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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1941, p. 7

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'~!' - THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMANl, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG EE~ Manning, Oshàwa, and Mrs. Edith pulpit Sunday evening and bap- District Deputy read a congratu- ' .*.Sullivan, Detroit, visited at W. J. tized Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Urry's latorY address before the genial fl flftyfRichards'. two younger children (twmns) gathering disbanded. Noble Grand S0c t cî B P R O A r.Gog ri n o oi orieadDnl iti ril o n tesmd George Jr., are spending a week from Ottawa. Mr. -Bickle, Beth- short speeches.. To the toast of Pone63DOhle arns r and Mrs esda, sang a solo. maflY officiais Past Noble Grand ~ ~ ~ ~aIjrA!~~D 663 I Charles Carter andthe Carter Çqngratulatio oSblHos D1h rsode ihfti- sseMrs. CEhaeu s. voos, Tweed.her ii, NaRa an, itdWis fMiss.Violet McFeeters isspe -their H. S. Entrance, and to Gor 911 Suic&,pteceding the act siserMm Chs.WoosTwed.ent, ev.W.P. and Mrs. Rogers. ing holidays in Toronto and wiUl do iMcKay who obtained bis cer- us« anniversary date came per- P~ ~ uth Stevn hoidaying Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Eliott en- be a week at the "Whitehorse" tiiaefrHr.Etac i~onh~ h otwlen bev ei friends in Kitchener. joyed a motor trip te Ottawa aven A.Y.P.A. Camp on Lake Couchi-biyerswk.acwhn em rsothfa - Mrs.Hecor ould an tw th weeend chng.Laurence Savery is taking the ily- gathered for a reunion at a . Mr. anHector GouWdHeaddrtwo thesweekend.s district.famfly dinner. Their son, Andrew ' children are visitlng relatives at DraeMr. and Mrs. W.WCedro ess i hsdsrc.and Mrs. Nichoils and their three holidying n theW. lso rehavl e etu wit lter sonM.oJ.hin obanc exmtn oe.A Mr.Nhos'rtes Pontypool. more an the. w ieon ha vereune itrspendig two Pte. Edgar Milison is home, OY f rom Little Britain were Makby e thi burton.i o vs-and Mns. Hendersen at their cot- Oct. l5th. atdhsse. lrs.ere alsprers x lng bs.Poedn6i6 ou3. s f I Mrs. Fred Lyle is home after tage on Worseshoe Lake near Fredaeesn ela n dtof cept MrsAimerBrownrIHaemilton tm.Phn66..an enjoyable visit with Mrs. Wm. Parry Sound. therdeathof eMr. M®arvin Hancok, wh was unable te be there Ai Little Miss Wilma Richards is Lyle, Orillia. Miss Mavis Garten, who recent- Oreno, a jne-time resident here, 1through illness. These included Ma spendlng hohidays wth -lier aurit, d Mrs. Jas. Gi, Bunketon.* Lost-A budgie, blue and silver; ly accepted a position witb the Syxnpatby is extended te Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Hardey Cucksbank di I~isMalnMutnvisited fri answers to name of Peter. Finder office staff of the Railway Power and Mrs. Jack Glover upon the Buffalo, Misses Elsie, Edith and îy ends at Niagara oven the week- please netify Mrs. A. L. Darcb. Engineering Ce., Toronto, spent death of their baby. Alberta Cruickshank, Port Rob- and end.Mr.andMrs Wm Lye, redthe weekend with her parents. M. and Mrs. Ronald Gibbs and 'i80i Ont., Mrs. Bessie Mitch- anearnOrdi,.pn Sna Mr. and Mrs. James Beatty, family have returned frem Sud- en 1Pr Rbisnthi fmie Dr!. and, Mrs. G. C. Bennycastiean Harodnilla pn Sna ailton, Miss Mary Duncan, bury. and: many' other relatives and pal are holidaying at Wig-a-'Mog, Hal- wth Mr. and Mrs. Orville Heoper. Osbawa, Mr. and Mrs..Clare Gar- Recent Visiters: Mr. and