rHURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PA~W. MTMW~ ~UM MUU mUMU U-family and Mrs. Mary Henry, To- _______________________ronto, visited Mrs. Cooper and Social nd Personal C. h.Trrl as a uewno Phone 4k-le display advertising films. It is n ,rlittle old lady turning the leaves of a photograph album, and is attracting much attentian. ,TeLibrary is open :gain. Mr& ad Ms.G eore ower,1 Mrs. Forrester and family have Clifford, Cadmus, and Mr;. John returncd tram holidnys. Elfard spent Sunday with Mr.r Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor re- and Mrs. Herbert Scott, Orono. 1 turned home Thursday. Is Orono doing its.share of sav-t Horace York has joined the ing gas? We'll answer this ques-t army. tion by saying that aur Continua-s Miss H. Winter has secured n tion Schaol principal la naw rid- position at Pickering. ing his bicycle ta school, instcad of Mrx. and Mrs. A. Saunders viit.. driving his car. t cd in Toronto.. Chamber of Commerce, Agri- S Ken Neale had his tonsils re- cultural, Park Board, and the môved.Draw Cammittee for the street mdved.fn;airal met Monday evening. The Milnes have returned from' Who says Orono people aren't holidays. busy? t Several men from here have How are your cauliflowers?n obtaincd wark at Pickering. Wonder if this can be beaten-li"1 Cecii Powers man a nail into i diameter, 29" in circumferendc, his foot. and weighing 4 lbs, grown byy Cecil Bruton has joined the Mr- Wm. Seymour, Orono. Pagea army. Andy Clarke! t LeRoy Myles has arrived safely Col. J. C. Gamey's house has o: i England. been considerably improved at ti Mr;. and Mrs. R. C. Rosboraugh the front, the impravements in- E: viie nToronto. cluding a fancy front and a paveda is. yorisviitn atsidewalk. a SMiss Me.Talrivitng t Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Mr;. t Smitfiel. .Neil Wood, Mms. Mary Phasey and Miss Elva Tucker, Toronto, is childa-en spent Sunday at Mr. Gea.E holidaying here. Crawthers', Newcastle, and wereA Mrs. Almeda Henry, Toonto, present at the baptism of baby visited here.. Charles Robert Crowthem- in St. Mr. and Mrs. Nugent, Peter- George's Church.' bora, visîted at R. C. Rasbarough's. The funeral services of the late Mr;. Oscar Scott is visiting in Mrs. Robert Sherwin were con- Peterbom-o. çlucted.by Rev. S. Littlewood, as- Misa Heathet- McKenzie visited sisted by J. J. Mellar. Bearers b here. %#ere: E. J. Hamm, W. Cabbledick, M Mrs We. Eliat, endl, is . Engleson, C. Miller, J. Tamblyn C cd Mrs. Elizabeth Tamblyn.- and A. J. Knox. Pro. ad Ms. arly Blliga, Officers and program commit-r P Pro. ad Ms. arly Blligstee of Young Women's Bible ClassM U.S.A., are visiting here. of Park St. Church met Friday at Pl Miss Jane Carruthers visited Mrs J. J. Mellor's. Class meeting G, hem- grandparents, Mr. and Mi;s. wil be held Sept. 23rd at Missste H. A. Milison. Bertha Cain's. Each member is B Neil Wood and Archie Watson ta bring pieces ta piece a 12"E are home before cùterig Phar- square quilt block and also a gift iL macy coilege. for overseas Christmnas shipment ' Mr. and Mms. R. E: Logan were which will be given ta the Orono ini Toronto visiting Mr-. and Ni-s. Red Cross. s Ray and their wee son. Good-sized congiregatians greet- Congratulations ta i'Mr. 0. W. cd Rev. S. Littlewoad who Oc- gr Scott who zelebrated his 89th cupied the pulpit of Park Street re birthday on