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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1941, p. 4

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THUESOAZ ~13LT11~t 141 NBOWEAtX ~T1I PAGE FOUR Wu Tinu (By Margaret Bute This letter which giv timate glixnpse inta ti lise ordinary cvcry day old Britain and Uic woý standing up ta Hitler's was writtcn speciaily Statesman and tise Mdi press. Another letter1 Butcher, wha hs a papul novcllst, wiil appear sl I amn just finisising holiday; and isolidays-t tortably prosy--are not Were. Oddly enaugis, tisoug better. 'Yct if anybody me, Urec or four years 1 shôuid appreciote a activitica conshstig o! mnending and visiting il I shouid have been ii cal. Oi course, I must certain inactivities--su ling up an hour latera haif an haur over a o of waiting i a bus-qi isapa thcy have been i n TeeUi are isorriblyi Ihinga. Nat o scrap ai lion for me wile"I'vc ling round an war-w going on doing al tisec that teeth con do on That's port o! aur diffi adays: w. have naotin alter ouracives. Sa, nt -'my preciaus week-just tld, for Uic year-I'vc mnýo this little mtter; wlith ry moutis open, prehensivcly at a strang wondcring (a) hown going ta hurt and (b) it hs going ta cost. Happily, neither pro excessive. It's rather strarige,t whicis I picked Uic ctats a sidclight an human relatiarisiips cropping up ail tise One so aten meets the in Uie breakfast-bus, with whom 1 o ccasion few mumbled words-% leollVeM eno mare dameatic staff than a dear aid visitlng charwamnan, but ~ Inc uveni uces do they really suppose that I don't miss her? Do they really 'think that I LIKE spending my Satur- day eveninga sweeping and wash- Dow n B rnersing, that, I cnjay picking at an early sel!.preparcd. breakfast and mi' gaing off ta squat in an office ail g En lish Folkday? Arn I reputed ta revel in &n %woshing my own dse n e ____________ scrubbing my own p o t a t pe? tcher) littie man oi indetermninate age. Away with sucis nonsense! I use tise adjective "mnumbled" Little Stella-Alife [vs an in advhcedly; and anc day he whhsp- The other evening I called an e lives o!frdt c "Can you tell me the frienda wha nurscd me t1iro' ïpeople a!fere I canmet:sme teetis?" the 'flu, and I was introduced ta iy thcy are weeIcngts "thse fiomly." Thse family consists sbombmng, A Klnd Face? ai a mother and baby and a rfor The I was imrnensely flattered-and grondmnother, ail living in a niccly dIand Free just a trille 'suspiciaus. Was it fitted-up shack in Uic garden. frarn Miss passible that 1 possesed wisat 's They are strangers, refugees iroiti lar British sametimes described as a Kind tise London blitz, and as checry a ,hortly. Face? Quite suddenly I feared it. party as yau cauîd wish ta mid, ra week's There must be somethilir about thougis they've bast everythig. -t be cam- me which would occount for tise Ycsterday thcy aaw me in the bus Lwhat thcy unusuol confidence. (Incidentally, and waved with burbies o! de- I have neyer rcolly discavered light, and wee Stella-Anne gur- lis, they're what it is!) Anywoy, I promised gled ot me over the back o! tise y had told ta find aut tise namne ai a good seat. She la tise dearcat mite with rs ogo, thot man, and I rushed off ta my Chief an aval, rosy face, îîuîîy hair and a!ee o and osked where anc could go. I round, bright eyes, and that hs the wareekn mailed a note ta the con!