PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1941 L~The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Mr and Mrs. Percy Ranson and Jimmie, Belleville, cailed on friends and visited ber father's and motber's graves. A gang of railway painters ne- decorated the C.N.R. station, tool bouse and other outbuildings, putting the matenial on with a sprayer and giving aIl a rust red colorn A number o! thef ta of gas fromn cars and tractars have occurrcd in this locality since the ban on night and Sunday selling came tato force, to the serious inconveni- once of those who found their tanks nearly drained. W.JS. Rickard, Shaw's started excavating last week ta prepara- tion for the new bouse ho wil build on a piece of land he bought from Ed. Millson, Solina, on the north ide of the highway on the corner east of T. H. Clemence's aide road. The acre of land bougbt comes off the f arn now tenanted by Alian Clemence. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Clemence visited ber brothera at Lorneville ta company with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Eric Pearce and children, Toronto, visited relatives bore and aiso visited Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mellow. Master Rob't. Pearce la con- tinuing bis holiday at Mrs. W. H. Pearce's. Mn. and Mra. Irwmn Allin re- ceived word from their son Pte. William Alita that ho was ta Winnipeg on bis way west. Ho had been ta training at Camp Borden Mr. Brenton Rickard and Mr. Carl Fisher and Misses Marion Rickard, Jean Bonathan and Kathleen Toma spont the holiday weekend at Rev. R. E. Morton's cottage at Mountain Lake, Hali- burton. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and farnily have moved fron Geo. Stcphenson's bouse, Brown'a, in- to Cql Selby's bouse, West ide road. Mrs. Noah Foster and family have moved from Pontypool itt Jos. Tebble's bouse, Church St. Holiday Time-Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Morton are bolidayiag for August at their cottage at Moun- tain Lake; Mrs. E. C. Fisher, Un- ited Churcb organist, la taking August for a vacation and Carl Fisher, sexton, took the weekend off. On Sunday bis duties were performed by Donald Jose. Mrs. Fisbcr's place at the organ waa taken equally acceptably by Miss Beatrice Bragg, Norham, wbo la visiting at Mr. J. T. Brown's. Rev. R. E. Morton preached on Aug. 3rd, but next Sunday morning Mr. M. H. Staples wiil occupy the pulpit. There wil be no evening services in the United Cburch during Mn. Morton'a absence. Mr. Anson Walton, former lake shore fariner, Shaw's and for rnany years stace a resident o! Newcastle. passed away, August 4th, following a stroke. Mr. T. W. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gogerty and Sheila and Misa Irene Breretan spont a week at Lake Simcoe ta Mn. Jack- son's niece's cottage. Dr. Annie Higbee has gone to Toronto for Auguat and rented ber cottage, Tintagle, ta Mr. and Mns. Davidson, Toronto. Mr. Morley Camipbell_ Toronto. la again surmertag with Mr. qnd Mrs. Geo. Honey. Mrs. Floyd Butler and brother, Mr. Hanlan Parker, having mov- cd itt her new bouse on George St., Miss Emma Rowland bas now rented. the larger part of ber bouse to Mr. Ed. Neilson, copper- Smith, and family, newcomers to the village, have moved in. Several farmers in this section are ail througb cutting and some on early farina bave their grain crop ail ta, the firat week ta Aug- ust. Ernie Aildread & Son, with the Shaw's Syndicate thresbing machine, are working away daily and stace Seward Dowson, Prov- idence, is not dotag any custom threshing this season they will have a bigger territory to cover. Miss Eileen Todd, Starkviile, was guest of Miss Margaret Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. Stickle and Glenna, Glen Miller, visited at Mrs. H. C. Allin's. Bandsman H. C. Alita of R.C.O.C. Band, Kings- ton. was also home. Miss Cone Dickson, Toronto, visited Mr. W. Vanfluson. Master Bll Lockwood, Oshawa, la holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lockwood. Members of the Baby Band and Golden