THE CAAINS-TMABWAVLE NAI The Newcautle Iudep ]Phone Clake 1114 Mm. and h4rs. Jas. Haugh, To- ronta, anid-riaJves at the former home, of j-he- randmother, the late Mrs.,,Wm. Banathan. Mms. Albert Naylar and sister, Mi«eEVMýh Foster, Pontypool, at MrÇGeorge 'Roýbinson's. 1&. Jas. Tebble has rented the hause he recently bought on Church St. te Mrs. Noah Faster, Pontypool, fornnerly of Newcastle and Bowmanville. Newcastle United Church S. S. park, Orano, July 25th. Axnang the many guests at the Newcastle Arms have been vis- itars from Flarence, Italy; many cities of the U.S.A. and from the eastern and western provinces of Canada. Dr. J. A. Butler has Carpenter E VAN GEL IST IC TABERNACLE Where the Pull Gospel is Preched. SUNDAY SERVICES 11.00 AM.-Worship. 2.00 PlM.-Sunday Sehool 7.30 P.M.-Evangelistic Rev. Wallace Blragg of Oak- lahoma wil preach at this service Week NIghts-Wed. and FrL at 8 P.M. 'You Are Welcome. Tas la as near as your telephone. Use the phone at your conveni-' ence. Cmli779 uNIQUx. PHomO FINISRIING AND DEVELOPING IstflicBest Prompt Service HOLIDAY AN» NICNIC c SUPPLIES PRESCRIPTONSt dlspensed with carc and ae- euracy.1 Mecn we test_. cyca ii ladonc properly. Jury & Lovel Phione 1778 King St. Jna, McKelli rroom additia: ewhen it hs sud brother, Gea. Butler. home. Weekend vi Lence included son, Mr. and sud Donna, 1 Atkins, M'iss, Mary Wlthe Clemence, Tc Ottawa, and ence who hiýs a four, week Motors. Laurence Mo, suminer in Hi en a position store at Carr Morton sumir tain Lakce. Visitars: Ptes. Aif .4. Gerald Hemr leave. Bsudsâman band, home fc field. Mr. and Y~ Toronto, with Mrs. Baxn spending the brother. Mr. 1 Mr. Fred Cc with Mms. FrE .Mr. and b~ Veer, Glover J. W. Bradley Mrs. Jua. I1 merly Miss E Newcastle Ari Mr. John Q Mm. Jas. Quigl Dm. and M~ Bail, Toronto, W. H. Wallon lI'Zrs. Asa E Mm. Hawell Wallace Holmn Mr. Jack Man., with and Mms. R. E Miss Bcmnic ncwiy engagg public gchool, Miss Carveth, School, Cavam Farmers' Fielc Saturday and - arvehscou Carveth. Pte, Roy As W. C. Ashton' Mms. Albrec and children, E. *Patterson% on-the-Lake. Miss Barbai bert, Que., w Toms. Mr. Jack I- Mr. Percy Hai Mr. and W~ Bowmsuville, Bail, 4th Line, Toronto, and tives sud fric aud Mrs. Art quiring cancer juries received collision Satur Mr. Gardon Mm. Bruce Col Mr. and Mms ana, at Mr. Ha Mr. and M Toronto, at M Miss Dorothý ta, with Miss Neil Britton holidaying at wère visited by Misses Mar, mne Deline, in H. S. Brittan. Miss Dolly grandmather Whitby. Miss Patridib holidayiug li 1 Mrs. Percy United Churci afteruoou teaî of doors smoi July 4th. Spé Practise Wartime Ec Houswlvs eu efee considerable savion by c advantagc of these special prices. Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 tins 19c Burford Peas - 20 oz** tn lOc ,Pound Tin Nabob Coffee wlith23o bottie of flavoring BoUh for 59C Cereal - - ----25 Dates - - - lb.25C One lb. Mec %!allt per -4 relia 25e * %!ses Wonder Soap 25e ýjr"mUn 501kZtins 19e ro ur own Tee ~wUh 1db Preez- '0 1égt 'A UN.. Ml SPECLI 3 pkau. Qui Puffed W sud Orphan Munie Ai fer 3 1/2 IL.for AL -- 'lt AOCERI ir building a anc )n ta his haine and completed his sister ____________ Miss Cors sud Mm. will jain*hlm in his the graup members were Mrs. E. E. Pstterson'sud Mrs. Chris Law. isitars at W. T Clcm- The delicatessen menu inchidcd d Mr. Burton Nichai- glazed strawberry pie - whlch was 1Mrs. Wes Graham, mast deliciaus. Pontiac, Midi., Mm5. Donations are being solicited es Betty Snowden, for the White Elephant Baoth for erspoon sud Mary the Red Cross gala day, Friday, >ronto, Mjrrtle Reid, July 18th. If yau have any mis- [Lieut C. R. Clemn- cellaneous articles far which you gone ta Windsor for have no furtuer use, please de- s' course in Ford liver them ta the coixununity hall or natify tue Conveners, Mrs. Gea. )rtoDn is spending tue Hane)r or Mrs. J. H. Smith. Ar- aliburtan having talc- ticles will be cslled far if nec- ali Cîsytan Roger's essary. narvon, nortu of the __________ nercotag a Mon- NEWCASTLE PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS Alldmead, Wm. Allin~ iing are hame an Prom Grade 7 te Grade 8 In Group 1 - A - Buddy Boa- H. C. Allin, R.C.O.C. than, Balfour LeGreslcy, Murray or a day froin Barrie- Walton, June VanDusen; B - noue; C - Vonne VauDusen, Hugh Ailcen, [rs. Laurence Kerr, Velma Rogersan, Viola Cotter. hMrs. H. C. Allin. In Gmoup 2 - A - Hugh Aiken, summer ~Balfour LeGresley; B - June Van erman, Torontoa Dusen, Velma Rogerson; C - Bud- D suinerwithherdy Bonathan, Viols Cotter, Mur- Howard Glenney. ray Walton; D - Vanne VanDu- bwan, St. Catharines, sen (recommcnded). -d Cowsu. rmGae6tGad7 Mrs. E. S. VanDer PrmGaeOtGad7 rsvîlle, N.Y., at Mm. A -Joan Duck, Mary To ms, y 'S.Herman Schmid, Mary Dewdney. Morris, Toronto for- B - Ndil Britton, Barbara Bons- [azel McCoy, ,ai the than, Bobby Purdy. C - Marie Cot- rnis.ter, Jane Lunt, Ross BaIl, Jack !uigg, Toronto. with Perrin, Norma Aldread. D - Ha- 19 zel aqowe (recammcndcd), Grant rs. Horace Waltan- Bail (rcammcuded). )with Dr. sud Mrs. Prize Wlnners i-Bail, Harris Lodge. 1. Masonic Prize for highcst Otton~, Toronto, ai standing on tue Entrance Exain- Rowland's sud Mm. ination in Newcastle S c h a a 1- lesp.1 Francis Jase. Coldwell, Brandon, 2. Prize winner for thé highest Mis. A. N. McEvay standing in Grade 6 on year- B. LcGmesley. Joan Duek. ce Smitu, Millbmook, 3. Highest standing in Social rd-teacher of the Studies for ycar in Grade 8- in company wifh Francis Jase. Ltçacher of Mnir5h Promotions - Boom 2 n, attending tue Jr. GrV oI-etGayABb ,d Day in NewcastleHurVtaVBeyGayABb dcaflug ou Miss Hffmsu B, Leonard Lambert B, usin, Reeve C. R. Viola Lambert Rec., Evelyn Mc- Manus B. shton. Vimy, at Mm. Gm. IV ta V--Claire Allin A, L's. Wallace Couch B, Ronnie Hacki cht sud Mrs. Miller A, Bill Holubenko B, Rodger Mel- 1Elinira, at Mm.E. 10w A, Grace Axin Preston A, shause, Newcastle- Mary Schmid C. Gm. III ta 1V-Helen Ash B, ra Heath, St. Lamn- Christine Alldread B, Ruth Allin vith Miss Kathleen B, Mary Margaret Bonathan C, Hazel May Fisher A, John Holu- lare, Pickering,' at benko Hec., Stanley Powell C, Hcnry Newton Selby C, Marjorie Toms Mmr. sudenrs er'A. A -75 ta100; B -68 to75; C-60 Mrs. Vers O'Neil, ta 68; D - Below 