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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1941, p. 6

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TH RSDAY, JULY 8lat 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESUAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAB.JO PAGE six Hampton Werry Family Picnic was held in aur park an Saturday. Central Group of the Women's Institute held an aiternoon tea at Mms. W. W. Horn's on Friday ai- ternoon wben there was a fair attendance. .Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur at- tendcd Uic funeral of a relative at Markdale. A inpMber from here attended thc wédding cf Miss Audrey Ayre, Mion, on Saturday. Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson and son Douglas, To- ranto, at Mn. C. E. Hrn's... Mr. and Mms. Frcd Wilson, June and Junior Wilbur, Tarante, at S. Ker- sey's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Baker, Bawmanvillc, at Mrs. Bessie Rab- bins'. . . Rev and Mrs. W. Rack- ham être holidaying at their cot- tage at Mussleman's Lake... Mr. and Mrs. Fred West and daughtcn, Tarante, with bis sister, Mrs. W. Greenaway. .. Misses Noaa and Lottie Hern arc halidaying at Williams Point, Lake Scugog... The Misses Armoun and Edith Rackham spent the weekend at Mussleman's Lake. . . Mn. and Mns. W. T. Penrett and family and Mms. Ludkin motoed te Muskoka and Wasaga Beach. .. Signalman William G. Edwards, Camp Bor- den, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allin. The Statesman is now on sale each week at Barron's Store, 5c a copy. Clarke Union Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power, Catherine and James, with bis mother, in Oshawa. . . Mr. Bob Swinford who was at Mr. Silas Souch's has returned to Tort. *.Mr. and Mrs. H. C. :Rickaby, Oakville, Mrs. R. P. Rickaby and j PODE & DERMECLARK TMTONS JONA IL VMLOMBARD JUNEET ICE-CREAM POWDERS 3 NIOBSTER cboice ~I i 1c M Tin.-e soups a Ta s c@VLAEES QUAKER Z2int. IaC E INA MILK A & P l- A a P RION GUALITY MEATS STEAKS & ROASTS .29 »k" Wim. cubea" OfiY>L 9 'FaceX-u (oast 081) o otro BONILESI ROUND "ft' i. 25c PRIME Ris ROAST ib. 23c BLADE ROAST lb. 18C SHORT Ris ROAST IL. 19C BRISKET POT ROAST »-w.eeesib. 16c GENUINE SPRING LA^MB LGO LON5 FRONTS lb. 35C 1 b. 3 5C ilb. 23c BIEF BOLOGNA sbeced IL 18lC SMOICED WEINERS T4Q'at, ib. 25c ROAS1 DUTCH LOAF sl«tieeb. 25c VEAL ROAST Boneloss l b. 21c FRUITS & VEGETABLES Ontario OuMeer Greva TOMATOES 3 16S. 14c Ontario Gkewe Ontario Greva Vreh Tender IOad Lttice Sc Celeriloarts 2nn-. 15Sc Iame Ripe Red Cuttlag Ontario Greva Water Melon 69c Petees 10 îbs 23e Ontarm erwnGrev eflov Ia~oC&Mmuu aVaiendia d=U dL23c MM loL 27e Pnies subjeet te market changes -Purchases llmlted ta famfly weellY requirements. lonS >New Pack 1 - PES leve 3 Ti.£ac PWM AN ClotaaPeetln Jar~ i IoJne TÔMATO JUICE 25 ozs. lIc Hippe &Rocu.1Z 'IL BPAGU'rn CATELU ZdljZ3c PECHSDESSERT ls 1 e az 3 for a rwa a -4m 1EESLY oaovio A& P CGFFEE sIoInous A» MM n BOKAR BU9 MAILD AND MOLOW 8 O'CLOCK B .35C ]CH AND VULL-BODIED RED CIRCLE L,.31c swirrs PME, STEW AYIMR IRISH STE AYLMER LAMB Woodbury's SOAP CORNED BEEF RELU GRAPENUTS JEWELSHORTENING NAPEENS PAPER Tin uin 4 for ZPlus. l5,c 14e 17C mi Z,.o e m0 24c lac 170 17C 9c A&P FOOD STORK1 ES I CIVIC HOLIDAY Sports Da-y at DO-WMAN VILLE «West Beach BEACH Monday, Augo 4 Annuel Gien Rae Dinghy Race- Swimming Races Foot Races Egg Throwlng Contest RollIng Pln Throwlng Contest À Prize Wili Be Given To Every Child On The Beach - rouRt NO0TES --TAIE 1HOME GOOD MRMES &"NCE ON SATURDAT, AUGUST 2ad Alýo Bingo Game At Dillng's Pavillon to Gus Ilne and Hîs Cedarbrae Boys APOSION TO DANCIE - -- - - - - 35C «Ch ÇS WILL BE USED FOR BEACH IMPROVEMENT Herbert Smith. Newcastle, be.' came thc bride of Lieut. John' Turner Burbridge, R.C.A., son a!4 Magistrate H. A. Burbidge and Mrs. Burbidgc, Hamilten. Aften thc ceremony Lieut. and Mrs. Burbidge taok a weekend trip by mater .ta Bobcaygeon and the Xawartha Lakes. Mrs. C. A. Cumming, Tororitq, wath Mrs. John Rickaby. Congratulations to 1r. anid Mrs. Milford Sherwin on the birth of a son in Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. Sidney Morgan and babe who have been on an extended motor trip with Mrs. Lowery of Cobourg have returned to Mr. Silas Souch's. We extend sympathy ta ?