Rule Mission Ëand held a joint picnîc Fiday afternoon on the Sunday School lawn. The large crowd o! babies, youngstera, and mothers had an enjoyable time playing games under the leadership o! Marlon Allin, Mrs. A. E. Mellow, Misa Ruth Honey and Mrs. H. Toms. A bounteous supper of sandwiches, cookies, ice crean. and chocolate milk was served picnic style. Rev. R. E. Morton led cildren and adulta in a sing-song ta finish off the .afternoon. The gathering was held under the auspices o! the W.M.S., Mrs. Norman Allin, Pres- ident. W. M. S. o! the United Church will entertain membera o! the Mission Band and the Baby Band, with their mothers, on the church lawn on Friday afternoon. Chil- dren over six will be graduated frorn the Baby Band to the Mis- sion Band. Newcastle frienda were sorry to learn of the deatb o! Mrs. Chas. Flood in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Flood and family spent some years ta Newcastle at the C.P.R. station. Mrs. Mildred Purdy and Mms. R. V. Gibson called at the Flood homo on Sunday to extend sympathies. Miss Vivian Duck also visited the Flood home. after Mrs. Flood's death and attended the funeral on Tuesday. Inter- ment was in R. C. cemetery at Tweed. Jos. Tebble bas carpenter Bert Brereton engaged ta maklng re- paira to bis bouse on Cburcb St. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rickard, like a lot of their neigbbora and frienda have been attending fain- ily and community picnica, but possibly made a record wben they attended tbree ta one day and five ta boas than two weeks. These tbey were present at were the Truil, Gerrow, Scott, Clemence gatheringa and the Federation o! Agriculture picnic, and previous ta these thc Shaw's Home and School Club. 0 Mr. E. O. Webster, a traveller for Wbytc Packing Co., Toronto and Strat!ord, wbo resides in the Hydro Block must be given credit *for thinking up a slogan designed to make road-bog-speedaters con- scious that lesened apeed nay belp toward VICTORY. Ho cut some white adhesive tape into this form as shown above and pasted it on tac near window o! bis car, wboro speedatera could soc it before cutting around. In- terpreted. it saya: I"Notbing over forty equais Vîctany," with the 3 dots and dash below. The idea la catcbing on like wildfire. IWEEKEND BARGAINS QUAKER OATS SPECIAL - - -.21c Weston's FIG BARS---------lb.2rc Ohredded WIIEAT - - - - - - 2 pkgs. 25e Kraft MIRACLE WIIIP 32 ozs. 45c, 16 ozs. 33e Mie Flavoured OLD CHEESE - - - - - lb. 30C Arhuer SOUPS - - - - - - 3 tins 2sc TOmme JUICE ------26 oz. tinI le PUMPKI'N - - - - - - tin 1Se Maple Leat Bacon and Weiners EXTRA SPECIAL Buy These Now and Save Money. LUX OXYDOL RINS0 LARGE LARGE LARGE »5C 2 25c HARRY ALLIN tI(W COUdER GROCERY 21,00184 W. Deliver ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkins, Courtice, announce the engage- ment o! their daughter, Doris Madeline, to Ralph Smith Ormia- ton, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Edwin Ormistan, Maple Grove, the mar- niage to take place the last o! Auguat. Mr.. and Mns. T. H. Clemen ce announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Phyllis Eliza- beth to Mn. Bruce Rosa, Belleville, son o! the late Mr. and Mns. D. M. Rosa,, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The weddtag will take place quiet- ly on Saturday, Auguat 30, at Fairview Farm. Mn. and Mns. W. Chapman, Hampton, announce the engage- ment of Gertrude Doreen Petit, to Daniel Kenneta Bowers, o! To- ronto. The marriage to take place early in Auguat. THE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Since adopting the policy over a montb ago of placing The Stateaman on sale ta rural stores throughout West Durham, as weil as stores in Bowmanville, the cir- culation bas considerably increas- ed. For your convenienco wo again publish horewith places where The Statosmnan may be purchased at 5c a coPY: Newcastle: Anderson's Drug. Hampton: G. A. Barron & Son. Enniakillen: T. M. Slemon & Son Burketon: Harold Gml. -Blackstock: Alex. Gilbert. Netîcton: J. G. Thompson. Pontypool: W. H. Hooper. Orono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. Newtonville: W. C. Lane & Co. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Courtice: Frank Walter. Cadmus: Elliott's Store. Bownanville: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell, j.J.-H. Johnston, Jury & Lovell. Port Bowmanville: D e p e w'a Store. THE REDEEMED they wiil continue to go ta the ________mtropolitan areas. (Dunnville Chronicle) Thene are vory few pensons who I saw bin pass, from the busy would not prof or to deal with the pressamorchanta they know and wltb Of a downtown treot ta bis whom they have friendly associ- battle dress, ations. Only the pereon who is Swinging bis, arma as he marched really disloyal at heant wQUgd along. prefer to spend bis money outside Whistlingth Be Barrel Pol- the municipality wbero he la ka" aong. making it. But the people must Head held high, and the rythnic be told what they can buy, where beat taoy can buy it, and how much 0f bis hob-nailed ahoos on the they wiil have to pay for it busy street, Steady bis eyes and bis face o! TINK PETTY JEOUS tan, And I knew that my country FOOLISH BUT IMPORTANT bad made a man. (Durham Chronicle) And Ithouht o bis earajust tM Frank Second, writingi And thugh ofhisyeas jst he eaford Express, aays that ften hol, mito w with the help o! tac citizens ho Wbends ol.mbtonwa oped to put down the petty dico aerandatepool. Jite jealousies that keep the business- Thonlate a dte wth aJitemn o! the town apart, "because Bug Jane,, tho difficulties are too amaîl ta Poker and dico, and the sucken s talk about, but large enougb to gane. block many an avenue that would Bootlegger gin and a two-bit flop; moan mono business and more ac- Ho was gone on the road wbere tivity about the place." it'a bell ta stop. Isn't it tbe trutb? Most towns Wbore ît's ail down bill on a one have people o! this kind; citizens way track,' who got jealous because their And a damned tougb grade on nigbbours get ahead; business the long road back. mon wbo would nather loso a dol- lar than sec their compotitors And I thougbt o! our leaders o! make a quarter; mon who take no by-gono years, Part in a town's business activi- Raving o! freedom, thoir dreada ties, wbo would rather it back and their fears 0f teacbing boys wan, forbidding a them drill, E eih Iiau Claiining it gave themn the "luat E e ih d c to to kill." And our boys wore denied-"ýOb Anid God, tbe sin- E ce To walk in order and discipline. Efcec So oun wonkless lads just jotaed By a Gang, CHTc While our preachers preacbed CHTc and the church boUls rang. Optomotrist Eyesight And our Ladies' Clubs, I can hear Specid11U them yet, Disney Bldg. Condennng with honron tae<(>1>. iP.O.) School Cadet. And moutatag the pacifista' tire-___ some prato 8 0f a uniforni teachtag a boy15 ta bate- "Eyeuight Conservation"y But lot us forget, wo ail ahane (at4 the blanc, (at4 For a neglected youth, and a Puli Welf are la only protected nation'isahane. i the sale of Optical goods nos- tnicted wita tac control of a pro- So today bas passed, and he'll per oxamination and prescription~ nover guess, as a basis for a correction to the How splendid ho booked ta bis physical def oct on weakness as batte drss.exemplified by the practise of battle dis res as rmpdOptometry. owagng byam sh rme If discomlort la to bo experienc- onghs by wt ish ed it cannot be ta evidence at the Singtag ig,wihbsea moment o! trying on the glasses Mrheld bi gh.ywha il but comes as an aftermath due ta Mantkgtl it il the wearing O! glassea not so On fadmio o oh, i.properly suited to the error oxist- Isoone !eaemilinto d oi Somne guarantee sbould be Itod o teethm s houl-h presented tbat the public should dorislaigt, be fully protectcd. This guarantee Tlhopassod from aîight ia before you at all times in tac through tac station gate. fact that the citizens licenscd ta And penhapa you'll come back, practise and etablisbod pays wbon your battle's won. taxes and is licenaod. Praise be ta God-my son-my The practise o! Optomotry does son! not consist in the selling