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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1941, p. 5

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TMUMDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1941 TECNDA TTSASBWAVLE NAI AEFV - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - --.- - - ~ m M SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Pisome 1 NZ4 Pmflm m- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- Mr. Tom, Cartwright Is vlsiting relatives in London. Miss Grace Quigg, Galti, h gucat of Mrs. J. H. Swindells. Mins Amber !êWton was guest on,,Labor Day at Toronto Fair. Ë(r. and Mrs. Ted Mason have returned to Clinten alter visitlng his niother, Mrs. T. G. Mason. IMi*ss Lena Haddy, Teronto, was guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. W. Foster. Boys and Girls Your generous patronage of Johnston's Bookstore durlnt thie openlng days of sehool lu deeply a.pprelated. -V For thie remnainder of thie sehool year we wil continue to provide service and quai- Ity in ail lunes of sehool supplies. JO0 HNSTON'S BOOKSTORE and LENDING LIBRARY Phone 651 -1 h I BERNS Ibna ' Cti, Q DAEIN POWDE! SPAGHETTI HEINC PORE anid EANI LOGANDEDJUES TOMATO JIJICE A& PFruitsa& 1i Specials For The Weekend RED CRUPES lb. 11< CELEIT HEAITS e 7c TANS 3lb. «20c DANAASib. 8c< mon or Wax 2 i- o.17C RA=s Page 'Tin5 Fz 2 ns23C CLAUES 2 Tn05C CHOICE 2 'oz %a- A&P 32ioe.25 CLAR'S SO1JP lin Sc OUI COUE tp". 27c CATSIJ1'AyImer L12c PEAS Greca Gicnt 2 1-c.27c STEW Aylm.r Irih2 -t..23C CAMAY SOAP 3 Cakces 16C IVOIY FLuRES Pis«. 21C BOKAR COFFEE VIGOROUS WINEY A & P QUAUITY MEATS STEAKS AND ROASTS Porterheuse, Sirloin, Wlng, Cube, Face Lump, Boneless Round AU these enta at Harnburg Steak, extra lean-- lb. 17c Primne RlbRoet M .- -. -. lb. 26c Meaty Blade Roet (Prime Beef) lb. 19C Short Rib Rast - - - - - - - lb. 21C Macaroni A Ch.... Loaf, sliced lb. 25e Duteh Lent sliced --lb- 1.25& A PrFOO D ubet 0 SabTORES~f krk Mx. and Mrs. Alan Luxton and Frances, Buffalo, N.Y., spent tac holiday with his parents, Mx. and Mxi. William Luxton. Mxs. J. W. Miller has returncd from a week at Belleville with her sister, Mxi. W. J. Carter wha is very ill. FMxs.. Burgess and Ray, Ty- rene, vlsited Mx. and Mxi. Charlcs K~utton. Mx. and Mxs. D. D. Barton arid fairnly, Enilkillen, visited Mr. and Mxi. Fred Barton, Lcaskdaic. ?&s. L. J. Barten has xeturned from a visit with Mx. and Mxi. D. Barton, Enniskiler. Miss Gloria Oke, Montreul, is visitlng Arline Northcutt and re- latives in town. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis anid frierd wcre Tuesday visitors at the Ex. Mr. and Mxi. P. R. Cowling and family spent a few duys at Che- mong Lake. Major Hart, Belleville, Inspec- ter cf Wcights and Measures, was ini tcwn Tuesday. Mr. uand Mxi. Jack Nichois and Margaret have returricd from a vacation at Norland. Miss Jean Bell, Tenante, visited her parents, Mr. and Mxi. FH. M. Bell. Leading Stoker George Spar- row, Halifax, NS., is home on leave. Mx. and Mxs. J. C. Cairns cf the B.T.S. staff are holidaying at thein cottage, Lake Scugog. A.C.2 Gexald Black, R.C.A.F., Dunriville, visited his mether Mns. Edith Black. Mns. P. E. frelarid and children, Toronto, were holiday guests cf Mr. and Mxi. R. H. Westaway. Mx. anid Mxi. D. J. Chambers have returned frcmn a motor trip te Mortreal. Mxi. E. Ashtoni, Summerville, Mass., called on rier aurit, Miss E. A. Spxy. Miss Jean Cousins, Cclbounne, has joiricd thie staff ut Alex Mc- Gregor's Dnug Store. Bob (Ccwbey) Rogers, freckled