Sept. 1th. Church Sunday after five weeks' B( Mr;. and Mrs. Herb Rundle halidays. The marning service th Aima and Florence, Bawmanvile' took a form suitable for the Na- se visited at R. R. Wood's. ' tianal Day of Prayer. Dick Mor-- c Mis Magart illanOroaton was soloist in the anthem. t] Mis ra eer o te Drham Sunday Schaol re-opened with br girs' aup atro the CDuErhm the session at 2.30 in charge of th gires inu a the e .NE h the Asst. Supt. Robert Hancack. n, werein te moey.Mr. Littlewood gave the children th Mr;. V. Wilson motored ta Mon- a talk. The banner class for the lei treal and brought back his wifc day was Miss Myrtle Smith's. ot and family who had been visiting Orono Red Cross Society met wi there. Thursday and decided ta, collect Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. scrap material. Rev. Littlewood af Bud Ray (nec Jean Logan), an and H. A. Clarke were put in tiE thec birth of a son Thursday, charge of enclosing a place same- pa Sept. 4th. where near the fnir grounds in El Wdl! Well! Is it that close? which ail could put their ald wi Ycs, sir. Orono's big fair is ncxt aluminum saucepans, etc., on Pair Th Wcdnesday, believe it or not! Day, Sept. i7th. Another thing of Jo We'll be sceing you! interest ta ail 15 the sending of Mi 1- Letters have been i;ecived boxes overseas. Ni-s. H. Murr-ay, de ram Gerald Cornish repartig a Miss L. Ali, Mms. Resper Dean, Th cid improvement i hiis con-_, with power ta add, were put in ition. charge of this task. Treasurer's toi Mis Grce itcellhaslèf tarepart showed balance of $207.92. xi; filI a position in Toronto. Rer CDonaios o and frm Mrs. J. th( place here is being taken Joy MissC. amy ndfm M.W.t Mary W. Sommerville. Stainton were gratefully receiv- poE yIed. It waa decided ta buy two b]E Work is still progm-ssing around bolts of flannelette. e N. F. Porter's bouse and includes PrStUnohedherim W aneret avigbtwe idw meeting of the witer term Mon- Joi androd.day evenig. The program con- rEl Mr;. and Mrs. Bert Smith and sisted of a warship period in ' which Sam Keane rend the scrip- ai turc, and a few remarks from sel Rev. Littlewood in whlch lie cm- EU phnslzed that this shauld be made EU n Victory ycnr. He urged that the lyr members acccpt the thrce dots dei annd a dash as their slogan and bie do their best, putting first things we ........:first. The old executive met ta tiE: * v - talk over the coming year and the Ke ~.~ problems of atténdance and study. Ro It was decided ta order the Path- ci * .' finder. Myrtie Tamblyn, Myrtie 1 Smith, Sam Keane and Rev. Lit- twi tlewood werc appointed a namin- Mr * ating cammittee ta, prepare far ila the election ncxt Monday, whilc S. Roy Berry and Elsie Rowe were of put in charge af tic remainder of Iy the program. mie *,* *Cowanville M Brtin', Flgltlng PiMan d Wamhlps Sunday Visiters: Mr;. and Mrs. 29 NOW AVAILABLE Gariety, Miss Elale Dernpster, Mr. opblg prtru àrietu mul~, Lew Right, Toranta, Mr;. and Mrs. Kng aOerge V' and nny .thuIn M. Osborne, Mr. Harold Osborne E P«r mcli Pleture desred. Imend a complete and lady friend, Morrish, at Mr. 2.31 'lCrown Brand" label. wth Your a-me and ad- Brooks Cawan's. . .. Mi;. and Mrîs. Su' deu and the =ame of the pictizie 3'0i1wan Roy Burley, Part Granby, at Mr. b Miec on e b k, ., Clarence Burley's.. . M. and Mrs. as Tb.o Cnad et. rcD..Russell Yco, Oshawa, at 1%. The pma td. 