Mrs. frlaflds. Mrs. Andrew Nicholis iburton. Gnr. Bruce M. Lunney, Debert ton, Thurstonia, speiit Sunday Lomne Emmerson, Idaho, Mr. and and Mrs. Olive Iiicholls, Detroit, Miss Doris Lyle, Ottawa, is Military Camp, N. S., was recently with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Garton. Mrs. Stan. Crawford and Mr. and Mich., daugbters-in-law, assisted vissting hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. home on leave. Lieuts. Wal1y Braden, Wmn- Mrs. Norman Walters, Toronto, by Donald, and Everett Nichoîls George Lyle. Mrs. R. B. Howe, Montreal, 1, James and Wm. Brown, Officers' with Mrs. Fred Smitbh .. Miss gyàaiiusly served the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson, visiting ber cousin, A. H. Moore, Training Corps, Brockville, spen aureen McCullough with~. Miss -,Among dozens of carda and. Weston, were Sunday guests Of Concession St. e the weekend in town witb mela Stella Petbick, Milibrooký. .h. r_ 1 ramns received on the wed- Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James. Miss June Gabourie, Toronto, is tives and friends. and Mrs. George McCuhhough .it. .day was one t bey especially Su Audrey Ann Nortbcutt has been holidaying with ber grandparents, Cpl. George G'rabam, "D" Cey. Mrs. Luxon, Millbrook. . . Mrs. £9 a cable from Capt. Rev. W. aii holidaying with Mrs. Laverne Mr. an~d Mrs. C. S. Hahîman. ' 1t Midland Regiment, St. John, Wyley, Victoria Harbour, with . Banister, on active service in ME Chemnens et Hampton. N.B, returned te bis unit tpday Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson. . . England. Ta Master Billy Lyiner, Oshawa -, te sending a short lea'je in Masters Norman and Bobby Stu- There is mnucb more that could roi Dr. Raymo.nd Rogers and fam- spent a few days with bis cousin, town with bis wife and family. art, Toronto, with Mrs. Robt. be told and a multitude of pleas- T MaserTedyCoweh.Mrs. Cummnings and daugbhter, Stuart. .. Mr. and Mrs: Wmn. Sta- :ant memoriest for Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. G. Harbomne, Toronto, Chatham, Mrs. W. .T. Veale and pleton, Betty and Donald, in X~icholls. Truly it was an 'occasions spent the weekend witbh lem bro- daugbters, Harrow, spent a short Lindsay. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russel on July 15th when the town of .ther, M. Geo. E. Pritchard. weekend witb Mr. and Mms. C. Lowe and babe, Port Hope, at Mr. Bowmanville eturned a littie . Mr. Dan Douglas, Peterbero, Avery Jobnston on their way te Robt. Morton's. . . Mr. Fred Cor;- honor te a couple who have done gave The Statesman staff a Lake Rosseau for their hoiidays. den, Hampton, et Mr. J. A. Bar- so much for this community. friendiy cail Monday wbile on bis A letter bas just arrived from rie's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey way te Toronto.DrJ.N Huciownie Urry, Anne, Doris and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Barlow Of advising of the death in ha city: tdalladJhdMr. and Mr LIONer Ran- Braden Castie, F 1e r i d a, w e r e Juîy 14, of W. J. Osborne, fermer- JhadM.nd rsLIN CL Si r ou re guests of Mr. and Mms. H. Lay- ly o nikhe n yoe Trew, Oshawa, wîtb Mrs. Hl. Ran- man, Division St.o Ext ekle hp e nd and daîe sl. .. M. and Mms. Cyril French (contiriued from page 1) Young maSgt.Dvon CSt.o, RC- AF.,obtuary. and Launie, Osbawa, Mrs. T. Mc- Tret. on bamemne te us s bta- r. J .NyoHmtn Comb, Orone, Mr. and Mrs. Andy word o! the evening, that bootb Yo ngasTiento, aitrendga