factotum at Carter's, sperit an cen- joyable and wide-eyed day at thie Exhibition. Pte. George Somerscales, C.A.C. Ottawa, and Pte. Len Somner- scaies and wifc, visited their par- ents. A.IC. Eric Swindelloi, No. 8 Re- pbiin Depot, Winnipeg,, Mani., i visiting Rus parents, Mx. anid Mxi. J. H. Swindells. Mxis. Larry Haines and son Laurence, Oshawa, have been holidaying with Rer aunt, Mns. R. Pattenson, Westmount. Mxi. W. J. Cully was holidaying with her daughtens, Mxi. Hugh McDoriald, Welland, anid Mrs. William Watson, Hamilton. Mr. anid Mns. Kenneth Cavcrly, Hampton, spent the weekend ini Toronto and attended the Cavexly- Nixon wedding. Miss Gwen Cuvexly, Mx. and Mxi. Albent Cole and Denry spent the weckcnd at Hall's Lake in Haliburton. Harold Casbourri and Robent Aver, Gaît Air Training Schaoi, spent thie weekend with Mns. Florenice E. Cuibourri. Mxi. J. Sunter, Misses Emma and Hilda Sunter, Toronto, Bey. and Mxi. Walter G. Sunter, Ham- ilton, were visitens at Mx. Wm. Painton's on Tuesday. Lawrenice Ashton, Instructor R.C.A.F., Regina, Sask., spent a week at home with Rus parehits, Mx. and. Mrs. Wesley Ashtcn, Shaw's. Harny Hyde, Toronto, who bas been recupenuting at thie home o! his graridmether, Mxs. J. A. Mc- Clellan, will shortly enter Trnity Cellege Schcol, Port Hope. Miss Ruthi McMurry, Niagara Falls, Mn. Fred Mutton, Hamilton, Mx. R. Peele and son Warren, Highland Grave, wcrc guests cf Mn. and Mxi. Chas. Mutteri. Mx. and Mxi. Alan Luxtori and Frances, Mns. Holton, Buffalo, Mn. and Mns. Jack Bird, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mxi. Ted Bird. Rev. A. J. H. Carscadden and Miss Edith Carscadderi, Toronto, Dr. anid Mxi. Penkins and Barbana, Barrie, were gucîts cf Mxi. F. H. Morris, Elgin Street. Mxi. J. Newman has returned from Montreul and district after a brief visit with -bRen husbund, Pte. J. Newman, V.G.C. Mxi. W. R. Strike wus in To- rente lait week tuRing a refresh- er course in "Nutritions" at the University cf Toronito. A pitcure uppeaned in thc To- rente Stan Friday cf Mx. and Mxi. E. Jacques (nec Grace Sellers cf Bowmunville), bride and groom of tRis summen. The marriage teek place ut tac Salvuthon Army Citadel, Victoria, B. C. Pte. John Tait, V.G.C., with Mns. Tait, uccompanied Mx. and Mxi. George Norman cf Toronito on a twe weeks' motbr tour exteriding from tRie home of tac Quirits, ta Riviere du Loup, cuit cf Quebcc City. Miss Venu Stephen, St. Munys, spent thie weekend with Miss Marlon Wander. On Monday both rcturned te work after thie sum- mer vacation, the former ta Tamn- wortah public ichool, the latter to Brighton high ichool. Sectionul meeting cf Western Section of tac Oshawa Preibyter- iul will be held in Gnecnwood United ChuncRi an October 8ta. Miss Gexaldine Hartwell, West China, will be the speaker in tac alterrioon. Conp. J. A. Fry, Veteran's Guard, cri duty itac Arvida dis- trict, Quebec, i home fer a few duys; Ris finit leave in thne morthi. Arvida was thie scerie cf tac allegcd sabotage ut the huge uluminum plant. CRue£ Sidney Venton and fumily were ini Toronto Satunday attend- ing the C.N.E. He aise visted Arthur Cole in Tenante Genenal Hospital who wished ta be ne- membered te Bowmnanville fri- ends. Misses Ann Butteny, R.N, and Dorothy Nichois have neturncd from a two weeks' holiday ut Bob- caygeen. Arn caught a champion- ship "lunge"' in Pigeon Lake while guide Stan NichaIs gave advice. The ie h weighed claie te 20 lbs. Mn. Chas. Huddy, son Jack and Miss Betty Argue, Mx. and Mxi. Jack Browni, Donald, Margaret and Bruce, Toronto, were