60. sevemal ailier rein- H. A. Masan, teacher. ends cal]ing at Mr. Prize List - Boom 2 thur Ball's sud in- Work Book Prizes-Gr. V - Bei- rnmg Mr. Bsil's in- ty Gray, Bob Huffinan; Gm. IV - c in tue automobile Grace Anu Preston, Stanley Pow- 1 -day morning. ell; Gm. III - Marjorle Toms, Rod- Catter, Toronto, ai gem Mellow. :tter's. Gm. IV Pmoficieucy Prize, douai- ,Wm. Cooper. Or- cd by Mrs. H. S. Britton-Rodger arold Couch's. Mellow. [rs Walter Seldon, Gm. V Siephen Jase Memomial rA. O. Parkem's. Prize-Betty Gray. Ly Trenwith, Toron- Music Prize List' E. L. Trenwitu. Music in Grades VI, VII, VIII sud Bob Pu dr Grade VII-Jacqueline Smith, vLake weeked Mary Purdy, Francds Jase. ye Purdy sud Pau Grade VII-Balfaur LeGmesley,- compurandwiul-mBuddy Bonathan. comanywi.L r. Grade VI-Joan D u ck, Bo0b 1 Purdy. Purdy hs witu hem Ail rcquired ta be Honaur Pu- at Spruce 'Villa, is i Percehas een Wmnem of Wm. Hooper Memor- ia Parcehas een al Prize for bcst Original Melody Trmonto. -Ndil Britton, Grade VI. Bmown's gmoup of- H. A. Masan, Mus. Sup. F i X. A. held an at "Roseholm," oui Promoted to Grade MU rig tue roses, ou Velma Aldread, Helen Alken- ual guests besides brack, Betty Bail, C a t h a m in e Dewdney, Ronald Graham, Doug- las Gray, Vivisu Megit, Kcith Mellow, Jack McMsuus, Ernest Spencer,- Joan Wonuacott. I onomy NEWCASTLE RED CROSS uarfuU tain Newcastle Red Cross met June 26th, witu Miss B. Mcîutosh lu the chair. Reports weme given and womk was bmought in, includmng iwa quilts made by the ladies of Port Granby. These articles wcre sent ta headquarters on June 12: 2 7 iurtlcneck sweaters, 8 ibbcd helmets, 8 pairs seamen's long TIRS FOR staekings, 33 scarves, 23 sleeveleas comittees have becu fommed. One - St. George's Strswberry Festival ,i sud Gardon Party an July 3 had- LIN everything needed ta make il an enjoyable sud profitable function. < Mrs. Thomas Spencer sud Miss ~ ýLINJune Gray preslded at s bootu, #el- ~ 1' ling !ce cmeam, canes. Miss Hielen bim 'y McEvoy sold tickets on a cake sud Free DliIvery also on s versuda chair. Mrs. War-, aiaying at Mm. J. W. Bradley's, i sWold tickets on another louning - f Classified A4dRatesj adao Tak1iRelEstate For Sale Found Weekl edd Spg One cent a word cash, eàch insertion <minimum charge 25c). Charge of- 25cextra Is made wben advertlsement is not pald sanie week as iaser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are diretel ta a Statesman box Ilumber. Births, deaths and marriages 50o each. Ini Memoriamn, 80e for notice plus -10e per lUne for verse. Classilied advcr- tisements accepted Up until 6 P.m. Wednedday. BIRTH GLOVER-At Bawmaxivile Hos- pital, on Monday, July 7 1941, to Mm. and Mrs. Jack diover, Newcastle. a son (Burton Stan- ley). . 28-1* IN MEMORIAM McREYNOLDS- xI lovlng mem- amy of aur dear A'edra who pas- sed away July 10, 1933:, There are those who mis yau sadly, And find the time long. since yau went,.1 And think af you daily and haurly But try ta be brave and con- tent. Sadly missed by Mather and Dad, Myrtie and Wiil. ' ROBERTS- In ever lavixig mem- ory of Ina, aged 16, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rab- erts, who lef t us ta be with Jesus, July 4, 1935: Sometime, sometime, we'll un- derstand. also Ruth, sister of Mrs. Rab- ertsand mother of Marjorie-and Jessie Turner, Montreal, -who passed away July 2, 1935. Pence, perfect peace. 