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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1941, p. 5

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* WURSDAY, .TULY 24TW, 1941 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 2OWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEFV than one "fruit bowl." Heap a AN EAELY JIJLY MORN, 1941W e d g glass fruit dish hlgh with berniesWe d g and sprinkle with sitted grenu- Have you listened to the quiet of latc suer. et t sand ii our an early July day, <,,, 'a eletric 'Mrrigerator for an hour When the mornhng lifs its head WillnE lCcwh. pr two, and serve cold - with fo whrteSinseFr- The Crescent Height's United TIRA peacheso sliceot of ske. R W e laes , instt ans, Church, Calgary, Alte., was the meeng ced oeilo, or whit he laes aginstte- snew , scene of a pretty weddmng June merig clore jeloor wth st aaint te ne sk'sl4th, when Alice Lillian, daughter HE MIXNG 11 WW ie of melon, cherries, etc.- blue, ail anew and rWlime JgYCLAACESL THE IXANQ OW L an e àvery delectable dessert, And fragrant flowers open wide to Mr and th ride olfa rank DY' ANNE ALLAN indeed. their petals alneMÏles.ofMr. George Wl Hyd,, ~~Fo BrmeakfastS You cen almost feel the stillness kinson. Thecuhwebat- Fo raftreacling outward, far away, fully decorated with palmo, ferna UYC LAAC The Fri Bowî There is n0 better way to stt Stretching ait the f ar horizon and pink and white giadiola, and HeloHacthe day than with fruit--or fruit where telandscape's lout in the crony was performed by Hell HoemaerslHav yo juice. Raw or stewed fruit may gray;W IN F LL SIN ntced that we now find fruit- be sevýe o cereal, pat1*al his sacred hour only inthe earlY To th U ic of the weddjngN W INULSI G 9 raw and cookcd - on thc berries. peaches or pears. morn is found march played by Mr. Clem !9lllot, rh 111 Sale brings you genuine savings on ail our surplus stock of men's, women's and cbildren's umrwalgapres, r hajority of Canadian tables, for **0Before the noises of the day its the bride entercd the chtùtch on ron ne it doe, right I thc heart of, the suînmer seasoil, this JULY SAL.E in a MONEY SAVIN EEN tht7Umoint ahnost every meal? In the ap- For Dinner quietncss have drowned. the arm of licr father. She was Mis petizer dish, on thc fruit and sel- As an appetizer or as a dessert stihnanebrbneddharxning In a floor lengtli gown B.Iow Are Listed Just A F.w 0f Tii. Values Off.r. ad plate, and as a welcoeds -e chilcd fruit cup is ideal. Use You h roses iii end out, of wltifo, an a itchi seether ________________ ________________ sert, fruit has become a favourite fruit sauce for meat (i.ç.-apple And meditate whlle listening to jaklie, Sencid a bouqu sire of T R SS S "stand-by". sauce) or fruit jeily for coid meat the quiet ail about; sw.hecarroses a oue of va-M NSW R O KI R S PRl * 0 *(apples or curant). Fruit is tos-Th first to break thc stillness, is secter roses ailyai fen the l-Fa MEN'S& WOs 1O K GIRLS PRIN sRoSSE BO S1N E V A Thee refor oodresos orsed Into both vegetables and fruit .'h abrd with speckled breast, heron faoo Deghvi a edi okSe ural Mcn's Merlus theire ased foulodan o r salà-ds-core out-skin on-and aîcy. e flod mleuhila e MhI We Sfo sdDral Tbarst ns us12sd1 os Bwalrga CobatnU- th furse popnerisy of frui- dced, -using a silver knif e to pre-Afinlfegln oi hti place with a coronet of sweetheart er.