&a. Robert Rainey and famiy on the passing of husband and father. Mr. Colin Smith is one of the first to thresh in aur neighbor- hood. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Sauch, ac- companicd by Miss Eileen Souch and Mrs. Ed Graham, attended the wcdding af their ncPhew, Mr. John Rickaby, Belleville, to Miss Margaret Turnbull, Toronto. Newtonville' Decoration Day at Newtonville Cemetery, Sunday, August 10. Service at 2.30 p.m. Standard Time. On Sunday evening a boy cf slight build who gave bis age a, .13 passed threugh Newtonvllle walking alone. He said he was geing te Peterbora. On Sunday a matorist who wAs refused ail at the garage attempt- cd to purchase some from a farm- er a little farther on, wha of course had ta refuse toc. This is likely just the beginning of many similar incidents until motorists fully realize the Gov't. is dead carnest about gas and oil. Several from. here attended a special board meeting of United Cburcb atShiloh, Manday even- ing. Rev. and Mrs. J. McLachlan left Tuesday for a month's vacation at Iroquais. Mrs. Wiflis Jones, Bud and Fac, motaned ta Toronto Saturday and witnesscd the "medel aeraPlane contest"' at Armour Heights. Alfred Redknapp has been very ill with septic throat. Ms i1Robinson and cous- in, Mrs. Wyley, with Mrs. Eph- raim Evans, Orano. . . Miss pelleta Gallon, Peterbaro and Mr. Jack McLachlan. Tarante, witb thc lat- ter's Parents... Pte. Bob Hughes, Camp Berden, at borne... Inspeet- or A. A. Martin and farnily, of Brighton. at Mr. Wi]fred Me- Kay's and Mr. Jack Kimballs... Miss Marian Samis, Bowmanville, at berne. .. Miss Evelyn Béllamny, nurse-in-training, Oshawa Hos- pital, at home. .. Miss Mary Bur- ley with Miss Pat Ware, Toronto. ..Miss Deane Slcmnon, Taronte, wvith Miss Laurna Pearce. .. Mrs. Richard Perry and 2 boys, St. Catharines; Miss Sybil Hoad, Mr. Stan Payne, Peterbaro, at Mr. Reuben Payne's... Mr. and Mrs. Dainard witli Mr. Garwocd Dainard, Kitchener. . . Lcland Millson, Keith Burley and Mïl- ton Morton, Peterboro, at home. ..Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Tenante, at Mr. Cecil Robinson's. ..Mrs. Ken. Warc and Pat, Mr~. and Mrs. Guyler and 2 children, Toronto. at Mr. Frank Ovens'. ..Mn. and Mns. Ross Rate, (nee Gladys Shaw), Tarante, and Mr. David Shaw, Newcastle, at Mr. Gea. Staplcton's... William, Don- ald, Max, Cecil and George Stapîcton and Mrs. Thos. Staple- tan and Mrs. Geo. Smith, Stark- ville, witb Mrs. George Stapleten Sr., Elizabethville, Who is not se weil. . - Mr- and Mrs. Walkcn, Tarante, at Mr. S. R. Joncs'... Miss Sybil Hoakin, with Mrs. IV- ison Tamblyn, Oshawa. . . Mr. and MIrs. L. Saveny and sons, with Mr. Wm. SaverY, Starkvillc... Mrs. Frank Spragge (nec Dor- othy Darch) and small daughter. Dianne, Toronto. with Mrs. Wm. Whittaker. . - Miss Helen Menton with Mrs. Lloyd McGahey, Pet. erboro. We cxtend sympathy te the Powcll family, Lake Shore, in the loss of a loving mother. Master Bob Pearcc bas been camping with a group of port Hopc boys at Round Lake. NEWCÀSTLE Mrs. Harold Toms is visiting ber daiughten, Miss Frances Toms, St. Lambert, Que. Dr. Harold Martyn, Stratford, at Mr. Thas. Clcmence's. Pte. Alf. Alldread, Kingston, at M4att. Alldread's. Pte. Lloyd Alldread, at Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Alldread, on special Icave from bis reginient at St. JoÉ'hn, N'B.. wing