28-1 HUBBARD-In. loving memory of a belovcd husband Arthur T. Hubbard who answered the "cail" one year ago ,Tuly 10, 1940:1 It is*,only a grave, but it stili . needs care, For anc I love lies sleeping there, Some may forget him, now he is gone, But I will remnember no matter how long. Always memembered by his wif e, Rebecca. Articles For Sale FOR SALE - BROWN FOLDING go-cart, with hood. In excel- lent condition. Apply Mz*. K. Hull, Phone Bawmanvillc..&?;8 F'OR SALE - SMALL McCAS- key safe, in excellent condition.. Will sell cheàp for cash. Apply B. -Furber. Phone 438, Bow- WVOOD FOR SALE-HARD AND soft. Price 10w. Terms cash. B. Furber. 26-4* FOR SALE - ABOUT 4 ACRES of standing -hny. Phone 343. Bowmanville. 28-1 FOR SALýE -_ PERSONAL RUB- ber Goocis, mailed postpaid i plain sealed envelope, with price list. 6 samples 25c.- 24 samples $1. Adults anly. Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ontario. 26-8 FOR SALE - LINOLEUM A] Congaleum rugs. Select yaums from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited ta viow these at BRADLEY'S New Fur- niture Store, 156 Simcae South, Oshawa. 19-tf RECONDITýONED TIRES--SAVE up ta, 50 % on tires sud tubes, including new Goodycars, Do- mmnionr Tires. Full stock in al sizes from $1.00 Up. G. F. Jamnie- son, Tire & Battery Shap, ,King and Silver St. 14-tf WTELCOMIE NEWS! B IN DE R Twine. We have a supply of hew Co-operative Twine ta sell at last year's low prices. Farm- ers patranize yaur own coin- pany and save maney. R. E. Os- borne. Phone 473. 28-2* )SHAWA'S NEW" FURNITURE Store - Evemything in modcrn4 chesterfield, bcdroam, dinlng, suites, and studios. Bedding and floor covemings a specialty. Quality merchandise at coin- petitive prices. Befare buylng visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Oshi- awa. 19-tf BIG MONEY FOR YOU-SEL Familex Line of pver 200 guar- anteed houschold necessities. People buy ýon sight. Big repeat business sure. Naw ih the tUrne ta make yaur start. Everywheme business la boaming. If yau are industrious and willing ta work, send your name sud sddress, and you will receive aur Illus- tratcd catalogue and plan. Fani- 1ex, 570 St. Clement, Montres!. 28-1 ,air. Then there was Clack Golf )n the little lawn, wlth a snall ,argc for playing. Winner ofthe ike was Mrs. James, Brockvillc, ousin of Mms. C. S. Horrocks. Mns.A 1M. Brown, anather visitor, wal, he lucky wlnnem of anc chair and gr. D. J. Gibson the other. Tihe [aws were made by littie Ruth ;ibson, daughter 9f Mr. and Mus.4 lowamd Gibson. Total proceedo vere about $86.00.. Sera é1âRg Tifhe family of the late Mrs. ~ÏteSpry wish ta thàxik -R friends and neighbours for klnd- ness and, sympathy shown, for floral tributes and they particul- arly wish ta thank Dr. C. W. Sie- mon, Mrs. W. Griffin and Mr. A. Narthcutt. 