- cwa ie 6t 2 cellent source of vitamidns (especi- vent disceloretion' And for des- fo ogfo t et oeusadfre-ent.Hn JO aelcp.IO ae4cI nSl 9 ally ~ý .C) upis oejgr sert-thc fruit bowl1-in season- Soon other birds Pegin ta sing a only ornement was a gold locketI and has an alkaline reaction. This and later on preserves, to use with sweet and tuneful 1ay and chain, the gift of the groom. S helps mairntain Uic normal neu- fruit duxnplings (apple again), That breaks upon Uic silence just Miss Doris Wilkinson, sistér of FIN________________ __________________ tnelity of thc blood. Crenberries, Fruit Whips (leach, plum, strgw- before the noise of day; the bridegroom, was maid 6f M plums, prunes and rhubarb arc berry and raspberry)-Fruit Souf- And then Uic clang of business honor. 511e was attfrcd in a, gown I MEN'S WORK SHIRTS CHILDREN'S SOCKEES YO1S O G exceptions, but they are xc-fesFutpics, stewed fruit, bav- and the rush of working of pale pink net oven tefictà, Uithe latebe. aydel og o lent appetizers, and give variety *arians, frozen dishes, etc. crowds, full skfrt being prettily trimmed IWeil made and roomy eut Chambray All lhades - First Quallty. Sizes 53 Eami yuié to te det. * *0 * escnd ponthe quiet of the with knots of blue velvet nibbon. MShirts. Slsc 14%~ te 17. beys s~ naton and fcnn. anden shen wor anSl%.cO Ocp.O Sl Good o ForSupper morn lilce dankened clouds. She carried a bouquet of pmnk cer- jI aeI Goo Uibudgtes wlcho An easy way ta include fruit ini And next, ncws flashes cabled, natciongn foern nd he r e air Onsl eO Sl 0 r frpenive tand ot unateand iech the menu, is ta serve a fruit salad from afar anc quickly hurled, Miss May Woodley, cousin af psea rngs iot ontharves and a cheese or milk dessert. If The anxious, fevcrish rumors of the bride,___________________________ Leatronbig q i-foen cane or you are having a substantiel meat a fear-torri wer-made world; .n bride, wesgt briesoaid wear VihLtroqikfoen e r*nd patate first course-then do In awe you sit and wonder willm lo eghgw fdsyMM pic- dried fruit may be used to keep not forget a fruit bowl or fruit this madness«ever cease, rose sheer, with net flowers in- MEN'S SPORT SLACKS *LADIES' IIOSE BOY 'S IMT U K Uic supply always on hand. stewed, baked or coddled, for des- And when this world wiil 'listen serted ini bodice and sleeves. She IMade of fine cottan Lisle. [n Sand Samnrtl tldlsexSl rn Wheri the*0* sert.cared a bouquet f yllow car- Sanfonlzed Men'. Sport Slaeks. SEe 9L Bo'3. ie26t 2 o hntemarkets are glutted set to thUi quiet Morn of Peace. nations and fern, and had a Ionly. Sie MM 0Sie2 vot ith bernies, or other scasonal RECIPES -RALPE GORDON. wneath of yellow rosebuds in her On Sale $1.49 On Sale 12e pr.OnSl c o *fruit, buy plenty for canning, but Ripe Cherry Mousse * 628 Crawford St., Tor'onto. hair. keep out e0ough to have more 1 cup sugar ___________M. Wesley Moore v<as grooms- _____________________ 2 cups ripe cherries pitted man, and Uic ushers were Mr. (more if desircd) Te~Lorne Creighton, brother of Uie d 2 cups heavy cneam, T acner F tdbride, anàd Mn. Robert Clark ofI Y4 tsp. sait AFtdOlds, Alberta. MEN'S WINDBREAIkERS OVERSIZE DRESSES BY'WS UT 4egwieAt Pre-Nuptial During the signing of Uic regis- Shower - Proof Wlndbreakens lu Ladies' Crepe Dresses. Sizes 46 ta 52. Cool WahS1s0 cta bee Prepane the cherries and cover ter Mrs. Robent Cragg sang "I double and single breasted Styles. Sizes 2, yas with sugan; bil in order ta cx- ~ ~1A1Love You Truly." Sies"1 tract the juice. Strain off thc Sh we .Liday&J The west banquet room of the On Sae$.8OIae$- jceand reserve. Chop Uic Palliser