ta is ifatber'sý Zion Burketon Mms. S. Lang Myrtie, wltb m. Sarah Wilson. .. L.A.C. Ewart Breck, R.C.A.F., Montreal, Mrs. Sarah Yelland, Ingersol, at Mr. Stanley Maffatt's. . . Mr. ]Roy Carter, Pickering, at'home. .. A. C. Herbert House, R.C.A.F., Brantford. at home. .. Mn. and Mrs. W. Vivian, Marjorie and Marine, ,Osbawa, at Mr. D. Gat- chell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Dean and Carson, Oshawa, at Mr. Chas. Dean's. . . Mr. and Mms. Harry Strutt and Phyllis, Oshawa, at Mr. Ben Hubbard's. . . Mms. E. Caugbill, with friends in- Tarante. ..Mr. and Mrs. S. Moffat, Miss Betty Moffat, L.A.C. Ewart Breck, R.C.A.F., A.C. Herbert House. R.C.AF. and Mms House, Norma and Eddie, at Mr. W. V. KCing's Oshawa.. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Ginl and Mms. J. Gill at their cottage near Bobcageon. Hampton Truste.. <Oontinued tram page 1) by Uic Departnient af Education as highly competent; Uiat she had taught at SaUina school and was found hlghly satisfactery and of excellent moral character. 3. That.she was trained in mus- ic and bad made a record at Nor- mal Schoal that entitled ber te medalist rank; Uiat she was ex- ceptionally proficient'in Egih and 100 per cent qualifiefoUc position. 4. That she was a member of Uic United Church, thec very samne church that thc majority of pet- itieners prafessed adberence te. 5. That ber anccstry was of a nation now allied witb Britain in fighting Uice greatest war in Christendorn. 6. That, in fact, menta]ly, mor- ally, physically and academical- ly, she was in every way fitted fan thc position; A CANADIAN TEACHER. Net anc in Uic hall arase te deny, in anc iota, any of thc above facts. Withi inpassioned pemsistence, twe wornen and a fcw men. ne- turned again and again ta thc attack; Uicir complaint was,"I she has a «furrin' name and we ain't a gain te have ber" and they carried Uic motion. It was Uiey, tee, wba prefaccd their remarks with, "this is a Christian com- munity." That was rciteratcd tume and again. Whcn Trustee Chant pnotested that thcy had acted in a purcly patriotie and Dcmocratic manner, with Uic REAL principles .of Christianity in mind . . . thére was silence; Uic statement could nat be chal- lenged. Yet Uiey teck Uicir pound of flcsb. One Englishman, with a pro- nounced English 'accent, made plea after plea te act in Uic Bnit- f ' tradition, ta play fair, but i élfa.It was pointed out that the petitioners, like Mussolini, were stabbing an innocent girl mn Uic back without a bearing. It feil flat tea. Neither in Uic meeting non ai- terward on Uic street, where thc yammer continucd,' was one statement af fact cither chalcg eg or oppased. One quit y- stander was heard te rcak Only Uic othen day I wasradn of somcthing Uke this; there were sorne religiaus people -who toak a girl out and set fine ta ber. She was innocent. Her naine was Joan o! Arc. And in this incipi- ent mob impulsiveness tanigbt I find its paraflel in Amenican bis- tory . . . Uey uscd ta burn witches in New England." Sa your re- porter merely records what was said and how it went. To ail thé enquirers who have phoned Uic Statesman staff as ta just what was brcwing ini Uic dis- trict wbich bas been considered bath Christian and, Canadian, we may say that Uic facts have been outlincd, and as soan as Uic se- quel is revealcd, that ncws will be carnicd toa. TRUTH is Uice nly way ta scotch corroding ruiner. Frank statement o! Uic facts is Uic only way te beal camniunity waunds. The Statesman bas Uius apcnly servcd bath factians ini their best intenests. And just ta bring out a higb- light and underline anc o! Uic ab- sundities of this "holler-Uian-thau- ternpest-in-a-tcapet," it was as- scrtcd by a respansible panty in- volved, that anc or mare who had actually signcd Uic petition, had asked, in case this eigible young