holiday visitons with Mxi. N. S. B. James. Mx. und Mxi. H. E. Bartlett and family and Mx. E. Huggith spent thc weekend in tac nonth counitry around Hybla and Lake St. Peter. T. A. Gartan ha cquixed two large seven-passenger Buick cars te supplement is bus service. He says taat new busses canet be purchased' these days "for love or moncy."' Exhibition business it a new hhgh with Tim's bus ser- vice ta.is yeur. 61 Spençer, Park St., made a penny canvass in the tôwn and raised over $10.00 for the British War Victims' Fund. Salem won the secona gane ti tbe best two eut of three games in the girls' softball finals be- tween Newcastle and Salem and is thus winner of the cup. The score was 19-6 in a fast furious five-innings game which was played at Cream cf Barley park Tuesday. A huge crowd from al over the district attended. Major E. A. Fletcher, Winnipeg,' Man., .a native of Peterboro, gave the editor a cali Wednesday. He was in search of history relating to the Fletcher family from Scot- land who were among the earliest e iners te settle in Bowmanville. e Major said he was well ac- quainted with the Hutchinson brothers and other Durham Coun- ty folks living in Winnipeg. Bowmanville is te take part ti the playoffs for the cup represent- ing the championship of the Lake- shore League which includes Pic-; kering and Oshawa. The first cf home-and-home games t a k e s place Friday, Sept. 5th, on Osh- awa Collegiate grounds at 6.45 p.m., when a picked team from Bowmanville plays'Oshawa Odd- fellows. Date of the return game at Bowmanville'wtll be announc- ed later. Beginning early Friday the holi- day traffic apparentiy set a new record. During the weckend re- porters stayed at home listening to the radio and whenever a spot announcement on 'save gas' came on the air they had a hearty laugh. Heavy traffic plus bad wcather is like TNT plus a match and highway accidents were fre- quent but net very sertous here- about. A. H. Sturrock, Inippial Oil agent, lest one of his tanker trucks Thursday. The d r i ver, Douglas Raby cf Port Hope, was three miles east cf Pontypool when fire broke out and an ex- plosion blew the top clamps 200 yards. Nearby fences wcre burn- ed. The truck, valued at over $2,000, was a total loss but was covered under ce-insurance. Mr. Raby suffered a burned hand. BowmanviIIe Beach Mrs. W. Quinn la home from Toronto. Mr. Verne Westaway, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. Gea. Franklin. Mr. Ken Cole visitèd his father Mr. Art Cole at Toronto General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. P. Murphy, Dun- das, Mr. and Mrs. B. Scott, Hes- peler, were visitors with Mr. F. Depew. Misses Betty Bluman, Rene Perry, Marcia McKinney, Joyce Walsh, Jean Westcott, Toronto, Mr. Bill Durno, Calabogie, were weckend visiters with Mr. and Mrs. G. Durno, "Cheerio Cottage." Mr. Sam Wright, Detroit, Mich., Mr. George Anderson, Ashville, North Carolina, were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dçpew. Miss Dorothy Kilgore ac- companied them back on her way home te Bristol, Terin. A splendtd crowd attendcd the first midnight froic ever te be held on Bowmanville Beach at Depew's Dance Hall. B r igh t streamers anid balleons decorated the hall, while party hats cf evcry description and novelties were distributed te the happy crowd. Lucky winners i the spot dance wcre Mr. and' Mrs. Bomley of West Beach. A real show of ap- preciation and, scores cof personal thanks were extenZled to Mrs. De- pcw, who se generously and cap- ably sponsored the first frolic