r' "4 pan iovcrs, 6 wasb hg clotths. M. ndMr 'M-witb Mrs. J. IR. Reynolds. .. Mr. JU REVEDIH O-BT1GSI UU~ ~ ~11 a d f U-p rp w ol O Oi~ ' quits o C cothsMiss Dell McCurdylh an ipÇMilla, Radville, Sask., wi 'OU DOn.elin.etlai inUcRd garden lfu onmnia, Ms dî rn, -dMrs. Charlie Warren spent aelf Uslita the cammuO aUPUOSnit>' hall lawn on Fmi- pool, with Mms. E. Caughull. Uicheweekend wiîh fiendsata r et abou n t$,5 tee Both for -- -soc day aitennoan and cvcning, JuiACïeretE oue .CFi Guelph, Listawel and Ester.abu lSth. A special featume win .beToronto, ai home. .. L.A.C. - W. extend sympathy ta Mms. Uic presence ai a miliiary band Bs'eck, R.C.A.F., Dunnvile, wit#s L. Crydernman in Uic death of ber tc- 50wl red.. . ad r. D amother. -9- - - and platoon ai soldiers. Themewllflns M.adMs.D____________ 25------------------------------------------ 2M.50rlan be a ggai variety of boaths, ion- and Billie, Torno, wlth lMms. ~Mns. Elmen Wilbun lu unden the t~~liaig ' docton's cane and confined ta o W.TEME' 2" 590 tue cC n an game onTandwiSadn. . . Mm. Onand M asse'curI HEM NSeo ~--------------------- 29 -50 - be served fom 5 lo koadMs .Bie'adMse u Sincere sympathy is extended-- wv e>'9 acloui CSné nr>r oifatt in T uc r P teClarke, ta Pjms llily Shrs-Unewa Tft33T ai 9 oghlyo. Came and e a Onta. Iii the dee.hh aiatheirmother, ýyrsi Yea-.oeY-3it tq Il [' theUioRugblCrod e an hepiOrn.s*ister Mchd a vc lanny Clarke, Tarante,' whose SUITS-Umdoome, ceemfortable tropieal wartdlaàai oor àh éo ~o h e ros np&g éna>5i ~ndaye funemal toak place on Sunda>' ai- and Patterns - Choose between singe sud doubene]tdhiyu .re" he ternoo ol *o eveeyn avorte clour. Many vacation burgis _____________________ouchàas-plendid ministen as Rev was langel>' attended. Skie was a Wln. fA.mmet aihMy . H.ecRahm!esîarn Drugless PractitIoner Pan. A.emepecied resident cilHmpton luat wek. TeSaese ono nsl RODENT CQLVMUE me b.q ~ 'W~ itaa anwo and6 'onn ana . w ',wee t ,»BiT0l5 P»e, 81C ~~"à àË rw4 ý THURSD, ~ 1,14 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAXq, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO _________ _________________________-ing in one of Mxs,. Catherine Fid- Institute meeting an ThursdaY ler' s cottages with their mother £Aa.yudonaiternoon when 12 ai the 48 pref as guests ai Dr. Annie Higbee. sent were grandniathers, smne a IL-n -Gea. Waltan ls having his hause, .- met on Thursday ater- whom, took active parts i the T y lw castle 1d p we opposite the R sta ionoon at Mrs. A. Read's.. The Bible pragram. Presidenit Mrs. F. Hon- Phone Clak. 1114 erîy a ht nete n readin was read by Mrs. H. Ash- e>' apened the ýmeeting. "Things ^ja ' ttelk uy4hduble ëlltrton îa d the deýrtiona1 by Mf! au r.grandmothers missed" was. masan Gea. Gaines. The cy- F Ashtan. The fallawlng pro- le: respanse ta the roll cal SOc ITALIAN BALM 50e JERGE'SLTO Thý%tateman is c a copyat Mel_____clases____a_______ gram pwaelygivenllreadln hslbwhMisgam Plangivwererama4gs yaMisam-makingwre25adeoAN»amREAMng25'5eABANDPURPO 25EACL-AM AiMeo'~tts Drn iSorae. p> at tMew'lases ay tha wrne raslte> edl ed eastehaîf, whenses Jean Craa3sman, Marie Ashtan and the annual picniciAugust. Gnr. Chas. Rogerson, R.C.A., Following alter the rounds of Harry Couch Jr. and Mrs. Cauch. A and Shirley Garrard; a solo by Misses Eileen Wray, Dorathy Ad-fr49 o Sussex, N.B., visited at Mr. Chas. the decennial census takers In- Newcastle falk were sorr>' toA New and Varled, b MpiCaiblTrwnosoari a B Arr a Ruere apond tMat s.