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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1941, p. 8

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.',', r' THE CANADIAN. STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THUIRSDAY, AUGUST 14tii, 1941 Readers Give Views on Hampton Petition' Hampton, Ont. August lth, 1941 To the Editor of The Statesman, Bawmanville, Ont. Dear Sir- Perhaps enough bas already been writtcn and spoken on this subjeet oai "The Hampton Schaa] Teacher," but I 'would like yau and yaur reporter ta know exact- ly where we stand on this issue, * i na one else does. In the first place we have lived here for fifteen years and have always been treated with the ut- m~ost kindricai and generasiy by al ai aur neighbors. They have been our friends and this is the first real difference of opinion that has arisen, but, we have i cît this racial animosity under the surface befare, that we could neither sympathize with or share * in. I feel that this festering sore af racial prejudîce and hatred is at the root af about hall ai the world's troubles to-day. It was that very thing that Hitler built h is Nazi party on and how wel he gauged the emotians of the German people we al l xiaw ta aur sorrow. How many ai us in this community f cl that the Nazis are raght in their assertions ai superiority and in their perse- cutians ai inferior peoples? and yet here we are fostering the saine kind ai prejudices in aur midst. TI a country like Canada where over half the population is ai non- British origin is it sensible orjl wise ta fan the flames ai animosi- ROYA-L BOWMANVILLE Thurs. - Fr1. - Sàt. AUG. 14 - 15 - 16 "DR. KILDARE'S CRiSiS"P LEW AYRES LIONEL BARRYMORE LARAINE DAY ROBERT YOUNG and on he »mre bil "DULCY"P with ANN SOTHERN Mon. ý- Tues. - Wed. AUG. 18 - 19 - 20 A great Stor>' ... "THE LETTER" BETT'E DAVIS and HERBEET M&RSHALL NEWg WILS ON9S e.e REALLY KILL 1 =Cpd kils fi«a day ad er ilckt. No IpmyiIIg, no adcldu.,, no bad odor. Amk Ur Dnl1u oroery or <louerai goe 10 CENTS PER PACKET WUY P.AY MORE? DRE VLSOI4 IL PAO Co., HNh.., tics like this, and wouldn't it have been btter ta have had enough iaith intrieicjudgment ai the trus- tees ta give Uic teacher Uicy had bired a fuir trial, alter uli, they ail have cildren going ta scbaol and are intenested priniarily ti a teacher's ubility aird character. Surcly, aiter al aur Christian training we understund that Uic good fuingi ai Uic world are mt for us alano, anrd if we refuse ta share theun and toauct out aur iaitb cari wc ever hope for roui Pouce in aur time or amy othen. Sincenely yauri, Mns. W. E. Craig. LTo The Editon ai The Canadian Statesmali, Dear S- The action ai Uic Hampton Scbool Board bas came ta my notice witb sincere regret, mnas- much as I have knawm Uic young lady in question froun cbildbood,J and T ami quite sure that the rate- payeri ai this ichool section arc entrely unuware ai the ubilities ai Miss Kazak. Truc she bears a iareigm name, but beyand fuat there is no trait ai the iareigner in hem make up,1 ither in speech, actions, or up- pearanco, and the ichool section ai Hanmpton have lait an appar- tunity ai socuring the services ai an exceptionully brilliant teacher. T note that it bas been said that she is a Roman Catholic - ai-t thougb 1Thfink this matter busr been cleancd up - anid should there still romain any doubt as ta - this phase ai Uic case, I wish ta home state that T mysoîf had thet great pleusure ai extending theE right hand aifilowsbip ta berc samo years paît when she was takon into moembership i the United Chuncli, along with a num-t ber aifailier Sunday chool chil-t dren ai the Chapleuu Unitedt Chumch.