and which was such a huge success. STELLAR LOCAL PLAYERS LEAVE FORESTERS TEAM August 28th Court Bowman- ville No. 964, C.O.F., met with Dennis Pickard acting as Chief Ranger in the absence cf H. Rich- ards. The meeting took the form cf a joint initiation, when candi- dates from Oshawa and Bowman- ville were admitted into the Or- der. Len. Barton gave a brief review cf the fraternal ball league spcn- sored by both Courts. In the boys' section Bowmanville defeated Hy- dre for 4th place, ieaving Picker- ing in first place, Oddfellows 2nd, and Oshawa Foresters 3rd, In the seni-finais Oshawa will play Pic- ES$ One of the many reasons for the universal popu- larity of LAURA SECORD CANDIES PALMOUVE SHOAVE CREAM 1h. OLIVEOILia Iisuniqu sheve e««m souenod condiles lwrtftd skia. msàww SNw 290 SIAn TTuN 3 (SOSh430OE s GIN PULLS Two Sises 39C - 69e ONE CAKE - l< wHiftvouUVY 3 CAKES -l18c 4 CAKES 19" e LYSOL DisWnectant Antiseptie 3 oz. - 35c 7 «x. - 65c AU-Stars Te Play Rubb.rkn.n At Beefit Game A benefit game for George piper will be staged on Sept. 13 at tac high schooî grounds, whenj an ail-star tcam picked by tcam managers fram tac Town League wîll play a strengthened Local 18e band cf softbal~ players. Not onl dees this promise ta be one cf te fincst games seen here this ycar, but it wtll give sport fans a chance te sec the best bail players i tiwn battle against each other, wfth ne quarter asked and none giVen. Sport fans 'are asked to keep this date i mind if they wish te witness the last and best game cf year, played by the Bew- manville's best. Cowanville Misses Laura and Pheebe Ed-g wards, Toronto, wtth Mx. and Mrs.( Wes. Stringer. . . Mr. and Mxs.c Al. Perrin with friends h.......j Miss Jean White, Orono, at Mr. Wes. Stringers... Misses Lorraine and Leona Clark, Mr. Walter Clark motored with Mr. and Mxs. Wes. Stringer to the Ex. .. Mrs.1 N. Triggs, Mrs. M. Barker and sons, Detroit, Mr. and Mxs. Willis Farrow, Port Granby, at Mr. Wes. Stringcr's and Mr. Clarence Bur- ley's. Lake Shore, Clarke Visiters: Pte. Bill Taylor, Essexj Scottish, Windsor, with Mr. and1 Mrs. B. Jaynes. . . Miss Audrey Jaynes, Tweed, wita her mother. ..Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown at Mr.i Bob Patterson's, Fifth Lmce...-, Misses Olive and Berneice Brown with Mrs. R. Bone, Toronto.... Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes, Mr. Alex Hcndry, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hen- dry, Mr. and Mns. Gordon Martin and family, Mr. and Mns. Robin Afldred attended the Ex.. . Lynne and Noel McNeil, who have spent the summer with their aunt, Mns. Gardon Martin, have returned to Ottawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell and Mrs. C. J. Mitchell at Bewdley. A miscellaneous shower was held Wednesday evening at thc home cf Mr. and- Mrs. C. Brown for Mr. and Mrs. Reg. McCool (nec Vivian Tippet), Port Hope. An address was rcad by Miss Edith Hendry. The bride anid groom graciously thanked those prescrit for their gifts and good wishes. Speeches wcrc madc con- gxatulmting the young people. Thie remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and a lunch wms served. .Red Cross will meet at Mns. B. Lake's. Last meeting was held at Mxs. Sam Poell's. Temperance is the firm and meoderate dominion of reason over passion mnd other unrightcous im- pulses cf thie mind.