9wi-Lyo's m.Ccian ayh fortieth Auniversary Observed For Popular Couple at Perrytowu The spaclous home of Mr. an Ni-s. Milton Dunbar, Pci;rytowi Hope Township, was thc scene c a very pleasant evening, Augui 28th, when nearly anc hundre relatives and friends of Mr;. an Mm-s. W. Elliott, Kendal, gatheme to honor Mr;. and Mi;s. Elliott a their famticth wedding annivex sam-y. The home was benutifuli decorated with gîndioli and othe late summer flowem-s. Mrs. Elliatt is the eldest daugh ter of Uic late Mi-. and Mi Thomas Dean Carscndden, Thor-n bury. Mr;. Eiliott is the yaunges son of the late Mr;. and Mm-s. M~ Elliatt, Kendal, and was bom-n oi thc homestead whidh holds cmown deed and it is interestig t, note that five gencrations of th, fnmily have lived there. Mr;. arn Mrs. Elliott were mam-ried by Rev W. Toye. It la interesting ta notE aiso that Mr.,,Toye was the minis ter- who afficinted at the wedding: of two sisters and anc brother ii the same Carscadden'fnmily, al of whom were present on thir aspiciaus occasion. During thi afternoon pictures were taken o: the faur couples and the minister To the union of Mr,. and Mm-a Elliatt were bomn thm-ee children Alfred, who is mam-ried and livink n Toronto, Reg. also marmied -anc living on the homestend, and mena, Mrs. Milton Dunbar-, nl lvhose home the party wasÉ held. While the guests were assemb- ling, piano selections were played by Mrs. Perdie Mnybee. Rèv. J vlcLadlilan of Kendal United Church very ably acted as chair- nan for the prograrn. For a shori >emiod the guests indulged in com- nunity singing nftcr which np- praprinte speeches were made by Rev. Albert Carscadden, Mr;. George Elliott, Mm-s. Thomas Pat- tersan, Mr-. T. A. Reid, Mr. Fred Brimacombe, Mrs. Cecl Carscnd- en, Mm-. Thompson and Mi-. John Elliott. Piano duets by Mm-. and Mrs. Perdie Maybee and a vocal solo by Mm-s. Maybee completed th musical part of the program. An address ta the bride and groom of - forty years aga was read by Mr;. Milton J. Elliatt, Iowmanville, and an behalf of the guess n purse of gold was pre- sented by Mr;. George Carscadden. Graclous replies were made by the recipients ta the strains af the bridal chorus tram. "Lohengrin," tie bride and groom and the îm- riediate relatives were ushered ta te dining raom, while smnll tab- es were airnanged thi-augli the Dther raoms from. which lunch was served. The bmide's table was a vision >f lovelineas centred by a thrce iered cake surrounded by crepe paper rose petals. Mm-s. George Elliott paured tea. The assistants rere Mm-s. S. B.Gm-ny, Mm-s. C. rhompson, Mrs. T. A. Reid, Mm-s. rones, Mms. W. Reid, Mrs. J. Reid, lisses Helen and Ruth Carscad- an, Glor-ia Gray and Miss A. rhampson. Rev. Mm-. Toye praposed the Enast ta thc bride in inimitable nanner, and with ready wit Mr-. V. Elliatt meplied. The toast ta he Carscadden family wns pro- )oscd by Mi;..Willam-d Abercrm- ie and Mr-. George Carscadden xplied. The toast ta the ladies nas propased by Mr;. Clifford mes and Miss Helen Carscaddcn xplicd. The brothers and sisters of Mr-. id Mrs. Elliott who were pre- ent wem-e Mm-. and Mrs. George [liatt of Saskatoon, Mr. John Uiott,,Bowmanville, Ni-s. Tanib-, 'n, Orona, Mi;. George Carscad- [n, Thornbury, Mrs. Abercrom- de, Toronto; and other relatives cm-e present fm-am the above men- iond places as well as from, Zendal, Newtonville and Part lope. The