î And weofa this community icelc that a great injustice bus beenc donc ta the young lady, and if T did nat know ber make up so1 well, T wauld icar ior Uic reactiani by hem ta this trcatment. Butt kmowing ber Christian character,e anrd disposition, I expect she wiia risc ubove it ail and prove ta Uic ratepayers aifHHnmpton that she bas a much broader outlook an lioefuan some ai Uic so callcd British in this particulan school section. Yours truly, E. Pellow. Chapleau, Ont. St. Catharines, Ont. August 11, 1941 Mn. George W. James, Editor, Bowmanvillc, Ontario. Dean George- I a mcent editoriai "What XI Youm Vicwrpoint" you invited your neudens ta write yau, wbo- thon approval on disupprovai, tauching yaur editanial cammerits, controversial subjects and ques- tions of public interest. A question ai public inteneut in my homeland prompts me briefly ta express my views whicb you. may pint ornont, as you sec f it. T blush with shame t thje citi- zens ai my native Township, Dar- lingtan, for their action regarding a toucher ion the Hampton School. The people ai that. section mnày boast Uicy are decidedly British and poud aifuat inheritance, but their nurowriess and shortsigbt- edriessi net a mutten for pride. Thein attitude towands a good Canadian citizen - a member of the United Churcb, educated i aur public and bigh ichools - dis- charging hon froun an honorable position for which she bad Uic highest qualifications, becausc she bas a fôreigri naine, is contrary te al rules ai British justice for which thoy cdaim ta be figbting today. These ninty "petitioriers" have bmught the goed naine ai the Hampton scbool section inta disepute inom anc end ai aur province ta the other and justiy se, as evidenced by editonials and articles un Uic public pnes. Durnig the past sixteen years I have had a greut deal ta do wifu aur ew Canadians,-Ukrainians, Hungarians and Polish people, - and I can honestly say T have ioumd tbem dependuble and straigbtfomward in their business transactions and uprigbt citizoirs. and they are vemy appreciative ai eveny kind word and decd taward Uiem. Haw can wtà expeet ta mnakeofa new Canadians the type ai citizen i _ ___ For equ â .dfrem din .eapIh.ad il,ûeu Ireadoeà.= we wauld bave them be and then' 1treat theun as "fomeignens". The attitude aifue Canadian, taa ai- ton, towards fuese strangers in aur midst ini neithen Christian nom just. k I say, withaut bositution, Uic Scbool Section hud nofuirig ta, four bud tbcy playeci thein part fairly and, ut least, giveri Uic yaung lady a faim trial aiter the trustees bad criguged ber tram a number ai applications. Vcry tnuly yours, Fred R. Foley. Bawmanville, Aug. 11, 1941 The Editor, Cunadian Stutesman Dean Sir: We live in a democracy; s0 thc people ai S. S. 11 elcct a scbool board, pnesumably selecting marra those available Uic oneg most capable ai pcmiamming their duties intelligently. The trustees find fuemîcîves iin need ai a toucher; so Uiey advemtise. Farty-two peo- ple apply; 50 the trustees examine their qualifications. They are groatly "impressed wifu the acu- demic qualifications and general bearng" aif one; so fuey bine ber. But word gots anound that ber parents arc faneigners; 50 fucre is a demand thut she be fired. The trustees 'bave no firm convictions about the matten; so she doci not get the school. Appareritly anc tbing tbat demacracy doos nat me 1an is equality, ai appartunity ..net in S. S. 11, in 1941 ut any rate. Three expressian in the peti- tion wbich pnecipitutcd this fiasco are cspecially iterestmng. "~A child ai foroigri-bari parents." Since when bas the natioality aiof oe's parents been a detormining fac- tor in ano's ability ta teach? Do the people ai S. S. 11 nat lnow that the oxponience ai oducatiori- ists and the investigations ai psy- cbologists have pnetty well dis- caunted the aiod ideas ai racial suponiority, anrd go ta show fuat hon Canadian education would pmabably have more influence than Uic nutionality ai hem par- ents on a young 'ludy's intelligence uand charucter?