-Cicero. ai" y @ " - Sili - 280 Tubes - 3OW Large - 550 Jars - 550 BABY SEL lmSA Rogolar - 6W 15'0 0"c Johnson 's Baby Products PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McOR.EOOR Laura Secord DRUGS We Deliver Candies Phone 792 ORDERED TWICE WEEKLY 1/2lb. 30e 1lb.GO0e 2lba. $1.00 PHONE 792 FOR A BOX TO-DAY BARGAINS! I.D.A. Castor 011------4 ozs. 17e I.D.A. Cold Tablets - - - - 25's 17e I.D.A. MiIk of Masnesia Tablets - 27e Corega -- -----22e -37e- 63e Jar RIngs- - --------2for Se .D.A. Halibut Liver 011 Caps. 100'. 93e I.D.A. EasI-Gloss Fiee. Wax - lb. 39c I.D.A. Ceceanut 011 Shampee -29e Brasse -- -------- 12ec- 9c Lucky Staeke BIdes--5 - for 7c HAY FEVER REMED lES I.D.A. Ne.. Drops --25e Nasal Atemîsers --69e Kelloggr's Asthme Rem.dy 23c - 98c Hayton. -25e - soc - 1.00 Pelargex- - - - - 1.50 Razmah - -soc - 1.00 Frosat, No. '217 35e - 75e Voîce of The People The Editor: Dear Si:- I observe in a weekly paper an apparently well-autaenticated re- port that Premier" Hepburn re- cently went on a yachting trip as a gucît cf tac Chicage Tribune. The yacht, it is xeperted, buxns cil and thie Tribune is,.an cnemy of Britain.' I semetimes rcad the Tribune and, as a Britisher, dis- like it intensely. They stili are urging a negotiated peace, which would be an admission that Hitler carnnt be beaten. In thie past I have voted for Mx. Hepburn, but wondcr how I cari do se again. I travel by street car and think Mx. Hepburn shouid join in tac gasoline-saving effort. Also I do not censcicusly permit myseif te be entertuîncd, lavishly or cthcrwise, by enemies cf my cou try. As a great user cf Cana- dia>f trees, tac Chicago Tribune must have business dealingi with our provincial gcvernmcnt. But, why doci Mr. Hepburn tuke pIeu- sure, apparently, in social affains with representatives cf that insti- tution? Ycurs truly, A. G. Gaffieid 124 Nerthcliffe Blvd., Toronto, August 30, 1941. Dean Mx. Editon: This was a method of rccruiting in thie l8th century and carlier, whcn men werc seized and press- cd into the services cf both army and navy. It suppcsedly beioriged te cruder and more brutal days. But accerding te an item in tac Orono Times cf August 28th, this method in pninciple is te be re- vived. The item is as follcws: "We have learned from a rehuable source that ail men bctween the ages fnom 20 to 34 ycurs of Clarke Township and Newcastle will be appreachcd by a cemmittee that will be uppointed whose duty it will be te investigate cvery case as te those who have enlisted and tc find eut the reuson why the nemainder have net donc se." This is patrietism, as the saying gees, gene hay-wire. The more honorable, efficient and just me- thod cf securing recruits is con- scription. But this is oppcsed by the Federal Government. Ac- conding te thie Prime Minuster in crie cf his Western addnesses the volunteer system cf free meni pro- duces a better soldier. It is more in keeping with the spirit cf Can- ada, which will give an ailleut wmr effort cri a free wîll basis. Yet this statement is contnadicted by the metheds cf recruiting adopted. Mer everywhere anc beirig deliberately embarnassed into the services. A preminerit daily papen stated recently that the militia was used as such a recnuitirig gnourid (psycholegical- ly the Press Gang). TRie Four 1Months Trainees are now ccm- rpelled te serve iri Canada for thie -dunation. Another form of the Pness Gang for the active service. Now a committec to thumb screw then, fellow citizenstrnto tac ser-. vices-Press gang again. No cen- scription! Can't end hypocrisy. The cemmittce is a mild ferm cf the gestopo. AVtrn Baysvtlle, Ont., Aug. 31, 1941. Caciarea, Aug. 26, 1941 Mr. Editor: Here is soething about tac "VI'. I have seen and read in your