e - THUEDAyJULY 3lat, 1941 THE CANADIAN 'STATEMAN, iOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THRE ion e bis Q9g, iiy he! Ing Archier su--nd -Ja-s. Thanpson. . , .a iown park. ithe specd ai Uic cè ar bad,-a-n-d Uic Jai. Holmes, carniage builder, bas From Pte, E. C. ,Hoar at Shorn- ownen was paytag fan it*wlth bis ereted afine building ta lic uicd alite CampEgad I arn still increaacd numben af trips ta ioY uAetuehfG tte as a wrksbop and paint sbap. in the mechanical deparfment sud gas station. b lu ec o a lOrona: Mmi. Wm. Hillen wba like the wonk fine. Imagine my _____-Of?__________ILI_____________ OH__ 1____ as been vcry ill for some time Is surprise wben caming aven ta Nat anly ta say the igbt thlng I tretAnd... a ( Co j HE MODEHN Ftif 1 n~~~~~~fot expccted ta neccver.... O. A. meet Creigbton ignohm ni h ih lcbtfrmr Gamsy wll laywit theCo-thesam bot."diii icult, ta leave unsald the mbourg Independcnf Baseball Club Rager Bird wnifcs ta bis sister wrang hilng at the tempting ma-, ini thein matched ..... . Thieves Helen froni France: "I am rnwiflng ment .-Sala. %broad boit of webbimg around houiez the Lmnk tramners, which n readily as her own flot into, but TR Ê ECX (N 7LEewaist, wt-tonroe are continuaily used for testing - omimw PlaeIs aver, the Cinque Ports; over St. strapa over the shoulders and twa the students. Lectures include Filin. The. Air Paui's, and Lombard Street, and more around thc legs. Alil the such subjects as navigation, en-- Buckingham Palace; over Wid- i un ng I) anstraps arc fastened ta a iock in gifles, rigging, theory of fligh't, or, aver Maftchester, and Bir- fron ofthebod. Th paachte rmamnt nd ignle."The nation that contrais the "Ouf a er« O isiceswarefully fl fo Weky Nws mchmand Sheffield; oirer Uic A arie 0fartcle wrtte apclaly or eeky Nws- frt lf icrfbl old The ar achut armtasignryacris.arwi ltmtlgue h gh0ftefietsrnet PaPers b7 HKugh Templin, Editor of fthe Fergua News-Becord. bag whlch serves as a cushion aon lthe os vary t a c Wl cri taet os itoian ih el describew l." sael r é t e uest , o th f i rt sr n rich -----wihthe student sits while f ly- only anc af the most intcrcstlng. Sounds like a sentence by a est of argasied rcalms, fromr -----ing.. The "rip cord" isn't a cord It is obviously important that military writer in the sumrner af Land's End ta John o' Groat's - PILOTS LEARN TO HANDLE pattern found at ail the ichools, at ail. Fastened otahUicboit, an pilots af fighting planez shouid be 1Butit sn't. it wa witen33syh ahe bre r ailsatMro- PLANES AT ELEMENTARty wiheeyhgtadrzdfo the leit aide, iz a large metal able ta recagnize an encmy at aBu tin.I ws rte 3syhotebrdsofheM . FLTING SCHOOLS handlc, in easy reach af thc rlght distance and get in the firzf shats years ago by Alexander Graham sey?" rapid and ecanamical canstruc- hand. When it is puiled a métal --and those shats muet be accur- Bell, at the conclusion of a letter Af ter reading the proofs ai tion. The autside af the huts ls cabie, like that used in camera ate. cammenting on an article in "The Stedman's article, Bell wrate- in atIicls labut sthe l a seiezaa_ ee it afn ppr httrjrs pnUc g in Century Magazine" for May, 1908. Part - as follows from Washing- «mAirt reeabodtthe r iana- Everywhere there is a look af which the parachute ie folded. reAgitling.schols teach arcraft The entire letter iz extraordinar- tan, D.C., on March 16, 1908: nenss e suetswl ee av oily interesting, and zeems ta ne- "aytak o h vlg ComnwrFe anAirTriting ens. e tdnt leerhv aand halls are covercd with pic- va ne gi heiaiatv irang Mhn. Sftenprilee Colanwtealotheir Taintn The First Fiying Instruction use one, in Canada Êt