eek ei ae MoughJtCin ourordiaysie ueHn aryBrwn', at M. under the chairmanship of M. tinYtrsedig a L kklav ru h n f ur odnr ie Bruce Whitney's. . . Mms. Chas. Brelin having netted the amnazing Yo okwith bis parents. eggs with ne yohks and specula- Morris with Mrs. Heywama, Mt. figure of $23 1.00-n et oniy a e- Mms. Mina Cohwell bas' returned' tien is that liens are on strih<e Albert. . . Mrs. Tone Langstaff cord, but an ameunt totalhy unex- home from a montbhs visit witb since new govenment gadmng with ber uncle at Victoria Road. pected. Practically ail the bootha hem sister, Mrs. Annie Bradley, seems ail wnong te many pro- irnproved their hast year's "take." Bond Head. ducers. Same valuable lessons for the fu- ' Aiter a severe iilness of -tbmee - Mr. D. J. Gibson bas been bell- tusre wene learned and thene is ne weeks Provincial Officer David daying, comfortably, with bis M on'JL reason te believe -the carnival le Silvester is now able te be Up daugbter Mms. Sam Stewart and next year will be more success- and hopes te return te duty soon. has enjoyed discussions with fri- visitera: Mr. 'Clifford Johns, fui,. The total earnings were about Mr. and Mms. Wmn. Slaght and ends on the state of the nation, Kedmon 1flts"Ddtbthy Hayes, Ce- $30Ù higher than lafit yar;despite sons Bill and Bob visited fer a the wer, the political situation lumbus Me,3RâïVéy Belsen, Miss rising costs and hig1te±teMesaiThe wee w !eatvesnimelaceand agricultural poblems of the Eml il eOhwPe n in a isos worked bard and district &f'Northumberland. day. Mrs. Michael Nemis, -Barrie, at loiig in their twe booths and con- Miu,,ferjorie Bm.adt la hoi- m Wes. Camemon's. . . Mr. and tributed their best te the success da3'ini 'aaoqe s uà f c o l e ot Mms. Russell Stainten, Jim' and of the evening. J.F d ads MP ,ads Ed-o S h R p r Grace, Mms. Jas. Steintoft et Mr. Next event coming te liglit was J.ý . dwrdM..,an Ms.E- A. J. Balson's, Soina.. . i'r and the question of. helping in the Ro- wards. Dr ad ms P S Dbsn Report o! Cowanville S. S. Mms. A. T. Stainton, Misses Eiieen tany Faim parade on Auguat 20th. Ar.manoilege,.St . homavsieo . Stainten and Bernice Cbapmnan, No doubt theme wiir be a 'run' on Mrs. Harry Foster en route te Higb School Entrance -J a ck at Peterboro. . . Mr. and Mms. the men's clotbing stores for iiNova Scotia. Benson. Fred Camemon and H-elen ait Mr. ceam flannels for the Lions de- III Mm. Bttis ad Bttywem in To Grade VII-Norman A n d- Herbent Cameron's, Tymone. . . . cided te marcb in a body in the Mrs Bttls nd ety wreinrews A, Fred Morris A. Miss Bernice Cbapmnan, Pickering, jJ4Èade wearing summer outfits. lu Tront Monay eenin attnd- To Grade VI-Anmond Hollings- et Mm. A. T. Stainten's.. Miss ýAt the meeting, ten eHo pe I!ing the wedding of Miss Betty wortb A, Rosie Getlick.A, Samxn Berenice Stainten, 'Peterboro, et Ltns attended witb the Deputy Rice te J.,Allen Wnkworth,. SyorBpuJn oris B home... Mr. and Mms. Fred BIen- jtitGvmo n hi w g M. ndMm. Bn.SwnsnRene Morris C. ford,- Lily, Kennetb and Law- president Dan Curtis. Barrie, have, been -visiting bier Te Grade V-Anne Getllck A, nence, Toronto, at Mr. Russell Letters of tbanks for cigarettes Beparents, Mn. and Mms. Walter Ruby Morris B. Perkins' . .. Mr. and Mms. Anson came from eight beys in England: BePingie. , To Grade 111-H1elen Getlick A, Balson, and Mms. Refend Russ Cendler, B. Cemeron, E. Mrs. H. E. Asblee, Toronto, bas Dereen Witty B plus, Francis Cow- Camneron took a weekend tripi