paper a lot* about the "VI'. We think thîs is a riew one. One morning last week I went te get the milk that the Port Perry daixy had left. On picking up the bottle I noticed a V on thie side of it. I was just going to say they have even got the miik bottles mark- cd wtth a V. I put my finger on it and it straightened eut, and whcn I tcok my firiger off it form- cd a perfect V again. It turned eut te be just a pîcce cf grass sticking te tac rnilk bottle. Mrs. John Watson. Nestieton, R. R. 1 What Kind 0f A Bird i. This Speciren ? Andy Clarke, pepular "'Neigh- borly News" braadcaster has sent us the following letter he rcceived from a young lad i South Dar- iington: R.R. 2, Bowmanville, Dear Mr. Clarke: ,- We have a bird here and we de nct know what it is. I found it coming on home from school on May 16th. It did net have a fcathcr on se I guess it wasn't berri very long. It must have fai- len out cf the nest. We fed it werms and seme egg ycik. It is a big bird now and lives on let- tuce, bread crumbs, fat and veg- etabies. Wc get him canaxy secd but he just shoots it eut of his dîsh and will net cat it. He was brown and grcy arid his throat was white, but riew his feathers cri his bremst are turning black and whitc with a gncèn tinge te them. He has a wcodpeckcn's bemk. He sings evcny morning and night and threugh tac day. If he heans eggs frying or tac ket- tic boiling he sings. We take him te thc bath te get bathed whene bc jumpsin iand iplashes away and gets soakinig wet. Then he jumps froxi one persan te anether then back in his cage. When we got hlm first he loeked like a frog. He could hardly keep his eyes open. Wc think he is a rcd hcaded woodpecker cr a flicker. He cati flics. He docsn't fIy away at ail. Yeurs truly, Bob Hery. ENGAGEMENT, The engagement is anneunced of Sybil Alice Medd, Bowman- ville, gnnddaughter cf Mx. and Mrs. Ben Johnson, Peterborough, te James Edwatd Hayman, son cf Mrs. Hayman and thie late Thomas Hayman, Bewmanvîlle. The mar- niage te take place quietly thie latter part of September. 36-1* er, was hurt in the last innings but stayed behind tac plate tilI the end. Bewmanviile now plays Merèhants for second place. We ail wish them every success. Self-respect is the noblest gar- ment with which a man may clothe himscif, the moat elevating feeling with which the mind can be inspred.-Samuel Smlles. 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMANI, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE PIVE FRESH 'Fre' OSHAWA P1l'àe AMR CONDITONED Friday & Satu'rday LAST TWO DAYS BE"CY FIEL» JOHN WAYNE HARRY CAREY "SHEPHERD 0F THE HILLS" In Teehulcolor - Revival Tonite - Allan Joncs - Mary Martin "The Great Victor Herbert"l Monday & Tuesday "PEOPLE VS DR. KILDARE" Lew Ayres - Laraine Day Lionel Barrymore -ADDED THRIL "lHors Cernes Happines."' Edward Norris - Mîldred Coles Wednes. & Thurs. JOEL MeCREA ELLEN DREW "REACHING FOR THE SUN" PLUS l'Véry Young Lady" starrlng Jane Wlthers - Nancy Kelly Friday For,2 Days THE MARX BROS. ln "àTHE BIG STORE" Ail that is human must retro- grade if it docs net advance.-Gib- bon. Intellectually, as well as poiti- cally, thie direction ef ail truc pro- gress is toward greater frecdem, and along an endless succession cf ideas.-Bovee. What has an individual gained by losing hhs own self-respect? or what has he lost when, rctaining his ewn, he loses the homage ef fools, or tac pretentieus praise cf hypocrites, false te themselves as te others?-Mary Baker Eddy. -4. 1.41

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