28-1* To the many true friends for their endurlng acts of kincfnes during a lengthy Illness, I wish ta express aur grateful. appreciation and say a big "Tfiank You» ta everyone. Ileen Balson. Salina, July 8, 1941. Noices Dr. Storey's Office wi.ll be clos-J ed July 3rd ta July 3th. 26-4* Dr. Bannycastle's office will be clased from Monday, July l4th until Monday July 28th inclusive. Il28-2* Due ta the shortage af skilled labour we are discontinuing lubri- cation and car washing in the evenings and an Sundays and would kindly ask aur patrons ta have this wark done during the day. Phone 2876 and we will pick up your car and deliver it. Hodg-; san's White Rose Service Station. 128-2 Auction Sales Auctioli Sale for Mr. J. Jacksa, Lot 8, Con. 2, Cartwright. Thirty acres of mixed standing hay ýta be sold in 5 or 10 acre lots, more or less at public auction on Monday, July 14, ai 6 o'dlock S.T., one mile west of Highwsy. - 28-1 Elmer Wilbul-, Auctioneer An Auction Sale of tue Hanse- hold Çoads of tue laie Sa ah Thompson sud Anulabel Swim wil be held on Saturday, tue 19tu day of July at their late esidence, Newcastle, Ontario, 5V 12 noon E. D. S. T., consistlug of. furniture, dishes, glassarae4;,UIlery, tools, woven fioai mats, pictures, etc. 28-2 W.,J.ChaLhs, Augtianeer The uudersigued. has eceived instructions ta seli by Public Auc- tion au July 18, 1941, for tue es- taie . of the.,laie Mrs. Woinalcoski, Lot 23,,'Broken Front, Darlungton, the followlug, stock: 1 bay marc, il years aid; black gelding, 10 years old; poultry, 40 rock hens, 1 year old; implements, Binder, (Peter Hamilton); Mawer (Mc- Cormick-Deering);e set harrows, seed dril, rake, scuffler, team cul- tivatar; oller; wagon box; hay rack; single plow; set 1-hanse sleighs; buggy; Fard Truck, good shape (1930); farks, hoes, shavels, - garden tools sud many ather ar- ticles. Hay, 2 acres standing hay. Harness, set teain hamness, set single harness. Furiture, coak stove, kitchen cabinet, 3 tables, 8 chairs, 6 beds sud springs, mat- tresses, floor coveingsansd-msuy ailier -articles toio numeraus ta mention.* Ternis cash.. Sale ai 1 p.m. S.T. Farm will be offered for -sale. 28-1 Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. FOR SALE- SOLID BRICK house an Centre St., Bowman- ville, modern conveniences; whU be sold chcap ta close up an estate. Apply A. E. Beilman, King St. West. il tf For Rent PASTURE FOR RENT AND SIX acres af mixed rye and claver for sale. Phone 2504. Mrs. E. Strutt, Tyrane. 28-.1* FOR RENT-APARTMENT FOR rent li Victor Manor, King St. W., Bowinaxville, possession Aug. lst. Apply H. Bateman. 450 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, phoane Oshawa 1062. 28-tf FOR RENT-WILL RENT PART of furnished town house ta mes- ponsible business waman. Phone 2213, Bowmanville. 28-1 TO RENT - 7 ROOMED HOUSE with garden, 'about five miles east of Oshawa, on Na. 2 High- wqy. Apply by. letter ta Box t681, Statesman Office. 27-2..1* TO RENT - FOUR ROOMED apartment in Statesman Block. Apply Satesman Office. 27-tf Livestock For Sale FOR SÀLE - GOOD WORK Horse. Cheap. Apply-W. L. Buttery, R.R. 6, Bawmanvillc, phone 2368. 