TEUMIDAY, AUGUST 14tii, 1941 Talc. BRXTiff OOEMONWEALTK i Air Training Vlan HEA One of a serlesof articles wrftten speelally for Weekly News- c Papers by Rgugh Templin, Editor of the FergsNeC.cod fre 1 for Wf AIR OBERVERMidiani AIROBERERIMORTANT and the crew. Apart from that brouglh MEMBER 0F BOMBER'S h follows the course the student tions oi CREW gives hlm, even if hie knows it is cation, at right angles ta the direction conside This ta the elghth of a in which hie ought ta be going. from h serles of- articles about the At the end of each trip, hie hands appearE 'iROYal Canadian Air Force in a detailed report. It omits "h wrelte sPeî f Onhe nothing, even noting. Whether the man,a newpaer 0 O- student became slck, and whether is how he carried out his exercises in ciréurns V.spite of his sickness. mal? "É Previaus tonies ini this series A"an a A ain aHovl lave described the training of a ARayDyAtMtn aHii Pilo in he Ryal anadan Ar Itwas raining when I arrived your b Plo intheRoyl Cnadan u-at Malton, but a few planes were any sylo Force from the day he enlista, Up. The big silver linens0 h nsw rather nervousîy perhaps, ta that rTranstCanada and other proud day, six or seven TasCn aadthe even largen as your imonths later, when hie "gets his Arnerican Airlines Planes were ar- asked. wings" and completes his trai-riving at, and leaving, the nearby "Meni ing in this country. Af ter tiiat, commercial airport, and the littie the grea lie s radyto roced o Geatyellow elementany trainers from and wc he is nre tlpie eta Gm mreatanother R.C.A.F. School were in wn't fa Bprin wherthe t somiemore the air, but the Avro Ansons of get ang expferentcoudetintso melan the Observer School were being mad an, where enemies may iurk. Then hie cailed home from the wireless institutii is ready ta take over a 300-mile- room. Perhaps that wasn't ertirely other gi an-hur fghtr orto ilotbiga disadvantage. Mr. Wooiiett was is nota anorfiger, r a potbi abie ta spare hours ta the visiting shouid1 In thase storles, I have com- nwPper man, and when hie will hai pleted the taak I undertook, a oke nte ponmn thanks ta the co-openation af the Duty Pilot Smuck acted as guide 'officiais of the Royal Canadjan Ail down one side of the contrai Air Force, but before that task room were wireless sending and waa finished, I knew many things receivlng sets. Two way conver-. I hadn't realized at the start. One sation can be carried anfrom any- of these la that whiie ail the re- where in Southern Ontario. Later Cruits want ta become pilots if 1 saw the wireless equipment in- they can, the pilot is flot the anîy aide the Avro Anson plane and important member af the air marvelled at its compactýiess and ,crew: Posslbly hie isn't eveni the efficiency., But that la flot, ail. mnost important member. For that Recently a direction fnding sta- reaaon, I. amn writing something tion has been installed. A lost about the training of the Air Ob- aviator can send a cail for help, servers. and when the answer goes back, il wrnl tell hlmi exactly where he Pilota, Observera and Navigators. ia, and how ta get back home in Isast ane* day in the office af any kind of weathgr. Mr. W. W. Woolett, civilian man- Laid out on a large table in ager of the Air Observer School the centre of the room- wasaa atthe great Malton Airport. mnap af Ontario. On it was mark- 'There's a tendency on the Part ed the exercise for the day. Color- ,of the Public," observed Mr. Wool. dpn eesukt h a Iet, "a tinkof he bseverasat hall a dozen places and a blackc a n'an who just sita in a plane tbread was wound from one ta thndPlotk oI OainaliY, while another. Thia marked-the course tePotdoesalal the work and the planes would be taking that taresa ai the risks. Perhaps the day. It was not a straight trip word «Observer' lsata fault. A out, and back, but had severai more accurate terni wouid be turns and angles. The students 'Navigator.' The tnme la comig musI lcarn* ta navigate such a When the Navigator wiil be the course accuraîeiy, and hie should captain of the large Planes anld be able ta tel la the minute when the plot wiil be only the wheeis- hie wiil be back at Malton again. 