-, "'At war with Uic Baltic States." Sinco when? We are ut war with Gcrmauiy. Poland anrd Russia arc aur allies. Wbat have thc Bultic States ta do witb Uic question when Miss Kozac is af Ukrainiari extraction? "Our Britisb-Canadian children." Sa the frumers ai Uic petition would substitute ofuor classifica- tions for plain Canadian Citizen- ship! I suppose British-Canadians and French Canadians and Polish- Canadians and Sao on . . . or por- hapi just British and nion-British, Uic formmrta have fulT nights and privileges, Uic latter juit Uic right ta iight for demnocracy and the privilege ai being pushed umound as Miss Kozac bas beeri. Sa mucb ion Uic petitiori. Messrs. Hogarth 'ad Billett ex- pnessed same very interesting idcas i their interviews with the pness,.... twa . .. werc fomeigri- ors . . . hiired aire aifuem." On- wbut groundsi b Miss Kozac lael- led a forcigner? Appareritly be- cause ber immediate, ancestors wcre mot British barri. And by wbut pmocess af neasaning is Uic iact that she bs a "«foreigner" found ta incupucitate hem? Wben examined clasely it bs found ta be the counterpunt ai Hitlem's thcomy ai Uic supremucy oi Uic "pure Aryuri." Hitlcr says: "lHem grand- father *as a Jew, theroforo she bs a Jew. Aryans wiil dominute because fuey are Anyans." Ho- garthuimfens: "Hem father was a foreigrier, themefame she bs a for- eigner. Foreigners are unsuitable because Uiey are foneigners." ",It was un-British fan them ta hire Uic girl." One ai the maît astounding uttenances ai Uic wbole coritroversy! . . un-British i wbut particular, pmay tell? Is it un-British ta award a position to a young lady, wbo, in the judg- ment ai an auforized body ai non is Uic applicant boit iitted for the position? Rathen bs it un- British ta dismisi such a porion, not becauseoaf any charge ai mis- coriduct on incompetence, but be- cause anc or bath ai hem parents happen ta have been born in Uic wnong country and because ai vague and unioumded lears as ta whbat rrigbt bappen. "We don't knaw wbat she'd be suying ta them." British justice says that a persan shal] be con- ;idcmcd innocent ofai ny, afence until proved guilty. Home we have. ayoung lady uccused ai an af- oence fuat hus net everi been comaitted, and not only accused, but considemed gutlty, and punish- ed. We have beard ai countries n which people are condemned OSIIAWA, ONT. COOL as a POOL NOW PLAYING JOAN BLONDELL ROLAND YOUNG in 'TOPPER RErURNS' with Carole Landi.and Rochester -m- Revival- JAMS CAGNEY ANN SHERIDAN In "City For Conquest", Mon. & Tues. only Orne et the greatest pletures yet to corne from the acreen Joan Grawford "'A WOMAN'S FACE" Melvyn Douglas CONRAD VEMT Wednesday - 4 Days Clark Gable and R.salind Russell At lu.t together &gain lu &âTHEY MET IN BOMBAY" wlth PETER LORRE -partiers icrimne-partners in, thrifl.ng adventure-part- ries rI love. The screen's top favourites fibd their heaven in oaid BOMBAY. idents . . bad mot beeri an asset' ebadn't thcy? And they dorr't at- -tend cburch dari't fucy? And if iMn. and Mrs. Billctt were by rsome cataclysm tnanspanted toaa quiet littlc village iri Hunigary, lot >us say, ulang with a i ew afuon )Canadian familles, it wauld be ira ttime before thcy would al be >going ta the town meetings and taking part in Uic Hunganian les- tivals and going ta cburch ta lis- ten ta Hungunian sermons! And, incideritally, bave Mn. anrd Mrs. Billctt mude fuem feel as fuough tbcy werc arnang friends? I clasîng, I sbould like ta pay my respects ta Mn. W. E. Craig. 1 wouldn't know bim ta sec hirs, but I kmow he is a Man. Yours truly, 1 John Jury. Dear Mn. James:- T am scndirig fuis letter In e- sponse ta your invitation fuat I put in writing the statements 1 made ta you whilechcatting on Uic street Suturday aiternoon re "the Hampton Scbaal situation." Let me repeat that if cither your reporter or Mn. Chant bad- given a truc word-far-word repart ai the meeting which took place in Hampton Tawnship Hall on July 28Ui, thut we the folk af S. S. No. 11, would have becri neither dumbfounded non dismnayed, as- wc were whcri youn paper rcuch- cd us on Thursday. The heading "Mob Spirit Rules Ratepayers Meeting" is cntircly false. While discussion w a x e d warm, ut times and once a per- sonal note crept in, it was bine- diately chcckcd and rulcd out ai orden. Regrettable as it is ta state, Uic amly persan ta pound bis fists, wave bis arma ns d laie bis temper cntirely, was Uic Repre- sentative ai the Department ai Educution. To