îding baby wh oat five1 weeks aid, was the dcnthst, stranger, and three wccks inter 1 îiteraîîy buricd under tise ruins hiy scepti- met iim ogoin, whereiipon he o! an Andersaon shelter! The nia. Snat forget slipped a packet a! candy-a truly tiser wos stunned and rernembers ich as get- acceptable gift nowadays - inta itea t teftews and having m snwa un efaie wasn't hurt, gropcd hh woy oui ook insteod a pcariy sinile at me out o! a face ai the ruins and began ta isuni acue.Per-thot looked at leost fiteen years al o ie oiie tla icsto! ail. yaunger. With infinite tact nci- Anne. And prescntly he saw, .tiser oi us mentioncd Teetis on unpatriatic that occasion; but the next tirne pceping out frorn a pile o! rubble, consdero- we met he said they were fine. atn el been hust- Sa this weck I have prof itcd by She was unhurt, by a miracle. vark. Jutryanavc- eyrr Iiîn quite tauche cwsnss dire tiinga ta w dabeie e . aetrdaygave me tisat littie gurgie a: Uic quiet. odbleem.Adysedy reigysedy Th ser Lclt ~just as I was nearing the denthst's greeaftingethicrdne To e soe !icuty ow-I met a woman I have seen once ne ta loak or twicc in thse littie store an thse sharply. 'Whot a stary she will ýlast, with corner, when I've been callccting have ta, tell in ycars ta came! ;t one, we'i'e myrations. Hem husbond is an- And Uiat wasn't her oniy ad- been going otiser bus-acquaitflfce and, little venture, blesa her heart..* A fcv sitting up as 1 knew hum, they always seem- weeks later thse house was iit b: staring ap- cbam ab a xctaa lbat; Stella-Anne was being car- îge man and nedoupe. Shbe sanped e. al ried acrasa the rooni in a shawu much is h ope. estpedm. whcn it happened-Orid thc math- haw much "Always Do AnYthlflg" er, stoggering agamast the wal bi "Are yau ail right now?" she suddenly rcoiized that se wal -oved ta b said. "I iseard that you'd been holding an empty shawl. Tise bob3 ill." I explomned thot, saine while hod been blown dlean out o! i Uic way in bock, I had influenza, but that and waa lying in a corner. Weil denthst. It was ail. Some friends, I added, I hope shc'il be soie here. Th( these ncw had been very kind and lookcd poor young inother, ai course, i which are alter me. stili suifering frain shock ami Urne iiow. 11111l aways do anytising I cmi finda it difficuit to sleep, but shi Le sanie folk for you," se said-and taid me says: "Ilil get over it ail right. and one- hemr ne and addrcss. "Don't be No rnooning and grurnbling therE naily had a afraid ta let me knaw, any tume. Wondcrful people. *was a quiet I'd nurse yau, dIo your shopping, Emrely peti' miything. I'd be glad ta." Here mreYOpato sies milcd and odded tise loveiest My kind frienda taa have dis thing: 11 dan't like tise idea. of tinguisised tieseacves in yct an yaur bcing alan. and, ii. Yau ther way. One day I turncd U: lcnow, my husband and I always at tise stare and 50W a stralil coul you 'The cheerful littie lady'." face on Uic othel' aide ai th Ama I 'cheerful'? Goadncss alan. counter. Anxioua inquiries elcil knows! one daesn't always feci cd Uic iact that tise propietol' it; but haw ih anc ta get through shster-aý dear saul-is a d b e e without saine aucis effort? Ater wishkcd off ta ispital, dangel ail, foolisis and laugisable thingai ously in, for an crnergeIidy aperE hoppen, even in these days, and tion. The brave creaturp had bee )~B erhaps tise contrait makes Uiem strugglirig an for moafths, but AS LO# till mare so. For rny part, 1 find isod gat hem down at lait. I snatc] ls gloniy peopiè dcfinitely bad for cd' a bit af imre in rny lunchs-hou s.e tise morale. One cornes away from wisen se was off Uic danger lil tisem feeling actuaily in - and and rushcd round ta tise isspita quite intalcmobly b or ecd. Tis e She wos,' alynist teai'iully please 'i strange part ai it hs that Uicy arc ta, sec me, but 1 gucsscd that st neyer, neyer Uic people wiso 'arc wai watricd about hem convoi' suifcing loas or privation, but cence. Alter ail, whcn yau rtir those whasc corfort hos been dis- littie store, with Uicesisop dai turbcd; wisa can't get sermants or bell ingig every twa iint tise usual things ta cat. "It's di!