lady came te tcach, if Uiey could secune ber as a boarder. Spend CIvic Holiday At Newcastle IEyes Tested Trussos Fittod satisfaction Assured 25e WOodbury Face Powder Mennfles Autiseptie 25e WoodburY Lpstick Baby 011 mui Talcuni Both feir 33e Botf for 5eS Kersiake Sweet Pickle Mixture For Beets and Cucunibers 1 gel. 35C Mn. and Mrs. Harny Fisher, Oshawa, George and Frcd ppicer, Torante, Mn. and Mns. Leslie Hos- kmn and farnily, Tharntan's cor- ners, at Mn. Ray Camenon's... Mms. Levi Burgess. Niagara Fallg with ber sister, Mrs. Wes Camer- an. .. Mr. and Mns. Jas. McMul- len, Bessie sud Ralph, Sprmng- brook, at Mn.-Russell Stainton's. ..Mn. Adam Hawlcy, Miss Ber- nicc Staiiiten, at Mn. A. T. Stain- ton's. . . Pte. and Mns. Michael Nemis, Barrie, at Mn. Robt. Kil- lèn's. . . Mn. and Mns. Jack McNab and Audrey, Hampton,, at Mn. Wes Camerons... Mn. and Mrs. Joe Hynds, Mr. and Mns. Ivar Gerry sud Anthur, Toronto, at Mn. F. B. Glaspels. .. Mn. and Mmr. Anson Balson,' Doreen and Doris, at Mn Elnidge Nelson',s at Frasenville; Betty and Ruth ne- tunncd home with Uiem. .. Miss Eileen Stainton bas retunned ta Bawrnvillc. . . Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Betty and Mar- lene, Bowmanville, at Mr. Wcs Carneron's. . . Mrs. Roy Olsen sud Wilma, St. Thomnas, at Mn. Russell Rabbins. .. Mn. jas me- Master. Tarante, at home... Mn. sud Mms George Senley sud Ted- dy at Mr. Fred Carnron's. . -Mn. and Mns. Hans Geissberger sud daughters at Peterbora. . . Mn. and Mrs. Christian Stan, Tarante, at Mn. Hans Geissberger's. . . ms. Robt. Killen with ber daughter, Mms. Michael Nemis at Barrie... Mr. and Mns. Russell Stainton and family, Mrs. Jas. Staintan, at Mn. Chas. Lander's, Oshawa.... Miss Jean Leach, Bowmanville,' at Mn. Nanman Lcach's. Mn. Adam Hawley sang a solo at church on Sunday marning. A numiben gathered at Uic home of Mn. and m. Rabt. Killen on Saturday evening and prcsented Mn. sud Mns. Michael. Nemis (AnnieKillen) with a round wal- nut table sud an end table. Congratulations ta Mr. a n d Mns. Lloyd Metcalfe (Audrey Ayre) on their manniage on Sat- unday. Salemi Visitoms: Mn. and Mns. Canfield, Miss IPene and Master Allen, Oshawa, at Uic Burrus home. Miss 'Irene bas been holidaying with Miss Daphne. . . Mms. Moody Sr. and Mns. C. Moody, Toronto, with Mns. H. Gaud and family. Masters Warren sud John Hurst are still vacationing th. .. Mn. and m. Foulkes and Mn. Ir. Foulkes, Mn. and Mns. R. Feulkes, Mn. and Mrs. B. Walton, Mn. sud Mns. j. GrgrMessrs. D. and A. Davis, TootMr. and Mms. w. Wil- UTma Twn, witb Mn. and Mns. C. Collacutt. . . Mr. and Mns. C.,Bul- lings, Misý Audney and Miss L.- Porter, OrGo, at "The Maplcs."1 Rev. H. W. rôley, Town, con- ducted Uic Sunday service here sPcaking in Uic intcrest o! Temn- perance. Rev. Gardner is on "am** Givoyoures the sanie glane- rocton tht CanadIeian sfrn r.Tenew, scieftfle Ton. whlch , euto0 6%, Of tii. nfra-e sthaye ,are the latwordi coglare- fr.vision and complote oye roction ea"d afety.n vid Mulni 39e - 59e Meniba Pectin - 5e Arrid --- 39c - 59e Memba Seals - 0e Odorono Llquid - 39C - 65c 1 lb. Parowax- 2 for 256 Neet - - - 68c - 1.13 1Jar Ring - - - 5c Lactogen Plnkham's F17 Tox F17 Punie 69e Cinipound 24C 24C 1.59 87e 43c - 73c 143c 73e Sua Goggles l 5e to 3.00 Cress Corn Salve 50eO Bathing Caps - 9e to 39e Zambuck - - - 47e Vacuumi Botties - 39e Absorbine Jr. - 98c -1.95 Lunch Kits - - - 75e Nu-Feet - - - .25e Flashflghta 89e to P..75 Blne Jay Corn Remedies 25c 695 R.C W I»,m.m Delivery 4, -I - holidays. ~sewing bec at The Tykes picnic Hampton W. I. East Group met grounds on July 22 and on the in picnic fanm for their weekly lawn a! Mns. H. Rundle July 29. IPPE JmaCE ~ 0.K. JELLIES ,TISUE Q4JENSBURY OTICTI/u EftES;TOO, 1WITH THESE f- -ý4 ANTI-GLARE LENSES 1 : 1 m

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