____________A.__________ Rogerson's. spectar E. A. Waltan has been learn ai the accident which beeldtby Miss aie l en Cownga sarts cwrax nt.Te pragr as tened heMoran hmly kni teesandtainga secal enuroe Mhnis e rutovne h seveb>' Mos. es 9le ualng sodsucdbygo e ad e rogrM , Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Martan at- visiting all the awners ai apple Lruk eg artin, on Lie ne hoUne and. Bessaie Blackburn. Lunch was ni charge ai the West group wasc at Keswxck on July l2th. of the number and varieties af when he wsdageOff hg t. ru ,L. Hrn. "When yau and I wereNe Stlsadhds Mr. J. W. Bradley has returned trees. the load was going into the arn ogYunM gilwasnad tram visiting his daughter, Mms. There were cmowds ai peaple at atW. Harold Gbo',with whom SI monE wha wll cive hia odonSe- aurs.CAnadanrters , P et oeMc N. Y. picnicking, fishing, bathiflg and for sanie years. aySho dpu ndloteAruradracexrtsfm Dr. an Ms. Glina a d waotherwise disporting thenselves, a eana y H as Just A rrived , rie for geneal proliciency in Ar ofhur, andbroks excers Eiram Drchool Mr.GinnArthurwo ndrewines haHerhrtsibtan- AaStaimbionofeBawmanvidl Sle, iavomednBowHnvalehfvSal Beat- 1 lb. 1 l399 daughters, Toronto, have taken and buesimness t at HeetGibon-'schoAg rsa nd susseet r Atu remae a Be n- lewith a vocal number "Siilin' sai Hepatila 30c - 5e 1.15 Soft as aàlos ei lease ai Mr. 0. A. Rolph's lake aily brisk. students are invited ta be guestssisrnve tBwail Touh" Rdu:'Iwste front residence. Murray Waltan, yaunger son ai ai C.N.E. and attend a lunchean on Hospitttaalahua.usmedig y ndrew'S Salis 39c -6e Misses Hattie Mason and Cora onilradMs E. A. Watn Sept. 6th. The twa students whoA rtiucles Ranglng Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. John titeJo B urs Slvrtread s lknelgr 2e- 7 Butler and Mr. Gea. Butler areCunîoradMs Wta, wiil represent Newcastle I-ligh9 Grahami, Oshabva, at Mrs. D. Gra- the. goBunsd" ws sung, ths Ak-etr-29-57 Pihad ta have two stitches put seneted bcaustai thir trm hams. Mr. A. andi holdayngin Poncer Cottage, his scalp when he was injured b an rhounsled gh standng thrg a'. r n rs .Rnl e v. W. .B yes t t p e' o ga, a d eeah.avrn la roMur Pd wellstn in. l in $ p to , and daughter, M rs.. F. Ad m ,t e g a moh r singing the Bro mno-Seltzer 25e - 49e - 95c. a stick when his aider brother, the past year, are Btty Ewiht Hamptan, at Mr. E. Adarhnsos chorus, in vaices which were stili Grapo Salts - 50e - 1.00 Rev. W. J. Byers, St. ~~StephensaDugann h er avn sweet and strang. Mms. J. W. Bal- United Church, Toronto, spent the same inatogiher.edwelwlg .Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham v edn hc rvk soon un______________r._C_____n's we k n t H r i o g i h D .W ith M . and M rs. R eid and anm n a e a dism wie "L ong ongVk - B i d We.kHnd atoBarsLdc hD. With Betty VanDusen showing Mr. and Mms. Crighton and their iL umketon. . . . Mr. and Ms. M. Ago"' and "lThercll always be an iainB W.s H. hlenWa mpton-BaU.he aythehthrwayme witbfmilthreete Chome dpleuDopsn ad lokirîi BlckbrnBMrackburandMis EMm.n Wilesub, ad te dblMissea issopKah loist ipsn Coan wicc with îwo on bases, New- Cot ai heCevthdplx rp i n îêka, ~ai the Misses Blackburn's, Englanyd ee snog ad heTabeforca vile sprn slosi wl sngat grls made their win overcottaea the lake