- what are you ta, do for re: ferent for yau," they aay. Whcre can you go? I mentiancC Wh n carthis hit "dificrent" ta rny frienda Uic next time I sa for nie? Truc, for ycara I've had tiscr, and thcy said: "Oh, thai ail f ixed up. She's caining hemE Tise ncxt time I saw iser se w _______________________________tucked up in bcd in Uic pret littie roarn I isad, and bcing lai cd alter as if se were an Bi press. How can anc shout laud T is enougs, -tise praises of sucis k and lovely folk? Tisey arc people, ither, who rnight b. su poscd to understond tise inr aiPencrncaning aifisardship. It is i that they are tise sait ai tise eai ~ll seW-people witis enougis imaginai w 'ta put tieseacves ithseOat Round thc Piano o 'HI have been sampling a new1 ou ligist durlng Uic post wcek. Th, hs an ex-restaurant near here aay "ex" becouse lunches and c 1t e ners are naw "off") where tl have an excellent piano; and proprietor allowed me ta try t out Uic other pigist. It's ye since I had a piano of rny o and my fingers wcrc about as SI sponsive ai a paurid ai sausa L le , . .but it cames bock gradua ileAnd anc by anc people driftcd p and wc sot around, playing aNUtomob1 l anc n womOii with a vcry1 voice sang. There É somneth about o good piano whichi magnet: tise wrong sort ai pec in siÈ ýce .driit off becouse tisey don't fa miytihig outside tise "isot-c a. Phone 681 CHECK YOIJR HOME AN-O REPAIR NOW! New Porches insulail audwoo Flooring Combli» Doors & Wtt LUMBER CO, LIMITED q*oi.sand WInOws I igloo ~2' [ C" n ym z xv JLCAEZIEKDrownings Take 'j 300 Lives Drowning accidents durlng the course of the summiger wfll take ~w nearly 300 lives in Ontario, De- partment of Health mortality fig- ures for the past five years in- ~ dicate. ~~4Te rcord, bechshow a fair- _ waI d alaso that the majority of oria icre, flot the fairlY oh- vious expedient b1nt oig ea ~JY. ~the water, but by the exercise o! common sense in and on the li iV o s f,- ~~ water v 055sa os of life that has caus- Sed increasing concern on the part 0 H.a1thfu1, refreshlnt of the Provincial officiais if, for spearmint Gum la a troat no other reason, it entails 8f an fryon adin.An h ' ~~ direct dollars and cents los in the hwthee epyu Public Health program. As in the cewnhepkepyu cas o!ai dethabyaccident, teth chan, briOjt sud at- there is no profit in taking a lcad t<mc;eTh deMd favoe i reducing the infant mortality rate, or o! driving diphtheria in- sweetOflB your breath, ta the grouind, if the child thus freshng you up. Joitheii LI savcd, in later lie dies in a lake mono of happy familles 9 or river. s The drowning statistics show a who enJoy Spearaint afto drcary record of non-swimmers every meal. s wading beyond their depth - a! 3 the man or woman who has CVIR t changed places in a canoe. But t they also give an equally dis- -heartcning report of the swirn- cVLý Seveal anaianinirovmens fghtng ehilesThecatrpilarequpinnt bov isa ~mers who have attempted dis- tnebyond their strength. Too in design and construction make track and the wheel construction made Umivcrsal Carrier undergo- - manY vacationists, forgetflo tic new onvrsiCar e ae nnipoe igtss the iact that they haven'lt been