Hotel was decorated with O ae$~8qO ae$ 9 nSl 9 OSHWA oTbut flot dry. Fold tic ch crryf M iss Greta Wickctt, popular sweet peas sud cornflowers, whcxi A FninsPlyer Teare juice and chopped cherries. Add public school teacher, wes houer- thirty-nine guests gathered aften L9u A_________________Theatre sait te egg whitcs, and beet until cd and cntertained at a pne-rxup- the ceremony, for Uic neception. "JEa Coron DR S Eo peks may be formcd, then fold tial kitchen 'shower et Miss Fler- Mns. Creighton; mother of Uic M N'S GYM SHIRTS "enG do"D SESBoY' C tolS O T Last Two Glorlous ineUccemmxue lc ence Wcrny's, Fniday evenisig. bride, sud Mrs. Clark cf Olds ne- Snug fltting Cotton Gym Shirts. All Girls Print Dresses. Guarantced fast Size. 4 t 2 lsi ak u eL Ms erry and Ms. Perey Cw ccived. rs.ew ho l chudshera lrors Ue o 4ya df Days Uic tra in Uic electnic refnigera- ing arrnged the deccrations sud gown of rs.eho coe a he shzes, coosEee a1 ei. dfot.Sud wal For the hast plctuýe of 1941 to nfez.hîdden prescrits sud ,served ne- with white accessories sud her On Sale 25e On Sale 79e nSl 9 Jae * 0ir freshments to over fifty friends of corsage was white garderies sud Jams JdyBiuebcrry Cheese Biscuits Uic prospective bride. Miss Wic-. valley lulles. Mns. Clark' wore a STEWART GARLAND Prepare your favorite dough or kett sccouded by her sister, Mrs. gown of pninted silk and a cor- _________________ La Na R Hedy use Uic foilowing: Richard Hoskin, Toronto, fcelingly sage cf white roses and vallcy TURNR LAARR 2 cups four responded ta Uic.fuilncss cf senti- lunes. Rer accessories wcre in MEN'S WINDBREAKERS LADIES' APRONS I A IS H E in* 3 tsps. bakcing powden meut cxpresscd in Uic lovcly, use- black sud whte. Rv. Frank Han- L Il rital "'ZIEGFELD GIRL"y 1 tsp. Salt ' f l and enduring gifts. bacic was master cf cenemoniies.. Best quality silk Shankskin i single Large Size Print Aprons. Guar&iiteed Broken izsudtye.Rgara Edward Everett Horton, Tony 1 ta.sua Miss Wickctt has been consid- Mn. William Pettinger proposed Iand double breastcd styles. 518e 36 Tubfast.$29 .JWrtn, halesWlmlner. % cup grated cheese crably entcrtaincd sud feted as the toast to the bride, to which ta 42. U Jackle Cooper 2 bs.bute es)t of honor cf late, at several the groom ably rcsponded. PianoOnSl$39On ae 2On ae9c Bupbfrries (r es happy gathcnings in anticipation solos "The Rosary" sud "Rustlc cf ____________________7_ REMA Bleberiesof 11cr marriage to Mr. A. S. Spring" werc playcd by Miss May REVVA * Sugar ta sweeten Baker which evený took place last Woodley, Bac.Mus., sud Mrs. Bo-j Friday Sift togethen Uic flour, baking Saturday. bert Cragg sang "My Prayer" and I "ANOTH ERpowder, salt sud sugar; add Tu ulcSho ccig"At Dawning." Telegrams, of con, I MEN'S FINE SOCIÇS BROADCLOTH SLIPS T N I H E "XNOTHER ~~~~~~~~~gratcd cheese and cut in butter on staff hcld a party on Uic lawn of gratulation were rcad fromnOeasye-wie ny mlCid T H I N N A N " l a r d . M i x w i U i U i c m i l k . P u t o n M i s e E h e d H e e G r a n d m a W il k i n s o n o f T o r o n t o , N c h e e k e d a d f a c y p a t r s ip n a s y e - w t e o y .m l lC h d e n s r b r s o e T - r a C i - T IM N a flourcd board and roll te, 1/" andsses Eted and ee Morri and Mrs Arhu ineyedium and large shzes. vais Soe.Ses6t10. Win. Powell -Myrula Loy thickness. With a Sharp knife cut a floar lam Mis of Montreai. nSaelcIOn Sale 24e insures, press each square lu i . pr tograd muffin tins so that The Girls' Bridge Club met at a houicyrnoon