28-1* FOR SALE - COLLIE PUPS, 3 manths aid. Bred Heelers. Ap- ply Johnson Bras., Lot 16, Con. 7, Darlington, Moore Farm. 28-.1* FOR SALE - ONE SOW AND) eight pigs, twa weeks aid. Also Durham heifer due ta renew July lth. Frank Aldsworth, Oshawa. Phone Oshawa49l-J-2 1- 28-.1* FOR SALE - A HE R EFOR D Bull Caif aboi4t 4 months aid. Alsa 2 youug calves suitable for vealing purposes.- A real bar- gain if taken .at once. Apply T. S. Mouxtjay, R.R. 6, Bow- maxiville. Phone 2503.. 28-1 FOR SALE-NINE YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks aid; two Ayrshire heifers, with heifer calves. Ap- ply Cyril Ruxidle, Phone,2135, Bawmaxiville. 28-t<* FOR SALE-3 YEAR OLD JER- sey heifer, supposed ta freshen Aug. or Sept., good milking strain. Price $65. Apply States- mani office. -'27-2 FOR SALE - 7 YOIUCSHIRE plgs 3 manths aid, 2 Yorkshire sows due any tume naw, 1 gen- erad purpose horse, sged. Apply Schwartz, Bowmanvile, R.R. 3, phone Oshawa 491w11. 28- 1 Lost. LOST - GOLD BAR PIN IN Bowmanville. Reward. Phider lenve ai Mirs. J. W. Knight's, -Bowmanville. . .28-1* FOUND-WELL TRAINED FE- male police dog. Gentle but gaad watch dag. If not claimed would lice good -home for. No. 50 Bowmanviile Beach. The Cave, West Side. 28-.1* Help Wanted ý,1AN WANTED - STEADY EM- ploymenit for suitable man. Ap- ply F. C. Vanstone. 28-1 TEACHER WANTED FOR PUR- ple Hill1 Schaol, S. S. 4, Cart- wright. State experience, qual- ifications sud salary expected. Lewis Swain, Secrctary, R.R. 3, Burketon. 28-1 MN WANTED - MOULDERS. at.a Apply A. H. Taflian Bronze]J Co., Hamilton. 27-2* Tenders Wanted lino Tenders wanted for redesigning eus the lightlng <changing the win- are dow*s) of S. S. No. 8 Clarke (An- tioch), a brick school. Contractor ta do all work, and supply ma- terial. Tenders ta be li by July ChEi l5th. Work ta be completed by erini Sept. lst. For further information buy; apply ta R. E. O. (Otto) Coatham, figu] Orana, chairman. Telephane 15r11 deei Orono. 27-2* sty]E tiar. Tenders For Fuel choo Tenders will be receiV~ed by the undersigned up ta 12 o'clock noon on the l7th of July, next, for, sup- ply of Fuel ta Gaol, Counties Homne aud West Northumberland Regis-' try Office. Tenders ta be marked as such on autside wrapping. E. L. MacNachtan, Counties Clerk. 27-2 Notice To Creditors In thc. Estate of ]Rebecca Sewelt deceased. 411 persans having dlaims agsinst the estate of Rebecca Sewdll, late of the Town 'of Bow- manville, deceased, who 'died, an or about the 27th day of April, 1941, are hereby notified ta send in ta W. Ross Strike, solicitor for the executars, Bowmanxille, -On- taria, au or before the 23rd day of July, 1941, full particulars of their cdaims. Immediately alter the said 23rd day of July, 1941, the assets of the testatrix will be d istmri bu t ed amongst the parties entitled there- ta, haviug regard on]y ta dlaims of which the sald solicitar for the executars shall then have notice Datcdat EB6wmaxivijje ts3t day of June, 1941. hs3 W. Ross Strike, Solicitor for the Executors, Bowmanville, Ontario. 