least, but turcs ai British, American and go ugetwihhdldD.wihIntr.Iscntigt Pn w iiea or trio. kly After graduation from the Imi- the feel ai a parachute on the enemy planes. Models, made of gBell, dma ens befora e, tar- c retn . Isentig newspapcrs of Ono tial Training School, the future back gives added confidec. patcadbog fmBtinBlmnyerseoe opo-orctni. By ughTemlinpilots part fnom Uic other stu- One af the buildings at Mountoncnefrm odbyC adn phesy the march ai the téléphone "Of all the nations in the wonld One yean aga, Mount Hope was dents and go ta the Elemcntary Hope is the parachute raamn. The by.acntly mauc ~anound the wonld. Hcne's the the intenests ai Great Bnîtain will -a littie cnassroads village south af Flying Training Schaals, af which parachute la made ai the fixicat scale, are suspendcd fromn wires , stony: be mast vitally aficcted by pro- Hlamilton, about haIf-way be- Mount Hope iz a typical example. grade Japanese iilk, with braided in various positions and can be In Manch, 1908, Bell was askcd greis in acranautics. For it is ab- twccn that city and Uic Grand These schools are nat run by thUiccadi. Tne lcngth is about 40 feet moved acros the noam. b h dtro h Cnuy ovosta e-oe ilbcm River. Haw it got its name, I don't Govcrnment, but by pnîvate comn- and the cast ai anc la about $400. Using these modela, the student A. E. Arecott rcad the proofs ai an article by Of sccandany importance wbcn know, but the hapes ai the eariy paniez, each anc sponsoned by a Parachutes anc given constant lcanns ta. aim with the sights uzed dudCaec tda n i-oe a enflydvlp citizens must have bedn reallzcd Canadian Flying Club. One resuit cane, since livez depend on Uiem. an the famous S1pitfire planez. il Vice-pnesidcnt and general man- titled "The Prince ai the Power cd through the use of dirigible at lait. The village iticlfisl littie is that there la a certain division Every iew days, Uiey are unpack- fou~nd this sight a iascinating ager ai the Canadian Bank af ai the Air." Fan sôme time Bell balloons and flying machines in changed as yet, but on the bigh ai labon at each ai these Elemen- cd and hung up in a tawen, look- piece ai aptical equipmcnt. It je Commence, who haz been clected had been deeply interestcd, in war. The nation that secunes con- ground ncarby there are twa air tany Schools. There is a civillan ing like a flock ai big bats bag- ltmc agrta lslgt ietna i aaaLt spnoblems of ilight. He had cx- trol ai the air will ultimately rule training camps, anc of thcm op-magewoedtitltaupinfomUccin.Fodgad and is iiluminated by a imail bulb surance Company. Recognized as penimcntcd with kites ai his awn the world." erated by the Royal Air Fnea ervise ail the actual i îying initnuc- ne-pâcking are donc by experts. at the bottom. The pilot looks one af Canada's outstanding fin- design, and bad bccn clasely as- Thus dîd Bell, ta bis comment 'Great Britain, thc other by the tion and maintenance ôi Uic An intercsting 'chute itony camnes thnougb a slaping piece ai glass ancial leaders, Mr. Arzcatt necent- sociated with ather acronautical on Stedman's bnilliant article, sum R oyal Canadian Air Farce as a planes, and an R.C.A.F. aficer in fnom anothen ichool. New para- which is transparent and yct acte .ly served as chairman ai Uic On- pioncera in some ai thein expeni- uip bis view ai the question that ut ai Uic British Commonwealth charge ai discipline and ai the chutes were taken there fon test- as a minnar. On the glass, a cincle taria Executive Conmlittee fan Uic menti. It was natural, thenefore, now shakes the wonid. ArTraining Plan. class oom teaching. mng. A weight was attached and ai light appears, witb