tnpý te Banff, Cran- ________________ Monday &Tuesday tthc points extcnd beyond the tin. the home of Mrs. Aubney Smith, bok and Jasper, the bride tra- ANN SOTHERN Fil the centres with Uic blue- who was assisted by Miss Beryl velng in a dove rose ensemble, ~R ~ ~D ZAN HUNTER bernies sud pich corners then Perey, when Miss Wickett was with blue accessories. Upon their S K1 P A T T IIR A R C A D E JUMU~ bkinan clectric oven at 425 the recipient of a sandwich grill. returu they wiil be At Home to- "D U IL C Y " degrees for 12 ta 15 minutes. At another gathering cf bridge their frlends after July lst, at 524 club membens when the male Rosedale Crescent, Calgary. Romance and Howls for yen Cantaloupe Fruit Salad species werc present et Uic homes Out cf town gucats ncluded. f etr gorssudonthesaie 1 cèup diced captaloupe cf Mrs. E. S. Ferguson sud Mrs. Mrs. Clark sud Robent cf Olds, programme- %k cup orange sections A. Smith, Miss Wickctt receivcd Miss May Woodley, Saskatoon, %W of pensons, still invade aur hQmei u otdel st lc e LIOE BARRYMORE %6 cup grapefruit sections an eiectriec dock sud a tea pot. Mn. Wilbur -Woodley and Mr.111t SchOol Fairs iFa uily i<euiion adsoe it muiy %DWARD ARNOLD % cup stoncd ncd cherries Miss Wickett's pupils aise pre- Paul Lepp, Langhamn, Sask., Mrs. H.Id Once Agaîn _____ nsd re itha iity Whcen sns liashitema lai French dressing sented 11cr wlth a coruflower cake J. Vankeeck, Mn. sud Mrs. Rowe ______ youM conIO a sien tl'ha th batao siial lcsUruhu i "THE PENALTY" Lettuce plate and pottcry vase. . Vanklecel, Stettlen, Mr. and Mrs.TRL FA LY ENON asnlfyshlyboymyhusc Thyr icnscuu TH E A T " Combine Uic fruits with French Publicity heu alreedy -bcee giv- Stuart McCsudles and Mn. sud Rural School Fairs Favoured By There was an excellent atten- numben five million sud tha u fialtefisoc u o wli dressing made wi lemon juice. en te presclitations l'O this Pppular Mns. Evan McCanlless cf Watts. South Ontario Public School dance et the Truill Family Re- these carriers cf gcrms arc brualItsch uesywya Maraha Hunt - Gene Reynuolds Chill for 15 minutes in elcctric ne- young lady frem Trinity Choir The bride is a grsuddaughter Inspecter union at Orono Park ou Juiy 19th, sud brcd in filth which may b l fnigeràton. Serve in riests cf let- and a W. A. group Of Trninty cf Mrs. John Sandens and riiece cf ____whcn, with ideal wcather candi- dcpositcd in food or on Uic infat mntli l eael u tuce. Yield: 6, servings. Church. Mrs. T. M. Slemon, Eniikillen. tions, an enjoyeble time was upeut in his cot, it cen reedily be undri oe u toe n ijhl Wednes. & Thurs. jelJy Fruit Spog Iu recognition cf velued. and Mafly showers wcrc hcld in ' Reinstatement af thc Rural by ail. stood how important iA is te x aeoncmiuiyahatie ITS THRIOLLS ly powdcr Peul's Church by Uic groom the trousseau tee given by 11cr ScolFi a doaeb .was taken up with sports abiy iay. Jae CGEYP/4BIE cup water happy couple wcrc alse Uic ne- mother. A. Hutchisan, Public Schaol Iu- arrauged by Edgar Hon sud And flics, if lef t alere, multipl hi 36 ~cup left-over. csncd or ciinso euiu ofe_______________'specton for South Ontario, at the Newton Edgar. Useful prizes werc phenomenally, tac! 0f Uic msu ti ies emk eua fehfit id- except pecolator from the Board cfaneoeigf teOtanie awandcd Uic winners: Kicking the methads for killing flis, pri-dpst uyu eig con Mrs ridçd( ianaegers of St. Peul's United ana etn fteO "0DEVIL DOMO fresh pinéape Church of which Mn. Baker is aape County Educetional Associatian shae--Grace Truil; nelling the bail ably thc quickest, meut human st ae"aypyet. iss- v jell wipow ren i bi-mmn. -ladies, Mrs. Dawson; men, AU.