o! glasses, _______________ but in a professional and scien- tif ic service in tac aid o! vision. SOLDIERS' DEBTS The Optical lons la a part o! this service and la similan ta the aid Notice by thc Federal depart- Ifnished by the physician'a pros- monta o! navy, army and air force cnpinatrdanss o b pl oe ta thpat:offiembin fm reason it cannot be fitted by mail, ail covacrneditayat: "Mrembes ofwthout an examnaion or pur- the ava. mlltry ad ar frce chased over a counter or from a of Canada cannot be placed under peddlar Ia a bit and miss mariner stoppages of paY ta meot pivate 'as chosen by yourself. Have your debt. Anyone who allows sucb eyes examlied at least once a personel ta contract debta doos year. so at his own risk." J (To be continued) W hatt h e rs S ay CONSUMER EDUCATION .PROBLEM (Christian Science Monitor) Liquor and tobacco advertiaing constitutes a challengmng problem for ail educational agenciea. The advertisements are insidiously clever through indirect suggestion. Immature mmnds face the danger of associating desirable traits and virtues with these products. This practical and pressing problem deserves concerted ac- tion in homes, schools, and social organizations. It is encouraging that consumer education is re- ceiving more attention from many sources. If young people are to be ed- ucated for intelligent citizenship, they must be taught to discover motives and seek causes. Educat- ors will do well to meet"this problem frankly and uncompro- misingly. The callous self-inter- est which would insinuate that drinking and smoking are in some way beneficial, in the face of overwhelming evidence of their injuriousness, ought to become s0 clearly apparent as to warn off the intended victims. HOW MUCH ARE YOU LOSIING? (Amherstburg Echo) There has been a decided in- crease n income throughout Can- ada and Amherstburg district has benefitted from this. but it is just a question whether the local merchants are getting ail the in- creased business. 0f course it ia only human that people with more money in their -pockets should seek to spend it where they think they can get better variety at lower prices. Naturaily there are some things they can get cheaper but the majority of goods can be bought in Amherst- burgh juat as reasonable as i the city and it is up to the merchants themselves to acquaint the buyers with this fact. Unless it is brought to their attention through persist- ent and ' consistent advertising what articles they can buy here FOR RENT-'-APARTMENT FOR ront in Victor Manor, King St. W., Bowmanville, possession Aug. bat. Apply H. Batoman. 450 Simcoe St. S., Osbawa, phono Oshawa 1062. 28-tf on their hauriches and roap the benefit o! some other citizen'a labor. Ail towns have these kind of people, and notatag very much can be donc about it. The only thifig that nattera la tae percen- tage of this class o! businessman wben compared with thc wbole. If thore are only a few, the reat o! tac go-gettens can got along without taem; if thero are toc many, thon you have what la cail- cd a "dlead" town. Remember that old poem: "It isn't your town, it's you."p It us a sad tate o! affaira, ail rigbt, and one that wiil nover get a town ariywhore. In this world o! compotition thore are enough worrios in business when ail tac businessmen are pulling together without some o! thon gettlng jealous over the auccosa o! some- body cisc wben probably the neal cause o! their own failure la plain lazinesa or cussedneas. It used to be said you could not make a silk purse out o! a sow'a ear, althougb modern science bas knocked this old aaw into a cock- cd bat, but it is a aune !act that there are somo people who can- not work witb others, wbo sec somothing bad in everybody, wbo trust nobody, and who go around with a lower lip that catches on their shoe hooks. We've all seen them. Some people are friendly i business for a limited peniod and thon find something to fanl out about. It is strango that these thinga should be, but thoy are, and thore isn't very much that can be done about it. Courtioe Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Éldon Esacry, (nec Evelyn Barra- bail) on tac birta o! a son ti Bowmanvllle hoapital. Mr. and Mns. Luther Barbal accompanied Mn. and Mns. Wm. Barrabaîl, Bowmanville, ta Peter- boro Sunday where thoy visited1 tacir son, Gordon, who arrived July 23rd in St. Joscph's hospital. On Monday Mn. and Mns. Geo. Reynolds accompanied Mn. and Mns. David Bothwell o! Maple Grove to Peterboro. Mn. Reynolds re-entered St. Joseph's Hospital for an ox-ray of bis leg. The re- sult was satisfactary. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barraball (nec Fran- ces Reynolds) and babe were vis- ited at tacir home, 340 Charlotte Street. Word has been received fron Ralph F0010>', London, England, that tac Ministry o! Labor has trans!erred hlm fron British Red Cross work ta erecting machincry under the national emergency order. Pte. Ernest Goaring, Peterboro bas enliated and Raymond Thom- as Barber bas joined tac R.C.A.F. Mrs. Joseph Gearing is still in North Dakota, wbcre she was sumnioncd by tac ilinesa o! ber father, Mr. Wm. Curtis. Master James McGregon had bis tonsil removed at Bowman- ville Hospital. Jack Short is able ta walk with tac assistance o! two canes. Take as many hall nlirutes as you can got, but nover talk more than hall a minute witbout paus- ing and giving others an oppor- tunity to strike in.-Swift. .BIRTH 1 PLUMMER - In Bowmanviile Hospital, on Saturday, August 2nd, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Or- land Pluminer (nec Alice Purdy) the gif t of a daughter. MARRIAGE HENRY - PASSANT-On Satur- day, August 2nd, 1941, at Trin- ity United Church, Bowman- ville, by Rev. J. E. Griffith Muriel Ivy, only daugbter oï Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Passant, Duke St., Bowmanviile, to Robert George Henry, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry, Uxbridge. DEATIIS BEACOCK - At Nestîcton, Aug- ust 5, 1941, Mabel Mary Fallas, beloved wife of William I. Bea- cock. COWLING - In Whitby Town- ship, on Wednesday, July 30th, 1941, William Cowling, Aged 86 years. WALTON - In Newcastle, on Monday, Auguat 4, 1941, Anson E. Walton. aged 71 years. Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra la made when advertlsement la flot paîl same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are dlreoted td a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50a each. In Memorlama, 50o for notice plus 10e per line for verse. Ciaasified adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. Notices Dr. W. H. Birks' office will be closed from August lOth to Sep- tember 3rd inclusive. 31-5 The office of W. R. Strike will be closod froru August 4th to August l6th inclusive. 31-2 Winner of draw for afghan, under auspices of Mrs. A. Rogers, Courtice, was Mr. Earl Byamn, Church St., the wtaning ticket being No. 60. 32-1* Auction Sale On Tuesday, August l2th, 1941,, at 2.30 p.m., Standard Time, I wil soîl for Mr. Fred Parker, at bis f arm, 3 miàles east of Cobourg, on No. 2 highway and 1 mile north, 18 regiatered shorthorn cattle, 7 cows, with calves at foot; 3 year old heifers and a two year old bull, fully accredited and federaily blood tested; aléo 2 good- farm horses, 10 years old. No reserve as Mr. Parker is giving up farming. The farm of 130 acres will be of- fered at the saine time. R. T. Amos, Auctioneer. For Rent FOR RENT - 4 ROOMED A- partment with 3 piece bath and garage. Immediate possession. Not suitable for children. Apply Box 164, Statesman Office. 32-1* Cards of Thanks The Powell family wish to ex- press their grateful thanka to the !niends and neighbours for their kindness during the ilînesa and passing of their boloved mother. COMINO EVENT Dr. L. B. Willilams wiil be at Tyrone United Church, Friday, Aug. 8th, at 8 p.m. S.T., with a pro- grami n color photography from his (just back) trip to Eastern Canada. His recent prograros are Canadals best story of itself and in historical and educational value of whicb youth should flot be de- prived their worth, may not be measured. Admission Adults 25c; children under 12 years, accom- panied by parents froc, Proceeds for parsonage fund. 32-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - BEATTY ELEC- tric Washer for less than hall price. Terme if desired. Enquire Mason & Dale, Phono 408. 