an Sunda>' Newcastle, and Mr. F. Black- 11a odiieditogrua o thc mamning service in theUnited castle9 were a number ai Toronto visi- We have Jusit the artileç robins ,lm ..Mm the servfng ai a salad plate, bread '59e z.49c Church nexi Sunda>'.Ornonhelcldaodas tors bringing thc total if the twa r M. Jack Hare, who as been Thursday a very decisive one reated households Up to 26 for are ookng fr-for shower, Anderson, Toronto,' ai Mr. T: and buttçx, cake and tea. Mrs. --------________25_Co scorga Pcern, i e a i ihasoeo 26 t .tedy h edadCiho Cowling's. . . Mr. John Griffin, Esther Stevens mreceivcd a beau- _____________ wing à sai icenw er a n i-thari a ta,8.ss h e day. Th foe Reid andCgtwon li, r a yurel.Toronto, Miss Vema Kerslake, au uet, rseentheodet Cameras - 1.35 - 11.75 - ta ntnin heobwpen femfallsi- ch Ros Embly, Don Thompson mers at Bawmanville Beach.w I Hamptan, Mr. and Mms. Harry gadmotempsnt terni at Queen'a University. and Douglas VanDuisen are taking Whilc thc Newcastle girls wrey amrndfilSuhM a-unGges -1c-3.0e Mr. E. H. ýCoad, Bank ai Com- a wartime course in Mechanicsata yielding a game ta Omno n teUic sbW llr ghan, a r osRcad' r.Fahihs -7e-27 ISP merce, has been transfermed ta bis the Collegiate Institute and Tech- latter's diamond Jul>' 4th a bard Phone 463 King St. forr anek daughtcms are staying M p G o eVacuum Boutles 39e- 98e AN»D ALU homie village ai Woodville. Mr. nical School, Oshawa. They arc _______we Pr op ie o awe.. iia oligi JS.CmblMrhmsu-attcndirig ai night and driving up b aebtcnPr oeFl holidaying at Mm.,Andemson's, To- ineug1.8Bt J. S. Campbell, Mar.kbamad ewtnvlle cmprs-ront... Mr. and Mms. Cyrus Barr, Visitars: ceeds Mr. Coaa.d in thc teller's cage in Chrq Bnta'scr ing somc Newcastle players, was Mrs. A. Trenouth, Mrs. George hr.Amoagthe oung caole bel- eing________________Port________Buffalo, ai Mr. E. Bradley's. Young mong elasygoPUnite beîng playdchherie. Por HopersMm a!. C.Avery' ai 'ir* Taylor, Hampton, Mm. Rosa Tren-____ »d' il 3 YongMe'sCas a Uiedin t pc cerie ndbene on 7 tao0. The crowd would hMrJohndAvMy's, niel.M . ciouth, Miss Beatrice Pritchard, Mm.Dd' Church S.S., Chas. Glenn>', teach- ai A. O. Parker's are John and havehbeen bigger if the gamerOrond eentetaincd the giris ai MisRuth Maltby, wartimc guests 'hcvsbed Uigericsche id ews Mrs. H. Broaking, Wcslcyvillea aEPsoMm n Ms eb pllua' ap 7 cm, g - ' hadnt cahdwit the euled ____II .Sea'.. le n ace osGrant and iDon Lactcmien --6? 15 E. M. Blackbumn's and Mms. A.E. - ironi England and ai present samy- soMi.baîl game in AlenOrono whicbons ai-og tacted a numbei ai Newcastle Mr. and li. Bd. Souch visitcd ClÉrk Werry, - Enniskillen, are Toatweea .R.Mtafi. lPaaa -2to25 bal fans. Orono's winning mar- heme. Mm. e Payig hrsalDAtnile rwth.isMifors,.Wlkis, J.hwa Munrw was an S. Hll hoe Mr.dayinewithRoaldAsrion . . Ml'. Ms ilfas rdils, Os.awH. Gun-te Blaas - 25 gin aon run. L.A.C.S.Hl waa hm on Mdiss Mabel Rn>', Toronto, Mr. and day and Mms. E. W. Folci'. .'