__________________________ OF THE AIR" Disov cup l wh lpre in_____________ GLASSeme held et Sunderland. Mr. Hutch*e - Ayne; tossing peanuts -Ha z l ADDED HIT ing on wanm water accokdlng ta son speke brîcfly and ecdurag- Truil and Howard Davies; men's EDDIIE ALBERT directions cri Uic package. Set in be simple. ingly cf Uic wank being donc in bat race-Boyd Aync; girl's race- JOAN LESLIE cool place and allow ta partlally 3. The vase should elweys be his inspcctcnate unden Uic uew Hazel Truil; boy's race-Murray 7871* 70 Yeors of Scrl oiywes *14 in set. Beat until fluffy with rotary lesa conspicuaus than Uic flowers, Rare;___________race-Lloyd_____________ egbeeter or electric miixer. Fold suMdued in colon and plain in couprse cf e stu.Mnl Huthsn- Ben; Men, aLloyd etci;_________________________ 'THIEVES FALL OUT' infruit. Pile mixture i sherbet lines. coarcd Uic t eucat ihtoa odvf po t ots-aic Ms a _________________ glasses sud top wli whipped 4. Cut lers to use for dec- tages cfehe pet th thosen f Beuctt merien Lloy cAyne cream. Yicld: 2 senvings. onations in Uic merning, before dcfrdtohehidnofa nevelty canteut, gucsslng the Frlay& Studay* *10 o'clock. There is more uap in Canada. The youth cf te-day, he weight cf the Mayor cf Orona,' Fridey & SaturdayUic stems then. siaid, had every encouragement Orme asy h ers us and Uic beat cf cquipment to en- eGasyThnaetgus ANNA NEAGLE Take A Tlp5 easap knife ta cut Ue tehbscfwas made by Mns. Harry Stafford, i ~ ~ js ~fdbuutsol lwr scissors s ueee ch able te omake the bsofOshawa. Pnizes werc aise given "S u N N1Y"Ecertain xe bo q ueep toues festeutcmc qez their opportunities. fer the f irst an Uic greunds-Mc- te iveconras. 6 Avid lgh, sifflacing For Glfts and Homne Norman Davies, Prvnill-Keuzie Penfourd, Oshawa: oldest * ,IJI r..CI oug we tiut lxe. Were 1 * i otte. should Uic deugh be stcrcd in a Agrîcultural classes arouse lu- Summer diarrhoea cf bebies,prttc1yonc atoLfeolcs ___ efrigeretor?" tereut and ferm th1e fourdation typheid fever, eye discases and than ever befer. ç~heyI ~Answer - Tee buiscuit dough for intelligent farmirg. Other ethen dargenous sud painful, in-I o w e s should be kept near Uic sie of professions, nequiring no greaten fections couic in the wae of the Befone 1asmue osl Uiccaine l Ui lwerpetof ENTERTAINER need for prepen training, demard commor house f ly. Wc face 1h15 Uic clcctric refrigcnatcr e nd n o twelve yeans of intensive danger every year during Uic hct sheuld be bnought out about 20 80018r LALPH ODN h schadling befone the candidate lu wethcn. Lectures sud writings je Je M AhSON & SO N minutes before you roll it out wonderiuly versatile enate r- osdrdcpbeo ucsfl ymdclmn elhato foranthe btchofbisuis.This tainer, for your next entertain- prctice. Fermers frcqucntly have tics and other experts have doue INSURANCE AGENTS pevetspressig tac hard with ment DlusratEl cIrculer frec. aimost ne sdvencc training. The a lot tcwards educating people te o .tr Phone 681 BOWManvffle g1e rlig in because Uic dough .-die grawing complexity cf fanma op- tight this menace. AiDOFIETOOT wlll have becs raised to roem 688b Crawford Street Teronto crations me es this condition However, ycu carnet educate a HEAD______________0__ Iemnperature. mout unfertunete. fly and fMes, being ne respecters

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