a croîs-bar 1941 Victony Loan. wh:n Stedman wrote an article Previaus staries in this seies The arrangement bai been cri- the parachute taken up in one oi ai light, broken in the middle. In - eaigt arnuicldsn Abtthefotsofheo- __________the______ big bombera. It was laid on the exact centre ai the cincle is a ufr and the significance ai air power, est lands in the United States are the ilonksacross an apening in spot ai bnigbt light. yo rm down in an aid cellan that Bell's comment should have pnivateîy awned. th lo fthe plane. One ai the There anc two dinhs on the gun- with a table and chair at aur been sought. In the Wonld Wan, airplanc en- ground crew, not taa bight ap- ight, similar ta those on Uic lens command. I mean ta write when "What aif England," Stedman gines had ta be ovenhauled every parentiy, was given Uic duty ai ai a, camera. The pilot secs an J was on pais ta old London. I wnote, "the country wbicb oi all 50 houns. Today they can go 600. going aloit and releasing Uic para- encmy plane in the distance. Hecnoethfrdmaiheo-bamîtaliendcatagi? One ai the best nules in con- chute ta be tested. IW duties were sets anc dm1l accandtag ta the type day. Wihile there I nan itt Pete How i she cantemplating thcena vensation is neyer ta say a thing simple. The weight rcstcd on a of plane, say a Messerschmitt 109, Christie and young Hill finoPrt wben ail nations equal ber in pas- whicb any ai Uic company can kcouple ai planks stretched across and the other ion the distance at Hope. The lait Bowmanvile boy session ai the atmoîpbenic ocean, neasanably wisb had been leit un- the apening. Al he had ta, do was whichhbeinndtaonfnesy I met hene was Ted Thompion tehge es hnteana ad-wft tip the planks at the propen Uirne, 300 yards. After that he can con- whom I met at church." ta let Uic parachute go. Ail wcnt centrate an keeping the cnemy A seiaus hay-ficld iatality oc- weil until anc day wben a piank plane inside that circle ai light. curred on the iarn ai Neil Mutton got caugbt. Jenking at it, the air- Wben it i close cnough that the an Thunsday whcn Richard Dale, cratman lait bis balancé and felI wings ai the appraaching plane St. Catharines, wbo was visiting iorwand tbrough Uic hale. Quite f111 the space in the broken bar there, fell fnom a load ai hay and unexpcctedly, he tezted a para- ai light, Uic pilot touches a button landed on bis shouldens cauîtag chute, but it waî bis own. and Uic fine ai eigbt machine gun9 total panalysis ai his lawer linibi. How To Atm A Spîttire converges on the spot marked by He dicd the iollowîng manning, ta At the Elemcntary Flying Train- Uic bnigbt point ai ight an the bis 75tb yean. tag School, the student pilota iiy gunsight. In training, noa guns Mn. and Mns. John Rice enter- about 50 houri, 25 ai Uicmn under are fired but the rupil learna ta tained about 20 young people ta the cyci ai an tastructor and the judgc distance and ta aimi accur- honor ai their son Lloyd and bis reit alune. He may go up as aiten ately and quickly. friend when tbey enjoyed a trip as four times a day, but neyerH Commanding Officer at Mount Uirougb Happy Valley. aven four houri altogether W anc Hope, la Flying Officer W. P. PryR ibrEnsiln day. The other hait ai the daye iz aac. h Amnsrto son af Mrs. W. Gilbert, bas made A igroup of student pilote leavlng thse flylng fjeld at thse Eiemcntary spent in the lecture rooma. Two Off icer, who was aur guide, jea nqe eodt Sri hr ]Flylng Training Sohool at Mount Hope, near Hamiliton. ienon we, Thee r Flying Qficer L. W. Code. anfun1ique rcodainaiai tea- hav filoedUi fuur pot iczed bt t sem t bewok-sparts at 4 o'clock, tennis, sot- (Ncext Weck-Camp