bis credit be it written'that he apolagized 'for bis qctions before the meeting closed, and it t9kes genuine courage ta admit unncservcdly thut anc bas made a mistake. Wheri Uic citizens ai Hamrpton learncd thut out ai aven 40 ap- plications for Uic position ai tcacber in Uic Junior raom, thut Uic Trustee Board had bired anc who wus not ai Angla Saxon birth, Uicy icît samefuing shauld be donc about it. Hence a peti- tian was circulated. Wbat other meurs was there ta employ? The only Uiought in Uicerids ai those who signcd the petition was fiat in tiiese bazardaus war tines, when wc scarccly know wbo is friend on foc, it wauld not be in the best intenests ai this particu- Iar communlty ta have in a key position such as a toucher boilds in a country schaal, anc wha was flot ai British birth. Absalutcly no disparagement was intended ta Miss Kazak in particulan, on ta aur European iniendi in gericral. Miss Nana Wcnny's letton ri your issue ai August 7, expresses cx- actly wbut was in Uic minds ali heurts ai so many ai us.* If any of youn subscribers have nat; rcad it wc trust Uiat thcy will fid thein copy and do so. The peti- Lin w«. duly preserited ta Uic Secretary, wbo in turri prescnted it ta Uic Board ai Trustees. Sure- ly, Mr. Editor, the rgtepayens who clected them taoific had a right ta expect ut lcast smre cansidena- tian fromn their Board. 'Apparent- ly the Trustees Uiaugbt mat anid resignod mn a body rafuen than camply with themr request. Thus the necessity fan a public meeting. Your reporter states "the chair- man J. D. Hogarth was chosen on motion ai A. E. Billett," Board ai ndcarry out Uic wishes if Uic ratclayers. Everycrie went Lame feeling confident that the trustees would be fuir taail con- 2erned and we might settle down 3nd be a hapPY littie camxnunity >ne more. B ut aIas! Mr. Chant CeL O. M. Blggar, K. Cunadian Chairman, Canada-Un. ited States Joint Defence Board. Secretary. This is an error at the very beginning. Mr. S. Kersey, who was and is again Chairman ai the Board of Trustees, was ab- sent through iliness. At Uic re- quest; af Inspectar McEwan, A. E. Billett calied the meeting tao o der, and asked for nominations for chairman. Mr. Chant was given thc opportunity ta preside, but this he declincd ta do. Several other nominations wcre made, and Mr. J. D. Hogarth was clcct- cd ta take Uic chair. A. E. Billett was asked ta carry on as scre- tary. The Chairman statcd that Uic meeting was called ta elect trus- tees, and discuss Uic petitian which b.d been brought before the people. He said that he had been iniormed that a number ai people wished ta have their names removed fram Uic petition. They wcrc given appartunity ta do so at this juncture, but none wcre removed. The Scc'y. was then asked ta read- Uic minutes ai School Board meetings fnom. Uic beginning ai Uic ycan, and he pro- ceeded ta do sa. It was here fuat the first interruption accurred. The D. of E. Representative stat- cd that it was nat nccessary ta read thc minutes and he forth- witb gave thc pracedure ai busi- ness for an annual meeting. It was paintcd out that this cauld not poSsibly be called an annual meeting, as nothing like it bad ever been beld before. The scre- tary therciore resuincd'the nead- ing ai the midnutes. Now Uic ques- tion is "Why did Uic Department af Education Representative not; want the minutes reud?" He knew bciorehand what very iew did know, mLe., thut fucre were noa minutes with regard ta the meet- ings wben Miss Kazak was hired, awing ta Uic iact that the scre- tury had mot been infarmcd fuat such a meeting was ta be hcld, meither was a secretary pro tem appomntcd. At Uic conclusion ai Uic read- ing af Uic minutes, Uic Depart- ment ai Education Representative strade up Uic bsle and in tories ai wrath and veny unbecoming lan- guage, he dcnaunced the cam- munity af Hampton as a whalc for fucir treatment ai Eurapeun set- tiers. He was called ta order, and it was painted out ta hini that fuis section as a wbole bad cri- dcuvorcd bonestly and sincercly ta establisb neigbaly relation- shipi