guest book was in Large of Mm-s. Alfred Elliott. Tue bride's cake was made by wo sisters, Mm-s. Camscadden and m-rs. Abercrombie, and it was cd by Mr;. Dunbar's sister, Ni-s. ;B. Gm-ny. Thc other members ýthe committec who s0 graciaus- 5assisted in making the arrange- ients for such a memorable occa- in were Mm-s. James Tamblyn, m-s. T. A. (Ber-t) Reid and Mrs. 1Dunbar. Starkville Services at Shilali will be at 30 p.m. from naw an, and thg unday School at i pa. Mrs. David McMullen suffered sight strake. Mr;. and Ni-s. Howard Farrow ad n new baby boy came ta themn Dcently. Shiloli W. A. met at Mm-s. H. L. rim's on Wednesday. Mm-. and Mm-s. Athur- Dunn and )ns took i the Junior stock idging contest ait Peterbm-o. Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Willie îllonwell, Miss Meda Rallowell Hal has and Cas soI: Mai Mrs lian Mrs atb Mrs B.1 Rek af t at1 and Ta:i ,ci Klrby And Newcastle WIIIM Join Orono st W.M.S. Fer Meeting ed dc Park St. W.MS. met Tuesday in with Mrs. S. Littlewood presiding. r-Mrs. M. H. Staples gave the trea- [Y surer's report. The loss sustained ýr in the death of* Mrs. R. Sherwin was feellngly referred to; also the hope was expressed for a speedy s. recovery for Mrs. L. Fralick. Can- 1-ned fruit was brought in for ship- t ment. Plans Were also started for !~October meeting, to which Kirby nl and Newcastle auxiliaries are to a be invited. Worship period feat- ýO ured the theme "Begin Now."1 ,e Mrs. C. S. McLaren enlarged on d the thoaght of beginnmng now to 7build a new social order, after ýe which Mrs. H. Walsh favored with -a vocal solo. Miss Stella Best gave ýan interesting account of the Lea- n ders' School at Whitby. Mrs. J. J. Il Mellor spoke on her work as Sec'yg s of Community Friendship and1 e what can be done in this com-1 * munity. Mrs. Littlewood intro-j duced the new study book. This book gives information about Chinais past 50 years. NEWCASTLE t FLOWER SHOW List of Prize Winners House Plants-J. H. Smith, Mrs. B. Thomnas. Annuals-Mrs. Chris Law, J. L. Cryderman. Wood tn Garden-Mrs. B. Thomas. Basket of Per. Phlox-H. R. Pearce, Mrs. Law. Col. of Glads-J. H. Jose, D3r. E. W. Sisson, H. R. Pearce-t Basket of Dahlias-J. H. Smith.P Basket of Glads-J. H. Jose, H. R. Pearce,, J. L. Cryderman. Decora- tive- Basket for Hal-Mrs. Law, J. H. Jose, Miss M. Mclntosh. Patriotîc Wreath-J. H. Jose. As- ter or Gladiolus P i 110o w-J. H. Jose. Dining Table Centrepiece- Miss Mclntosh, J. H. Jose, Mrs. i M. E. Long. Bowl or Basket of Roses-Miss McIntosh, Mrs. C. A.h Cowan, Mrs. B. Thomas.9 A s t e r s: White-Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Law, J. H. Jose; Pink-J. H-.9 Jose, Miss Mclntosh, Mrs. P. Rare; Crimson-Mrs. P. Brown, J. H. l Jose, Mrs. Thomas; Purpie or t Mauve-Mrs. Hare, Mrs. Thomas,Y J. H. Jase; Bouquet-J. H. Jose, s R. S. Graham, Miss E. L. Tren- with. s Calendula-J. L. Cryderman, J. t 1. Jose. Dahlias, Coll.-J. H. S m i t h. Gallardia-Miss E. M. Blackburn, *H. R. Pearce, J. L. Gladiolus: White-Dr. Sisson,L J. H. Jose, Mrs. C. A. Cowan; f Pink-Mrs. Cowan, J. H. Jose,v Miss McIntosh; Samon-Dr. Sis-M son, J. H. Jose, H. R. Pearce; Yel- 0 low-Dr. Sisson, J. H. Jose, Miss C Mclntosh; Smoky-Mrs. Law, Dr. Sisson, J. H. Jose; Blue-Dr. Sis- P son, J. H. Jose; Purple-J. H. Jose,c, Mrs. Cowan, J. L. Crydernian; r Red-Dr. Sisson, J. L. Cryderman,F J. H. Jose; Named variety-J. H. ' Jose, Dr. Sisson, H. R. Pearce; ft Six spikes, namned-J. H. Jose, Dr.W Sisson, H. R. Pearce. 