2743 DruglesaPractitioner, ROBERT COLVILLE Druglesa Practitioner Liberty Street - Dowmanvlie Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjusiments sud Massage. - 27-5 cks A Charming Assortment 0f 'So'mmer Froi Keep Cool and Dat-ooking Even When the =ecuy Soars. Smart Styles in Washable Suedene Fablt~ shades and conservative design. Practîcal $2.4g and economicaL EACH Cool Crease-Resistlng Spun Rayon Dresses 28 3 Remarksbly easy to launder. A gaod selection of styles and colours. Lovely Sheers wlth Matchlng Slips of Rayon Taffeta IIThe perfect choice for more formai occasions, lan$3 9 self tones, apot or flgurcd designs. - - - w- - w w-~-~---w--w - - - 'WL ~clo ESTERN RYE îkbIp - $ per cwt. Offer good uni:JI, 7th. F. C. Vanstorie. Plo Summer Speolaa drigeratars, ca! il atoves, deck airs, pillows, cornfomters, lampa, esers, chest drawers, couches, .tric rangettes, wamrd ro be s, Ras mugs, etc. Inner Sprlng Mattrésee 8-88 Good looking h-eavy r g-fllled mattresses, coved durable fancy tlckig. WM! give u years of comfort. AU aizes, au smazingly low price Floor Coverlng Speelal 1.49 Borderlesa ruga 6'x9', ids, congoleunis, feltols,ý heavy >leums, lu ail wldths. The larg- displayo.f floor coveringsand gs in the city. Wllson's prIcea lowerl New Chesterfield Suite 39.50 Modern spring-flled [sterfield suites, excellent cov- îgs, carved show-wood. A res! y; Chesterfield suites in heavy ured rich velours, luxuriant ep-seated comfort, custom-bullt des, fully guarsuteed construa- n. We carry s large selection ta Dose fram - sud aur prices are says lower.. 1'1 Bedroom Suites $59-95 Thrillingly new, umart wsterfall design. This hs an oui.- standing buy. At Wilsan's you caxi fInd yaur heart'È desire ln a bcd- raom suite. Modern sud periôd designs. Wilsons lower overhead mens lowem prices ta you. Walnut Steel -ýBeds $4.98- New stmeamillued wsi1- nut steel beds, ail sizes. Wonder- fui value.- Studio Couchès $15-95 Spring-fifled et u dio ~ beautiful studio couches ta choose from ai bargain prices tuai wlll ýsave you msuy dollars. TRADE IN DARGAIINS Sacrifice prices foi' immediate clearance. Ih pays - ta viait - aur trade-in department. The largest- stock in aur histany. 30 Used Chesterfield Suites - - ----- $5.00 Up 9 Dinlng Raom Suites, $14.00 up Quebec Cook Stoves- $5.00 Up Large Axmlnster Rug - $6.00 Buffeti $000 Extension Table $3.00 Cupboard --$4.00 Dresser $4.00 Beds $1.00 up Several Breakfast Suites, Kitchen Cabinets, Couches, Wardrobes, Heintzman Piano, China Cabinets, Cribs, Pmams,, Desks, Refrigers- tôrs. Came early for cholce seleetion as these' bargains will be plcked up quickly. FREIE DELIVERY Wilson's Furnîture Co. 40 King W. 1 20 church. St. OSHAWA 23- PAGEIGRT AT WALKER S 198 8 THREE BATHING BEAUTIES- -whether Von Arc A Devetce of Sun or Ss- WE HAVE THE COSTUME YOU CRAVE Sleek El astlcized Satn $29 SwIm Suitsan la Strîpes or Figues, wlth Quarter Skirt. Superb Val- ues. $3.98 Becoming Dreamalker styles $.91 la Print, Scerukera ort$2 9 Slub Broadcloth, with Pull PlaredSktirt sud FfldDa Two-Plece Midrlff Suitse~ 0f Fine Spun 811k for Ar- $1.98g dent Sun-Catchera.-4 CLEAMONGOUR STO O SLACS Md SMORTS $1.00 PaIRue THE ANAIAN TÂ~MAN BOWANVLLEONTRTOTHURSDAY, JULY 1O'rà, 1941 - 1 i a him