wiUi those ncurest Uhim, and he was cballcnged ta quate a single instance as proaf af bis accusations. Ncedlcss ta say, he was unable ta do so, non bas he donc so ta date. Yaur reporter puts Uic iollaw- ing i quatatian marks (wbich would indicate ta yaur neadens fuat he quoted vcrbatim) "she bas a furrin' name and wc airi't a gain' ta bave ber." Most cm- phaticaily no sucb uncouth state- ment on anything resembling such a staternent was made in Uic hall that night. All Uic press accounts state tihat she was repnescntcd as a Catholie and an Italian. It is surcly time thc Trustees sbould produce thc penson wbo made fuis representatian. It was nat mcntiancd at the meeting. I, my- self, neyer beard it till T read it un thc paper, non doos it appear in the petition. The exact word- ing ai Uic petitian iollaws: "Wc the undcnsigned ratepayers ai Schoal Section No. il, pratest thc action ai thc Trustees, wbcrcin tbcy have hircd Mac Kazak, a child ai foreigri barriparents (while aur armies are ut wan with thc Baltic States) ta tcacb aur1 British Canadian cbildmcn. Wc de- mand that Uic Trustee Board ai S. S. No. 1l ask Miss Kazak iorn br resignation ut once."f Mr. Craig and Mr. Chant pre- sented their position and alter must have changed his mndl Mrs. E. P. Wood Thursday even- again. How cisc cari wc interpret ing. bis "back-firing" letter i "The Misses Olive and Susle Van- Statesman" the fallawing Thurs- Camp are at Oak Lake Sunmeir day. Mr. Chant confesses ta beel- Schoal. Olive is acting as camp ing depressed. It must indecd be nurse. depressing ta possess a mind Mr. anid Mrs. Percy Stewart which wavers about in such un- and their five boys, Ida, with Mr. ruly fashion! But naw that he and Mrs. Gea. Farder. secms ta have really decidcd on a Mr. F. W. Minkier, Inspectgr af course ai action, it is a -source af Schools, Kingsville, and Mrs. tremendous nder ta us ail, just Minkier with Mrs. Jas. G. Marlow. why Mr. Chant is ici pcrsistently Sympathy is cxtendcd ta Mr. determined ta blacken the char- William Beacack, Clerk, Nestle- acter ai the eritire cammunity ti ton, ini bis sad bereavement. which he himself lives, regardless Miss Joyce and Douglas Scott ai the truth. are holidaying at Mns. Wilbert Thpse ai us who have mnade Taylor's, Owen Sound. iniends with aur Eurapean rieigh. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. bars welcomed them in aur homes, Goldwyn Faint (nec Lulu Wright) and been made welcome ti theirs, on the birth ai 9 daughtcr Aug. are indeed concerncd that such 7th.1 errancous statement should be Miss Edith Hewitt, Miss Mar- publlshed in your paper and sub- jarie Westman, Toronto, and Miss sequently enlargcd upon ta such Ruth Marlow are holidaying at an extent by thc Toronta dailies. Beaverton. I appreciate vcry much yaur MiNss Isobel Chilvers, Toronto,. consideration in printing thus let- is convalcscing at the home af ter. Dr. John McArthur aiter havirig Sarah E. Billctt. ber tansils out at Bowmanville Hospital. Rev. Clarence Ferguson and Cow nvile family are halidaying ti the cm e Cowa villemunity. _______Thé 'United Churcb service an Sunday evening was coriducted by A numben irom here attended the Young Peaple's Union. Miss the decorations at Newtonvillc Kathleen Taylor, Miss Gwenytb and Port Hope an Sunday. Marlow and Ralpb Larmer taok Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. part. Prof. Failis, Texas, visiting Stringer with Mn. and Mrs. Wes. at Cadrnus, gave the addness. rStringer. . . Mns. B. Milison and Misses Anne Thomson and Mar- 'family with Mr. and lMrs. D. !on Hill sang a lovely duet "I tThampsan at Canton on Sunday. - he Garden." Rev. D. M. Stinson 1..Mr. and Mrs. H. Lloyd and is on holidays. 4sans, Brantford, Mns. E. Edwards, The Statesman is now on sale Taronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. each week at Gilbcrt's Store, 5c tStringer. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wcs. a capy. Stringer with their grandinathen, Mrs. Robert Burley. . . Mn. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stningen with Mr. and Mns. Raymond Bruce Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. >L. Heard (nec Laura Stephens) upan the birth af a baby girl. ra broken leg. Cadmus By Order of the' AU cîtizens are reminded > weeds on private propcrty mu Mrs. Haskin, Toronto, is visiting or tenant. Cooperate by kecpl Mrs. I. Whitfield. Ragfwced and others of Uic sans Mrs. Roger Wilson and Joan atdypulnupbUirot and Shirley McDoriald, Toronto, ae yplit pb h ot >are gucuts ai Mrs. T. H. Wilson at ThlIaw provides penaltiei Lakevicw Cottage. hsrqet Mr. and Mrs. Thompsan, To- thSrqc. ranto, are visiting Mns. Wolfe and Mrs. Hyland at Dahlia Del. Mrs. Meredith Thampsan is home from St. Michael's Hospitalm much impraved ti bealth. Mrs. Oscar McQuade is impnav- ing slawly. Mr. George Black has enlisted. He was given leave ai absence ta take off his crop but cxpects ta be called fuis week. Miss Noreen VlhI'f Dickey bs staying with Mrs. Black. ]RE U1 Many ai the «farmers intrifis district have fmnished their bar-SECA vest. Miss Wilma VanCamp, Bluck-- stock, visited Miss Bessie EdgerI a to ' dren, Nestieton, spent Sunday TC with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cooke. Miss Helen Fowlen is attending Th oo ethrSudymarri- TOROUNTO E ing braught a splendid conigrega- tian ta bear the service conducted BUMU SDLJ by nepresentatives ai Blackstock Young Peoplc's Union. Ralph Larmer ably canducted the open- Aulg. 23 tg ing exercises. Miss Gwcnyth Mar- t 10w gave an interesting story ai (Dayiight Sa "Big Ben" in London Towcr, the______ dlock wben striking seemed ta say Leave "Do justly, love mercy and walk Roui Downi humbly before your Gad." Miss A.M. Kathleen Taylor led in prayer. Prof. L. D. Fallis, Fart Worth, 7.00 KAWARTHÂ MAI Texas, gave a very descriptive 7.10 JANETVILLE - talk based on Elijah's departing words ta Elisha. Our choir in 7.20 YELVERTON - strarig numbers assisted greatly 7.30 INBTLIETON- i making the service a success. Blackstock is ta be congratulated 7.40 BLA0KgTOC3K - on baving such types ai young 7.50 BURXETON - people who are a real asset ta the ~ EM8IIE community. 75.MffKLE Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Irwin and 8.00 HAMPTON - friends, Scagrave, visited Mr. and a~ O MNIL Mrs. Clarence Ginn. 82 O M NIL 10.00 TOPLONTO Exhibii Blackstock OHILDIEN - - FARES INCLUDI Devitt's R.B.P. No. 398, Black- ADMISI stock, went by the Marlaw Trans- port ta the Denry Day Celenration Bus Tàkes Paeng at Havelock Saturday. On the Exhibition Grounde way home they stapped at Peter- bora, Bethany, etc., wbere thc Ail Day tor tii C Band gave selections and collec- m l tion was takei. I this novel wayPsem about tari dollars was coilected GOVERNMENT REVE] for the B.W.V.F. Lait Wednesday aitennoon the FOR INFORlM D FARES LS DY Bach Limes IHIDBITION :o Sept* 6 aving %Time) Arrive Return Read Up Fare PLIS 1.35 $2.25 - - - 1.25 2.15 - -1.15 2.00 - - - - 1.05 1.90 - - - 12.55 1.80 - - - 12.45 1.70 *- - 12.35 1.60 - - - 12.25 1.50 . . . 12.15 1.40 ion - Lv. 10.45 p.m. - HALF FA=E E EXHIBITION. MION. gors Rlght On Te eand Stays There Convenienceo f igers. 'NUE TAX ]EXTRZA M'ON PHONE . Oshawa 2283 IRTHA MAIPLES ORt AT MMAN VILLE. CHECK YOUR HOME AND REPAIR NOW! Doors amd Windows boof int 1 bhigie New Porches àardwood looriug T Cernent t Combinatte paitDoons SHEPPARD & GIlu LUMBER COR. LIMITED Phone 7119Daav y 4-, EIGHT I Bad smashes wiII occur rrake sue 0 yur automýéel i nsurance. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS 3ne os81 Bowmanviile ý-pho q 1 The wh.Ie fumily ,nioys tI.,%ý e Healthful, refr.shlng Spearmlnt Gumlae a treat for young end old. And the chcwlng helpa keep your teeh dean, briglit sud at- tractive. Thedcllcloueflavoe aweetens your breath, freshena you up. loin the. Millions of happy familles who injoy Spearmint &#Wte VEEDS Weed Inspector that the law provides that ust be kept eut by the owner pina ail noxtous weeds down. ne varlety ce" ouly be ecUmin- es for failure to comply' wlth S. VENTON, Weed Inspector.

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