0 Hydrangea-Miss T r e n w i t h, Yi Mrs. Law. Larkspur-H. R. Pearce J. L. Crydermnan. Lily-Mrs. Law. Fr. Marigolds-R. S. Grahami,, J. gg H. Jose, Miss Mclntosh. Afr. Mari- cc golds-R. S. Graham, Mrs. Tho- bi mas. Novelty Flower-Mrs. Tho- rt *mas. 'Nasturtiums, ail disquali- t fied, flot exact number specified. ei P a n s i e s-Miss Trenwith, Mrs. tc Law, J. H. Jose. Petunias, single th -Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. P. Brown, le Miss McIntosh. Petunias, double I -Miss Mclntosh, J. H. Jose, Mrs. w Thomas. th Phlox, annual-J. L. Cryder- th man, Mrs. Cowan. Rose, Polyan- th tha-Miss Mclntosh, Mrs. Thomas, bf Mrs. Cowan. Salvia-Mrs. Tho- w mas, Mrs. Cowan. Salpiglossis- J. L. Cryderman. Scablosa-H. R. th Parce, .i s Mclntosh, Mrs. Tho- p] ms. Snapdragons-Mrs. Cowan, Li J. L. Cryderman. Stocks-Mrs. a, Thomas. S weet Peas-H. R. es Pears, Miss Mclntosh. Tuberous co Besonia-J. L. Cryderman. of Verbenas - J. L. Cryderman, M Mrs. Thomas. Zinnia, large-H. bE R. Pearce, Mrs. P. Brown, R. S. th Graham. Zinnias, pom pom-J. H. Jose, Mrs. P. Brown, Miss Mcn- Gc tosh. Zinnias, coll.-Mrs. P. Brown ar Mrs. M. E. Long, J. H. Jose. Bas- re ket of Cosmos-Mrs. Thomas, Miss in Trenwith, Mrs. Law. Decorative dc Bouquet-Miss Mlntosh, J. H. co Jose, Miss Trenwith. n; Vegetabies en Beets-H. R. Pearce, J. L. Cry- derman. Cucumbers, sliclng-H. wi R. Pearce, J. L. Cryderman. Cu- se, curnbers, plckling-J. L. Cryder- sic man, H. R. Pearce. Kohl Rabi- va pi ORONO NEs.WS really is a treat to see the L1ut, *hey have ail the brass shined, every piece of brass there is even ao the taps in the wash room and he brass thuznb tacks on the bul- letin board. It would be a treat Iarn sure if the ladies could see what a fine job the men make of their household duties. Then if they do not do it while on leave they would know that it wasn't because they couldn't or didn't vhile ini the army. Another thing 'ID" Coy. holds the honour for, is that No. 17 Platoon under the command of Lieut. Charles H. A. Spencer was ,warded the shield for the high- est scores in rifle practice. This ompetition was against the rest of the Coys. in the Bn. I thlnk Mr. Spencer and his men should be highly praised for winning this award. Lieut. J. M. James, L.lCpl. Geo. Graham and three other chaps re on Recce. Patrol and they are really doing fine work. It la very riteresting work that they are .oing, they drive ail over the country in motorcycles and draw maps o! what they see and differ- ant things along that line. We have Johnnie Graham back vith us and we are very glad to ;e hlm looking so well after his ckness. Art Living is still con- valescing i the Fredericton Ras- pital. Our softball team is still doing ,reat work, they are in second lace and have a very fine chance )f winning the cup. Lieut. W. H. Oattes is back with 1e Coy. again after being on a ix week M. T. Cource at Oshawa and Windsor. We certainly wel- orne hlm back to the Coy. The only afficer who la flot with is now is Capt. L. M. Curtis, he sActing O. C.' of H. Q. Coy. while lajor R. S. Gamey is on a special .urse at R.M.C., Kingston, but 'e expect him back by the end of ;e rnonth. We were all very shocked yes. erday to learn of the death of )ne of aur 'ID" Coy. men who iad transferred