. Sgt CastileSap 1fr19 It is a bus>' place around 'thc leave. Mms. Frank Thompsan, Taunton, Sami Casile, Bamieield Camp,6Gle C.N.R. station these days, with Mms. Dean Cascadden visited ai Mr. C. Cmssman's. .. Mr. and1 Mm. Bob Wilson and Mr. Arthur mm~ several car loada ai gravel and i Toronta. Mms. Win. Trewin, Miss Vemna Baker, tawn, ai Mms. L. C. Snow EUu frRUIT Tati tTrp --35 sand ariving for the rebuilding Mms. King, Biggar, Sask., 15 Trcwin, Mm. C. Avery' with Misa den's. 1 EN O ALT'Eastrl ai sections of the highway be- visiiing heme. Anne Trewin, Hamilton. -. . Marie Rev. W. C. Smith will canduci tT atol 3 3 tween Bowmanville and Newton- Miss Viola Gilfillan, Hamilton, and Roy' Ashton ai Mr. W. ilawem service next Sunda>'. UCOt4O#Y gigot otage Pablum - - 45 ville. A caterpillar tactar exca- s visiting bere. . M9 YDextrilWaltoas- 65 vatar unloada the cama and agam 5Aydn . Stvnftcra M s .D. tv sens ande fl5 VDxr lis Uic mateials into thc high - Mret J,,C,;G.amey bas retumned !fayrden S.J.D.Stves ndf ami> Baby Put-25-49 xom' 1ier,4lidays. . Our annuale'fl'wrsz was in Uic passing ai husband and Ba * happer tbi the elevated weighing 9a8e0 ensSue- trS machin. Tetrucksdriveunder Mess MamaonWteig svst ver>' succesafuL -n Sun.,y June __________ 30*________ tarchie Theitrucksadiveand ten ig. a Mm eri amtans v 29th, despite Uic heat, man r- Mr. and Mms. Fred Wood, _______________________ take thcm ta Uic points wheme Ucthe Wod ail'pinc ed oui. In. the aftemnoan Rev A Yvonne and Joan, Mr. and Mms. wor ofrecnstuctonis going held in Omana park Tucsday was F. Gardne' gave an inspirmng Eliner Woad spent the weekcnd wrBs wo. Ai ewconstructy, ion ad Ms hlm yerý message and.in the evening Rev. with their brother and sister-in- W. Test Eyeg and Fit Tus Raspherries Are A~i on sireta.A nwchartgeoythwiliard MoissThla Mu lesretvuIn.dt .H yiClmugv a law, Mr. and Mms. Howard Wood, anBha o. Feh vr a.igaro,1 nargtfuc eg-Uc optl .e vctomessage;bath intcmsting and Bell Lake, Parry Sound. PhoR. an cea to. Frshevryda. ngapartu.Mm. George Eaglesan, Bell$e- heipful. The 'Sunda>' Schaol choir. Mms. Ormistan, Babcaygeon, is P9aRe .R . COWLINGrnhi Ble t bora, visited bis brother, Mm.: J. provided special music under Uic visiting bier daughtem, Mms. Edwin 65 *I* Dlvr dhVISITORS Eagleson. 1leadership ai Mm. E. E. Staples, onmiston. A number froni here went ta Et assisted in Uic aitemnoan b>' the Vacation Tine 'Special 1 Pt mW Allun, Camp Borden, Red Cross quilting ai Pont>'poql CC:ruthers' Male QuarttteBow..______________________ Iwe ufII1UECle oz. jarMaster Danny Butler, Oshawa, Misa Phyllis Lowden is on h1 ho mnle, andorne UlevQunrtgtb>' Salem- P IK LS) wetMle £A25t Ms Fo'dBtc days with Doris, enjoyng a vaca-. Bowmanville, bath quartettes be-_________________________ Mrs. O., P.. Hertzberg, Salem,' tion ai Georgian Bay'. i much apreciatid< Major General Hertzbemg, ai with Mms. A. S. Houston. Miss Joyce Sutton visited ,1. On July at, sparts wene hcld Kingston, visited bis brother, Mm. Mr.sanetan, GMisseseHelen-a n in Uic aftemnoon when Salem de- O. Hertzberg. ' iie Laundry Catell's tan, at Mm. J. A. Awde's. eteoMse eeanJaleadBwaviebystso- 8«ap 5 cakes 16e Pork & Beans tin 1OC Pie. Lloyd Alldread, St. JohnBwr eunigwt e. bail. The ladies. rctained their arc holidaying with their1 grand- N.B., ai M. Mati. Alldrcad'5 ' Mms. Blanche Dawson and Mas, pasi reput tion whcn a large num- prns m n r.F ae Nia iveCanada sh issMfaOoo ih1rGog coad aleoa ber partadk ai a sumptuous sup-Poiec.