12aM."1 He may have travelied 300 miles Mr. Woollett should know whaî or more. Similar exercises are le la talking about. He was a conducted at night. Plot himaself in the lutI war, and bas hail much ta do with flying Out on the edge of the runway, eve sice In199, ieretrnd a long lime 0f Avro Ansons was fromi England, and with aohrdanumsl elw u Pilot of the Great War, operated somne silreryr and a fewr camnou- a company iri the North country. flaged. Some af themn had seen D)ominion SkYways Limited, they active servie. They are aitered caicd landIher lans fewfor use in the school. The gun cale tad hirpansflwturret l eoe n oe0 OVer much of Northern Quebec thewis areo ldand oI. Gof and Qinlario. Namne any place ndwartkeou.G s fort aithe rancontnenalare not needed for Protection here, and hie la sure ta have been there.adIhpangaa edad When war broke ouI in Sept- saves fuel as a reaulî of the ember, 1939, Mr. Woollett and changes. bis partner,'C. R. Troup, were Everywhere around the Ob- asked ta forsn the firsI Air Ob- server School at Malton were ev- server School. They had îî going idence Of imilar economies. The by the ,end af May, 1940, and it .0i1la ailU filtered and, recleaned, has been in operation ever since. and when Iested, 88 % >la as good Ini ail that lime, there- has flot as new. One serious probiem ta Sbeen one accident ta tudenla, ail schools using British or Amer- I p]Pta or planes-mot s0 much as ican planes la the abtaining of a flat tire on a landing gear. Can- repair parts. At Maiton, mast of *& may mot have been prepared them re auatrd aall Sta o b o war, but in aur experi- warkshop. A mechanicai genius, ~enced "bush fliers,"l we had a and a small staff, using machines greaî asset. af their own designing, which The'Air Observer School at look, as the Director Put il, "like Malton is operated by a civiliang samnething out of a Heath Robin- Company, Dominion S k y w a y a son cartoon," make many af the Training Ltd., under an arrange- repair parts ouI of easily abtained nient samewhaî sinilar ta Ihose matenials. saving mare maney whereby Flying Clubs aperate the and keeping the planes flitg. ElemnentarY Flying T r aij ýn i n g Planes are averhauled ta Iwo Schools for Pilots. Thal enabled huge hangars. After s0 many the R.C.A.F. ta lake advantage houra flying, the- Armslrong-Sid.. of the exserience of aider Can- diey, malors are averhauled. Each adian Pilots, and il speeded up Avro Anson has Iwo af theae the early stages of the British big engines, giving a top spged ta Commonwealth Air Training the altered planes of 200 miles an Plan. hour. At longer inlervals the The company lookS after main. whole plane la tamn down and re- tenanoe ai flyîng aircraft, build. built. ings and flying in general. It sup. Thal day, there was a vliting pliles tee experienced Pilotsa nd plane in one af tee hangars, a the repair men. The R.C.A.F. huge Douglas bomber, beiongtag takes aver the ground instruction ta tee American Army. A con- and tee discipline. Squadron mittee fron the Air Corps was Leader G. W. Jacobi is the Cas- visiting Canadian achoola and mnanding Officer. gatherng Information. The vis- iting bomber dwanfed tee Avro A Specialzed Job Ansona, but il was somewhat aid- The course lasts lwehveý weeks. en and iacked samethtag of their A new ciaaqcames cin eer.m- b se-nes a *Ilachirle gun If need -be. r At tee Malton School, he learma Next Week-flomblng Md rEn ta navigate. Everytag cisc Io nery Sehool at Jarvia. subordinale ta teat. He doca not have ta worry about pllottag thee plane: that la donc by an expeni- Training planes, bombera and *nced pai who kmows Ontario pursuit planes, air force equlp- as you know youn owm home. The ment DI ail descriptions and tee Fi hlm ta steen and the PiloI carnies. your questions-ail teis la but a ouIteose Instructions ta tee let- part ai thee .C.A.F. dia pla y at tcr, unless teey may resutin ta tes year's Canadin National possli4le dan ger ta tee airraft Exhibition. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO PAGE TERE sanity. Then Ibere is bbc fellow alomg individual limes. In Ontario' ciples af sanitation - a mave- healte auteonilies shows teat tee .The. WeekII Have IT OR who alas becores somebody we wre wrking in that direction. ment in whicb succes dependa n waen iras more tan 90 per cent.____ NER NSPE TOR scinsc %=Yadoai rying ta think the If a dam munity wsntcd ta have a the co -operation ai tee individual of dug wells la potcntially danger- One oi the masî surpiing les- bhing through and realize bis awn vochtianal achool, lt could have 1wmi'btheth mmunily and the oua, because af faulty lcation on sonsoftewri ianhs contribution ta bbc situation he il. Imstead ai trying ta teach yauth hcaith pragramme. failure ta make the aupply aieaitewraBinbs IRD ,Y LUB 1rida himcIf in. ta fail 'ita anc mould we werc Application af the pnincipies fras surface drainage. It ,s came ta advertising agencies, se- "O-'n eaimfthe main jous wc hiave sceking ta devciop them as in- has become nat onîy a malter af equally imlportant Ibat ail 'mil&crtgtateBletna e ~'Cannon, Forest Hill, a ta do ini achool is ta teach cbildrem dividualists, each with a nigbt ta famnily inîcreat aven tee province for human cansumptioi sbould Caaian Weekly Ncwapapens As- ýPublic School Inspector 1ta think. Tbcy will learn fadate tink for himself and impnessed as a whole, but bas asaumed an be safeguarded by pasteurization, l ~saeîa b hr e Fest Durham, in addnessing from 111e. That is the reason for VVith the rigbt ai others ta the ecanamic interesîta tete entire as certain tarma 0f bubercugesîsn .d Kiwanis Club reccntly bbc empbasis placed upon the new same privilege. tauniat caterîng business, and undulant lever, typhoid fever cras esphesumbe aipagsort lil -out aome timcly suggcs- type ai curriculum in farce taday. __________ particulariy ta bbc holiday play- parabypboid levers, scarlet lever, ages af puîp, bas proved te :n the modern trend in cdu- For bbc past 25 years ail aven tbc ground districts. In Ibis field it scptic sore throat, diphîhenîs, getrvleofavriigi whicb cvcry parent shauld worid there bas been a great fan- has become a preccpt that "san- diarrbaea and dysentery cari be Igetrvleoaeîm er. Here arc some extracts ward movement towsrds the be- et F'ood aupy iainpy. nfcrglton pedb rnigifce ik mail papers such 'as bbc wceklics LiS excellent address wbicb. baviaun side rather than the pure- almoat compel a tourîsî caop- Fly otl is largely a prob iBi advisîn cd in the Free Press: jly academic. I wauld'be a traîtor In The WTorld ergeroacuiriaIleEngllay1cmai he maien rba cetre eacid test o an dct o my profession ifIaaid Ihat aIwedeo public healtb en- and farm districts and can be ac- sagyin Egland, i" s atcdd as acommunity or ai a nation acadcmic thinga wenc mot impor-- gineering, the science ai applying camplished scldam witbout a di-syn hth wsatuddm doca he or it behave whcn tant, but we have overdane it. Wc Ontario has the fineat food 5ul)- bbc pricipies af preventive mcd- rect attack upon their breed -g the nesulta iras advenlising in thc itances anc just off bbc non- have nat paid cnough attention ta ply in the world, and in bier lakes icine ta the prablems of environ- grounds. In Ibis connection iti six-page paper compancd wiîh bbc declancd Inspector Cannon. encouraging bbc tbinking pro- and streams is endawed wibb mental sanîbalion. important tbat oubdaor privies be 2 ae ftediis"I h do you bebave?" Are you cesses." frcsb water reservea which are It concerns itscif witb waîcr made ily-bigbî and tbat propen amaller-sized pariera hie iound thal nr aI home? Doyou bly M.Cno lndteides mt equalled anywhcnc cisc in aupply, wbctben it be tbc proper arrangements be made for bbch mllavriemn a a buDoM.Canneulie bc teworld, ram n ipsio ngthmoe pmalladenbiscmemin tae ig oy anaund? Do you show bchind German educabion gaying construction and protection