to the Air Force ust before we left Ottawa. He vas Jack Buckham ("Buck" as *e used to caîl hlm) of Brandon, lan. He was a sweil lad and was friend of everyane. He will be ;nown ta 4uite a few in Bowman- lle, as he was billeted at Mrs. Proclaim Your Business 0' DyNew «aerAdvertisg We heard a farin woman declare she could tel a good fariner froin a slip-shod one Ly the size of his wood pile. Well, there is another measuring'stick which can be used similarly in judging the acumen of a. business man. The smart, aggressive business man proclaims himself to the public in the f orin of advertising. Many business men declare tihey cannet af ford to advertise. What they really mean in that they cannot afford any outlay of money because they don't advertise. Advertising is flot a liability, it is a sound investinent. A dollar spent in advertising display brings back many dollars in new business. Don't hid~e your light under a bushel, use the advertising mediumn of your local paper. The Statesman is Your Mledium of Advertising Use It Weekly ti y si si IA m h IA L fi v m 01 C( P, di ri F 'w fE w 01 Yi li gf cc bi 1 Ilý., . 1 1 ý .- - . --, . - , - ý-ý .THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NME M. Eyesight Education a swas quite ll.Cadmus And araund the camp that we are Prof. L. D. and Mrs. Fallisan Effcincygong o ove bt tatis' a big Bruce who have been spendindBgi a e Br wait and sec what does happen. lis and Lowell have returned ta eto2 ,3-1 C.H.Tuck The Midlands got quite a write- Part Worth, Texas. SPL1 3-1 up in the Saint John paper Satur- Your correspondent was pre- BowmanilliIe To Optometrist day. It steted that the Midland sented by Mrs. Wolfe of Dahlia Toronto $ 1.30 Eyesight Regiment is one of the smartest Del with a gorgeous crimson dah- Hamilton $ 2.45 Specialist appearing units Saint John bas lia which was over 10 inches in Goderlch $ 5.20 DinyBIdg. seen since the autbreak of war, diameter and 30 inches in circum- Kitchener $ 3.15 Diny or before the war for that mnatter. ference. It was only a sample of Owen Sound $ 4.90 (opp. P.>. That sounds pretty good doesn't the beautiful dahlias ta be seen Sebreiber $21.50 ____it? You can see that the Regîment at Dahlia Del at the present time. Welland $ 3.60 is stilI keeping up the fine repu- Wedding belis are ringing in Windsor $ 7.70 tation they won while in Ottawa. this neighborhood. admn nemdaepit Number 190 On the front page they had a ptc- In the absence of our regular aimn nemdaepit "Eyslht onervtin" ture of Lieut. R. E. Dennis and organist on Sunday morning Mrs. (Goverumeat tax 10% extra) "EyeightConsrvaton" hîs pal "Rex" (the Great Dane). Smith Ferguson ably filled the For train service, limita, etc. (Part 9) The picture was called the Master place. We welcame aur pastor Consuit Agents - Procure Dodger The practice of optometry does and hîs Mascot. No doubt the Rcv. D. M. Stinson back from not consist in the selling of glass- peopole of Bowmanviile will re- vacation. The subject of his dis- POOL TRAIN SERVICE es, but in a professional and member this beautiful dog. course was "God seeking man," aaua Canad u sclcntific service i the aid af Well I guess this is ahl I have stressing the point God created ainCnda vision. The optical lens is a part ta talk about for now, 50 wiUl man in Ris own image ta cam- Pacifl National of this service and la similar