in ýfthe British Army's most effcintIextras have been aed to theor10mnts Wn E S strike out i swings which require ~ agin nd eelng hat111 lis a- vlopin res waerentrin Ui 3APEKDEAER OLOIES the strength that ih acquired only ainadfeigta ieh ai eoinfehwtr neigte3S R AVRCLNE by conditioning. In example, lowed us, for once ini a whlle, ta skin. They dling to the skmiin NMAKE C13ANGE 0F NET within the past 10 days, two men pull somnethig good out of the the water but do not burrow, in died in Uic* Welland Canal, un- 9 The same sort of thlng happen- As the water evaporates, à prlck- Gainewardenaare foW IL S O N 'y cd ta mecin New York. 1 was ling is f éit by thc action of thc with much intercat Uic Work o!f - aoei hthtl n a larvae entering Uiceaiin 'the variaus Beaver colonies in It hs strcsscd also by depart- ne in heard soeodand onta This is followed by- elevated Jasper National Park. In many ment authorities that when an un- pI agrcally ell yo n irse reddened arcas varying in size, established localitica these bus conacous person hs brought fromn Sgrand. 1 driftcd nearer and near- which subside rapidly and .later animais have depleted their su- teartcrreusitatin hudb .sc-n h renl okpsc are followed by intense itching. plY of- natural food o! popiar sarc at ànce and maintained for eradtefindylotasd.aln eid )y After that threc of us mtet regu- Small pimples appear at thc site Strangcly, the animais have turn-:aln eid mi bacl,,di ad i h cannat dcvelop inmammiand soon makinfl quite a cleanup. In'Uic any circunistances, be bundled off ýe difference. Music means a lot to die. Jaques Lake area they have made'atenaetdctrsofc rt s 1ntcctms o nw n The treatment h Uice applica- heavy inroads into the sprucc a hospital, for cvery second that id ups ht e sal ys emeind tion of those remedies. best de- groy~es. Around the shore of Lac is wasted means a lcssening of hs M L U. ftILL Le beruthose evenmglws t Ui loca signcd -to allay the itching. A Beauvcrt, in front'of Jasper Park chances of ice. No mechanical piano. I havena feelingthe atlys ia odo!wrlg'ih eLodge, Uic four-footed-woodsmen means of resuscitation has been One pad kils files ad day and ove .e. acgngtstnbuassm- advanceil In respect to Uic bites af have fellcd even somne of Uic lar- discovered that is surirt the e% 02< ek. asl al are ging o stnd ou as orti thoevronc resurd ecome f andliar VN ryig opickns. thing fresh and bright and com- mosqite and black Mfes, narne ger tee. Straige food for thoe esure b ne bad odor. Ask jour Drugglst. panionable in a bad patch. ly that Uic scrioua ini affects arc who have so long lived, on the with his o oue fwlthis rocy0 cirl~o i Exile.I Frnceslacgel uet ifcto fo-opa.__f______taught in ail first-aid courses. 10 CENTS PER PACKRT Andtrt tchis e fgaque'Destiny hs not a matter o!f WHY PP Y MORE? L'P little memnory I have of. a wallc chane it hs a matter ai choice.- Honcat labor bears a lovcly IYACo., H"Mh"O,~ h: ing-tour iFrance, before ail Piomise Y@urH. W.J. Bryaxi. face.-Decker.- t- these horrid things happened ta _____________________________________ rsthat unhappy land. I was right in Grenville Kliler Uicth heart f Normandy onc day, L'r and I droppd inta a tiny waysidc rinn. It was a low-roof cd, bare The beginning af a, ncw day, ,e place wiUi a tone floor; Uic sun wt t rms fuepoe it shone through on a row of tables, wsibiitispose of ugln te ,h- and ione corner sat a party ossiblities, y sul gladni Urfour men. Madame la Patronne hat a ellvdo st' rouht e a omlete ad awhich ypu have put a fine reso- is hunk oi ncw bread, and