UP Camneron, C. G. Hoed, Wmn. Pat- Smartly Dressed 1 been enewing acqeuintances la an B, Jinnie Morris C. areund Owen Sound... Mr. and erson, T. McMann, T.. Breck and > town wbile guest o! Mrs. George To Grade II-Doreen Chesebro Mms. Bernard McEwen, Oshawa, A. Bickle. Eari. B, Kenny Morris C. et vM. Russell Stainten's._________________ Buy Now! Do yeu know who invented the To Grade I-Margaret Getliek, Quite a number gatbered et Mr. fsandwich? Anne Allen teils yen Kenny Witty. Robent Kiilen's on Friday nigbt CLEARANCE 0F ALL tis ~k in ber column "The Teecher," Marion F. Sinmpson. and cbarivaried Pte. and Mrs. _______ --M E~mi ii.IBewi." Michael Nemnis <Annie Killen>. ilLea diflg Aircatrnan Geo. Mc- Card of. Thanka Mme. A. T. Stainton and Eiheen su i d ER ' Feetens, îSt. Thomas, visited bis____ gave -a kitchen' shewer et thein I parents, Mm.- and Mms. Chas. Mc- Mms. J. 'D. Stevens and famiyhm for Miss A'udrey Ayme on 1~ f U KLSS $ L f E. J.Reedand Douglas Taylor, hiks and apreitinte Cogratultins te Cm0o Orangeville, are remoddlling the many friends and neigbbors for Stainton and Steve Sobil on pesa- AT new Eaton's Store in the--Martyn their kindness and expressions o! ing.their Snd year cxems. et Oah- Block. sy mpatby and gaod wiil during awa Collegiate. Tho LIBdr. Hemb. G. Calmer, De- the iilness and passing o! a be- 1 E i Shop bert, N.S., spent the weekend loved husband and father. 29-1* Solina L W S oke ?YIMier. hPafo&Ms ay n il Visitons: Miss Jessie Harp, To- PRICES Miss Alerith atfd'SadMm5.To ey-torente, and Mary Elliatt, Oshawa, belientSnythd Sand MTrnte, os .M. a SakS.with Mms. R. J. McKessack. .. Mr. ______________ ~ spnt undy wlh M'. nd Mm. isions:Mm.Jeme StnkSt.and Mrs. Bryce Brown with re- ~ J. J. Bell, Base Line. Thomas, et Mm. J. Staïk's. .. Mis- latives la Tarante . . Jim Smales, .Mr. and Mms. Rosa Pooley, Mns. ses Joycceand Elen Abennetby, R.C.A.F. Training Scbaol, Gaît, et M. and Mms. Lavemne Stinson, David and Catherine, Oshawa, __________________________________________Hamilton, Mm. George Stinsan and witb Mms. Jane Bush. . . . Mas. Miss Doris, Stinson, Dunnville, Charles Werny, Oshawa, et S. E. with Mas. John Stinsen. . . Miss Werny's. .. Mrs. Fred Turner and lb.mu rbJean Taylor is spending a month son Fred, Toronto, bhidaying et DOMINO DRY WflULuR ALE. et Le of Beys... Mns. W. Gray Jack Reynolds'. . . Mas. R. PALMOLIV andBilieand Mms. J. MclCrae and Mr. Geo. Hogarth et Mm.L. MoTired? Then.treat yonrself THElARGE anbbeTontrebidyg Pascoe's, Enfield... Mas. H. Couch, He? t the Niddcry cottage. .. Mm. Geo. Marjory and Eileen, Bowmen. 5H A E C REAM I to a long ceol drink of Domino 30«. 1 Hogarth, Mms. R. Pascoe, Solina, ville, et Mm. J. Baker's.. Mas. SDry Ginger Ae. The extrà ro- SNTTLE2 or' Mrs. H. Trull, Oshawa, et Mm. L. Charles Willis, Toranto, et Mr. Th.OUVUOILimiun4q ~7<~ freshngthiratquenc'hethtadd8 ML 2 C. Pescoe's. Dr. and Mas. W. G. Thos. Beken's.. Mm. and Mas. shove ««m ua su iedi distncton o an drnk.McCullough, Orono, Mm. and Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mr. and Mas. Bruce coudidi 1 Male au J ~' daticti f0Ufl~ <~~~l<Ted Gordon, Toronto, witb Mrs. Tink and Lerne et Mm Stanley A. John and Miss Ida McCulhough. Miller's, Sunderland. . . Mm. end LARGE tu" 3 ________________ hirrIff la5 ren Association met dt e .Hcady r its.NuW13 DOINIIIle Ms Walter Feguson's on July E. Hockadey et Mm. H. Cowllng's, TEA 160z. ottBt8h, Devetionel was prepared by Pickeing... Mr. and Mrs. J. Ki',' *> Oum hUM ATFier lavr F- D- ..