ta close and the beat wishes af "D" plete the world's creation. Next the aid furnished by the physi- Coy. to the people of Bowman- Sunday's theme will be "Man clan 's prescription after diagnosis. ville. Seeking God." Be sure and hear Pain in the eyes, conjunctivitis Sincerely,. it. ________________ pink eye, photophobia intoler- <LICpI.) Sid. Casbourn. Mr;. and Mrs. Gardon McLean, ance of lîght) styles, headaches, Uxbridge, visited at Mrs. J. E. frontal, temporal, back of hcad Elliott's. and top of head, blepharitis (in- Biackstock Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ferguson flamation of the lid margins) are ____ and Collette, Bownianville, at considered as local symptoms of Ms .E cils some eye condition urîcorrected, Victarian Women's 'Institute Ms .E cils not fully corrected, or improperly held a quilting i the community Mr. John McKee, Blackstok carrected. hall Sept. 3rd instead of their at Mrs. Geo. Fowler s. regular meeting. There were 30 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Douglas, Some of the above are, and ladies rnt and five quilts were Ronald and Marilyn, Mr. andMrs. others may be symptoms of same isese Legge, Oshawa, Mrs. Dandsan, very serious condition. Shauldfnihd Detroit, Mrs. E. Ormiston, Ennis- you take a chance on try on glass- St. John's A.Y.P.A. met Sept. killen, at Mrs. J. E. Elliatt's. es or the advice of the unlicensed 4th at the home of Mr. Creighton Mrs I. Whitfield la spending à house to house canvasser or would Devitt. It was decided ta send few days wîth her daughter Mrs. yau have your eyes examined, Mrs. Harcourt ini England $25.00 Gardon Brown, Toronio. remember you have only anc pair ta use for war purposes. of Ye, rotctthm.R. W. Smith, McGîll Detach- ' (to be continued) ment R.C.A.F., Montreal, is home T r neT e h l for a couple of weeks with his The______ parents. H. R. Pearce. Lettuce-Mrs. Law. Our two new teachers at the Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Onions, pickling-R. R. Pearce. Continuation Schaol are on duty. Robt. Burgess in the sudden death tiiy t Onians, yellow-H. R. P ea r ce. They arc Miss Janet Watson, To- of hier brother, Sherwaod Stevens, 111 E57 l Corn, G. Bantam-R. R. Pearce. ronto, and Mr. Cattriil, Harmony. hi Mayerthorpe, Alta. Peppers, sweet-Miss Blackburn, There are 48 pupils attendig. The school children are callect- 0 Healthful, retroshIni J. L. Cryderman. Potatoes, white Mr. Anson Taylor i on the ing alumînum salvage. Spearmlnt Gum la a trest -H. R. Pearce. Potataes, red- teacing staff of a public achool Congratulations ta Mr. and Ms H. R. Pearce. Swiss Chard-J. L. in Oshawa. Sydney Eddyvean, nee Viola for Young and old. And the. Cryderman, H. R. Pearce. Toma- Congratulations ta Mr;. and Mrs. Shartt, on their marriage. chewlng helpe keep your toes Mrs. Law, J. L. Cryderman. M. Fisher on the birth of a son Mrs. A. B. Stephenis, Arthur tei en rg Assortrnent of Vegetables -Mrs. Sept. 6th.