aibbth be ntaddsoaia ih arle Pan e n than ta the ,pathy witb bis ahortcom- thal bbc neal damage was donc in In addition, ta protect people pnivate well on tee farm on tee sou. rdailc aua e ancludd iras tbe hich penhapa arc mat as bad 1923 wben thc stabe took bbc con- fros d.sease, govcnnmcnts both design ai a lange ciby aysbem; Advicc on any individual prob- reu1 .bltdrgada b rs at bis age?" Mn. Cannon brai ai bbc achools from bhc par- provinciýal and municipal, spend aewagc disposai, whcbher lb be the lem ai bealth engineering may be wholc expeniment that as thc enta, and decrecd that tee cbild- lange SUmns eacb year, and at no construction ai anq disposai ai securcd by writtag ta bbc Depant- final test ai amy advertising is balhygenlts ellus hatren should study bbc dictabes ai- lime ia thus wark so important as7 wastcs ai an auldoor privy or bbchenta ele rvnilGv hte b ti rabccn Sal fthibb average man bbc abate and that tbc dutica afiniiitesummer whcn bbc danger superviaion ai an urban plant ernmenî, Toronto, or by cansult- dlusion was liaI in te maller- rman taday is that tbey family lufe Iook second place. In is greabest Iras ifood and wabcr caating many millions ai dollars. ing bbc local Medical Officer ai sizcd papera,thinga were "aclual- Hcalbh. ly" being read." Ail af which was tace bbc fadas. One type will France there had been an effort borne infections. lb is canccrncd witb bbc supervi- plcasing but by no means ncw try. Some will even get ta develop leaders and iollowers, Intestinal disturbances were, in aion of milk supplies and bbe ne- news ta bbc wcekly editors. id have ta be confined in witb leaders being given apecial temat Ian distant pasb, accepbed maoval and abatement af nuis- To fool much for athens, mmd __________ ions for bhc insane. An- training When bbc acid test came gcncrally as a normal visitation ances, Ily contraI. garbtge cal- little fan ounscives; ta restrain group will run sway. That Francegibad fallen. In Britain bbc ai aummer mantbs. Sickncascs lection, ventilation and tlic sale- aur selfiab, and exercise aur ben- Daomat wnit ion extnaondiary bad ides is penchance tbcy achoolmaster bas had -vcny much lypical af aummer bowevcr, are guarding ai awimmîng areas irom evalent affections, canstitulca thc circeumstances ta do good actions:. go iishing, fan there tbcy more liberty than in Ibis country gnadualiy being 4uelled by an pollutian. perfection ai buman nature.- try ta use ondimany sibuations.- ive a chance ta neturn ta . nd bas aoughbta develop childrem even closer, adberencc ta pnin- Sysbcmatic examinabian by Adam Smith. - ichtor. PROCEEDS FOR WAR MONSTER- WORK AND CRIPPLED .CHILOREN PRD Due ta the seriouanesa aof the war 50% f.at 7.30 n.m. D.S.T. of the praceeds ai the Pair will be de- ~ - voted ta bomb victims, comiorta for local Leaving Public Schoolj Sharp baya overseas, Red Cross aund other com-onT e mendable war activities, The Orippled Childrcn 's and, other regular aètivitics GOOO PARADE PRIZES will b. caried an. By contributing ta Rotai-y Pair you are helping a worthy 1 Bys............50 .25.1 ca se nyNGb r ....... .1 0 .50 .251 1941 Po tiac Coch ~ ~. BestDecorated Bicnycle,.1. t h n g h f u g at 2 1 h at t e jttia::: ~G irlii,7. B s ...t .... d.. il....... .. ... .5 0 .2 5 .1 0 rair, lit I ,~ . B et D ecorated Ticy cle, . 0 .2 1 Il 9. Best P re any uli .0 .0 2 GIK T 5 j~ irls ...........or............t5i.5 e1 BiiIoysa .........er . .............5 0 .25 .10 Wil b sldfor$100.othe.eso h ldof.BetPop t u Bo e y .50Id.25t .1o' iO h ikth orsondi'1' o, t. t Mi .11 money raised by Pair and sale of car loketa will b. spent on Orippled Cbild- '014 War Work and benevolent donations. NEARLY 20 BOOTHS un For Every Member of the Famlly -NTEEEN FRI 1CARNIVAL WILL BE HELO THURSDAY, AUGUSI 21 Parade Prlzewluners WHIl be annoueebui- medlatelY followlng the Parade and Prixes Win bc awarded I t te Sound Truck Inte ROUTE 0F PARADE Publie Sohool, South on Silver to King, Eat ta Pbuoat Ofic, NrthtaCurhEstt - - - - - - - - - - - - m