-.25C Ms. Wfred Bowm~aYk president ve t Mm. Albert Wod'Bow- *~ 4e 6 Aoroxon conssted of readings by Mms. G. Onon... Mm. and Mas. John Chah-FLM Fiy Colis 2 for 25e Bowixan anfd Mms. W. Ashton, end lis and Miss Mabel Chals, Baw-FIM Miss Ruby M cghlin fevomed mnile ibMisses. Rilau nd Complote fresh stock eargeswe i b Lms o.3e1Cer pragram and called on MaS. Sev- ODNWDDN I &aI n« GrapefruIt 6 for Mec on ' The LUfe and Conditions of <Continusd from pae .1) Oier Jaçkson, Newtundlaiid.»e as n sa oe f POISON I Y L T O Mi. C$ n mIVo a nie or iofi yysed satkno!IYL T ~~. * _hie service anothor ot, the eiderWqp t~ [HR IFT« ýSPECIA ÀLS rhursday 'u Friday -Saturday Gorgeous Wash FabrÎcs ivonderful oppertanlty for the home dresa- iaker. Cloths which proved "best sellera" uning Spring and Summer have been sharp- Freduced for this ement. The selectien ln- Ides fine slnb broadolotha, poplas, voiles id imported prints. Lovely cool self colours, lvld candy stnipes, checks or beautiful floral ettems. Yard wide. Reg. 39c. Onîy 33c' Yard LINGERIE FOR LESS ab-standards ef several good $1.00 qualty Ips. Assortment includes tailomed, lace tmlm- ned and embroldered styles ln Ducheas Satin, raffeta and Crepe. Colours, white and tee- use. Slwfep 32 te 40, but not lnalal styles. rwo ibes only 59c and 89C each "'BRUTE" BLOOMERS AND PANTIES Substandards ef fuil-cut, good flttlng brand. Jsually selng et 50e. I7cand .9cpair Li TTLE BOYS' CAMP SUITS rive pieco suits in bine, tan or green Covert Cloth, short aleeve zipper shirt and knee length shorts. To f it 2 te 8 yeams. -I Il 68'c Suit 54"1 widee yard RUBBER-LINED BEACH ANODT-IT BAGS Ideal waterproof carniers for swim suifs or baby requlsites abnightly 'pattemned poplin, or moire fabnies ln self bine or ivine. Envelope, barel or pouch shapes 57e each k/al/e4 Stoe~, .#ndec Phono 451 Bowmanvllle King St. T WEAýTHER- Dainti Necessities.- you COOL... CALM ... COMIORTABLE ..*. FASTIDIOUS LUX TOILET SOAP oc 2 for 1lc LIFEBUOY SOAP stops B.o. Sc 2forlle LYSOL SOAP ]Deodoralit. 3 for 10e DRENE SHAMPOO Ise, 39c, 67c, 1.10 HOLLYWOOD WAVE-SET Ise VELVETTA TISSUES 200 and 500 10c, 25e APPLE BLOSSOM COLOGNE 60cv 9SC WOOD'S MILK FOAM > lSc, 25c, 50c BATHING CAPS 19cy 25cy 39e MAKE-UP AIDS for SUNBURN - SUNTAN Taagee Lipstlck 19c, 49c, 9Sc Velvetta Cream - - 39e Pond's Facial Creas sSkol - - 45c, 80e Jars - 19c, 34c, 59o Nivea Cream - New Eda Wallace Hopper Plastic Cases - 50, 95o Facial Pearns - 29c. 59o Noxem i Suntan 0i1 30, 60o Velvetta Cleansng Petals At' - - 25c, 290 Mentholatliii 29c, 55o Cashmere Bouquet Unguentine-- - 44e Face Powder - 29c, 45o Tangel ---------50 PRESI NEW L1WW CMRPTIONS A SPECIALT McQREU tsus PRICE E on ODR We Deniver, Summer Needs IN THIE KITCHEN GAILY CHECKERED TABLE CLOTHS Flrmly woven cotton background boldly pat- temaed with lustrous rayon, combinlng go.d wearng quatl*y and attractive appeaaIcé Colonne: bine, green, red or gold. Size abol 50" x 50" ALL LIN EN TEA TOWELS A astrong, durable linen toivel which ivili polsh dishes and glassivare te Perfection. Size 16" x 31". -2 for 69c-- MOSQUITO NETT9NG A real buy at this price. A heavy crossbar patterned net hn white or green 3611 wlde. -4 yards for 49c - TABLE 01LCLOTH ý"'itÉeduce yonr cleaiag and laundrY work and make your kitchen look !resh and attractive. Fresh, bright colours and a wide choice of patteras. Aisei whitee WIWIM w- lue i f 4511 wide 37c

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