32-1 FOR SALE-ONE McCORNIICK- Deering Tbrasher, 22-38, good as new. Apply to 'Robert Har- neas, Port Hope R. R. 3. 30-3* FOR SALE - LINOLEUM. AND Congoleuin rugs. Select yours frors over 300 patterns actuaily in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Pur- niture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Oshawa. 19-tf FOR SALE - 200 LEGHORN pullets, 3 months old and 200 1 year old hens; also the follow- ing f arm implements: binder, seed drill, witb fertilizer box; hay rake, steel roller, disk, cul- tivator, wagon, sleigb, harrow, fannmg iljl, plough, 4 b.p. gasoline engine, cutting box, scales, set of harness, brooder stavo, used lumber, a im- plements in good condition. Ap- ply Wm. Ronhanyi. à2-2* FOR SALE - BEATTY ENGINE Drive Washer, in good running order, guaranteed, only $49.50. Mason & Dale, Phone 408. 32-1 RECNDIIOND TIRES-SAVE "p"o 50%o tires and tubes, lncludlng new Goodyears, Do- minion Tires. Full stock In al suzes from $1,00 up. G. F. Jamie- son, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver St. 14-tf FOR SALE - ONE 4-TUBE BAT- tory mantel radio, almost ncw; one two-year old Percheron colt. Apply Cecil D. Pascoc, Hampton. Phone 2476. 32-1* FOR SALE - PERSONAL IRUB- ber Goods, niailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope, with price liat. 6 samples 25c. 24 samples $1. Adulte only. Atex ]Rubbcr Co.', Box 231, Hamilton, Ontario. 26-9 FOR SALE - ELECTRIC WASH- or, for quick sale, only $11.95. Ask Mason & Dale, Phone 408. 32-1 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Evcrything in modem, cheaterfleld, bcdroom, dlnlng suites, and studios. Beddlng and floor coveringa a speclalty. Quality nierchandise at com- petitive pricea. Before buylng visit Bradlcy's New Furniture Store, 156 Slmcoc SI. S., Osh- awa. 19-tf Thoroughncsla the earnlng power of succesa, and succesa muet always be earned.Edward Bok. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - STORE WITH 10 room dwelling, bath and fur- nace. Apply R. H. Hoooy, Duke St., Bowmanvillo. 32-2* PROPERTY FOR SALE-BOW- manville. Beautifuily located bouse on Beech Avenue with about 2 acres lawn and gardon. House adaptable for apartments. Must be sold. Price very rea- sonable. Apply Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto. 30-3 FOR SALE - SOLm BRMICK bouse on Centre St., Bowinan- ville, modern conveniences; wilU be sold cheap to close up an estate. Apply A. E. Belirnan, King St. West. il tI Lost LOST - CIGARETTE LIGHTER, near lockors, at Lake, east aide. Initiais C.C. on it. Reward, Box 361, Town. 00W LOST-WE THINK IT IS a white-face cow with- horna, bast out of Mr. O. Wright's Ranch, South of Blâckstock. Please notify if seen to E. A. Werry or ownor of Ranch. Thanks. E. A .Werry., 31-2' LOST AT THE CREAM 0F BAR- loy Camp, black and white fox terrier with East York tag. Child's pet. Reward to finder. Phone Toronto GRovor 1657. 32-1 Strayed STRAYED - ONTO THE PRE- mises of T. Salter, Hampton, Aug. 2, young pig. Owner may have saine by paying expenses. 32-1 I-eIp Wanted HELP WANTED - CAPABLE girl for general housework. Sleep in or out. Apply Mrs. M. Breslin, Bownianville. 32-1 MEN WANTED - SELL FAMI- lex Producta. Needed in evcry home. Easily sold and repeated. Pleasant work. Start with good earnings and tacrease rapidly. Fine commission proposition. Write immediately for free cata- logue, prices and details: Fani- lex, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 32-1 Beauty Culture BEAUTY CULTURE - PER- marient waving donc at reason- able prices. Machineleas waves a specialty. Work guaranteed. J' Stevens. Phone 2245, Bowrnan- ville. 32-1 Foir ale oir Rent FOR SALE OR R«NT - 200) acre farin, Lot 21-22 on second concession of Cartwright twp. Possession April lat, 1942. Plow tag privileges this fail. For par- ticulars apply ta Mrs. Robert Bruce, Blackstock. 