- and Beverly, Tarante, Mrs. Esther teehdeSfllhtad at- Thomas, J. L. Cryderman. Misses Freda Orîce and Shirley Stevens, Rampton, at' Mr. Robt. tractive. The deioueflavor AIl cash prîzes, amaunting in Bulmer, and Jack McIntosh, Fen- BurXgess'. weasyubr th theýaggregate ta $32.55, are ta, be elan Falls, with Mrs. M. Graham. Mrs. Walter Park and Miss wensyubrth paid in War Savinga Stamps. Rev. Harrison, Quebee, MVr. Yvonne Byam with friends in fresghem YO U p. loin the Smith, Beavertan, Mr;. and Mrs Peterboro. mimlons of happy familes Geo. Wilson, Columbus, at M ., Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Taylor and Who enjoy Spearmint after Sode' etr Herman Haoey's. family vîsited at Dixie. el Rev. D. M. Stinson is back Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Roskin, e mcal from his holidays. Allyn and Murray, at Mr. Mar- cvi Saint John, N. B. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Swain, Mrs wood Reard's, Ennishillen. September 6, 1941 Clarence Marlow and Mr;. Wilbert Mr;. and Mrs. Russell Vfrtue at Dear Mr. James: Werry matared te North Bay an Mr. Thea Down's, Lakefield. It has been some time since 1 Satuday ta bring Mrs. S. Swain Mrs. R. Hatherly at Newton-% have written te yau, sa this la as home, ville and Bowrnanville and Ta- good a time as any as I amn wait- Mr. Mason Tharpe, Williams- ronto Ex. ing for the mail ta corne in and burg, wîth Mr. and Mrs. W,. Scott. Lieut.-Col. A. H. and Mrs. get The Statesman. Mr. Morley Marrison Brima- Bounsaîl and children, Millbrook, * * £E T DA 1 saw by your paper that you combe died at Cobourg last week at Mrs. Floyd Dudley's. were down east making inspec- and was buried at Bawmanvilie Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, Michi- tions of camps, etc. It was too bad on Saturday. A number from gan, at Mrs. Laura Virtue's. you couldn't have dropped in and here attended. seen the boys of "D" Coy. We are in Barracks at the pre- sent time and have one mare H y o week teput in here, thenwego Hyo on cups duty. This ls week we have been duty cay. for the Visitors: Miss Grace Trewin, whole week and the boys have Toronto, with hier parents. .. Mrs.- rîad their f111 of this duty. Next Arthur Rend with rglatives in To- F R W R E S F R A ME week we will be training. Major ronto...- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gra- Lycett has been running a schaal ham and family, Mr. and Mrs. fo te .CO.sand they all are Earl Kennedy and family, Mr. Be Prepared for tihe Schooi Bays zuat ahead by having very interested in it and certaily Nra al saa tMs will benefit by it. The different David Graham's. . . Mra. Peggy ones who have been on special Erskine and Bryan, Toronto, at I courses are the instructors. Mr. Rasa Richards'. . . 1%r. Fred Os a a au dy & Dy Ce n g They arc running a Bn. Coim- Stannard, Bowmanville, at Mr;. Cmay ii petition here for the Gii Cu Lloyd Ashton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Cmay iie lonated by Col. R. J. Giîl, which C. Avery at Mr. John Avery's, uns for a period of six months. Enfield,. . . Mrs. Fred Adams, take care of your Laundry and Cies.nlag requirementa now. For the manth of July "D" Coy. Hampton, at Mr;. E. Stephensan'a. was in second place with anîy a Several were in attendance ta few points bchind "C" Coy., but hear an excellent sermon by aur PHONE 419 we understand that "D" Coy. la pastor on "National Suffering." )ut in the lead for Auguat. As Church service will be withdrawn yet the results have nat been pub- next Sunday. Plans are being and our driver wili cal!. ished. made for our Thankoffering Ser- The boys are very keen about vices on Oct. 5th. Our Sunday [etting the cup and I wish you School re-opens on Sunday af- ould sec aur hut every morning ternoan. before the C.O.'s inspection. It