______________________________________ do with this?-- was recèistly a delsgate te The *** '17r League et Nations at Geneva, aise Premer rackesie ing a Provincial Commissionor toeon- Pemie avkne oKlng n . lttthse civic structure of Thon we ave our OWf ~ge city6f Winnipeg. Premier Mackenzie Kilng, thse unit- In addition ho bas twice been ing link lu ibis Trlumvirate etf.eîected toe Uc omidnien Parla- great leaders wbo are welding. meiùt at Ottawa as a Libenal. And these tbnee Nations ittaonc new, bis outstanding talents have mighty werbd battalion, aloug been recognized by Uic presont witb Australia, New Zealand, and- appointmeut te n tUcms aIltis ohen fredo-lovmng important and cxactmng post ini countries et Uic wonld. Able, Uic service et Canada at ibis im-} sbnewd, and wise, Mackenzie Kingpotnjutue bas eena mlhtyterc taUic Will ho measare Up te Uic im- leadership et bis ewn people, blit, portant taak before him? A man, ho bas also been able, as perisaps euýrgetlc, sclsolarly, et fine abili- ne othen could bave been, în hebp- ty, 'and splendid character, ambi- ing te weild out ttvo nationa, tious anad coarag cous, bis friends Canada and thse United States, in-by Ui iuandstikh lb te an harmonieus union et action, ati usce thin ho e .Wiil that is tbrowmng into contusion allbe b ee n he i greator lu- * .~~~« thse weil laid plans et Hitler anal minaries iu the Political Heaven? bis baud et International Gang- Or wil be simply roacb bis zenith sters. as oeo e Ucstars et bsser bril- Eacb oeeoe these leaders has liancy? Who knews? Tume aloe been, and is boing crlticized, just will tel. His hast et friends hope as every great leader et ail tme for, the former. Sucb 15 the mans bas had bis critics, even Abraham Joe Therson. Lincoln, wbo,intheUicbéat oethUe war betweeu the Nantis and Uic I do net know wisat influence South, was criticlzed unmercilul- indu ced me te write what I bave ly, bath by pelitical friends as witton, within Uic Pages bore- weil as enomies. Even députa- wi enclesed. I reaily intended tiens et bis ewn political tiends onby te give a word pictune ef walted on bum and demnanded bis Joe Thonson, wbicb I Uiought nesignatien as Prosident. Ho,,isew- mlght heofetsanie interest te your ever, isad bis chant laid towards readens. victory, wbicb in due ti4se ho Cordiaily, 1gloriously won. J. N. Hutchison. And se witis these trusted legs4- 17i Yale Ave. ers, ail wonking lu unisen, for a- Winnipeg, Man. _______ ______ ____0_Go oodycr . qnd forget tire worries. N TH DI AN DITAN PAT Yu'll travel- smootNly, quietly, ccre' ree frém The* Statesmfan Fileesfe il,. e s n fe sa~