32-1 For Sale FOR SALE - 9 ACRES STAND- tag alfalfa hay, second cutting. Apply Mrs. Elgin Mountjoy, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, Phono 2505. 32-1 Stallion For Service NERALCAM KING, NO. 271, Suffolk Punch Stallion, at ser- vice at the old Frank Farm. Price $10,00 payable Marcb at 1942. 30-3 Treasure Cheat The "face value" of the season . . nine world-famnous Elizabeth Arnden propara- tions, including Ardena Cleanising Oream, Ardena Skin Tonic, Ardena Vol- va Crean, Feather-Light Foundation Cream, Rouge, Eye Sha-do, Poudre d 'Illusion, Blue Grass Flower Mist and Hand-0-Thonik. All fitted ini a beauti- fui alligator-grain case. Speclal Value $395 Jury ULvl The Rexai Drut Store Mhen we tt eoes It le doue properly. ]Phono 778 Delivery Servie READa USE ý,d Au- deWANTeA 1 - Wanted 1APARTMENT WANTEID - 3 or 4 room apartment. Ail conven- lences. Apply Box 165, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 32;k PASTURE WANTED - FOR 12- ewea and laxnbs. Apply H. Knister, Oshawa, R. R. 2. 32-2* ARTICLES WANTED - 0 L D style fiat irons, handles attach- ed. Write P.O. Box 10, Bow- manville. 31-4* Drugless Practitioner« ROBERT COLVILLE Drugless Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmauvlille Electrical Treatmenta - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. 27-5 Dentist DR. R, O. DICKSON Office hours ln Orono: Monday to friday (inclusive) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by appoint- pointrment. Office hours ln Newcastle: Every Saturday from 9 amn. to 9 pm For appolntment Teleptione Orono 18rl. 28-4* Wilson's Furniture Co. Suimmer Speclals, Refrigerators, coal où stoves, deck chairs, pillows, comforters, lampa, dressers, cheat drawers, couches, electric 'rangettes, w a r d r o b e s, grass rugs, etc. mer Spring Mattresses 59-95 Good looking h e a'v y spring-filled mattresses, covcred in durable fancy ticking. Wiil give you years of comfort. All sizes, at an amazingly low price. Floor Coverlng 19peciaI, 51.49 Borderlesa ruga 61xr9', inlaids, congoleums, feltols, heavy linoleumns, inall widths. The larg- est display of floor coveringa and rugs in the city. Wilson's prices are lower! New Chesterfield Suites 539.50 Modern spring-fiiled Chesterfield suites, excellent cov- erings, carved show-wood. A real buy. Chesterfield suites in heavy figured rich velours, luxuriant deep-seated comfort, custom-built; styles, fully guaranteed construc- tion. We carry a large solection to choose fromn and our prices are always lower. Bedroom Suites $59-95 Trinngly new, szmart waterfail design. This la an out- standing buy. At Wllson's you can fid your heart's desire in a bed- roomn suite. Modern and period deaigns. Wilson'a lower overhead means lower prices -to you. Wainut Steel Beds $4m98 New streamlined wal- nut steel beds, al aizes. Wonder- ful value. Studio Couches $19-95 Spring-filled studio couches in attractive coveringa. 50 beautiful studio couches to chooso fromn at bargain prices that will save you many dollars. TRADE IN BARGAINS Sevoral Breakfast Suites, Kitchen Cabinets, Couches, Wardrobes, China Cabinets, Cribs, Prams Desks, Refrigerators, Cheaterfield Suites, Dining Room. Suites. FREE DELIVERY Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 King W. 20 Church St. OSHAWA 29-tf . 1 , 1 - IN MEMORIAM 11 Il - - 1 k PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATICSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THMDAY, AUGUST 7,1941 MOUNTJOY - In loving memory o! a dean husband and father, Fred Mountjoy, who paased away Auguat 10, 1935: Auguat bringa aad memiories, O! a dear one gone to reat. Those who think of hiin today, Are thc ones that loved hum beat. Ever remembered by wif e and daughters. WOODWARD - In loving mcm- ony of a, dearly beloved wife and mother, Margaret Jane Lunn Woodward, wbo passed away Auguat 11, 1940: Dear mother, you are not for- gotten, Though on eartb you are no more,, Still in memory you are with us, As you always were befone. Sadly miaaed by ber husband and family. 1. y e s t 5r