whilc I lutio iihto practice, donc a use- La.was lingering over it Uic four nmen fui piece ai work, or recdered un- he in Uic corner-there was nobady sefihtservice ta cUiers. ihe e aseinatheildtange an tosing a tinigyilsa harveat> .es a ich h lc~bgfaSc ng ai right resuits. Severe penalties a a . lauaeI id otnd rsIad arc imposcd upon self ishness, but, teand their four-part harmony vwa s iiyi sue a cfre ef stfine. The whole thing had a quer, nsrie 1 hauntmng quality and I knew then To4day offers yu 1l op-' Lit that here was soamething I p otU ity ta use y au bst.pwers. shouldn't forget. The little Pat- Bend your nind and-i energies ta ep ronfe le edover ta me and Uic task -befr o.Wsc Swhispered in Frenchs: "These gen- time. over, past f allures or dis- ýtty tiemen are Russians. Exiles. TheY appitnns untehusa arc singing the sangs ai Uilr to-day ta good accaunt. m-k country." Promise yoursclt - U- Iwonder how mn people, i t risc eariy, Ldly these days, are singing such -ta plan intelllgently. ind sangs, bcating Uirne and looklng -to work diligently. nat inta the past with that vcry,,cx- -ta relax ircquently. pression i their cyes? Whcnever -t pa ncui. I er alsi hir an the radio -toa atyde beateé. just 1 think oi that littie sunny roomn -to concentrate earnetly. arth in Normandy. In Uhih littie Island -ta give generously. tian there must be thausands ai sucis -to listen attentively, her people, finding comi art in Uic -ta speik briefly.-0 music o! their country. I hope we- -ta exercise regularly.,,. shail neyer make them taa shy --ta yield gracéfufly.a for that. We don't mean ta make -ta study thoroughly. ,de- people shy; it hs. I thînk, juat ,Uiat -ta leave promptly. ici hcre we are a trie shy ourselves. But -ta serve willingly. e(I we're comin p!! Oh yes! we're -ta be a wise optinilst. dini- caming on. wen comparative --ta profit by your past mis-0 they strangera stop yau in the street takes. ai 00 the and offer ta nurse you and do -ta initate new ideas. " t 'y it your shopping for you . . .Indecd, -ta inake thc best use of tiffie. cars we've gone a long way. And what .-ta aaieguai'd yaur health. I)Wf, marc cancon want?- -ta be uniformly courteaus. G O a sre- __________ -ta dreas well. ;ages -ta kcep your counseL ýally. Summer Aliniente -ta avaid needlcas debt. _ din-ta be tactful. the Can Se Ch.ck.d, -toaccptreverses sics, If Car. Trakei -t philosophicaily.ci :hingprovocation. hîng It hi axiomnatlc that the bad -ta ray daily. . rsl. I , h1al must be taken with the good and -ta vest judiciak y 1' thsi particuarîy time af halth -to thinkcanstructively. G summe and acatin P~ -ta alt pticnty.00 tarlo Departmcnt a! HealUi has stranger dcmand, resultlng from made exhaustive studies af thse increascd business actlvlty. The aliment andd h continuing, auch saine situation should apply ta studies. It hs not asaociatd with vegetables, and some cxport d- 1,tion any speciiic bacteria andtisere- rnand mnay be experiecCd for fare, an tise basis a! existiflg canned vegetables, particularly knowlcdge, vacatianists are ad- tomnataes. vhcd ta cndition themieven gradually ta Uic holiday mode af living.' Thhs h Uicelatest "sýrY" about«I Another annayance, coMmron the Russo-Gemman war: "What hs rieunder certain conditions, hs swi- Uic annlbilatcd Russian army do- Fieqmers' itch. Thshscaused býy te.iKgtay?" "Oh, it's holdin'g UP MOREPEPL ID O' OYER .IRE * .ON g , gR IW mm larvac af a parasite whicb de- Uic ever-advaing Gemmans." - _____________ I I .1 R TIM CANADIAN ZE b

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