Borden) cher and supcnvising principal ai hae_____h uuepio iie, u tses ob ok four city ichools with 17 teachers through thc finît twa nianths on tag wdl, Early ln the war, when ~ .' s , -- ~< under his direction. The lait twa mare ai bis training but he bai the great Air Training Plan wai . . . cn 2aibsppl rt,8 flot been in the air yet. He bas finît put inta operatian, it cnablcd ing succef sul Wehvreat8 had, ta prove bis titnesa in many the R.C.A.F. ta take advantage ai plcaiure in publisbing this gaod ways, but the nearest hc bas came Uic maît cxpenienced instructoni wonk ai a West Dunham boy, the ta actual iligbt bas been in a available, the enthusiasts who had .. - more so because bis mother was miniagture plane, anchored finnily kept alive Uic Flying Clubs. neat ag i lasaeaior a nil ta Uic ground. At sam nie noa the saved preciaus weeks and bas , chool when Dr. Jcssop was tea- 26 Elcnicntary Flying Training wanked so wdil, there la«nat likclychr Schoolz scattcrcd acroas Canada, ta be any imniediate change, cx- FryNn er g:Rmns hé will experience the thrill ai cept in minor details. Ail other - cences by Rev. D. Rogers, London, bis finit fight, unleza he bas, at types ai schaoli are directly unden r4 Ont.: "We celcbnated for Uic firît some Uie befane enliîtment, paid Uic R.C.A.F. . tim re <July lit, 1867) Dominion for a ride as a passenger, or la Alic planez used et Mount -Day. The people ai Bowmanviile one ai thase rare recruits with Hope are Fleet Finches. Some clbae h a hbsat tannascommercial pilote. othen ichoola use Tiger Maths. und gameî. A boy with 25 on 50 The "No Admittance" Si=u There was a time, manths ago, çdntsin h is pockct waî well aift. It Îsn't easy ta get inside Uic when they uzed some ai eàch or W. R. Climie was then editor ai gate at any ai the R.C.A.F. train- whatev& training, planecs were ydar paper. . .. The laytag ai Uic ig achoals. That' h as It zhould, availablé, but there: no longer Atlantic cable preccdcd by anc be, and no anc can abject ta Uic any scarcitý,of' aùii~nig planez., year anly aur finît Dominion Day rlsbu oeieteguards The Fleet Pinches and Uice'1"ger and it wai four yearî laten when riez, bu thsa me tis, th Maths are bath double-seated bi- Hampton and Enniskillen wene at terst hm oe t1clthnplanes. Two pais ai wlngs enable finît iavored wîth telegnaphic at dov othhers. armd.them tua iWstcadily'ta the bands communication, the finît openatans I roe p a hegaear ofa beginnens and'ta land at a sale being Jobnnie Elliott and Sandy with letters fmcm Uic Training zpeed. Flylztg spccd, la ilightly MLa. Command and accampanicd by a aven I00 miles asu hour. lnnding ScooeRsutsoAli.F Flng Officer in uniionni The apeed ions than baf that. Upper Sho eut:AlnF Commanding Officer was cxpect- A.nnis, Alan G. Gale, Helen L. 4 ing nie. But Uic guard at the bar- Officiais at Mount Hope are Jahinston, M. RuUi Squair. ai a, f nc record. Sincç Uic rien was adamant. I had fia pazi, sproudwas oee etOtbr Enniskillcn: Miss Elsle Rundie so I didn't get in. He muet ,have no oe ôpuenoit has eenin r had the distinctian ai having four been an N.C.O. in thc Impérial- o ildTe bsbe auc r t uispi i nrne rlsta hlm wcre rules. Protes- O il e.ergnc ôbspital basn't had r4tpuisasthenac, Rn emrgeny cae to andl. Innd 6 out of 7 writing, pass... tations by my gud and a téléc- iound similar records at other Norman Redpath tatendi i'aising..................... phone cail ta Uic Commuandtag scbool's. It le fiatheUic bginners bis barn on .....y.... Dr. Lamne Officer didn't alter the iact that I who crash, but those wbo thtak Hastingsisl loaking alter Dr. Sic- hsd fia pais. Finaily, it was sug- they arc