-tpiiw4 L.I Cleanser - U 5c Corn Strch lb. lOc thein aunt, Mrs. W. F. Rickard. are visiting Mms. J. Eagleson. per. The shed waa iilled in, ic Ms.G unuthe nobm us Cleanser « tin Se MissoAmyRStins, Wlling0cn Mr. and Mma. Fred Wood and evening ta hear an excellent con- r.GBuushlante wit lersiter Ms.DeveSharp, Mr. and Mms. Orley Chapmnan en- cent given by Uic Marlon Douglas social evcning ai the -school on iPlI PLan te r Jar - cake M. and Mms. Fred Gibsan, Cari- jo>'ed a mator tip through wes' Concert Ca. ai Tarnt, consiat- idaywnor w r ic0i.0s'wmk. al a land, N.tY., 25tb Mms. T.kM.SGib-tern Ontario. ing ofai',çast ai îwenty-seven. zdfrw vciswok sondN . hMs . M M. and Mms. E. Ewing and Mr. Marion Douglas, winner ai a pro- Miss Hilda Richards, wba un- , Miss Shaw and Miss Brok and Mms. Ken Blencoc and son minent radio canteat, gave won- dcrwent an opemation for appen- Tooto ih r.Ge.Frn aavste tMr. derful performances on bier xyla- dicitis in Oshawa haspital and was.............. 'f .i EXTREE.-Eý-EQhJAIER CEMEAL Job ihMs e.Fn ~. :wal vsited a phane in salas and also wbeni convalescent wiih bier parents, Mm. nd Ms. hompan ad Snitm ' we pinic sited b> Uc rchestr h. al- bas gone back ta hçpr position in ~ bab.e, Bowmanville, ai Mr. Gea.o~YUte~~ta permission sa endercd beautiisared zi- shwa 1 pkg. Corn Flaes Grabam's. had been grantcd for Dr. Rosa' ýers on the cathedral chimes. The Mr. and Mms. M. Blackbrn Pue ~...AKUnMaster Adrian Bridgebouse, Lang ta bave a mausolcuni buili orchestra tram Danforth United iamily, Haydon, visited Mr. %and 1 pkg. Puffed Wheat Halifax, N.S., is visiting ai Mms: and ibat the site had been chosen Cburcb, direcied b>' George Hans- Mms. F. Blackburn. 1pkg. Puffed Rice Menkle> Ciak'a.adqarywm u. This berger wha.gave sevenal numbers, 1&. and Mrs. L. Saver>' and *i~::.i Mr. and Mms. Robinson and wcck work was started on the was ver>' much appreciated. Har- famil>', Ncwtanvile, were gues for ~daughtcr, Ottawa, iMm. Fred fudto n i aalu > ay oeinadmse witb Mr. and Mrs. L: Weish. A il 3 1.40 ~~~~Waod's cottage, Tuckahoe. will be complcted as 500fl as pos-. ai ceemanies, kepi Uiec cmavd in HmtnW .Bs ru e . Mr. and Mms. Wright and Ma- siblemdwl d rei>ea agter. Gac Mercer, smnger in picnic fan ai Uic Afin-home garet, Toronto, witb Mms. H. We- *rn eee>.,and impersanhion, was beard i but weather was ather unfavar- thereil and Mms. Gardon Asb. PR TETCO a number oi fine solos cnding able for. outsidc womk sa Mma. T'he Store will remnain open SturM'5 sufttil il o'cleek D.S.T. The Misses Chidley, Taronàta, ih"Pry frea. H Alnkdyope e om again, sun'uering i Dr. Walton- ELECT OFHICERS impersanatian ai Gracie Fields ànd womk was donc inside. Ball's casi cottage, The Lilaca. About 35 enjoyed a pîcasant was excellent. Miss Graydan, a Miss Joan Richards, Toronto, is Miss Eppie Warren, Reg. N., cvcning in Uic park Monda>' whcn yaung newcamei' ta the stage, but h olidaying with hem grandpar-0 ERN E L NNBuffalo, witb ber sisters, Mrs. members ai thc Park St.Coi having liad a radio audition, waa FredCown an Mis Oie Wr- hoiwell rcccived b>' Uic audience. A enta, Mr. and Mr$. A. Richards. E NI IIJ NFree »elivery Fe oa n iaOi a-and their f amulies gathcrcd ta quilt was auctioned oiffby rr M. n . ,F.BacbTnSn Phone 596 mnen. elcci aificers, enjoa> a bountiful HarndHAan HîcnaM.adMs eai n apaia~Following war wr.Paed ih ni the funcmal ai their aunt, Mms. F. B T n R Arnold Petenkin and two sans, supper, Mms. Dummond lcd in a Hilis, ai Orano. oalthefniend R g ro .join in sympaty ta the beeavedAi ar cla ng t Rogerson. Littlewaod cbnducted the ciection b1asband wbo waa a nesideni a ofeival edci Barbaa an RuubLockood, i oficers Prcidcn-Mms.A. A Sale in is yongemdays r/r ilJ Fý-