expericnccd.pilota man's practice whilc he l balil- gested taoic guard Uiat he write aignAloqnPrk... mue out anc bimseli. He did 5e.' Parachutes and TheiriJsezdayrnPeta onqui nar w and I pascd triumphantly inside. The student takes bis tiret flight eWarren Pretn dro a narrwhl e d r I t esD Thero lzn'I nuch beaut3r about in Uic front seat of a Fleet train- canoetag at Osawa.... Congrat- R a e n e e tD t thc Maunt Hope Schaol. The er with an expenienced pilot i ttanthi ulations ta Mn. and Mns. Walter Value of Ave tiin <1 c countryside la fiat and untaterest- the rear. Before he goes up, he student pilot and Instructor ln flying suit. with iaarmcbutso en Oke sud Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Per- au iia e tsn p c ing. A year ago, the camp site was puts an anc ai several typq ai hache, enter a Fleet Finch training plane et Mount Hope. kins, thec former a son and Uic stili arm land. The landing field warm flytag suite, a helmet wlth -Royal Air Farce Photographe- latter a daughtcn.. Miss Rose, Advcrtising experts ail agree "reader inter haan't grown up ta grass yct, car phiones, e. that lhe can liaten -_ --_-__ -_____________afrmer____________th_____imprtatfatorn_______in thoughtt tcerrwu ysaarcar ave.atadtheo nhtuctarrandoa, and a pair UU iU - - - - - - - - - - -ta-cr- a former-cb-o- teacherUic monttimporantnfactar.ta.etenmining t The buildings are ai Uic familiar big, soit moccassins. A parachute TKeA U AC oe, vantd fiiaend . .Mmi pce __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IN T EfIM A D IS-CTANLT Pcicfrr su a mhiy bave returnedgt Te taesmn h roTh ttu Files fan Uic service The Statesman rendena, and mi liiUPUfil Hvlok he ubcibr gtTh taenanUeyPomTse~ m.I~YOgj CAN SAVE addressed persanaliy ta each sud eveny anceo ~'~'~.iU MUU MMM' UU~ MMUU MMMon the'doon step ta Uic hope that It wiil bei FIITEY EARS AGO enitered Uic, Post Office Juiy 26Ui GASOLINE BY and posters; but isdirected ta Uie peraonal a An Important Message and stale botwcen $20 and $30 ai DRIVINO SLOWER halder who bas paid ion recciving It. This stampisud about $10 ta coppens tee ai its bclng read. To vey Iouehode:Front The Canadlan Statesmasi, wbich were in the tIIl, carrying If car drivers would cane ta Uiaught entrance wai gaihed thra' engineni Uihey might learn samne- We sinccmely advise you ta makté arrangements now ta rn onigtEcrin the front doon with a skeleton key. thing about using icîs gasoline. The C anadian S tate.i get yaur next, whtranfuiel supPly. Oshawa tiremen have charteredThslUithdtme icPî And Uiat la by dniving slowen. Thee l plntyaicoa avilale t ic rennt rtehe steamer "Ste#nhoff" ion a four Office bas been burglarized iai Wc know there bas been a goad That Loc l ade v r I nter, es t hori tp eatg owaniiemny yeana. d.a.p.tated about tha- anc t ermines'The 0 a a a 0 rest"' ina apublication la tie value oi advcrflutag, read it. They have pald for havtag if deliverod, )f them. It la not fbrown noticed as are hsudbiUs Ltentian ai every hanse- Pnyment la Uic Guaran- eman Has itieman carries a cam- t, sud such widely-read ti sud Distant Past," )wl," "Spart News," "AsU ve Editorial Comment. 0readers. tan Cover. tIy e eman circulation. The tu ai Circulations. This mre Uic paper gaci. ,rtising esmari eeader ,rage 0 Corne ta Jasper, biggms National Park on the Cou- tincntd Sec ait the Rockies -withjasper PurkLodge as your headquarters. There's pienty te do. Corne via te siaa,air,-oo«ditioned Coa. tincntal Linited. Low Summer Rail Fares. Yaur leceal Agent wili gladly furnluh y=1 wlth descriptive boaahhta and fuli informaion as to farce, limita, etc. L INF IN IT E VA RI ET Y ,4--,,Hr LA NAD IAN RýU ýCKlÉS